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  • File : 1270740430.jpg-(218 KB, 1193x990, Matisse, Harmony in Red.jpg)
    218 KB Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:27:10 No.8283129  
    My life is boring, i have friends, i have no particular interests (i play videogames unless it gets boring), i'm so fucking lazy, i'm 19 and don't know what to do with my life. The only idea that "the life" is full of work and responsabilities scares the shit out of me. Future is so goddamn dark.

    What do?

    Pic unreleted.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:27:33 No.8283135
    Well at least you have friends !
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)11:30:22 No.8283165
    op here. Yes but they don't pay my clothes and i still have a boring life. I know i should do something to change but:
    -dunno what do
    -don't want to do anything, too lazy.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:01:22 No.8284062
    op here. my life is fucking gray.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:02:53 No.8284076
    Find something that is more important to you than anything.
    Pursue that thing with all your energy.
    The rest will come.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:21:01 No.8284285
    op here. How should i find that "something"? Where should i search?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:22:11 No.8284301
    He who has not found something worth dying for
    has not lived

    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:25:18 No.8284330
         File1270747518.gif-(389 KB, 2050x1025, yo dawg.gif)
    389 KB

    Listen to this. This should help you.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:46:15 No.8284567

    op here. it didn't helped, sorry :)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:48:42 No.8284577
    sup OP, I find myself in an identical situation.
    I'm just hoping one day i'll find something I think is worth going all out for, and that pays bills of course...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:51:49 No.8284614
         File1270749109.jpg-(188 KB, 500x375, 1270581270103.jpg)
    188 KB
    Trip on a psychedelic drug such as mushrooms or acid. The answers will come to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:56:25 No.8284659
    op here.

    i forgot to mention one thing. Everytime i try something i fail cause i don't want to take the effort and the fact i'm lazy stops me. It happened with guitar (2 months of lessons, 300 total euros spent for guitar and amp, photography with my nikon d40 full of dust) It always starts with a huge interest (i get infos and advices) and then the interest slowly disappear. Money spent, time lost. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:57:49 No.8284676

    Do you get sunlight? Try going outside. It helps.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:58:07 No.8284679
    I know where that piece is.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:58:11 No.8284680

    In the form of Lovecraftian horrors from beyond the abyss.

    But at least your normal problems will feel comparatively minor.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)13:59:15 No.8284691
    Yes, life is meaningless.

    I suggest you work hard enough that you won't have to be homeless, but besides that, you don't HAVE to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)14:00:17 No.8284700
    >has obviously never done drugs
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)14:01:44 No.8284709

    Bad trip, bro. Way too much.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)14:02:02 No.8284714

    My life is the same, and was like you when I was 19. But now I enjoy every day a little by the small things that happen to me. Like a nice cup of coffee. Or scratching my scrotum. Even picking my nose. If I was dead, I wouldn't be able to do those things. And pizza, man. No pizza when you are dead.

    So maybe my advice is to enjoy things that you find mundane. Yeah. That's probably it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)14:08:20 No.8284778
    op here.

    i'm italian and sorry to be an italianfag but bread with tomato sauce and cheese is not pizza :D

    returning OT,
    it's definitely non enough to me.

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