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    File : 1269571654.jpg-(120 KB, 321x500, 3387137695_f42cef2869.jpg)
    120 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:47:34 No.8069223  
    Goddamn, I'm so tired of republican whining about this healthcare bill. I hear this shit at work every fucking day.


    Fuck you guys, seriously.

    Just because YOU don't want the healthcare bill doesn't mean OTHER people don't too. Despite thinking the world revolves around you and your ilk, it doesn't. What you think doesn't matter if more people think the opposite. The government isn't ignoring you if it's still basing its decisions on what the majority wants.

    And yes, the majority wants healthcare reform. When asked individual things from the healthcare bill, the majority of people want those things. When asked about the bill itself, most people are confused and don't even know what's in it anymore. Nice job on that, guys. Your obstruction and misdirection campaign worked great in that regard at least.

    99% of you republicans don't know what's in the healthcare bill either, nor do you understand anything associated with why it's needed, since your mindset is to generally follow the leader. And the leaders are getting the handouts from the health insurance industry, so you know where their loyalty lies. There are so few people out there with legitimate opposition to the bill that their concerns have been totally buried by the bullshit scare tactics.

    So, to reiterate, fuck republicans. Fuck your whining, sore-loser, brick-throwing, bullshit-spreading, obstructionist, fear of change, conspiracy-ridden lives. I hate you forever, because you're always the victim of every damn thing in life. Grow up.

    It's just sad, really, because I like my job. I just hate most of the people there. Those of us who don't agree with them can't voice those opinions without getting the "FUCK YOU COMMIES" type of look from them. Always a conspiracy with you guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:50:12 No.8069274
    bumpin' for good thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:50:22 No.8069278
    All I know is that my friend can now receive a heart-valve replacement without the insurance company telling him that it's a pre-existing condition and that they aren't going to cover him, and that makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:53:16 No.8069335
    Around '07 I had some health problems... the doctor said it was Crohn's disease and later retracted his statement but my insurance company still says I have a pre-existing condition and refuses to cover me. I am so glad this bill was passed.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:53:59 No.8069351
    That's pretty cool to hear, actually. I'm anxious to hear more positive stories from this rather than the negative whining from those who oppose it.
    >> Fuck Socialism. Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:54:19 No.8069356
    Why should a health insurance company waste its yacht money on sick people? Denying people for pre-existing conditions is what made America win the Cold War.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55:26 No.8069370
    I wish I had a reaction image that could represent my "d'aww to the verge of tears."
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:55:55 No.8069377
    >I can get the medicine I need and the medicine I paid for.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:57:02 No.8069389
    Oh, great, this thread again. Seriously, there have been a shit ton of these already.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:57:36 No.8069400
    My stupid fucking conservative neighbor had my mother thinking she was going to lose her Medicare coverage. I had to show my mom that these "OMG MEDICARE CUTS" weren't going to affect her or most people at all, and that in fact they would improve it over the next 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:03:31 No.8069491
    The "Medicare cuts" are actually cutting the republican made program called "Medicare part D" which is a give away for private insurance/medical supply companies. In order to enroll in "Medicare part D" (aka, Medicare Advantage) you have to give up Medicare for life.
    So republicans are not only lying, they did the exact opposite of what they are complaining about (as usual).
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:03:40 No.8069494
    Not really related to healthcare but;

    Why do people think their opinion matters? About anything? I understand unimportant things like favorite foods or music, but do people really think their opinions on matters that effect more people than just themselves are more important than else's?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:04:15 No.8069503

    Canadafag here.

    I have a friend with hemophilia, and another with crohn's disease. Any time I get bummed about my taxes, I remember that they're both alive and not in a mountain of debt.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:07:21 No.8069555
    But in America, you pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, get a job, earn money and invent your own cure for hemophilia and crohn's disease.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:10:56 No.8069631
    No, you stay sick, discouraged, and poor. I can't imagine how lost some of these people must feel when they suddenly fall ill. My dad has cancer and even in Canada it put our family in debt, they lost the house and had to move into an apartment, my parents, who worked their entire lives. My mom would have died by now if she had to shoulder the entire burden.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:15:18 No.8069706
    This just in: People don't like it when govermnents do things they don't want them to do. This is the same for liberals as it is for conservatives. Complaining about complaining is also exactly what supporters of a government always engage in.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:16:07 No.8069727

    The problem is that opposition to healthcare reform is backed by people who have plenty of money to begin with to afford top care. So they then make up a bunch of bullshit about socialism, communism, waiting periods, death panels, etc, to scare their less financially fortunate sheep into backing them up on it.
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:20:27 No.8069815
    God damn, I'm so tired of Democrats whining about others protesting this healthcare bill. I hear this shit at work every fucking day.


    Fuck you guys, seriously.

    Just because YOU wan the healthcare bill doesn't mean OTHER people want it too. Despite thinking the world revolves around you and your ilk, it doesn't. What you think doesn't matter if more people think the opposite*. The government isn't ignoring you if it's still basing its decisions on what the majority wants.**

    And yes, the majority want healthcare reform. When asked individual things from the healthcare bill, the majority of people want those cherry picked things. When asked about the bill itself, most people are confused and don't even know what's in it anymore. Nice job on that guys. Your "healthcare reform" whitewashing campaign worked great in that regard at least.

    99% of you democrats don't know what's in the healthcare bill either, nor do you understand anything associated with why it's needed, since your mindset is to generally follow the leader. And the leaders are getting handouts from the health insurance industry, so you know where their loyalty lies. There are so many people out there with legitimate opposition to the bill that their concerns have been totally buried by the bullshit democratic generalizations and whitewashing.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:22:38 No.8069861
    lullllllll didn't see that coming!!!111111111111
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:24:22 No.8069892

    So, to reiterate, fuck democrats. Fuck your whining, whitewashing, bullshit-spreading, spineless, change for change's sake, personality cult ridden lives. I hate forever, because you're always the victim of every damn thing in life. Grow up.

    It's just sad, really, because I like my job. I just hate most of the people there. Those of us who don't agree with them can't voice those opinions without getting the "FUCK YOU FASCISTS" type of look from them. Always a conspiracy with you guys.

    *Ever heard of the tyranny of the majority?
    *Herp derp popular sentiment is always right even if it contradicts the social contract the country is founded on.

    Let's see, does this bill have Universal Health Care?

    Well it's definitely going to take effect within a year or two since any longer would give the insurance companies too much time to screw over people before the new regulation takes effect?
    No, it actually starts in 4 years, but you pay the fines now.

    And this bill certainly does not force you to buy products from the private industry or face penalties and/or jail time enforced by the federal government amirite?
    Wait, what do you mean it does?

    And it covers abortion, one of the key components to reducing generational poverty and crime right?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:24:58 No.8069908
    You realize the whole part d 'buy a plan from an insurance company' bullshit you democrats bitched about is the same as the healthcare bills 'buy a plan from an insurance company' bullshit, right? Oh wait, you don't get fined for not having part d.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:28:31 No.8069963
    Medicare part D was twice the cost. It was designed that way and people didn't complain because they weren't billed directly, it was payed with taxes. It is a scam.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:28:34 No.8069965

    The quicker the universal healthcare eventually comes, the better.

    Fear not, republifag. The nation won't come crashing down just because poorer and/or unfortunate people get the same chances as your privileged existence got, in which you likely worked for nothing just the same.

    The difference is that they'll live much better lives, because they won't be constantly afraid of having to give away their precious money to those disgusting poor and sick people.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:29:47 No.8069982
    And don't get me wrong, part d is some serious bullshit. It's a fucking disaster. Don't forget another thing, the guy that had most of the influence in writing part d, Billy Tauzin, played a big role in your healthcare bill as well.

    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:35:57 No.8070082
    >I didn't actually read anything he wrote except republican
    herp derp
    If you actually read it you would see I'm in favor of UHC and that I'm throughly sick of the democrats going on and on about how they won some "great victory" over an imaginary "angry white male patriarchal society" that wanted to deny heathcare to poor minorities and are represented by the tea-party which is about as big as the communist party, just much more throughly filmed.

    For fucks sake they were the ones rightly bitching about astroturfing right up until it served their purpose to then pretend they actually are that big.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:36:30 No.8070089
    Why is it "my" healthcare bill you redneck fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:37:56 No.8070114
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:38:40 No.8070121
    Republicans are inherently greedy. I mean, they're called "conservatives" for a reason.

    I know some republicans here who will just outright say that they don't want to pay for other people to be healthy. They don't buy into the death panel bullshit, they just love their money. They don't care about anyone else. It's just their way of life; their mindset. They were born into a comfortable lifestyle, went to good schools thanks to their parents' money, and basically bought their way into their careers. They don't donate to charity, don't want to pay for public assistance programs, and look down on anyone not like them because they feel they're lazy. Even though they never really worked to get where they are themselves.

    That old saying "it takes all kinds" is true, because it really makes you feel good to come from a poorer background to see just what a sad existence those people live with all their money.
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:40:17 No.8070134
    Oh, and lets not forget that last time something like this happened.

    We got HMO's and things got worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:40:18 No.8070135
    >implying liberals with money don't act the same way

    All sorts on both sides, bud. Do we ever get tired of stereotyping up in here?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:43:27 No.8070170

    The more you have to lose, the more scared you are of losing it. Applies to wealth, power, etc.

    My family was poor as shit when I was little. Medical bills fucking broke us. We lived week to week on my father's paycheck, while still in a mountain of debt. Even now, they're retired, and are still paying on their mortgage from all of that shit. But I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything, because I think I'm a better person for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:44:09 No.8070181

    lol wtf? You can thank Richard Nixon for HMOs, not Clinton.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:44:32 No.8070189
    To bad the 'conservatives' had to ruin the name for the fiscal conservatives. They have turned almost completely around from what the fiscal conservatives stood for.
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:44:54 No.8070197
    >Republicans are inherently greedy. I mean, they're called "conservatives" for a reason.

    I...wat? What is this? I don't even....

    Is a man not entitled to the sweat from his brow? Taxation issues are a valid philosophical argument. Why should they have to donate to charity? Is it not their money? If everyone is forced to donate to charity, then it's not charity anymore is it? Then it's extortion.

    This is all moot since conservatives donate more to charity then their progressive counterparts.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:45:12 No.8070201
    This is not going to give anyone health care that wants it. It is going to force a bunch of people to pay for health care they dont want or need. Obviously troll OP hasnt read the bill.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:45:40 No.8070205
    OP is a trolling faggot
    >> cornbread !!hfF/ZHIVBKf 03/25/10(Thu)23:46:39 No.8070216
    Charity is the most disgusting institution Western capitalism has yet devised.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:46:57 No.8070219
    HMOs where around long before Clinton and long before Nixon. The '73 bill just expanded it into the employer market. The provision that allowed that expired when Clinton was in office.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:47:05 No.8070220

    Idiot. That's the whole point. Why should someone be forced to pay for someone else's healthcare? Freedom includes the freedom to not do something. Retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:47:05 No.8070221

    america works finally
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:47:36 No.8070233
    They reached new heights under Clinton. Also PPO's and EPO's.

    >They were born into a comfortable lifestyle, went to good schools thanks to their parents' money, and basically bought their way into their careers.

    This however is true.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:47:57 No.8070239
    >Let me link to my conservative opinion with a conservative-leaning website.

    lolk that means it's true
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/25/10(Thu)23:50:43 No.8070271
    >herp derp
    >Syracuse University professor

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:53:42 No.8070316
    People who question the need for charity lack a basic moral compass. I'm not surprised to find people like that on 4chan or anything of course. But normal people don't like to see others down on their luck or suffering. It makes them feel good to help a fellow man.

    Unfortunately people who are born into money rarely experience what it's like to be in that situation, so they get no satisfaction from charity other than the tax breaks.

    I think everyone should come from a poor childhood if they ever expect to fully experience life. Then the rewards for becoming successful are just that much greater.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:57:25 No.8070363

    Nothing but asspained white people
    >> cornbread !!hfF/ZHIVBKf 03/25/10(Thu)23:57:58 No.8070373
    If we really wanted to help people, we would bring about a society in which the concept of poverty is unthinkable.

    Charity as it exists presently is simply a means of repressing the terrible symptoms of capitalism. Rather than rush to the assistance of the suffering, we should ask the question "What allows them to suffer like this?"

    Any perspicuous enough observer can only see that such suffering is inscribed in the very fabric of capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:58:05 No.8070376
    > Alexander Ross: Enjoy paying for my wife's abortions.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:59:02 No.8070396
    >lol instead of facts let me link to a book written by a self-proclaimed independent who happens to be religious, so he's certainly not conservative-biased
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)23:59:09 No.8070401
    So you're pissed off at republicans that don't know what the Health Care bill is for not knowing what the Health Care bill is?
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/26/10(Fri)00:02:08 No.8070448
    >book which has been reviewed by independents
    >thinks all religious people are conservative

    That's quite the statement. Those who feel that compulsory charity is wrong lack a moral compass?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:03:40 No.8070466
    People who claim to be independent are full of shit. They just want to make other people think they're special and that their vote is somehow more important because it could be swayed either way.

    In other words, they're either big fat fucking liars and back one party while pretending to be unbiased, or, they're truly mindless zombies who wait until the last minute to make a decision on an issue based on some tidbit they heard on the news.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:05:13 No.8070485

    Who said it was compulsory? The fact that you interpret it that way says a lot about your character. Or lack thereof.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:07:59 No.8070525
    >That's quite the statement. Those who feel that compulsory charity is wrong lack a moral compass?

    Dude, you give to charity because you want to. Not because you're compelled to by the government or something.

    So yeah, I'd probably say that people who don't want to lack a moral compass.
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/26/10(Fri)00:08:10 No.8070529
    Asspained I see. Vote straight down the party line for you.
    No it doesn't. Whether or not I choose to give *my* wealth is a choice I, and I alone, should be making. Compulsorily giving undermines the entire idea of America. It may be the best choice for reducing suffering among your fellow man, but America was created with certain clear boundaries in it's contract. If you don't like it you can leave for other countries with different contracts or work on the state level to change the situation much like how Massachusetts have with healthcare.
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/26/10(Fri)00:12:35 No.8070596
    This thread has mainly been directed towards the concept of forced charity. It is an assumption that makes sense in context because that's what we've been talking about.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:13:23 No.8070611

    I hope your greed serves you well, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:17:03 No.8070649
    weak troll bro
    >> Buzz !!nxBWxS2tlzz 03/26/10(Fri)00:18:03 No.8070659
    >Implying controlling my own wealth is greed

    I am one of the most generous people my friends have ever met according to them. I regularly give away money and help others out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:18:26 No.8070667
    The reverse works for slavery.

    Just because YOU want to be free doesn't mean WE want you to be free.

    OP, you're an ass. The bill is shitty and both parties know it. There should at least be the option to opt out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:19:44 No.8070678
    cry moar
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:23:35 No.8070741
    Liberals think that the lobbyists they always complained about just disappeared when this bill was being made.

    Protip: its only going to help the big insurance companies and the big pharmaceutical companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:24:52 No.8070766
    For the last time, jackasses, you don't fuck CHOOSE to be sick. So, you cannot shop for fucking healthcare as you shop for an ipod or a fucking video game. Making profit of sickness is as low as it gets for Capitalist sons of a bitch.
    Also, you NEED education. Even in the most fucking savage tribes, EVERYBODY learns the activities needed for survival for free. Education shouldn't also be a source of profit. But, leave it to self destructive imbecile to support this evil mode of production.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:25:04 No.8070771
    Saw the word "republican" and stopped reading. Sage.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)00:27:35 No.8070820
    I don't know about you guys, but I think I'll wait for the bill to actually take effect before I start commenting on how shit or not it is. And don't be like "But by just letting it take effect you could be killing America!" Big fucking deal. Even if I had influence, there's nothing we can do to recall the bill as long as the dems have the majority.

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