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  • File : 1270499158.jpg-(119 KB, 500x394, 4468907889_e9b9b65da0.jpg)
    119 KB Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:25:58 No.8237739  
    Do you really think cultural attitudes in the South will go through a dramatic transformation once all the racist old farts born in the 30s die off?

    They've managed to successfully pass their ideas and values onto their children and grandchildren, most of whom are as dumb, backwards, and intolerant as they are. And the cycle continues down further generations, seemingly just as prevalent as it was 80 years ago.

    My suspicion is that things will remain pretty much the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:27:19 No.8237762
    probably will remain the same
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:29:46 No.8237794
    They have grown weaker. If you call a nigger a nigger, he can and will beat your ass without fear of the kkk lynching him.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:29:55 No.8237798

    Not going away.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:30:20 No.8237808

    >in the South

    It's funny how racism is always associated with the South. I live in New York, everyone I know plus me fucking hates niggers. People from Jersey are the most racist people I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:31:16 No.8237820
    It won't go away, but it also won't be as bad.

    And then the next generation will be even better, and then the next, and then the next.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:33:49 No.8237847
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    why oh why are people in the south racist, gee I really don''t understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:35:09 No.8237863
    Actually the North East is supposedly much more racist than the south.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:39:30 No.8237908
    In an ideal world, both the racism and the religious zealotry from the south would both die out after a few generations, but both of those things are fervently passed on to their children at a rate that makes any progress pretty much obsolete.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:41:36 No.8237926
    lol yeah, northerners in their all-white towns should take pride in how tolerant they are of other races
    >> Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 04/05/10(Mon)16:43:14 No.8237942

    At most, whites are a plurality here in Boston.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:45:55 No.8237968
    You know what I absolutely love about that poster to the right? The fact that those stupid fucks cant even check to see what that says in the Russian alphabet Cyrillic.

    I says s, n, d, a letter that isn't in Russian, and e.

    It all comes out to nonsense. I'm not sure about the German but that's probably wrong to. I'm ashamed to live among my fellow Americans who don't know jack shit about the world around them.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:46:40 No.8237976
    The Northeast is racist too, it's just a different kind of racism.

    Northeast Liberals vote for black politicians and brag about their black friends, but it's all just posturing. They secretly feel extremely uncomfortable around blacks who don't "act white". They make excuses and an toothbrushes for failing black schools instead of actually criticizing the terrible families that ruin them. They make excuses for black politicians who lie to their constituents.

    People in the South are more realistic. They like black people who are good and hard-working and fun to be around. They hate black people who don't.

    That looks like racism to white-guilt Northeast liberals. But it's the Northeast liberals who are the truth of racist.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:47:17 No.8237985
    You are right OP, a quick browse on this board makes it obvious.

    I think there will be LESS, and in several generations it will probably be gone. Chances are idiots will have something else to be bigoted about by that point, though.
    >> Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 04/05/10(Mon)16:47:26 No.8237986
    Knowing jack about the world is for commies and fags.

    Not for True Americans.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:48:46 No.8237999

    Really? Well how do you manage to live in New York? African-Americans are vanilla. In a city where you day-to-day encounter Lebanese, Persians, Indians, Bangladeshis, Koreans, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Chinese, Russians, Ukranians, Serbs, etc; you really get concerned about black people? Especially American black people who culturally are far closer to you then those other groups?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:49:15 No.8238009
    Oh my god that socialism poster is real

    Holy shit I thought it was a troll image

    Oh my fucking god how are people so stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:49:16 No.8238010
    Forgot the backwards n which is pronounced ee.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:50:34 No.8238027
    >Claims to have a informed worldview
    >randomly hates communism and gay people, making himself out as a brainwashed redneck

    It really is quite surprising how far that Cold War propaganda went
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:52:43 No.8238050
    it will never change

    in the 90's i though racism and war would be gone withon ten years. Oh my, oh my, - how wrong and naive could i be?

    I predict they get worse.
    >> Sir Beckett !!Rx1Qg+YPjjx 04/05/10(Mon)16:53:46 No.8238058
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    The problem with the South is that it is full of Southerners.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:54:32 No.8238064
    America has always been far more racist than most first world nations, I'm not really sure why, but it's the case. Blacks have been prevented from entering the middle class or any major jobs (Which is he real reason why Blacks have so little academic contributions in the western world).

    The black middle class only started to appear in the late 1950s, where it faced fierce opposition from whites. In truth, there is still very little in the way of a true black middle class, as your colour is an undeniable handicap in America.

    This is less true for Western Europe in general(extended to all minority races), but still the case somewhat.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:54:54 No.8238071
    >your not worth it

    good god this is amazing.
    >> Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 04/05/10(Mon)16:55:09 No.8238074

    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:57:16 No.8238097
    Speaks the truth. The so-called progressive are often hypocrites and relativists.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:58:20 No.8238115
    Is it because you have little to no minorities perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)16:59:01 No.8238122

    Of course not, the opposite is true in fact.
    >> Squeegee !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 04/05/10(Mon)16:59:01 No.8238123
    Holy fuck, they chose Cyrillic letters that look like "change", I'm pretty sure they were aware that it wasn't correct.

    And OP, there is a lot of cultural transition in the South, but I don't think it's necessarily transitioning in the way you want it to. Frankly, if you damn yanks would quit being jackasses, your thought processes would probably be much more accepted.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:00:43 No.8238142
    You guys seem to be assuming that several small but vocal sections of various southern states make up the majority of the south's opinions.

    Floridian here, by the way. The area I'm in has liberals, conservatives, racists, and bleeding hearts alike, much like all of the United States. The south really isn't all that different from the rest of the nation, despite what you all seem to believe.

    In b4 my post is ignored in favor of "DURR HURR EVERYONE IN THE SOUTH IS A RETARDED INBRED HICK" comments.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:01:14 No.8238153

    You've basically got a silly flase dilemma here. Everyone is either a bigot or a secret bigot who really hates blacks but pretends not to to seem nice.

    You overlook the completely reasonable possibility that people might actually not care about race, or feel that racism has no basis in fact at all.

    You also generalise areas which are large enough to be the size of several countries, and I highly doubt views on these matters are so universal.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:01:15 No.8238154
    every one of those groups is harder working, and less repulsive than NYC niggers
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:01:43 No.8238161
    what? the US has far more minorities than most of europe.
    >> Raccoon !!GqubyOENLVu 04/05/10(Mon)17:02:01 No.8238167
    I'm pretty sure Europe is severely racist against the Romani people
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:04:06 No.8238190
    give it another generation or 2
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:04:08 No.8238191
    Yes. And many cops told me to keep away from them with good reasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:04:20 No.8238195
    Florida wasn't part of the Dixiecrats thing. Florida is not the South
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:04:49 No.8238201
    Remember that time America rounded up all the Jews and tried to kill them and none of the other countries stopped America because they didn't like Jews either?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:05:40 No.8238216

    Northern Florida is very much the Deep South. The rest of Florida is full of Northerners trying to escape the hellish cold the North calls "winter," and so is much more "northern."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:07:09 No.8238235

    I love how tolerant Europe is, they didn't practice racial genocide or have any institutions of slavery at all!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:07:21 No.8238239
    The people who made the poster? Yes I'm sure they knew that because they are internet trolls. The people holding it? I doubt it, I can't take you serious when you're holding that above your head.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:07:32 No.8238247

    Remember the time Western Europe fought against them, while America remained neutral for 90% of the war and only appeared when Western europe was winning again? Oh, and only after they personally had been attacked?

    The Nazis were actually a result of economic and social difficulties created mainly by the UK, America, Italy and France in the peace settlement of WWI, which crippled Germany both economically and militarily. It is not fair to claim that a general racist culture caused it, in fact, the nazis were considered lunatics until that point. In the extreme circumstances, extremism became more viable.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:07:54 No.8238254

    Fuck you. Of course black people aren't mistreated in countries where they don't exist.

    If black people started moving to Canada and Norway in large numbers, you would not believe how fast lynching, literacy tests, hate crimes, forced segregation, ghettos, and right-wing racist politicians would spring up. You would be a century behind the United States if you ever had to deal with race issues in your countries.

    Keep dreaming, doling away the years in your empty, all-white socialist dystopias. Black people, Asian people, Hispanic people, Middle Eastern people move to the US because we're fucking better in every way to people of all races. No one fucking moves to Norway. No one.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:08:26 No.8238266
    >that you're not propagating stereotypes as much as the "racist old farts" born in the south are....

    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:08:29 No.8238268

    How do you feel about Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans?

    What about Hispanic people who are primarily of West African slave descent?

    Do you distinguish between different groupss of black people? Such as African-American people descended from Southern slaves; the large New York West Indian black community which are partially descended from slaves, English slave owners, indentured Chinese and Indian labourers; the new African immigrants?

    What about within the newer African immigrants? Do you distinguish between West Africans such as Nigerians and Ghanians; and East Africans such as Somalis?

    Where do you work or study in New York? Any convential job or course of study would bring you into contact with many of these groups? How do you get on with you life?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:09:21 No.8238280
    ITT: Yanks who judge the South by what they see on television and political conventions.

    Protip: The teabag movements holds a lot of Northerners too, dipshits.

    Furthermore, if you're not a racist, you have never been around niggers. I'm not talking about the indoctrinated black folk you have in your pleasant white suburbs, I'm speaking of loud, obnoxious, ignorant dirty niggers.

    You should all quit valuing the entire black race based on your one oreo friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:10:00 No.8238292

    Europe was largely against racial genocide, with the obvious exception of Nazi Germany. If you're referring to slavery etc. that is true, however attitudes have since changed regarding that, but not in the US to the same extent.

    Don't misunderstand, I didn't mean to imply that racism does not exist in Europe, merely that it has fallen at a much faster rate than in the US.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:10:58 No.8238307

    The misspelled signs really are funny. Funny that they are serious, and misspelled their own message.
    >> Gentleman 04/05/10(Mon)17:11:09 No.8238318
    The German word for "change" is "Aenderung". It's supposed to be "Anderung" with an Umlaut over the 'A', but, of course, the Robot won't allow that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:11:19 No.8238321
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    >You should all quit valuing the entire black race based on your one oreo friend.
    >However you should judge the entire race by THIS group of people
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:11:53 No.8238327

    I love this post
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:12:05 No.8238329
    What part of "you have less minorities" don't you understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:12:40 No.8238337

    Show me where I said all blacks were niggers. I'm not putting blacks down, I'm just telling people to quit judging what they don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:13:02 No.8238345

    You realise what you're describing is due to socio-economic factors?

    Poor white people are just as bad. I live in england we have many many poor white 'ghettos' full of what we call chavs.

    Yet we're smart enough not to make racial assumptions about white people based on the socially lower ones.

    Clearly you're not and America isn't. This is why we generally regard you as stupid and racist big mouths.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:13:36 No.8238352

    Of course it has fallen faster, it's been around longer. the United States isn't that old, and when its years of existence are taken into account, slavery rose and fell in popularity fairly quickly.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:14:12 No.8238364
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    The fact that its untrue for one. It's a colelction of small countries close together. Where I live, there are African, Chinese, Muslim and Eastern European communities.

    America is not exceptionally multicultural, as you seem to think. It is actually *heavily* white dominated, except in very specific areas.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:15:03 No.8238377

    Did you understand anything in that post? Its, dont judge all black people by your black friend, and dont judge all southerners on a group made of northerners and southerners. Wow you yankees are dense.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:15:41 No.8238387
    >Yet we're smart enough not to make racial assumptions about white people BECAUSE WE TOO ARE WHITE PEOPLE AND THAT SHIT WOULD FLY BACK IN OUR FACE.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:16:21 No.8238395
    >I'm speaking of loud, obnoxious, ignorant dirty niggers.
    Theres white people like that too. Its a symptom of being poor and uneducated, not just being black. if it was, there wouldnt be any blacks that like in suburbs like that dude's friend.

    Maybe if you werent so poor and uneducated yourself you wouldnt have to live amongst the other poor and uneducated people.

    tl;dr: get your dumb ass in school and get a good paying job and move to a decent neighborhood.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:17:07 No.8238407

    The dirt-poor rednecks at least have their priorities straight and don't spend thousands on diamond teeth and shiny rims.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:19:06 No.8238436
    pulling from wikipedia
    >Non-European immigrant groups (Middle Eastern, African, Asian etc.) account for about 3% to 4% of the European population or 22 to 30 million people.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:19:33 No.8238442
    Are your opinions based on anything at all? Statistical surveys of people's opinions of other races or rates of racially motivated assaults perhaps? etc etc..

    This is a genuine question.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:19:44 No.8238446

    I'm not going to go looking through statistics, but I understand American minority populations are heavily concentrated in certain areas and almost without exception limited to lower classes?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:20:23 No.8238449
    The Russian word for change roughly comes out to: eezmyenyeneeye.

    Ah who cares they can't even get English right.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:20:50 No.8238460
    >The dirt-poor rednecks at least have their priorities straight

    You mean like buying Nascar tickets and blowing all their money on meth and Coors Light?

    If you think that then you obviously have never lived around rednecks. I'm not talking about the indoctrinated white folk you have in your pleasant white suburbs, I'm speaking of loud, obnoxious, ignorant dirty nrednecks.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:21:38 No.8238466

    No, I'm afraid not. I'm just going on what I've studied in history books.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:21:38 No.8238467
    >Dirt poor
    >thousands of dollars
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:21:53 No.8238474

    This. Americans are under the impression the world outside your country looks like the 1800s still. Everywhere has diversity in the developed world. You go to Canada, Austrailia, Britain, Europe, and you'll see just as much if not more diversity then America. And we're not as segregated and get on with each other better.

    I grew up in small town England with a very mixed group of friends. My little circle of guys had white kids, a Jewish kid, a half-Mauritian half white, a half-West Indian half white, a Hong Kong Chinese kid, an Indian, and a Bangladeshi kid in it.

    We got on great. We went to the same pubs and clubs. Supported the same football teams. Moaned about the same shit about girls. There was no segregationist shit you still get between people in the States. The most popular girl in our high school had a white English mum and black African dad. I can't remember anyone thinking anything of it once!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:22:34 No.8238482
    You would understand wrong then, enjoy your small minority population.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:23:08 No.8238489

    Europe itself is many races though, it's not like America.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:24:03 No.8238505
    >You go to Canada, Austrailia, Britain, Europe, and you'll see just as much if not more diversity then America.
    That just isn't true though, see. >>8238436
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:24:50 No.8238515
    So your opinions are based on nothing, but you still feel entitled to spout them? In that case, you may like to consult the following publication:

    But seriously though, can I ask how old you are?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:24:55 No.8238517
    different ethnicities =/= different races.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:25:29 No.8238523

    This is why I'm a bit confused by such statistics. I myself am Scottish, and my group of friends in my hometown was me, another Scot, two Chinese, Half Malaysian, muslim and english. This was not at all unusual, and I find it odd that the statistics imply otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:26:29 No.8238540
    So youre surprised that everywhere in Europe is not like where you grew up?

    Wow, you're pretty dumb.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:26:30 No.8238541

    Well sure, but Eastern European is an obvious example. I may be being an idiot here, but aren't muslims TECHNICALLY the same race as whites? (I heard this somewhere, don't know if it's bull)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/10(Mon)17:26:49 No.8238544
    This guy has two non-white friends, england is diverse.

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