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    File : 1270051872.png-(396 KB, 646x551, 001.png)
    396 KB 'Sup, /r9k/. OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:11:12 No.8154888  
    It's been a long time since I played this game...a long time. My N64 bit the dust a while back, and only now have I used an emulator to nostalgia the shit out of my teen years.

    Figured I'd involve /r9k/ in this fun. First post ending in 3 names my profile, NO EXCEPTIONS.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:12:08 No.8154899

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:12:26 No.8154901
         File1270051946.png-(353 KB, 646x551, 002.png)
    353 KB
    Oh, also, 'Tripfag' is an exception.
    >> FAGGOT OF THE YEAR 09 !!tth/tv+hsYe 03/31/10(Wed)12:12:33 No.8154902

    >> Gameboy Advance !BJhPxtM1dA 03/31/10(Wed)12:13:43 No.8154911
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:13:43 No.8154912
    Damn, so close!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:14:16 No.8154915

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:14:48 No.8154919
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:14:52 No.8154922
         File1270052092.png-(535 KB, 854x677, Picture 4.png)
    535 KB
    >Get ocarina from saria
    >play song of storms before you learn it
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:14:54 No.8154923

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:15:10 No.8154926
    Count Chocula.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:15:15 No.8154927
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:15:32 No.8154930
    BiIl O'ReiIIy
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:15:38 No.8154931
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:16:09 No.8154936

    Also, sorry OP
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:16:23 No.8154937
    mi name was "ardila"
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:19:07 No.8154953
         File1270052347.png-(373 KB, 646x551, 003.png)
    373 KB
    Delivar'd. Cry now, gentlemen, for the chance of epic has been diverted towards failtown.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:22:02 No.8154977
         File1270052522.png-(294 KB, 646x551, 004.png)
    294 KB
    You know, I am pretty certain any game developer would get their butts kicked developing a game like this over in the US. Boys don't have fairies in Amerrikka, no way no how.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:24:49 No.8154998
         File1270052689.png-(447 KB, 646x551, 005.png)
    447 KB
    The intro movie made me laugh so hard - I'm lolling now. Navi bumps into the fence just after that ginger elf's raping a stone.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:25:36 No.8155006
    they have avatars.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:31:37 No.8155055
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:33:04 No.8155070

    Quite a coincidence YOUR post ended in 3.

    Show some gameplay on the emulator, it looks awesome in HD i imagine.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:35:38 No.8155091
         File1270053338.png-(291 KB, 646x551, 006.png)
    291 KB
    First spoken line of real gameplay and it's a fucking advertisement. Shit.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:37:44 No.8155109
         File1270053464.png-(266 KB, 646x551, 007.png)
    266 KB
    First 'Hey! Listen!' from Navi.

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:41:59 No.8155153
         File1270053719.png-(604 KB, 646x551, 008.png)
    604 KB
    Already got my first couple of Rupees from walking up towards the tree stump in the middle (with the blonde girl).

    All I remember now is to venture where pic depicts. The sword (or shield, I don't know) is in a big ol' treasure chest.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:46:19 No.8155193
    first "haha" in this thread

    use the cheats for fly with link
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:48:01 No.8155205
         File1270054081.png-(571 KB, 646x551, 009.png)
    571 KB
    Heeerrrreee we go. Note the camera-clash with the wall, causing part of it to disappear. I miss old gaems.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:55:03 No.8155249
         File1270054503.png-(417 KB, 646x551, 010.png)
    417 KB

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:56:13 No.8155255
         File1270054573.png-(414 KB, 646x551, 011.png)
    414 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)12:58:58 No.8155272
         File1270054738.png-(354 KB, 646x551, 012.png)
    354 KB
    Wow. The chest was glowing green and all it spat out was this shitty little penknife.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:01:34 No.8155296
    i wanne see link fliying!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:09:18 No.8155368

    Don't you shit on the Kokiri sword son, it's gonna see you through some rough times.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:17:06 No.8155420
         File1270055826.png-(794 KB, 646x551, 013.png)
    794 KB
    Link's clearly excited to be in a room full of treasure chests. For those who don't know, this is the house that the ginger guy is raping his stone directly outside of...I was curious to explore.
    >> Dahlia Hawthorne !zxDrLineMg 03/31/10(Wed)13:19:37 No.8155440
    I need to play OoT again, seeing this.
    I always lose my motivation right after I get the spiritual stones though. Go OP, Go.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:24:12 No.8155463
         File1270056252.png-(374 KB, 646x551, 014.png)
    374 KB
    The translation team behind this has probably read too much into black culture. Say whaaaat??! Also, I'm convinced this character is a lesbian, or at least a real bitch. She makes another appearance later on, if I'm not mistaken.

    Also, I need a shield. Gotta check out the shop.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:27:47 No.8155493
    Wait is that really a girl? I seriously thought it was a guy
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:28:15 No.8155498
         File1270056495.png-(441 KB, 646x551, 015.png)
    441 KB
    What the hell is a midget doing performing shopkeeping duties? Did the circus lose him or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:29:26 No.8155509
    That's a guy, man.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:30:05 No.8155516
         File1270056605.png-(458 KB, 646x551, 016.png)
    458 KB
    It's a block of wood, but it'll do.

    It'll do.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:31:26 No.8155524
    No, it's a girl.

    If not a girl, a very effeminate man.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:33:01 No.8155537
    I demand to see the block of text that proves this.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:33:49 No.8155541
         File1270056829.png-(646 KB, 646x551, 017.png)
    646 KB
    Sword? Check.
    Shield? Check.

    Let's roll.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:37:31 No.8155571
         File1270057051.png-(611 KB, 646x551, 018.png)
    611 KB
    Okay, I tried, so instead we'll reach a midpoint, It's a tranny.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:39:13 No.8155578
         File1270057153.png-(238 KB, 646x551, 019.png)
    238 KB
    Oh boy. Now shit's really heating up.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:46:20 No.8155646

    Definitely a guy.

    His name is Milo

    And he hates Link for all the attention he gets from Saria
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:47:40 No.8155659
         File1270057660.png-(412 KB, 646x551, 021.png)
    412 KB
    Bitches don't know 'bout ma nuts
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:53:39 No.8155709
         File1270058019.png-(550 KB, 646x551, 022.png)
    550 KB
    Oh look, it's another big treasure chest.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:55:36 No.8155728
         File1270058136.png-(387 KB, 646x551, 023.png)
    387 KB
    ...And yet again, it presents me with a steaming bag of fail.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:58:08 No.8155748
         File1270058288.png-(413 KB, 646x551, 024.png)
    413 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)13:59:44 No.8155757
    Whoops, laptop's battery is quite low. I'll be back in two hours, gents. Talk about Legend of Zelda or something, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)14:02:01 No.8155774

    Man I love those creepy little tree motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)14:03:35 No.8155782
    >>hasnt heard of parkour
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:20:23 No.8156465
    >implying that flashier jumps protect you from exploding onto the ground due to a high fall
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:27:16 No.8156538
         File1270063636.png-(442 KB, 646x551, 025.png)
    442 KB
    'Fairy Slingshot'...that'll get me laid, for sure.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:33:52 No.8156621
         File1270064032.png-(458 KB, 646x551, 026.png)
    458 KB
    Now I can shoot these niggers. Reminds me of a certain spider I used to keep in my room as a kid. He was so cool, crawling around n' shit. I don't even understand why people are so scared - they kill bugs by trapping them then eating them, and that's badass.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:38:26 No.8156664
         File1270064306.png-(632 KB, 646x551, 027.png)
    632 KB
    These aren't vines. They're flat.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:38:38 No.8156668

    *Mido. He's actually somewhat of Link's arch enemy for Saria's affection.

    God I was ten when I played this for the first time. Is it just me or did it age better than, let's say, FFVII?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:42:58 No.8156725
         File1270064578.png-(610 KB, 646x551, 028.png)
    610 KB
    I read somewhere that Deku Sticks are actually stronger than the Kokiri Sword. Then again, I've always only used Deku Sticks for lighting fires.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:47:15 No.8156780
         File1270064835.png-(392 KB, 646x551, 029.png)
    392 KB
    At first, I thought Nintendo had fucked up on what compasses are really used for, but then I read the text again and realized they got it right.

    See, I thought the description implied that a compass is used to see. You know, like eyes.

    I'm a little tired...
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:50:45 No.8156810
         File1270065045.png-(357 KB, 646x551, 030.png)
    357 KB
    SPOILER: All that time you spent searching for these could've been spent outside, getting laid.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:52:40 No.8156833
    >Is it just me or did it age better than, let's say, FFVII?

    Most people will shoot you down for comparing it to that particular game but yes it has aged far better.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:56:26 No.8156879
    The switches have the Islamic symbol on them. Remember when Nintendo got in deep shit for using an Islamic prayer as part of the theme for the Fire Temple? I see they've still sneaked something into the game, even if it's as barely offensive as the aforementioned controversy.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)15:57:25 No.8156889
         File1270065445.png-(634 KB, 646x551, 031.png)
    634 KB
    Damn Google Chrome, forgot my picture...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:59:29 No.8156913

    The last time I played FF7 was when it came out. I can't play it now because it's just too ugly to look at. OoT on the other hand is still very playable.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:01:44 No.8156938
    I just beat OoT two days ago and immediately started another game. Enjoy, OP.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:02:44 No.8156953
         File1270065764.png-(659 KB, 646x551, 032.png)
    659 KB
    Jumped through the web, first time. Damn, I rock.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:07:34 No.8157007
         File1270066054.png-(411 KB, 646x551, 033.png)
    411 KB
    I stepped on a switch, which made a light go aflame, which burned a web, which revealed access to a tiny chest.

    And all I got was a useless recovery heart.

    Never trust tiny chests, they're worse than their fatass brethren.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:10:55 No.8157059
         File1270066255.png-(434 KB, 646x551, 034.png)
    434 KB
    I knew this number pattern before he even mentioned it. I must be psychic.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:15:34 No.8157100
         File1270066534.png-(679 KB, 646x551, 035.png)
    679 KB
    Damn, what the hell is that doing there?!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:18:27 No.8157138
         File1270066707.png-(412 KB, 646x551, 036.png)
    412 KB
    Alright, I think I've actually downloaded the ROM of the earlier OoT, which Nintendo did get in trouble for as mentioned here: >>8156879

    It'll be cool to hear the old Fire Temple theme music.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:21:45 No.8157173
    zelda sucks now. sure zelda 1 was fun when elementary school was lol ur speshal (lol 80s) but now i gotta work for a living. hay its puzzelz.. haf a tool tu solve mor puzzelz. im wasting my precious rare freetime for this... and paying for the privilidge? its the same fucking game with slightly different lolgrafix. if you have time go for it, but its only fun if you have shit tons of time to waste solving puzzels, so you can solve more puzzels. fuck that.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:22:22 No.8157183
         File1270066942.png-(488 KB, 646x551, 037.png)
    488 KB
    This guy obviously didn't get the memo.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:23:19 No.8157196
    Officially the character is a boy, but from now on when I play, he's a butch lesbian who hates men, which is why she won't let Link pass through.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:24:04 No.8157206
    Dude, that's what makes the LoZ fun. If you don't like puzzles, don't play the games.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:27:23 No.8157236
         File1270067243.png-(699 KB, 646x551, 038.png)
    699 KB
    These guys dropped in the closed triangular pattern seen here. It's almost like a gang-rape.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:33:23 No.8157289
    Seems like I'm going in circles, but I suppose that the block I pushed does factor in somewhere. I'm standing on said block now, probably go and set a Deku Stick alight so I can jump back and set another web alight.

    See? The joy of puzzles! And fire!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:34:39 No.8157307
         File1270067679.png-(701 KB, 646x551, 039.png)
    701 KB
    >Forget to attach picture, figure I should get to bed soon
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:37:18 No.8157333
    I have 2 N64 that are still working, bro.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:38:19 No.8157343
         File1270067899.png-(431 KB, 646x551, 040.png)
    431 KB
    I believe this is the last room. Time for some shield deflectan', twenty-three is number one.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:39:57 No.8157370
    When you enter that room, kill the giant hanging skullspider, but don't go into the big room, keep behind right where you killed the spider. Take your sling shot out and look up where the monsters were hanging in little womb things. Fling just a little bit above the sacks and they die.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:41:00 No.8157385
         File1270068060.png-(362 KB, 646x551, 041.png)
    362 KB
    Scriptwriters? Lazy?! Ha - no way!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:42:28 No.8157402
    I'm one of those people who prefer to be gang-raped. Thanks for the tip, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:43:47 No.8157418
    yeah hense why i SHOULD have quit playing after lttp. though oot was good for the garuda theme music. though i did beat it. i wont play another, and i have not for more than an hour or two. they understandably perfected the zelda formula. lttp will always hold a place in my heart, but really... change something besides the graphix plox. there has been NO innovation after lttp... none. thats what really turns me off. oh sure gimmix, might as well play GoW.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:46:06 No.8157448
    That's what I always assumed when I read that part, too! Haha
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)16:46:19 No.8157452
         File1270068379.png-(403 KB, 646x551, 042.png)
    403 KB
    Finally at the boss. Rumor has it, she's a queen.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)16:59:35 No.8157592
    wow op, you're taking a really fucking long time
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:01:17 No.8157611
    I seen this same exact same fucking thread on 4chanarchive.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)17:02:31 No.8157629
         File1270069351.png-(429 KB, 646x551, 044.png)
    429 KB
    When insects die, they exhume blue clouds and melt into the floor.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)17:04:56 No.8157669
         File1270069496.png-(431 KB, 646x551, 045.png)
    431 KB
    All this 4chan is turning me into Ralph.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)17:06:44 No.8157696
         File1270069604.png-(213 KB, 646x551, 046.png)
    213 KB
    Am I the only person who's turned on by this? Ganondorf is one badass SOB.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)17:12:58 No.8157779
         File1270069978.png-(343 KB, 646x551, 047.png)
    343 KB
    Hey, something shiny!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)17:13:53 No.8157789
         File1270070033.png-(431 KB, 646x551, 048.png)
    431 KB
    Goodnight, sweet prince.

    And brb guyz, restan'.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:53:00 No.8158330

    Too bad, LoZ: Majora's Mask was pretty fucking epic, moreso than OoT. After that it's been all downhill with the series. WW and TP were somewhat enjoyable but the other post-MM titles deserve a big fat middlefinger.

    Trains, in MY Zelda?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:04:20 No.8159357
    Link. do a 3 heart challenge
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:07:18 No.8159397
    take your cancer back to >>>/b/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:08:20 No.8159407
    I've never found anyone that really felt like me. I loved ALttP when it came for the SNES. Would watch my brother and his pals play that for hours and hours, and when I finally got my hands on it - wow, that game sucked me in like no other game.

    OoT was good, and I wow'ed when I felt like I was in Hyrule, but there was always this nagging feeling that I was playing ALttP in 3D.

    WW I loved instantly. The style and the feeling I got from just sailing randomly hear and there, that almost felt like being a kid again. Great times with that game.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:09:07 No.8159416
    I agree with this man.


    No. Fagget.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:14:09 No.8159467

    pussy, my brother did a 3 heart challenge and got featured in nintendo power
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:18:00 No.8159522
         File1270077480.png-(358 KB, 646x551, 049.png)
    358 KB
    OH SHI-

    It's Saria! The reason why Mido The Butch Lesbian hates me so!

    How do I play this cool, guise? Plz give me some relationshit advice.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:19:56 No.8159547
         File1270077596.png-(485 KB, 646x551, 050.png)
    485 KB
    She's talking to me!

    oh god i shat my pants
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:20:45 No.8159556


    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:22:01 No.8159570
         File1270077721.png-(337 KB, 646x551, 051.png)
    337 KB
    >But that's OK, because we'll be friends forever...
    >we'll be friends forever...
    Shit, just got friendzoned. ;_;
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:24:40 No.8159604
         File1270077880.png-(368 KB, 646x551, 052.png)
    368 KB
    Now I'm being mocked...'Fairy Ocarina', goddammit...

    Should've listened to >>8159556 when I had the chance.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:32:15 No.8159705
         File1270078335.png-(341 KB, 646x551, 053.png)
    341 KB
    brb, composing sad emo tune to relieve pain and anguish
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:32:54 No.8159711


    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:35:05 No.8159740
         File1270078505.png-(308 KB, 646x551, 054.png)
    308 KB
    First one to link to this post and say 'orly' gets e-spanked.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:37:04 No.8159765
         File1270078624.png-(297 KB, 646x551, 055.png)
    297 KB
    Ha. Can't trick me, you goddamn owl.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:42:18 No.8159823
    I haven't read the thread, but the posts that weren't omitted had me laughing. OP, you're a fucking legend and I want you to be my friend ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:42:50 No.8159827
    O rly?
    I'm the same guy who called you a legend, btw
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)19:43:16 No.8159831

    Oh, the rage I feel just looking at that fucking owl now.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:52:30 No.8159940
         File1270079550.png-(435 KB, 646x551, 056.png)
    435 KB
    These gentlemen spring out from the floor and target me with vicious assaults. I should make a topic in /x/ about this and see what they think.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:53:43 No.8159960
    Have a sexual spank, then. You cowboy!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)19:58:51 No.8160008
         File1270079931.png-(477 KB, 646x551, 057.png)
    477 KB
    I don't know why, but every time the drawbridge to the castle goes down, it makes me want to poop.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:01:40 No.8160044
    What is 3 heart challenge?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:02:04 No.8160053
         File1270080124.png-(38 KB, 400x400, what+the+fuck+am+I+reading.png)
    38 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:02:04 No.8160054
         File1270080124.png-(396 KB, 646x551, 058.png)
    396 KB
    Quick way to make rupees: walk up a drawbridge-metal-pullthing and leap off at the top.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:06:07 No.8160106
         File1270080367.png-(633 KB, 646x551, 059.png)
    633 KB
    Another quick way to make rupees. Still think it's stupid to store so many jars in one room.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:06:45 No.8160109
    well this is officially the best thread ever and i love you op
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:09:54 No.8160140
         File1270080594.png-(723 KB, 646x551, 060.png)
    723 KB
    Uh-oh, looks like a couple of newfags are exchanging pleasantries.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:15:37 No.8160204
         File1270080937.png-(537 KB, 646x551, 061.png)
    537 KB
    ...This can only end badly.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:18:37 No.8160241
         File1270081117.png-(308 KB, 646x551, 062.png)
    308 KB
    Looks like somebody's already broken the owl's neck. Shame.
    >> Mr_O 03/31/10(Wed)20:19:03 No.8160245
    Holy shit when i went to sleep you had just gotten your name Mr link. now I'm awake 8 hours later and your still playing? marathon gamer
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:22:04 No.8160289
         File1270081324.png-(490 KB, 646x551, 063.png)
    490 KB
    I wish I had bombs so I could set one off and see this baby soar.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:22:29 No.8160294

    She's hot.

    Tell her you've got the master sword and you need to find a scabbard for it.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 03/31/10(Wed)20:23:00 No.8160298
    My friend has all the old systems with all the old classics. Some of them still in the original cellophane, all with their manuals and boxes. The ones he did open he maybe played once before losing interest. Why does he do it? Because he can.

    Fuck spoiled Persian hipsters.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:23:44 No.8160306
    Not really, I've just had other shit to do. You'll notice I haven't posted in a constant stream.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:27:56 No.8160365
         File1270081676.png-(541 KB, 646x551, 064.png)
    541 KB
    It's easy to avoid the soldiers. They're blind as all fuck; not really fulfilling their duties as castle guards.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:29:57 No.8160398
         File1270081797.png-(486 KB, 646x551, 065.png)
    486 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:31:27 No.8160421
    There's a place int he Hyrule Castle area that if you carefully walk up you can fall into a black hole, or jump "into" the castle.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:34:11 No.8160465
         File1270082051.png-(371 KB, 646x551, 066.png)
    371 KB
    I tried, and she gave me this egg.

    With something moving inside.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:41:28 No.8160563
         File1270082488.png-(623 KB, 646x551, 067.png)
    623 KB
    Got past the guards. Swimming through the moat was a breeze.

    Also, the egg hatched. It was a chicken. Damn science, you crazy!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:46:28 No.8160616
         File1270082788.png-(385 KB, 646x551, 068.png)
    385 KB
    I'll be honest, I placed my dick in his hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:49:19 No.8160639
    pretty productive day you've had here OP
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 03/31/10(Wed)20:55:41 No.8160700
    See >>8160306

    Also, time for bed. If this thread survives by tomorrow morning, then I will OH LAWDY
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)20:59:46 No.8160743
    this thread needs archiving

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)21:21:15 No.8161024
    Thread ID: 8154888

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:01:53 No.8162217
    BAHAHA'd more.

    OP, I love you. This was wonderful.
    >> OP bump OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)06:18:13 No.8166838
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    Saving this from Page 15.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:08:01 No.8167150
         File1270120081.png-(785 KB, 646x551, 069.png)
    785 KB
    If the game allowed it, I would have Link jump onto a guard's back and use that as transportation. It'll be like riding Epona.

    But instead, I can only hide and stalk them from behind...
    >> Mr_O 04/01/10(Thu)07:09:15 No.8167158
    jesus. go to workor something.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:13:59 No.8167183

    What kind of guard can't even hear a little kid running around a pole near him?

    Kill him, you'll be doing the princess a favor.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:14:29 No.8167187
    I go to college (Britfag college) and today's my day off. Thursday, yo. Also, kicks ass how tomorrow's Good Friday, therefore I also get tomorrow off. We celebrate Easter in style.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:16:59 No.8167208
         File1270120619.png-(770 KB, 646x551, 070.png)
    770 KB

    I'm hiding behind a solid wall! They don't know I'm there! *phfffpppfff--phhppfffff*
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:18:50 No.8167220
         File1270120730.png-(728 KB, 646x551, 071.png)
    728 KB
    Either these hedges are really, really thick, or the guards just don't give a shit anymore.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:21:53 No.8167238
         File1270120913.png-(720 KB, 646x551, 072.png)
    720 KB



    >> Mr_O 04/01/10(Thu)07:22:19 No.8167241
    i always failed at this part... they caught me like 12 times before i wised up
    >> Mr_O 04/01/10(Thu)07:22:51 No.8167242
    omg maybe its not zelda.
    >> 有希・長門~~ヽ( ^ω^)ノ サクセス! !f/akPANTSU 04/01/10(Thu)07:25:57 No.8167266
    I should probably play this again...

    testing the "post to facebook" junk =/ see what happens.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:27:15 No.8167278
         File1270121235.png-(421 KB, 646x551, 073.png)
    421 KB
    Approachan'. Bitch best be accommodating towards fairy boys.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:33:00 No.8167321
         File1270121580.png-(395 KB, 646x551, 074.png)
    395 KB
    my name is link, i'm 10 years old and my favorite color is green
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:34:13 No.8167335
         File1270121653.png-(399 KB, 646x551, 075.png)
    399 KB
    expert strategey
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:34:34 No.8167337

    Grab her ass!

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:36:19 No.8167346
         File1270121779.png-(464 KB, 646x551, 076.png)
    464 KB
    will you go out with me
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:38:08 No.8167363
         File1270121888.png-(465 KB, 646x551, 077.png)
    465 KB
    dat's me, i am teh cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:39:23 No.8167371
    archive this shit pl0x
    thread ID = 8154888
    board = /r9k/

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:41:36 No.8167386
         File1270122096.png-(387 KB, 646x551, 078.png)
    387 KB
    bitch, you're teh smart guy
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:42:43 No.8167398
    I approve of this thread and the nosalgia trip it's bringing me.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:43:43 No.8167404
         File1270122223.png-(305 KB, 646x551, 079.png)
    305 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:45:17 No.8167418
         File1270122317.png-(293 KB, 646x551, 080.png)
    293 KB
    i prefer to be addressed as captain kickass
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:47:51 No.8167433
         File1270122471.png-(256 KB, 646x551, 081.png)
    256 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:48:34 No.8167439
    Holy ballfuck you're still going?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:49:53 No.8167448
         File1270122593.png-(437 KB, 646x551, 082.png)
    437 KB
    oh cool, bitch enjoys voeyur
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:50:42 No.8167453
    Life: I have none. Look out for a Majora's Mask playthrough sometime in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:52:01 No.8167460
    dude, you should think about doing an LP on and sticking it on youtube or something
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:52:36 No.8167465
         File1270122756.png-(286 KB, 646x551, 083.png)
    286 KB
    which one, there's two of them
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:53:47 No.8167470
    LP? Enlighten this noob, LP to me is dad-speak for music records.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:55:20 No.8167476

    Look at him, bowin' and scrapin'.

    Not yet bein' a giant pigman.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:56:15 No.8167479
         File1270122975.png-(364 KB, 646x551, 084.png)
    364 KB
    somebody better alert termina about this
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:57:09 No.8167483

    But Hyrule IS like the entire world.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:57:46 No.8167485
         File1270123066.png-(389 KB, 646x551, 085.png)
    389 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)07:59:43 No.8167499
         File1270123183.png-(437 KB, 646x551, 086.png)
    437 KB
    That's what she said.

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:01:31 No.8167504
         File1270123291.png-(364 KB, 646x551, 087.png)
    364 KB
    This shit's going on eBay.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:02:34 No.8167511
    lets play

    you pretty much play the game and do commentary over it

    go look up let's play ocarina of time or something on youtube and you'll get the idea of it
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:03:50 No.8167519
         File1270123430.png-(807 KB, 646x551, 088.png)
    807 KB
    A wild BUTCH LESBIAN appeared!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:06:38 No.8167528
         File1270123598.png-(398 KB, 646x551, 089.png)
    398 KB
    Quick, Link, use your Sword Attack!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:08:23 No.8167540
         File1270123703.png-(483 KB, 646x551, 090.png)
    483 KB
    Attack missed! Wild BUTCH LESBIAN uses Falcon Call!
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:10:41 No.8167549
         File1270123841.png-(459 KB, 646x551, 091.png)
    459 KB
    Link's expression is priceless. He's like "WHAT THE FREAKING SHIT IS THAT THING"
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:12:38 No.8167557
         File1270123958.png-(334 KB, 646x551, 092.png)
    334 KB
    The centre of Hyrule's tourism industry.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:13:56 No.8167566
         File1270124036.png-(497 KB, 646x551, 093.png)
    497 KB
    At this point I get the nagging feeling that the game is setting me up for one huge Bel-Air.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:18:17 No.8167580
         File1270124297.png-(631 KB, 646x551, 094.png)
    631 KB
    But before I embark on Death Mountain...Lon-Lon Ranch beckons. I can almost smell the pig shit from here.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:21:03 No.8167601

    Ain't no pigs at Lawn Lawn Ranch.

    Awnly steers.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:21:07 No.8167602
    go fight chickens - feels good man
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:22:38 No.8167615
         File1270124558.png-(429 KB, 646x551, 095.png)
    429 KB
    It's the girl who gave me the egg.

    ...I would hit that. If I wasn't so infatuated with Saria...;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:22:41 No.8167616

    Look at that fucking nose! Ganondorf must be the most badass green Jew ever concieved.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:27:00 No.8167653
         File1270124820.png-(334 KB, 646x551, 096.png)
    334 KB
    i was thinking, maybe we could play one of my originals

    i call it "don't friendzone me saria, my heart is black like niggers"
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:31:31 No.8167697
         File1270125091.png-(588 KB, 646x551, 097.png)
    588 KB

    brb, carrying out >>8167602 for feels good, man
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:34:21 No.8167713
         File1270125261.png-(295 KB, 646x551, 098.png)
    295 KB
    Damn, turns out these chickens are invincible.

    Still, I have got some free time on my hands, so...yes, middle-aged man, I'll play your game.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)08:35:58 No.8167722
         File1270125358.png-(270 KB, 646x551, 099.png)
    270 KB
    Super Cuccos?

    ...Makes sense. Please, go on.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)08:47:45 No.8167813
    This is the bestest thread everest.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)09:26:31 No.8168022
    Dang it, archive this shit NAO

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)09:47:53 No.8168207
         File1270129673.png-(295 KB, 646x551, 100.png)
    295 KB
    Sounds acceptable. Unless it's some kind of revenge for the previous time we met.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)09:51:27 No.8168240
         File1270129887.png-(429 KB, 646x551, 101.png)
    429 KB
    ...I lost. Goddamn emulator controls.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)09:55:16 No.8168279
         File1270130116.png-(422 KB, 646x551, 102.png)
    422 KB
    Off to Death Mountain. It's getting dark, so the skeleton people will rise and slap me in the face again - best be avoiding as a true cracka should.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)09:58:09 No.8168302
         File1270130289.png-(443 KB, 646x551, 103.png)
    443 KB
    Well, I got hit. But notice how I remain motionless, with a face that doesn't even *whisper* pain. That's the mark of a real man, yessiree.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:03:39 No.8168354
         File1270130619.png-(384 KB, 646x551, 104.png)
    384 KB
    Oh, so you got friendzoned too?

    Bitches and whores...
    >> dial square fc !nhOxkRTBh2 04/01/10(Thu)10:04:38 No.8168362
    Sweet Christ, this thread is good.
    Well done, you fine gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:04:45 No.8168364
    spincut the tree. please.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:06:39 No.8168380

    Do you know the damn rain song yet? MAKE IT RAIN
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:06:53 No.8168383
         File1270130813.png-(230 KB, 646x551, 105.png)
    230 KB
    Get the fuck off ma ladder!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:07:43 No.8168391
    Shoot it with your slingshot, silly
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:13:20 No.8168432
         File1270131200.png-(561 KB, 646x551, 106.png)
    561 KB
    I'm tempted to jump, but I can't.

    Not because I don't want to die, but because Link can't leap over the barrier. He's a weak little midget.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:18:07 No.8168464
         File1270131487.png-(445 KB, 646x551, 107.png)
    445 KB
    In the Skulltula House.

    I've collected enough tokens to turn one spider-freak back to human form. But I will never collect enough tokens to understand why he's doing aerobics.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:19:41 No.8168481

    He's just keeping fit man. Gotta be tough to be a Skulltula.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:19:56 No.8168484
    I have a question for you; when you play OoT on your nice little emulator, do you notice any issues with textures fading in and out of existence (ie: the road textures in Hyrule Field)? If not, what are your video settings at.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:22:48 No.8168509
    Sometimes, but I figure that is just the game's own graphical limitations. Most of Project64's settings I haven't changed, so it's all the default.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:23:49 No.8168518
    Nah, I'm very sure it's an issue that arises from emulation because, for me, I couldn't do even see the royal insignia most the time.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:31:40 No.8168572
         File1270132300.png-(471 KB, 646x551, 108.png)
    471 KB
    In the Graveyard. Strangely enough, no sign of Dampe or that annoying kid of his.

    Jus' breakin' into the royal family's tomb, don't mind me
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:33:56 No.8168587
         File1270132436.png-(418 KB, 646x551, 109.png)
    418 KB
    Okay, that's it, this is a definite case for the /x/files.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:35:36 No.8168599
    you can backflip over it.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:37:44 No.8168606
         File1270132664.png-(577 KB, 646x551, 110.png)
    577 KB


    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)10:40:37 No.8168628
         File1270132837.png-(471 KB, 646x551, 111.png)
    471 KB

    dat screech!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)10:48:11 No.8168680
    play the sun song
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:09:19 No.8168829
         File1270134559.png-(399 KB, 646x551, 112.png)
    399 KB
    Can't - haven't learnt it yet.

    Fun fact: I can play the Sun Song in RL.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:10:46 No.8168836
         File1270134646.png-(302 KB, 646x551, 113.png)
    302 KB
    Waitaminute...what's this?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:12:20 No.8168848
         File1270134740.png-(296 KB, 646x551, 114.png)
    296 KB
    Lawdy oh lawdy, speak of the devil!
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:15:05 No.8168866
         File1270134905.jpg-(244 KB, 800x600, DeadHandjpg.jpg)
    244 KB
    You mean him?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:15:25 No.8168869
         File1270134925.png-(432 KB, 646x551, 115.png)
    432 KB
    That gap has just reminded me that I've still got to see Saria in the Lost Woods.

    But I won't. For the sake of our unrequited love, and the possible career in music that stems from that.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:18:36 No.8168889
         File1270135116.png-(310 KB, 646x551, 116.png)
    310 KB

    By rape.

    Unleashed upon me by a floating Redead. The worst kind of Redead.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:22:12 No.8168919
    holy shit.

    stop this, nobody cares about you playing oot, half the posts ITT are by OP. JSUT STOP
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:22:21 No.8168920
         File1270135341.png-(53 KB, 286x302, DeadHand.png)
    53 KB
    worse than re-deads
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:22:26 No.8168921
         File1270135346.png-(466 KB, 646x551, 117.png)
    466 KB
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:26:31 No.8168945
         File1270135591.png-(406 KB, 646x551, 118.png)
    406 KB
    Finally...something better than a plank of wood. How many of us bought toy Hylian Shields when we were kids?
    >> Mr_O 04/01/10(Thu)11:27:40 No.8168957
    i will continue to check up on your progress during my life. It seems that you are moving rather slow through the game but it is understandable due to frequent pauses for screenshots. u made it to the town where you gotta find all those loose chickens yet?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)11:29:12 No.8168970
    Yes, good sir, yes I have. But I'm not picking up any chicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:35:23 No.8169018
    sand in your vagina much?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:37:45 No.8169030
    Agreed, please continue OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:42:58 No.8169076
    Here. I also had a sword and used to slash it around. Damn you, childhood me...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:53:56 No.8169164
    This is great :) Post more! Are you gonna do the entire game?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:59:31 No.8169209
         File1270137571.jpg-(71 KB, 800x600, 800px-Zelda_OOT_hi-res_Celda_K(...).jpg)
    71 KB
    improved graphics zelda ocarina of time
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:01:25 No.8169229
    wouldn't it be better to set up a livestream, so we could all watch you play?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:06:13 No.8169265
    I'll do as much as it takes, before I reach image limit.


    Nah. My internet connection's not so reliable.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:08:54 No.8169296
         File1270138134.png-(245 KB, 646x551, 119.png)
    245 KB
    I've decided not to sell Zelda's letter on eBay. Sorry, folks.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:11:09 No.8169315
         File1270138269.png-(305 KB, 646x551, 120.png)
    305 KB
    ...First I had heard about it.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:16:34 No.8169374
         File1270138594.png-(455 KB, 646x551, 121.png)
    455 KB
    At the Happy Mask Shop, getting the soldier his mask. Which obviously isn't for his 'kid'.

    I can recognize the shop-person from somewhere, but where...?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:21:30 No.8169433
         File1270138890.png-(769 KB, 646x551, 122.png)
    769 KB
    Thumbs up for a terrific mask! I look like a fox!

    :3 :3 :3
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:22:24 No.8169446
    he's a gook, they all look like that.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)12:27:20 No.8169501
    Ahhh, that's it!

    Anyway, brb4tea chaps
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:27:40 No.8169506
    Shit, cunt sounds like he's selling drugs.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)13:05:29 No.8169912
    This entire thread is made of awesome...all of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:27:58 No.8170772
    Is OP finally dead?

    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)14:59:45 No.8171055
         File1270148385.jpg-(17 KB, 300x327, saria and link.jpg)
    17 KB
    You had everything in those woods.
    And you just left us.

    You just left me.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:01:38 No.8171072
    Holy crap, this thread is seriously still going? I saw it yesterday.

    Love OoT though, so many memories ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:06:53 No.8171110
         File1270148813.jpg-(196 KB, 500x406, saria2.jpg)
    196 KB
    I mean, I understand, you are the Hero of Time. But... have you ever thought about what if things had been different?
    What if you had stayed...
    What if I had told you that I loved you... that I still love you?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:08:34 No.8171121
    I never stopped loving you... Hero of Time.
    Of all time.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:10:01 No.8171135
         File1270149001.jpg-(225 KB, 570x664, saria3.jpg)
    225 KB
    And if you ever need to talk... I will be here. Listening for you. Waiting for you.

    Forever waiting for you...
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)15:37:34 No.8171326
    They see me bumpin'
    They hatin'
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)15:41:58 No.8171361
         File1270150918.png-(721 KB, 646x551, 123.png)
    721 KB
    I'm going back to Kokiri and the Lost Woods to pay Saria a visit. This is where she friendzoned me...whore.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)15:47:52 No.8171413
         File1270151272.png-(477 KB, 646x551, 124.png)
    477 KB
    Magic tip: to easily find your way to the middle area (with Saria), don't go through any tunnels where the music fades out beforehand.

    I'm also hoping that, when I do meet Saria, I don't fuck it up again.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:52:25 No.8171466
    Ah... My childhood...
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)15:52:58 No.8171476
         File1270151578.png-(443 KB, 646x551, 125.png)
    443 KB
    Can't get this right, due to lack of control stick on my laptop's keyboard.

    ...Hey, has anyone noticed how yellow Link's arms are?
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)15:59:39 No.8171546
         File1270151979.png-(756 KB, 646x551, 126.png)
    756 KB
    This is one of my favorite parts of the game. Returning back here as Adult Link, you're suddenly charged at by massive pig soldiers and that shit SHOOK THE HELL OUT OF ME first time.

    >> SS-Scionti !!Ob9tBukzRJb 04/01/10(Thu)16:00:25 No.8171553
    Link to the past here, OoT is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:03:27 No.8171588

    how could you, link?

    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:04:14 No.8171602
         File1270152254.png-(688 KB, 646x551, 127.png)
    688 KB
    This dude's still alive, despite being submerged completely in water. Deku Scrubs cannot drown - they are the Terminator of the LoZ franchise.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:13:20 No.8171685
         File1270152800.png-(506 KB, 646x551, 128.png)
    506 KB
    I can't see her, but I can see her fairy...
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:17:27 No.8171727
         File1270153047.png-(400 KB, 646x551, 129.png)
    400 KB

    ...I believe I've jizzed in my pants.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:19:22 No.8171740
         File1270153162.png-(411 KB, 646x551, 130.png)
    411 KB
    This better be steering towards what I think it is.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:24:38 No.8171791
         File1270153478.png-(408 KB, 646x551, 131.png)
    408 KB
    Please tell me Saria's using innuendo for a certain physical activity I've been striving to experience since yesterday.
    >> OoTFag !!5aRZ6Xec6xb 04/01/10(Thu)16:27:36 No.8171815
         File1270153656.png-(410 KB, 646x551, 132.png)
    410 KB


    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:33:34 No.8171897
    use jacket sleeve
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:34:17 No.8171907

    Play the ocarina in her azul
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)16:36:19 No.8171922
    stick your jacket sleeve in her azul

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