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  • File : 1270704145.jpg-(93 KB, 648x197, ComCastCunts.jpg)
    93 KB Net Neutrality !j6VGZe/Eqo 04/08/10(Thu)01:22:25 No.8277987  
    Gentlemen of /r9k/ and all of 4chan users. It seems that Comcast is wanting to trample on our rights and net neutrality. The courts are supporting them - not sure about the rest of you, but I'm pretty pissed.

    Comcast wants to force us to pay for the amount of bandwith we use. If that isn't greedy enough... they also want to do something where tehy could channel you. Like your searches I mean, so that your results pop up with their "preferred vendors". If you want to bypass that you'd have to pay more.

    Net Neutrality is becoming a serious issue and I urge each and every one of you to let your representatives know your opinion. There are rumors that Google and AT&T want to bring Comcast to court and I sure as fuck hope they do.

    Besides that, let your local represantitives know that you support Net Neutrality. You wouldn't be browsing here otherwise one assumes. And if you have Comcast as your provider let them know that charging for bandwith use will make you leave for competitors that don't suck dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:23:39 No.8278007
    bandwidth isn't unlimited. if certain people aren't throttled then it slows it down for everyone else.

    jesus you people are either stupid or selfish I don't know anymore.
    >> !j6VGZe/Eqo 04/08/10(Thu)01:29:58 No.8278097

    Most people aren't eating up bandwith by ridiculous amounts. Besides wanting to charge us more, what if they decide to go with stateful packet inspections? They'd basically be looking at what you're browsing then. Let them do one thing and they will grow bolder and more brazen.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:34:49 No.8278171

    I could understand charging a flat rate after a certain amount of bandwidth, but it would have to be a reasonably high amount before they start applying the flat rate, so they don't shaft the everyday guy.

    It would put a bit of a limit on the piracy trade, as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:38:13 No.8278217
    well yeah Comcast fucking BLOWS but net neutrality is just dumb

    shit I don't want to end up like fucking Britain.
    >> Holland Bro !GaZtwAtvk. 04/08/10(Thu)01:39:37 No.8278231
    For every one who uses a fuckload of bandwidth, 100 people barely use any. Most people get on their computer to check facebook/myspace/chat on msn a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:40:06 No.8278243
    why would comcast care?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:40:27 No.8278251
    >Comcast wants to force us to pay for the amount of bandwith we use.
    Oh no! Someone wants us to pay for commodities! Boo!

    Hey, did you hear? Grocery stores want to force you to pay for the amount of food you eat!

    I'm all for Net Neutrality because restricted net access by content is a form of censorship, but you need to stop being such a faggot. The cost of internet access, though, is not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:41:06 No.8278261
    which is why you get the cheapest plan...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:41:45 No.8278269
    Comcast was throttling bittorrent speeds, because on a cable network everyone in an area shares the same bandwidth. One faggot downloading every episode of Sailor Moon can decimate speeds for everyone else.

    Other providers such as Verizon don't have this problem.

    The court case was about whether the FCC had the authority to tell Comcast to stop doing that, and you'd better be DAMN GLAD Comcast won. Do you want the same superbowl nippleslip FCC regulating the internet? Look how they've shit up network television and radio and then come tell me that you want them regulating the internet too.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:42:31 No.8278276
    bullshit. almost everybody downloads all of their (legal) music off of iTunes.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:44:23 No.8278296
         File1270705463.png-(308 KB, 636x1415, comcast payment scheme.png)
    308 KB
    leaked comcast payment scheme.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:44:44 No.8278303
    New Zealand only as one plan with unlimited bandwidth.

    You can choose unlimited but slow speeds, or bandwidth cap but with faster speeds.

    America sucks
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:52:47 No.8278401

    Are you fucking kidding? There are THOUSANDS of internet providers in America, that provide unlimited access to the internet at god-like speeds, for no extra cost. The company I'm with provides such services.
    Comcast is just one company, and a shitty one at that, that wanted to regulate costs because they're running low on business.

    Fuck off you faggot monkey, shit, even the ausfailians dont like you fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:53:44 No.8278415
    comcast owns the infrastructure of those companies
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:56:25 No.8278455
    No they don't/ Free market.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:56:48 No.8278463
    Comcast is not a monopoly. There are plenty of other networks across the country, and several in any area that is not the middle of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:57:08 No.8278468
    are you some kind of retard

    do you understand how net infrastructure works?

    comcast is going to do away with all the competition, please take that to heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)01:58:08 No.8278488
    looks pretty bad
    not surprised really
    comcast is garbage unrivaled
    everyone I've known with their service has had problems
    and multiple cable boxes suddenly stop working properly
    their customer service is shit, too
    just try to cancel your subscription sometime
    strap in
    it'll be a long argument
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:00:09 No.8278519


    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:01:20 No.8278541
    as long as they are not starting a trend among internet providers, im going to be thinking elsewhere
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/08/10(Thu)02:02:12 No.8278559
    why would -anyone- switch to Comcast? AT&T is bad but Comcast is the fucking worst
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:03:04 No.8278570
    Even if every ISP in the country starts doing this, they'll just have "unlimited bandwidth" plans anyway the same way that phone companies offer unlimited calling, texting and data packages. Then when every major company does that, it'll come down to having the cheapest price and the fastest speeds. Even if this does effect the prices we pay, it'll only be for a few years and then it'll go back to the way it is now, with the possibility of some companies offering faster speeds cheaper than they are now.

    Chill the fuck out, guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:06:01 No.8278617
    Which is the best? I use university internet right now, but I'm wondering what the best provider is for when I have to pay for my own internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/10(Thu)02:25:40 No.8278871
    FiOS if you can get it.

    >Doesn't know what collusions or local monopolies are

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