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    111 KB Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:49:43 No.8278354  
    Simple question: How old is the average /r9k/ user? And how far are along are you in education (high school, college for any degree, or out into the real world)?

    Being on the older side here I feel a lot of disconnect with a lot of the userbase on here as of recently. My guess is that there's a lot of underage b&, and a lot of college kids that haven't gotten out into the real world yet, and this explains why so many posters here seem to have no experience with anything and a totally warped worldview (and why hipster dudes / chicks seem to be glorified around here)

    pic somewhat related
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:51:05 No.8278374
    I'm 22, I was in college but I had to drop out (disability issues), now I'm on /r9k/ because I have nothing better to do all day.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:51:42 No.8278383
    28 here.

    Working white-collar in the day, raising the daughter of my dead lover at night.

    I don't have much of a personal life, you see.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:53:02 No.8278406
    27, finished college, and feel much the same way, OP. It's the blind leading the blind around here.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:54:17 No.8278426
    27 here.

    After dropping out of college once before I decided to go back after experiencing the real world. Double majoring FTW.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:54:26 No.8278428
    >hipster dudes / chicks seem to be glorified around here

    ugh seriously. but why?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:55:35 No.8278447
    Because hipster girls are fucking hot. That's really it.

    Also, hipsters are the polar opposites of bros. Bros did all the fucking in high school so everyone here is prejudiced against them.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:56:39 No.8278460
    >and why hipster dudes / chicks seem to be glorified around here)
    <--- /fa/ is that way
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:59:09 No.8278503
    21, college senior. drinking a bottle of wine alone.

    i'm actually in love with a hipster girl right now. not usually my type, but she's honestly amazing. i'm pretty sure she likes me too but i barely see her so it's hard to do. and i'm running out of time, quickly.

    i would agree with you that i don't live in the real world though. the feeling of institutionalization is so thick in the air i feel like i can reach out and pinch it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:01:47 No.8278548
    OP here
    I mean, that's for a good cause. At least you're being a responsible dad. Sorry for your loss.

    Shit sux bro

    I laugh at /adv/, because it's 18 year olds giving 16 year olds life advice. I am not old/experienced enough to give great advice being still in my mid 20's, I don't think 99% of the people on there should even be opening their mouth

    Smart move

    Oh, come on, it happens on /r9k/ as well. For sure in the camwhore threads. Take a random 4/10 pfugly dude, give him bangs combed to one side and a beanie and stubble, suddenly 7/10
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:04:21 No.8278592
    17 here, grade 12

    fuck yall
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:08:39 No.8278664

    I laugh/cry when the 18 year-olds on /adv/ who have never held a full-time job or even been in college for more than a semester try dispense career advice. If any of you younger fags are reading this, please please PLEASE don't take /adv/ for anything more than a grain of salt.

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