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    File : 1270136472.jpg-(130 KB, 821x1000, 1262932703195.jpg)
    130 KB Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:41:12 No.8169063  
    >go to /v/
    >background music
    >shit threads (as usual)
    >go to /r9k/ and start a videogame thread

    So what are you arcanines playing? for those who don't play (I know there's lots of femanons here) you should try some vidya sometime.

    Videogame9000 general
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:43:45 No.8169079
    I have had a tab of /v/ open for the past 6 hours.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:45:23 No.8169091
    Just rediscovered Heroes of Newerth. Shit is so cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:45:29 No.8169093
    EVE Online
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:45:51 No.8169097
    I just got home from a night on the town with some bros. Go to /v/, listened to gee gee gee gee for a bit then came here. Also I've been playing pokemon lately, (like the rest of /v/), I just need to trade some shit over from platinum to continue my quest, IE a Vaporeon.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:46:26 No.8169100
    Bad Company 2
    Stone Soup
    Sometimes Diablo2 since the ladder reset.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:47:07 No.8169104
    I am playing Pokemans and sims 3.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:47:13 No.8169107
    Diablo 2 LoD. Waiting for the new PlugY to be released so I can play some delicious 1.13.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:47:29 No.8169110
    OP is a newfagget who is too lazy to use noscript
    also Mount & Blade Warband
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:49:12 No.8169124
    HoN and CoD4.

    HoN for fun and CoD4 more seriously, I'm a tourneyfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:49:58 No.8169132
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    Video games? You mean like Pacman?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:50:00 No.8169133
    TWEWY, Beat day 4.

    One of my favorite games so far. I'm also playing SoulSilver and a lot of King of Fightan 2k2.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:50:14 No.8169136
    I'm currently playing Grandia II on PS2 and SCII beta on PC.

    I downloaded a PS2 emulator because I'm cheap. I'm torrenting Black, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Shadow of Colossus, and Grandia III for it.

    Thing is, I've never been one for RPGs. I like shooting shit and leading armies (read: MW2 and SCII). I was given Grandia II as a present a long time ago and just popped it in the other day for no reason at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:51:30 No.8169145
    Just beat Beautiful Katamari last night.

    makes you feel high without the drugs. Whatever those Japanese people were on, it was amazing.
    >> Mike Fallopian !!wBlWzpYoizJ 04/01/10(Thu)11:53:01 No.8169157
    The only game I play is nethack. Does that count?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:53:08 No.8169160
    I've been playing Fallout 3 lately. Its fun but very goddamn frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:54:21 No.8169167
    you know who the computer illiterate retards are when they have to goto other boards because they can't work out how to block the flash and background.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:54:43 No.8169168
    I'm just finishing off my 5th run of Pokemon Diamond before I get SoulSilver. I'm also slowly working my way through Twilight Princess for the Wii, but it's taking me a while since I only play when I'm with my best friend.

    I'm looking forward to the next few weeks in gaming terms, since I'm being the token female in some game testing. It's just a lot of sitting around with heart rate sensors on my fingers, playing Xbox with a bunch of guys of various ages and a couple of game developers with 'Dr' titles.

    Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:54:45 No.8169170

    Hahahaha, good one man. I had a hearty chuckle.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:55:16 No.8169176
    Streets of Rage 1,2,& 3.
    King of Fighters '02 & '03
    Doom II
    Final Fantasy I
    Samurai Shodown V
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:55:37 No.8169179
    I've been playing some Jet Grind Radio and Shenmue. I might buy Strange Journey or Infinite Space next.
    >I like shooting shit and leading armies (read: MW2 and SCII)
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:55:57 No.8169184
    been playing a lot SFIV

    can't wait for Super SFIV!! :D
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:58:45 No.8169204
    atm I'm playing soul silver, no more heroes, bioshock 2 and picross 3D.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:00:41 No.8169224
    Just Cause 2
    Bad Company 2
    Napoleon Total War
    Company of Heroes
    PES 2010

    im a casual indeed.
    >> eurofag !KQcWi99D7g 04/01/10(Thu)12:03:25 No.8169246
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    > Order twisted metal black online for ps2
    > Expect to get a ragged old version
    > Receive brand new version still sealed
    > Greentext on internet

    Fuck, it only cost me 4 euros. But now i can't play it because i don't want to take of the sealing and lower the value.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:07:21 No.8169275
    >> Solid Ocelot !Lea9G5tmuM 04/01/10(Thu)12:09:19 No.8169301
    I got Far Cry 2 for 8 pounds in a sale at Gamestation, I wasn't expecting much, and didn't really care because it barely cost anything. But holy fuck, it's... FUN. I haven't really had any FUN playing the vidya for ages.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:13:33 No.8169348
    Order another one...?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:14:54 No.8169356
    PC games I've been playing Red Alert 2 and Chris Sawyer's Locomotion because my PC is too shit for anything newer. Sometimes I play SC3K.
    Console, whatever I feel like among my crappy old SNES, N64, GC games. I have a Wii but I've yet to find a game that actually gets me hooked. Well, Super Paper Mario did, but it lasted like two days.
    >> eurofag !KQcWi99D7g 04/01/10(Thu)12:15:00 No.8169357

    Last one.
    Just ordered a bunch of games from that site, maybe ill get lucky again.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:15:41 No.8169362
    civ 4 and quake live
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:15:56 No.8169365
    When you learn to use Boot Camp, probably.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:16:51 No.8169378
    What website did you order it from?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:18:10 No.8169388
    Oh dear...

    You haven't heard have you?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:18:20 No.8169389
    HoN, Bad Company 2, Just Cause 2
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:19:22 No.8169405
    What should I have heard?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:19:23 No.8169406
    Just started STALKER: CoP, figured I'd get it done before uni starts again in a couple weeks.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:19:55 No.8169413

    someones behind on the gaming news
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:20:24 No.8169421
    >ten seconds of Googling later


    How did I miss that?

    (also shit yes)
    >> Max300 04/01/10(Thu)12:24:56 No.8169468
    Been playing HeartGold since it came out, with random bursts of Rock Band 2 in there.

    I should get more games.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:25:05 No.8169472
         File1270139105.jpg-(413 KB, 2048x2996, fire-emblem-ds-marth.jpg)
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    OP here, I forgot to say what I'm currently playing:

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for the DS.

    It's actually the first time I play a strategy RPG and I'm having a blast.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:28:47 No.8169516
    burnout for gamecube
    viewtiful joe red hot rumble as well
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:30:03 No.8169531

    great news isn't it. You don't even have to buy the games again if you already bought them on windows
    >> blox !KPiHjcq3U2 04/01/10(Thu)12:31:48 No.8169548
    Playing my copy of motherfuckin' Earthbound that I got with a SNES with holes in it and 13 other games for $3
    >> The Ubermensch formally known as the Young Bill Clinton 04/01/10(Thu)12:35:19 No.8169582
    Protip: Shadow dragon is the shit tier of the fire emblems.

    Put that shit down and get the original english Fire emblem for GBA, or go balls deep and get path of radiance/radiant dawn.

    Seriously. Put that shit down.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:36:29 No.8169592
    I haven't been playing lately at all (and by that, not in even the last month). It really sucks, but I was working on Mass Effect 2, and I was just about done AC2. I would play more often but school is killing me at the moment. After my huge project is completed april 12th, I'll get out the xbox and game like there's no tomorrow. And get Bioshock 2.
    >> Sir Ragels Moosehoof III, Seventh Lord of the Meese and Heir to the Throne of Ragelia !tTeganml92 04/01/10(Thu)12:39:22 No.8169620
    Been playing SC2 Beta.

    How is EVE? I quit playing WoW and sold my account a couple months ago and have been looking for another MMO to get into. I know it has a reputation for being mind numbingly boring but from what I have heard it sounds pretty fun.

    I can also answer any questions anyone has about the SC2 beta.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:39:29 No.8169622

    huh? why do you say it's shit?
    I actually wanted to play the original first Fire Emblem for the Famicom, using emulators... but couldn't find any proper translation patch finished at 100% so I just gave up and got the DS which is the remaked... but I think it's pretty good so far, and it's got good reviews IIRC... so why do you say it's shit.. personal opinion or there is actually a reason?
    And the GBA one isn't a remake of the first one, right? I want to start with this one, and so far I'm liking the characters and plot.
    >> Carl Sagan !!KGD73WD9TRx 04/01/10(Thu)12:40:59 No.8169631
         File1270140059.png-(243 KB, 852x496, FUCKING AMAZON.png)
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    Been playing Phoenix Wright, HeartGold, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, and some EVE.

    I feel bad about having to pirate Phoenix Wright because no local stores even have them used. Anyone know where I can get a good copy? Also, FUCKING AMAZON. $90 new, almost all of the used copies are fucking cartridge only.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:41:08 No.8169635
    Just bought Lead and Gold. Right now it's a 7/10.

    It WOULD be an 8/10 if the every server wasn't lagged into oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:44:00 No.8169667
    Busting out the Genesis... I've been playing Revenge of the Shinobi, Fuck I played the living hell out of this game as a kid, and fuck do I hate the river level.

    Also I might start up on Predator 2 again, shit scared the hell out of me when I was the only person alive and that fucking predator was coming after me.
    >> Taco Cat !bbq.iIB73c 04/01/10(Thu)12:47:41 No.8169706
    I've been playing a lot of Bad Company 2 and fapping to Day[9]'s SCB casts. I seriously want into that fucking beta so goddamn badly ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:50:51 No.8169731
    motherfucking digimon world 2.
    In fact Ill go play that now after listening to Country Roads from Whispers of the heart
    >> Carl Sagan !!KGD73WD9TRx 04/01/10(Thu)12:51:31 No.8169741

    EVE is much, much different from WoW. For instance, you probably won't play at all for the first month. At most, you'll get on, que up your skills for training, and do something else. It's the ultimate multiplayer space sandbox though. Find a good corp to show you the ropes, I hear good things about EVE University, but I was never a member, so meh.

    Also, you NEED to know what you want to do at the beginning of the game. Want to mine? Create things through blueprints? Be a support ship for PvP? Be a ganking machine? Want to kill NPC ships for money? You've gotta know, so you don't waste time training skills you don't need.

    My suggestion is to buy EVE, then buy a 60-day time code. Convert the time code into 2 PLEXes (they are in game items you can sell to others for a shitload of money. Each one gives you 30 days play time when used), get to Jita, and sell those fuckers. You'll have a LOT of money for skill books, ships, supplies, whatever.

    Once you're all trained up, and in an Alliance that owns some 0.0 space (no security, kill or be killed), you can head out there and kill NPCs for cash, mine rare minerals, roam around and look for intruders, ganking the shit out of em, whatever. You start making some money off the NPCs, you can buy PLEXes off the market from other players, meaning you never have to pay to play EVE again.

    I hope this helped some.
    >> E-Man 04/01/10(Thu)12:53:33 No.8169760
    Not playing a video game. But I am listening to the Tobal No! game soundtrack.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:54:24 No.8169770
    EVE is 90% boring and 10% the best game ever made. You'll have to decide for yourself if that 10% is worth the time.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/01/10(Thu)12:56:09 No.8169802
    I'm a social gamer I only really play what my friends play. so Forza 3, GTA IV, Modern Warfare 2, and Halo 3. although I've been playing Rogue Squadron 3 the last two days. I've also re-subscribed to EVE, but I'm not really sure what I want to do with the game at this point. thinking about recruiting masses of newbies into a corp and taxing the fuck out of them for my personal gain. *shrug*
    >> Kasabian !v.ObiMvt4w 04/01/10(Thu)12:58:14 No.8169813
    Age of Empires 2

    Best game EVER
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:58:33 No.8169820
    pokemon yellow
    /v/ has no music for me btw. im using a stylish skin though.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:59:10 No.8169831
    Currently power leveling my team in HeartGold.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:59:18 No.8169832

    Eve player here. It is vastly different from every other MMO out there. There is the risk of loss in death, advanced markets, the ability to control territory and build bases. No more grinding to Lvl80 or whatever. Everything happens on one server, not dozens. It's also got a much more mature playerbase.

    I used to play UO and Shadowbane. You'd never find me playing WoW as it's just too fucking dumb and pointless.
    >> Sir Ragels Moosehoof III, Seventh Lord of the Meese and Heir to the Throne of Ragelia !tTeganml92 04/01/10(Thu)12:59:34 No.8169835

    I think that's what I will be doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:59:47 No.8169837
    Left 4 Dead 2

    had to actually buy it when it dropped to 25$. Shit is enjoyable. Waiting for some DLC though.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/01/10(Thu)13:00:10 No.8169846
    straight up. if you don't know what you're doing it's mindfuckingly boring. but tthere is absolutely nothing more exhilarating than EVE combat. there is simply nothing like it.

    actually I'd suggest any newbie join the corps Red Federation or Blue Republic. they do a lot of T1 frigate and cruiser combat, in high-sec space so no capital ships or bubbles. it's extremely easy to get into, great fun, and you'll learn to appreciate getting blown up all of the time.

    I'm really disenchanted with 0.0 now. properly executed high-sec warfare is where it is at imo.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:00:13 No.8169847
    translation, i suck donkey dick
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:00:19 No.8169849
    at the moment nothing
    on ubuntu right now as my windows has been fucked for months
    starting to miss counter strike a lot
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:00:52 No.8169853

    Eve can be more exciting than any other MMO. The reason why people say its boring is because its an open ended sandbox. Theres no one or thing to guide you. Make your own way.

    If you get into a great nulsec PvP corp you will be having fun constantly.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:00:58 No.8169855
    just beat super smash bros. and kirby 64 on the n64.

    am now trying to beat kingdom hearts and then RAAAGEing on amplitude. fuck yeah, plasystation 2!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:01:23 No.8169865
    Been playing heroes of newerth for the past year, getting a bit old

    starting to get serious on pokerstars holdem
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:01:40 No.8169867
    gamer here, just cause 2 is the greatest game released in 2010 yet.
    >> Dux Bellorum !3DqpLhtGXk 04/01/10(Thu)13:02:08 No.8169873
    I purchased Mass Effect 1 and Torchlight last week at the same time. I've not even touched Mass Effect yet and Torchlight has like 14 hours played, I can't get enough of it and its really getting me pumped for Diablo 3.

    I want to play SC2 aswell, but all my friends in the beta got invited by their friends :(
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:03:21 No.8169885
    Well, I mostly am thinking "I should really play the rest of dragon age, so it doesn't get hopelessly spoiled for me", but I don't really want to. So nothing. Maybe I will pick up metro 2033, I heard it was good at what it did.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:03:59 No.8169892
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:05:05 No.8169906
    I dunno, I played for 3 years and nullsec pvp is not 'constant fun'. There's a LOT of roaming with no targets, 3 or 4 hour preparation for a 20 minute battle that may or may not happen, gate camping etc. However when the fun DOES happen it's more fun than anything I've ever played, and that was enough to keep me going all that time.

    Video related, it's some of that fun
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:05:32 No.8169913
    >If you get into a great nulsec PvP corp you will be having fun constantly.

    This. Gentleman's Club member here. I never get bored playing Eve. Always pew pew available.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:06:45 No.8169927
    >You'd never find me playing WoW as it's just too fucking dumb and pointless.
    >implying video games do or should have a "point"
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:07:48 No.8169936
    Busy playing Pokemon Heart Gold

    30 hours since saturday, did some awesome wi-fi trading with a bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:09:41 No.8169959
    Currently replayinf Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. It's fun, so I don't regret buying it at all
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/01/10(Thu)13:10:38 No.8169968
    large scale battleship fights are cool and all, I just prefer smaller fights where it feels like you can really make a difference. I used to FC a lot too, and a lot of people really made a bond with me. I wasn't a tactical genius or anything, but I got us a lot of victories with very few losses of ships. one guy had a pimped out fully rigged Caracal that he only took out when I was FCing, because he knew it was going to come home.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:12:14 No.8169990
    SF IV mostly.
    I've been trying to get my KD ratio on MW2 up for shits and giggles.

    I need someone to play L4D2 with, because I'm lonely.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:13:48 No.8170016
    So can anyone else playing the beta.
    >> IndygoEEI !!7ls3wo7NoED 04/01/10(Thu)13:14:01 No.8170018
    And now for something completely different...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:15:49 No.8170036

    I sort of wish I'd gone for MW2 instead of BC2. Sometimes you just don't feel like being a team bro and want to look out for #1.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:16:21 No.8170042
    I liked the small fights better too, especially after doomsdays were introduced (what a fucking joke those are). Problem is small roaming gangs were usually just a series of ganks, it's not so easy to get a nice 20 vs 20 fight going. But when it does happen it's glorious.

    HAC gangs with logistics support ftw.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 04/01/10(Thu)13:17:22 No.8170048
    XBL is going down for original xbox games in 2 weeks. if I can find my Halo 2, anyone up for some Lockout 1v1 or something?
    >> ☭CHARIZARD☭ !WyyKHkfcjc 04/01/10(Thu)13:18:59 No.8170064
    I'm about to play some TF2.

    bout to crack the 600 hour mark.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:21:30 No.8170091
    Altitude on Steam, shit's like crack. If not that then...World In Conflict, Zelda or Mario game, DS games...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:24:54 No.8170135
    Old rpg games on my snes and ps1. It reminds me of my carefree childhood.

    >implying I'm not a manchild.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:32:08 No.8170191
    At the moment? WoW with bros on BroGall. Even with 400~ characters in guild, we're still a tiny raid group, but I'm pushing the guys and we just got Festergut down in ICC10, and then one-shotted him the next night.

    Before that, I was playing ME2, Bioshock 1 and 2, and Dwarf Fortress a lot.

    Oh, an I recently got my best record in Stone Soup. 338,000 with 3 runes, opened Zot, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:42:32 No.8170292
    You know, instead of downloading shows or movies, I'm watching a lot of HDStarcraft on YouTube. Can't wait for SCII.
    >> Sir Ragels Moosehoof III, Seventh Lord of the Meese and Heir to the Throne of Ragelia !tTeganml92 04/01/10(Thu)14:07:25 No.8170540
    Yeah, but not a lot of people on here have it.
    Not like I was bragging about it.
    >> Rip Torn for President 04/01/10(Thu)14:09:51 No.8170561
    right now i'm working on Tatsunoku Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars.

    best fighting game for the wii, period.
    >> Jordan !!Zm67rWfTd+T 04/01/10(Thu)14:11:29 No.8170584
    Doodle jump?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:12:22 No.8170599
    Oh thank god for this thread. The lack of a useable /v/ was driving me insane.

    I've been playing WET, Borderlands with my bro. I never understood why people don't like Borderlands. I think it's hilarious, and solid if simple gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:13:15 No.8170609
    Bateman dark ashylum
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:17:35 No.8170656
    I'm playing Just Cause 2
    Grapplan, Shootan, Blowan Shit up
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:19:23 No.8170675
    -PKMN Platinum nuzlocke run. I bought the game two years ago and never got past the 1st badge, these nuzlocke rules actually made the game fun.
    -Iji: freeware metroidvania like game, shits a lot of fun
    -Megaman everything: just finshe 1-3 of the NES games, and finishing MMX2
    >> Paco 04/01/10(Thu)14:25:25 No.8170748
    Regular /v/ lurker taking a vacation from that bullshit, here.

    Finishing up some Red Faction Guerrilla later. Might try to finish Prey if I'm feeling masochistic enough. Also feeling some Dawn of War II. What's up, OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:29:31 No.8170792
    Just playing with some sf4 on new modded stick, can't wait for ssf4. Was also dicking around on fallout 3 this morning testing a few mods. Also just sold ff13, god of war3 and mw2 for 30quid each on ebay.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:32:59 No.8170818
    Starcraft: Brood War
    Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
    Dragon Age
    Mass Effect
    Stepmania/In The Groove
    WoW: Arenas once a week.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:33:51 No.8170829
    Well, my FPS fix I get mostly from ArmA 2, also looking forward to the standalone expansion and the Project Reality mod for it (until then, ACE will keep me entertained).

    Other games I play are DOW/DOW 2, Civilization 4, The Total War Series, also old RTS when buddies with shitty netbooks visit (like Warzone2100, C&C etc) and a couple others.

    Consoles get playtime when I visit buddies with a preference for them, usually racing games and such.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:42:34 No.8170911
    Bad Company 2 motha fuckas.

    Just beat DAO - Awakenings.
    >> The Red Barron 04/01/10(Thu)14:49:48 No.8170971
    I've been getting into Fallout 3 again

    Honestly i would REALLY love to play some Oblivion right now but my faggot ass english friend stole it away to eurofagland. I've gotten bored of SMT: Strange journey since dying in Bootes over some trivial takeminakata shit. Motherfucker does 200 with every attack, it's like it wants me to be ten levels above what I am now even though these things die easy as fuck. Just have to get lucky and have them not smack you, which is bullshit and why I always quit SMT games
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:54:55 No.8171013
    I just played an hour of geometry wars on the DS.
    It's actually pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:04:43 No.8171090
    Considering buying GTA4 again for multiplayer, or just cause because it was very enjoyable.
    (I have a 360 so no piratean for me)
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:06:46 No.8171108
    Cam back to Diablo 2. They reset the ladder and released a new patch about 2 weeks ago.
    >> The Red Barron 04/01/10(Thu)15:10:08 No.8171136
    Oh and that Bad Company 2 game sucks

    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:19:21 No.8171200
    Got back into Halo 3 and WoW at the same time since my internet stopped being so shitty.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:26:08 No.8171243
    I'm playing Paper Mario on the N64. I never had an N64 growing up, so I decided to download an emulator and a few roms. Paper Mario caught my attention, it aged really well.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:36:52 No.8171321
    Thief II
    Shit's just as cash as it was 10 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:43:32 No.8171375
    >Look for RPG/MMOs that have extensive crafting and actual smithing of armor and weapons
    >Realize Runescape is the only one
    >Feel bad
    >Do sloppy Deus Ex speedruns over and over
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:54:03 No.8171489

    You're welcome.

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