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    95 KB realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:29:23 No.8278088
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:29:59 No.8278098
    Really interesting to see a revolution in progress.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:30:06 No.8278099
    I have an album with the same name as your trip.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:30:40 No.8278110
    And of course it's romantic. This guy has lots of style.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:31:43 No.8278127
    pictures or music?

    it's kissenger's political theory.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:33:33 No.8278150

    And fuck yeah Kyrgs.
    Last I heard about these people is manas
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:33:48 No.8278153
    The aluminum shields seem to be really low quality. The soft metal bends easily, and the light weight/low mass doesn't resist impact/recoil.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)01:33:57 No.8278156
    wish there was more coverage.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:35:16 No.8278174
    I wonder what Putin's role is in this. Did he instigate? Will he allow democracy?
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)01:36:20 No.8278188
    I doubt Russia is or will be involved. why should they care?
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:37:46 No.8278209
    I bet none of the dumbass American reporters can pronounce Kyrgyzstan.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:40:37 No.8278253
    Russia has always cared about the politics of eastern european countries. they regard their neighbors as buffer countries/ satellite nations. I would be very surprised if the chinese, americans, and russians were not all attempting to influence the outcome.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)01:44:27 No.8278297
    I can see why America would considering the base there, and China because of the base there, but Russia has more important things to worry about these days. they don't have anyone left to buffer because nobody cares about them anymore.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:45:39 No.8278314

    live feed of events on twitter.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)01:47:34 No.8278334
    I know the alphabet and all but I only speak English :\
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:50:34 No.8278369

    pictures of the clash
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:52:00 No.8278390
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)01:52:11 No.8278395

    it say that the old gov't has fled, and the opposition is taking over.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:54:13 No.8278423
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:05:57 No.8278615
    NYT coverage
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:11:34 No.8278698
    NYT quote:

    "Opposition leaders have been divided in recent weeks over whether they would continue to allow the American military base to remain, but it seems clear that they harbor bitterness toward the United States. And neighboring Russia, which has long resented the base, has been currying favor with the opposition. "

    Obvious FP implications. Russia doesn't like the US having an airbase so close, US wants/needs it for Afghanistan supply train, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:13:09 No.8278729
    How many hours ago was this?
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:13:41 No.8278734
    Another NYT quote:

    "Whatever happens domestically, a new government will have decide how to balance the interests of the United States and Russia, which both have military bases in Kyrgyzstan and want to maintain a presence in the region. Paul Quinn-Judge, Central Asia project director for International Crisis Group, a research organization, said Russia had stoked anti-American sentiment in Kyrgyzstan in recent months, often over the issue of the base. "
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:15:23 No.8278757
    It's all happening live. It started yesterday, the Dear Leader fled last night, and today the new gov't is consolidating.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)02:16:01 No.8278770
    what kind of government are they setting up?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:17:08 No.8278781
    Bakiyev was publicly against the US base (Manas), but privately he was in favor of it, because it was the largest source of income for the country, after some gold mine they have. So every couple years they make a big fuss about kicking the Americans out, not renewing the lease, but its just an attempt to look populist and extract a higher rent from the Americans.

    Funny thing is Bakiyev himself came into power from a revolution.
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:24:55 No.8278863
    Live webcam of the protests. It's the main square in the capital city.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:27:08 No.8278889
    No shit! Nice link anon
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)02:27:17 No.8278890
    any answer on that government? I hear there's quite a left-wing movement going on
    >> realpolitik !!LlNHmHjEvgQ 04/08/10(Thu)02:27:44 No.8278894
    Reader comment on the NYT story:

    "First, let's be clear that no parallels can be drawn between Kyrgyz protestors and US dissenters. The primary concern now is that Pres. Bakiev appears to have moved to the Southern capital in Osh. He is from the south, his power base and tribal ties are in the south. (Notice that all the protests have been in northern cities.) The potential for continued conflict, even civil war, is real. Even if Bakiev decides to leave the country and a new regime takes over, we can expect only a brief moment of hope until the members of the northern-oriented regime begins to spread its largesse to their extended family and tribes. A stable government in Bishkek is one that spreads the graft around. Both Akaev and Bakiev attempted to centralize power and wealth and that, along with dire economic straits, was their downfall."

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