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  • Introducing 4chan 2.0 (beta) — now with Facebook Connect!

    File : 1270150816.jpg-(91 KB, 2100x790, facebook_pic.jpg)
    91 KB Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:40:16 No.8171348  
    Is this facebook connect thing an april's fool joke? I hope it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:44:16 No.8171377
    Why can't people be bothered to read the front page before posting this shit?

    We already have over 9000 of these fucking threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:45:03 No.8171386
    On /b/ it's ticked by defailt

    1. idiot posts sick sexual fantasies
    2. post sent to their facebook
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:54:14 No.8171496
    The joke is going to be that it's permanent.

    I don't care, a ton of newfags might come into /b/, pissing into an ocean of piss etc. etc.

    Fact: most /b/tards never ever leave /b/ for very long so this does not really affect us.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:03:15 No.8171585
    Does it actually work? Because that'd be lolarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:05:33 No.8171618
    now this would be fucking hilarious
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:08:47 No.8171652
    I'm actually sort of glad so many people are butthurt over this facebook connect thing.

    I was expecting /r9k/ to unanimously wish moot implemented it permanently, since it was my understanding that all the cancerous 4chan users (read 95% of 4chan) have facebook accounts.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:11:43 No.8171676
    Greatest April fools joke ever, I tip my hat to moot

    I wonder if the rate me thread people will get it?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:13:48 No.8171692
    Does this shit actually work? I have been ignoring it because I realized it was an April Fools Joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:14:39 No.8171697
    rawr rawr grrr it works
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:15:53 No.8171711

    Yes, it works. April's fool? Yeah.

    Moot is a master troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:15:56 No.8171713
    It's real.!/apps/application.php?v=app_6261817190&
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:20:49 No.8171752
    It works, I just tested it on /mu/. Its very impressive. I never thought it would work...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:22:10 No.8171763
    It is a April Fool's Joke.

    But if for some reason it's there for good, I would like it to just link to the thread itself, not to the actual message the anon typed.

    If that happens, it will be viral advertising of the highest order.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:24:21 No.8171784
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    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:29:17 No.8171835
    oh, this is the funniest thing I've heard all day, also check out the people who added 4chan to their facebook, it's like having a directory of cancer
    >> ‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫Pallas Cat‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !YlJatiloLw 04/01/10(Thu)16:31:03 No.8171857
    moot know how to joke. really.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:32:01 No.8171867
    It only worked for me after I got rid of my System 32, that bastard..
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:35:43 No.8171917
    would be better to post that on /b/
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:38:22 No.8171938
    Someone screenshot what it does exactly.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:42:35 No.8171978
    Test test test
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:43:52 No.8171985
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:44:51 No.8172000
    I really hope mootles is playing an April fools joke. I don't see a /fur/ board this year.

    Although, this could help eliminate a lot of newfags. They'll post one of their deepest, darkest, dirtiest fantasies or memories and it'll get posted on facebook for all their friends and family. Shamed and embarrassed, they'll leave 4chan forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:48:16 No.8172033
    I'm hoping that at the end of the day, moot will ban every single person who posted to facebook.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:52:22 No.8172072
    An even better prank would be the facebook add-on being permanent

    THIS, never going to happen though
    >> Sage009 04/01/10(Thu)16:59:20 No.8172151
    What do you mean front page?
    He made no news post about this
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:00:20 No.8172157

    i agree but what if i only tried just to see if this was legit?

    maybe if they did it multiple times?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:07:23 No.8172240
    Too bad, fucktard. Faggots with facebook don't belong on 4chan anyway.
    Stay on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:07:37 No.8172242
    I have to admit, there is a certain appeal to that idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:08:16 No.8172257
    I think moot is being a genius about this. I got curious and went to /b/ because I heard that the facebook thing was automatically on there. I think it's the cleanest I've ever seen it. No spam and you could actually read some threads, all about facebook, but still...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:09:00 No.8172264
    No, you should be banned too just for having facebook.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:11:31 No.8172298
    lol i feel bad for you man.
    >> ololz !!HkFT4lL66av 04/01/10(Thu)17:14:18 No.8172326
    The prank might be to make peope believe it's non-permanent

    when it is
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)17:30:49 No.8172487

    I created an account just to see whether it actually worked, so I would be banned if this were to happen. Still, I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good. I'm all for it.
    >> BRILLIANT! Clive_Smith7 04/01/10(Thu)17:37:05 No.8172555
         File1270157825.jpg-(148 KB, 650x917, Rika_smile.jpg)
    148 KB
    I'm loving this new feature. If you put your username in the Name field and then "fb:" followed by your Facebook password in the E-mail field, it will auto-log you into your Facebook account and post your post there.

    The cross-posting hyperlinking between facebook users is broken, but that's because you haven't friended each other yet, robots. Once you've got that, other people's comments in the same thread show up on your wall. It's f'ing amazing.

    I'm hoping that we get a Buzz and a Twitter integration (with auto-splitting above 140 characters) soon. I've already written to so let's all cross our fingers!
    >> trollans 04/01/10(Thu)17:42:04 No.8172622
    oh my god it works!
    >> Clive_Smith7 04/01/10(Thu)17:45:10 No.8172656
    The guys in /g/ are telling me that if you enable a secret checkmark box in the 4chan form, you can get an image that automatically reports your post count, based on your browser's cookie. I think they're just liars. Also, friend me you idiot! Your links are broken on Facebook!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:25:57 No.8173102
    Posting on the internet.

    I am so Hip&Edgy.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:33:53 No.8173192
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:36:51 No.8173224

    You bet your ass it it, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:38:22 No.8173238
    Quit posting this shit on facebook, damnit. YOU'RE CLOGGING UP MY NEWS FEED
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:41:01 No.8173273
    Haw fucking Haw.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:41:50 No.8173286

    Oh really now, Jacob?

    I'm sorry to hear that. C:
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:45:50 No.8173343
    The real joke is tomorrow when people realize it's not a joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:50:14 No.8173398
    You missed, Gavvy Baby.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:51:20 No.8173413


    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:55:16 No.8173475

    your inability to use a colon properly bugs me.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:56:20 No.8173493

    But I like the D; face.
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 04/01/10(Thu)19:06:25 No.8173627
    but it looks like you have a retarded eye or something >:C
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)20:18:12 No.8174477
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)20:58:44 No.8175061

    I love you all, so much. SO MUCH.

    enjoy your facebook notification. :3

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