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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269283520.jpg-(164 KB, 500x304, i2dw5nf19lapd2yaAlWdKVPoo1_500.jpg)
    164 KB Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:45:20 No.8015877  
    Hi /r9k/. I'm not sure where to ask this but I've always been a bit of a neckbeard so I'll give here a go.

    Basically, I need your most disgusting food pictures/facts. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:48:46 No.8015905
    That picture made me physically shudder.

    Well-done OP, that's pretty rare for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52:02 No.8015932
         File1269283922.jpg-(198 KB, 500x375, i2dw5nf19oixh32kO2Lr4ONDo1_500.jpg)
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    This one's pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52:29 No.8015937
         File1269283949.png-(278 KB, 485x293, the_meat_ship1239553039.png)
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    fucking ship made out of meat
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:52:57 No.8015942
    i have the one about the horrifying beef cheese and pizza mega-sandwich
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54:49 No.8015954
    I faintly remember a site called something like "this is why youre fat" with lots of disgusting food stuffs.
    Imagine a turbaconducken, thats right, bird within a bird within a bird wrapped with tons of bacon. Thats not so bad but how about twice refried donuts or freaking bacon chocolate cake. I could go on but ill find a link and gross myself out a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:54:57 No.8015955

    it's just eggs baked in a ham, what's wrong with that
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:55:55 No.8015961
         File1269284155.jpg-(47 KB, 500x333, i2dw5nf19jory733NMiBJI3zo1_500.jpg)
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    The bird thing is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:56:57 No.8015968
    fuck, i must have deleted it
    some guy makes like a 5 pound hamburger with cheese in the middle and a woven bacon blanket on top of it and the bread is two microwavable pizzas
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58:02 No.8015979
    Just come to Scotland, home of the haggis, black pudding, deep fried mars bar, deep fried pizza, deep fried burgers, deep fried sausages, even deep fried haggis.
    My favourite though, is balmoral chicken, a whole chicken breast, cut open and stuffed with haggis, cheddar cheese and onions, then rolled in batter and deep fried.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:58:45 No.8015987
    so you guys are late to the internet?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59:02 No.8015992
         File1269284342.png-(1.5 MB, 1278x852, make it stop.png)
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    Bacon wrapped with girl scout cookies, with maple syrup and sugar.

    Yum yum hurl.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59:15 No.8015995

    Elvis Presley used to eat a fried chicken inside a fried duck inside a fried turkey.

    I think he put peanut butter on that shit too but i dont remember exactly how ridiculous it was
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59:21 No.8015996
         File1269284361.jpg-(41 KB, 450x565, bacon and cheese mug.jpg)
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    this here is a bacon and cheese mug.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:59:24 No.8015997
         File1269284364.jpg-(68 KB, 500x383, pizzaburger.jpg)
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    Similar to this?

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:00:10 No.8016004
    deep fried coke???
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:01:29 No.8016018
    yeah that was it but the one i had was a series of step by step photos of the whole process
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:02:49 No.8016032
    I have it somewhere but id have to find it, unblock it witha dot from paint, save it again then post. But that would be a bother so Ill just tell you that I possess it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:03:53 No.8016039
    awww come on brobot. fish it out
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:06:54 No.8016053
         File1269284814.jpg-(468 KB, 622x4939, deathburger.jpg)
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    haha fuck you buddy. found mine. was in a different folder
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:09:36 No.8016081
    this is fucking nauseating
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:11:41 No.8016112
    I feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:14:02 No.8016139
         File1269285242.jpg-(523 KB, 840x2976, the best repeated into infinit(...).jpg)
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    Sorry man, Im still looking through 10k worth of pics so it was obviously going to take a while. Here is a gem though I thought I lost.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:20:00 No.8016207
    that's pretty fucking bad man. it looks like someone attached an ass to her vag
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:24:55 No.8016274
    I think I'm going to go vegetarian.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:26:28 No.8016295
    moral of the story: webcam first
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:27:40 No.8016308
    >webcam first
    or timestamps
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:29:10 No.8016328
    So I've had one of those... Shit's fucking tasty! Best damn thing I've ever eaten.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:31:04 No.8016355
         File1269286264.jpg-(56 KB, 500x667, 1260941575057.jpg)
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    Anyone care for a slice of cake?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:31:36 No.8016362
         File1269286296.jpg-(101 KB, 800x600, 800px-Snob_food.jpg)
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    I present to you, Sardinian Maggot cheese.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:31:43 No.8016365
         File1269286303.jpg-(42 KB, 240x708, angleshots.jpg)
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    Good ole online dating

    Heres another clever use of angle shots. This is the same person
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:33:52 No.8016391

    oh didn't see that she just used a photo of someone else. Disregard
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:34:08 No.8016396

    Good god. That looks like the most magical cake ever. Got a recipe for it?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:34:39 No.8016405
    I am so hungry, I really want to eat this.
    Oh God, my mouth is watering so bad, I have to swallow every few seconds.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:35:56 No.8016417

    I want some cake so bad now and I would like to try the mega burger thing. I hate this thread so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:36:25 No.8016428
    i ate that in my bulking phase. was awesome as hell and not too unhealthy
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:36:45 No.8016432
    Some people clear the larvae from the cheese before consuming; others do not.
    >others do not

    Goddamnit, why the fuck do people eat such weird ass shit sometimes?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:37:09 No.8016434
         File1269286629.jpg-(78 KB, 500x375, 1264460811052.jpg)
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    How about French Toast with condensed milk?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:39:11 No.8016458


    Fuck yeah.
    >her front ass

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:39:28 No.8016463

    >Because the larvae in the cheese can launch themselves for distances up to 15 centimetres (6 in) when disturbed, diners hold their hands above the sandwich to prevent the maggots from leaping. Those who do not wish to eat live maggots place the cheese in a sealed paper bag. The maggots, starved for oxygen, writhe and jump in the bag, creating a "pitter-patter" sound. When the sounds subside, the maggots are dead and the cheese can be eaten.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:40:40 No.8016472

    GOD WHY D:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:41:58 No.8016488
         File1269286918.jpg-(131 KB, 500x333, snackcano.jpg)
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    I know someone already mentioned it, but I'm mentioning it again.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:43:37 No.8016512
         File1269287017.jpg-(71 KB, 750x600, 1266654454184.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:44:06 No.8016520
    It just looks like layers of colored cake with colored frosting in between.
    Try this link:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:45:49 No.8016538
         File1269287149.jpg-(121 KB, 1000x750, mammia.jpg)
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    this is now a maemmi thread
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:46:16 No.8016544
    Fuck man, this brings me back to when I went to Korea and had to eat all sorts of 'delicacies'. Eating the live octopus (think old Boy but much smaller) wasn't too bad but I fucking lost it when I had to eat fucking waterbugs or some shit. Everyone was all like OH YOU HAVE TO EAT IT BEFORE THEY ESCAPE and I was like FFFFUUUUU THEY SHOULDN'T BE CAPABLE OF ESCAPING SDKLDJFSFSLDFHS!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:49:00 No.8016579
         File1269287340.jpg-(71 KB, 350x305, JustNo.jpg)
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    This was actually a 4chan thing once
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:52:29 No.8016621

    Bullshit, I've been making those since I was 10
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:21:16 No.8017041
    >pic contains thin people

    I hope you realize most food on that site were created for shits, giggles, and the general wow factor. People aren't eating them on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:27:33 No.8017141
    >People aren't eating them on a daily basis.
    Says you skinny bitch!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:29:31 No.8017170
    Admittedly, if I could afford to, I would.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:29:35 No.8017172
    Thats toad in the hole, my gran made that for me when I was a little boy. In the early 1970's.

    I dont know why its called that since its an egg not a frog, but it was good.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:32:01 No.8017202
    Your point?

    OP asked for pictures of disgusting food. That site is full of obscene stuff that's of the same vein as OP's picture. In fact, that exact picture is on the site, so it was a very relevant link for me to have brought up.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:36:21 No.8017279
    OP's pic isn't even that gross. Go on the site. Tell me the first page doesn't make your mouth water. The bacon mug is pretty ridiculous though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:37:07 No.8017291
    Pretty much every picture on that site disgusts me, kiddo. Sorry I don't share your tastes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:38:44 No.8017316
    I'm sorry for our narrow appreciation of food.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:40:05 No.8017337
    Did anyone post meatship yet
    >> Paco 03/22/10(Mon)17:24:22 No.8018010
    A little slice of OP's breakfast bonanza might actually taste pretty good. If you're knocking ham and eggs, you hate America and you hate yourself.

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