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    File : 1270081918.jpg-(68 KB, 862x535, what the fuck is this faggotry.jpg)
    68 KB 4chan's continued mediocrity Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:31:58 No.8160430  
    Hey /r9k/. It's beeb a while since I posted here. I mostly just lurk. But I wanted to talk about 4chan. The site as a whole yes, but mainly /b/, as it seems the other boards experience a sort of trickle down effect from there.

    What has happened? Have you even gone over there? It's even worse than before! There's no creativity, no funny people. Nothing new, jsut the same regurgitated shit from years ago. There's a valid reason why there are no new memes. It's just a bunch of 13 year olds that think that they are hardcore for posting 'NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER LULZ INTERNET HAET MACHINE!!" and they are dead serious.

    They actually fucking call themselves "the internet hate machine" and don't find it ridiculous at all. They all live and die by the" rules of /b/". Everything that was a funny joke to make fun of newfags is taken seriously.

    But the real issue is that 4chan has just gotten too big. Too popular. Following the Fox news report, rickrolling, chocolate rain, and especially the scientology demonstrations, 4chan was filled with average people. Average little Timmy wanting to be part of a hacker gang and the internet hate machine swarmed in in droves. Whereas the site used to be home to deviants and people with a truly interesting and sometimes hilarious opinions, is now overrun with mundanity and average. There are still some who are funny, but what is one voice against such a large number?

    /b/ has turned into a social networking site. Look at he conversations on there compared to say, facebook or myspace. They are the exact same. The same fucking atrocious grammar, boring mundane subjects, inane drivel. It has become normal, and in the process, lost what made it special.

    I'm sorry if I made some spelling errors, typed this on an iphone. Also getting a pic past the robot is not very fun.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:33:49 No.8160461
    Also, raiding is pointless because none of them know how to do shit... they want to be 1337 net terrorists but don't know how to do anything more than troll facebook funeral pages.

    Pic related because it's fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:37:17 No.8160506
    I was about to rage massively when I saw your picture but then I read your post.

    More than /b/, I am concerned about shit posting in the other boards,usually coming from users that com from /b/. I think /b/ is already a lost cause.

    Take /x/, for example, it used to be an awesome place (within its thematic) but it is now subject to /b/ raids and all kinds of shit.

    /r9k/ ocassionally gets some /b/ shitposting as well.

    It's because of the lack of moderators.

    Oh mootie, why are you so lazy
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:37:54 No.8160516
    If you don't see the point of raiding then why are you here? Oh that's right you're a whiteknight faggot who always saw themselves as above /b/. Well guess what you contribute hits which contributes money to keep /b/ going so suck on that.

    The raids are the single best thing about 4chan, successful raids recquire co-operation and that only happens when the cuase is worthy. Porn on Youtube, hella worthy. Habbo raids, funny as shitting out the mouth, worthy. Pool's closed IRL, that was one guy and it was not worthy.

    Get it, fuckface? Raids are a force for good and you, sir, are asspained.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:40:09 No.8160547
    Yeah, that was what I meant by trickle down effect.

    Like /v/ for example, /v/ has traditionally been as bad as /b/ the year or so before.

    /v/and /x/ are really why I am so concerned, because soon the whole site will be nothing but trolls and shitposting.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:41:03 No.8160557
    >used as a singular
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:41:54 No.8160568
    I have been here for 5 years and this is possibly the most retarded thing I have ever read.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:43:21 No.8160585
    The exact mentality of someone who showed up in 07 or later.

    Yeah dude! You sure showed me! I'm so lucky that I'm not as hardcore as you, I just couldn't fucking handle it!

    Seriously, do you have a Guy Fawkes mask?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:44:51 No.8160595
    How did you post a picture on 4chan with safari on an iphone?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:45:21 No.8160602
    OP, I have the solution.

    You want to be amongst the kind of deviants and TRUE losers that used to call 4chan home?

    Just go to any lesser-known chan. Problem solved.

    If you're truly meant to be at one, you won't have trouble finding them.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:45:44 No.8160606
    I have an imageboard application
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:47:28 No.8160627
    I miss /x/. /b/ decided to raid it nonstop for two weeks. Because of that, anyone who WASN'T /b/ left.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:47:44 No.8160630
    You have a good point, it's just that it makes me sad how far this place has fallen.

    also, the other chans' userbases are extremely small and fragmented, just about all of them are dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:48:12 No.8160633
    Yepp. In the Q&A moot gave here in one of the answers he implied he considered /b/ almost a lost cause as far as content goes (or that's what I understood from his answer) but that doesn't work if the faggotry isn't contained in /b/ and sealed shut there.

    I mean for fuck's sake, look at /x/, whenever /b/ decides to LULZ RAID THEM like it's a funny thing it's unbearably stupid.
    Like, what the fuck? I don't understand how the fucking hell they find that funny.

    Or that whole "oldfag and newfag", or "the rules of /b/", "anon is legion" etc etc stuff. Jesus christ.

    I think moot should appoint more moderators, it's not hard, he can see the user's IP address and in boards as slow as /r9k/, for example, it shouldn't be too hard to pick out the most decent ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:49:35 No.8160642

    you don't understand what it means to belong to ANONYMOUS i bet you have FRIENDS and girls TALK to you tools


    and if you can't handle it get the FUCK out of my 4chan!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:50:08 No.8160649
    I dunno, I used to think this, but now I realize it just might be that we're growing up. 4chan is not as funny or amusing anymore because we found it funny as adolescents, and like all things, you grow out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:50:10 No.8160650
    enough bitching about "spillover", the VAST majority of /b/ doesn't bother leaving /b/ ever.

    also >>8160602
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:50:20 No.8160652
    Yes, that happened to me as well.

    It really hit me when someone was streaming day of the dead and everyone in the chatroom was acting like they were 12 years old.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:50:27 No.8160655
    Been here since '05 when I was playing WoW and generally fucking up in school and working a part time job. 4chan got me into a lot of things that I had no prior link to, before this I was going to anime club and reading every book I could get my hands on during free periods, before coming home and either watching tv until late or raiding until I crashed.

    4chan enriched my life. There are so many things, and so many perspectives and knowledge and sheer wisdom that I learned from this place. I'm still a loser, but I feel like a better loser for being here. No matter how much I lose faith in this place I always find something new everytime I come here, and that's what matters.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:53:07 No.8160671
    >Habbo raids, funny as shitting out the mouth, worthy.

    Habbo raids were only funny... well, never.

    I've been here for four years. Before /r9k/. And /b/ was always an ocean of piss. It's just that now, more underage b& are pissing in it. And yeah, /b/ is moderated. I found this out when a janitor perma saged my thread because I wanted #fortune back (yeah, I'm a fag). And yet, the "questionable age" threads and tons of camwhore thread run rampant, like they always have. And it gets worse. And worse. /b/ always has been a mix a terrible and win, but it's starting to smell worse with the influx of visitors. Keep in mind, only 4channers can change 4chan. Moderators can only moderate.

    tl;dr Just set an example and quit bitching.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:53:21 No.8160674
    The kids on /b/ don't bother me.

    The hipster cunts on my campus who use memes from 2006 that they JUST found out about do.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:53:23 No.8160675
    >Implying they are hard to find

    99chan would be the single most fucking awesome site ever if their userbase wasn't so small. I consider 99chan a bastion of knowledge.

    420chanis pretty cool as well, not nearly as awesome as 99chan but much better than 4chan.

    I would quit this place forever if they both had more traffic
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:53:25 No.8160676
    They do leave /b/ though. See /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:54:02 No.8160680
    Stop trollin'.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:54:41 No.8160685
    Well I mailed moot with a few ideas on how to fix all this maby he will listen
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:54:49 No.8160686
    /v/'s only benefited from its increased population.

    Yeah, you heard me. It's actually fucking funny as hell now.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:55:08 No.8160689
    Those pretty much are /b/ kids. That what /b/ is, a bunch of faggots who want to be part a a movement.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:55:55 No.8160703
    What I fucking hate, personally, is when cries of "forced meme! forced meme!" ring out. Fuck that. If it were forced, you would be forced to do it yourself. The fact other people are widely using it means it's a goddamn meme. You are only calling it a forced meme because YOU dislike it. That being said, Milhouse is still not a meme. Milhouse is not a meme still is a meme.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:56:53 No.8160714
    whaaaaaaaat? No way, did you see /v/ around when persona 3 came out and japan time? Holy fuck, that was the best time for /v/ ever.

    Now the bad parts of /b/ have started seeping in. The unfunny parts.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:57:00 No.8160716
    Since he posted that he actually reads emails, he has been getting a fuckton of them.

    Post them here, he sometimes lurks here.

    Hell, he even answered a couple of questions on /fit/ one time.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:57:14 No.8160720
    I have faith in Moot, he'll save the day. The problem is getting too big for him to continue to ignore, something must be done.

    The day of judgment is coming. He'll force Anonymous, and go ban crazy. Then 4chan shall be fixed.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:57:56 No.8160724
    ITT: I grew up.

    /b/ hasn't changed. You have.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:58:13 No.8160727
    remember when portal came out and everyone beat it at the same exact time?
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)20:58:35 No.8160732
    I actually do think that moot will come up with something, he's a pretty awesome guy. I just hope that he does it before everyone gets tired of this place.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:59:08 No.8160735
    Um yes, and that was actually AFTER the /b/ influx.

    Before that, /v/ was a fucking backwater board with nothing but opinion-whoring. Imagine today's /mu/ but slower.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:01:08 No.8160767

    You're like those potheads who say they smoke pot to help them think clearer.

    lol'd hard.
    >> Ganz 03/31/10(Wed)21:02:52 No.8160792
    But it was the good, funny people that came from /b/ first when /b/ got shitty, after that, /v/ went into a decline in quality like /b/, as more people went to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:06:12 No.8160831
    /b/ is fucking dead there is no point in going there anymore.

    There actually was a time when the cancer was this bad, I think it was . . . maybe early 07? I can't remember, the years kind of run together, it was the cancer that led to the post-limits I believe. That shit was pretty bad but /b/ is now about as bad as it was then.

    Anyway it's totally fucking useless. Most of the users are underageb& and boring. I have heard so many high school kids spouting memes in my town it's not even funny.

    Let the kiddies have their secret internets clubhouse and the rest of us will surf other boards/chans.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:06:27 No.8160835
    I agree with you. If you've ever seen /b/tards in real life, try asking them if they know what /r9k/ is and they'll usually have no idea what you're on about.

    You speak well too.

    But as for this comment
    >also, the other chans' userbases are extremely small and fragmented, just about all of them are dead.
    You just need to lurk more. I notice that is getting quite a big userbase. If you prefer to be a sick deviant, why aren't you on 7chan or 12chan?

    >It's because of the lack of moderators.
    This pretty much sums up all the problem with 4chan. Why /b/ are even allowed to post /b/ shit on other boards without getting b& is something I just don't get.

    Back in '07 the mods were at least somewhat effective, if only because of the bad press they got during the CP raids on /b/. As time has gone on, they've become more lazy and just expect the autobans to solve everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:06:32 No.8160837
    I don't think moot even cares. It's not that difficult to fix, really, just go into a slow or semi-slow board like this one, trace the IP addresses of the people who are more lucid and coherent and make them mods. Then delegate this task to them until there are enough moderators (current mods can be also used to do this). Then proceed to ban spam-like posting, retarded threads, fucktard users, etc etc

    Utopia ensues.

    It's really easy to determine a person't character if you can see what kind of posts he makes.

    But I don't know if he just wants to antagonize kimmo (in the sense that kimmo is a content/grammar nazi) and that's why he vouches for absolute free speech, no matter how retarded said speech is; or if he is actually doing a massive profit and thus wants more users; or if he isn't really as smart as we all think and has no clue or initiative to do anything or he simply doesn't give a fuck.

    I think this place will get worse before it gets better.

    Then again, I hope I'm wrong ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:08:24 No.8160857


    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:10:32 No.8160889
    >and the rest of us will surf other boards/chans.

    The problem is when they start spilling over. I mean to other boards, like this one, because they would actually get b& on other chans.

    I <3 this thread guise, it makes me feel like not every other user of 4chan is a retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:11:11 No.8160897
    Remember when the big "thing" on /b/ was newfags pretending to be oldfags?

    These days it's normalfags pretending to be basementdwellers.

    I do not
    get it

    Being a basement dweller is no fun and sucks and I hate this site so damn much you guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:11:50 No.8160908
    ITT every cunt is convinced that they are the only person worthy of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:14:27 No.8160941
    1.) lower your standards
    2.) /b/ becomes enjoyable

    It's that easy kids. Stop thinking of it as your super-hipster-trendy-somethingawful-spinoff because it's not. It's just a faux-underground facebook. Think of it as such and you'll be able to enjoy it somewhat.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:15:41 No.8160955
    Just wish we had more discussion like this is all. Shitposting has been a pretty big problem for years.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:17:44 No.8160980
    ITT: people who never went to /b/ back in 2007 or earlier. I think the Summer of 2007 was the first summer that /b/ really went to shit...

    If you've ever posted on a forum made for just you and your friends, /b/ was like that, to a larger scale of course. It was the golden days for memes, an internet nerd paradise. I remember the day after the over 9000 video came out, I saw someone had made a reference to it in school. Memes in general are so much weaker now and mainly come from /v/ and sometimes /a/.

    Fuck man I just can't convey how great it was back then. I know that /b/ is in a horrid state right now, but it saddens me at the same time someone uses the term /b/tard in a derogatory manner, because I know these people would probably never believe /b/ was once a great place.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:17:46 No.8160981
    >Following the Fox news report

    What Fox news report? I hope you aren't confusing local news with Fox News, because that Hackers on steroids shit had nothing to do with Fox News.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:17:51 No.8160983


    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:18:47 No.8160990
    This is what happens when something becomes first public and then popular. It ALWAYS goes to shit when the general population knows about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:19:00 No.8160992
    Fuck you.

    Been here since '05. /b/ before the summer of 2007 was just /r9k/ today but with fewer women and SLIGHTLY FEWER baw threads.

    That's fucking it.

    You guys have such delusions of grandeur for "old /b/" I can't fucking stomach this anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:19:54 No.8161004
    By "chemo" you mean the creation of /r9k/?

    Hah, I don't think this is fucking worse than /b/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:22:15 No.8161040
         File1270084935.jpg-(170 KB, 414x1380, 1269839538286.jpg)
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    There's still a board in 4chan where good discussions happen and original content is produced: /jp/.

    /b/ has raiding /jp/ everyday for months now and this is their reply.

    Too bad the scene kids that populate this shitty board wouldn't fit with the /jp/ NEET crowd.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:22:15 No.8161041
    >every cunt is convinced that they are the only person worthy of 4chan

    If you go to /b/, it's not that difficult to believe
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:22:20 No.8161042
    this. you want /b/ of pre-giant4chan? you're basically in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:23:08 No.8161053
    /jp/ is weird.

    They have by far the most pathetic special interest on 4chan and yet are the smuggest bastards of the site.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:24:15 No.8161064
    >smuggest bastards of the site
    >not /g/
    lol wut
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:24:43 No.8161073

    The topics of discussion are similar to old /b/ but the people here are mostly average-looking hipster jerks whose weak social lives are entirely their fault.

    The people on old /b/ were true lost causes.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:25:31 No.8161084
    At least /g/ has some sort of hint of trolling.

    /jp/ genuinely considers itself to be above the rest of the site. Don't even try to troll there; they will coordinate sagebombs you didn't think were possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:25:36 No.8161085
    I can't fucking understand what is so funny about raiding another board. Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:27:09 No.8161106
    That sounds interesting. I am now tempted to go troll there just to see this coordinated sage bombs but it's late and I'm tired to come up with something semi-coherent.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:29:09 No.8161132
    "Cirno isn't all that great"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:31:05 No.8161154
         File1270085465.jpg-(137 KB, 600x450, 64.jpg)
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    fail troll alert
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:32:09 No.8161165
    What is the app called? It's not Anonyma is it? Is it free?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:32:10 No.8161167
    I could care less what happens to /b/. I just want them to get the fuck out of /x/.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:35:13 No.8161195
    i've been on 4chan for the better part of the last 5 years and i can tell you it's the same shit with /b/. the cancer that you guys are all bitching about is the same cancer they were bitching about then.

    also you guys ever shit in a public toilet??? ever look at the wall of the stall??? that's /b/ IRL.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:35:15 No.8161196
    Anonyma is far better than that other pile of aids on iTunes so probably.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:37:11 No.8161217
    I'm a /jp/edo.

    We know we're shit, don't worry.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:37:31 No.8161223
    also i propose a solution. take a word from every meme ever and set a word filter to change it or auto ban the ip posting it. like a toilet stall wall you gotta wipe it down with goof off or paint over it from time to time. guarantee traffic won't go down and it will weed out most of the retards.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:39:39 No.8161249
    That sounds horribly flawed.

    I think the answer lies in massive manual moderation
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:40:40 No.8161254
    but that board is so boring. There aren't any threads on there I find interesting at all because they're all about anime figurines and touhou. You expect me to risk that shit rubbing off on me for the occasional drop of creativity like you posted?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:42:11 No.8161270
    Correction: they're about slightly creepy animu-style dolls mainly posted by one tripfag, Touhou, Umineko, playing some Meltan, and complaining about women.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:42:54 No.8161274
    >I think sage is a bad thing because I've never been on any board beside /b/ and /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:44:36 No.8161298
    >complaining about women

    honestly you don't need to list that when explaining the content of a board on 4chan because that describes every one on here.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:50:12 No.8161365
    >I think sage actually accomplishes something
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:51:35 No.8161376
    If you wordfilter a meme, the replacement word will become a new meme. Will not work.

    If you ban everyone who posts a certain meme, you'll get rid of some of the retards but it won't work forever as non-b& retards will catch on and get around the b&filter. Certain URLs are banned but they still find other ways of posting them.

    Nothing beats commitment and active moderations. Also, the trolls are in the minority. Finding and getting rid of the worst offenders will give 4chan a huge improvement.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:52:59 No.8161394

    How sage is used at /jp/: "I think my reply isn't worth bumping the thread, therefore I'm going sage it"

    How sage is used on every other board: "HURR DURR SAGE THIS SHIT OP IS A FAG"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:54:50 No.8161413
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    Anon unitte!!!! tr000oll tiiiime!!!
    >> Jawesome !UdzMmUq0Oc 03/31/10(Wed)21:54:56 No.8161415
    Coming from /co/, yeah there's spillover. Sometimes it's not bad; you have the occasional /b/tard stopping by to expand their interests in comics or whatnot.

    But usually its like 3 high schoolers thinking they're badass by starting troll posts and sitting back smugly and the board gets slightly worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:55:23 No.8161419
         File1270086923.jpg-(64 KB, 500x604, 129125477136832185.jpg)
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    Troll gold
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:56:22 No.8161433
    >trolls are in the minority.

    You have got to be fucking kidding me.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:56:24 No.8161434

    It works fine for that purpose, because people do get mad when you sage. That's why someone always greentexts you.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:56:42 No.8161442
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    Been part of this site for a long time, most of the old charm is gone. But, /b/ was a shithole before, and it has only gotten worse. The thing is that one day, the fuckers over there realizes that it is no point shouting memes and being cool with caps lock, they will eventually grow op, it will take some time, but i hope in my old rotten down heart it eventually will happen. Untill then the only two boards on 4chan i will have any envolvement in is r9k and /o/. The lesser known chans are also awesome for taking some time off all the drama and remembering back to the old days. B& by snacks, then b& again for some lame ass reason, but that helped me to think twice before posting something: Is this really worth posting? Will people look any different on the topic/discussion after my post? And thats what /b/ and the other boards need, more funny moderators, and a whole lot of b&ning. Untill then, I will see you around here.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:57:51 No.8161459
    stop that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:59:10 No.8161483
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!00xkzTLJqkR 03/31/10(Wed)22:00:45 No.8161503
    I tried going to the most obscure chan out there (as in I have seen it mentioned once every few years) and all of them just did imagedumps. They actually GOT ANGRY when you tried talking. It did not feel like old /a/ at all. I did not fit in. Now I only go there when 4chan is down.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:01:18 No.8161508
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    Im norwegian dude, thats why my english is so fucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:03:38 No.8161530
    >/b/ has turned into a social networking site

    >Look at he conversations on there compared to say, facebook or myspace

    >They are the exact same. The same fucking atrocious grammar, boring mundane subjects, inane drivel. It has become normal, and in the process, lost what made it special.

    >typed this on an iphone.

    >Also getting a pic past the robot is not very fun.

    go eat a dick op
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:09:14 No.8161592
    Not really sure what you're getting at. I'm pretty sure my grammar is above facebook.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:21:27 No.8161735
    Every time I see that picture it drives me crazy wondering what the situation was there. Did they cut off their eyebrow just for the fun of it? I mean, if it wasn't just some freaky masochistic thing some kid did to themselves, how did he find himself in that position? Did someone hold him down and cut off his eyebrow? Why would someone do that? GOD DAMN
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:22:58 No.8161759
    And there are dots around the other one like it was intentionally done by a doctor, but why would they do that? What kind of cosmetic surgery involves slicing off an eyebrow? Doesn't plucking work?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:39:18 No.8161957
    This thread is good.

    It will not die.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:46:38 No.8162036
    >Didn't like habbo raids
    >Wanted forunes back.

    God damn. I mean, I'd heard of people like you, but I didn't want to believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:46:42 No.8162037
    Are you using the Anonyma app or whatever it is called? Do you like it? Because I surf the chans on my itouch, also.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:56:44 No.8162151
    The problem is is that the new people who joined /b/ most likely joined the internet because of myspace/facebook/other tweenage faggotry. So, they take the same attitude asthey did there, they completely miss the point of being anonymous and try to fit in(The whole fucking point being when your anonymous you dont have to care about what people think of you).
    They try and fit in by posting memes and shit. This wouldnt be SO bad if they didnt take a shitload of myspace bullshit here with them.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:00:25 No.8162199

    /jp/ can only be trolled by insiders. Other boards try it all the time with something lame like posting images of japan being nuked or talking shit about japanese people thinking we actually care about that stuff.

    It's kind of cute.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:03:57 No.8162243
    And then theres the memes.

    I used to be ok with "memes" but now I kind of consider it a dirty word. Wether or not something is a "meme" is the epitome of a fuckign pointless argument. It doesnt matter if its a "meme" or not as long as its funny.

    Then I relized something. Find any discussion or argument about the "meme-status" of something.

    Replace said meme with the name of a band, or pretend it is a band.

    Replace the word meme with "Goth/Punk?Hardcore/Emo/Scene/Hip/In/Coo/Kewl"

    Then replace the phrase "forced meme" with "Poser"

    Poster 1: Is double nigger a meme?
    Poster 2: Double nigger is a meme
    Poster 3: Double nigger is the most forced meme ever.

    Poster 1: Is My Chemical Romance Goth?
    Poster 2: MCR is totally goth
    poster 3: MCR is the most poser band ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:04:50 No.8162257
    My 14 and 10 year old sisters say "FAIL!" at pretty much everything. Like, in real life. That's unfortunate but not that surprising, I'm sure it's pretty common with teens nowadays...

    But then the other day I was visiting, we were just sitting on the couch. And my 10 year old sister blurts out "I just lost the game" and then my other sister says quickly "I just lost the game too!"

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:06:30 No.8162277
    The game has been around for a LONG time.
    Way before the internet, the internet is just responsible for spreading it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:11:32 No.8162340
    Also, "memes" are designed now.
    There not like ye old days when people would post something funny and MABYE it would catch on. Now people design shit like advice dog ect. with the intent in mind not to be funny but to be something simple and stupid that people can repost over and over again.

    The cancer is MANUFACTURED.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:13:14 No.8162367
    I hate it when /b/tards are at some chatroom or in a raid or something and say "THE GAME" like they are super master trolls who just owned the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:19:32 No.8162446
    Ive yet to see a billboard with THE GAME written on it. People bring that up all the time but no ones ever had the balls to do it.

    THAT would be awsome.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:22:45 No.8162475
    I'm pretty sure even before the internets, the point of "the game" was to make someone else think of the game without actually saying "THE GAME". Randomly thinking about the game and then yelling "I lost the game!" isn't how it works. So not only are they using tired memes every chance they get, they don't even understand what they mean. Pretty soon they'll be running around in Guy Fawkes masks because it's so edgy and cool.

    Plus dude, one of them is 10. What the fuck.
    >> ThisGuy !xqEKM..8Rk 03/31/10(Wed)23:24:16 No.8162490
    Anonyma. 3 dollars in app store. Even post pics from web search. I'm on it now and always
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:25:53 No.8162516
    Well, thats what it was on the internet originally too. They tried to find clever ways of tricking you into it.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:27:51 No.8162546
    /b/ - Random should be changed to /b/ - Predictable.
    Amiright? It's the same shit, different day.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:30:29 No.8162573
    >Go to /b/ for the first time in weeks.
    >Very first thread image is child porn.

    What's the problem here?
    >> ThisGuy !xqEKM..8Rk 03/31/10(Wed)23:30:55 No.8162577
    99chan is great man
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:40:55 No.8162697
    /b/ has just become a giant circle-jerk troll-fest saturated with unfunny, overused, old memes and porn. Nothing good has come from there in years, and for all intents and purposes, /b/ is a lost cause.

    Even /r9k/ has gone down the shitter. Back in the day, we used to have our classy-ass mascot, the green anon with the monocle, top hat, and cane. This was a pretty badass place, usually full of interesting discussion that actually seemed intelligent. Now, all this board consists of are relationshit threads, b'aw threads, and filler content. All intelligent discussion has moved to /sci/, but even that is slowly becoming a trolling ground.

    As moot said (paraphrasing): 4chan isn't our secret little hangout spot anymore. We get millions of unique visitors PER DAY. Word's out, and as a result, the whole place has just become shitty.

    amirite or amirite
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:44:59 No.8162770
    That's why he should RECRUIT MORE MODERATORS.

    Damn it mootie, stop procastinating it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:46:10 No.8162788
    What I'm truly sick of, is the people in real life whose every sentence contains 2 memes for every time they say "The". It got to the point where even my girlfriend, said she wanted to an hero when she was stressed out. To put it in perspective, she has no idea what 4chan is and doesn't visit any site other than facebook...She heard it from word of mouth and I actually backhanded the guy that taught it to her...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:40:02 No.8163557
    This thread shouldn't die yet
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:42:50 No.8163590
    i miss people not know what 4chan is
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:54:00 No.8163745
    /v/ is in a sudden shitstorm over a baby background.
    Damnit moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:44:33 No.8167413
    Nothing new there. Two years back when /r9k/ was still new, I visited /b/ once to see what it was like. First image in first thread was child guro shit. I quickly returned to /r9k/ and never visited /b/ again for a long long time.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:07:53 No.8167536
    Holy shit, I never thought about it like that. It's an interesting theory.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:20:25 No.8167595
    well OP that is some of the reason why /a/ and /jp/ hate normalfags
    they bring that kind of unsavory aspect with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:21:11 No.8167603
    >Uneducated pleb, exactly the type of person OP rambles about.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:24:07 No.8167628
    I've been saying for a long time relationshit threads were going to overwhelm this place.
    i mean even if it would have been a fruitless effort you guys could have at least resisted a little to it,
    maybey belittling and attacking any relationhit and baww thread,
    but you guys didn't go down fighting
    you went out in a whimper....
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)09:41:52 No.8168148
    I am not worried by the relationshit threads as much as I am worried by the more trollish shitposting that goes around.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:44:19 No.8168654
    >trollish shitposting
    I've noticed quite a few troll threads on here that has shit that even /b/ wouldn't fall for. Sometimes even simple things like not noticing an obvious troll filename.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:48:38 No.8168683
    Jumped ship
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:01:10 No.8168786
    You are correct on all accounts except grammar, the only time I see bad grammar here used is to troll or by people who are promptly beat down because of it.

    It's kind of spoiled me actually, when I go to normal forums and see posts with atrocious "leetspeak" I get an undying rage inside me.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:28:43 No.8168966
    000chan try that chan heard it's pretty decent


    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:34:12 No.8169006
         File1270136052.jpg-(426 KB, 712x4835, 0004a7x7.jpg)
    426 KB

    i got /v/ to argue over this

    Seriously they will argue over anything and everything even if it's not vidya related
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:40:55 No.8169062
    I remember when i trolled
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:46:30 No.8169101
    >typed this on an iphone
    I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:48:23 No.8169116
    Kind of true, but these threads are important. So my input- The word newfag definitely has to go because its like mccarthyism with that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:53:00 No.8169156
    Yes. This makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:11:26 No.8171145
    This thread shouldn't die.

    No, not yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:15:33 No.8171169
    >implying capitalism doesn't make anything popular automatically shit.

    You aren't even going to read my link because you're the 90% of the world that is useless and needs to be killed so you stop consuming valuable air for smart people.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:19:08 No.8171199

    You're one of those faggots who gets all of his information from blogs and wikipedia and actually thinks he's intelligent.

    Go die in a fucking fire.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:28:40 No.8171263
    >>816do you use anonyma :D? I love that shit, makes train rides fun
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:33:58 No.8171297
    Friend to me: Hey, do you think im a newfag?
    me: Do you still browse /b/?
    him: Yeah
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:37:19 No.8171324
    Hey, howcome every post in /b/ now ends in XXX? Is that an attempt to stop "post ending in ..." threads? LOL
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:45:28 No.8171389

    >Is that an attempt to stop "post ending in ..." threads? LOL

    Yes. What can I say it seemed like a good idea at the time :\

    Unfortunately it seems to only have aggravated the cancer. It's like pouring HCl onto a wound in an attempt to clean it/help it heal.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:47:07 No.8171405
    Honestly this is the most meaningfull thread i've ever read!
    Respect OP!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:54:59 No.8171499
    Take it back to /b/, nobody gives a shit. It's just a trash bin for undesirable posters so they don't shit up the better boards.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:59:11 No.8171544

    That is all

    Fucking 10chan

    It is the closest thing to 2004-era 4chan that still exists.

    You will quickly realize that 2004-era 4chan was basically the same shit and was not very funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:01:30 No.8171565

    they better like to yiff or im out
    >> Tao !!fin/6j7zAqJ 04/01/10(Thu)16:01:37 No.8171569
    ITT: some idiot thinks that 4chan is special
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:03:36 No.8171590

    10chan is a nimp site. But nice try. Even the newest of newfags know that.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:44:19 No.8171994
    I've visited 4chan back in 2008 from a Google search. I've came to 4chan at first to collect pictures. But the I keep coming back for the nameless discourse and expression that happens everyday. Most likely it's because of /r9k/. Today I'm still a board hopper but this imageboard will be my home imageboard, even though I go to /cgl/ and /new/.

    But for all of /b/'s faults, it did changed me: I stopped using a handle on 4chan since I first visited /b/ and it changed me as it allowed me to be more expressive of my true feelings. Plus I got used to finding the good stuff in the ocean of piss that /b/ produces.

    To be honest, there is hope for the future. moot's apprentice on TED 2010 and the subsequent press coverage and appearances may have possibly given him a new reason to focus on the website. Some of the problems of the website can be dealt with by hiring new janitors and mods. But it still takes time.

    Also, the website is mostly operated by him and one part time coder with a team of moderators and janitors, and the reason why it takes so long to improve the website is because he's the only one who operates the website. And good help is hard to find.

    The best thing to do is to stop complaining and we make this imageboard AND 4chan as we make of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:44:59 No.8172002
    I meant his appearance at TED2010.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:47:09 No.8172022
    4chan was always shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:47:46 No.8172027

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