Have you guys seen the new MEME on /b/? Isnt it retarded yet strangely amusing? Like you dont wanna laugh. So you dont laugh. but deep down youre like "Shit, that niggas crazy"
yeai loledonce
Like this. they shoop him into various situations where one would not welcome a screaming fat man preparing for kung fu battle.
Or into annoying ads.I mean, its kinda funny. But like, four hundred people complain about the meme. which makes it funnier to me.
this was the first one ive ever seen of it. it was fairly funny then more popped up everywhere
this is the best shoopnote : the shoops have to be shitty for it to work
No. fuck your shit faggotshit
i mean, its perfect for trollingpeopel get pissed at the posting of any pic with this dude in iti dont get it but i laugh everytime someone gets poissed
god. fuck you /b/facepalmblox
>>8054800see? He was effectively trolled the fuck out of. simply by posting it.
samefags all of you ALL OF YOU
>>8054813Once again.Sages are for retards.Once again.I attempted Troll. You got Pissed. I win.And Im not even trying. Im just posting images asking what the big deal is
>meme>/b/You're going to fuck off right now. This isn't the board for this trash.
Just stop. Please just stop.
silly fat kung fu guy in spacewhatre you doing in spaceyou cant even breathe up there
what this isnt even clever
>>8054835>>8054837Wow. You guys on R9K are so easily trolled. Im not even trying, or being SMART about it. Im just posting pics. With every pic I post... I get more points and more victories. Its rediculous.
>>8054854thats kindve the point man. its not clever. yet it works. pretty rediculous, huh?note : Shitty Shoop
I am going to goto bed. when I return, I expect lots of angry r9k bots or whatever the fuck you guys call yourself. R bots? Robots? I dont fucking know.
way to waste your time.