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  • New [old] boards: /r9k/ /pol/ /hc/, and introducing /diy/~

    In other news, posting issues should be resolved now. Some extra goodies arriving in a few weeks, so look for more improvements in early November!


    File : 1319562756.jpg-(172 KB, 1098x999, asuka.jpg)
    172 KB Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:12:36 No.80336  
    What did you guys do when /r9k/ was terminated?

    >Still no friends
    >still socially handicapped
    >graduated high school
    >played video games (more like waiting for video games to come out)
    >Browsed random boards on 4chan
    >Hardly any social interaction
    >Still a kissless virgin (never really made an effort)
    >same as last year

    How about you?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:13:41 No.80351
    Continued misogyny threads over on /adv/
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:14:55 No.80375
    >became a /b/rowser
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:17:01 No.80413
    I realized that /r9k/ was a lot of fun just because it was like /b/ but with less of the stupid shit. The other boards are interesting if you're interested in reading about their topics (except /v/ since it's basically /b/ now) but when I'm just bored with nothing to do I'd rather have a place where there could be almost any topic up. That's what /b/ used to be like years and years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:17:38 No.80427
    So how long has r9k been out for? And when the fuck did it come back?

    > moved over to /v/ and /tv/
    > Got dumped by girlfriend
    > Found a much better girl
    > Finally got laid
    > Got first job
    > Socialised a lot more

    r9k's absense can't take the credit for these improvements though, that'd be the break up.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:18:50 No.80447
    be bummed, browse fit and n more, start going on lit
    >> Misaka fag !sMbbsPaRkY 10/25/11(Tue)13:19:58 No.80468
         File1319563198.jpg-(127 KB, 850x850, sample_cc3e894974db96240c40b30(...).jpg)
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    I've turned into your typical /r9k/ browser. I use to be pretty ok, but now I'm an isolated cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:21:22 No.80494
    Where the fuck were green text stories supposed to go though? Some of the best threads we had here were just variations on that retard at school or the biggest dump you've ever taken or stories of people being sexually abused etc. You try those anywhere else but /b/ and it's off topic, and if you try it on /b/ it won't stay on topic. /r9k/ is a neccesary evil, relationship threads be damned.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:23:27 No.80524
    >got a girlfriend
    >we fucked after a few months
    >totally in love
    >she becomes psycho
    >i break up with her
    >try calling a few months later to see how she is
    >her mom picks up and yells at me
    >she pretends to be another girl and starts flirting with me online
    >i find out its her and call her on it
    >she signs off and never comes back
    >now i flirt with a lot of girls online but i don't really like any of them

    feels bad
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:28:59 No.80588
    >Found the new /r9k/ on a different chan
    >less people, but otherwise nothing changed.

    Fucking captchas are annoying here though
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:29:22 No.80599
    This, this, and this. Couldn't have said it better. As for the other things OP mentioned:

    >same three friends
    >graduate high school
    >video games, yes of course
    >went on one or two dates
    >seeing someone this Halloween weekend
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:30:20 No.80611
    >graduate hs
    >get a gf
    >not go to college(no money)
    >try getting job(no place wants me right now)
    >browse /b
    >i have friends there just in school or dorming college so dont really talk to them
    >lost kiss virginity at 13
    >basically same as last year for me 2

    Oh well not like i care to even want to try and hang out with people when they only want to hang out when they want to
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)13:55:27 No.81083
    >>about the same as you.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:01:05 No.81189
    >still working shitty night job
    >paid off more of student loans
    >6 months away from going back to school
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:04:13 No.81248
    >dumped friends who sat on computer all day
    >got an amazing job
    >went to tons of concerts
    >got a great significant other
    >r9k is back
    >spending all my time online
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:27:29 No.81679

    how do you deal with it? What is your life like?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:34:33 No.81789
    I'm 19 years old, i finished highschool at 18.
    I used to deal with it playing videogames to escape reality, now i don't even play videogames anymore and i just browse 4chan at least 9 hours per day.
    I try to read books or do some more stimulating activities but i always end procrastinating every single thing i propose to myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:34:51 No.81794
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    Nothing out of the ordinary since I didn't come here regularly back when it was still ROBOT9000 instead of ROBOT9001. However, the more I come here the more I like it. I have just one question before I pack my bags and jump ship to this board permanently; how's the Pony situation here?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:35:39 No.81801

    want to add my e-mail and talk more about your life? You're similar to me, I just don't have motivation to do anything else.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:37:59 No.81845
    >kissed one girl, asked her out, no.
    >left college
    >Asked a second girl out, yes. Go out with her for a month, lots and lots of kissing and feeling and talking. Still no sexual contact
    >leaves me after a month
    >Job interview tomorrow
    >nervous as fuck
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:38:42 No.81854
    >still 1 friend, new GF
    >got a job
    >work nights (2pm-10pm, idk if that's considered nights but it is to me)
    >get up, eat, computer, work, come home, talk to gf, sleep, my schedule every day
    >suck at saving money so stuck with parents
    >gf moving in too

    Well at least I got a job so my mom doesn't yell at me about it anymore. Probably because of the $120 a month rent.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:38:50 No.81856
    I finally went to psychiatrist and I've been taking anti-depressants for 2 months right now. Shit was cash.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:40:32 No.81889
    >gf I met on /b/ btw before /soc/

    shit's weird, we still talk about it in awe.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:42:34 No.81924
    >living with parents
    >gf moves in
    what the fuckin fuck bro
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:43:00 No.81934
         File1319568180.jpg-(87 KB, 960x693, 51516161616.jpg)
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    >even larger social circle then before
    >got into medschool
    >started browsing /fit/ and actually lifted weight, lost about 20kgs

    Shit's been pretty good. Although /r9k/'s disappearence had nothing to do with it
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)14:43:28 No.81939
    >went to rehab
    >stayed off heroin
    >new gf
    >back in school
    >browse /tv/ instead
    >slowly becoming more social
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:05:51 No.82319
    >got into medschool

    Huh, so did I. Grinding through 2nd year now.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:36:21 No.82943

    Are you still there? I can wait until you reply back.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)16:55:22 No.84665
    Im p-retty much in the same lane as you OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)17:15:17 No.85144
    bumpan for interesting sotiries bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)17:17:33 No.85192
    I got a life, laid down some broads and made some true bros and had the time of my life.

    Now I'm stuck at home with no friends and an alcohol problem that's starting to bloom like a perennial, so I guess it's back to business as usual.
    >> ThePlagueDoctor !hONGMCIijo 10/25/11(Tue)17:19:04 No.85224
    >Magically woke up one day with confidence
    >Talk to lots of girls now
    >Still no gf but I don't care
    >Now alpha as fuck and like myself for who I am
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)17:24:52 No.85379

    Nonexistent, afaik.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)17:46:29 No.85917
    How many of you are described by the OP?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)18:11:16 No.86429
    pretty much exactly the same as you.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)21:04:35 No.90574
    LEt's get this show on the road...I can saftly say i'm the same.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)21:41:18 No.91669
    I've pretty much been doing nothing with my life, want to die...
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)21:51:10 No.91958
    >pretty much the same thing
    except for the video games, I had to move and couldn't take my PC with me, so now my life has even less meaning than before
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:18:37 No.92702

    want to add my e-mail and tell me a little more about your life? I'm the same as you.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:21:02 No.92777
    >got a girlfriend
    >had for eleven months
    >never fucked, but fooled around a lot and my dick was in her mouth once or twice
    >broke up with her, confidant in my ability to get another girl
    >it's been about two weeks, kinda pussying out
    what're you gonna do
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:25:18 No.92908
    my time away from arcanine was pretty decent actually. I ended a 2 year hikkikomori phase and I'm currently enrolled in college and have a job. I am still pretty autism but I have am talking to a bunch of my old friends and hanging out with them again. Things are going pretty well for this guy
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:26:11 No.92929
    >continue browsing other boards that I'd been browsing concurrently with /r9k/
    >try to join the French Foreign Legion and fail
    >continue going to school
    >lose virginity, acquire friend with benefits
    Pretty good, but none of it had to do with /r9k/ being deleted.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:28:31 No.92991
    >move to /b/
    >nah this is too shitty
    >move to /a/
    >nah this is too shitty
    >move to /mu/
    >nah this is too shitty

    I'm so glad you're back /r9k/<3
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:36:24 No.93231
    >Moved to /b/ and /d/
    >Get cheated on
    >Get a fatty hate thread that I started archived
    >Get engaged
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:43:42 No.93447

    are you still there man?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:49:59 No.93634
    Moved over to /adv/.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)22:56:17 No.93801
    Moved with the vocaroo crew to /soc/, where we decayed into our current state. (sound related.)

    Also: Discovered the magic of ponies!!!1!
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:12:06 No.94269

    did you contribute to the foreveralone topics in /adv/? what did you say if so?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:36:35 No.94895
    Who's the girl firing the machine gun in the OP?
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:38:12 No.94946
    Dating a beautiful girl now.

    Still a virgin, though.

    Ironically, I'm even more insecure about it all now. Dating is harder than I thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)01:38:55 No.97655
    Not much right now, possibly just going to be browsing r9k now.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:35:14 No.99372
    Pretty much nothing over the contratyy... i hate my life.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/26/11(Wed)03:39:18 No.99448
    I went to /soc/ and circlejerked with namefags.
    Also was on /v/ a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:41:31 No.99475
    >started college
    >got a bf
    >life is getting somewhat better
    >got a job

    So I guess r9k's downfall was a good thing for me.
    >> infected !!LZQTkDVTSnL 10/26/11(Wed)03:43:48 No.99515
    I went to /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:45:30 No.99536
    >Got promoted
    >Went on a few dates (didn't go anywhere... I met a girl from the internet, then told her I didn't want to see her anymore because I wanted to give another girl a shot... who has a boyfriend... yet is still willing to go out to dinner with just me and always seems kind of flirty)
    >finally finished a bunch of games I've been meaning to finish

    I didn't really accomplish that much and I'm not sure how much of it even has anything to do with /r9k/. The promotion was a $2 raise that I felt like I was deserving for quite a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)03:50:08 No.99608
    >Got a job
    >Didnt date anyone
    >Built my first PC
    >My penis grew 2"
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)09:49:18 No.103079
    Who here can relate to this OP and has no friends ever?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:16:45 No.103425
    >What did you guys do when /r9k/ was terminated?

    >I had taken a year off before college so I basically hung out with my only friend and worked along with watching tv/vidya.

    >Finally get back to college this Fall, immediately make friends and join several clubs

    >Working, have next semester almost paid for through saving up. Goal is to get through undergrad with no debt.

    >Getting all A's. General sense of contentment with life that I haven't had in a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:16:45 No.103426
    I'll be fapping to your image tonight OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:23:24 No.103509
    To be honest.
    I can barely remember anything.

    My memory...deteriorating (had to look up this fucking word to see how to spell it).
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:25:28 No.103542

    Are you friendless with no direction in life?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:50:12 No.103877
    Well, ofc, but that's not even worth mentioning.

    I never had a direction, besides to be financially dependent.

    A shallow existance is what describes me the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:53:22 No.103915
    I just went to /lit/, more or less. I like it there.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:27:11 No.104342

    Want to add my e-mail and tell me a little more about your life? I'm exactly the same.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:43:40 No.104507

    Are you still there? Let me know.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:48:06 No.104543
    I met my girlfriend on /r9k/ about 10 months before it was given the axe. We're still together.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:50:29 No.104568
    >started college
    >accepted where I am in life
    >broke up with my girlfriend
    >got a job
    >got a social life
    yet now I'm lonely again. Weird how it works out, huh. Oh, and
    >moved to /mu/
    ( so glad you guys are back )
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:52:55 No.104602
    Well, I actually drifted to /v/ for a while, but still a loser, I dropped out of uni. Played more vidya than ever etc. But yeah, /adv/ was my new playground.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)13:00:26 No.105542

    what's your life like right now bro?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:12:19 No.106468
    I didn't do much other than talk about my life.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:24:25 No.106620
    You guys have a new recruit I lurked and lurked other boards and never heard of /r9k/ and now It is back up

    I dropped out of uni

    mental/health issues

    life sucks balls

    good looking but isolated

    so yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:32:15 No.106714

    What is your life like? Are you always alone 24/7?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:44:19 No.106857

    Yes, the vast majority of the time I am in fact alone.

    I have a case of OCD where I imagine debates/arguments/harsh things happening to me/my family which cause me to get angry and then get a headache out of it and I just feel rage and start hating the person I imagined the argument with.... for no good reason that is!

    so yea I forget about it all by gaming and browsing reddit (I come into 4chan once every couple of days on average)

    but yes... alone as fuck... avoiding social interactions as much as I can because, well I don't know why... but I do

    me my room my books and my games that is all

    (24 year old uneployed male here)
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:46:11 No.106881
    >made friends
    >went to a pizzeria with them
    >a girl sits next to me
    >a potato falls from her plate
    >I pick it up
    >put it back in her plate
    >very long awkward moment.
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !5COcOPZCg2 10/26/11(Wed)14:50:13 No.106943
    Eh, my life was about the same, but I just didn't have /r9k/ to talk about it with. I missed it way more than I thought I would.

    >Started doing more music stuff around campus
    >Made lots of new friends
    >Lost some other friends
    >Got a job
    >Landed myself in a complicated and probably doomed relationshippy thing
    >All in all, having a pretty good time away.

    But I'm glad you're back, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)14:51:58 No.106961
    > /r9k/ was cancelled
    > Anon returns to /g/
    > /g/ is okay
    > nothing happens
    > more nothing
    > /r9k/ returns
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:00:08 No.107056
    >Get hospitalized because of retarded guidance counselor
    >lose girlfriend
    >lose friends
    >called crazy
    >hold onto the internet because it was my only real home where no one judged me
    >become a hermit/shutin
    >stop going to school completely despite being my senior year
    >get threatened with hospitalization by guidance cuntouler
    >refuse hospitalization threaten with the law
    >play WoW
    >play poonscape
    >play maplestory
    >quit maplestory due to such a weaboo shit community
    >play poonscape
    >meet lovable girl
    >be content with life
    >go to therapy weekly
    >take antidepressants
    >work with my dad
    >score high on GED practice test without even handing in my essay
    >wait for school's withdraw papers
    >GED test in November
    >need withdraw papers or I need to wait longer
    >hate the U.S.
    >hate society
    >hate dumb bitch customers at my job
    >look forward to bf 3
    >make my girlfriend cum
    >make myself cum
    >she's into being dominated

    Anyway, above all I love Ally and if things go the way they have been, we'll be together forevur and evurrr. I hope so atleast.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:22:51 No.107379
    i was diagnosed with cancer in my shoulder bone the day after robot9000 was removed
    the sad thing is that i'm not even trolling
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:24:38 No.107415
    >graduated hs
    >broke up with the gf i had and got a new one
    >started college 100 miles from where im from
    >started a job thats manageable
    >live on my own and take care of myself now
    >have hardly any friends here
    >like it that way
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:26:29 No.107441
    Switched from cigarettes to shag and still work at that damn supermarket. no goals in life
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:27:57 No.107475
    of niet?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:29:51 No.107497
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:39:23 No.107667
    I froze myself to re-awake when r9k would come back
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:44:05 No.107753
    I jumped ship straight to the other chan the first day /r9.1k/ was created. Since then I've made slight improvements in my life.

    >Socializing infrequently. All the same, it's better than naught
    >Lost weight
    >Got stronger
    >Got job
    >More confidence (not saying much)

    Now I'm back in the motherland and working harder than ever to pull myself out of this fucked up hole I've dug myself into
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:45:54 No.107789
    >Made new friends
    >Starting hanging with old friends
    >Tried weed
    >It was ok
    >Tried alcohol, better than weed
    >Got laid (Just once)
    >Enjoyed life
    >Still enjoying life
    Basically it
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)15:51:44 No.107895
    >got a job
    >had sex
    >ongoing casual relationship
    >started running
    >lost weight
    >became an alcoholic
    >roll my own cigarettes now
    what am I doing back here?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)16:42:49 No.108857
    >Getting /fit/
    >Nearly died, now mildly handicapped
    >Tooth fixed
    >Went to an awesome concert
    >Got a GF
    >Got job, lost job

    Fuck bitches, get money
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)16:50:38 No.109026
    >>Sit at my computer desk as I simply stare at the monitor, eyeing the space where /r9k/ used to be.
    >>"This... This is terrible. I have no where on this website where I can fit into now."
    >>"Think, Anon! What would /r9k/ want you to do?"
    >>"Become ALPHA AS FUCK."
    >>Become more forward with people, speak a lot in school
    >>People start to like me
    >>Everyone laughs at my jokes, I'm the most popular guy in one of my classes

    Feels good, man!
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)19:10:14 No.111838
    >Hosted a Tanzanian at my house and gave her the holiday of a life time
    >Made great friends in the charity I'm part of
    >Join community youth project and make yet more friends
    >Meet guy and go out
    >Lost my virginity
    >smoked weed for the first time
    >Went to America and Canada for the first time
    >Saw my brothers wedding and met great people who are now my in-laws and couldn't be happier
    >broke up with aforementioned boyfriend
    >cried a lot
    >made a lot of friends while /r9k/ was down and I'm going to a party tomorrow with loads of people that seem really cool but never got the chance to talk
    >now is my chance

    I never forgot you, /r9k/, no matter what happened when you were taken from me
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)19:20:35 No.112040
    Got a girlfriend.
    Got laid.
    Both periods have since ended, don't feel like I fit in in a den of misfits. Way better than I was before though lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)20:52:09 No.113775
    I've stopped talking to all of my friends from high school

    Started college

    Trying to get my shit together
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:45:28 No.114897

    I attend college full time on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 12 hours each day.

    The rest of my time is spent masturbating, watching Evangelion deep films & trying to make money.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:06:12 No.115394
    -had my worst breakup
    -stopped going to college, Idk if my records/credits are still there if I ever decide to go back
    -my penis went numb, idk could be nerve compression from what the uroligist says
    -legs getting worse every year, until one day I may not walk anymore
    -lost contact with friends because they were shit and I stopped wanting to deal with it

    So I talk to some old friends here and there sometimes and some online ones, I'm too scared to get involved with girls because my dick problems and loser life, and learning penetration/high level programming/system hardening or whatever so I can be hacker cracker extraordinaire and get some dirty money because I do not see any career paths that I want anytime soon, and I'm tired of having my parents pay for my copay/xrays/MRI/CAT etc

    tl;dr life is shit, man. I dont know how parents do it, it's one thing I learn it the hard way, but to watch a innocent child grow to up and see this all this shit?

    I used to be annoyed by spoiled little 20 something girls running their mouths and whining about things, now I can see why, I'd spoil my daughter, too, keep her happy.

    Oh, good news is I'm much more of a hardass now. I mean, here I am writing a paragraph full of bitching, but you won't hear it from me irl.

    Also, wtf, I have to copy and past shit for verification now?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:44:20 No.116209

    >Do you think you'll always be friendless and a social reject even online? I do for me.

    Believe it or not I disconnected from all of my friends of my own free will.

    I'm not that terrible at social interaction, but I enjoy being alone and use this site to fulfill my social requirements as a human. For some reason I don't get bored, so I just stay inside on the computer for 12-14 hours a day when I'm not at school.

    My goal is to get enough money I'm going to buy property in the middle of nowhere and build my own house.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:45:38 No.116236

    >My goal is to get enough money I'm going to buy property in the middle of nowhere and build my own house.

    Disregard this, I suck cocks. I changed a part of the sentence without rereading it.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:48:06 No.116296
    >Got a girlfriend
    >Started going out more
    >Got a job
    >Suddenly no time for video games

    I think I was happier before
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)23:25:31 No.117135

    Not planning on it.

    I wouldn't mind having a quiet girlfriend to share company with when I have a job and live on my own.

    My ultimate goal is to live in the middle of nowhere with all the amenities by myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:16:59 No.118228
    >got girlfriend
    >no longer kissless, still a virgin
    >she breaks up with me
    >/r9k/ comes back
    Robots before hoebots.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:20:20 No.118286
    >lost boyfriend I met on r9k
    >become clinically depressed
    >attempt suicide, went to a ward
    >went to ex bfs house with a gun to my head
    >went to a ward
    >go to college
    >hate life
    >why am i alive
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)00:28:07 No.118436

    I don't use any messengers or social networks.

    Not sure why'd you want me to add you anyways.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:39:33 No.119620

    Exactly the same as you OP. bar the kissless thing. I be slightly less pathetic than you.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:47:15 No.119744
    Carbon copy of OP. But I'm lovin' it now. I always resented myself through Highschool "baww no one likes me, every1 thinks I'm a loser". Etc. Well now I'm out of those situations, away from those people, and I love life and I love myself. Now I fucking get it, but I guess that comes with maturity/age. Instead of snowballing into a suicidal piece of shit, I'm enjoying everything I have. Just hope I can land a job within the next year or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:48:47 No.119772

    *BROFIST* for being a carbon copy.

    I picked up a Job but havent had any hours in a month and im hell paro about it having something to do with me.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:51:21 No.119805
    Got a girlfriend and went from Fs to A's, lost my virginity, made new friends and learned how to bake an apple pie.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:55:27 No.119869
    moved to /g/ /k/ and /adv

    i became a /g/entoo /k/ommando and a s/adv/irgin all at once
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)01:59:17 No.119921
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    no, fuck you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:00:58 No.119945
    nope, just don't want to talk to someone who's locked in his future as a loser.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:03:41 No.119994
    >r9k gets taken away
    >makes new friends from a theatrical production
    >have some semblance of a social life, yippee
    >even get to bed with a girl a couple of times
    >move country
    >have an awesome time meeting new people and trying new different things
    >sigh, I have to do exams and assessments now, time to buckle down and stay in for a while...
    >oh look, r9k's back
    >on 4chan all day, every day

    Yup. It's not that its absence directly changed how I live but it probably reduced my urge to purge all my self-pity and give me other ways to distract myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:06:23 No.120038
    robot whinethouand leaves me
    find other boards
    robot whinethousandone is up im okay with this
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:09:55 No.120108
    >graduated high school
    >first job
    >went from nevada to college in virginia
    >first girlfriend
    >first breakup + heartbreak
    >lost virginity
    in that order, its been a crazy few months
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:57:59 No.120808
    >r9k goes down
    >continue browsing /a/
    >lose interest in 4chan
    >become redditor
    >graduate hs
    >freshman at college
    >get girlfriend 1 month in because I have a clean slate and am no longer that "weird funny kid" and I can actually show off my moves
    >failing calc 2 because of shitty teacher
    >feel like going to /b/ to see if anything is interesting
    >notice /r9k/ is back
    >post in this thread
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:58:24 No.120818
    go away freak, wallow in your self-pity some more
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)03:04:33 No.120909
    I wonder how many brobots committed suicide when the board went down.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)03:34:26 No.121312
    Medbrahs. I'm starting first year in January, wish me luck.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)03:48:46 No.121463
    >finished high school
    >work for a year
    >lurked /ic/ until finally jumping ship to Reddit
    >started college

    and then a friend tells me that r9k is back...kind of strange because I used to hang out in the robot all day, and now I just go on Reddit all the time :(
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)03:52:47 No.121516
    >confirmed for hugefag

    You're no longer welcome here, betrayer.
    >> uno 10/27/11(Thu)04:05:20 No.121631
    > got kicked out (best experience of my life)
    > got arrested
    > kind of fell in love
    > picked a 7/10 scene whore 16 y/o over an 8/10 hot 18 year old because love
    > put my heart through a blender (hear it makes it tougher)
    > got arrested 2nd time
    > was fighting very often for a bit
    > got arrested 3rd time
    > got let back in house
    > internet all day
    > got tired of friends. I hate them all
    > did a lot of blow with friends and stole from them
    > did a lot of blow in room
    > been playing dark souls lately and having a close friend over listening to him talk shit about my shutin-ness while smoking

    I need a girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)04:06:39 No.121643
    Found a replacement at $chon. It's a much better board but it's dead this time of night.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)07:29:57 No.123465
    > /r9k/ goes down
    > leave my parents home
    > start going to the gym
    > girlfriend dumps me
    > quit my studies
    > smoke a lot more weed than I used to
    > feel lonelier than ever
    > absolutely no prospect in life, other than that I want to make music for a living
    > oh look, /r9k/ is back
    > life continues with a low pulse
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)07:35:09 No.123502
    True. At least I have that. I'm grateful for it, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:00:26 No.126419
    I'm on the same boat as you.

    testing to see ifi 'm unmuted,.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:20:11 No.126668
    >still 1 friend, new GF
    >got a job
    >work nights (2pm-10pm, idk if that's considered nights but it is to me)
    >get up, eat, computer, work, come home, talk to gf, sleep, my schedule every day
    >suck at saving money so stuck with parents
    >gf moving in too
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:22:40 No.126700
    Masturbated a lot and frequented /a/.
    Pretty much what I was doing before I came here anyways.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:31:43 No.126808

    no friends online or off or life ahead of you?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:34:07 No.126837
    >finished uni
    >got a boyfriend
    >had a great time
    >got cheated on, dumped
    >baaaaw'ing all day err'day
    >eventually getting better
    >get friend with benefits
    >starting job on tuesday
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:58:18 No.127138

    I can relate to you OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)13:01:29 No.127176
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    claimed asylum in /b/
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)13:59:37 No.127896
    Browsed /adv/ and made foreveralone topics all day.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:05:42 No.127973
         File1319738742.jpg-(90 KB, 640x480, Bild 2011-10-22 kl. 15.13.jpg)
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    actually managed to get myself a hot fucking girlfriend.

    gonna fuck her in the ass tonight.

    [spoilers] inb4 she's fat [/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:06:54 No.127988

    well, i've been on /v/ too.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:07:06 No.127990

    If you already know she's fat, why are you with her?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:09:27 No.128024
    >Got into university
    >No new people to hang out with outside school
    >Better taste in music, thanks /mu/
    >Still socially handicapped
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:19:57 No.128187
    I moved to /x/ for a little while, then quit 4chan until r9k came back
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:22:15 No.128234
    im more bothered by the blue/orange color contrast then her fat. (which she is)
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)14:38:29 No.128502
    >Move to /v/ and /g/
    >Lose a bunch of friends, learn who my real bros are
    >Get a girlfriend
    >We've kissed, made out, she's given me a BJ before, but no sex yet
    >Hang out with real bros for this year, playing vidya and fucking around

    Good fucking year.
    >> Mercury. !!B8lCYIPSKuX 10/27/11(Thu)14:43:35 No.128574
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    >Let myself "fall in love" with only friend.
    >Get heartbroken.
    >Depressed, suicidal husk of a person.
    >Linger like that for months.
    >Finally get job/life in an effort to move on.
    >Reasonably social.
    >Friends, online and off.
    >Happier than I was before.
    >Still extremely awkward and terrified of strangers.
    >But I'm working on that now instead of just accepting it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)15:42:40 No.129445
    Who here has no friends at all and is always alone?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)16:59:22 No.130858
    No one wants to contribue? reviving.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)17:13:28 No.131102
    Can we play a game of dota?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)18:17:25 No.132258
    i'm about to fap to your image OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)18:23:41 No.132374
    >Break out of friendzone with cute azn girl after 3 years of awkward chatting
    >Invite over for movie
    >Batman Begins
    >First Scarecrow effects shot
    >She's used to shojo anime
    >She screams and cries at the same time
    >For the rest of the film, we cuddle and I tell her that it's not only just a film but if anyone scared her like that or threatened her with violence I'd kick their fucking ass into next week
    >Best date with gf ever
    >We're still together after two years of high school and three years of university
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)19:05:26 No.133160
    who else here is similar to op?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)19:41:50 No.133915
    I did nothing, hurt me please.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:04:09 No.135367
    I'm pretty much the same as you OP bite me.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:07:17 No.135435
    went to /v/, /co/, and sometimes /an/.

    But mostly Drinking whiskey every night, alone in my room, lights off while listening to this
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:09:45 No.135489
    >Scared shitless of Begins Scarecrow
    I'm sorry but I would have lost all respect for her there. Don't tell me that only watching Shojo anime justifies that, Scarecrow is at worst a tiny bit creepy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:48:16 No.136271
    >went to rehab
    >stayed off heroin
    >new gf
    >back in school
    >browse /tv/ instead
    >slowly becoming more socialdfdf
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)22:01:37 No.136530
    whatever fagget
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)22:05:29 No.136621
    Started spending time on /soc/ (huge mistake that I shall never make again) and more time on /tv/ and less time on /mu/.

    >Started going out more.
    >Made friends with people from work.
    >started dressing alot better and being alot more confident
    >get looks from girls all the time
    >got more phone numbers in this semester than my entire 3 years in college put together
    >realize I don't want a girlfriend but I really want to get laid
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)22:59:25 No.137708
    bermp let's go on with thiss.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)00:28:41 No.138994

    So did you want to tell me more about your life or not?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)00:32:30 No.139054
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    I seriously can't believe this board exists again. I just found out now. It's a really nifty surprise.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)00:33:07 No.139063
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:04:35 No.139551
    once again, i'm fapping to your image once more.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:23:19 No.142760
    I was somehow able to get a girlfriend. Still not sure how I pulled that one off.
    >> RobotFan 10/28/11(Fri)05:25:16 No.142778
    /tg/, /m/, real life

    I missed you guys though.
    >> RobotFan !.pe5dpGif. 10/28/11(Fri)05:29:12 No.142816
    Man, we all graduated high school n' shit while /r9k/ was out. I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:32:24 No.142851
    >Browsed other boards
    >Occasional partying
    >Video games
    >Got into reading comics
    > Oh hey, /r9k/ is back!
    >Post in tons of green text threads
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)12:29:29 No.146629
    >move to /b/ for a while
    >realize that my problems could be solved by getting in better shape
    >later move to /fit/
    >fucking love /fit/
    >start working out, squatz and oatz.
    >self confidence goes up
    >start making friends for the first time in 2-3 years
    >start dressing and looking better
    >take better care of personal hygiene
    >get over a bunch of anxieties and problems
    >life is improved x1000

    I love /fit/
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)15:36:21 No.148989
    I pretty much did the exact same shit as you OP, kill me.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)15:59:41 No.149373
    >go back to /adv
    > eventually kill myself
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)17:11:11 No.150591


    hated that one episode.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)19:27:51 No.152532
    I didn't do jack shit, u mad?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)19:32:14 No.152586
    I actually made a lot of progress.
    >got a gf
    >lost my virginity
    Come to think of it that's probably the biggest change that's occurred since Robot9000
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:37:23 No.153606
    >getting a girlfriend

    I seriously hope you don't think this.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:45:11 No.153707
    Went to 99chan and 420chan and loopchan untill it died.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:59:15 No.153909
    >Have sex with another prostitute
    >Rage at women for being sluts
    >Only women I've ever been with are sluts
    >Lots of girls like me but reject them all because I find flaws
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)23:24:26 No.156365
    wnet out with one of my best friends and lost him...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)23:26:26 No.156387
    you know for a while after r9k closed i used the spare time to read more books and work out more. was pretty good. but i'm glad it's back, i was relaly starting to miss it. only been reading a few days and there's already a lot of threads i would never find on any of the other boards
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)23:33:16 No.156483
    Got married, got promoted to higher pay/more hours/more responsibilities, got a new car, basically continued improving my life one milestone at a time.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:37:36 No.160662

    man, a lot of you guys actually did shit with your lives...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:44:42 No.164107
    I browsed all other boards, then stayed in /b/ and /adv/ until /r9k/ returned.
    I missed this board so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:52:21 No.164167
    I can't even remember how long arcanine was gone for. Lets see.

    >Still a virgin
    >Still pining over the same girl
    >Moved to /adv/ and /sp/
    >More confident
    >Braces have gone
    >Probably more attractive

    Meh. All in all my life has gone from being 5/10 to 5.5/10
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)13:59:12 No.165754
    >Really excited because /r9k/ is back
    >remember the crap it was
    >now with graphics!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)14:01:21 No.165782
    >Still no friends
    >still socially handicapped
    >same as last year except now I have a job
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)14:55:24 No.166655
    I think I gave up
    >ntoort assert
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)18:33:19 No.170309
    >Lurked /a/
    >Watched 120+ series
    >Played a few VNs
    >Gave up on 3D, became loyal to 2D.
    >Fapped over comatose girls.

    Still looking for mai waifu though.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)18:45:29 No.170525
    Awwww shit!!! I went to reddit son! Said fuck all to 4chan. Yup, that is my story.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)19:05:57 No.170888
    how the fuck is thiis thread still alive?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)21:07:38 No.172827
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    Moved to /tv/ and /v/
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)21:10:06 No.172867
    I got a boyfriend and registered for a Reddit account.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)21:12:44 No.172915
    >/r9k/ dies.
    >/new/ dies.
    >Fucking bullshit /soc/ is invented.
    >Troll people excessively on that board.
    >Lose interest, move from 4chan to reddit.
    >Lose interest in reddit.
    >Graduate high school.
    >Spend summer living with best friend.
    >Go home, find out my friends forgot my existence after two months.
    >Forever alone until college starts.
    >Still forever alone in college.
    >> spetsnaz !!2qSlax4NOHN 10/30/11(Sun)12:46:21 No.185783
    >went to /a/
    >spent more time on tumblr than here
    >got a relationship with someone good looking and actually cares for me
    >slowly getting a social life

    feels pretty cool, man
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:55:56 No.185911
    >Quit job as tax administrator
    >Went back to uni
    >Test week as of tomorrow
    >Still have to study the whole night to get on par
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:49:49 No.193427
    >lost weight
    >started getting /fit/
    >finally started enjoying university
    >started the process of making friends

    Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)00:01:42 No.197054
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    Good job kicking man, I understand your pain.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)00:10:26 No.197218
    >Dumped by girlfriend
    >Started drinking soda and copious amounts of alcohol instead of water again
    >Started eating junk food again
    >Stopped going to gym
    >Moved to new town where I didn't make a single friend
    >Stopped playing videogames, reading and doing pretty much anything I got joy of before
    >Used /v/ like my personal blog and to complain of games I hadn't even played

    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)01:42:08 No.198909
    >got my drivers license
    >graduated high school (never needed a car so i waited until i was 18)
    >went on a few road trips with friends and my fwb
    >met new friends
    >gave a girl multiple orgasms
    >got laid a few times without a condom without getting sick or getting her knocked up
    >got into a good college
    >still live at home because no rent and free food

    tl;dr instead of reading stories here i went outside and got my own stories
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)03:52:30 No.200555
    went on reddit a little. it was pretty awful, especially the memes they take from 4chan and turn to utter shit (rage comics)

    irl, i continued school and work and moved in with some friends, in a band and throwing huge house parties in this college town. it was way fun, but i never got the goal of sex or a girlfriend. i tried online dating and had the experience of being rejected and ignored over and over again. i don't care that much except for the amount of time i spent writing messages that got ignored, working on my profile and asking other for advice, etc. should've just spent it playing videogames.

    anyway now i moved into my own apt and then /r9k/ is back. it's very nice to see you. also /new/. i'm really disappoint that /new/ wasn't there during the arab spring though, that would've been the shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)03:54:14 No.200567

    It's a pity they're such cliche stories.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:13:39 No.201750

    don't you just love it when people care about social skills too much?
    >> Yes Man !wAvwo2I7O. 10/31/11(Mon)06:17:22 No.201786
    I found /v/.

    It's kind of like /r9k/ except it talks about video games and sages a lot.

    Also dicks and traps furries everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:38:20 No.202556
    i found it to be anal that it got removed in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:43:09 No.202604
    >no job
    pretty much it, been trying to find a job ever since.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:14:23 No.202838

    no friends or social life ever or even in the future?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:20:39 No.202884
    >still haven't graduated
    >traineeship in 3D design
    >first kiss as well as 2nd base
    >became the alpha male of my group, even when I'm not related to something happening, people still agree with my decisions

    So, uh, yeah. Not too badly.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:25:03 No.202913
    >read some stupid pua shit
    >lost virginity in may
    >fucked 4 girls since may
    >in a relationship with stupid cunt on whom i cheat on
    every occasion
    >get into medical university
    >trying to get /fit/ without all the homosex
    >> Iceman 10/31/11(Mon)08:28:52 No.202940
    It's weird. What originated in /r9k/ slid into /v/. Shit that's in /v/ always makes it's way to /sp/, which is bosom buddies with /fit/. If things happen to get popular in /sp/ and /fit/ then a knock-off version is always presented to /co/.

    At least that's how I saw the flow. /v/ had so many fucking general threads about nothing that I substituted it for /r9k/ and it was almost as if this place never went away. I'm lying, it was bad. /adv/ is full of retards--and not /soc/-level retards I mean just general ignorance. Moral fag dilenmas, tripfags going on about was good for trolls but proved a weak catalyst for /r9k/. But it was all there was.

    /soc/? Ignore that shit hole.

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