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    File : 1269371222.png-(15 KB, 379x214, mmkaywidis.png)
    15 KB Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:07:02 No.8031478  
    this is the mindset of every asian kid in your college when their parents forces them into a soulcrushing, brainwashing, creativity-killing childhood that follows them into their adulthood.

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:15:33 No.8031583
    beats being a poor loser. or an entitled useless silver spoonfag. any other alternatives? asian parents prepare you for real life, not happy fairy unicorn land where everything goes your way or bawwww. i got raised in unicorn land, had to retrain myself to deal with how life actually works. still working on it. gotta prepare young if you want to succeed. im raising kids asian style, if i ever have any. cold hard reality. though im fine with creativity, just deal with reality first.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:16:50 No.8031597
    What is a creative adulthood tho
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:16:52 No.8031600
    Good point anon, I love the intelligence of /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:19:36 No.8031637
    a normal one
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:21:00 No.8031670
    Asian parents just know the reality of living in the U.S.A. Asians are a tiny percentage of the population, have virtually no political power, and very little media representation.

    What's the alternative? Ask for handouts like the niggers? No, not enough population for that. Be a "freebird" and grow up a slacker? No, can't do that, no political connections. Face it, Asians are weak as hell and they are adapting the only way possible.

    Asians parents just know what the fuck is up and they are preparing their kids for it. It's called "good parenting".
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:23:16 No.8031687
    when their parents forces them into a soul-crushing, brainwashing, creativity-killing childhood, it doesn't necessarily prepare them for reality because the parents have done all the decision-making, it affects the child's ability to think for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:26:52 No.8031731
    Well I think it mainly stems from that there is no questioning in the why they are doing something. It's "ok I'm going to be an engineer, because that is what I'm supposed to do". While there isn't anything inherently bad about becoming an engineer it the complete unquestioning behind it that makes it seem "mindless", and that is the reason you have crap programmers and engineers in india, china and all that jazz. There isn't any exploration of breaking out of convention just for the sake of fuck it let's try something out. While they may be technically very proficient, if you ask them to just come up with something and fix X problem you'll get some bizarre results that are anything but eloquent.
    So there is one thing for facing reality, but mind you reality is what us as humanity makes, and as such just because it's the current reality does not make it alright. In fact apathy to our surroundings is incredibly detrimental to society.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:27:16 No.8031737

    What, and you know better than their parents? You think you know what it's like to be a tiny, tiny minority in America better than they do?

    Let me guess, you have an Asian friend who decided to "rebel" against his "oppressive" parents and now you think you're some kind of expert on parenting.

    Sorry, bro, but Asians ain't white, as much as they try to be. The don't have the luxury to grow up in happy fairy unicorn land. They're not brainwashed, they're not souless, they are just realists.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:29:02 No.8031758
    ISM is that you? Or is this just undercover athens?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:29:36 No.8031767
    more like "chink" for themselves mirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:31:29 No.8031786
    its not necessarily about rebelling or breaking rules, its just delving deeper into something different, im sure if they really enjoyed seeking a career that is very sterotypical, and the parents for some reason didnt want them to, theyd still do it because they enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:33:43 No.8031810

    Right... is that why Chinese students kicked the shit out of the USA to win the IBM Battle of the Brains contest?

    I know what you're gonna say next: "b-b-but Chinks aren't good at non computer stuff" Well, those Chinamen are doing so bad in the Global Management Challenge either:
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:34:16 No.8031816
    i know an asian girl whose father cold stopped talking to her when he found out she smoked weed. this was during the winter of '04-'05, as far as i know they're still estranged.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:34:43 No.8031820
    thats generalizing that all asian kids in college have good parents.

    some of those parents are bound to be fuck ups, and you cant blame the kids if they dont want to blindly follow them.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:39:48 No.8031869
    When you take the best and the brightest of a country that has the worlds population your going to get great results.

    Have you ever worked with sending PCBs and electrical engineering in china? It's not all building multi-million dollar robots and being incredibly book smart. Trying to cut down costs in china equals putting in crappy grade components and questionable manufacturing practices than trying to do things correctly the first time through innovation.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:40:17 No.8031873
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    No, it's a little more like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:40:55 No.8031881
    My parents raised me with the idea of "do whatever I want so long as I'm happy," funding me through college and giving me a wide breadth. Now I'm 25 with a job I hate and a lot of wasted potential. My creativity was never stifled but living in my escapist fantasies ultimately undermined my shot at real world success.

    As much as I love them, I really wish I had the sort of parents OP is talking about, the kind that would force me to excel.

    Also, Asians are overtaking us in education and industry while most of the guys I know are either doing minimum wage jobs with nothing higher than a highschool diploma or deadbeats who don't want to work and only smoke pot and lounge around playing with their toys.

    Looks pretty soul-crushing to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:46:20 No.8031934
    >Also, Asians are overtaking us in education and industry

    >implying whatever potential Asians have won't be absolutely crushed by their fear stepping out from their small enclaves to live among non-asians.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:49:39 No.8031965
    its your fault that you work a shitty job.

    you cant blame your parents for the things in your life that you can control.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:51:45 No.8031984

    And even if they do step outside their enclaves, they're just going to get infected by the same lazy materialism the rest of us have.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)15:59:31 No.8032079
    >implying they're more afraid of the world than Americans
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:01:34 No.8032113
    Yeah american's are pretty xenophobic. Though, I don't know... The world is a pretty fucked up mess right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:02:08 No.8032117
    I know I'd be better off/happier if I was told what to do...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:02:14 No.8032120
    >you cant blame your parents for the things in your life that you can control.
    >implying this isn't what OP is doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:07:43 No.8032188
    Actually OP I'm an American teaching English in Asia and it doesn't look like there's a lot of soul-crushing involved. Kids here aren't committing suicide as much as in the States and seem to be generally happier. Yes, they're encouraged to do well, there's a whole culture that revolves around academic excellence and financial success fairly similar to what we used to have in America before we started having this whole ME generation bullshit.

    But what do you care, you're a troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:09:53 No.8032213
    nigger detected

    this guy can't read
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:12:02 No.8032236
    also a nigger who can't read, op was referring to Asian college kids elsewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:14:54 No.8032262
    Please fuck off, nobody cares that you had to accept a shitty teaching job in gookland because you couldn't find employment in your homeland with your shitty qualifications.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:16:52 No.8032277
    >Has never been to an asian american community.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:17:19 No.8032282
    Chin Yo or somtn, my new GP is a decent dude.
    always makes jokes.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:20:46 No.8032317
    If you raise your kid that way you are making him a huge favour. You might ruin his childhood but is it really worthed given you will live the rest of your life wishing you were a kid all over again? If you raise them prepared for life they will have no problem working and they could enjoy 50% of their years instead of the 20% childhood consists of.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:32:51 No.8032445

    Sup OP. Happy Samefag.
    >> aronymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:35:23 No.8032467
    When kids start asking questions is when they stop accepting how important their education is. because lets face it, the only way kids are goign to come ot value an education is the hard way (dropping out, working minimum wage, no money, paycheck-to-paycheck, no room for advancement). Questioning your parents about things like doing well in school, and staying away from the bad crowd, and drinking and doing drugs before you've established yourself as an independent person is stupid. Anyone who is advocating that children should question everything their parents set for them to do obviously hasn't succeeded or been down the hard road of higher education. To really excel you have to not question, you have to assume that getting a degree (in the sciences/business/law/medicine) is the only way and is within your power. The kids who question it are always the ones thinking they can do fine driving a bus down wilshire blvd. for 20 years, or the ones who think the college system is a scam, or the ones who think school is too hard for them or they're just not cut out for it.

    The truth is that anyone can do it if they just believe they can, and questioning it is the first step to undermining that belief that they can (have to) achieve.

    Why do you think most kids do so well in pre-k, elementary, and middle school? Is it because it's easier? No not really, on average kids learn the same amount of new information each year. It's just that younger kids don't ever question why they're in school they just accept it and do well. It's only once they start to rebel and question things that they begin to suck, the self-doubt and rebellious attitude and insecurity usually takes kids down the wrong path until they're pounding away and a strung out hooker in a back alley and during a moment of brevity when the object of their grimy lust passes out they stop and wonder when it all went wrong.

    Asian parents rock.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:36:41 No.8032487

    You're actually wrong.

    Enjoy being an autistic retard that cannot distinguish people.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:37:52 No.8032495

    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:41:10 No.8032528
    that's what the parents plan on happening, but they often times don't realize the harm it does
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:43:34 No.8032554

    The fact you still think raking in cash is all that constitutes "doing well" shows that you've learned fuck all in your "education".
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:43:34 No.8032556

    Sup again OP. Here's yet another sage to hang from your samefaggotree.

    What's that? Butthurt? Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:45:13 No.8032572
    >implying money doesn't equal happiness

    Yeah good luck with that peasant.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:47:10 No.8032597
    lol wrong again
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:47:57 No.8032608
    Money is always the biggest problem (or rather the lack thereof) therefore it is always the best solution.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:48:02 No.8032611
    I'm going to agree with this. Not with all of it of course, because where I come from asians are indians. Some may rock, but most do not.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:48:39 No.8032615
    Money solves almost everything man.
    >> aronymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:50:37 No.8032645

    where did i say "raking in cash" or make any mention of money in my post.

    You're the only one mentioning money, and the fact that your mind instantly jumped to money just from reading my post sheds more insight on the sad state of your character than it says anything about mine.

    Get your degree, set yourself free... it's a slogan for a reason... that shit is true. The ability to be independent and a real adult is probably the source of more insecurity and depression than anything else. Setting your kids up to bypass this shit is nothing but parenting at it's best. Grow up and stop being an argumentative fuck who can't read... maybe you should go back to school, finish up that degree you been workin on for how many years again??
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:50:51 No.8032651

    That goes without saying. East Asian parents drive their kids to success, South Asian parents beat their kids and Southeast Asian parents sell their kids into sexual slavery.

    It's good to be East Asian.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:52:26 No.8032676
    Asian here, my dad came from a poor family but he manage to do quite well for himself. Probably his upbringing. He has never pressured me though and I am nowhere as successful as him. His achievements overshadow mine tenfold.

    I'm as proud of him as I am ashamed of myself. =(
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:53:20 No.8032687
    it's called a spine OP. maybe if your parents knew how to bring up a kid they might have given you one.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:57:46 No.8032738
    A guy I know who spent a lot of time in Hong Kong told me that a lot of people there had the mindset of "don't ask questions, don't bother with anything outside of what you need to succeed economically". Apparently it really pissed him off, and a lot of the people there had a really ignorant outlook on life because of that. Also, apparently it meant a lot of the people there were racist as hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)16:59:40 No.8032762
    ya know OP If you were Asian and not a dumbass your opinion on how children were raised might be something for discussion. but since you are obviously none of those things I am going to tell you to shut the hell up and leave the Asian's alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:02:02 No.8032784
    Since asians have small dicks and an inability to get laid they focus on school/career instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:03:28 No.8032807

    OP here. Leave the Asian's what alone? xD
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:05:01 No.8032826
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    i am extremely terrified of chinese people
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:05:42 No.8032837
    In order to understand Asian-American parenting of children you first have to understand Confucianism. Confucianism is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought. One of aspects of Confucianism is respect and obedience to their parents. This is one reason why Asian-American teens tend obey their parents much more than regular Americans. Yet, at the same time, it's the source of conflict when it comes to socialization especially in high school, where teen peer culture is generally anti-intellectual.

    But to be honest, it's a form of ass-kissing, social ass-kissing.

    As for high school, Asian-American parents take education as a primary importance. This is why Asian teens often follow their parents dreams of aspirations of college.

    But to be honest, how good is a college education and a degree if there is a possibility that you will still get a job that pays minimum wage?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:06:42 No.8032854

    This. Their tiny penises means that no woman will ever want them, including their own.

    Enjoy doing well in school and at work while I'm banging your gook girlfriend with BIG WHITE AMERICAN COCK YOU FUCKING GOOK FAGGOTS.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:09:22 No.8032897
    >imply niggers will not steal your woman tool white trash
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:14:03 No.8032948

    I'm a final year law student, I'm well placed to move into a career in law... and you know what I'm gonna do?

    Work as a solicitor for ~10 years, accrue decent savings, then start a microbrewery.

    The only reason I have a dream that isn't mindlessly pursuing a law degree is because I did a SHITLOAD of stuff that was unhelpful, even contrary to my formal education.

    If I knew i was doomed to be a lawyer for life I'd be successful, and miserable.

    The fact I've lived a life outside of academic pursuits makes me a balanced person. I'll take my life, with all its mistakes and folly, over a life of the streamlined pursuit of a "good job" any day of the week.

    And it's not like I'm failing academically anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:19:35 No.8033002
    Lawfag here. You will not start a brewery, but keep dreamin the dream. You will get sucked into the life and work far too hard for far too little. On the positive note, hey man, powah.

    You will be able to take expensive trips to satisfy your urge to run from the law, but only for 2 weeks at a time.

    Oh well my break is over back to writing this dissolution of marriage petition. MUHAHAHAHA
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:20:44 No.8033013
    >how good is a college education and a degree

    Perhaps not the degree, but surely getting the education, learning, knowing, is worthy.

    If you can afford it of course. But then I suppose if it was about learning, one could simply read a book. Or something similar.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:21:54 No.8033024
    lol stop hating on asians just because they do better than you in school and hold better paying jobs than you. if you put in effort you'd be on the same level as them too.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:24:19 No.8033055
    I think that my parents encouraged me to appreciate the importance of academic success and a good career, without stifling my creativity or stopping me from living a life outside of school and work.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:25:43 No.8033065

    >if you put in effort you'd be on the same level as them too.

    >mindless, soulless wealth-accruing robots.

    Yeh, I'll probably give that a miss thanks, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:28:09 No.8033085
    this asshole is not the op
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:35:51 No.8033191
    Whatever you think bro, you Westerners are different from us so we don't expect you to understand. Us Asians are family-oriented (well at least East Asians). We care too much about our own families and that drives us to hold bonds close and strive to achieve the best for our loved ones. We acquire wealth so that our families can have good lives and we do whatever we can to keep our families together.

    That's just the way we are and I don't expect you to see eye to eye.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)17:37:09 No.8033206
    >eye to eye


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