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  • New e-mails from Kimmo, and a text file containing full headers posted here.

    File : 1269494322.jpg-(32 KB, 450x435, obama_workG_450x435.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:18:42 No.8055622  
    How many United States citizens here have ever emailed their senator or house representative?
    >> Troll Deflater !!ywGV1o517vp 03/25/10(Thu)01:20:12 No.8055638
    Never, because I, like all americans, am apathetic, ignorant of my government. You are better than I; please don't rub it in.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:22:44 No.8055674
    OP here, just because i have emailed them doesn't make me better. It makes me more of an active member of society. I wonder if anything good would happen if all of our senators received non threatening emails promoting good ideas people who use this website
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:23:40 No.8055682
    I think I did that once in elementary school.

    I think I remember getting a form letter back.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:24:25 No.8055695
    One of my friends emailed a senator and got a response.

    Pretty boring actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:27:52 No.8055743
    I email mine a lot, every time something about abortion is coming up. Also about net neutrality
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:29:59 No.8055771
    Pretty boring, but if we all sent in emails to every senator and representative in each of our home states about....say making medical marijuana legal or something like that. If we rallied like the tea party movement, don't you think people would listen?

    Stoners are probably too lazy to do something like this, but if they did do you think anyone would listen?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:30:45 No.8055784
    Who cares if its boring as long as someone that i voted to represent me is listening thats all i care about
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:30:51 No.8055785
    i emailed obama. got a form reply "thank you for your interest etc etc." felt good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:32:06 No.8055801
    I was thrown out of Mike Michuads office a week ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:33:18 No.8055810
    I email mine all the time, you should email governors and obama too
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:34:04 No.8055816
    I contact my state representative occasionally because he personally responds to my e-mail. I live in a major city, too, so it's not like it's some rural area that doesn't get much mail. I don't care for his politics that much, but I respect him for actually taking the time to read and respond my concerns.

    I send a quick, half-hearted e-mail to my Congressional representatives whenever there is an upcoming vote on major legislation. I've called a few times as well to complain.
    >> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 03/25/10(Thu)01:34:27 No.8055824
    I've actually never, ever e-mailed them, or called, or written for that matter. I've written letters to both of my senators though, so I guess that kinda counts.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:35:45 No.8055844
    I don't...i guess that's bad though...for government and stuff
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:36:28 No.8055854
    I have about stuff related to job
    >> gabbagool !8Wi1jtFVwY 03/25/10(Thu)01:37:30 No.8055864
    several times. i even interviewed my congressman face to face for the paper.

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