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    File : 1269491151.jpg-(31 KB, 327x480, daisy1.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:25:51 No.8054898  
    /r9k/, I am about to tell you a tale. Not for advice or for consolidation, just because I feel like an asshole and thus felt like I should share it all with you.

    I work at a bookstore with a handful of people. There is a girl there, I will refer to her as say...K. We had a strictly platonic relationship. A few times she came over to share some music she heard that reminded her of me. A couple times we got coffee or fed some ducks or watched clouds. She is moderately attractive physically, as far as book store employees go. She doesn't really dress fashionable or unfashionable. She doesn't have this "style" to her or fit into any of the possible stereotypes, really. She reads a lot, sure, but isnt at all nerdy or geeky. She is rather smart, but doesn't have any of that arrogant vibe. Anyway, K is rather...different. But not in the lolrandom way. Moreso in a way when you meet someone truly and exceptionally unlike anyone I have ever met. She is rather mysterious as in i don't really know much about her on any personal level and she never talks about herself or the people in her life or day to day problems. Instead, every conversation I have had with her has been about life, death, dreams, perceptions of reality, religions, places, etc. All that deep bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:26:33 No.8054905
    So why have you not married this girl and run away?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:27:22 No.8054918
    She always has something refreshing and completely exotic as far as normal water cooler conversations go to share or express or talk about with. She has the most interesting and bizarre dreams. She has this naive and romantic view about life and people and how everything is always perfect and untainted regardless of how unsettling it appears on the surface. If I am upset, she consoles me without me feeling like I am being consoled. Never has she said "it will be okay." "Don't worry, things will get better." It's more like "It's unusual how something so coincidental and haphazard like life has a funny way of fixing everything we find upsetting, without ever fixing it at all." She reminds me so much of that loony lovegood. Anyway. She is so connected with everything, but I think it puts a lot of people off. She doesn't really talk in depth with people at work. She is friends with people at work, but rather like cordial, work friends. Lets get together and see a movie type deal. They all think she is sort of weird.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:28:07 No.8054929
    So, K has this odd characteristic. She is completely and totally happy. With herself, with her life. She doesn't have a plan for it, she is just sort of along for the ride and enjoys every little bit of it. Nothing bothers her so it seems, and if something ever did bother her, she writes it off rather quickly. She is always smiling or humming or singing. And this is where it begins.

    She sings all the fucking time. About everything and anything. Songs from the 30's, the 40's, the 90's. Songs she has written about books or random items. Songs about the Holocaust, songs about breakfast, songs about orange blossoms. She sings to customers, she sings to herself, she sings to me and the other employees. When she idly stocks shelves, when she is walking through the bookstore door, when she is clocking out. She once told me that with song, there is joy. Even if it is the saddest thing you could ever hear. She doesn't even have a bad voice. In fact, it is soft and light. Not like a voice you would hear on a radio. More like a voice meant to sing little children to sleep or calm them down when they are upset. It's a soothing and subtle and has a very nice tone to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:29:06 No.8054949
    One day in November, I was particularly pissed off. Not at K. not at anyone really. I was just having one of those days where you hate everything and want nothing to do with anyone happy. And there she was, singing. Singing in that soft, nonchalant way she sings. Happy as a clam, stocking some books onto a shelf. I instantly raged. I wanted her as unhappy as I was. I wondered if she had ever even been unhappy as I was. And then, out of nowhere, i turned to her and said "I HATE YOUR FUCKING SINGING. SHUT THE FUCK UP". I wanted her to get upset. I don't think i thought she ever would. Like I said, nothing bothered her. But in that instant, she looked at me with this confused and melancholic look. I instantly regretted it. Those welled up eyes and look of complete terror and bemusement will haunt me forever. She was just so sad and hurt. It was as if I took away the only thing she has ever really wanted.

    I didn't apologise right then. I didn't really care. at first i was sort of glad. Yeah, I felt like shit but I wanted her to feel terrible and full of sorrow for once. She didn't sing the rest of the day.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:30:12 No.8054967
    You will find out if you just shut up and listen.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:32:29 No.8054999

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:32:55 No.8055006
    Actually, she didn't really say anything to me. Nor did I say anything to her. I don't think she was avoiding me the rest of our shift. If she was, I didn't notice because i was too busy avoiding her. The next time we worked together. I said hello. She said hello. I asked how she was. She said she was lovely. She asked how I was. I said I was the same.
    And that was it. Nothing. No bizarre dream story, not thought about how dewdrops look like a million stars scattered about the grass. No comments on the little girl reading Where the Wild Things Are upside down that she saw last shift. Nothing about how she would describe the colour blue to a blind person. Nothing about the book she is reading. Nothing about the first thing she thought of in the morning. Nothing about how letters are amazing because so many people have to touch it so it can get to the right place. hello. How are you. and then to work. I figured she might be mad at me, so I gave her some time. I gave her three weeks time. Of course I apologised about the incident. But every fucking time we worked together it would be like this. Hello. How are you. Some briefly bizarre one sentence. "Today was rather yellow, you know. " And then off to work. It drove me crazy. I wanted to know what she thought. I wanted to know her stories about love and hate and everything else. I wanted her to tell me about the time she was in that random country and met that random old man that told her about how he fell in love with his wife that recently died. Hell, I wanted her to yell at me. Scream profane words and punch me. Anything but what she was doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:36:22 No.8055045
    So, i tried to spark conversation. I asked her about her dreams. She would say nothing worth noting. I would tell her about mine and she would interpret them in that sarcastic, mystical way she always did. "Perhaps it means you will die from eating a carrot." Smile and walk away. She was never mean. Never impolite. She just wasn't really there. A few times I would catch her humming. And she would notice me and look up sort of scared like. And then stop quickly and resume work silently. I caught her laughing sometimes with customers about books or unimportant things every so often. But, nothing. This went on for what seemed to be like an eternity.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:36:24 No.8055046
    Well, you fucked up bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:38:13 No.8055069
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:38:49 No.8055076
    Eventually, I asked a coworker if she was mad at me. "No. Not that I know of. She hasn't said anything." I asked her to talk to her about me. She did. She told me that K said "He is interesting, isn't he?" For Christmas, She made me this book full of sheet music of songs I mentioned I liked (I'm a music major in Uni) It looked like she spent a long time on it. Probably before all this shit went down. But every other coworkers got similar extremely personal gifts. On Valentine's day, I got a heart- shaped cookie with my name on it, decorated with music notes. Everyone else also got a heartshaped cookie designed specifically for them. She baked us all a cake for her birthday, which I never knew. On St. Patrick's day, I got a clover shaped cookie. With my name on it. Just like everyone else. And still we had no conversation. The showering of baked goods, which proceeded every holiday revealed one of two things. She was very, very lonely. Or, she really loved to bake. I started finding out more about her just by certain habits I observed.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:38:57 No.8055078
    If this turns out to be a "SHE'S A BEAR" story I will kill the OP with fire.

    Otherwise cool story so far bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:40:56 No.8055102
    OP didn't deserve this girl in the first place, see plot twist #1.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:43:28 No.8055148
    How the fuck did she have this much time? I knew she was in school. She also had a second job, I think. And yet, on everyone's birthday, she made them a gift. She knew when your grandfather died, and she wrote you a letter about it. She knew when you were ill, and she would make up a pop up card. She gave you a ride home if you had a flat tire. She knew how to look at you and make you feel instantly better. She never really hung out with any of us outside of work. None of us really knew her life, her family history, any of that. And yet she paid so much attention to us, that when we were distraught or upset, she would bake us something or leave us random gifts that would cheer us up.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:44:20 No.8055157
    please dont le tmy posdgsdg
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:44:54 No.8055170
    Girl is either some kind of goddess, or a bear.

    Gentlemen, place your bets.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:45:07 No.8055177
    This girl reminds me of amelie.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:45:20 No.8055178
    Bear. Definitely.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:45:43 No.8055185
    Goddess bear.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:46:24 No.8055189
    inb4 Bel-Air
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:47:23 No.8055203
    What's this bear meme? I feel like I missed a memo somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:47:26 No.8055205
    We all went to see Alice in Wonderland when it first came out. I knew it was her favourite book, so I thought she might want to see it and gathered a group of us to go. I asked her what she thought of it. She said "it was very colourful, you know. The cheshire cat was brilliant." she thanked me for inviting me. She apologised for singing. She said "oremind me of someone I want to meet later on in my life. Thanks for listening to me." She said goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:49:01 No.8055224
    Lurk moar.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:49:28 No.8055234
    It's like bel-air, except the meme ends with person finding out that their ____________ relation is actually a bear.
    Also, r9k has the bear hands meme.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:49:35 No.8055235

    And that was the end of it. She apparently quit, and moved. Nobody heard from her again, the mystery remained preserved, and the memories of her, golden.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:49:50 No.8055242

    she sounds like the kind of person i wish i could be :/
    it's harder than you might think.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:50:40 No.8055256
    She quit today?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:51:19 No.8055268

    Thanks for depressing the fuck out of me, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:52:45 No.8055292
    That was on Monday. Today, i got to work. I checked the schedule. Her name wasn't on it. I always checked the schedule for her, and i couldn't find it. I asked the manager and he told me that she put in her resignation some time ago. She was moving to Seattle for an internship at this newspaper. I found out through coworkers that she applied way back in July for a summer internship at the Seattle Times, and then graduate school there. All that fucking time we worked together and I didn't even know she wrote. I didn't bother to ask anything about her. She doesn't have a cell phone I can text. She doesn't have MSN or Facebook that I know of. We had contact at work and work alone. She was probably had the most interesting and incomparable life of anyone I will ever have the pleasure of knowing, and all I did was talk about my fucking life and my insignificant troubles and scream at her for being her. Which is probably what she got all her life anyway. I never even asked her what she did. I met this pretty, remarkably fascinating girl and i never realised how much she actually meant to me.

    And that's all I have to say.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:53:49 No.8055312
    Yeah, pretty much.

    I guess. In a quick summed up, straight to the facts.

    And she quit months ago. Even before I yelled at her.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:53:59 No.8055315
    Are you going to try and get into contact with her? She seems like she'd be a great friend. Even if you are a dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:54:01 No.8055316

    >the mystery remained preserved

    We'll never find out if she went to Bel-Air or back to the woods. >:
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:55:14 No.8055333

    Hot damn, I saw that one coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:56:02 No.8055350
    Well, as if I didn't feel shitty enough tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:57:20 No.8055373
    u sad?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:57:29 No.8055376
    >fed ducks
    >looked at clouds

    OP is either 12, 80, or a troll
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:57:59 No.8055382
    OP should sell his everything, steal a contact number from the store management, and give chase, his life and happiness depends on it!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:58:48 No.8055392

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:58:51 No.8055393

    You underestimate the power of simply hanging about with someone special.

    Even if that someone special for me is weed.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:01:00 No.8055414
    OP this may sound extremely dorky and fucking gay. But I seriously think you should pursue her.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:02:21 No.8055428

    Do it. Seriously. What's stopping you?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:03:15 No.8055437
    This is the first time that /r9k/ has not hated a woman.

    I... I never thought I'd live to see the day.

    OP, this is when you know your woman is a special one. Even arcanines can't hate her.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:03:48 No.8055442
    Pursue her. To her it will be just like out of a book. She'll love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:04:04 No.8055445
    No, that's just what she wanted to do.
    She would say "let's do something" I would ask what. And that is what we would do.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:04:22 No.8055453



    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:04:58 No.8055462
    everyone knows this was just a troll right? not OP but I mean this particular post. jus sayin'

    anyway, I say let her be.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:06:18 No.8055476
    Everything. Uni, work, life. It's something she would do. Not something I would do. I wasn't ever the dreamy one.
    I don't know..I just can't. Seattle is a big fucking place.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:06:51 No.8055481

    Yes, I'm aware I posted that troll-style.

    I just happened to be right.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:07:47 No.8055494
    I know. But she was the one that did it. Like. I look at everything differently now. Before it was just paper. Now its paper is made of trees that had a life and were really fucking old.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:08:17 No.8055499

    If you sell every possession you own, you'd probably end up with a great bit of seed money. Enough to live out of your car for at least a year, until you can get a job and a place.

    Obviously you'd be trying to find her at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:10:13 No.8055524

    You will live the rest of your life thinking about this girl and how amazing she was.

    Life of solitude and no woman ever matching up < dropping every fucking thing you're doing right now to go find her regardless of cost
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:13:23 No.8055552

    It makes living out of your car seem a lot easier and comfortable than you'd initially expect.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:13:52 No.8055556
    Instead of pursuing her, leave her alone and let her be. She probably wasn't interested in you romantically, in the first place. And I doubt you deserve such a wonderful sounding girl to begin with, seeing as how you're a Negative Nancy and lashed out at her.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:14:59 No.8055572
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:16:11 No.8055587
    That's the think though...I have a great girlfriend. I have a pretty okay life. Everything about it is fine. Plus, i don't even fucking know what she thought of me. Id sell everything, get there, find her after searching endlessly forever, and she would tell me that people are perfectly imperfect and today was very seafoam green blah blah dreamy dream. She would let me stay at her place. She would bake me things. She would help me find a place of my own. She would be my friend. She is just so...abstract I don't even think i would know the first thing about being with her. It's like she is so simple, it's fucking confusing.

    Doing that is pretty much just moving to Seattle to start over a life that didn't really need to be restarted.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:18:56 No.8055627

    Do you want her or do you not want her? You're throwing us two different stories, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:22:09 No.8055665
    Of me or her?

    I'm guessing her.

    I don't know. 5'5 maybe. 60 kg?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:22:11 No.8055667
    oh then what do you want from us?
    you have a great girlfriend now and have realized you never really knew much about K. K was just a very kind person with a laidback philosophy and approach to life. You were a huge dick to her but she got over it and expressed no further interest in dealing with you beyond simple politeness, the kind of politeness she showed everybody. Just get over it and at least learn from the experience not to be so negative, isn't that what she was all about?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:24:36 No.8055699
    She sounds like a pretentious, twee prude.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:25:02 No.8055705
    No, I want her. But im guessing she didn't want me. Or if she did, she doesn't now. She would have been more inclined to say something, I think.

    I don't even know. I just want to talk to her and figure out what she really felt without all this encrypted meaning and spacey stuff. If she was like. Yeah, i loved you. I would definitely sell everything and move there. But if it's just a "yeah, you were a good friend...but an asshole. I didn't know you liked Seattle! Let me help you out and get you on your feet" then I think i would be more heartbroken than I am now.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:27:20 No.8055735
    don't care, please for the love of god fuck off. moot even made a special board for dead diary faggots. go to /adv/. go to /adv/.

    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    go to /adv/. go to /adv/
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:27:38 No.8055740
    I didn't want anything from you.
    Read the first line of my post. I didn't do this for advice. Yeah, i know i fucked up and had a potential chance with a girl I wont ever see again. It was just a "feels fucking bad, man" thing and I decided it was story time.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:28:11 No.8055749

    Maybe she thought you would reject her based on past abrasive behavior. Also, if you mentioned you have a girlfriend around her then she probably thought you weren't interested because you were emotionally preoccupied.

    If she just ended work on Monday, chances are she's still in town getting ready to move. People usually take a couple days.

    Get her number from your manager. Call her. Now.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:28:17 No.8055750
    And did you not read it?

    I didn't want fucking advice. For fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:29:56 No.8055769
    I thought about doing this. A coworker has her house number but I called it and it was already disconnected. I did the reverse phone lookup and found the address so I was thinking of driving over there and checking to see if there are still signs of life.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:30:10 No.8055777

    Then maybe you should like, steal her number, call her, and find out.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:30:23 No.8055780

    WTF is a kg? I live in America. I don't even...
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:31:14 No.8055790

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:32:18 No.8055802
    oh sorry, got too into the story I forgot about that

    well story heard, and processed. You have my sympathy but I still think you should let her be. She probably would have opened up to you again after the numerous apologies and hellos and as you said she planned the move before you fucked up the relationship. Just learn from the experience.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:35:26 No.8055840
    I think OP is too good of a storyteller for this to be true.

    Unless somehow all the crazy stories happen to people who happen to have a knack for writing. I've been told I write in a way that makes people want to stop reading, if anything remotely interesting happened to me, I doubt anyone would hear much of it.

    Maybe I only notice this because I only read stories written by decent writers, because all the shitty ones like me don't bother to type it out.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:40:35 No.8055893
    Yeah, i guess. I mean, it's just a drive across town.
    If anything I could get her contact info to stay in touch when she is in Seattle or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:43:03 No.8055921

    Just say you didn't want her to leave without saying goodbye. Ask for a forwarding address, email, AIM, number, anything to keep in contact. It's late, you could also probably get away with telling her you think she's amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:43:26 No.8055925
    stargirl? lololo
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:43:42 No.8055931
    Plus. just driving there doesn't mean anything. I can just drive by. It's within my rights as a law abiding citizen to happen across her house.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:44:21 No.8055944

    Keep rationalizing, but at some point you should get out and knock on her door.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:45:23 No.8055952
    Fine, I'll go take the drive. You've convinced me.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:48:06 No.8055983

    Thank you block.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:48:07 No.8055984
         File1269496087.jpg-(26 KB, 770x198, bawwwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg)
    26 KB

    too sad to let die
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:48:41 No.8055993

    It's customary to provide a link to vote :V
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:50:27 No.8056009
    When you're there, FUCKING APOLOGIZE, DIPSHIT.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:51:28 No.8056025
    quick go drive to her now so you can update this thread w/ results and we can have good reason to archive!

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:56:39 No.8056073
    At some point, you should say you just want to hear her sing again.

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:57:06 No.8056082
    Girls do not fuck guys who talk to them about fairies.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:57:09 No.8056083
    uh, ""?

    unless something's changed in the two years i spent away from this place.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:58:55 No.8056103
    Good luck OP. Keeping this alive.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:00:34 No.8056125
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:00:41 No.8056127
    or we only pay attention to the stories written by good writers?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:00:51 No.8056130

    For whatever reason, I seem to recall someone including a direct link to a form for a specific thread.

    Sue me.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:01:33 No.8056138

    That's what I was thinking, there might be some really great stories, but when they're written as a single sentence with no caps and too many commas, you tend to gloss over.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:02:11 No.8056144
    Godspeed to OP. I am hoping for /r9k/'s sake that she will love him.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:07:41 No.8056213
    this story makes my gay little heart twitter :3

    Find that wonderful woman now, and tell her even if you aren't romantically after her that you love her as a friend and that you can't imagine not talking to her at least once in a while and that you're SO FUCKING SORRY for being mean that one day and you really really regret it.

    Even though that's been said. And you probably have left already. I want to reinforce it.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:07:43 No.8056216
    hey no problem. that was an honest question.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:12:42 No.8056275

    An honest question for an honest mistake?

    I suspect darker magic at work here.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:23:53 No.8056405
    I'm going to be in Seattle in a week... Want me to try and track her down and give her a message?

    And by message, I don't mean shoot her.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:24:31 No.8056414

    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:25:27 No.8056425

    Can you stick your dick in her butt for me? Thanks. Tell her I said hi.

    No please don't.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:27:57 No.8056454
    sad posting for OP ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:33:42 No.8056522
    he will find her, and he will kill her

    you're her only hope, are you really going to listen to all the fags telling you to give up on her?!

    go to her

    save her

    be her hero
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:34:39 No.8056539


    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:53:43 No.8056780
    OP is sitting outside her empty place crying right now
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)03:00:04 No.8056860
         File1269500404.jpg-(233 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0047.jpg)
    233 KB
    Okay, I am back. There were cars, but nobody was there/answered the door when I knocked. I left a note on the door. I took a picture of the note for you. Sorry, it was from my cell phone.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)03:04:01 No.8056911
    uh, can you tell us what it said?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)03:04:13 No.8056914
    I think the house is her parents' house. I called the coworker who gave me the number and she said it was an older number, from when they first started working together. So, they either got a new number and are still living there or something because the house looks like it isn't really going to be empty any time soon. So maybe she just left? If that is the case....perhaps her parents will either a) forward the letter or b) she will find it if she hasnt left yet.

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