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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

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    48 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:05:59 No.7997232  
    Britfags, I must admit I was a bit disappointed a week ago when I visited London with my roommate. The city itself is gorgeous.

    It's just that I had this idea that British people as being more, erm, cultured. You know, different manner of speaking than Americans, not just the accent.

    With the older people I met in London, this wasn't a problem. It was only when we went into pubs to talk with people our age, young people. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm noticing british youth are much more americanized. I was very disappointed to see that I traveled across the Atlantic ocean, just to talk with some british twenty somethings about Lady Gaga and The Hangover.

    Maybe I didn't go to the right places. Or maybe you have noticed this too. I don't know, were my expectations too much, has it always been like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:10:03 No.7997272

    i am sick of this "cute little brits and their cute little accents and their tea" rubbish. in fact, i'm sick of the term "brit". juuuusssttt stop it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:11:13 No.7997283
    the alternative "american wannabes" is no better
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:11:32 No.7997286
    british people are all faggots. OP, go to a real country like in central/south america, or in asia
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:13:05 No.7997297
    You expected culture from the country that gave us chavs, amy winehouse and 'innit'? Not to mention the knife crime, etc etc.

    The truth is, the british lower and middle classes are very crude, uncultured and aggressive. They are without fail the rudest nationality out there. I've got no idea why they have such a closed off, anti-intellectual culture, but it's a shame because they have a great history and a great country. It's just the people that suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:13:30 No.7997301
    >Got all his information about British people from American TV
    >Surprised when the reality is not how his local media station said it would be.

    Americans are so fucking stupid. Britain is always portrayed as having upper-class lords walking around sipping tea but in actuality, it is full of violent criminals and people you would NEVER want to associate with. It's like the US media hasn't looked at Britain since the 1800s.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:13:41 No.7997303
    I was disappointed
    >implying anybody gives a shit about what americans think
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:13:47 No.7997305
    What what pip cheerios got under ur collar mate?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:14:10 No.7997309
    Most of the young British population are dumb fucking chavs.

    I dunno, go hang out in Hampsted or Shoreditch?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:14:42 No.7997313
    >Get all information about Americans from British TV
    >Americans are fucking stupid

    Lol irony.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:15:39 No.7997324
    >Still in London
    Go further south if you want really 'posh' people.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:15:40 No.7997325

    >Americans are so fucking stupid. Britain is always portrayed as having upper-class lords walking around sipping tea but in actuality, it is full of violent criminals and people you would NEVER want to associate with. It's like the US media hasn't looked at Britain since the 1800s.

    The majority weren't much better in the 1800's, it's just that most of the literature from that time, and media set in that time, focuses on the aristocracy and the educated upper class, and not the poor, moronic, criminal scum that the lower class consisted of.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:16:01 No.7997327
    >this, on an American imageboard that wouldn't notice if all Europe had an internet blackout.

    Take the Ausfags with you on your way out.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:16:17 No.7997331
    Have Americans not realised that the British are all raging alcoholics yet?
    Anyway, it's not our fault that American culture is shoved down our throats. I personally don't give a crap about Lady Gaga or The Hangover or anything like that. Maybe you should have visited Wales, where all we care about is sheep.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:16:25 No.7997333
    >Lol irony.
    Except the information I get isn't from British TV (which I don't watch), I have actually been to America many times.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:17:06 No.7997340
    I don't even know who "The Hangover" are...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:18:30 No.7997348
    Yeah well now the aristocracy is pretty much dead, save for the Royal Family. It's been like this for decades.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:20:37 No.7997363

    Just... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:20:47 No.7997364

    In the traditional sense, yes, but most of the english people I've met from upper income backgrounds (not absurdly rich, but doctors, lawyers, businessmen etc, the low - middle 6 figures crowd) were great. It's just the middle and working class that are completely insufferable.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:21:04 No.7997369
    But you know of lady gaga, and that's all that you need to be fully integrated in modern society.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:22:00 No.7997376

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:23:19 No.7997387
    The problem is you went to London, Capital Cities find it very hard to retain a nationality, instead they just become "city-ish".

    What you should have done is gone somewhere more obscure - if you ever want to experience what real people of a country are like, you have to go further afield. If you ever visit Britain again, I recommend The Cotswolds - there's plenty of interesting bustling towns and ideallic British cottages and forests and such, and you'll get a real taste of what the country is like (The Southern part, anyway, the North has its own charms)

    In London, you're normal, there you would be interesting and exotic. There's also the Law Of Stereotype that dictates that your mere presence will attract the most archetypal English folk to talk to you, even though they are hardly ever around when it's just you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:23:36 No.7997392
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    So what did you expect, OP? People walking around in suits with top hats and canes? Hearing "tally ho, old boy!" as a greeting between old friends?

    That Britain is dead (or never actually existed). Make way for the welfare socialist state where criminals roam free and people cannot defend their homes.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:24:33 No.7997397
    american tv either portrays the english as tea-sipping bcc watching upper class folk, speaking the queen's english; or cockney chaps trying to sell his gear on the highstreet.
    sorry folks, it's not like that. and what'd you expect? those things are winning awards for being at the top of the charts all over the world for a reason.

    after writing that all i can think about is that old advert they used to have on videos, with the fellow trying return a pirated video without a receipt to the gent at the stall.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:24:57 No.7997400
    In all honesty, there is very little culture in Britain. Hell, as individuals we're less cultured than Australians. The eccentric stereotype only exists within the upper classes, and even then it's a minority. Your average Brit is incredibly dull and uninteresting.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:26:13 No.7997410

    Britain doesn't have "culture", it has sub-cultures frowned upon by society - and these encompass Britain.

    For every chav and prep, there's a friendly Raver or Punkrocker still holding onto dying values.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:26:31 No.7997412
    somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:27:02 No.7997416
    Yeah, the British side.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:27:50 No.7997426
    >Your average Brit is incredibly dull and uninteresting
    Truth. All they do is go to pubs and clubs and drink until they are thoroughly wasted and then go home.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:05 No.7997440
    You should have gone to meet the intellectual people.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:16 No.7997442
    Which raises the question, what the hell is so terrible about Britain that they all feel the need to get smashed as often as possible and generally be assholes to everyone around them?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:43 No.7997453
    Wait didn't Americans like, come from Britain?
    Maybe that's why they're alike.

    I'm the voice of reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:29:45 No.7997454
    This man speaks the truth. Capital cities don't reflect some of the charms other, smaller places have. Im living in Edinburgh and its like little fucking england up here.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:30:58 No.7997465
    Britain is an incredibly boring place. Now consider that it's cold, wet, and dark a lot of the time which causes depression and there you go.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:31:37 No.7997474
    Most Americans came from Germany.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:37:14 No.7997533
    ITT: OP thought he'd walk into a pub and all the 20 somethings would be smoking pipes and drinking tea.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:38:53 No.7997555
    I think your experience is somewhat a reflection upon the current generation of young people within our country. There is a definate sense of hopelessness that pervades the attitude of young people at the moment, there are few jobs, no one trusts the government, our culture has for the most part been brutally americanised... I think a lot of people feel very lost, and this is reflected in our drinking culture. People just want to go out and get off their heads to escape the deafening boredom and mediocrity of their lives, in a time when we are all pressured to become 'something,' to be cheap celebrities with vast material wealth. I think there has also arisen an attitude of entitlement amongst young people, that they DESERVE expensive possessions and a glitzy lifestyle, without having to work for it, as this is what is held up as the ideal within our society. It all breeds apathy, depression, and a general sense of ennui that no one can quite understand the cause of.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:39:10 No.7997561

    > Crude uncultured aggressive
    > Implying that's not Americans

    >> sweet and tender hooligan !!hnrI+H/vvU3 03/21/10(Sun)12:39:19 No.7997563
    Oh goodness gracious, I know this is nitpicking, but please don't use "Brit" when refering to only the English. I know us Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish folk share the same country/don't actually matter and all but really, it's not that hard - and who knows, you Americans might even be taking a step in the direction of disproving your own stereotypes!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:40:34 No.7997577
    So let me get this straight OP? You go to London and don't get knifed, have a good time, get on fine with the locals... and you complain that we're not wearing tophats and saying "quite"

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:41:25 No.7997586

    did you just call yourself Welsh, Irish, and Socttish?
    If true thats one hell of a fail heritage.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:41:30 No.7997588
    bamp a lamp
    >> Witness1 !FbA1rz4uFY 03/21/10(Sun)12:41:58 No.7997591
    Meet with me. We'll talk about politics and jazz and history and it will be splendid.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:42:22 No.7997596


    I never said americans weren't just as bad.
    >> sweet and tender hooligan !!hnrI+H/vvU3 03/21/10(Sun)12:43:00 No.7997600
    No, but I know the rest of the world tends to lump the "other" kingdoms together and thus we all share the same problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:43:35 No.7997606
    Major cities are primarily inhabited by uncultured low-lives.
    This is universal and you were a fool to have different expectations.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:44:19 No.7997616

    It's a tiny island, it's over-populated, we have a history of idiots or horrible horrible people (Thatcher) making decisions about how to run our lives, the weather hates us, there are hundreds of idiots and boring shallow people that outnumber the cool ones.

    Generally, though, the people who complain are the ones who live in shit areas. Urban Britain is fucking horrible, but Rural-wise it's a lovely place to be. Go to a village in the middle of nowhere and all the concepts of Police States or Immigrant Invasions are rendered irrelevant, because they're just so cut off from mad city-life. I live near rockers and rich hippies and it's a charming place to exist.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:45:04 No.7997625
    Jesus Christ. How can a country with no niggers have so much crime?
    >> Haze !!/zzaA3cIj2C 03/21/10(Sun)12:45:26 No.7997632

    Shut the fuck up, go to Ireland and have a good time.

    Do you really believe these angry pale Brits on 4chan?
    They're angry! They suck balls! They praise Britain but
    if they do, which I doubt, go outside they'll get dirty looks
    and be looked down upon. They're losers!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:46:17 No.7997639
    london invented drum n bass and later dubstep..

    so the days of "dick van dyke" type accent bullshit is all gone.
    >> FUKINPIKEY !!9pENe+hsh5l 03/21/10(Sun)12:46:51 No.7997644
    >Go to Cambridge
    >Everyone is Japanese

    It was my favourite place to visit, nice bars, nice culture. Now half the shops are moonruned and most of the people don't even speak English. And the only English youth you will encounter are weeaboos.

    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:47:35 No.7997657
    >land on American soil
    >be surprised they're not all 130kg land whales
    >be surprised they're not all of octomom intelligence

    Honestly though, American people are not as dense as your media depicts. It is our government which is ass backwards.
    >> Witness1 !FbA1rz4uFY 03/21/10(Sun)12:48:03 No.7997664

    >Implying that you don't get dirty looks, or are so paranoid about getting said looks that you never leave your house, and have crippling anxiety.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:48:31 No.7997668
    no fucking way man..fuck that ireland scary as fuck...

    most scots,english,wlesh wish that we could sail the dirty little terrorist riddled island over to ellis isle and you can have a 53rd state...

    fuck the irish man worse than AL QUIDA or howvere its splets
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:50:59 No.7997690
    lol @ stupid american thinking that hollywood culture doesnt spread around the world

    god OP, you're a HUGE idiot. enjoy failing at every aspect of life.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:51:20 No.7997695

    I've lived near Cambridge for nearly 30 years and it's gone right down the pan
    >> John Prescott !!THeCBM08dVH 03/21/10(Sun)12:53:54 No.7997726
    Come to a pub in Yorkshire you fool.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)12:54:22 No.7997730
    The only reason I would go to the UK is because I am a Gooner and would like to see a match in person.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:00:07 No.7997798
    Where would you britfags suggest we go if we want to avoid "Little America"?
    >> Answer 03/21/10(Sun)13:00:42 No.7997807
    Chavs, straight up jamaican niggers and militant muslims. London is a shithole.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)13:03:00 No.7997838

    Everyone has american culture in it.
    But staying outside of large cities is a start.

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