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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269226363.jpg-(61 KB, 502x336, Pretty_Lights013_medium.jpg)
    61 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:52:43 No.8006947  
    Electronica is the all-around best style of music being produced today.

    This is truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:53:44 No.8006967
    Lo-fi indie rock about Jewish girls is the best music ever.

    This is truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:54:23 No.8006981
    Blues-rock is the best music being produced today.

    This is truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:54:58 No.8006994
    I'd suck your cock if you were here right now.

    This is truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:56:35 No.8007024
    The only thing that could make me tolerate being in a room packed full of people like that listening to electronic music would be if they were all a bit better looking and naked.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:57:45 No.8007045
         File1269226665.jpg-(25 KB, 300x436, Mozart.jpg)
    25 KB
    Sup, Mozart here. Back in my day, music was the all-around best style of music being produced. We didn't have to make our decisions of love and rejection based on labels and bullshit.


    Anyway, brb, syphilis.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:59:00 No.8007062
    OP speaks the truth
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)22:59:55 No.8007076
    >implying electronica is a genre

    lol he listens to electro
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:00:33 No.8007091
    I will never side with the masses. Electronic music is shit. Disco ruined the 70's, and it still lives on today in electronic music.

    Got no soul
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:01:38 No.8007109

    actually he stated it was a style of music. you know, rock is a style with many encompassing genres.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:02:03 No.8007117

    Mozart is disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:02:24 No.8007124
    calling electronica a genre is the same as calling guitar a genre
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:03:12 No.8007138
    >hurpa durr it's on 4chan so he must be serious
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 03/21/10(Sun)23:03:13 No.8007139
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:04:17 No.8007149

    It's not like it's a wankfest of the blues progression, turnarounds, and flat fifths IN EVERY FUCKING SONG.

    Fuck, acoustic blues was at least interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:04:37 No.8007153
    beep beep boop bullshit
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:05:49 No.8007184
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:07:36 No.8007218

    I cannot express enough the degree to which I agree with you, although there are some facets of electronica I care for far less than others.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:07:50 No.8007221
    Yeah, it's pretty much all I listen to.

    I alternate between various styles of dnb and psytrance.

    It goes over the average persons head pretty easily.

    Like fine wine. You need a lot of experience to appreciated it and plenty don't even like it to start with.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:09:51 No.8007253
         File1269227391.jpg-(17 KB, 357x285, opsyroc156p4.jpg)
    17 KB
    The Mozart of our generation
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:09:57 No.8007255
    >implying trance isn't listened to by every teenage girl ever
    >implying dnb isn't listened to by gay chavs everywhere
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:11:38 No.8007281
    >Like fine wine. You need a lot of experience to appreciated it and plenty don't even like it to start with.

    >All the cool kids were listening to it so I subjected myself to hours upon hours of this bullshit until I turned deaf
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:11:51 No.8007285

    >implying I said trance. There is a big difference.

    >implying chavs listen to anything but dubstep

    >implying you know anything about it at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:12:37 No.8007291

    Sigh, no faggot.

    I have never known anyone but myself to listen to it.

    I started around age 8 or 9, I can't remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:14:09 No.8007317
    go back in time 5 years and all the chavs were listening to dnb and jumping up. and every chav still does listen to some dnb to look "old school" I know, because I am a chav. And psytrance poppy shit listen to some old school trance brah. or check this
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:19:53 No.8007406

    If you couldn't glean it from above, it was never important what other people were listening to.

    I'm not british, I was never aware of what chavs were listening to, only recently hearing of the dubstep grimy stereotype.

    I don't even go to raves.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:23:48 No.8007472
    Garbage music for guidos and idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:26:52 No.8007514
    that's aphex twin dumbass
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:31:47 No.8007571
    And..what exactly do you listen to?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:34:57 No.8007612
    You're full of shit OP. I have heard the future of music and it is Vocaloids.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:37:02 No.8007643
    I'd bet even money Lady Gaga will one day appear in one of her nigh-pornographic music videos dressed as Miku.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:39:31 No.8007674
    more like kaito

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