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    File : 1269645502.jpg-(55 KB, 600x799, boat.jpg)
    55 KB Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:18:22 No.8080974  
    Why are drugs illegal?

    I am not a hardcore drug user. I don't smoke pot. I only drink alcohol every now and then. What I don't understand is why drugs aren't legal? I mean why doesn't the government make money from selling things like marijuana, cocaine, MDMA?

    I have heard these drugs aren't as bad as say meth and heroin. Alcohol has a lot of side effects but it is legal. These other drugs would have massive side effects if abused also. Is it because the government thinks that alcohol should be enough for the masses? They don't want the hospitals being clogged up with a generation of drug abusers?

    It just seems to make sense for them to make it legal since it happens anyway. Stop drug dealers making all this money and have more people employed in the drug business. It might even be good for the economy.

    Or am I missing something pretty vital here? Will society collapse somehow if more drugs were made legal?

    tl;dr Why aren't more drugs legalized?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:20:23 No.8080994
    To spite niggers and spics.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:21:39 No.8081005
    If niggers weren't doing drugs, it would've been legal long ago
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:22:27 No.8081011
    >It just seems to make sense for them to make it legal since it happens anyway.
    This is a dumb line of reasoning. Murder happens even though it is illegal, so then shouldn't it "just make sense for them to make it legal since it happens anyway"? To my knowledge, there is not a single law that hasn't been broken. That line of thinking would suggest that all those crimes should be legalized.

    I do agree with you, though, about how drugs should be legal. Drugs should be legal for the same reasons that alcohol is legal, but NOT directly because alcohol is legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:23:10 No.8081018
    people have deeper epihines and genuine 'spiritual' experiences and THE MAN wants to quell that. AKA people will have the tendency to mob it up more often for proper reasons.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:24:27 No.8081028
    >I mean why doesn't the government make money from selling things like marijuana, cocaine, MDMA?

    they already do
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:25:42 No.8081044
    illegal gangs and leagues makes billions on it every year, they will assasinate every politican fighting to get i legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:26:18 No.8081051
    Dear OP

    I'll tell you why more of the less harmful drugs like cannabis aren't legal.

    Because the government can't tax it. They literally cannot keep control of who's growing it.
    It's so easy to grow and sell yourself they'd be losing millions each year especially since people wouldn't report the income so in the govenments eyes it's theft.

    So they make it illegal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:27:03 No.8081061
    so are they trying to keep it illegal so they can make more money? Because if it is illegal then prices will be higher. Plus less people are selling it as well. So if the government are selling it then they would make less money from drugs once it is legalised.

    But they could get a lot of taxes onc eit is legalised though
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:27:25 No.8081064
    That's total bullshit.
    I've done drugs in the past, and still take MDMA and pot on occasion, but I, like all other drug users take it to make myself feel good, not have some bullshit hippy faggot tree hugging spiritual experiance.
    Also I do think things like MDMA and Pot should be legal, mainly because if they were there'd be safety regulations in place. It's my body, I should be able to take this things if I want right? I know the risks.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:28:12 No.8081067

    As hurp durp as this sounds, it's true. Many of the drug laws in the US are based in racism. That, and there's a LOT of money in drug prohibition (pharmaceutical companies, private prisons, etc).
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:29:04 No.8081075
    People do stupid things when their high. When people do stupid thing, people get hurt. When people get hurt, the government looks bad and it costs money to run hospitals.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:29:31 No.8081079
    But won't they be able to make a shitload from massive companies growing and selling it? Are you telling me that say if it was legalized, people would mostly just grow it themselves?

    Is it that easy to grow and then process yourself?

    What about the other stuff though. Not everyone would know how to produce MDMA though. The government could make money from taxes on people selling this stuff
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:29:33 No.8081081
    the big question is, why isnt alcohol illegal just as marijuana, cocaine and MDMA?

    I mean if those are that dangerous that they have to be illegal, then how can they keep alcohol legal?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:29:42 No.8081083
    largely because of propaganda. take cocaine for example. they started by saying it made niggers get amped up and they would fight each other. but nobody cared if some niggers fought each other, that was just entertainment for everyone else. then the government started saying that niggers would take cocaine and it would cause them to rape white women. now everyone was pissed off because they didnt want to nigger dicks in their white women.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:31:03 No.8081092
    I'm not sure I agree with you. I think many of the drug laws were created based on racism, but are upheld simply because they are the status quo. People are against certain drugs now because they were told these drugs are bad and take such statements at face value. The original intent, for the most part, hasn't lived on.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:32:23 No.8081112

    Cannabis is extremely easy to grow yourself but you do need a fuckton of energy.

    There are actually helicoptors that fly around areas detecing heat large heat sources inside buildings.
    If a large heat source shows up on the radar the person who owns/is renting the building is almost 99% growing weed.

    It's why most people grow it in the countryside, very difficult to grow in cities and such.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:32:43 No.8081113
    Who the fuck is the chick in OPs pic? I fucking came in my pants just now WITHOUT TOUCHING MY DICK
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:32:59 No.8081114
    Lots of people already grow their own weed. It is in fact very easy to grow and "process". Much more so than tobacco or making alcohol, which is probably why cigarettes and booze are legal but marijuana isn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:33:04 No.8081116
    People do far more stupid things when they are on alcohol, excluding hallucinogens, of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:34:52 No.8081134

    Well, I believe they tried that once and there was an explosion in violent and organized crime, and alcohol-related injuries, diseases, and deaths shot up even though consumption fell.

    It kinda reminds me of the prohibition of something else... hm, what am I thinking of now...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:34:58 No.8081135
    the economic benefit due to illegal drugs is enormous to governments, to legalize them would be unrealistic. You would have to pay like 40% more taxes if drugs suddenly became illegal.

    also by using you are instantly a pawn of the government.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:35:09 No.8081137
    the government seems to go to a lot of effort to stop pot growers. What about pot gwoers who just have a few plants for self use? Is the government harsh on them?

    If pot is a hassle to grow, a lot of people would probably just buy it if it were legal. The government could make money from taxes.

    Imagine going to the liquor store and buying some beer and an ounce of pot as you get ready to watch afew DVD's on a Friday night
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:36:07 No.8081147
    to continue on this, there are people working with transporting illegal drugs, if the drugs would become legal bigger companies would take over and the people working with it now would be out of work.

    the people selling it would be out of work because bigger companies and/or the goverment would take over the selling.

    If bigger companies would start producing drugs alot of people with a criminal past will not be allowed to work for the new producers. Also more people will be out of work.

    Alot of people will be out of work, and a lot of these people are dangerous.

    This will make it very hard to simple change it to legal over the course of a day..
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:36:56 No.8081155
    Another thing that's surrounded by a lot of controversey.

    I am personally for the legalization of some of the weaker grade drugs ie. Cannabis, speed, LSD, E etc.

    A lot of the problems surrounding drugs like this is that because they are banned all the young kids think it's 'cool' to fuck around with them and that's when they start to create problems because they take them not knowing how to handle themselves.

    Maybe if kids were brought up around drugs in a more controlled, relaxed way shit like this wouldn't happen.

    Of course there'd always be the occasional death but these days you can die from anything be it tripping over your shoe laces or a plane crash, and you can't go banning shoelaces and planes all of a sudden now can you?
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:37:49 No.8081164
    well, what can you say? people need their drugs.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:39:58 No.8081187

    Companies would grow it, sure, not individuals.

    Except they would be new local companies composed of former illegal growers who are already good at it- look at dispensaries in CA.

    Not Big Pharma. Which is why Big Pharma throws millions at keeping it illegal.

    And not alcohol producers. Which is why they throw millions at keeping it illegal.

    The police would lose tons of funding and a lot of Constitutional exceptions that give them breaks in a lot of other areas. Entire agencies would be dismantled and all their employees fired. So of course they throw millions at keeping it illegal.

    The reason it's illegal is that you can fit all the arguments against legalization into a soundbyte, and the arguments for legalization are more nuanced and complex, except for one- "I wanna do drugs". So the public ignores all but that one.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:40:32 No.8081191
    this doesn't sound right for some reason. How does the government make money from illegal drugs as it is? Do they sell them on the sly or are they in cahoots with the drug barons?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:41:27 No.8081207

    My bad, that's what I meant. I should have worded that better.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:41:32 No.8081208

    >The reason it's illegaI is that you can fit all the arguments against legalization into a soundbyte, and the arguments for legalization are more nuanced and complex, except for one- "I wanna do drugs". So the public ignores all but that one.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:41:40 No.8081209
    Damn Hippies

    And Dear OP,

    Cocaine is extremely harmful to the body and produces lasting effects, while pot, while it does inhibit function and memory, it is only temporary and if enough time is spent off of the drug the effects will vanish. However it is illegal for the simple reason that one day in history some guy had a shitty high and made it illegal. The others, such as cocaine, meth, heroine are often deadly and cause people to become violent and desperate.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:41:41 No.8081211
    Serious drugs are illegal because they would fuck with society. Think of all the people who would get addicted to cocaine and fuck up their lives and be a huge drain on society if it was more accessible. I'd rather have alcohol illegal than marijuana, but alcohol is so entrenched in our culture we wouldn't be able to effectively ban it, look at what happened when they tried to in the twenties. As for pot, it's not legal because most voters are paranoid of it.
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:42:08 No.8081219
    I estimate 20-25% of all the students in my last school was litteraly addicted to alcohol.

    less then 5% of them could be understand AND be honest and tell other people they were addicted..

    A lot of young people (including both my ex-girlfriends and a lot of my friends) doesnt seem to understand that they are addicted to a drug, they dont even seem to understand they using a drug.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:42:56 No.8081231
    Alcohol is socially acceptable.

    I don't feel that any drugs should be banned, personal choice/responsibility and all that. Furthermore, people that have issues that they don't know how to solve are going to self medicate.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:44:34 No.8081253
    can someone explain the situation with pot in CA? I am not from the US but I heard that they have a lot of dispensaries now selling pot. Is this because you can get a prescription for pot in CA now from a doctor if you have a medical condition? Hence a lot of people are buying pot from these places now?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:46:04 No.8081268

    >Cocaine is extremely harmful to the body and produces lasting effects

    Yeah.. effects that are right on par with alcohol. There's a detailed WHO report about this that the U.S. tried to suppress a couple years ago, it should take you about 10 seconds of Googling to find.

    If alcohol is legal, the truth is EVERY drug should be legal except meth and the most potent opiates.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:46:21 No.8081271
    Why is killing people illegal?

    I am not a hardcore serial killer. I don't kill people. I only stab people every now and then. What I don't understand is why killing isn't legal? I mean why doesn't the government make money from selling things like bullets, knives, cop-bribes?

    I have heard these crimes aren't as bad as say doing the Fritzl thing and necrophilia. Assault and battery has a lot of side effects but it is legal. These other crimes would have massive consequences if abused also. Is it because the government thinks that beating people up should be enough for the masses? They don't want the morgues being clogged up with a generation of hobos, prostitutes and niggers?

    It just seems to make sense for them to make it legal since it happens anyway. Stop contract killers making all this money and have more people employed in the murder business. It might even be good for the economy.

    Or am I missing something pretty vital here? Will society collapse somehow if murder was made legal?

    tl;dr Why isn't killing people legalized?
    >> Doctor Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:47:12 No.8081281
    cocaine is worse off than alcohol. Don't be daft.
    But heroin is by far the worst. Worse off than all the lifestyle drugs put together to the power of googol. That shit is BAD
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:47:23 No.8081286
    gotta agree with you. Me personally dont use any drugs,

    except from kaffeine every once and then. But not on a regular basis. And yes, I consider alcohol as a drug, by saying I dont do drugs that also means I dont use alcohol. This is a personal choice, I like it that way, also I dont feel I need any drugs, been testing out several different drugs.

    But I wouldnt mind letting some drugs go legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:48:27 No.8081298

    You don't need a prescription, only a doctor's recommendation.

    In November, CA voters will decide on a ballot measure to make it totally legal. Current polls show about ~56% of voters are in favor of this. It remains to be seen if that carries on through the election, and if it does, what the relationship between state and federal law will mean for open marijuana sales.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:49:36 No.8081308
    because the government doesn't profit from then /thread
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:51:09 No.8081323
    God damn retard, it's hard to get addicted to alcohol. You've got to be a fucking loser to do that. However perfectly normal people can get easily addicted to cocaine.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:52:17 No.8081330
    This is the best comment on this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:52:33 No.8081333

    No. It's not.

    The discrepancy isn't because I am saying cocaine is harmless (it isn't) but because I am saying alcohol is very, very, very harmful.

    You think cocaine has addiction potential? Alcohol's is just as bad, if not worse.

    You think cocaine overdose rates are common? Alcohol poisoning rates are just as bad, if not worse.

    You think cocaine overdoses are deadly? Alcohol overdoses are just as bad, if not worse.

    You think long-term cocaine use is harmful? Long-term alcohol abuse is just as bad, if not worse.

    Stop and consider for a moment what people would think about alcohol if it were demonized by the DEA like an illegal drug.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:53:07 No.8081336
    wow. If CA lelalizes pot, I wonder how many stoners will move there to llive. This sounds like a pretty massive thing for the US pot users.

    Quite frankly though, I am surprised that there are that many people for it. I thought most people would be against it because they have been taught since a young age that drugs are bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:53:09 No.8081337

    HeIlo there, samefag.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:53:30 No.8081341
    Is that the Mississippi river?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:54:32 No.8081355
    samefagging it up in here eh faggot. Everyone is ignoring that post because it is clearly wrong and doesn't even deserve a response
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:55:47 No.8081363

    You are wrong. SeriousIy, 100% wrong. Alcoholism is by far the worst "drug problem" in the country, inspiring a massive amount of violent crime and domestic violence, and rates of alcohol addiction place it among the very most addictive drugs, even adjusting for consumption rates.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:56:28 No.8081373
    Because killing is encroaching on another person's right to life. Taking illegal drugs is, generally speaking, only affecting yourself. This is COMPLETELY different.
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)19:57:16 No.8081378
    this is an interesting list, the story behind this is interesting aswell.

    The swedish goverment decided they MAYBE should rethink the drug policy in sweden. They employed several scientists to do a list over the most harmful drugs.

    When they got the results they decieded that they didnt Like the result and just throwed it in the bin.

    Here is the results:
    1: Heroin
    2: Cocaine
    3: Barbiturates
    4: illegal metadon
    5: Alcohol
    6: Ketamine
    7. Benzodiazepines
    8: Amphetamine
    9: Tobacco
    10: Buprenorphine
    11: Cannabis
    12: Volatile solvents (dont know if correctly translated, I used google translate)
    13: 4-MTA (ecstasy lookalike)
    14: LSD
    15: Methylphenidate
    16: Anabolic steroids
    17: GHB
    18: Ecstasy
    19: Alkyl nitrites
    20: Kat
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:57:35 No.8081380

    >This is a personal choice, I like it that way, also I dont feel I need any drugs

    >I am an antisocial neckbeard

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:58:44 No.8081394
    >Will society collapse somehow if more drugs were made legal?

    Well, think of it this way. How often did societies collapse due to drugs in the thousands of years up to the 1930s when drugs were legal.

    Drug prohibition is a very modern experiment that hasn't done anything to affect drug use and addiction rates. People acting like it's been law forever need to work on their history.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:59:13 No.8081399
    Hopefully if it's fully legalised it will start spreading through the other states, and onto the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)19:59:47 No.8081408
    I'll just leave this here...
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)20:00:01 No.8081410
    please notice alcohol pos. 5
    and tobacco pos. 9

    the most logical way for the goverment to act would be to leaglise everything from pos. 5 and downwards. Or considering illegalise alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:01:10 No.8081421
    Here's my problem with legalization.

    What if LSD becomes legal? Seriously, think about it.

    I could put a single drop into someone's coffeecup and they'd be completely out of commission for the entire day.

    And what would I be charged with? Tricking someone into cosuming a single drop of a legal substance?

    Some drugs are too potent to be responsibly legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:02:01 No.8081437
    What do they mean by harmful? If they mean biotoxic, LSD should be at the bottom of that list
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:02:19 No.8081442

    >How often did societies collapse due to drugs in the thousands of years up to the 1930s

    Three words: "Chinese opium dens".

    Opiates collapse societies.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:02:43 No.8081445
    As I've witnessed the amphetamine struggles of a friend of mines firsthand, drugs really do affect everyone around you.

    Even if they were legal, no normal person could afford them. Government paying for people's drugs would be just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:03:23 No.8081452
    Well you can distill nicotine from legal tobacco, put a drop of that in someone's coffee and they'll be out of commission until kingdom come

    What was your argument again?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:04:43 No.8081468

    >As l've witnessed the amphetamine struggles of a friend of mines firsthand, drugs really do affect everyone around you.

    >As I've witnessed the social retardation of a friend of mines firsthand, World of Warcraft really does affect everyone around you.

    >As I've witnessed the financial ruin of a friend of mines firsthand, gambling really does affect everyone around you.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:04:46 No.8081469

    Legalising a drug doesn't mean letting people do whatever the fuck they want with it.

    Why would you even consider that?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:05:24 No.8081475
    While you're all arguing about this, the woman in OP's picture remains unnamed. Priorities, men!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:06:38 No.8081490

    Don't worry, you'll never fuck anyone even remotely as attractive as her anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:07:37 No.8081499
    But I can fap to them. That's all I want in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:07:48 No.8081503
    putting something into a person's coffee would probably be a decent charge. Like if you used a laxative. You probably would get charged with something. At any rate, they would change the laws to suit if they made LSD legal. That isn't a good enough reason to make drugs like LSD remain illegal.

    What no one has answered in this thread properly yet is how the government actually makes money from the illegal drug market? It sems to me now that these people are just saying a load of conspiracy theory shit.

    Someone answer this post
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)20:08:47 No.8081513
    they have been looking at social damages, physical damages and how addictive the drug is.

    biotoxic goes under physical damages...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:09:02 No.8081516
    Yeah, lots of things affect other people, too.
    The poster implied drugs were some sort of an exception while they're actually worse than any other thing.
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)20:13:10 No.8081556
    the politicans are the white knights of the universe fighting the drug war.

    other then that, they dont get much from it...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:14:31 No.8081574
    Well this could easily fall under "assault", so I don't see the problem here.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:15:27 No.8081588
    After reading the thread here is my opinion:
    Making any drug is pretty simple, so if the government legalised it, you would definitely have a friend or dealer still giving you the legal drugs because they will still be cheaper. I think pot, coke, mdma and hallucinogens have very negative effects, they are often cut with who knows what. I wouldn't want my government selling these things to kids or making it easier for them to access. What i believe needs to be done is make places regulated to do drugs such as vapour lounge in toronto, Ontario. I swear we smoke like a quarter in there, walk out blitzed, cops drive by and don't even turn their heads. I wish it was easier to try experimenting with drugs and accessing them through the government because some people are really curious to try them like me(I want DMt so bad.} Arresting people because they have a pot plant in their home for personal use is fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:15:52 No.8081592
    Tobacco is fucking easy to grow, I don't see people growing it like wild niggers.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:16:09 No.8081597
    >What no one has answered in this thread properly yet is how the government actually makes money from the illegal drug market?

    I can answer that. The GUBMENT makes money from fighting the 'war on drugs'. As far as I'm concerned people shouldn't be prosecuted for using producing or distributing drugs, only for committing crimes. Crimes as I see it consist of directly harming others. So, for example, funding a drug habit through robbery or enforcing drug distribution by means of murder should remain illegal but the average drug user who holds down a job to pay for his/her habit is doing nothing wrong.

    It worked for alcohol (one of the worst drugs btw) so why not for other substances?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:17:55 No.8081611
    Because alcohol isn't addictive.
    When you're on drugs, you can't work. It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:19:16 No.8081621
    I've held down plenty of jobs on 'drugs'

    Alcohol is just as damaging. The sooner people realize this, the better
    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)20:19:29 No.8081627
    >Because alcohol isn't addictive.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:20:49 No.8081638

    Because DT totally doesn't exist
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:21:37 No.8081649
    > implying you can work drunk off your ass
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:22:07 No.8081653
    Governments act to maintain, to a certain degree, the status quo. They afford stability in a world where little exists so that our modern society can maintain itself. They are the foundation of civilization as we know it.

    That's why when a substance alters an individuals state of mind so that he might not be able to function within the norm, or when some crazies step out of line and fly planes into a building, 'The Man' has to set things straight.

    We're better off for it, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:22:24 No.8081657
    cocaine and crack is literally the reason why ghettos are as bad as they are. heroin ruins every life it comes in contact with. I know plenty of kids who did heroin, and all of them, ALL of them are either in jail or on probation for robbery, and two of them are dead from it. I dont smoke pot anymore, and i dont think its that big of a deal, but drugs are just stupid. Not worth the risk.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:22:59 No.8081661
    Alcohol isn't addictive? Tell that to all the acoholics and all those who have attended alcoholics anonymous meetings.

    People would much rather buy drugs from a proper source such as a store selling pharmaceutical grade drugs than a dealer on the street. The drug dealers would only make money by selling it cheaper than what you would buy it in the store. What you say makes little sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:23:46 No.8081667
    >alcohol isn't addictive
    12 year old detected!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:24:26 No.8081675
    alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. If you're an alcoholic and you try to quit cold turkey then its possible to die from the withdraws.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:25:13 No.8081684
    In a world where currently illegal drugs were legal, drug dealers simply wouldn't exist. It's that simple.

    When was the last time you bought some homebrew?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:25:46 No.8081691
    D.T.'s anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:27:12 No.8081702
    Wouldn't the government be losing money fighting the war on drugs? I mean, they have to employ people to fight drug dealers.

    Police have to spend money and time trying to catch drug dealers and users. If drugs were legal then the poilce would have more time to look at other crimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:27:40 No.8081710

    Weed isn't the same as alcohol - it can be grown really fucking easily and homegrown weed isn't automatically low quality.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:27:56 No.8081712
    >see image
    >save, fap
    >wish there was a drug to make me horny 24/7
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:28:21 No.8081717
    Government will decide what they think is stupid and make it a law it. Think seatbelt and helmet laws.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:32:00 No.8081768
    They employ the same amount of people no matter what, the only difference is that currently they're wasting their manpower chasing people who aren't hurting anyone or they're perpetuating the criminal network.

    Either way, it's not a healthy system.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:32:10 No.8081769
    >Why are drugs illegal?

    Because the government knows what's best. You should always defer to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:33:24 No.8081783
    >Tomato isn't the same as alcohol - it can be grown really fucking easily and homegrown tomato isn't automatically low quality.

    >> RaSwe !!YU1aMgSkoTM 03/26/10(Fri)20:34:14 No.8081788
    now everyone starts to reposting and asking questions already answered in this thread. im out of here

    i suggest /thread
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:36:32 No.8081819
    The robot determines the end of the thread

    If you don't like it you can leave but I for one welcome more information to assist the debate
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:36:47 No.8081820
    > implying 'productivity' trumps personal freedom
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:39:24 No.8081847
    Certain drugs are actually legal in some parts of the world for certain medical practices.
    For example, cannabis will sometimes be given to Chemotherapy patients to encourage them to eat and just to make them feel better in general.
    They sometimes use shrooms to help some patients with pain.
    Other drugs are illegal for many reasons such as economy etc. but stuff like ecstasy, meth and cocaine are all drugs that fuck you up. Other than make you feel like shit afterward and getting you addicted, some of them create ugly ass sores on your face and body and just fuck up your immune system.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:41:38 No.8081871
    sometimes the government sees it this way I think. I beleive that the government doesn't legalize drugs because a lot of people would be against it due to the stigma that all drug users are lazy ass stoners who are a leech to society.

    If people do not do drugs then why would they give a shit if it were legal or not right? How many people would support a politician who wanted drugs to be legal? They would think he was evil and wanted the world to go to shit. People are often scared of many things.

    Someone answer this guy though.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 03/26/10(Fri)20:47:08 No.8081941
    in this regard, what's the difference between tobacco and marijuana? why aren't we seeing people grow their own tobacco?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:47:27 No.8081946
    How addictive are the hard core drugs? I mean if someone took a hit of heroin, would that be all that was needed to get them hooked? Same with say cocaine and meth.

    If these are that addictive, then I can see why they would be illegal. So many people would fuck themselves up over it and then society would be full of drug addicts
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:51:29 No.8082003
    Tobacco is hard as shit to grow.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:51:42 No.8082005
    In this case, I'm pretty sure meth is more addictive and makes you feel more depressed after use.
    The things with those kind of drugs is that, for the time they last, you feel awesome. But once that "high" feel runs down, you drop from your usual content into a pit of sadness.

    I'm not joking. :/
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)20:58:50 No.8082098
    Marijuana was made illegal because the lumber companies biggest competition was hemp growers. So those companies launched a huge campaign to ban marijuana saying it made white women sleep with black men.

    Marijuana has remained illegal because of the alcohol and cigarette lobbies who stand to lose a lot of money if it was ever made legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:02:45 No.8082144
    I'm all for the legalization of pot and a review of the law regarding alcohol.

    But realistically, when you start moving up the chain into what is considered 'A class' at the moment, these are drugs that are not gonna allow you to function normally on a day to day basis.

    Your judgment and motor functions can go out the fucking window. If these drugs were legalized, there would have to be severe laws against being under the influence in the workplace etc.

    And then how is the government going to draw the line between the 'freedom of use' within ones own house, and the outside world? If i take acid in my own house, i'm not hurting anybody except potentially myself. Which is the argument everyone seems to use. But i know for sure that when i'm tripping, sooner or later i'm gonna wanna go outside and wander about to look at shit. And once i'm outside, i'm not going to operate normally. I'll be unpredictable.
    >> The Red Barron 03/26/10(Fri)21:04:49 No.8082179
    Truth! Although another reason it was illegalized was because of all the Mexicutns who walked around smoking it all day... It really pissed off the white folks
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:14:05 No.8082277

    Not to mention the very real factor of addiction, which you can't just ignore.

    Not everyone has the strength of will to only do cocaine once month or some shit. Especially with the ease of access legalization would offer.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:15:22 No.8082294

    britfag, what are you doing here?

    Don't you have more important things to do, like banning points on knifes and making it a crime to photograph government employees?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:20:07 No.8082353
    I agree, we should also criminalize fastfood & porn 'cus

    > Not everyone has the strength of will
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:25:32 No.8082421
    I spent years in clubbing and drug scenes, all that "harder" stuff like heroin, meth, crack, acid, MDMA, shrooms - they tend to change people, in a way that nicotine and alcohol don't compare.

    I can say I genuinely don't want teens, young adults or anyone for that matter to get their hands on these drugs - I knew genuinely funny, talented and happy people who after just a few years of drug usage just seemed.. dumb and gray, they lost any real will to progress themselves and their lives just became a platform for highs and crashes.

    I used to do heroin, and believe me that I must have wasted a total of at least a few months laying in bed staring at the window, everything was gray and pointless, like living inside of a TV showing static - and I was one of the luckier people who were able to cold turkey themselves out of it.

    Drugs that you can sit down, do, shake off in a few hours and have no mental or physical scars from - they're fine in my book. But the ones that draw you in to a world no one wants to belong to, still your life from you. That shit should be kept away and thought of as a taboo.

    I don't want to sound like I'm preaching, shit, if you don't want to learn from the experiences of others maybe you could still be of use and have your own horrible experience which you will hopefully survive, learn from and be able to warn others.

    You know all those crack whores and drugged up hobos and junkies in back allies - I used to think that it's impossible to become one, that you'd have to be born into that culture and society to actually get to where they are - but the truth is, you have no idea how easy it is to get there and how hard it is to get out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:28:15 No.8082457
    >hard drugs: shrooms

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)21:54:15 No.8082803
    Several people have made the argument that without the government's prohibition on drugs, society would collapse.

    This has been proven to be completely false.

    Look up the decriminalization of drugs in Portugal; they decriminalized all drugs. Sure enough, rates of drug use dropped, more addicts sought treatment, HIV rates dropped, and it saved the government enormous amounts of money.

    The criminalization of drugs in the US was a moral panic which has done nothing to help society and has been an incredible waste of resources. However, the arguments for legalization, although they have been proven to work in other countries, are counter-intuitive, so most Americans buy into the myth that legalization would destroy society.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)22:29:09 No.8083220
    First of all. Addiction isn't some crazy voodoo magic. You experience it every day. When you get home and really really really want to go on the Internet, and the INTERNET IS DOWN, and you FUUUUUUU, that's a small dose of addiction.

    Addiction is just doing things that you like to do. That's all. There's only two differences between that kind of addiction and physical addiction.

    The first is that physically addicting drugs work on your brain in such a way that you really, really, REALLY want to do them more if you start doing them a lot. Heroin feels SO. FUCKING. GOOD I can't even describe it to you. It's like a constant orgasm. It's simply amazing. It makes your brain want more of it. If you can't get more of it, you react the same way you would if the internet got unplugged, only stronger because of how AWESOME heroin is. As you get deeper and deeper into using, you want more and more and more because of how great it is. Addiction is easy to slip into because it starts out as "Wow, this feels good! I want to do it again sometime!" and segues into dependence.

    Which leads us to the next aspect of physical addiction. If you start using heroin a lot, you grow to need it. As in, if you stop using it, you will feel AWFUL. Essentially, your mind calibrates itself to the tune of the heroin (this is called tolerance) until it takes more and more to get the same high and not taking enough results in devastating lows.

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