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  • File : 1269879066.jpg-(82 KB, 485x755, whores_son.jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11:06 No.8122725  
    You say all women are whores, so I thought you might want to speak to an actual whore to see how they think. I am in college right not (pre med), but I support myself by working as an escort. I get paid $500 per night and all my customers (usually older guys looking for a little bit of sex and companionship) have to wear a condom if we are intimate. Questions?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:21 No.8122733
    why did you decide to be a valueless piece of trash?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:31 No.8122735
    Who was your oldest customer. Also why "customer" and not "client" or "john" etc?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:12:42 No.8122737
    Do you really think this is going to work?
    Us robot don't get trolled that easily.. go back to /b/.
    Or post timestamp pic that at least prove you are a girl.
    >> I hope you wake up on fire !jZk0B9/brg 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:27 No.8122747
    Whores on 4chan?

    Goddamn you should make a killing here.

    Lets start the bidding on op.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:46 No.8122750
    I don't think of myself as trash or valueless. I look at it like this: I am using my body to provide a service that makes the life of my clients better. I'm no different from someone who uses their body to build something for someone or who cleans houses for a living. It's just a needed service.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:13:48 No.8122752
    A pre-med student could easily make bank as a tutor.

    Much more money than whoring.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:14:35 No.8122761
    This is a shitty troll trying to promote a misogynistic objectifying view of women on 4chan. Unless of course you can provide pics4pruf, in which case I have no problem with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:15:15 No.8122767
    I think he was over 60. I don't know his exact age, but he was an old man who had on a very expensive looking business suit. I went with him to a party (he wanted to impress his friends with his hot date) and then we went back to his place to be intimate.

    I just use those terms interchangeably
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:15:52 No.8122772
    Will you reveal this to your future partner/husband?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:16:35 No.8122776
    Post your picture, preferrably with timestamp.

    If you are uncomfortable with showing your face, you cam just post your body and it will be ok.

    I couldn't help but asking for that, my morbid curiosity is eating me as for what kind of physique a college whore has.

    As for the questions:

    -How did you get in the business?

    -What kind of clients do you associate with?

    -Any interesting story about any particular client?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:17:11 No.8122781
    If she really makes $500 a night you are dead wrong. That is an insane amount of money.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:18:11 No.8122785
    What was your worst experience with a client?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:20:59 No.8122808
    Have you ever had a client who turned out to be dangerously violent? If so, how did you resolve the situation?

    Oh, and what's the furthest you'll go regarding fetishes? Anal, BDSM, roleplaying, scat/urine, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:21:35 No.8122816
    Of course not. Literally NO ONE in my normal life knows about this and if I have my way they never will.

    -When I got to college my parents stopped giving me any money so I started working as a stripper to make enough to live on. The guy that owned the club told me that he could help me make a lot more money as an escort, and that it would be much better than stripping. He was right, it is better.
    - Usually older men with a decent amount of cash. I told my manager that I didn't want to sleep with any trashy types so that has worked out well. I actually have several "regular customers" who call me quite often and I think that sort of arrangement works out the best since you both know each other. It eliminates awkwardness.
    -Several. Once I had a client who just wanted me to sit on his bed wearing a costume while we listened to the opera and he rubbed my feet. It was weird but it was easy so I rolled with it.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)12:22:57 No.8122829
    Personally i can not see how being visited by some skank who sucks cock for a living and who would not even glance at you were it not for your money would make your life "better". But then again, i am not so well versed in adaptive imaginary logic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:11 No.8122834
    I don't believe you are x, enjoy your y.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:23:47 No.8122838
    These questions are related. I had one violent experience with a client. We got back to his place, but he was drunk and started getting belligerent. I told him I was leaving but he got angry and grabbed me really hard. He slapped me, knocked me down, and then he kicked me in the stomach. After that he let me leave. My manager found out about and he was furious since he explains the rule to the men he sets us up with. He had that guy beaten up or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:04 No.8122844
    Sex is good for one thing. Second, it's sort of like being a geisha. you laugh at their jokes, make conversation, and the client is able to pretend like there is no money involved.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:25:26 No.8122848

    >Of course not. Literally NO ONE in my normal life knows about this and if I have my way they never will.

    You self righteous whore. You see no problem with offering your services but won't tell anyone?

    Take your goddamn troll face off now.

    >on. The guy that owned the club told me that he could help me make a lot more money as an escort

    Also lol, bitch be pimped
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:26:00 No.8122853
    I hope this story is made up. It's depressing to think that anyone would have to turn to prostitution to make ends meet. It's so fucking sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:27:04 No.8122861
    I see nothing wrong with it, but other people do. That is why I refuse to tell them; it would not make sense for me to ruin my life because of their irrational prejudices.

    You can call him a pimp if you want, I guess that's an accurate term.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:23 No.8122871
    OP, please comply with >>8122776

    >Post your picture, preferrably with timestamp.

    Or else I'm afraid your credibility will diminish as the thread advances and you start posting your crazy stories and general whore-shenanigan that will be pretty much unbelievable for the average virgin and un-street-smart 4channer.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:26 No.8122873
    That's absolutely an accurate term. Pimps solicit johns and provide protection to their whores. Those are the 2 main roles of pimps, and what he does for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:37 No.8122874

    It's how most of 4chan seem to lose their virginity so don't hope too hard, young one.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)12:28:47 No.8122876
    lol your self-esteem is obviously not what it should be if you have to make attention whore threads on 4chan and makebelieve you are a "geisha".
    That's an insane amount of money to a 16 year old kid.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:30:03 No.8122884
    I'm not posting a picture.
    1. It is a hassle to take
    2. Fuck anon he hasn't done shit for me
    I guess. He's actually a really nice guy despite how sleazy he is. He owns the club where I used to work and a couple of fast restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:30:09 No.8122885
    I've been thinking about starting a local escort service in my area (southwest florida), do you have any tips you could give me about the business? Also, what are the best ways to advertise to potential clients, as well as potential "employees"?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:30:32 No.8122889
    Do you still enjoy sex with boyfriends/non-clients?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:37 No.8122896

    >My manager

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:43 No.8122897

    Troll confirmed
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:31:49 No.8122898
    who was your youngest client?

    have you ever had amazing sex with a client before?

    Hows sex with the old business doods
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:32:09 No.8122901

    $500 is more than most Americans make in a week after taxes, it is a lot to take in for one night.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:32:10 No.8122902
    All girls like attention, but I am just killing time. Nor do I pretend that I am a geisha (though they certainly were whores). I was comparing the two because they are related to the issue of men deriving comfort from women they are paying; it is easy for me to enjoy themselves if the women is pleasant and makes it seem like she wants to be there.

    $500 bucks is a lot of money to me. I grew up dirt poor and never had anything nice in my life until now.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:32:57 No.8122911
    I know a girl who works as a whore. Childhood friend. She's awesome. Grad school educated, worked as a consultant for McKinsey for a while, but hated it, so she started her own escort business using old business contacts that used to proposition her all the time as a customer base.

    She says that they honestly treat her better as an escort than they did as a coworker, and she's making almost 200 grand a year working 3 or 4 days a week.

    Best part? I had sex with her multiple times before she got into that line of work. It really is a perfectly legitimate and respectable line of work, IMO. To be at the top of your game, you have to have much more than looks and sex appeal. You have to have intelligence, charisma, business sensibilities, etc. Not sure I could ever date one as the sexual relationship could get messy, but I totally don't judge.

    If you are real, OP, I see you. Not the line of work for me, but getting to see the world, brush elbows with the elites, have sex with powerful people, and getting paid very well of your troubles to boot is nothing to scoff at.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:33:36 No.8122917
    The funny thing is that now you will have nothing nice in your life (of true value, no materialistic bullshit) at all, because the love of your life WILL find out you are/were a whore, and leave you over it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:36:12 No.8122928
    I don't know, I don't get involved with that stuff. My only advice is to be careful because a lot of these guys have "turfs" and if you try to open up a business some people might, er, take it personally.
    Sure. I don't have a boyfriend right now because I am so busy but I can't imagine why I wouldn't enjoy it.

    Some mid 20s guy.

    I have had amazing sex with some of my clients, yes. Some of them are quite skilled and enjoyed making me get off. However a lot of guys just want to get off as soon as possible so most of the time it is fairly quick and boring for me.

    Some are good, some are bad. Their physical appearance is obviously sup-par but that's not too hard to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:37:26 No.8122939
    hey you stupid bitch it's good that you get to know us and we get to know you because soon we're going to chopping all your whore heads off. it'll make it that much easier.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:37:39 No.8122940
    This is just blatantly false. Many whores and sluts hide their past. OP should have problem doing that if she never gets arrested and she is careful.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:39:51 No.8122954
    I could never respect myself if I was a whore. Enjoy your dirty money because your self respect is gone.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:40:16 No.8122961
    >I don't know, I don't get involved with that stuff. My only advice is to be careful because a lot of these guys have "turfs" and if you try to open up a business some people might, er, take it personally.

    I want to try and make my business as legit as possible though, not anything too shady. I'll make everyone sign a disclaimer form stating that sex isn't to be paid for, and escorts are only being paid for companionship, and if you have sex, it is just a consensual thing that isn't being paid for.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:40:29 No.8122964
    can you tell us any hot stories?

    got any pics just to make sure you not trollin
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)12:41:46 No.8122975
    >i'm just killing time!
    That's what they all say, even the ones that put pens up their arses, "NO I AM NOT AN ATTENTION WHORE, I AM JUST KILLING TIME!"

    and yes you do skanky mcskankwhore, comparing yourself to a "geisha" makes you feel like you are something more exotic than a filthy american peasant slut making money in the only way that your lowly breed allows.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:43:50 No.8122992
    Let them say what they want. It's not like I give a shit.

    Lowly breed? I happened to be born poor, I can't change that. I am dealing with my problems and making something out of my life, which is more than most of you so called respectable people are doing. I'm probably smarter than you was well.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:44:14 No.8122996
    buyer of whores here
    i dont see it as something low or dirty. some men would rather have a set of occasional girls on call than having to kiss ass to some bitch girlfriend who takes more money than a whore would. i'm one of them.
    also, i'm one of those weird clients who would ask you to wear a costume while i did something nonsexual, though i havent done any footrubs + operas yet lol. the worst i did was have a girl follow a scripted conversation before we started fucking

    whores >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regular girlfriends
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:44:55 No.8123003
    People know that's bullshit dude, they aren't retards. No matter how legit your business is these guys will care if it cuts into their profits- the OP is absolutely right. Be very fucking careful if you decide to do something like this,
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:46:42 No.8123018
    fellow femanon here

    You make me sad OP. No woman should have to sell her body in order to have enough money to eat and go to school.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:46:51 No.8123019

    It's not like I live in the hood or anything. This would be in the suburbs, and I don't think there are any shady ganster types I would have to deal with around here. I could be wrong though.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:47:48 No.8123035
    butthurt broke virgin
    all women are whores
    at least this one is going all the way with it
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:47:50 No.8123037
    >had that guy beaten up, totally legal and evrything
    >my 'manager', not pimp or anything
    >Ima whore, but not a slut or skanky derp derp
    >Sex is gud, having no morals is gud
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:48:23 No.8123042
    >I'm no different from someone who uses their body to build something for someone or who cleans houses for a living.

    except you're turning your sex into capital, which is a horrible perversion of a sacred sort of act, isn't it? you are sort of raping yourself for money, it's kinda disgusting, it's kinda fucked up, i can't imagine why you do it voluntarily.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:49:01 No.8123049
    >hurr i m showin that whore who's boss
    gtfo christfag
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:49:24 No.8123054
    It sounds like deserved to be beaten up if he hit a woman. I have problem with men like him getting the shit beat out of them, particularly if they were told not to hurt a girl they were with. OP doesn't seem to be claiming what she does is legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:50:55 No.8123080

    >I'm probably smarter than you was well.

    Obvious troll. Also, you quoted the wrong anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:50:55 No.8123081
    not your narrow christfag morals =/= no morals
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:51:00 No.8123082
    Sex is not sacred. It is a biological act that we evolved to perform because was evolutionary advantageous. It is true that sex can allow you to connect with another person in a deeply meaningful way, but it is not always like that, nor does the use of sex in other parts of life preclude that connection from taking place.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:51:12 No.8123084
    how much for a cleveland steamer?
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)12:52:54 No.8123105
    >I'm probably smarter than you was well.
    Yes, which is why you suck cocks for a living and also think you can have other people "beaten up" "toooooootally legally and everything" and that you even after that believe that there are no "shady gangster types" around-
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:43 No.8123126

    Dude it was me that was talking bout shady ganster types, not the OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:54:54 No.8123131
    I'm in school and I am going to be a doctor (3.9 gpa +35 MCAT). It just so happens that the best way I have to make money is to "suck cocks."

    It was not legal and I never said it was.

    Nor did I say there was no one shady around.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:55:24 No.8123140
    i respect you op

    cause at least youre being honest
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:55:44 No.8123143
    >makes 500$ in one night
    >gets a guy who treats her bad beaten up, ie protection
    >does a line of work which she doesn't dislike
    >not smart
    don't quite follow you, bub
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:56:53 No.8123162
    >implying I'm a christfag, because your atheism-for-edgy-teens tells you so
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:56:57 No.8123165
    right, it's not always like that, but that doesn't change the nature of the act because that's the point, that's the end, there's oblivion and eternity in it all at once but when you do things like sell it you pervert it horribly and it's just so limited and lifeless. i mean you, if you sell your sex, are basically forfeiting something rather intangible and human as a mere market force, a labor tool, and for you to imply that there's nothing vaguely sad or even somewhat repulsive about that i think is kind of mistaken. you feel shame about it, or at least you understand that it would be natural to, but you don't question why? it's not like some social construct, really, it's more a kind of internal human thing, spiritual if you will or just natural if you don't go for that. either way there's a legacy, you know, this idea of a whore, of a prostitute, and the place she has in society throughout history, it's there for a reason, kind of tragic and low and disgusting, no?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:58:48 No.8123185
    I like your style OP. I wish i was rich enough to be a patron for you.
    I think that if all women were whores (actual whores that is) the world would be a better place.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:59:50 No.8123195
    I have a friend that is a med student and she makes 250 an hour for tutoring. 500 for a whole night of work as opposed to 250 an hour? you are a know nothing faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:00:18 No.8123199
    Women have also been repressed and used as property by men throughout history, so I suppose that those practices are morally fine since there were considered to be ok for a reason. Right? You're full of shit and I do not buy into your narrow minded morality. I am forfeiting nothing by choosing to use sex in this way, nor do I understand what stops me from having more meaningful sex in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:00:58 No.8123203
    this is bullshit, i work as a tutor and don't make more than 7 bucks an hour.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:02:01 No.8123222
    Whores are at the bottom of the fucking barrell.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:03:27 No.8123238
    gold diggers are at the bottom
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:04:31 No.8123248

    I like OP. She saw a way to make her life better and did what she had to do. That takes guts, which is something you Suburban pieces of shit do not understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:06:32 No.8123271
    >Women have also been repressed and used as property by men throughout history, so I suppose that those practices are morally fine since there were considered to be ok for a reason.

    yeah i didn't really say anything of the sort, and i'm not sure my reasoning can be applied there at all. not really an applicable analogy. listen, at the end of the day, you're rank and defiled and used up, horribly debased, cash in one hand and the ever infinite intransigent cock in the other, leaking semen and secretion and drowning you in fluids. dirty, used, whore, prostitute- labels you bring upon yourself, regardless of any truth to them or even any relative moral implications, you bring them upon yourself willingly and for what? money? is it so important to live in such a way? it's an ugly thing, regardless of whether or not you admit to it. i mean i feel for you, you've obviously already made the choice to whore yourself out, it's in the past; you're now and will always be a whore, a prostitute, soiled and eagerly so, mouth foaming overflowing with bubbly gargled semen and drooling out all over your chin at the sight of the Dollar, which is worth more to you than your own sacred self. you are very quick to take the side of the feminist but don't you see that they would not have you as you are because you are so far beneath it all?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:07:15 No.8123276

    That is extreme in most cases and you know it. 500 dollars a day is around a 125k job. Best part is she probably doesn't have to pay taxes.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:07:42 No.8123283
    Medschoolfag here.

    You could easily find job in a hospital, retirement home or medical lab. Of course it won't pay 500 per night, but it's still enough to live without worries. I've never felt the need to sell my body, so I believe you are enjoying it secretly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:08:39 No.8123289

    I don't care if "feminists " agree with me or now. I make my own rules and I live my own life .
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:08:43 No.8123290
    haha my girlfriend is doing her residency, i have been with her four years

    she made a shitload of money from tutoring, never had to suck cock for a living

    you are just lazy

    haha a lazy whore. the funny part is that you think you are "smart"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:09:09 No.8123293
    Do you refuse to fuck niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:09:52 No.8123296
    would you ever tell a future longterm boyfriend/husband?

    also, i study medicine at Imperial College London ( in fact i turned down an offer from oxford to study here), and the only reason medicine is "difficult" is because of the work load, none of the concepts are particularly difficult to understand, so stop pretending youre exceptionally intelligent because youre going to be a doctor.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:11:11 No.8123304
         File1269882671.jpg-(60 KB, 490x697, 1.1.jpg)
    60 KB
    >Of course not. Literally NO ONE in my normal life knows about this and if I have my way they never will.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:11:25 No.8123307
    That's not what I think I am intelligent. My IQ was tested at 139, which is pretty high, and I do well on standardized tests.

    whatever dude, glad it worked out for her
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:12:04 No.8123312
    haha, and so it is all clear. a good show, man, for a not entirely new trolling concept.
    >> footfag 03/29/10(Mon)13:12:07 No.8123313
    >she made a shitload of money from tutoring

    Tutoring? That s what they are calling it now? Good to know.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:13:20 No.8123320
    Whatever, I don't care about this thread.

    At least OP admits she is a whore and a slut, that gets more respect out of me than women who still rationalizes to them that they are not.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:15:22 No.8123333
    do you ever sometimes wish you weren't in this line of business?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:15:39 No.8123336
    Agreed. All girls would fuck someone for a million dollars so they are all whores no matter how much they lie to themselves.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)13:16:21 No.8123342
    yes ur likeee soooo totaaally guna be a doctur!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:17:49 No.8123355
    OP is awesome faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:18:30 No.8123357
    Every time I visit r9k I feel myself slipping away another step away from the naive child that I once was, and towards the frustrated misanthrope that I'm starting to become.

    You make me sad
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19:04 No.8123362
    so would/are guys...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19:11 No.8123365
    Notice how OP stopped responding after seeing this pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19:13 No.8123366
    I don't really see the problem with prostitution. I don't get why people get so angry about it. The only emotion it gets out of me is jealousy. I wish I could get $500 a night for fucking women, but that ain't gonna happen. Personally, I wouldn't fuck a prostitute, but then again, I've been fairly lucky with girlfriends. Also, PROTIP: Getting laid is about money 95% of the time. Whores are just more up front about it than most women.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19:34 No.8123369
    >That's not what I think I am intelligent. My IQ was tested at 139, which is pretty high, and I do well on standardized tests.

    i just
    i just don't even know what to say anymore

    6/10 for the thread
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:19:57 No.8123374
    I'm still here
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:20:47 No.8123380
    I just want to butt in and say that whores are awesome because they have sex and don't afraid of anything.
    You may proceed.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:22:44 No.8123389
    Wait a fucking second.

    Most of your story is exactly the same as in Paule Coelho's 11 Minutes.

    Fuck your shit you cunt. The fact that all women love that book, proves that they're whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:23:06 No.8123392
    Prostitutes are for dudes who can't get laid on their own. Dudes with cerebral palsy, uber-neckbeards, whatever. FFS, if you have any game at all, you can get laid.
    >> Concerned Citizen 03/29/10(Mon)13:23:23 No.8123394
    oh OP feels a sense of shame, it's obvious really. It doesn't want to tell it's friends and as i pointed out has to make attention whore threads on 4chan for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:24:12 No.8123404
    that supposed to be op? because if so I'd save up some good cash to spend on a night of hot sex with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:24:52 No.8123412
    Living under a rock lately?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:26:33 No.8123426
    my only complaint is it limits maturity growth after while.
    sex for money only achieves your goals after so long. after that you are very nasty.

    also please don't date me ever, some men don't like your style or your secrets.

    REMOVE yaselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:26:54 No.8123431
    tbh yes, kinda. who is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:27:36 No.8123442
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:29:12 No.8123456
    Of course sex is but a physical act, but do you not attach anything emotional to it whatsoever? Humans have evolved to attach meaning to sex, and you'll have a hard time coming by a man who isn't bothered by what you've done. Don't you worry about STDs, pregnancy, etc? Condoms aren't 100% fullproof.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:30:19 No.8123469
    I have been thinking about hiring an escort but not for sex just to cuddle with me and maybe watch a movie on my couch. If a guy wanted to hire you to do that would you except, and would it cost less, or would you just laugh at him and hang up?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:30:29 No.8123470
    the risk is low enough that i am ok with it.

    i can have emotionally meaningful sex in the future so there are no worried on that front
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:30:39 No.8123474
    I DEMAND EQUAL RIGHTS! Equal pay for equal time! It's time for a men's rights movement! It is because of the gynocracy that men only make a fraction of what women make in "the industry".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:31:28 No.8123491
    I'd like to see her enjoy a normal job now.
    She's probably above all that.
    Because women are lazy whores (not that men wouldn't be equally lazy whores if they could, but they can't)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:31:51 No.8123496
    I love how her facial expression goes with the greentext so perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:32:04 No.8123498

    But having sex for money already nulls the emotional connection you have to it :( I don't think it's something you can just switch off for now, then switch on in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:33:54 No.8123514
    Bottom line is that no one respects someone that takes the easy way out. Enjoy "making something of yourself" based upon something every female in existence could do.

    You prove what a classless rube you are without trying.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:34:11 No.8123516
    she can just have her hole filled now, and be in love and consequently intimate with someone later. it's not like women have to get a hard on to have sex first.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:37:14 No.8123545
    Take off the rose colored glasses, man. You think women have sex out of love? Hate to break it to you, but women look for the best provider. Like I said, whores are just very up front about it. Other women want you to have a nice career, or potential to earn tons of money, dress like you have money, drive a car that indicates you have money, etc. The women that realize that they can't get these men because they aren't hot enough bang neckbeards like you and would drop you in a New York minute for a guy with money.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:38:34 No.8123559
    why don't women want sex like men want sex?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:38:51 No.8123563

    You know I just kinda view whoring yourself out as shitting in the middle of the street... of course nature tells you it's okay, but come on, it's gross and kind of stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:39:04 No.8123565
    Both Rosie O'Donnell and Jessica Simpson can fuck. However, only one would get paid to do so. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:39:49 No.8123574
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:40:48 No.8123583
    Wrong. Any woman can work as a prostitute, the only difference is how much she could charge based upon her looks. You haven't seen many ghetto princess whores, have you?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:42:29 No.8123602
    >any woman can work as a prostitute
    Tell that to your mom, then come back and tell me how hard she slapped you.
    >> gabbagool !8Wi1jtFVwY 03/29/10(Mon)13:42:54 No.8123607
    I don't have any questions and I don't think you're a bad person, but I do think that selling yourself sexually is cheapening and denotes a lack of self respect and proper judgment. I don't hate you and I'm not even mad that you make shitloads of dough just for fucking, but I do want you to understand where that value comes from.

    Attractive women have their choice of men. This is because you're in high demand. Turning this into profit is disrespectful to the gift you've been given by blind luck of birth, and disrespectful to your whole being as a human and a spiritual entity. The value that becomes money in your pocket is not produced from thin air; it comes at the expense of your natural inclination to reserve your body for sex with only men who cause you to seek them. By overriding this for cash, you do your deeper self a great disservice.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:45:09 No.8123626
    This whole thread.
    >implying none of you jerk off to porn.
    What, do you think those porn "actresses" are doing charity work?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:46:08 No.8123644
    Way to forfeit your fragile argument, bud. ;)

    ANY woman, and I mean any woman, could work as a whore if she chose to. She wouldn't be living the in the lap of luxury if she was homely, of course, but trashy dirt-poor truckers need poon too.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:46:28 No.8123648
    i ain't even mad, bro.
    no one said humans weren't hypocrites.
    get over yaself.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:47:18 No.8123658
    is OP here
    or just rage and leave?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:48:09 No.8123668
    i'm the OP and i'm still following along
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:48:50 No.8123677

    I usually fap to homemade stuff :x
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:49:01 No.8123678
    is this answerable?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:49:46 No.8123688
    Do you take it in the butt?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:50:14 No.8123694
    Physically, all women have the tools of prostitution. (actually, all men do to, but they'd get paid less and would have to fuck dudes, too)
    Physically, I have the tools to be a doctor. Hands, eyes, coordination, etc.

    Mentally, I do not have the capability to be a doctor. I do not have the desire, and therefore did not pursue the training required. Mentally, all women do not have the capability to be prostitutes. Morals, need for emotional connection, etc all prevent them from doing so.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:51:39 No.8123706

    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:55:09 No.8123744

    could you answer my question please >>8123469
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:56:03 No.8123752
    Have fun doing your income tax, OP.

    Employment: Private masseuse
    Income: $500/john
    Employer: NOT the mafia
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:56:19 No.8123756
    Would you fuck a nigger for $500?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:56:43 No.8123763
    OP Please answer if you take it in the butt?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:56:59 No.8123769
    I've been to whores and always treated them like a normal girl. I see nothing wrong with it.

    Maybe that's why I can also get laid outside a brothel :)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:57:43 No.8123775
    >implying that prostitutes become honest about their cash income when confronted with a 1040EZ.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:59:25 No.8123791
    500 a night. not 50.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:00:16 No.8123795
    I'm 21, not fat, and about a 7. I ask for your services and pay you the money. I tell you I'm a virgin. What do?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:01:46 No.8123803
    Just so you know, you're speaking to a woman. All women have -preferences- regarding the type of career, and the type of sexual activity they'd like to engage in.

    Not everyone has the capacity to equip themselves with the proper abilities to make a living as a doctor, as you said. It's a taxing profession in many ways and it requires many years of proving oneself, that's why doctors are respected and paid as well as they are. They earned it.

    ALL WOMEN have the capability to whore themselves if the stakes are high enough. If they're desperate and need some cash, every single woman alive could if she needed to. It's not demanding,they cut themselves off from the emotional aspect of sex, as you have.

    Basically, you have taken the easy way out in just simply convincing yourself that alienating the emotional aspect of sex for the sake of money is okay, like any other woman could if they were forced to. But you're not forced, you're just lazy, and no one respects a lazy whore who does absolutely nothing but lay there and moan to get what she has.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:01:53 No.8123804
    i don't do anal, no.
    I do
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:03:34 No.8123815
    I'd smile at you and ask you if you were nervous. I'd try to take it slow and make you comfortable so you would enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:05:29 No.8123835
    >>134 posts and (only)1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:06:59 No.8123851
    >I'd eat up time in an attempt to get more money from you
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:07:07 No.8123854
    >it's not like some social construct, really, it's more a kind of internal human thing, spiritual if you will or just natural if you don't go for that. either way there's a legacy, you know, this idea of a whore, of a prostitute, and the place she has in society throughout history, it's there for a reason, kind of tragic and low and disgusting, no?

    No. Don't know much history, do you? Ancient Rome, for example, had temple prostitutes. Sex was for sale AND a sacred act.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:07:24 No.8123856
    how many times can i jaba daba du? is there a limit?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:07:29 No.8123858
    I'm not lazy. I am in school and I more than sit around and fuck all day.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:08:28 No.8123872
    that would be a very respectable whore.
    she could charge you $500 & pay back $300 after everything went smoothly. now that's a service to humanity.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:08:29 No.8123873
    Hookers are the only honest women in existence.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:09:41 No.8123886
    Whores aren't bad people, they're just women that have realized that they have a talent and don't have a problem with using it.
    It's no different than being a model or a pornstar. Kudos OP.

    Question for you OP, I'm probably like most of your clientele average looking, but a social leaper, so much that I might only sleep with a different girl once or twice a year.

    How do you put them at ease so they can be relaxed around you? I'd probably go for an escort if I wasn't worried they would be weird and stuff and be really cold to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:10:08 No.8123893
    I wouldn't give him his money back but I would be fine with cuddling with him and watching a movah.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:11:12 No.8123901
    I think it would be more of an issue that if a whore did that, she'd be making less money hourly, even if she wasn't fucking and reducing herself to trash.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:11:12 No.8123902
    personally it turns me off that i'd be contributing stretching your vagoo even more. cuddle ftw!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:11:27 No.8123907
    Corporate CEOs & financial wiz types, they don't got time for to play games.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:11:38 No.8123911
    I don't come from a mindset of "all women are whores"

    Press me hard enough, and I could become a doctor. Give me a knife, some rubbing alcohol, and a needle and thread, and I'm a brain surgeon! Just not a good one.

    But if your argument is "any woman is a potential whore" I would suggest you see a psychiatrist, because you obviously have some issues on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:12:01 No.8123914
    i would
    1. I'm warm and nice
    2. I try to put them at ease by making jokes and smallt lak
    it's not really all that difficult
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:12:11 No.8123915
    i think /r9k/ is mad at the whore because she is more academically, financially, and sexually successful than they are.

    i don't necessarily approve of her choice, and think it is rather dangerous (your pimp might not like it if you try and get out of the game before he's ready to let you leave) and am not going to shed any tears if she gets killed by a whacko john (you knew the risks, girlfriend), but she's doing what she can to get by.

    no reason to get mad at the girl. if you had the money you could fuck her too.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:13:06 No.8123928
    like america ruining this world in the name of profit.
    whores ruin society because they always have to charge that full price. can't you just do the right thing sometimes?

    you make more than you should (tho everything comes down to supply and demand so i know my arguement is invalid).

    but really this world can be so sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:14:18 No.8123943

    if you were a functional human being you wouldn't need to pay a whore any money at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:15:38 No.8123955
    You are aware that most women will "do it" for the price of a few beers, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:15:43 No.8123959
    sorry i'm in a oneness mode right now, say devil's advocate.

    i'm happily married
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:16:52 No.8123974

    what the fuck am i reading O_O
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:19:06 No.8123996
    That's some supremely flawed logic you have there.

    You need very few skills in order to fuck for money. In fact, about all you need is rudimentary neurological function. It is something ANY woman would be capable of doing just based upon her anatomy. Did I say all women were whores? No, I never did. Did I say any woman could make being a whore work if she was pressed for money? Yes, I did.

    Oh, and having a scalpel and some rubbing alcohol doesn't make you a brain surgeon, not even a bad one. You'd have no degree certifying any ability, nor the specialization in neurobiology. The most you could make yourself out to be in that scenario without proper training is a murderer. I can't even say "nice try" to that argument. No offense, but women can be so goddamn dumb.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:19:23 No.8124000
    until shes finds someone more interesting
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:20:48 No.8124018
    just making a retarded example that humans are kinda fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:21:30 No.8124025
    hey OP does penis size have a correlation to your sexual satisfaction in your whoring?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:22:51 No.8124040
    Honestly? Yes, of course. Girth matters the most, but length is important, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:24:27 No.8124062
    OK fine then. All women are whores. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:25:10 No.8124068
    OP, do you fuck niggers?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:26:47 No.8124086
    all women are capable of being whores because evolution designed em that way.

    no use being bitter, it's just how it's loaded.

    nothings perfect or fair, is what it is.
    but if it was perfect and fair, we'd have less whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:27:11 No.8124091
    Oh, and I forgot to add to my "OK fine then, all women are whores, whatever" post was that by your logic, all men are whores, too.

    I never thought of myself as a whore, but OK. I guess I'm a whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:28:53 No.8124105
    I'm not a racist but I have never slept with a black man before.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:31:32 No.8124141
    how much of your tuition do you pay in cash and how much in loans?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:32:19 No.8124147
    You're the one saying all women are whores, not I, sweetheart.

    As far as males being whores goes, if determining whether someone is "a whore" by your logic, depends upon whether prostitution lies in the vast range of possible behaviors for that person, you are an idiot.

    Someone is a whore if they're whoring. Not if they're capable of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:33:01 No.8124154
    OP What's the most degrading thing you've ever had to do/did?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:33:31 No.8124161
    What do you do with your excess money, honestly?
    do you buy extra stuff, save it, waste it, donate to charity?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:34:34 No.8124173
    >not a racist
    oh hush, we don't need your excuses save them for the real world where people (for some unfathomable reason) give a fuck about niggers and jews.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:35:20 No.8124182

    I doubt any of your jokes are funny, useless woman. Try making jokes after the man has already cum, see if you get any laughs then.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:36:39 No.8124187
    dressed up in a dog costume and acted like a dog
    save it
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 03/29/10(Mon)14:38:31 No.8124204
    hi. no questions. would just like to commend you on doing the responsible thing and not getting yourself massively in debt. always good to see working kids these days, gives me hope for our generation.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:40:56 No.8124227
    I'm good looking, in shape, and very pleasant to be around. Will you cut me a deal?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:40:58 No.8124228
    Or, you know, it could just be that she's never had a customer who was black. Really guys, think a little before posting.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:41:27 No.8124234
    trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:42:16 No.8124240
    Are you kidding? You're a floating dollar sign.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:42:38 No.8124244
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:44:41 No.8124269
    >Just so you know, you're speaking to a woman.
    So whatever argument you have applies to yourself.
    >All women have -preferences- regarding the type of career, and the type of sexual activity they'd like to engage in.
    OK, we agree on this.

    >Not everyone has the capacity to equip themselves with the proper abilities to make a living as a doctor,as you said.
    OK, then instead of doctor, let's say, oh, shoe salesman.
    >It's a taxing profession in many ways and it requires many years of proving oneself, that's why doctors are respected and paid as well as they are. They earned it.
    This isn't really relevant when we use the shoe salesman analogy. All men can be shoe salesmen, most choose not to.

    >ALL WOMEN have the capability to whore themselves if the stakes are high enough. If they're desperate and need some cash, every single woman alive could if she needed to. It's not demanding,they cut themselves off from the emotional aspect of sex, as you have.

    OK, so, um, so what?
    >Basically, you have taken the easy way out in just simply convincing yourself that alienating the emotional aspect of sex for the sake of money is okay, like any other woman could if they were forced to. But you're not forced, you're just lazy, and no one respects a lazy whore who does absolutely nothing but lay there and moan to get what she has.

    So your point is that because it's an easy-to-do profession, that it's not worthy of respect? Whatever, I guess. The shoe salesman doesn't get much respect either.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:47:12 No.8124293

    I didn't ask whether or not you were a racist, or had ever previously fucked a nigger, I'm asking WOULD YOU?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:48:00 No.8124302
    Should I make a vast generalization and assume all hookers/whores are in college?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:48:19 No.8124310
    Right, neither get respect because they didn't put the effort and determination into improving their quality of life that a doctor would have had to.

    Easy way out, etc. Whores just make more than shoe salesmen.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:50:57 No.8124340
         File1269888657.jpg-(13 KB, 273x346, aaaaahhhh.jpg)
    13 KB
    Just so you know, you're speaking to Peggy Bundy. All men have -preferences- regarding the type of career they'd like to engage in.

    Not everyone has the capacity to equip themselves with the proper abilities to make a living as a doctor, as you said. It's a taxing profession in many ways and it requires many years of proving oneself, that's why doctors are respected and paid as well as they are. They earned it.

    ALL MEN have the capability to sell shoes if the stakes are high enough. If they're desperate and need some cash, every single man alive could if he needed to. It's not demanding,they cut themselves off from the emotional aspect of shoes, as you have.

    Basically, you have taken the easy way out in just simply convincing yourself that alienating the emotional aspect of shoes for the sake of money is okay, like any other man could if they were forced to. But you're not forced, you're just lazy, and no one respects a lazy shoe salesman who does absolutely nothing but sit there and pick belly button lint to get what he has.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:52:54 No.8124364
    oh god lol

    That made this thread worthwhile
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:53:36 No.8124379
    Well, I don't hate whores, and I don't hate shoe salesmen. People gotta pay the bills, tough times and all that. It's regrettable, but a fact of life. It is the world's oldest profession, after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:55:29 No.8124401
    selling sex isn't difficult. it doesn't garner respect. but it pays the bills. and in an economy like this, that's all that matters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:57:41 No.8124424
    Do you think you could pull an oversea's mission?
    Lots of non america powerful men like to have sex with intelligent white women.

    Maybe you could fulfill a strategic role.
    I'm sure the CIA has a bunch of great looking post operation TS's just for that .
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)14:58:36 No.8124442

    i have a general dislike for women.
    but you openly being a whore doesn't really bother me, hell, at least your honest about it.
    you're a whore, and that's that's.

    most women act like little skanks and then claim that they are on a different level then "whores" like OP.

    also, do what you can to get by but, i'm sure you're an idiot based on what i've read in this thread and don't start crying when something goes terribly, terribly wrong for you.
    you make a living dealing with very shady people, you understand the risks of working within a crime ring. take responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:00:46 No.8124474
    Would you be willing to do nonsexual stuff like cuddling, talking, playing a board game, or watching a movie? And would it cost just as much as sex?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:01:43 No.8124488
    You pay a whore for her time.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:02:47 No.8124502

    someone knows OP?

    hmmm interesting.
    if that is OP, not bad looking, but i would describe her as sexy and not pretty. Which i guess works fine for her line of work.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:02:48 No.8124503
    I don't recall a shoe salesman putting a cock in his mouth for cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:05:39 No.8124536
    Male anon here.

    I just wanted to stop by and say that I wouldn't mind dating or marrying a sex worker even if she was still working while we were together. I've seen a couple like that, except the male was the sex worker (usually for gay men). I think it's actually pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:11:40 No.8124611
    It's not OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)15:53:54 No.8125091
    Dear OP,
    Once this is over with, you go out there and be the best doctor you can. And always remember that no matter all the jealous haters say, you'll always be a whore and you'll never live it down.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:30:06 No.8127337
    I'm considering losing my virginity this way..

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