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    File : 1269652930.jpg-(91 KB, 646x484, 1262119148781.jpg)
    91 KB Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:22:10 No.8082383  
    So who's the biggest loser around here? An inverted e-penis contest, if you will.

    23 years old
    - Made out with a girl about 5 years ago; furthest I've ever gotten.
    - Live at home
    - No drivers license (though I'm taking lessons atm)
    - Normally spend about 14 to 16 hours a day behind my computer.
    - 200 gigs of porn

    Try to beat that, normalfag.
    (And don't forget to greet Peter).
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:23:39 No.8082402
    20 years old
    - Made out with a DUDE about 6 years ago; furthest I've ever gotten.
    - Live at home
    - No drivers license
    - Normally spend about 14 hours a day behind my computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:23:53 No.8082405
    You have me beaten Op.

    also, hay Peter.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:25:38 No.8082423
    Hi Peter :)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:26:26 No.8082435
    I fail at being a loser LOL.
    - Have a social life

    yep, don't need to list anything else. >>8082402 is gay. he must be the winner of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:26:38 No.8082437
    Hi Peter

    Can't beat that, really.

    Compared to you,
    -19 years old
    - had sex once, got dumped afterwards
    - live alone in mother's basement, she's renting out the top half of the house to friends of hers
    - can't drive, or get a learners. failed three times.
    - spend most of my day either watching tv or on the computer
    - can't afford groceries most of the time.
    - no medical plan since I lost my job, and government canceled my plan. fack.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:27:40 No.8082450
    Peter <3

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:28:02 No.8082455
    - live in sweden or some shit
    - live with my mother
    - complete pedo
    - just sit around on computer spamming people
    - have no friends
    - hated by people all across the world
    - ugly as fuck
    - fat
    - no redeeming qualities at all

    What do I win?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:28:06 No.8082456
    never even touched or hit on a girl

    nuff said
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:28:47 No.8082461
    22 years old
    - Went out with a girl about two years ago, made out a few times, slept in same bed, didn't have sex due to anxiety even though she wanted to.
    - Live at home
    - Failed driving exam 7 times due to anxiety, now I drive unlicenced
    - Around 14 hours on computer
    - 20gig of 'child models' sitting on my hd
    - unemployed, never had a job
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:30:16 No.8082488
    Thats a cool story bro.

    MAN UP
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:31:57 No.8082511
    Kimmo, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:32:58 No.8082526
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:33:03 No.8082527
    You easily win, I just wanted to say hi to Peter.

    Hi, Peter!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:34:08 No.8082546
    ding, ding, ding we have a winner!
    >> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 03/26/10(Fri)21:34:21 No.8082553
    never made out with anyone or anything
    live at home
    no license
    12+ hours on computer, a few more if i feel like doing homework which is my only other activity
    got rid of all my porn :|
    no job
    no money
    no car
    no friends/social life due to shyness/retardation in that department
    cant find a job due to shitty town/economy/back problems

    at least i'm somewhat attractive (imho) and not fat. :|
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:34:41 No.8082556
    -I've slept with two guys but they were both plain assholes and one was a complete slob. im so glad im done with them
    -to add to that, i found of later that one of them was cheating on me with my EX-best friend
    -live at home with parents
    -no drivers license. i have to take public transit or have friends drive me
    -spent the night in jail more than once for public intoxication, since then ive learned not to take every shot that a guy offers me
    -spend all my time either sleeping, checking facebook or 4chan. i only work out like once a week
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:34:51 No.8082560

    Look in his eyes. He would kill you and everyone you care about, given half the chance.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:34:52 No.8082561
    I would post too, but I don't want to help mootle with his marketing demographics survey
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:36:48 No.8082583
    Why did you get rid of your porn?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:37:29 No.8082589

    Seriously, are you that stupid? If moot wanted a demo survey, he would sticky it and there would be thousands of replies.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:38:11 No.8082594
    I find absolutely amazing that mentally ill shut in nerds see themselves as superior to *normal* people.
    >> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 03/26/10(Fri)21:39:38 No.8082619

    was too depressed to even fap for a while, plus it was taking up space on my harddrive
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:41:04 No.8082636
    Well I have the opportunity to make something out of myself a real thing (think 6 figures yep) and I'm struggling to meet it due to my laziness all the other childhood habits that I never cared about before know.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:44:43 No.8082674
    I think I win, I pretty the same loser you all are but I'm 33.
    >> sasuke 03/26/10(Fri)21:46:48 No.8082696
    I live in my mom basement.
    I get money by doing clinical trials and by getting free dogs and selling them for a hundred or two on online websites.
    I sleep 10 hours a day. I start off my days by a 4-hour long masturbation sessions.
    I lost my very last friend when i sneaked in his sister's room to steal used panties.
    When i'm bored i tape two dogs together with adhesive bands.
    Didn't shave for 2 years because no girls like me anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:46:54 No.8082697
    never so much as held a girls hand
    live at home
    do have drivers license
    no job
    been sick since I was 5
    fat and have almost no muscle as a result of sickness
    small penis
    spend 23 hours/day in the house
    filled 500gb hd with porn
    do have some a few friends from college, but haven't made any new ones in 4 years
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:49:17 No.8082723
         File1269654557.jpg-(38 KB, 623x484, PETEP.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:49:44 No.8082730

    Fuck off cunt, go back to facebook like EVERY OTHER FUCKING WORTHLESS VAPID WHORE OUT THERE.

    Fucking normalfag bitches shitting up my 4chan. If troll you are a master troll because I am raging right now. inb4 u mad
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:50:03 No.8082733
    sup peter
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:50:12 No.8082734
    >Live at home

    Well duh.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:50:20 No.8082738
    thank you guys now i feel better.
    But life sucks anyway. :/
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:50:34 No.8082742
    you might want to consider that you're reversing cause and effect OP. you have no friends because all you do is masturbate all day. you're so used to being satisfied for doing nothing that you'll never achieve anything remotely resembling friendship or love. I'm 22 and married, and when I was 19 and met my wife I had no friends because I jerked off all fucking day. She made me delete all my porn, and since then I've learned how to be a social human being, and I have fun all the fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:50:55 No.8082749
    Why do you act as if driver's licence is even remotely big a deal?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:51:03 No.8082751
    no licence,
    still living with parents,
    been offered my first job interview. . . evar, on april 1st. I can't help but feel they are trolling
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:51:04 No.8082753
    Never held hands romantically with a girl + anything further than that.
    Do i win? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:51:22 No.8082759
    OMG this comes just at the right moment
    25 year old
    -high school drop out
    -no money at all ($155.17 is all)
    -no computer (my brother's this one)
    -kick out of my parent's basement
    -no job and never had one
    -I have a deadline (either get a job by Monday or brother will kick me out)
    -^ about to be homeless
    -no material possessions
    -never touch a girl intentionally or spoke to one since puberty
    -no licenses at all what so ever
    -all am doing know is chilling for the last time in my life
    -also my eyesight is shit
    -I am really weak physically

    High Peter!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:51:36 No.8082763
    I don't thikn that you're as pathetic as you think you are, woman

    according to that pic, you should be normal
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:51:58 No.8082769
    2 years older then you.
    I win.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:52:39 No.8082781
    25 years old
    unemployed for 6 months
    last job was at burger king for a year
    love off monthly checks from mother

    on the bright side, i am in college full time and get lots of financial aid, i'm doing very well, and i have a loving girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:52:47 No.8082786
    I hope she cheats on your or has cheated on you since you started going out tralalalalalala
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:53:23 No.8082794
    I'm working on it. Despite that, I found it amusing how much of a loser I still am. Hence, this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:54:01 No.8082799
    And what if you never met her?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:55:40 No.8082821
    22 years old
    just started college
    cant get job even though I try.
    never held hands with girl
    never kiss girl
    never have sex with girl
    never even have girlfriend
    mediocre at school even though I study hard.
    No friends since high school
    No social skills
    Best friend is my dog even though my dog doesnt even like me.
    Only my mother cares about me.
    Fuck Fuck FUck.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:56:54 No.8082840
    Is it bad to only have had sex with prostitutes?

    What about finishing law school at 26? Is that pathetic?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:57:58 No.8082856

    Dude, I'm 25 and I'm hardly two years into college.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:59:15 No.8082869
    Law school is after undergrad right?
    So you finished law school before i finished my bachelors
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:59:33 No.8082874
    >getting ignored on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:59:58 No.8082882
    >Best friend is my dog even though my dog doesnt even like me.

    Wow, this is truly sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:03:36 No.8082920
    Well, I would try to feel better because apparently you two have it 'worse' than me, but I'd be fooling myself. I mean, if I had studied hard from the start, I would've been a (trainee) lawyer last year!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:04:31 No.8082932
    -no drivers license
    -never had a job
    -never had friends
    -no social skills
    -virgin of course
    -ugly n chubby
    -terribly unclose family (too many issues that are just never brought up or discussed, just constant silence)
    -no self esteem or confidence
    -shit grades + headin for community college
    -age: 18 plus or minus one year

    although I'm happy to see their are other people in the same boat, makes me feel less isolated, let's keep on truckin!

    -(honestly think it will end in suicide, but I'm hopin I'll figure it all out in community (lol) )

    oh yeah, someone said something about driver's L. being unimportant, for me I just feel utterly powerless and cooped up in my house (I live on outskirts of city, walking not feasible) with no friends to pick me up or anything and relying on parent/older brother to get food and stuff. I think my drivers will be the first step to doing stuff for myself, and actually feeling like I have control and am not worthless. Starting classes in a week actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:04:52 No.8082935
    - First kiss was with a prostitute paid by sister to spend time with me on my 18th birthday. (none of my 'friends' turned up, so my sisters friends took me out)
    - Virgin (durrr)
    - Live with parents
    - Still in High School
    - Friends too embarrassed to be associated with me (no friends)
    - Friends stole $2000 worth of stuff from me (see above). All deny any involvement.
    - pseudo-intellectual
    - never had a job not aquired through a connection
    - Brother killed himself at my age in similar circumstances (except for the prostitute part)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:05:01 No.8082938
    I lost my virginity to a prostitute and I think I'm pretty cool...

    so... yeah...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:07:16 No.8082976
    Drivers license is a sign of maturity. You're really just supposed to have one, it's that simple.
    That's how I see it anyway, so yeah, it is important.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:08:31 No.8082983
    Oh and, hey Peter.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:08:50 No.8082987
    I don't understand why it's hard for people to pass the driving exam. I took it, messed up in parallel parking, almost ran into another car and I still got my license.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:11:00 No.8083018
    22 years old
    - I accidentally collided faces with a girl that sat next to me in the 4th grade, this is the closest I've come to getting a kiss
    - Live with parents
    - No friends, aquaintances
    - spend 15+ hours on the internet every day
    - no job
    - no education

    I guess I can say at least I'm not some kind of sexual deviant porn collector like some of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:11:42 No.8083021
    I got outsmarted by a bitch 3 years younger than me.....
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:14:13 No.8083047

    Law is a 4 year undergrad where I live. I'm 22 and I'm going to sign up for grad entry in 2011. That takes 3 years full time, so I'll be 26 with an LLB and a BA. Not too bad, if I can pull it off.

    I'm thinking about doing some teaching in Korea this year since I can't find a job here. But the contracts are for a year, which would mean I have to put law on hold for another year, meaning I'll be 27 when I graduate. If I would've done a double degree and not slacked off I could've been qualified at 23. Feels not so good.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:16:39 No.8083075
    Hi Peter.

    23 years old
    -Had sex with 4 different girls. Mostly with my ex-gf.
    -Live at home but moving soon
    -Driver's license
    -Spend 8-12 hours a day on computer (Work 8 hours a day on a computer)
    -5 gigs of porn maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:17:13 No.8083085
    22 years old

    -do have a boyfriend and not a virgin (female), but we fight a lot and he seems ambivalent about being together, yet wont break up, there is constant uncertainty and tension, but I love him
    -work minimum wage jobs most of the year because I am too depressed and self conscious to pursue more
    -working good job now, only got because all I had to do was pass a test, but avoid people and make an idiot out of myself when they talk to me
    -dropped out of university with <2.0 GPA, too self conscious to go to class, had anxiety, didn't fit in, wasted a lot of time and money because I wanted to avoid dealing with real life
    -live at home, no car, no license because I get panic attacks driving
    -avoids people, social anxiety, 1 actual friend, one boyfriend, no one else, can't talk to people without sounding like an idiot
    -on computer all day when I get home or play video games
    -frequent panic attacks, constant anxiety and feeling unreal because I can't believe how sad my life is, disappointment at who I have become, feel helpless
    -depressed, often feel nothing at all
    -fucking acne at my age and constant disgustingly oily skin
    -people think I am weird, 'too quiet' even after I tried my hardest to be outgoing
    -feel overwhelmed easily by sensory stimulation, frequently need to be alone
    -clumsy, do stupid things like walk into walls
    -just awkward and unhappy with myself in general
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:18:25 No.8083095
    Have a immune system condition making me have to live inside a closed suit all my life
    I want to bone my sexy commander, but he's to nice (some would say a paragon) to risk my life
    I'm Tali
    Was going to be subtle about it, but I'm drunk as fuck
    sorry guys
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:19:22 No.8083105
    Moved from Australia to California to the most nigger infested part in the middle of fucking nowhere. Went from an awsome life to a peice of crap with no friends. Moved when i was 15.

    So i am 19 now
    No friends
    No job
    Now overweight
    No Car
    No Drivers Lisc
    No one to talk to besides my mum
    Nothing to do to meet people because im in the fucking middle of nowhere with niggers and spics.

    And the first day at my new school i got in a fight when some mexican girl when she was making fun of my australian accent, which ended up with me punchign her in the face and a fucking gang beating the shit of out me. then nobody in the school would talk to me.

    So yeah, Cant get a job because no car, cant get a car because of no money, cant get money because of no job.

    pretty much planning on joining the military when im done with highschool in hopes of meeting a friend there.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:19:47 No.8083110

    First time: lack of shoulder checks and stalling because I was using a different car
    2nd: through a stop sign
    3rd: changing lanes accidentily on a corner
    4th: Faulty brake light
    5th: speeding
    6th: bald tyre (wasn't really that bald, dude was just being a prick)
    7th: that some fucking corner on number 3

    I've been driving unlicenced almost daily since I was 18 though (22 now). I just get really nervous during the test and fuck up. Fucking $43 dollars a test too. Bastards.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:20:53 No.8083121
    >clumsy, do stupid things like walk into walls

    You sound a-d'awww-able.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:21:35 No.8083132

    >do have a boyfriend and not a virgin (female)

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:22:38 No.8083142
    >So who's the biggest loser around here?
    >do have a boyfriend and not a virgin

    stopped reading right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:23:04 No.8083147
    Well, some of the files are HD so they take a lot of space...
    And when there's a pornstar I like, I collect a few scenes of her. It adds up I guess.

    Then there's the two or three ...fetish folders, so to speak.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:23:59 No.8083157
    28 years old
    - live at home
    - got laid once when i was 17. haven't even got a kiss since.
    - no driver's liscence.
    - spend about 6 -12 hours a day at the computer
    - 150gb of porn
    - drinking problem. and i'm always drinking alone.
    - live in a city i hate and i seem to only meet hipster trash and have given up on trying to make any friends.
    - fuck you that's why.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:24:14 No.8083159

    Dude, have a little self respect. You're bringing us all down with that shit. Fucking stand tall, man!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:24:32 No.8083162
    Holy shit OP, you're almost exactly me.

    22 years old

    -Fingered a girl about five years ago; furthest I've gotten
    -Live at home
    -No license
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:25:28 No.8083176
    Female version of me, but I'm 3 years older....

    My situation is slightly worse though, and not just because of my age.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:25:31 No.8083179

    Stopped reading right there mind
    >> Entering NIGGERDOM !!UTgBmTSJO83 03/26/10(Fri)22:26:52 No.8083190
    Lol this thread makes me feel way better about myself. Enjoy your fail, losers.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:27:25 No.8083195
         File1269656845.png-(17 KB, 180x180, 180px-Awesome.png)
    17 KB
    Age 20
    -Homeles, bumming off gay friend
    -Can't hold a relationship down
    -Lost virginity at 19
    -Laptop screen broke, have to carry a monitor with me.
    -Lost job because supervisor changed schedule after 17 months of employment
    -Dropped out of college to job search
    -I'm pretty sure I'm adopted (i'm mexican looking, no one else is)
    -have no car, but have car insurance...
    -Ride my bike from town to town because I can't afford the bus.
    -DEP Loss for my recuiter, his recruitees now think I'm a terrorist.
    -If I grow a beard I look like a terrorist....
    -I have sleep apnea and no medical insurance
    -My friend is starting to taint my mind with conspiracy theories. Especially regarding the Illuminate.
    -I troll my friends during DnD
    -I'm always the heal-bot
    -The only girl I've ever loved is getting married in June.
    -the only girl that i've made an honest effort to love after her lives too far away...
    -My gay friend looks at me inappropriately in my sleep.
    -I have a bruise on my upper leg that i can't account for.............
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:27:45 No.8083201
    Hello Peter!

    27 old male
    -Got laid to a prostitute first time ever ~6 months ago
    -Rents a room from a friend
    -On sickleave due to depression and other psycological problems
    -Fat and lacks the discipline to do something about it
    -Wake up->Computer->Food->Computer->Sleep
    -I got like 500gig+ of porn
    -Plays WoW
    -Plays penn & paper DnD
    -No close female friends ever

    I think I beat you OP
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:28:37 No.8083212
    20 years old
    - never had a job
    - never had a boyfriend
    - never had a friend that was a guy
    - never done anything with a guy past holding hands
    - have 2 friends that i don't really like
    - completely mooch off parents
    - was homeschooled
    i think i'll just stop there.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:28:44 No.8083214
    26 almost 27 male
    live at home
    horribly socially awkward/avoidant

    I don't think I can win though because despite all that i have a good job as a computer programmer and I'm attractive (or so I'm often told)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:28:50 No.8083216
    >pen and paper D&D

    is there any other kind other than that?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:29:49 No.8083226
    23 years old
    nearly bald (began losing hair at 16)
    never learned to drive
    5 foot 7
    spend so much time on the computer that I have calluses on my fingertips and under my palms
    graduated high school with a 2.4, dropped out of junior college
    never had a >minimum wage job

    ...but somehow, I ain't a virgin, actually pretty far from it. New Zealand girls will put out so quick.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:29:56 No.8083228
    >was homeschooled

    Oh god I feel so bad for you. Are you christian too? Usually the homeschoolers are the weirdo religious nuts
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:31:24 No.8083254
    Fortunately, no. My parents were just insanely strict.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:32:07 No.8083271
         File1269657127.jpg-(45 KB, 649x681, smashlove.jpg)
    45 KB
    i made this for you

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:33:00 No.8083285

    Join the military dude.

    Either that or be homeless for the rest of your life.

    Not much for me except

    -17 years old
    -Never been kissed/sex
    -Only had 1 girlfriend, that lasted about a week
    -don't know if I'm attractive or ugly
    -I never ask girls out for fear of being rejected
    -I spend my weekends on xbox or the internet
    -Never smoked weed, drank alcohol, or been to a real party before

    Okay it's not the worst.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:33:01 No.8083286

    You should just pack as much shit as you can into a hobo bindle and leave home.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:34:06 No.8083298
    i just came home from clubbing and am fucking drunk and i'm getting on 4chan how sad is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:35:21 No.8083317
    oh yeah forgot

    20 years old
    live at home
    15+ hours a day on computer (10+ of it on /r9k/)
    never had a job
    made out with one girl like 6 months ago, even though i think it was charity (also have drivers license that i never ever need)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:35:40 No.8083319
    25 year old
    - Married
    - one kid
    - Sleeping with other girls also
    - Car, Apartment, multiple computers, 32" lcd
    - Unemployed but making 400 a week on it. :D
    - Spend alot of time on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:36:40 No.8083331
    It's gotten better now though. However instead of rebelling I went the opposite direction and turned into a hermit so following their rules isn't difficult now. At least I can drive and see my friends when I want now, it's just that I don't really want to see them that often.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:37:34 No.8083342
    18 years old
    - Kiss-less Virgin(well, got pretty close a few times, at least)
    - Bi-polar disorder
    - Sleep deprivation (to the point where I see demons and shit and CEVs of fractals and Shakespeare)
    - Extreme migraines
    - 8 hours on computer on weekends, 3 on week days
    - Haven't been outside in two weeks, a month before that

    Not too bad, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:37:42 No.8083346
    Rofl'd when you punched the mexican girl
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:37:48 No.8083348
    Hello Peter!
    Let's see...

    -23 years old
    -About to get married
    -Work at Graphic Packaging
    -Drive a 2004 Monte Carlo
    -Browse 4chan constantly, especially /b/, so that one probably puts me in the running somewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:38:17 No.8083354

    Ahh. I know that game.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:39:25 No.8083366
    What game? <_<
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:40:04 No.8083374
    >Realize that comparing yourself with others to make urself feel better is false selfesteem and be indenail about the fragment that just died alittle inside you when you read this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:41:24 No.8083382
    31 years old
    Haven't worked since 1998
    Currently have six bottles of piss on desk
    Three styrafoam cups of ramen filled with piss
    Uncountable plates
    Skid-marked chair I am sitting in
    Bed on cinder blocks
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:41:43 No.8083388
    How do you make $400 a week from unemployment?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:41:57 No.8083392

    The being a loner/hermit game. I too play it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:43:42 No.8083415
    Well I guess there could be some virtual DnD, like vidya or something. Or LARP.

    Whatever, still incredibly nerdy.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:44:54 No.8083425
    Oh. That game. Yeah :[
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:45:55 No.8083435
    we should post pictures with these descriptions next time lol
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:46:19 No.8083440

    >Drive a 2004 Monte Carlo

    I'm sorry my friend but that takes the cake. Congrats on getting married tho!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:48:58 No.8083463
    Let me compete here.

    23 years old
    - ASIAN
    -small penis
    - fat girlfriend
    - no car
    - college dropout
    - fat girlfriend lives next town over so i don't even get fat pussy often but i have to put up with fat talk for a monthly go at fat sex
    - no porn because i stream
    - i have diarrhea right now. i want to fat but i am very afraid. im confident i could just fart but i have been wrong before.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:50:30 No.8083475
    >- fat girlfriend lives next town over so i don't even get fat pussy often but i have to put up with fat talk for a monthly go at fat sex

    oh lol you made me chuckle, doesnt happen that often on /r9k/ (depressing shit)

    take solace in that you have wit
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:50:57 No.8083479

    how does the fat girl/small penis work.

    does she feel you? lol
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:52:35 No.8083493
    *Driver's License
    *2000 Monte Carlo SS
    *Great fiancee
    *Good shape
    *Spend about 6 hours online
    *Not too damn bad, if I do say so myself
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:57:45 No.8083544
    I'm not here to actually here to contribute to this thread.

    HI PETER!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:59:35 No.8083565

    You furry?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:02:12 No.8083593
    yeah, surprisingly, it works ok.i mean some positions are rough. like the side by side one? yeah dick too short and fat too thick for that one. but missionary, cowgirl and doggy work fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:12:32 No.8083703
    23 years old
    -live with parents
    -spent time in jail
    -5grand in debt

    on the flip side

    -banged tons of girls
    -lived 4 years wild and crazy
    -had lots of friends

    lost it all. Time to rebuild.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:13:13 No.8083715
    >-feel overwhelmed easily by sensory stimulation, frequently need to be alone

    OH GOD I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. whenever I'm around a big group of people (probably 8 or more) I get really bad anxiety attacks for some reason, and I have to go find an empty room to be alone in. Shit fucking sucks man.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:13:59 No.8083725

    you sound like me, except for all of that negative stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:15:50 No.8083742
    30, live at home, had to file for bankruptcy, never had a gf, or kissed a girl, or even had a date, work a job where i'm treated like shit and will never be promoted, don't even make $10/hr, failed out of college, not invited to my sister's wedding, weigh almost 300 lbs, have no friends at all; not even online, posess a 2 inch dick when fully hard

    do i win the inverted e-peen contest?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:30:22 No.8083934

    In an inverted e-peen contest everyone is a loser.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:03:42 No.8088540
    Im gay and love cp
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:10:00 No.8088585
    17 years old
    - Took a girl home two months ago
    - Have my own place
    - Taking lessons for a drivers license this summer
    - No porn
    - About 6 hours a day behind my computer, which will become less as the weather gets better
    - 3k euros debt
    - Studying at university to become a journalist
    - Make about 900 euros a month
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:12:46 No.8088608
    18 yo
    HS drop out
    never had a gf, virgin, etc
    live with mom
    don't know how to drive
    a few hundred $ to my name
    2TB of movies, anime, etc (no porn)
    roughly 8 hours of 4chan/internet a day
    no friends
    go to sleep at 4am, wake up at 1pm

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:17:43 No.8088630
    -no friends
    -no job
    -never had a girlfriend/been on a date
    -no parents (dead)
    -don't talk to relatives
    -haven't stepped outside in 4 months
    -living off inheritance money
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:19:07 No.8088636
    I am literally an art major hahaha
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:22:13 No.8088660
    22 years old.
    -Live in dirty one room apartment, which I leave every few months top.
    -250 lbs
    -No friends
    -Still got a cell phone, only to send myself messages, which I pretend are from my girlfriend
    -Of course I haven't had contact with a non-relative non-cashier female in years
    -Disgusting fungal infection covering pretty much everything between my belly button and my knees, slowly spreading.
    -Probably caused by non-existant hygiene.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:38:41 No.8088758
    bamp for graet justice
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:43:36 No.8088809
         File1269693816.jpg-(20 KB, 512x384, 1203643616198.jpg)
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    19 years old
    - only ever had two boyfriends, first had no standards and second was troll
    - kicked out of one parent's home, currently living with the other one
    - no drivers license, no job, not studying, no skills, no experience
    - 12-14 hours a day in front of computer
    - can't spend more than 5 minutes outside my front door to have a cigarette, anxiety/paranoia becomes too much
    - haven't left house at all in a month, longest time without leaving was three months
    - no real life friends at all
    - was mostly homeschooled
    - spend my time on free rpgs, pirated gaems and eroge, touhou and animu
    - almost successful suicide attempt in january
    - current bank balance: $47.25
    - taller than most guys i've known, stick out like sore thumb in public
    - chubby, but will likely end up obese in a few years due to doing nothing and having a metabolism that barely works
    - infertile, dream is to have a family
    - have crush on someone i've never met
    - can't relate to anyone or hold a real conversation
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:43:54 No.8088812
    no job
    drivers license
    spend 100% of my time indoors and in my room
    desperately wants a job but can't get one atm
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:47:51 No.8088853
         File1269694071.jpg-(24 KB, 600x600, Cuddle_by_LimpidD.jpg)
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    l love everyone in this thread.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:51:20 No.8088868
    Oh come on at least you have AnT. :D
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:52:59 No.8088875
    Go fuck yourself you cat-loving-nigger-fucking-faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:56:21 No.8088889
    Do we have a winner yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)08:56:26 No.8088890
    18 years
    not fat but ottermode, 5.9 and 150 lbs
    4 good friends, isolated from other peoplr
    2 weeks ago kissed girl for the first time
    attending college
    got a job when not at college

    I know, Im pretty much a normalfag
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:06:49 No.8088923
    I only see winners.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:18:23 No.8088984
    23 years old
    never kissed a girl or had any sexual contact with a female
    live with parents
    no license
    ugly as fuck

    at least i found a job recently
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:21:35 No.8089000

    if you spend more than 2 or 3 hours on the internet, and have no life, you have a problem. but youre not spending more time on the internet because you have nothing to do, youre also missing out on opportunities to do other stuff because youre on the internet.

    deciding to use the internet less will not work, because at this point you dont have the willpower.

    so, make one phonecall and cancel your service with your ISP, removing the choice. yes, youll be bored as fuck for a while, but eventually boredom will make you open a newspaper or go to the library or all those things we used to do before broadband ruined our life.

    whats the worst that could happen? .. you stay here and rot some more?

    worked for me, and when i got my shit together i could come back here and browse for sensible amounts of time without getting in the way of other shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:22:18 No.8089006
    When the internets is down I just watch TV all day...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:25:50 No.8089025

    cancel that too. remove all the things that enable/reinforce your pissing away your life, and out of boredom you will do worthwhile things, which you will then come to like and find to be rewarding.

    (now a psych major since i got my shit together)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:28:24 No.8089035
         File1269696504.jpg-(128 KB, 500x218, tumblr_kyiwg9nw1x1qzgkwbo1_500.jpg)
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    17 Year old female.
    NO friends outside my MMO.
    All I do is play that fucking MMO & lurk 4Chan.
    And eat junk food.
    I'm not fat, although I have NO fucking idea how...
    Don't talk to anyone irl besides my parents.
    Dropped out of school.
    No job.
    No money.
    No license.
    No car.
    Sleep an upwards of 12 hours a day, sometimes more.
    I drink alone.
    I talk to myself.
    I'm emotionally numb.
    Not a virgin fromm a previous relationship before I started this waste of existence, but havent gotten any in like a year.
    Zero social skills/social anxiety.

    Hmm, all I can think of off the top of my head.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:31:38 No.8089060
    >see posts by other females
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:33:39 No.8089067

    But maybe you could be good looking if you cleaned yourself up. Not being fat is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:35:27 No.8089075
    underage = b7
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:37:05 No.8089082
    Dear Femanons in this thread.

    Hi Peter
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:40:52 No.8089093
    >I'm not fat, although I have NO fucking idea how...

    because that's really relevant to the topic, isn't it?
    Stop fishing you whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:41:20 No.8089094

    I know I can, I just cbf.
    And looking good doesn't matter if I don't leave the house/lack the skills to converse with people. I can't hold a conversation irl. Anxiety, etc. Meh.
    Plus I have nfi how to meet people.
    Can't network if I have no starting friends.
    And I think it's weird to go places alone and strike up conversation with random strangers.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:44:00 No.8089108
    - play wow all day
    - no job
    - fiance left me last month cause i kept putting raids before her. i am unmoved by this.
    - no education
    - dog is old and gonna die soon i think
    - no friends off of wow
    - alcoholic
    - bipolar
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:44:03 No.8089110
    >havent gotten any in like a year.
    Oh god it must be so painful for you how do you live?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:48:36 No.8089137
    sorry about your dog, i know how much that sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:48:39 No.8089138
    >19 years old
    >never kissed a girl outside of truth or dare
    >never had a girlfriend
    >live with parents
    >community college
    >no job

    I'm going to transfer to a University in a couple years, I feel like a loser but I think things could be worse.

    Hi peter :3
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:50:25 No.8089147

    Never been kissed

    No job, to lazy to try harder to get one

    Moved out of home to go to uni, am now living in a sharehouse with my dad (divorced parents) my brother and another dude

    Hugely fat with hueg mantits

    Have made zero friends in 4 years of study

    In short I have ZERO social contact outside of the internet and family, I have lied about this to everyone.

    Can't bring myself to put any effort into uni because its obscenely easy (they make it out like your going to be learning the secrets of the universe, its bullshit) and I dont realy want to work in my feild of study.

    Dispite all this I cant bring myself to care, I just -dont- feel like anything is worth it. I will go through my entire life on idle, alone and listless and die with only family attending out of sheer pitty.

    Yet I feel no need to kill myself, self harm seems like too much effort for something as meaningless as this.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)09:56:52 No.8089181
    19 years old
    live at home with parents
    currently unemployed although going to uni in Sept.
    Have my own car and drive.
    Guys only want me for sex when what I actually want is a relationship.
    Pretty ugly
    Fat, though some say it's just chubby.
    Have a bit of a social life.

    Hey Peter :)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:02:16 No.8089207
    Never held hands with girl etc.
    Neckbeard, though not an xtreme basement dweller.
    Liberal arts degree at a shite university.
    No job or car.
    I own a Macintosh.
    I'm also quite hideous and fat.'
    And I live in Australia.
    >> ­Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:11:34 No.8089264
    20 yo, fat, never even kissed a girl, no friends, socially inept, can't hold a conversation, never leave house etc.
    the worst part is that I don't even care anymore.
    The only thing I have going for me, is that my mom pays my apartment and that I'm doing ok in university.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:11:37 No.8089265
         File1269699097.jpg-(31 KB, 379x454, mantis2hh.jpg)
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    >hueg mantits

    i read this as huge mantis and a lil poop came out :X
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:18:22 No.8089310
    21 years old
    - no contact with girls whatsoever
    - living at home
    - dropped out of college - I broke my hand pretty bad so I couldn't attend labs, which means no credits/exams. I said fuck it and left. Also, I was in second year.
    -I just dwell in my basement and rot.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:19:36 No.8089319

    28 years old
    - Never done anything sexual
    - No chance of promotion(85k per year)
    - No drivers license
    - No porn
    - Spend around 8 hours a day on a computer
    - Asexual
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:27:47 No.8089387
    36 years old
    -divorced 2 years ago, wife left me for a friend and married the guy 6 months after divorce
    -lost my job over a year ago, unemployment is almost gone
    -broke up with last girlfriend over a year ago, hooked up with a chubby because I was ronery
    -I do nothing but sit at my computer 12+ hours a day, fap and watch anime
    -stopped cutting and washing my hair and beard for the last 4 months
    -Have a skin condition that is making my face shed small pieces of skin constantly

    Other than that, just standard 4chan loser stuff, I fap like 4-5 times a day, look at tons of porn, play some video games, have no friends and my family has pretty much given up on me.

    At least my dog loves me.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:31:09 No.8089427
    21 years old
    - kissed probably about 30 girls in my life
    - slept with about 6/7
    - have had two relationships lasting 1 year or more
    - live at uni house with 2 girls and 1 guy
    - had drivers licence since i was 17 (youngest you can get it in UK)
    - normally spend about 5 hours a day behind computer
    - have some pornographic pictures saved but no videos
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:31:43 No.8089432
    no job
    no skills
    no female contact ever
    400gig of porn
    spent the last 13 years behind my computer/s
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:33:37 No.8089450
    This thread makes me feel like king.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:36:03 No.8089472
    20 years old
    - Only had one relationship;an embarrassing ONLINE relationship with someone I never met that I keep pretty tight lipped about; furthest I've ever gotten.
    - Live at home with parents
    - No driver's license
    - Never had any form of paid employment
    - Normally spend about 8 hours a day on my computer watching anime, pretending to have a social life on facebook, posting here, or playing war strategy games
    - Taken up drinking away my sorrows
    -Stay in bed too long masturbating and frequently miss lectures
    - D average in community college classes
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:36:42 No.8089479
    18 years old
    -Have made out with 3 girls, fucked all of them multiple times
    -Live alone
    -Still in high school
    -Spend 3-4 hours on a computer
    -1 gig of porn
    >> HURR !!tth/tv+hsYe 03/27/10(Sat)10:37:37 No.8089487
    this is how mods should weed out normalfags and trolls

    never gf / dated / hugged
    DO have a drivers license, car is another state
    live with parents
    social retard
    one friend
    only 2 female friends my entire life
    about 170GB of porn
    on computer all day
    on computer at work too
    spend most of the day in my room or at work, thats it
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:42:41 No.8089532
         File1269700961.jpg-(626 KB, 2709x2032, petite-cutie-gallery-27b-33.jpg)
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    So do can we nominate any semifinalists here?
    >> ­Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:44:52 No.8089551
    everybody loses
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:47:04 No.8089571
    I am Kid Cudi does that make me a loser hahaha
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)10:52:55 No.8089600
    >brag about making out with girls, later note you've fucked them

    >lie on the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:00:10 No.8089654
         File1269702010.jpg-(28 KB, 288x316, vg-jp.jpg)
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    >Clever girl...

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:01:01 No.8089662
    Fuck this 3d right here makes me want to roll up a joint.
    Let's forget our lives for a brief moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:07:05 No.8089693
    Young Alexandra Haylett, fancy finding you here.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:07:16 No.8089695
    Hello Peter.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:08:17 No.8089703
    QUIT STALKAN, leave me to my chans
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:12:54 No.8089727
    was pure luck that i found your post.

    you're cute, chin up dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)11:13:42 No.8089734
    fuck all good it does me
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:22:32 No.8090261
    34 year old virgin reporting in.

    Really, do I need to say anything else?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:23:32 No.8090274
    The fuck is wrong with you sir
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:38:12 No.8090400
    Car accident. Lost both feet just above the ankle. A few burn scars here and there as well.
    >> footfag 03/27/10(Sat)12:42:24 No.8090433
    Well , since your dick is still intact, welcome to the club.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:45:49 No.8090463
    But that means you can use those flex paddle feet things that are actually better than normal feet.
    >> ­ ­ O HAY GUIS, WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS THREA- christfag !xyWyVn95HA 03/27/10(Sat)12:47:15 No.8090477
         File1269708435.jpg-(1 KB, 33x33, ¦3.jpg)
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    k, i'm here now - you can all go about your business

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:49:34 No.8090501
    I'm a big loser, but I don't know if I'm the biggest one, I'll let you people be the judges :

    -23 yo.
    -Complete virgin, never kissed or held hands with a girl.
    -Incurable skin disease + acne = horrible face, and I mean horrible.
    -Short + pale skin = no girls would want me anyway even if my face were not that bad.
    -Only 3 real friends, all the other ones are just acquaintances.
    -More than 200 gigs of porn.
    -Spend around 10 hours on the computer everyday, even when I'm at work.

    However I do have a car, a job with a not too bad pay and a big house.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)12:59:33 No.8090549
    at least you know you're worthless.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:04:22 No.8090588
    for the past two years i had a girl for every season , im 19 , i dont even bother to talk to girls
    i rely on my looks , i worked , got to university paid my taxes , help my parents with money sometimes .
    Still im a sociopath i want to kill every fukken human on the planet . you guys make me sick . Evolution has halted. You are not the next perfect predator or whatever.

    I beat you all , I cant live with everyone else breathing.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:05:11 No.8090596
    Heil Peter,

    17 years old
    -Made out with a girl about 2 weeks ago
    - Live at home
    - Have a driver's license
    - Normally spend about 3 to 4 hours a day behind my computer.
    -No porn

    I suck at this.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:28:55 No.8090830
    You're funny, I like you

    I think we have a winner

    Who's Peter?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:32:55 No.8090885
    somehow manage to get no girls while simultaneously having a social life
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:37:02 No.8090928

    Wow, that made me giggle, I piss in a coke bottle if it's too cold/I'm too lazy/someone's in the bathroom/I don't want ppl to know that I'm still up at 4am, and then there was this one time, at band camp, I didn't have a coke bottle so i peed in my ikea rubbish bin.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:44:24 No.8091002
    32 years old male
    kinda hot (but starting to lose it)
    had over 40 sexual partners but just got single again.
    maybe 8 hours behind the screen, including work, every day.
    i hate my job and are somewhat an failed artist and smokes a bit more weed than needed, but compared to you guys im da bomb.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:50:25 No.8091056
    -social life
    -have a girlfriend
    -who the fuck saves porn? the have free websites for that.
    -driving, i have my drivers license.
    - in college.
    -fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:54:14 No.8091084
    21 years old.

    Never kissed or dated anyone.

    Currently have my own place parents pay for, but I'll probably drop out from uni and move back to my parent's place because I simply cannot be bothered with studying.

    Play WoW hardcore in a server first raiding guild.

    Lost contact with all my friends over the years, except my best friend, who I still see every once in a while.

    I think I might be gay and in love with my best friend (Of course, my best friend is in a long term relationship and totally straight.).

    I thought girls were supposed to have it easy? :<
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)13:59:37 No.8091126
    I seem to attract every girl I know (I am physically very attractive and apparently very charming when not giving a fuck in public), but as soon as I ever show any interest ever they get afraid and run away.

    I don't get it. Maybe I'm just weird.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:01:58 No.8091143

    When I was 16 I had a "transition year" i.e. nothing to do in school.

    I started playing WoW, hit 80 in December, joined a mediocre guild in January, joined a top 20 (world) guild in June.

    I quit in August with the approaching school term but I have to say it was the happiest I have ever been :D
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:06:02 No.8091168
    21 years old
    -No drivers license
    -I spend about 12 hours on laptop
    -I never had sex
    -I have no close friends, and rest of friends don't even contact me.
    -Most of my social life is on the internet and anime conventions
    -Quit two work-study jobs, may be unable to get any decent job.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:10:02 No.8091201
    -21 Years old
    -No girl experience ever, not even holding hands.
    -No friends at all
    -Live at home
    -Driver's license
    -Taking evening courses
    -Overweight and not changing it

    Hello peter.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:10:22 No.8091208
    - Lost virginity at 15, last had sex at 17
    - Have a decent job, net 2k a month after expenses/taxes - never leave my apartment other than to go to work/buy food
    - 18hrs a day in front of a computer
    - former fatty, still have tons of excess skin/stretchmarks
    - ugly
    - no friends other than on IRC
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:14:33 No.8091237
    Also, I'm not sure if it counts but my job is behind a computer. Counting this, I spend 17 hours a day behind a computer and 30 minutes of traffic in between.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:14:56 No.8091240
    Problem with not saving porn on your HD is that if the website goes down, if the website decides to be a bastard and make you pay, if a certain video/set you like is removed for copyright infringement, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:17:06 No.8091263
    22 years old
    Only time I got so much as a kiss was in 2nd grade
    Live at home when not at college
    No driver's license
    Full of anxiety
    Chronic procrastination
    Steadily deleting my porn
    Reasonably good-looking

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:17:35 No.8091266
    20 years old, almost 21
    -Kissed one man
    -Had sex with one man
    -Lost virginity at 18
    -No driver's liscence
    -No job
    -No education beyond senior school
    -Live with my parents
    -No friends
    -Ex boyfriend most likely hates me
    -Spend all day behind the computer playing WoW or making embittered posts on 4chan
    -Been in and out of college about 3 times now, never once getting past the first year

    Yay, my life. I'd kill myself but I'm too afraid to, and I also cannot even muster the motivation to do that.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:25:45 No.8091329
    19 y/o

    - never had sex/made out with someone
    -live with parents
    -no drivers licence (not planning to get one)
    -overweight (working on losing it though)
    -live in Estonia

    redeeming factors
    -have a social life (a bit)
    -spend 3-4 hours a day behind my comp (not very much compared to others here)
    -quite muscular
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:25:54 No.8091330
         File1269714354.jpg-(15 KB, 389x205, disturbing_discovery.jpg)
    15 KB
    29 years old
    - had one girlfriend when i was 17
    - live alone in an apartment
    - drive a two-door honda civic I paid too much for
    - spend about 12 hours a day in front of the computer
    - 500 gigs of porn. it's kind of fun to look at the old stuff which is relatively normal, and see how it gets all weird and twisted over time.
    - BS in mathematics, computer science
    - work as a software developer
    - in my entire adult life i've never had any friends or a girlfriend. probably never will.
    - constantly contemplate suicide, too much of a pussy to go through with it. nobody would care if I died, though.

    ok the job and education and stuff kind of decreases my loser coefficient, but I'm basically what happens after you guys get an education and a career. no, things don't get better.
    >> Pedro'sSoup !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/27/10(Sat)14:27:08 No.8091334
    You win and are simultaneously responsible from removing a normal/tripfag temporarily from this board.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:27:56 No.8091339
    What does a bitter female post look like? "I hate men grr?"

    We.. shrug those off or assume it's a troll you know. We kinda dont care about whores' opinions round these here parts.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:28:20 No.8091341
    72 years old
    kissed a girl when i was 12
    spend 12 hours a day jerking it
    and 6 on the computer
    born with one eye and one ear
    kids have called me eye eye ear guy my entire life
    slept with a dog out of desperation
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:28:56 No.8091348
    lets see:
    -33 years old
    -just dropped out of university, for the third time
    -no job
    -no one is reading this
    -gf of 5 years left me 6 months ago because I never wanna go out or do anything
    -no friends what so ever
    -glad to see I'm not the only one spending 12+ hours a day on the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:28:59 No.8091349
    >one girlfriend when i was 17
    >i've never had any friends or a girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:29:23 No.8091352

    tere kaasmaalane! :)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:29:59 No.8091358

    did you read my post or just glance at it while freebasing. IN MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE i've never had any friends or a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:31:09 No.8091370
    >-no one is reading this
    I am, brobot
    >-gf of 5 years
    Ugh. Nevermind, I stopped. And I take the bro back, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:31:57 No.8091378
    Mostly 'I hate men' and 'I hate whores' with a bit of 'bawww nobody loves me because I'm shit' thrown in. I also make unnecessarily nasty replies to people who have actual problems to care about. I don't even know why I do because it never makes me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:32:53 No.8091388

    I seeeeee what you did there..
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:33:32 No.8091396


    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:35:13 No.8091405
    Cheers to you for at least doing 3 good things. The I hate men thing though, seriously, no one reads it/takes it to heart. I don't understand how women can be so butthurt about the misogyny on this board. Whenever I see a "men are pigs" I just go "lol, dumb whores" and move on.

    Oh well, as long as you keep making nasty bitter replies to others, bawwing about being a horrible person and saying 'fucking whores' whenever a FEMANON HERE posts, we're cool. I'll still take an email just to talk to a bitter female if you'll have me ;~;
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:35:14 No.8091406



    something like that
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:35:43 No.8091410
    Silly thread, nobody will read this shit but nevermind.

    Virgin. Kissless. Hugless. Holding-hands-less. Hell, pretty much conversation-less.
    Shitty job. 5.50GBP/hour
    Failing college (A-levels, britfag)
    No friends.
    Mother hates me.
    Father has left
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:35:45 No.8091412
    23 years old
    - furthest I've gotten to anything remotely like sex, is a very terrible blow job that left my dick numb for 4 hours from a XBOX HUEG land whale, that was seven years ago.
    - Living with my dad in a apartment.
    - No Job, been trying ever since I got out of high school with no success...and that's been over 5 years ago, only making pocket change by doing odd jobs...and even that's hard to come by.
    - Not going to college (gave up half way)
    - No Car
    - No social life/ unreliable friends who only hang out with me rarely, out of pity for me/Have a hard time in general making friends.
    - Not insured
    - Ugly
    - Fat
    - Crap load of porn in my HD...mostly Anime, Furry, & Jailbait.
    - Look through random girls Facebook/MySpace to the point where I think I actually know them and pretend they're my girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:36:48 No.8091418
         File1269715008.jpg-(215 KB, 1098x785, 1269465001688.jpg)
    215 KB
    20 years old
    -has slept with 3 guys, though the second one was pretty much a con man and it was only once.
    -Moved out at 18, I've had my own apartment. now share a house with best friend, fixing to move from Virginia to Cali. Randomly.
    -have drivers license, but my car isn't really up for going across country, so I left it home.
    -Normally spend about 9 to 10 hours
    -20 gigs of porn on my laptop

    Man... you guys make me feel pretty decent about myself...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:37:48 No.8091428
    Well, I guess I can contribute to our fail:

    Never kissed a girl
    Never had a girl friend
    Been unemployed for a year and a half
    Live with parents
    Spend all my time studying, playing video games, or on 4chan because I have nothing else to do
    No car
    $10k debt
    Have mental disorders
    No social skills
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:38:20 No.8091431
    31 years old
    virgin apart from having had sex with a guy at age 10
    has a nerve disorder that'll kill me within 10 years
    can only fap to cp or weird ass fetish porn
    know i have potential to do things but never feel like doing them. ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:38:41 No.8091434
    25 years old.
    *Have had sex with twenty two girls, and am currently in a long term relationship with the twenty second one, with whom I'm cohabiting.
    *Huge loft apartment in converted textile mill overlooking the harbour.
    *Useless BA, but the four years I spent getting it were a fucking blast so I don't care.
    *Decent job that pays enough for aforementioned apartment, my Prius, basic necessities including eating out at least twice a week, and a nice vacation for two weeks to a month every year.
    *Just as much porn as the rest of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:40:56 No.8091449
    >know i have potential to do things but never feel like doing them. ever.

    What's the point when you'll be dead before you can reap the rewards.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:41:18 No.8091453
    I gave up on life when I was about 14.

    - I'm 27 now
    - Family started ignoring me 10 years ago
    - Kiss-less virgin
    - Basement dweller
    - No drivers license
    - Never worked a single day in my entire life
    - Spend 10 hours a day on my computer and 14 hours sleeping
    - No porn
    - No friends, since I never leave the house

    Well, at least I'm not fat, since I only eat once a day, tops.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:41:33 No.8091457
    But you're gay we're automaticly better then you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:41:36 No.8091459
    >Slept with 3 guys
    >Actually thinks she has it bad
    Women amaze me a little more every day. What... unique little creatures you are. I hope we find a cure for your kind some day.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:42:08 No.8091466
    do you know what the conditions called?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:43:04 No.8091476
    Never done anything remotely sexual or romantic with another human being in my life - no holding hands, relationship, I've never even confessed attraction to anyone's face ever.

    Currently being a massive failure at university. Grades are shit. Had to retake all my classes from last semester, and STILL might fail the most important one, thus forcing me to become a drop out.

    Lived in a dorm in high school, shit was pretty awesome. Forced to come back home for college, thus making me hate my parents, perform poorly, making them hate me, making me hate life, becoming a shut-in, no friends, etc. etc.

    The only upside I can think of to all this is I'm the most attractive I've ever been in my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:43:12 No.8091477
    Fuck man, I'd be your friend.
    >> Azeru !fHn/gV8r3A 03/27/10(Sat)14:43:42 No.8091483
    18 years of age
    -Made out with about 6 girls, not the furthest I've gone
    -Slept with 3 girls, 1 serious relationship, 1 fuck-buddy, and one when I was drunk
    -Live with parents, fixing to go to UT Austin or Rice University
    -Been driving since I was 12, but legally got my license at 16; grew up using clutch
    -Normally spend about 3-5 hours a day behind my computar
    -10g of Porn, I stream that shit, otherwise i'd be loaded
    -Making over $1000 a month, LEGALLY HUEHUEHUE
    -Pretty good looking, charismatic young man
    -/fa/, no not hipster.

    fuck, i'm such a fuckin faggot = =;;
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:46:06 No.8091501
    So glad you're posting with a tripcode.

    Also, I propose autoban from thread if you have EVER been in any kind of romantic relationship.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:46:51 No.8091509
    ya, but even things that would give rewards right away... i mean its like, why bother.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:48:28 No.8091528
    ah man don't be hatin. its the only gf I ever had and she was fat
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:48:28 No.8091529
    Silly Anon thinking I'm in a kitchen somewhere.

    Oh, I have it pretty bad, just in completely different ways than you guys do. Sleeping with three guys is defiantly not the highlight of my life. It's true for the most part, even if you're a fat beached whale, if you're a female, a guy will want to screw you. But that doesn't make you any better than the basement dwellers in here.

    In all honesty, I want to find a guy that's pretty much a virgin. I hate man whores, and i can't stand ex drama, or being compared to that-one-girl-who-just-ripped-my-heart-out-qyu-qyu.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:53:33 No.8091586
    That's actually a pretty... rational explanation for your circumstances where you kept the other party in mind as well.

    Are you sure you're female and looking for a man virgin? Because if so, there's one right here who'd love to talk to you. See email field for email.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)14:56:49 No.8091620
    I can't realisticaly competete with the likes of most of /r9k/, so I just want to send Peter my best regards.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:00:18 No.8091665
    That is so creepy.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:02:29 No.8091689
    hey you

    your not alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:03:54 No.8091707
    this thread inspires me i will change!!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:04:01 No.8091709
    -29 years old
    -last time i left the house was when the fire alarms went off.
    -live in a shitty one room apartment in a working class neighborhood because my mom got so tired of me living with her she bought me this place
    -no job since '04
    -do have license but to poor to get any kind of stable car.
    -was told all through school how smart i was. fast forward and im a community college dropout.
    -kissless virgin (unless I count the time where i bumped into this girl and our lips touched in 5th garde)
    -sitting in a chair naked because i see no motivation to put on clothes that has skid marks, a dark body spot and a feint ass smell.
    -havent left the house in at least a month (i have my groceries delivered)
    -shitty eyesight probably due to spending 10+hrs on the computer everyday
    -too much of a pussy to suicide
    -disowned by family and the only person i occasionally talk to is my mom regarding my bills
    -average penis
    -pasty white
    -the highlight of my day is watching dexter's lab or ed edd n eddy reruns while eating mac & cheese because it reminds me of my comfortable childhood.
    -gaining weight
    -two hour long fap sessions before i go to sleep.
    -i've had the same stick of deoderant for almost four years and the same body wash for more than a year
    -the only things i can say i have going for me is my height (6'2) and that im slightly attractive which im losing due to weight gain.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:05:28 No.8091724
    godamnit i linked to your first post
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:05:48 No.8091729
    You're right, I shouldn't even bother trying to talk to a girl that's interesting at first glance. Who the hell do I think I am, an e-alpha male?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:06:31 No.8091738
    >the highlight of my day is watching dexter's lab or ed edd n eddy reruns while eating mac & cheese because it reminds me of my comfortable childhood

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:07:04 No.8091748
    Is it repulsing that I find you attractive and would date you?

    And how the fuck do you get the robot to let you post that again. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:08:05 No.8091757
    -not virign
    -divers license plus a decent car
    - Own small house
    - Self employed
    - 5-6 k a month
    -a bit overweight
    - play lots of video games
    - fap daily
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:08:32 No.8091766
    sigh your really pathetic dude.

    I cant even find the words to describe how fucking stupid people sound when a girl mentions finding that special someone, and a fucking loser on 4chan thinks its him....

    fucks sake dude, your really bad
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:08:57 No.8091772
    ugly landwhale detected

    tits or gtfo to prove otherwise
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:10:20 No.8091782
    Why are you even in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:10:48 No.8091789
    How and why does she pay all your bills dude?

    or do you own a shares in an oil company or some off the wall stuff like that
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:10:53 No.8091791
    i think we have a winner

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:13:02 No.8091819
    Are you
    Sheesh, just throwing a compliment out there, not even "white knight" status.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:15:14 No.8091840
    oh, also, this isn't /b/, and I'm not spoony. Sorry.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:16:47 No.8091861
    definitely not to read white knight faggotry....

    I mean for fucks sake, be realistic.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:34:47 No.8092120
    22 years old.
    Live with parents, 50k in debt.
    No drivers license.
    Spend all my time here, or talking to people on AIM I will never meet or spend time with.
    Spent three and a half years to get an associates.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:36:14 No.8092136
    -31 yrs old turning 32 in two days
    -virgin. farthest i've got was a pitty kiss on the cheek in 9th grade
    -extremely greasy skin
    -if i dont get a job within the next four months, im going to be homeless.
    -unemployed for three years
    -obsessed with anime and spongebob
    -cant remember the last time i properly groomed my body (hair, nails, etc)
    -i have zero hobbies or talents
    -only time i leave is to go to the market for my supplies or to buy fast food
    -have to wear sunglasses when im outside because the sun hurts too much
    -family pretends i dont even exist and wont answer my calls
    -7 inch penis but i have weak orgasms and it curves to the left.
    -my wardrobe consists of four pro club shirts, two pairs of jeans, two sweatpants, 3 pairs of socks (one with holes in them), and 3 pairs of boxers.
    -the only shred of motivation i show is getting out of the bed.
    -STILL sleep with a bowser doll I've had for almost 14 years. It's starting to get really torn up now and probably will be totally ruined in a year or so.
    -a studdering, shy, antisocial mess overall.
    -without my computer I would probably cease to exist. it's the only thing that keeps me alive
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:39:55 No.8092179
    I take it you cant afford a call girl, then? lol

    you should blow all ur cash on hookers before you get kicked out of your house

    hookers and booze, and then spend all your homeless life at the library on 4chan lol
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:41:12 No.8092189
    damn dude, ive never said this to anyone srsly before but
    kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:44:51 No.8092233
         File1269719091.jpg-(67 KB, 300x300, wade-with-devo-energy-dome.jpg)
    67 KB
    hi guys. there is a place for us...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:46:57 No.8092253
    - live in Ukraine
    - severe amnesia
    - my friends are all dead
    - alcoholic
    - pseudodog just ran off with my last can of tourist's delight
    - owe 4000 RU to bandits
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:47:25 No.8092262
    -18 years old highs chool dropout, socially akward
    -I live in a a broken down house in the ghettos, im white
    -I'm a shut in
    -the only peopl ei hang out with are 2-3 years younger -then me and thats only like 2-3 times a month
    -No job
    -no GED
    -spend 13-20 hours a day behind my computer normally
    im a pedo,
    -never had a gf
    -I've made out with 10 girls, fucked 1, fingerbanged another
    -no car
    -I've only had 1 dollar for the past 2 weeks and im about to spend it today to pay for transportation to see some friends at a bonfire on the beach.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:50:28 No.8092297
    Biggest loser nominated.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:51:22 No.8092305

    35 years old:
    -last time I touched a girl I was 14 and that was only first base
    -never masterbaited
    -I haven't felt any sexual urges in 15 years
    >> Anonymous 03/27/10(Sat)15:53:40 No.8092337
    toss out your computer to solve problem

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