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    Oh hey, the shit has e-mailed me in the past. Will post those in a few.
    Here they are. Who knows this guy? He brags about friends coming to him and complaining—"Chris Beer" from New Zealand.
    (Googling "" has a few interesting hits.)

    File : 1270935658.jpg-(23 KB, 297x295, FileToto - Africa.jpg)
    23 KB OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:40:58 No.8320037  
    /adv/ isnt giving my anything... so I thought I'd come to you.

    I'm gonna be hardcore and start with..

    >tl;dr: Studying Physics, Maths, Economics and History for A level. What do I study at University?

    So, I'm an underage britb& currently studying AS levels. Those four.
    I really have no idea what I should study at uni, there's a lot of thing I could do with them, granted not at top TOP TOP university.
    There's not one particular subject I like best, and I'm predicted to do well in all of them.

    I want to make sure I'll enjoy it, but also that I could employed at the end. I've been told University is the best three/four years of your life. For a period I thought I'd do Computer Science, but now I've gone off that idea... Maybe though History now.

    I do enjoy studying and being at school, I'm not eager to leave (but I am to leave the house). So I always thought I'd go uni rather than getting a job.

    Are there any british uni students on now?
    Or anyone that has general life advice for a 16 year old that has everything ahead of him?
    (Also I've just stopped caring about relationshits and socialness-isms. I've got a group of friends at school. It's a fancy public school on a hill and we all live pretty far away from each other in holidays)

    FYI My dream job is rockstar. I need a band.

    Pic is sorta related... I write an article about videogames (pretty poorly) weekly as sort of hobby. It's not something I'm passionate about. It's more fun promoting and working on the site than writing. I've recently realised how horrible unproductive videosgames are.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:43:00 No.8320059

    Physics. Its the only.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:43:37 No.8320063
    I love that fucking song.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:45:18 No.8320086
    Go to rockstar school.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:45:30 No.8320087

    too bad africa is a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:45:36 No.8320090
    Also, study whatever gives you pleasure.
    Don't think short term, you might just be stuck doing what you studied for 40 years.. and well, it would suck if it wasn't something you like.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:45:59 No.8320097
    Study science or maths or engineering.

    Biggest mistake I made was to study management, which meant I met a cool bunch of people, but I feel that when I graduate in July, I won't have any prospects doing what I'd love to do, without further study / work experience.

    You can keep writing your vidya reviews for the uni paper.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:51:24 No.8320154
    Don't waste money on studying something for 'fun'.
    >I've been told University is the best three/four years of your life.
    Horrible, horrible attitude to take. You are PAYING. Paying to LEARN. If you want to spend 20k+ on having fun there are much better ways to do it than university.
    Do something academic like Maths or a Science. Just because you do that degree doesn't mean you have to stay in that area. You can get any job with a good degree that shows you are academic and hard working.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:51:27 No.8320156

    Thanks for all your help guys.
    I'm thinking now that I actually enjoy studying more History... =/
    Has anyone studied/know someone who studied history?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:51:48 No.8320164
    You doing Ireland+Russia for AS?
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:52:45 No.8320178

    Nooooope. British History for Sources questions. Civils Rights in USA/USA in Asia for normal one.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:53:13 No.8320182

    sorry mate, but there's no career in history, i strongly suggest god tier maths or physics
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:53:29 No.8320188
    Go for Physics, come to America, get hired at a lab. Make loads of cash, great benefits package, easy as hell to get the job when you're young IF you've done well enough in school.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:54:30 No.8320205

    I completely agree with you. I'm not going there to have fun, but I know it's going to be hard if I'm not enjoying the course. I don't really want to pay to be unhappy/strained eiteher.. =/ Or maybe I do?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:54:35 No.8320207
    I'm in the process of studying history, if that counts, but I'm an Amerifag, so I don't know if that counts towards whatever you're looking for.
    Also, I read that article like last week and thought it was pretty hilarious, merely if not for my nostalgic love for that song.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:55:40 No.8320218
    No Russia? That's a shame. Ireland was boring as shit though.
    >British History for Sources questions
    Source Qs on the empire?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:56:02 No.8320223

    Actually I do, degree in History with a top gpa, and you know what he does for a living? He's a personal assistant for a Veterinarian.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:56:16 No.8320226

    Ah that's great! It's nice that you've read it, I've been whacking it up on these boards a bit too much though.

    What sort of careers are they prepping you for?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)17:56:28 No.8320230
    Buckle down and work hard. If you don't want to work hard then you can fuck off quite frankly.
    It all comes down to what kind of man you are.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:58:12 No.8320266

    I work pretty hard in relation to people at my school at the moment. Though that'll all probably change when I get uni, everyone there wants to work hard.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)17:58:54 No.8320283

    Nope Attlee - Thatcher :D
    1945 - 1990.

    I'm a modern history guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:00:56 No.8320324
    Haha, I only saw it once, so I guess you haven't been posting it enough.

    And, I'm going into the military after I graduate (inb4 I get lambasted for that), and I plan on making a career out of that, but my professors have been talking to us as if we're all going straight into education. I mean, I wouldn't mind being a teacher if the military didn't work out for me, so whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:01:01 No.8320325
    yeap that's your prospect with a history degree, unless you become a research assistant at the university, then get your PhD, then become a professor.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:01:21 No.8320331

    How well do I have do to get a job like that? I always thought it would always be taken by Asians.

    Nowadays it's pretty hard to get into uni. So even if I get all A*s there's no gauruntee I'll get into Oxbridge or Imperial or somewhere like UCL.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:02:25 No.8320351
    Oh cool. I start my Modern History course in Sep.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:03:28 No.8320360
    Mind if I hijack your thread a little OP?
    I'll be starting A levels next year, (inb4 underage ban, i left school with no GCSE's and got them through working hard at college and doing catchup courses) and I can't really decide which ones I want to do.
    I want to go on to do something interesting like some sort of engineering. Petroleum or chemical engineering sounds quite attractive.
    Anyway, so far i've been thinking I will apply for Modern History, Economics and Maths. I want to do something like Geology as my 4th but I haven't got a Science GCSE as you can't retake them so I don't know if i'd be able to take that.
    I hate thinking about the future.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:04:34 No.8320379

    Yeah I think the A2 syllabus is much more modern.
    I really didnt like the idea of medievil stuff for AS, for GCSE we did the Cold War and Arab Israeli. That was good.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:05:07 No.8320386
    How're you going to get A*'s in your A levels?
    Anyway, all A's in relevant subjects will pretty much guarantee you a place. Maybe not in the top tier universities but definately in a good one.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:07:12 No.8320410
    They introduced A* grade this year.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:07:25 No.8320413

    I don't mind at all :)
    You can't retake science GCSE? That's annoying. They're quite easy. I really enjoy Modern History, Economics and Maths, they're good subjects.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:08:12 No.8320428
    Don't forget to pad out the personal statement with charity 'n shit.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:10:10 No.8320446

    A LOT has changed in the past 3 years. A hell of a lot more people are applying to univeristy what with the recession and whatnot. They've brought in the A* grade (OVER 90 IN EVERTHING FUCK), and most top 10 universities are requiring at least one A*.

    That said, this IS the very first year.
    Still, I think it's very hard to say one has a 'gaurunteed' place at a top 10 uni (which I'm aspiring to go to, I hope im not setting the bar too high).

    I blame the economic downturn.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:10:31 No.8320454
    regarding History not being a good degree choice, Gordon Brown did it, so...
    just gonna throw that out there...
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:11:30 No.8320467

    I've been told they don't really care about charity work and that sort of stuff. I've been told they look for work experience very relevant to you degree, the extra reading you've done and essay prizes you've won.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:11:57 No.8320476
    He did it at Oxbridge. I'm doing mine at bloody Westminster, which is shit-tier.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:13:08 No.8320500
    Yeah, this.
    Campaign for whatever party you support in this coming up election too. That would probably look good.

    Not where I live. Yeah, they are a piece of piss. All the GCSE's are.
    I might have a talk to the college. I've got good results in all my GCSE's (most are A, A* in Maths and History) so hopefully they'll let me do it.
    It's pretty annoying having to prove you have the intelligence and drive though. It's kind of depressing just doing such easy shit. I should've started my A levels about 2 years ago.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:17:46 No.8320567

    GCSEs can be a bit of a drag. You'll probably enjoy A levels.

    Campaign for a party? hmm.. like do what kind of stuff?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:21:20 No.8320615
    Don't know really. I guess it's just flyering etc.
    I'm planning to do it for the Lib Dems in my area - it's pretty close between them and the Cons.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:24:46 No.8320663
    What did you get at GCSE?
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:27:52 No.8320705

    6 A*
    3 As in Latin, French, and English (not Lit)
    and a B in drama.

    That B still pisses me off. I was pretty fucking poor though. Actually, I wouldnt trade those two years of drama lessons for an A* ever. ...maybe i would.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:28:07 No.8320710


    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:35:23 No.8320797
    Can anyone confirm?
    I've always wondered this.
    But then I think a degree in anything will just get you more respect in getting employed anyway.

    Someone I know got an economics degree.
    They're working for a firm doing networking solutions and get to read gizmodo all day earning (pounds)33k.p.a as a 20 year old graduate.

    I dont think you could that without a degree. The respect it gets you.
    >> sagd sadgv 04/10/10(Sat)18:39:44 No.8320851
    fuck bitches then get paid thats my motto mah man
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:41:29 No.8320874
    It depends what you do at university.
    If you're going to do Media or something ridiculous don't bother.
    Science, Economics, and Mathematics are all wortwhile though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)18:47:18 No.8320930

    As said above depends on the course. I left school at 16/17, went to college to do practical work for 2 years, left and got a job working for HM Revenue & Customs.

    I'm nearly 21 now and i'm trained in Tax Credits, PAYE & NIC, SA, Corporation Tax, VAT and have 2 years office experience in public sector work.

    I have the same chance as getting a job as someone just out of a university course, if not more.

    Experience can't be taught, it's why its sought after by employers so much.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)18:54:01 No.8321023

    Wow that's pretty impressive. Thanks, noted.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)19:00:37 No.8321101

    Bear in mind though someone with a degree in say mathematics or engineering is more likely to get a job in that field than someone with less related experience. It's all down to what you want to do. I've only worked in an office doing financial work and it's probably all i'll ever do so as a rule of thumb for office jobs experience is preferred over qualifications. At the end of the day on your CV/in the interview you are selling yourself to an employer and telling them why you are right for the job, so it's all down to individual cases on how you present yourself.
    >> OP !!6tttTGaK3gs 04/10/10(Sat)19:10:10 No.8321244

    That's some good advice.

    It's been a helpful evening. I'll call it a night. Thanks, robots.

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