Oh lawdy. First the unicorn thing and now this. You guys are like the jesters of 4chan.
gb2 /m/, /g/ or /v/
What the fuck babies everywhere
Back in the good old days, this shit was regular. It's more nostalgic than anything.
I'm seeing harmony and rainbows. Why is this?
Download the Firefox ext- ahh never mind.
Anyone know what the official name of that babby is anyways?
He loves you enough to joke around with youAnyone remember Toxic chan
moot hates you because you are a tripfag. In fact, everyone hates you because you are a tripfag. Do the world a service and kill yourself.
I'm not seeing anything, I also haven't seen green greentext for a few months either. Anyway to fix this?
Because April's fools
>>8163713yes but it seems that we are the only board who got pranked :S
>>8163464/v/irgin hereits because there's nothing more important than vidya.everything else is trivial.
>>8163684>>testing>>testingwtf moot?
What I want to fucking know is why is there so much attention given to /v/
>>8163938u jeales?
>>8163938You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile. Except /v/.
because all /v/ is retards who think they are not retards but all the non-retarded wkow it true
>>8163986No I frequent /v/ cause I'm a manchild faggot, people whine about offtopic shit all the time and this harmony and babby shit just adds to it
/v/ hasn't been about video games in years, just another day in /b/ 2.0
this picture is older than the internet and i've seen it used as a reaction image many times, but does anyome have any info on where it's from or when/where it was taken?
>>8164041It's Winston Chruchill, hth.
>>8164041a /v/irgin took it from a site that had old pictures of his co wokers, and used a couple of them as reaction images, and this mighty picture got the attention of the users pretty quickly
>>8164057It's been around since before this week you massive faggot, in fact I've been seeing it on 4chan occasionally for years.Someone just decided to spam it recently and it stuck.
>>8164084I never said it that it was new, dipshit. I'd know too, I'm in 4chan since 2006.