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    File : 1270245486.jpg-(53 KB, 313x465, Fucked Up Blind Kids Rudy Johnson.jpg)
    53 KB ITT: Weird kids from when you were a kid. Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)17:58:06 No.8188518  
    When I was about 14 there were two people in my class who were fucking insane. One of them was called Moira, she had the messiest hair, was always dirty etc. Things you would expect from a weird kid. Here's the catch, she was a super christfag, she would write prayers in hebrew (I don't know why) over the school walls and used to tell us that her cat talked to her.

    There was another kid called Hector, he was one fat fuck, he wore the same clothes to school everyday and used to have stains all over his clothes. He was probably retarded as well. He used to walk up to people and call them 'Dodos' and bite them. He got expelled after a while for biting someone really badly.

    Any other fucked up kid stories?

    Pic unrelated but it's what came up when I typed "Fucked up kids" into Google images.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:00:41 No.8188555
    We had this fat guy always talking about Mc Donalds. He also wore the same clothes everyday.. he was scary
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:02:41 No.8188580

    Wearing the same clothes and being fat and weird must be synonymous. I dunno, it's strange, that they never seemed to care about the fact that they were wearing really dirty clothes all the time.
    >> TangoDelta !!PjP8BXI/zj+ 04/02/10(Fri)18:05:00 No.8188617
    There was a kid in my middle school named Marcel. He just moved there from somewhere in Louisiana, so he was probably Cajun. He was also probably retarded too... He would often come in wearing snow pants for no discernible reason. One day, he tried to do a back flip in the classroom while wearing them. He landed on his neck and paralyzed himself. We never saw him again.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:05:58 No.8188634
    Fat people really are something for themselves
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:06:40 No.8188648
    I knew this kid named John in 2nd grade, I wouldn't be surprised if he were on here right now, but anyway. The kid would shit his pants everyday in class, he didn't have bowel problems or anything that anyone knew of he just refused to go to the bathroom when he had to shit and would just sit there and shit his pants.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:07:13 No.8188654

    Why the hell did I laugh so hard?
    >> TangoDelta !!PjP8BXI/zj+ 04/02/10(Fri)18:08:21 No.8188668
    Dude, you should have been there. We were laughing for like 10 minutes until we realized he couldn't get back up. Then, after they took him out, we laughed for the rest of the day. Our teachers could NOT shut us up.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:10:06 No.8188696
    And you could always tell when he was shitting himself cause he'd close his mouth real tight, start to shake, and turn red and shit and yes, we called him Poopypants John.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:10:33 No.8188704

    Just imagining him going

    "Watch this!"

    Doing the flip landing on his neck and not being able to move had me in tears.
    >> TangoDelta !!PjP8BXI/zj+ 04/02/10(Fri)18:11:56 No.8188726
    The worst part is he didn't say anything like "Watch this!" He just walked into the classroom and jumped. Like I said, he was probably retarded. We don't know if he did it to get a laugh or... hell, just to do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:12:46 No.8188734
    In 6th grade there was this kid who pretty much would whine and complain all day about shit, and swear too.

    He was a wiry little fucker, and he even tried stealing from me, when I caught him stealing I just grabbed his hand and tried to pry it out, but in the process stabbed him.

    One day this new kid came to our school and kicked him really fucking hard in the shin, he was like on the floor crying and nobody cared, the new kid instantly became my friend to say the least.

    I checked in on the weird kid a month ago, he's got a girlfriend as ugly as he is.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:13:21 No.8188739
    knew a girl named Morgan

    she used to make crow noises and climb fences whilst making the crow noise

    she's probably hot shit right now
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:13:50 No.8188744
    I laughed so fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:16:28 No.8188777
    first grade: Bob.

    Bob had an 80's haircut, and wore hawaiian shirts exclusively. Bob collected bugs and talked funny. Bob told me that his dad was in NASA, and that Bob had gone to the moon.

    i hated him.

    he's probably a nuclear physicist or some shit now.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:17:47 No.8188799
    There was this one kid who cried if anyone touched him at all in 7th grade....... thinking back on it, he likely was ass raped at home every day :(
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:20:06 No.8188828
    There was this kid in my class (Year 11 which is 15-6). He would never ever talk and communicated through his calculator. At lunch times he would sit by himself and read through his exercise books. He also had size 15 shoes.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:20:17 No.8188831
    There was a kid called Keith with this skin dissorder. Basically his whole body was covered in scabs, which would fall off, and keep growing.

    He also had a very peculiar odor about him, an organic odor relating to his condion.

    We called him Keith Flake. Oh yeah, his skin was tight and it hurt him to walk so he had a jerky motion to his walking.

    Poor guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:22:12 No.8188856

    >Keith Flake

    haha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:23:18 No.8188873
    He got 3rd degree burns over 95% of his body twice.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:24:08 No.8188880

    He also walked with a hunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:25:21 No.8188894
    There was this kid in my kindergarten class named Jacob who threw up on me once. I proceeded to kick him in the shin while he was on the ground. Not too sure if this counts, just felt like posting it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:26:43 No.8188915


    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:27:45 No.8188924
    Was he one of those harlequin babies?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:28:54 No.8188946

    I remember someone making a thread on here not long ago about how he only wore hawaiian shirts in grade school. Can't remember the context.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:29:42 No.8188957
    Probably not. I only have 2 siblings, both of which I doubt look at 4chan, let alone /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:30:42 No.8188975
    I never had any outrageously strange kids in my classes when i was at school...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:30:46 No.8188977
    Samantha was the weird girl who ate anything she could stuff in her horrible disgusting mouth. It was in 3rd grade when I saw the portal to Hell, she ate the biggest beetle we could find behind the school. I heard the crunching and burst of juices in her mouth, she smiled and giggled like a mad woman while doing this. I will never forget that day because I can't go to sleep without thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:32:24 No.8189010

    Then the outrageously strange kid was probably you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:32:56 No.8189015

    I meant the shin kicking.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:36:42 No.8189077

    Oh god, I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:37:35 No.8189089
    in my fourth grade class there was this kid who raped someone in his neighborhood; And I had actually been to his house beforehand. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:39:25 No.8189110

    Isn't fourth grade like, really young? Britfag here, could someone enlighten me?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:39:55 No.8189116
    some crazy girl named Mary pushed some pregnant chick down the stairs in high school. Mary had some sort of anger problem and the pregnant chick and her friends were making fun of Mary.
    I think the girl went into early labor two days after.
    dunno what happened to Mary.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:40:20 No.8189123
    People mature at different ages. It's called life. For example, I first started masturbating when I was 9.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:42:05 No.8189141
    I remember in Primary school there was this kid called Karl who was this scrawny kid with a goofy face whose favourite thing to do was to take off his pants and swing on the monkey bars.
    Nobody liked him so I think he did it for the attention or something.

    On a High school camping trip this girl called Gemma(jemma? Jenna?) Chote or something told me she liked to piss on her boyfriend, then she let out a massive fart that sounded really liquid.
    she was pretty ugly too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:42:52 No.8189158
    he was 12 and still in fourth; quite old for a fourth grader but still so young for raping
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:43:18 No.8189167
    I just remember this one kid named Quentin that was in both my 3rd and 4th grade class- and EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. That nigga stapled one of his fingers "accidentally" and had to be walked to the nurse.

    I never found out if he did this on purpose to get out of class or whether he was actually THIS retarded but he balled like a baby every time so I always assumed it was the former.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:43:28 No.8189170
    we have different years for our grades in britain

    i think he doesnt know what age a fourth grader is, neither do I
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:43:29 No.8189171
    back in first grade there was this this crazy fuck who i think was an aspie.
    anyway, he flipped out one day and threw a chair and almost killed some girl.
    he also stuck a sharp-ass pencil into his hand in the front of the class. the damn thing went all the way through to the other side.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:44:05 No.8189176
    am I the only one who checks these threads to see if someone is talking about me?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:45:43 No.8189196
    John Minton?
    >> The Red Barron 04/02/10(Fri)18:46:16 No.8189206
    Mary be ballin
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:46:18 No.8189207
    There was this one kid who had tremulous hands and a unkempt mustache in 7th grade or so. Fucking creepy shit, and he always followed me around and shit because I wasn't an asshole to him.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:46:19 No.8189209
    in America: fourth grade--usually 9 or 10. 12 is very old
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:47:33 No.8189226
    youre a genetic freak
    dont worry britfag, contrary to the freak's belief, a male becoming sexually mature in 4th grade is extremely uncommon
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:47:59 No.8189232
    There was this kid in junior high called Mike Greaser who was a complete dick to everybody all the time. But he had epilepsy or some shit, and it would cause funny shit to happen. Like the time he had a siezure while he was pising in the washroom or the tim he was in the cafeteria in front of everybody (It just had to be on spaghettti day) and one time at a dance I got up on the mic during some song and did this fake siezure walk and let everybody know to "do the greaser, do the gr gr gr uh uh uh uh greaser" and everybody busted up and apparently he got mad and went outside to wait for me but nothing came of it as he had a siezure and was taken away.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:48:43 No.8189249
    Butterfly effect?
    >> MrSir Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:50:25 No.8189275
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    More than likely yes!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:53:27 No.8189317
    This kids name escapes my mind but friends and I talk about him all the time. He had these huge braids and and was chubby, kinda looked like he had tits. This one time a friend and I are in the bathroom and washing paint off our hands and he walks in. Now our school wasn't the best so it was normal to see janitors in rooms, even in the bathroom. They thought he was a girl, he looked like one and talked like one. Out of the blue he drops his pants and begins to piss all over the wall urinals and screams "I AM A BOY! A BOY! NOT A GIRL!" It was a terrifying experience, and I think two of the janitors got fired because of that incident.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:54:00 No.8189326
    This is why I showed up.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:55:59 No.8189361

    Holy shit im on the floor laughing. That made my day thank you
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:56:58 No.8189376

    Trap in the making.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)18:59:42 No.8189408
    >> DESU DESU DESU 04/02/10(Fri)18:59:55 No.8189413
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:01:34 No.8189435
    In grade school. There was a weird asian chick named Sirena. She played with worms. Seriously. Earth worms. She always used to lecture me for squishing them, I did it just to annoy her. That isn't the weirdest part, at recess she used to jump on top of me, send me to the ground and dry hump me. If I wasn't such a retard at the time I would have enjoyed it. She only did this to me.

    In middle school she got really creepy. She was super thin, but I don't think she was anorexic. She had a flatter than flat chest (which would be the same throughout high school). And she hated me for no reason. I had long hair back then, so she'd pull it just to annoy me. Teachers never did shit about it. And I just took the abuse until one day after school when we were alone. I was walking down the hall and she ran up to me and just about ripped all of it out. I was pissed, I slammed her onto a locker. Had both arms planted on the lockers next to it, and was about to give her a piece of my mind. Then she gave me a really big smile, and took my first kiss (The time in 3rd grade with my best friend didn't count and wasn't gay). Then when I was still in shock, she kicked me in the balls and ran away (BITCH), I got her back for that one. Though I don't think a punch in the cunt hurts nearly as much as being kicked in the balls.

    The last year of middle school I cut my hair. And she was friendly to me. I had no idea why, then on the last day she felt me up. At the time, I really didn't mind.

    I didn't see much of her in high school. She was pretty smart too, wonder what happened to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:02:33 No.8189449
    don't worry I do it too
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:02:53 No.8189452
    Did you live in the Bronx?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:03:30 No.8189458

    Nah, Michigan bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:03:34 No.8189462
    She probably does bdsm porn or something
    >> Bongo !WDzZRXo7m6 04/02/10(Fri)19:06:25 No.8189496
    There used to be this girl at my first school, who went round from school to school.

    When she showed up at ours, she managed to stay all the way until middle school somehow.

    Anyway, one day in first school we got new Lego sets, but weren't allowed to open them until lunch. She wasn't having any of it so she went to start opening them. Another kid in my class told her to stop else they'd get taken off us. She gets angered by this response, takes a pair of scissors and attacks him with them.

    The teacher goes mad and tries to get her, but she runs out of the room. The next thing we saw was her running past the window of our class room, followed by the head teacher and some other teachers.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:07:18 No.8189509
    There was this kid in my 8th grade class named Ben who was CRAZY over chewing gum, He wore Wrigglys workers clothing and had gum on him ALL THE TIME. We called him Bubble'o Ben. Turns out his dad was the CEO at Wrigglys
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:08:01 No.8189520
    This... this actually turned me on a little.

    It also reads like an allegory about romantic relationships.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:08:46 No.8189529
    Dammit mang. I dated a former chub named Hector, and wanted another reason to justify the fact that we're not dating anymore.
    >> !BOTNETpVMs 04/02/10(Fri)19:09:51 No.8189543
    in high school a kid got suspended for beating off leaning up against one of the bathroom stalls and smoking a cigarette

    he dropped out after that
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:11:11 No.8189560

    Haha, that sounds like something out of a cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:11:58 No.8189570

    He sounds like a cool motherfucker. Smoking cigs, beating off, and just not giving a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:13:04 No.8189586
    sounds like a badass--

    in middle school there was this retarded black chick and one day she ran outside in the middle of winter, stripped off all of her clothes (including underwear) and started like dancing or something and rubbing her breasts, a bunch of teachers had to come out and try to make her stop but they couldnt touch her cause she was naked
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:13:30 No.8189593
    Guy at my school:

    Must have been about 14 at the time, don't know the grade (Britfag here), and he used to pretend to be a Raptor all the time.

    The guy would walk in that Chicken style they do on Jurassic Park, he'd run like that when we played Rugby and he'd take down, maul and bite the opposition like a Raptor instead of tackling them.

    He watched Dinosaur programmes obsessively to get the Raptor experience just right.

    He also spoke like a Raptor, making his words in English sound Raptor-y or just straight out screeching and squealing.

    He also used to video himself masturbating and keep the clips on his phone. Kids would steal the phone and text the vids to all his contacts. This happened every other day.

    Then one day he raped another boy in his room (boarding school).

    We never saw him again.

    We called him the Rapetor (even before the rapeage)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:13:37 No.8189595
    We had a really really weird kid named brian in the 7th grade. Imagine smeagol with a bigger face and fat thats him. We were also pretty sure he watched animal porn but no one could confirm it. He use to follow girls around and try to sit on their laps. I was actually hired as a bodygaurd for this one girl he was majorly obbsessed over.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:16:22 No.8189629
    lol rapetor
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:16:30 No.8189631

    Oh god, I wat'd and lol'd like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:17:21 No.8189646
    in school I knew this kid named joel who was pretty normal aside from the fact that he was partial to bugs. one time, he put a large banana spider in his mouth. Funny thing is, I learned something that day. putting spiders in your mouth makes you drool like a motherfucker. The End.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:17:47 No.8189657
    One time in 7th grade, there was this white knight faggot who wouldn't let me near my girlfriend. He was such an douchebag I hope he died. He even said he was hired to keep me away from her, goddamn jerkop.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:18:09 No.8189663
    The boy he raped was Randall Munroe. This explains so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:18:38 No.8189672
    Hmmm.. Well in year four there was a pretty weird kid. Name of John, had slight anger issues, generally acted like a nutjob and claimed his mother washed his homework. He calmed down a bit by year 5 though, and ended up being alright.

    Then in year 7, the freaky ass kid was one of my best friends. Minor aspie, hated being hugged and would attack anyone who did so, claimed she was a 'werecat', wore weird clothes and makeup, was obsessed with Pokemon and pretended to speak bad Japanese.

    I think she's a little more normal now, but it's hard to tell. Haven't seen her in a while
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:18:57 No.8189678
    Holy shit i had the SAME KIND OF PERSON in my 7th grade class. he also did a presentation to the class where he would make raptor sounds. He got an A+. Awsome kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:19:09 No.8189683
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    We used to have a sex offender who would park outside our middle school. Everybody knew who he was and some kids waved to him everyday as a joke. The police were only three blocks away and never did anything about it. I kid you not.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:19:32 No.8189689
    In primary school there was this kid called Eliot. He stunk, so he was nicknamed Smelly Elliot. That kind of makes me feel sad. No one that young deserves to be picked on.

    This other kid called Robert once shat himself by the swings when we were about 9. I remember him trying to blame the smell on some girl. I also remember it smelling like tomatoes. He's a cop now I think.

    There was also this kid called Graham who was scruffy as hell and was always ill. I remember once my mum offered to take he and I to the cinema. When I went to his house he was crawling on the floor like a fucking idiot and hiding behind the chairs, keep in mind we were about 9 or 10. His mum gave us a fiver, which he tried to keep all to himself. He spent his on lego, I think I got a comic. His house wasn't as terrible as I imagined, though I only saw two rooms which were packed with furniture. One the way home at about 7pm, he fell asleep. He left before our final year. I always wonder what happened to him. Poor guy was pretty much always smiling despite the fact he dressed in clothes a size to small for him and most of the other kids picked on him. On one of the last days he bothered to come in, a load of kids confronted him and started pushing and pulling him. Apparently not coming into school was reason enough to be assaulted. He ran to the teacher eventually. Guy was the fastest kid I knew.

    Then there's Adam. Whoo boy. He joined our class when he was about 9. Guy would cry at just about anything. He had these big goofy teeth and he'd always be fighting with this other kid called Jason. They lived opposite each other, so you can imagine the lulz. I remember when popper tracksuit bottoms were in fashion and someone popped his. He started boohooing...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:19:55 No.8189693
    There was this dickhole named Cain who would always do stupid shit like ducking into classes that were in session and yell shit like "FUCK YEAH CAIN!".
    He'd also always bring donuts to school randomly and give 'em to everybody. It was kinda weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:20:30 No.8189706
    Fucking original
    ...In secondary school he once got in a fight with Jason, that led to him receiving a paving slab to the head. Scary, but hilarious stuff. He also had a brief relationship with one of the hottest girls in school Fuck knows how. He was a huge Pokemon fan, probably still is tbh. Once he told us how this one time he was fapping and after he finished his mum came in and told him to never do that again. Questions like "Why the fuck did your mum watch you wank?" and "Why did you leave the fucking door open?!" were raised, but apparently in that house, this sort of thing was normal. God, the guy was an endless supply of hilarity and friendship, I could tell stories about him all day. He eventually moved away and got engaged, which blows my mind, because if there was ever a closet gay, it was Adam.

    Last but not least is Joe. Joe was about 300 pounds overweight and he stunk of piss or some other bodily function, I shudder to think, really I do. He was always doing something fucking dumb. Once he was caught smoking and masturbating as the same time. Basically we were coming back from a school trip when we stopped for a piss and what have you. He was the only one that didn't get off. Teacher goes over to tell him it's his last chance and catches him with his cock in one hand and a smoke in the other. Kid didn't know which one to hide first. He's gay now apparently. Sometimes I felt for him, other times he drove me up the fucking wall.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:22:31 No.8189734
    There was a crazy kid in my class for a few years.
    He had the shortest temper in the world, if anyone said anything negative to him at all he would go batshit insane and start smashing things and try to hurt people.

    One time some girl made him rage and he started hitting her, the boy sitting next to her attacked the crazy kid to defend her, the teacher then grabbed both of them and dragged them outside the classroom and the entire class went to the door to see what was going on outside.
    The crazy kid then threw a pair of large scissors at the class and they got stuck in the door as one of the kids managed to close it before they hit anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:23:40 No.8189749
    >didn't know which one to hide first

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:24:13 No.8189758
    I have another one.
    In 8th grade one day out of nowhere we had a new kid at our school. His name was Lonney and was was a total nut job. He was a small kid like maybe 5'3 and always had a needle on him he said he was an ex speed adict (I dont dout it now ). Pretty much first day of class he got some girl to date him and he started stabbing himself in his legs with his needle in the middle of class, later in the day his girlfriends brother told Lonney he better not see him with his sister anymore of he would kick his ass. Long story short an hour later Lonney got his 25 year old brother to come to the school and attempt to kill the brother with a cricket bat, they were running aroudn the school for a good hour and he broke the kids finger. Next day lonney stabbed his girlfriend with a pen and he ran off. never saw him again.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:24:30 No.8189764
    I'm a senior in high school right now and there's this asspie kid in two of my classes.

    He will continually TALK and blabber on about inane bullshit for the whole hour. Everyone in the class clearly doesn't like him and makes it obvious, but the bloke still doesn't get it. People will tell him, SHUT THE FUCK UP, but there he goes continuing to talk. Even the teacher tells him to shut up and he just keeps talking.

    He's also a creeper. He constantly tries to talk to this girl, but she clearly shows no interest. She used to be nice to him, but he just wouldn't stop and so now she's bitchy with him. He even had the gall to go up to her boyfriend and ask if he wanted to share.

    The class once went on discussion about 2012 and he screams in the middle of nowhere that it will be a GREAT SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:25:35 No.8189780
    She got you good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:25:37 No.8189781
    One time when I was 11-12 I knew someone named Jacob. he sat next to me in band. his family were Wicca. I went over to his house once and they had like a temple, they supposedly cast a blessing on me.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:26:02 No.8189787
    We had some kind of pedophile in the forest by the school for awhile. I remember when our teacher explained the situation to us, and how uncomfortable it must've been for her.

    "Well... theres a man in the woods who... likes to take of his clothes... so you are not allowed to go there anymore..."

    The next recess me and some friends decided to go up and kill the pedophile with some sticks, but we got scared and ran back after about 10 meters.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:26:23 No.8189796

    Bless you :)
    >> !BOTNETpVMs 04/02/10(Fri)19:27:34 No.8189809
    This weeaboo girl seems kind of weird
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:30:28 No.8189851
    That's so nice. I want Wicca blessing :{
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:32:17 No.8189871
    I remember doing crazy shit like that when i was young.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:32:42 No.8189877
    Also in 6ht grade there was this total crazy kid in 5th grade who was ALWAYS in trouble and had to sit down at lunch time because he had anger problems and couldnt be with anyone else he was also about 160 Pounds and 6'2 when he was 11 years old. One lunch i saw him sitting down and i said " What did you do this time, Be retarded? " ( i know not funny but hey im 12 ) And he flipped a fucking shit! He picked him 2 bricks and started running after me trying to kill me, It ended him with me up a tree throwing sticks at him.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:32:44 No.8189878

    Chick sounds hot as fuck.You should've gone for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:33:38 No.8189893
    sadly, no
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:34:57 No.8189908
    There was this fellow I new in high school who used to dress all super goth and shit, but... well, everyone I knew liked him. He was just a really nice fellow, quite smart, a bit strange, but looked like he was SURIOUSLY FUKIN METAL.

    Anyway, one day, in the middle of a quiet period in class, he raised his hand. The teacher called on him:
    T: Yes, Jay?
    J: Did you know that if you counted all of the atoms in the universe twice, that number would still be far, far less than a googol?
    T: *stunned silence* er... no, I didn't.
    Someone else, from the back: Yeah, GO JAY!
    At that point, the entire class started laughing and it took a good 5 minutes to get things back on track.

    Anyway I think he is married with children now. Still dresses pretty much the same, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:35:10 No.8189911
    i'm gonna post a few profiles.
    Francis: Francis is a BAMF. seriously, there is no other way to explain this guy. i think he has aspergers but it's never been entirely clear. he likes to repeat certain phrases or sentences a whole lot. he loves south park and quotes it at extremely inopportune times. he's kind of a short asian kid with perfectly-combed hair (same haircut since 1st grade btw) who wears a polo shirt every single day. one year he became obsessed with the government teacher and stood in his room during the lunch periods either a. staring at the teacher or b. asking the teacher if he remembered the time francis got a 100 on a project. he has this voice that i can only describe as "avian" but i don't really know why. when walking, francis will burst into a gallop for no apparent reason, and he runs with his arms limp and flailing in his wake. people always used to be unsure how to deal with this guy but a few friends and i realized how awesome he is and every so often we go on road trips and see movies with him and shit. he also had a sister who was by FAR the most "normal" person alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:35:16 No.8189912
    You should see how big her tits are now, DOWANT.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:37:07 No.8189938
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:37:58 No.8189951
    That Moira chick sounds hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:38:07 No.8189952
    Girl Named Morgan used to masturbate furiously all the time. Famous throughout school for it in the 1st grade (7 years old britfags). Pretty but kinda weird looking. I hung out with her in high school and did not know it was the same chick. Asked me to lunch and shit but I never followed up. Invited her to my friends party but I went somewhere else. Came over later and she was already there. She had previously said she wasn't allowed out by her mom and was all churchy and shit. When I got there she had fucked like 4 guys already. They wanted to know if I wanted in and I was like Fuuuucccckkkk no,.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:38:40 No.8189959
    Once in highschool my school had some hobo living in the woods around my school. crazy thing is, he was shooting a gun one day a few shots hit the school. I think one went through a wall. shit was crazy, the school sent us home early and we had no school for a week. It was sort of cash.

    Also, one time it was the first day of a new school for me. there was this one kid named hart that I instantly didnt like, he ran a sort of "gang". apparently his dad was really rich. So hes fuckin with me on a break between classes, he was sort of like fake punching me, which was a mistake. I grabbed his fist and tossed him on the ground, I almost got expelled on the first day, shit was sort of cash.

    I also knew this other little black kid who was like half my size, one time he groped my balls, lets just say that was a bad mistake.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:38:48 No.8189962
    There's a weird guy in my PE class called Tom.

    He looks really harmless. Kinda fat, really sweet looking, he looks like a cuddly bear. When you see him walking slowly along, you instantly start hearing Teddy Bear's Picnic in your head.

    But if you hit him in dodgeball... he turns into a fucking demon. He bares his teeth and his eyes narrow and he starts walking slowly, terrifyingly towards you and it's just so fucking scary you just have to run and scream ;__;
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:39:06 No.8189970
    We had this kid who was talking shit about everyone. I went to beat him up but the large amount of people trying to watch me beat him up was in the way...oh irony. So anyway he ran to a teacher and I yelled to tell him he as pathetic. The teacher nodded at me in agreement. SHIT WAS SO CASH.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:39:51 No.8189978
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:41:18 No.8189997

    Philip: let me first describe how philip looks. philip has big ears that extend at wide angles from his face, extremely pronounced jawbones that project something of an underbite, a seeming inability to shave correctly, dark brown hair that is usually combed flat down but somehow manages to tweak up in awkward cowlicks all across his head. THICK eyebrows, sometimes they meet to form a unibrow but other times they mysteriously don't. big nose. philip's main feature, though, is his voice. everything he says is indecipherable because of the combination of the EXTREME nasality of his voice and the fact that he MUMBLES every single word. philip really likes to write raps, too. you have to understand, philip is "A TURE OG," in his own words: every so often philip will post his raps on facebook for all to read. these raps are beyond fantastic. even more than their apparent lack of any sort of sense, they are also spelled 100% incorrectly. one of his most memorable lines included the concept of "raping on the street, makn do." my friends and i had recognized philip for being such an awesome, incredible person, and this one night we had this stupid little "dare night" thing going on where all the kids got into teams and had dare sheets to accomplish... philip went absolutely crazy. he got kicked out of a publix for swearing at the manager, tried to take pictures inside a strip club and got kicked out, tried to leapfrog with a nepalese refugee across roswell rd. (a busy road in atlanta), rapped about wanting "a number two--scratch that, a number one/i want a large fries and a bucket of cum" into a mcdonalds speaker-thing. there are really too many things about this guy to paint a picture of him; you have to meet him.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:42:19 No.8190012
    EVERYONE NAMED MATT IS WEIRD. Universally we notice a trend in matts.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:42:42 No.8190017
    I always kind of hope... But I know the chances that anyone on here will be writing about me is less than nil, considering a) the country I live in b) the size of the schools I went to c) the fact that I'm not actually fantasically or interestingly weird.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:42:43 No.8190018

    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:44:34 No.8190043
    >he runs with his arms limp and flailing in his wake

    That is a glorious mental image, man. Brofist
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:44:34 No.8190044
    I think all Matts are short but not necessarily weird. I know three Matts, 5'4", 5'8" and 5'7".
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:44:55 No.8190049

    She looked kinda like Helena bonham Carter but reaaaaaly ugly.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:45:49 No.8190056

    The other day I tried to hide after almost hitting him with a ball but he came for me and was saying in this terrifying demon-like voice "I KNOW YOU DID THAT. I KNOW IT WAS YOU. YOU DID IT. YOU THREW IT. I KNOW."

    I was screaming.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/10(Fri)19:45:52 No.8190058
    This is the one i was talking about my good sir.

    Also in 6th grade there was this chick who wanted to pay me to be her boyfriend ( i just moved from America to Australia) wish i knew more about sex and shit and i would totaly gone for it, she had big tits at 12 years old ;(

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