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    File : 1270251798.jpg-(170 KB, 1280x960, 1245995469084545.jpg)
    170 KB Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:43:18 No.8190027  
    Hey /r9k/

    A few years ago, I lol'd real hard when I saw this picture. Well, today, it is my 20th birthday and I'm even more pathetic than this guys since I don't even have any cake.

    I dropped out of college, never had a girlfriend, lost my virginity to a scort, have no friends, and it's been almost one year since I last left my house. Seriously, I'm a loser.

    On top of that, I'm not very fond of self-diagnosis, but I find similarities between my behaviour and that of those with Avoidant Personality Disorder, which I believe has a very strong importance in my actual situation.

    So, cheer up, there are people there who are far more losers than you are.
    >> gabbagool !8Wi1jtFVwY 04/02/10(Fri)19:44:32 No.8190042
    today's my 26th birthday. i'm drinking alone in my living room. same shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:45:22 No.8190053

    I've got some tetrazepam and took two pills, so I guess it's pretty much the same shit. Happy birthday, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46:05 No.8190064
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    Get a job. Find someone who you can connect with. Make friends. Next birthday, throw a party with your friends and their friends in your new apartment with the money from your job.
    pic not really related
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46:16 No.8190067
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46:23 No.8190068
    >>and it's been almost one year since I last left my house.

    You gotta sort this, dude. Everything else might follow, but hell, you gotta sort this. I'm a total shut in and have recently had a pretty lonely 20th birthday, but I since got myself volunteering for my political party of choice and BAM, instant social life.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:46:46 No.8190070
    Hey, at least you lost your virginity. 27 year old cherry here.
    >> Tripwire !E0eWTEgvDU 04/02/10(Fri)19:47:47 No.8190080
    We losers should stick together.
    I'd bake you a cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:48:29 No.8190089
    i would be pretty pissed if my mom made me a potato salad cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:49:53 No.8190116

    Well, it's not that I haven't completely left my room in this time, I meant I haven't done any social thing since then, and even so, that had been the first time in months, or maybe years. I do some cycling and attend to English and guitar lessons, but that's all I leave my house for. Out of 168 hours a week, I'm away maybe 6.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:50:49 No.8190124
    what the hell is a scort?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:51:11 No.8190128
    I see myself in this dudes face....

    does anyone know who he is?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:51:16 No.8190129

    Expensive hooker.
    >> Tripwire !E0eWTEgvDU 04/02/10(Fri)19:51:57 No.8190137
    A special type of brick.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:52:30 No.8190144

    OP here, I misspelled that, it's a "escort", but yes, it's an expensive, young, hot hooker.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:52:45 No.8190150
    oh an escort, i thought is was slang for some fat and ugly chick or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:55:00 No.8190188
    28, haven't had a birthday with other people in 15 years. Forget my age occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:56:08 No.8190210

    How was it to hang out again with people after so much time being a loner?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:08:51 No.8190399
    I just looked up Avoidant Personality Disorder just for shits and giggles, and it strikes me as one of those catch-alls that isn't actually anything by itself. The symptoms are just the byproduct of a person spending too much time alone. The obvious solution would be to spend time in various social settings until you were comfortable with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:13:34 No.8190468
    Shouldn't laugh at people, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:20:01 No.8190571

    You might be true, and it might just be like astrologists saying "you MAY meet someone you MAY feel something for". Heck, that applies to everyone.

    Most of AvPD also applies to lonely people, but some of it just describes me very accurately. I'm scared of hanging out with people. Whenever I learnt a class dinner was going to take place, I got really nervous since I knew I couldn't possibly assist and have a nice time, that I would indeed embarass myself in front of everyone, and that everyone would realize what kind of person I am.

    I knew from the very beggining that I couldn't assist, and I started to make up and excuse in my mind that would sound true. Then, I would spend the night in my room thinking about what I was missing out, but anxiousness I felt when I thought of assisting was way too much for me to take.

    I'm somehow better now, since I don't suffer from that anxiousness anymore, but I had to pay a high price for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:25:43 No.8190646
    If you're happy stay as you are. I get sick of people trying to "get me out of my shell" when I like being alone.
    But if you're not happy do something about it. Volunteering for a political party is a great idea, any volunteer work is. Nobody minds a quiet guy that just works. Smile and be friendly, you don't have to say much, and you'll find yourself with a group of friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:31:53 No.8190722
    i get freaking depressed on my birthdays
    so I just stat in bed and sleep as much as I can.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:32:31 No.8190730

    I'm not happy at all, but, at the same time, I'm fucking scared of anything involving social interaction, so it's harder than I'd like it to be. This is the first time I talk about this with anyone, and since I couldn't bring myself to talk to my parents about my issues, they just gave up on me regarding my social life.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:34:07 No.8190748
    On my 20th birthday my friends surprised me by making me a chocolate cake. It was real fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:35:02 No.8190761
    Social situations aren't scary. Once you get out of high school people are pretty nice actually...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:36:32 No.8190781
    OP's picture was me a couple days ago.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:37:23 No.8190791
    All of your suffering stems from your inability to find true joy in life, a weightless joy unchecked by the injuries of experience and failure. The closest you can come to experiencing any semblance of joy is by living vicariously through fiction; stories can make you laugh, cry and be intrigued, where real life offers you nothing but a dreamy anxiety that pervades every facet of your being.

    You have no guiding talent or passion in life that is profitable or even constructive, and likely feel or genuinely do not have the means with which to experiment, and you are routinely scorned by the world for being unconfident, unmotivated and unsociable when you try to change and when you don't.

    You may have felt at capricious intervals a strong ambition for change that you have tried to pursue. You have probably even gone so far as to attempt to create a persona of unsubstantiated bravado for yourself in the past to garner the respect of your peers, and while you may have fooled strangers most of the time, it only works if you can keep them at a distance. And the mask soon slides off to reveal your darkest secrets and anxieties as soon as anyone becomes interested enough in you to say they care. And eventually you will tire of making everything you do and say a calculated effort to make people like you.

    Upon moving to a new environment, you will feel the need and the opportunity to discover if anyone could really love you for who you are, but quickly discover your shortcomings when you realize that nobody does nor will because you cannot share with them any happiness of your own. And you will spiral further into despair as you feel that nothing will ever change. Your desire for everything to just end is exceeded only by your fear of death and stagnation. But you just don't know how long you will last.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:37:42 No.8190797
    i got like 5 months before my 20th. I need to lose my v card asap so I can say I fucked while I was a teen.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:40:27 No.8190833
    Sure is dvach in here.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:42:48 No.8190861

    They are when you have no conversation topics, can't dance (if you're in a bar) no past experience, blush, your hands shake by themselves, and can't think of anything but how much people around you are laughing at you. Oh, and low self-steem.


    Where the hell did you get that from? My mood is low enough as it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:51:33 No.8190975
    bumpinig for op

    c'mon guys, help him. since /v/ has been fucked you guys have been acting like total morons
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:53:20 No.8190987
    A few years ago, you had the social and mental security to laugh at that image. What has changed since then?
    >> Tripwire !E0eWTEgvDU 04/02/10(Fri)20:53:45 No.8190989
    Why is that so important to you?
    It's nothing to be proud of.

    Anyone can find a random cumbucket to fuck.
    What actaully is impressive is when people actually accomplish stuff.
    Like getting the job you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)20:54:06 No.8190994
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:00:46 No.8191071
    its my 20th in 17 days and ill be pretty much just doing uni work by myself. it was the same deal with a mate of mine whos 20th was in January. it'll pass me by, like no big deal................
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:01:29 No.8191078

    Yeah, what I'm saying is that instead of the disorder turning people into shutins, it's being a shutin that gives the symptoms. I'm guessing you weren't a very social motherfucker when you were younger, right?

    I did that. Spent a lot of time by myself, then when it came time to go out and do things I was scared shitless because I had no idea what would happen and I'd probably fuck up. So I didn't try for a long time. Now, I'm not gonna say "these days I'm awesome" while I backflip into my Maserati, but at some point I just said "fuck it" and started going out. So now I've kissed a girl, I have new friends, I'm making a little more money, I don't mind most social situations, and I'm feeling better. There's a ton of stuff I still need to fix, but right now I'm just trying to see how I react to the most uncomfortable situations I can put myself in. Usually it works out for the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:04:15 No.8191113



    Until I was 16, I didn't exactly have the coolest friends (i.e. we were all nerds) but still had social life. Don't know, go out to eat something, play videogames, whatever. I was one of those straight-As guys.

    I guess my problems started in high school. Though I tried my best to be friendly and social, all I got were acquaintances. Whenever I called this people to do something out of school, the were never able to. Whenever they arranged something, I was never invited. I tried to meet new people by doing new things, but everything ended up the same way. I don't think I was a creeper or a jerk, as I still had my older friends.

    So it was no-friends-high-school for me. Then I started college, and all this shit started. At first I was just nervous when going out, but it has finally turned into my current situation. Of course, there was much more, as being rejected by a couple of girls (inexperienced...), not liking any specific girl for years...

    Since everyone I've met has behaved the same way with me, I guess it's not them, there's something messed up with me.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)21:08:39 No.8191171
    21st coming up soon. Likely spend it all alone. Meh.

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