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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269046344.png-(168 KB, 350x350, akiralolz.png)
    168 KB Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:52:24 No.7973819  
    ITT: Stuff we want to say to people we know. I'll do a few to get the ball rolling.

    You're not a great friend.

    I'm not quite sure what it is, it could just be your general awkwardness. I know you consider me to be your best friend, but the feeling isn't mutual.

    It doesn't help that we've been friends longer than you nor I can remember. I still find it funny how I always knew about the reason why we became friends, but you only found out a month or so ago. Seriously, I assumed you knew.

    Anyway, I guess you see me as your best friend because I'm one of the few friends you have. To be honest I don't ever remember you hanging out with other people other than my friends. Sure, I know there were people at the college you went to, but were none of them good enough to be introduced to me? Your "best friend"? To me it seems your entire social life is just me and the few friends I have.

    I've done a lot more for you than you have for me. Granted I've always been in a much better position to do so than you, but thinking about it, I can't think of any situation where you've been kind, considerate, or caring toward me.

    I don't want to make this seem like I hate you, because I don't. It's hard for me to explain without sounding like I don't need you.

    Maybe over time what we have will get better. After you've paid off the loan you took from me, got yourself a job, met new people...
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:53:44 No.7973834
    I honestly enjoyed the English dub of Lucky Star.

    Everyone I know would disown me.
    Even people who don't know what Lucky Star is.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:54:05 No.7973839
    I have a lot to thank you for. If I had never met you I'd probably would've been a complete loner through college and a lot less confident with girls. Yes, even more so than I am now.

    It did take me a while to get used to the hugging, holding hands, since I never had that kind of attention before at all. Remember that day you pecked me on the cheek? What was that for? Was that just for the hell of it? The rumour we were an item was bad enough with the hugging and hand-holding.

    I always knew we were just friends, since there was always another guy. I was fine with Mark and Ken, since neither you nor I ever met them, but it was the wrong decision to date Adam. Granted, you know that too, but as soon as you dated him, all the attention switched. Sure, I understood, wouldn't want him to get jealous or anything, but I was kinda friends with you first, y'know? Good thing it didn't last too long.

    You're definately sticking with David now though, aren't you? Same problem again. It also doesn't help that I never get to see you anymore. When was the last time we met up? Last summer? No, summer before that. I'll try my best to come see you whilst you're around this week, but even if I do, it won't be the same with Dave around.

    So, what I really want to say is, can I get a hug? For old time's sake? I'm sure he'll understand if it's just once.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:54:54 No.7973848
    It's ok, I did too
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:56:38 No.7973860
    I was a very confused person. When we met I was hopping between liking you and really really liking you pretty much every other day I saw you.

    I did consider asking you out a couple of times, but it never seemed like the right moment. If I could go back and tell myself that there hardly ever is a "right" moment and to stop watching romantic films, I would.

    Thing is, there was someone else I liked before you, and I was still trying to get over her at the time, since she had a boyfriend. I had never liked anyone else before her, so it really tore me up.

    I wasn't sure if it was a genuine affection I had for you, since it never felt as strong as the other girl, plus the fact that I kept changing my mind constantly.

    By the time I made my mind up though, it was too late. Yes, I know you have a boyfriend, you can stop hiding it from me. It's kinda hard to hide it when you put it on your facebook. First thing I saw on the day you put it on there. Thanks for the sleepless nights.

    I don't know if I'll be able to get over you, since I hardly got over that last girl I liked, and I barely even spoke to her.

    I haven't held any contempt for this other guy. I haven't seen what he looks like. Though I know I'll regeret meeting him if he has his arm around you.

    After all I've done for you, all those expensive gifts I bought... I don't know if I want us to be friends. Let's see if I can move on, shall we?

    Also Bawwwwwwww
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:58:59 No.7973885
    1.I fancy the crap out of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)20:59:11 No.7973888
    haha pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:09:52 No.7974013
    I don't knopw what to think of you now.
    I pity you.
    I want to help you in some way but I know you won't listen, so I stay quiet and see you suffer.
    I hope your suffering brings you reason.
    Helps you grow up a little.
    Understand that nobody cares about you, how your hobbies aren't stupid, it's you that makes them look bad with your attitude.
    Your stupid.
    I thought I cared about you but now I see I don't really give a fuck about you, you deserve what you're getting, and worse.
    We met when we where 15, I've changed since then.
    You remain the same.
    ANd it makes me feel like punching and raping you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:11:43 No.7974040
    C, I know you don't really like me, but unless you tell me to fuck off I'm going to continue to blather on about myself and ideas that I care about, while dismissing anything you have to say with one word answers and general lack of concern. Too bad you have a passive personality eh?

    D, I love you. Or do I? I honestly can't tell you what feeling equates to love besides the sexual ones. I'm slowly starting to learn to feel shame and act like a real human being with a full range of emotions, but then again I might just get self-destructive and become cold once more.

    people at school, I know you see through my very weak facade, but I honestly can't be bothered to give a shit and play the social game. Thus, I will continue to ignore you and vice-versa.

    Family, It's also hard for me to talk to you without relapsing into narcissistic selfishness, sorry about that. I guess I love you guys, but I honestly don't believe that love is a genuine feeling. I think it's just a biological response to help socialize and preserve bonds with blood-relations and people you enjoy being around. Deep down in my sub-consciousness, it's there (or maybe I just like you because you give me money and food). In any case, thanks for putting up with me.

    To the rest of humanity, You're all disgusting animals and I'd like to be around to witness and relish the death of our species, no matter how heinous it may be.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:21:37 No.7974138
    Thank you, kind anon
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:26:45 No.7974196
    So i definitely only got the chance to talk to you because I put my screenname in a thread on 4chan.
    And you're the last person I talk to before I go to sleep and the first person I talk to when I wake up.
    You live far away but close to home.
    Fuck my life.
    I wish I could have you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:28:06 No.7974215
    I want you to dominate me and take me as your own. Please, just kiss me all over >:

    You are a bastard and I'm glad you're with that little whore :) You suit eachover. I was over you within a week of our split :)

    We aren't best friends. We havent been for years. Stop saying we are.

    No, I will not date you. You are my bro, friendzoned, kapeech. Please stop feeling me up all the time >:
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:28:16 No.7974217
    I am in love with you, but I dont want to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:29:54 No.7974230
    You lied to me, and don't give me that bullshit about how you didn't, you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Thanks for ripping my heart to pieces btw, have a nice life.

    (Now if only I had the balls to actually say this to them...)
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:32:50 No.7974257
    I keep seeing 'blox'? What is that? I never come to this section, so is it something you guys use here only? I've never seen it anywhere else..
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:34:21 No.7974267
    I like hanging out with you, but you are scaring me off with your texts. I'm pretty much a commitment phobe, and don't understand it when people like me. You have to go pretty slow with it all, and while you're managing that in RL, in the textosphere you just totally go fucking wild. I don't need more than two texts a day thanks, if that. Don't fucking put missing you *always* because I'll practically vomit and never be able to talk to you again.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:35:03 No.7974276

    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:35:12 No.7974278
    J, I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.

    S, I know you think your cruelty is charming, but it really is not. You are going to end up old, angry, and probably alone if you don't change.

    L, you are one of my closest friends, but your persistent happiness is driving me insane. It's hard to talk to you because I don't feel like you can truly relate to me.

    I, I miss you so much. Why do you only talk to me when you are having relationship problems?

    Z, I miss you too. Why did you let your girlfriend change you so much?

    B, I don't hang out with you alone for a reason. Pleeease leave me alooone. We're not friends anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:40:55 No.7974346
    Fiance, I don't know if I trust you or if I... what's the complete opposite of trust? I haven't figured that out yet, I'm sorry.

    BFF, you're fat and I'm anorexic but I love you anyway!
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:41:13 No.7974350
    Okay, so I like you. But I worry that I'm the one putting in all the effort to chase you here, and I'd like to emphaise the fact that I don't need to chase anyone. Sure, I'm average looking, but so are you, and I don't go to a uni where the ratio of my gender to the opposing one is like 10:1.
    What I'm saying is, I have other people that I could be getting with who're a helluva a lot more convienient and easier than you.
    I kind of want to feel a little like you're wanting me because of something I am, not just cause I'm the only option around at the moment for you.
    I mean, if that's how it is, fine: but tell me, so I know to keep my emotions out of it, and be a lot more chill about meeting up.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:43:55 No.7974386
    I would contribute to this thread, but i don't know anyone well enough to have something important to say to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:46:44 No.7974416
    Sometimes I wish your tits were bigger. Like DD bigger.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:52:31 No.7974484
    why don't you ever put on a condom when i ask you to? i don't enjoy sex without one.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:52:40 No.7974486
    I do quite like you.
    Lots and lots.
    And I think you might maybe at least not find me completely an awful person to be around? I mean, you chat to me whenever you see me about, and you always smile so broadly. Although, of course, you are ridiculously smiley, which is like one of the top reasons I like you so much.
    I'm a happy person, so are you.
    The only other vague proof I've got of you maybe liking me is the fact you mentioned watching some TV show and feeling lonely.
    I seriously wish I'd picked up on that more at the time and responded with something like 'You? Lonely? You're like the most cheerful and positive guy I know? How the fuck would anyone not want to know you?'
    Then we'd've maybe gone off at a tangent, and somewhere in the midst of the conversation, I could've mentioned how I broke up with my boyfriend a month and a half ago, just in case you think I'm still with him.
    Then we could have swapped some type of contact info, and over easter break we'd have texted in a vague friendly way, so we'd be close enough to have some film night when easter ends.
    And even if you don't like me, in that way, or indeed any other way.
    Even if you're just humouring me whenever we chat:
    You're fucking awesome, don't ever forget that.
    >> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 03/19/10(Fri)21:54:03 No.7974508
    I love you and you know it. I hate that you tried to sleep with me after months of ignoring me. I'm vaguely sad that I told you no, but I'm also proud. We'll never date, you'll never like me. Don't take advantage of my feelings for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)21:59:06 No.7974566
    Just the usual "I know nothing's ever going to happen between us but I want to stay friends, and I'm sorry for putting this between us and wrecking our relationship" schpiel. I'm going to tell her next week, so I won't write out the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:03:48 No.7974638
    Im using you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:05:41 No.7974663
    we've both been lied to since we could speak. there isn't even any social pressure forcing this on us anymore, except from you to your friends
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:07:53 No.7974697
    This thread make me sad.

    L: I must know the truth, but I think if I might ask you will lie just to protect me. I can`t be sure of the truth, of reality. I cannot be sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:08:54 No.7974705
    You were right. You really don't give a shit what anybody thinks about you. So much so that you don't even listen to the people who care about your best interests the most.

    So after Brandon's wedding, and the random night I ran into the group you were with at the Goose's Acre, I waited for you to initiate some form of contact. I grew tired of being the one to ask to go out places. When it never came, I knew we were no longer friends.

    Yes, I messed up. But that was three years ago. I guess it's something you never got over though. That's a shame, because even if I said that I wasn't at a good place at that point in time in my life, you wouldn't believe me. Okay, whatever.

    But what I want to say is please, pull your shit together. Stop getting distracted and finish college--it's been six years now. Get over her. Find someone new. For the love of all things holy, GET THE FUCK OVER YOUR OBSESSION WITH SPORTS. Yes, you are decent at them, but you aren't good. It is so polarizing that it's probably why girls can't associate with you. Find better friends, and ones who don't stab you in the back and talk shit about you because these ones do. And honestly, get your acne under control. You're 23. Seriously.

    You would be in a much better place if you would have just listened to my advice, because I've been there. And honestly, I still care about you like a bro.

    I've just moved on.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:12:43 No.7974752
    I love you, but not as much as I loved him. I know exactly why you get mad when I talk about him.

    We were best friends, but you let them brake us apart.

    I miss you, I miss your moans, I wish you would pretend to be mine again.

    I have no real friends, just because everyone loves me online doesn't make me a good person, why do you think everyone loves me?

    Sometimes I wish I could be single again, just so I could flirt with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:14:15 No.7974775
    ITT: Everyone feverishly reads all the posts and questions if it was meant for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:15:26 No.7974794
    Sorry I gave bad head today. I couldn't concentrate because we were right infront of a window and I was freaking out that someone would walk by.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:15:50 No.7974803

    You totally nailed that nail on the coffin!

    wait... is that a real saying?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:22:45 No.7974909
    E, you doubt yourself any harder and I'll start to believe it too. I know you have trouble committing emotionally man, but I'm not going to judge, I'll never judge. I'm happy of where you are and where you're going, and I don't understand why you won't just let it be and enjoy it for what it is.

    R, you seriously got shit wrong in your head, but do you make an effort to try to at least direct all this anger and anguish elsewhere? No. You destroy yourself, and I can't tell anymore if its intentional. Treat your boyfriend better.

    A, shit, you're worse. That crap about children? That's fucked. That's wrong and manipulative and I don't have to give the logic of why it is, because I believe so much in these morals of mine that I felt ill when you discussed it so casually.

    An, stop getting in a pissing contest with B. This rift fucking sucks.

    Ark, it's almost done. It's almost all gone. But I thank you for what you provided, what you took. The words are coming easier now.

    Z, you're a good person. You are a good person. And I know you know it.
    >> lolrus !!5dmh0nqS7ag 03/19/10(Fri)22:23:08 No.7974916
    This feels like a baw thread in disguise, and it's working :'(

    I hate how well I can place myself into the shoes of you posters, because I feel the pain you're all feeling as if it were my own.

    I honestly hope some of you have the courage to give these messages to these people.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:23:09 No.7974917
    Could you help me study for this test? Seriously, I'm fucking overworked, failing all my classes, and I learn much better when we work together.

    Eh, I'll wait till he gets on AIM and just say the first sentence.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:24:06 No.7974932
    I mostly dislike you, even though I'm glad to be your friend. You're whiny and immature, and when I have to comfort you through yet another girl or 'bad day' it takes all of my self-restraint to stop my eyes from rolling. Worst of all is when you try to console me. I swear, let one of your weakest thoughts loose at your lowest moment and you never hear the end of it.

    I suppose in the end you're just like a little brother - annoying as hell, but funny and good-natured. And even if I don't necessarily like it, I know you'll always be there for me, so I'll do my best not to let you down either.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:26:15 No.7974958

    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:26:26 No.7974961
    Hey, Meg. You're incredibly attractive, and love to do all the things I love to do, but I seriously wish you would just shut up sometimes. Seriously, stop trying to get me to hang out with you. Dayumn, gurl. Sometimes (read: 95% of the time), a motherfucker just wants to chill. Go do something else with your other boy toys, and stop clinging to me.

    What's that? You say I don't treat you like a piece of meat like all the other guys do? You say I'm the only person that's real to you? THAT'S BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO FUCK YOU, GO AWAY. It's so funny how not wanting a girl makes her want you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:28:47 No.7974993
    S, I love you. I always have. I always will.
    Y, no matter what people say or do, you are a beautiful girl. Don't lose sight of that.
    C, a happy future exists for you. I am sure of this. I will make it exist if need be.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:31:36 No.7975025
    Today I would like to talk to you about your sex appeal. I'm 95% sure you have no idea about the reality of it.

    1. Unless the whole world is insane, gay men want your ass. Well, at least one does, and he thought he had pretty typical tastes.
    2. Part of this is due to the fact you don't come across the way I assume you intend to. When you're doing the whole hypermasculine "HEY MAN" thing it looks artificial. When you're "at rest" so to speak and not consciously trying to maintain your image, you're fucking adorable. In a kind of effeminate way. You look fucking delicate. Your eyelashes flutter at the fucking speed of light, you play with your hair, you NNNNGH give me five minutes
    3. As I was saying. Are you sure you're not getting anally raped by all your male friends every night because DAMN, dude. I can't understand how someone could talk to you for five minutes and not want to stick their dick in your mouth.
    4. Anyway since you say you're straight personally (I'll give you the benefit of the doubt) you should know that fuckloads of girls want to have sex with you. They are really really obvious about it. I don't know why you have never engaged in sexual relations with anybody in the college because seriously, wake the fuck up!

    Over and out, basically
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:33:12 No.7975038
    J, you are a bad person. Despite that, I sincerely hope you get into your first choice school, because I sure as shit don't want you going to my college.

    A, I told you I still wanted to work on being friends. That was a lie. You'll probably never see me again after I go away to college next year. Enjoy a life of minimum wage jobs and creepy boyfriends.

    P, you are an awesome person and I wish you would ditch those bitches and come hang out with me and Jessica more. I have the best conversations with you.

    T, I'm pretty sure you want to fuck me, but I'm not a lesbian. Also, your boyfriend is one of my best friends. I like you well enough, but it's pretty goddamn uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:33:19 No.7975039
    I don't want to roll with you tomorrow. I wish you'd wait.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:33:53 No.7975045
    T, I know you fucked him under the staircase, and yes, it was me that told everyone how much of a whore you really are. You still don't know who to believe, do you.
    lots of luff, K

    E, your life is going down the drain. Stop smoking pot so much, you disgust me now. Have fun amounting to nothing.

    R and A, I'm glad you two know that I don't like to be around certain people, and I'm glad you two have stuck by me (even the littlest bit helps).

    J, I'd die without you. Please come back from the Dominican safely. You promised.

    JS, I hate your guts. Go die, you misogynist shallow freak of nature.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:33:55 No.7975048
    I want to fucking kill you. I'm not letting you carpool with me next year, because fuck you. The tireless efforts I made to make you feel worthwhile, happy, loved, or like the brilliant, funny man you are were all for naught. Until you met some squeaky little bible-bashing, way-too-fucking-dangly tacky earring wearing, blue eyeshadow applying, greasy-haired girl three years junior and all of a sudden it's fucking hunky dory. She doesn't like you. Neither do I, but I busted my ass to be your friend and you never fucking appreciated it, so fuck you bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:34:28 No.7975056
    I'm not sure why we're friends. I don't hate you, but we've never done anything together. Our relationship consists of us having had a single class together, us making small talk whenever we meet, and you occasionally giving me a hug while I smile stupidly and wonder why. For some reason, it's really calming to talk to you, and you seem like you'd be a pretty cool person if I got to know you better.

    I guess what I'm saying is...: Let's Fuck!
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:34:58 No.7975063

    You're probably just a fag projecting your own lust, but the post made me lol
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:38:03 No.7975103
    >because fuck you
    Oh god, I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)22:53:39 No.7975324
    I want to be your friend, but your social awkwardness makes it hard for me to tell whether you hate me or if you're just socially awkward and don't know what to say to me.
    Actually, I think I'd like to ask you out sometime, even though you're a year older than me, almost a foot taller than me, and you look like you're only 14.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:01:49 No.7975425
    D, I really don't know why I love you so much. I told you once, I hope you didn't forget. At the same time, I really hate you for breaking my heart because of some dumb whore almost 1000 miles away. So I really hope by next school year, you'll be willing to actually give me a chance like you said you would. The thing that kills me about all of this is that I'm with someone else atm, and you know it D;<

    M, idk if what I'm doing is leading you on, because I really do care about you, and I find myself developing stronger feelings for you than I had originally anticipated, so the end of this school year could potentially suck major ass for the both of us. So in advance, I'm really sorry. >;

    C and K, BECOME AN HERO AL-FUCKING-READY! Do the world a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.

    D number 2, I don't think you realize how you bringing up the past with that one person really upsets me. Especially because it's coming from you, someone I trust more than myself.

    Family, Sorry I look miserable at any type of family gathering, but you people make me crazy. APOLOGIZE TO EACH OTHER AND MEAN IT so we can get along with our lives without all this stupid drama bullshit.

    K, I swear, the split opportunity I get to kill you, I will. I will I will I will.

    P, Why did you become such a slut?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:05:37 No.7975477
         File1269054337.jpg-(2 KB, 103x104, barry.jpg)
    2 KB
    I think youre beautiful. Why dont we skip all this formality bullshit and we just go to the movies or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:09:56 No.7975541
    I'm done. I don't want to see you anymore, I don't want to hear from you anymore, and I don't want to even think of you anymore. It was nice to have sex and break the tension, but you've almost ruined my best relationship over and over again. You're a pathological liar, and keeping you in my life is just retarded at this point.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:16:59 No.7975620
    (text msg i wrote but never sent around january)

    i can't even fathom how a person can go from claiming to love someone, seeing them daily, making love very nicely all the time to straight up ignoring that person and not even giving them a real reason.. you are the reason i don't trust human beings.. yet i keep on believing i'll find someone who is real and not a piece of shit, i really truly thought you were different and i always felt awesome when i spent time with you, i really did love you.. no matter your finances, your house in foreclosure, your unemployment, or genital herpes, and i would've continued loving you..

    but you just threw it, and me, away like garbage.. i guess my main wonder is how you live with yourself, how you could hurt me the way you did, and not care? how you could love me the way you did, and just forget about me? i can't understand it and it's very frustrating to me to try to comprehend because i could never do that to someone..

    i usually very rarely feel anger but this has changed that.. i kinda feel sorry for the girl you call "daughter" if you stay in her life and show her how to love people.. and then get high everyday so you can stop caring about it and do nothing all day, what a shining example..
    >> ▓▒░THE DARK LORD SAURON░▒▓ !!dbdLh2ov8ME 03/19/10(Fri)23:17:12 No.7975626

    If I ever turn into Barry White I'll be sure to try this.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:17:42 No.7975637
    >>7975620 (cont.)

    i know these things i'm saying are mean as hell but damn you really just treated me and my love for you like shit after i simply asked if you could visit me after i got surgery, and actually expressed something that *i desired* for once instead of my normal letting everything go..

    well i'm letting you go and if you seriously try to talk to me again, which i doubt because you obviously think so little of me for some reason, i will send you this mean message and hope you feel pretty bad. i had some really amazing times with you, we had lots in common, i clicked with you better than most (and you told me you've never been so close to anyone than you were with me) we have the same kind of sarcastic humor, and what was pretty nice sex..

    it really could've been great and it truly breaks my heart.. goodbye
    bloxwerpek lef bloxerx
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:22:47 No.7975698
    J, I love you, but I need you to back off.
    I think I've finally found the people I can call my friends. You like them too, understand that, but you've always been friendlier with people than me.
    It might sound selfish, but I need friends that are just mine.

    A, I'd climb fucking mountains for you, and you don't even see that. Hell, I've only ever gotten a "thank you" from you once. It'd just be nice to know you appreciate it.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:26:58 No.7975765
    i think we've gone a bit too far for you to not get your feelings hurt. but remember one thing, anytime we ever shared a moment of intimacy, i was piss drunk and so were you. and anytime i ever said anything that made you think i genuinely had feelings for you, i was piss drunk and so were you. that is all.
    >> Haku !VJxMhaku.6 03/19/10(Fri)23:28:50 No.7975792
    A - Sorry I came off as a bitch that one day. I was just really stressed and you came up to me with your army recruitment bullshit. I completely snapped at you and I'm sorry about that. You seem like a cool person though.
    M - You're a stuck-up annoying bastard and you need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around you. I don't care if 90% of people love you and kiss your ass, you treat everyone like shit. Ordering everyone around to fetch things for you and yelling at them when they don't is ridiculous. I may laugh at your jokes and I may think you're clever, but you're still a jerk.
    T - Not everyone needs to play around to suit your needs. "I'm sad, cheer me up." Shut the fuck up and find a way to cheer yourself up. I'm not your personal entertainer.
    M - Although we stopped talking so much since you got a girlfriend, I consider you to be one of my best friends. You blow everything out of proportion and you take everything way over-the-top, but you're still amazing. You need to come back and visit again.
    E - I really want to tell you that I think you have a really good fashion sense and that I think you're a cool person even if everyone thinks you're evil. You are a little strict, but I still feel for you. Let me know if I can help with anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:31:37 No.7975824
    ok, ill bite.

    I think you are really beautiful, wanna go see a movie sometime?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:32:35 No.7975836
    I feel like a flake... It seems obvious now. Sorry guys. :'(

    Also, to someone else: I seem a little slow and reserved because I really want to make out and play.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:33:35 No.7975847
    You're a whore and I've lost all respect for you. Stop trying to tempt me into looking at you in a lustful way to boost your shattered esteem you've developed through sleeping with men who care nothing more about you than for your body.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:33:52 No.7975854
    You've heard me say some of the lamest, dumbest things, and now I'm super self-conscious about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:43:16 No.7975976
    You need to stop being such a diva and a bitch, as much as I love you.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:43:48 No.7975982
    You're a great friend and I am a selfish cunt. Sorry for using you over the years.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:44:55 No.7976002
    Let's see...

    When you asked if I was joking- no. I meant it. You really should have cheated on that kid, and you should have done it with me. Words cannot adequately describe how hard I would have made love to you. Hell, I would've dated you. But I'm not the waiting type.

    Still utterly miserable? Good! Let me know when you kill yourself, I'd like to throw a party.

    You have the sexiest voice I've ever heard, and I'm afraid to tell you to your face because of how young you are. It's weird, too, because you're obscenely cute, in an entirely non-sexy way.
    It's cool, though. I'll tell you when you're 20.

    I wouldn't piss on you to put out a fire, but as long as you stay away from me, I'll never seek you out to hurt you.

    What's happening to us, and why am I afraid of it?
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:50:52 No.7976074
    R: You knew I was messed up after we broke up, but you never bothered trying to help me with that. Instead, it was the same old BS - if somethings gone wrong, it must be someone out to hurt me. Well I damn well hurt too, bitch, I'm just mature enough to realise that sometimes these things happen. Grow the fuck up, realise the world don't owe you shit, and start making use of some of that potential you got.

    C: Yeah, I like you, but I've got no idea if you like me just as a friend, or as more. I'm leaving town in 4 months anyway, so I couldn't be bothered. If you want to date me, you'll have to make the moves, cause I couldn't be fucked.

    N: Your awesome. Your one of the few girls who actually meets all of my standards. Of course, that means your well out of my league, and even if you don't know it, I do. I don't know if you consider me as more than a friend, but that's all you'll ever be.

    B: For fucks sake man, what's with you? Why are you going back to her again? You can't stand to be with her. Why is it you only ever go for pushy, dominant woman? Grow some fucking balls, and go for the sort of woman you -say- you like. You'll be much happier for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:52:10 No.7976098
    M- I pity you. You have no friends, and your boyfriend tried to kill himself 3 times while he was dating you, and your ex-husband tried too. Maybe it IS something you're doing. When will you learn that sex is just sex, and you don't need to marry a man that will take you away from all your friends and family, use you, and leave you when you have nothing more to offer him? I still can't believe you let him throw your daughter out when she had no money and no place to go. Stand the fuck up for yourself and the people and things you care about. It's a miracle she even talks to you still. Remember how you raised her right by sending her to Christian schools, church every Sunday, and even that pro-life volunteer work? And do you know in that one year because of you, she lost her faith, got pregnant by her boyfriend, and had an abortion? To this day, you still don't stand up for her, yet you expect her to be around and there for you, and to be your best friend because you don't have any. It's a wonder she puts up with you, but I know she won't for much longer. Good luck after that.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:56:22 No.7976154
    im depressed
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)23:56:26 No.7976156
    stop staring at me in class i'm not gay you fat faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:05:46 No.7976282
    Nina - How are you doing? Not sure if you still hate me with a passion or not. I still think about you from time to time.

    Teresa - We could've still been friends if you had actually just come and talked to me instead of running away from your problems. We had sex. It's not like it was blasphemy or anything. You asked me afterwards if it would be awkward. YOU made it awkward. You, not me.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:14:26 No.7976382
    I said everything I needed to say last night. It tore me apart because I love her and it made me sad to cut ties with her. But I had to, staying around and watching her be with someone else was too much.

    And now I feel liberated. Not happy,

    I high suggest that you say the things you have to say to people, robots. It may not make you happy, but it will help free you.
    >> Hangman !!QFzISewt/7Z 03/20/10(Sat)00:24:24 No.7976478
    Cookie, Victor, Chen; I'm sorry you were deported because of some business I roped you into.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:32:30 No.7976546
    Whenever you call me to tell me you feel left out, jealous, or lonely, I have to work really hard not to laugh. I feel that way almost every minute of every day. You're pretty lucky it's just an occasional thing for you.

    Still, I'm glad that you trust me enough to come to me with this kind of thing, even though I know I wasn't your first choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:41:29 No.7976653
    4chan, You're stale and unfunny.
    J: brush yo teef and lose weight. id bang you regardless.
    T: I love you man.
    d, you gotta quit drinking so much soda man, start living healthier pleaseee. youre going to end up with diabetes like the rest of the family. :(
    mb, id fuck the shit out of you
    e, id fuck the shit out of you as well
    mb & e, omgomgomgomgomgomgomg
    t, get your fucking life together man.
    all the kids in drafting, stop fucking with dale.
    grace, shut the fuck up you cunt.
    andy, you dont deserve anything you have. none of it.
    brad, stop being a dick.
    anthony, hang tight amigo.
    seth and jordan, you guys are good friends.
    tt, i want to konw all about you and talk with you. also, i love your hair.
    and to the world. theres a possibility im bisexual. im disgusted by physical relations with men, but seeing their bodies is epic. also, bromances are cool. however, girls are great, i enjoy their bodies very much so. they just drive me crazy with their talking and shit. idk. i want to know what death is like. i want to die. alright.
    >> Sorry, this actually made me cry a little. I'm such a fag. Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:47:33 No.7976727
         File1269060453.jpg-(42 KB, 600x450, Devv.jpg)
    42 KB
    Devon- It hurt me more than you know when you changed. I know we both said we'd stay together forever, and a year and a half later, after being broken up for what seems like an eternity, I know you still count on that. I know I still say it sometimes. But I'm not sure I can mean it anymore. We've both changed too much, and it rips me apart to even look at you anymore after all you've done. All you do is hurt people. Everyday I hear about you in another fight, acting more like someone I know you are not. I know what we have is intense, but I don't think I can handle you anymore. I've always known I needed to fall out of love with you, but I don't know what to do now that it's happening. Sometimes I just wish I'd never met you at all. That way I wouldn't have to wreck your life anymore when I leave again.

    Pic Related: The one on the right is him. Now that he's a wicked poser anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)00:54:14 No.7976807
    L: Those assholes aren't worth your time. And if they think they can call me a nasty cunt, they can watch their backs.
    La: Be a friend bitch. You're so stupid sometimes. I can't support you forever.
    J: Sucking my tits at lunchtime is highly innappropriate. I'm sure Johnny was quite offended.
    P:Go fuck yourself. And as for your little ho? She can jump off a bridge for all I care.
    C: I miss you man, I hope heaven is treating you right.
    D: I'll love you forever you stupid dick. I owe you that. But you owe me some fucking honesty and decency.
    E: You're the best. I don't tell you enough.
    Em: Thanks for getting in trouble with me all the time nigga. We all need someone to make bad decisions with :)
    C: Thanks for the weed, bro. Sorry I wasted it by smoking and then coming to whine on r9k.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:00:21 No.7976887
    I love you. At least I'm heavily attracted to you. You attract me for no apparent reason, and I think that might just be love. I wish you were like me, but I know you're not. I wish I could choose one definite person to write this to.

    Connor- We used to be best friends. No matter what happened, we were bros till the end. We slowly drifted apart at the beginning of high school, and I seriously wish we didn't. You were the first person to tell me to break up with her, and I really wish that I had listened. It makes me happy when I'm lucky enough to get a passing greeting from you now. I miss you, man.

    Ross- You are my best friend, and I hope you feel the same way. I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to you all that much online lately, but I've been feeling off lately, and you make me feel conflicted. I want you to feel happy, but seeing it would hurt the hell out of me. I'm too selfish about you for no reason. I think I'm also mad at you for going to another state for college this summer. I've already got enough friends that moved away and I'll probably never see again, like Angus and Evan, I just don't want that to happen to you too. I'm sorry about this all.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:02:36 No.7976918
    Fuck, "A" sounds like it could be me, although that's a really huge stretch.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:05:29 No.7976949
    Dude, I was just describing my childhood home to you. Were we in a competition over who had the shittiest childhood, you would obviously win. You don't have to try and one-up me whenever I reminisce :/
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:07:54 No.7976978
    I know we've both got a dark sense of humor, but man, it's awkward when you make jokes about when you were molested as a kid. How am I supposed to laugh about that? I want to stab the fucker who did that to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:09:23 No.7976996
    B- Why are you constantly trying to start shit with me? I never did anything to you. In fact, I was even supportive of you in the depth of the depression that YOU caused, during my eating disorder that YOU inspired. I don't want to be your friend if you're going to keep being so rude to me for no reason.

    D- I don't get why I was ever attracted to you. You're a shallow, immature man child. You fucking whined because you got a bad grade on your midterms? Welcome to life, you selfish cunt. It's not fair. Get used to it.

    S- You're better than that stupid boy. Please, please, please do not try and kill yourself again over him. He is not worth you and I want you to listen to me and realize how wonderful you really are.

    J- You lazy, selfish cunt. We went in this together, and now you're refusing to do your share of the work? How dare you. It's no wonder you've still not graduated.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:11:54 No.7977033
    Oh jeez I wrote one of these out today and debated whether I should send it to him or not... I eventually deleted it.

    I don't want you to go down the same path you did last year. I know how it feels to freak out and get paranoid and think that none of your friends really like you. They DO love you and care about you. I love you and care about you. I can tell you're stressed out right now, but I suspect a lot of it is self-imposed. You need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're an amazing person, and it seems like the only person who doesn't realize that is you. I'd do anything to see you smile -- actually smile, not grimace. If you feel stressed out or want to talk, I'm here to listen, okay? Whenever you feel like you're alone, remember I'm there for you.

    I'm still debating whether I should send something like this to him. I'm worried he'll figure out my feelings for him and I'm not sure I'm ready for that quite yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:13:21 No.7977059
    It's probably her way of dealing with the abuse. Some people are like that. If you act like you pity her, you'll probably make her feel worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:15:27 No.7977084
    A1: I miss you, I miss our epic four-in-the-morning conversations and I wish things didn't work out the way it did. But that's my fault. I'm sorry.

    A2: You suck. I waited for you to grow up, I stood by you, I talked through your problems and all I got was a mini-Steve who ignores me because your SUPER COOL FRIENDS don't like me. I won't make the mistake of trusting you again. By the way, she won't fuck you.

    A3: Cockharpy. Get over your daddy issues.

    G: I miss you, but you don't even try to contact me. I'm sick of starting all the conversations and whatnot. I give up. It won't even matter in a few months.

    S: We both need to grow up. I love you, but this can't continue like it is. You need to start doing things again... you can't just revolve your life around me. I have my art and my books... you used to write, remember? We used to go outside and have fun. Now all you do is sleep and work. I'd rather have no money and just have a picnic somewhere than your paychecks. Please come back to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:17:07 No.7977109
    When you took me under your wing I thought you were intelligent, clever and wise. Then as you taught me and showed me your way I understood and learnt at a faster rate, ignorant that it was you that had got me so far. Now I have surpassed you, and your guidance could have meant everything or nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:21:56 No.7977172
    TG: You are a crazy fuck but I need you right now.

    CV: Girl, I know you have a crush on me but you are really stupid and too fucked up for me to even look at you as a possible mate.

    CH: Stupid cunt, you live >9000km away from me and have a boyfriend. STOP SENDING ME YOUR PHOTOS AND BEING SO NICE BECAUSE I'M FALLING FOR YOU. Also, I found out your little secret, your are not very good at hiding stuff online and I'm a fuking creeper.

    SS: Dude, seriously, EAT HER FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

    GE: You are gay, and I'm not kidding.

    LH: Oh c'mon, can we stop this stupid game and admit that we are both 4channers?

    B: You may have a body of a man-god, but you still are a fuking idiot with the ladies. You fail at life.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:28:45 No.7977285
    T and B, you are the reasons I don't care about friends anymore. You taught me that in the long run, friendship doesn't matter, because people don't pull through for each other in times of need. Which, in honestly, I grew up not having any friends and had to fix myself plenty of times all by myself. It just stung so bad that when I fell while having friends, you turned your backs on me. Now, I think it's funny that you two are calling me your friend, or best friend, and really, if you fall? I won't catch you just like you didn't catch me. I'm not going to hurt because you're hurting anymore. You ruined your chance to have somebody go to hell and back for you. Nice going, now I'm going to have serious trust issues with people.

    Oh, and by the way, "Best Friends", it would be great for one of you to actually get genuinely upset that I'm moving out of the US, instead of just happy for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that this is an easy transaction for everybody, but damn. You still don't care. Fuck you guys. You hurt me.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:30:28 No.7977311

    I get, anonymous poster. I know exactly how you feel.

    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:33:31 No.7977354
    J: There's a reason why I don't talk to you anymore. Every time that I have gone out my way to see you, you only give me a passing mention and continue to talk with your friends like I'm not even there. Those times that I said that it didn't bother me? I didn't realize it at the time, but I was lying for your benefit. And almost every time we talked online, you had some sob story about how you wanted to do something, but fear got in the way, or you were otherwise constantly downing yourself. Grow some goddamn ovaries and get the fuck over it. Talking about your problems is one thing, but expecting for someone to constantly hear you bitch and moan about angst that you can take steps to fix over. and over. and over again is not my idea of enjoyment. And get over your fucking fear of men. Just because a few guys treated you like shit out of the millions that are within the U.S. alone is no reason to play games just to see if they're worthy of your trust, and this is coming from a goddamn misanthrope of all people.

    Oh, and the next time you misuse the word "weeaboo", remember that 90% of your iPod is filled to the brim with Asian music.

    K: Shut. The fuck. Up. I do not give a damn about your interests, and I especially don't care about hearing about them at great length and detail. Cars, cars, sex, cars, violence, cars, our boss is an idiot, cars, sex, cars. Nice guy or not, people get tired of hearing about crap that they aren't interested in, and the same stories being told over and over again. Hell, I can speak from experience, but the difference between you and me is that I realized that not everyone likes hearing about me ramble on about my hobbies and interests. And for the love of god, stop reacting to sex like you're a prepubescent teenager. You're in your mid-thirties. You have a fiancee. You have a kid. There's no flipping reason why you act hornier than a virgin that hasn't gotten any. Grow the fuck up, manchild.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:36:00 No.7977384
    1-i still love you
    2-i love your ex
    3-wish i could've hung out with you more
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:38:13 No.7977418
    I wish I could drink so I could say stuff like this and be like "oh I was drunk sorry"
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:39:39 No.7977441
    S: If you're wondering why I still don't talk to you, it's because I still don't trust you. It's not about the altercation that we had that led to the dissolution of our friendship; it was all the shit that happened before then that caused me to finally lash out at you. I doubt that you even remember any of these incidents; I don't expect you to. The point is that even though you realized that you were, in your own words, a "shit friend", how can I expect to open up to you again and not repeat the past? Simple answer is that I can't, and unless there's a reason for me to believe otherwise, I'm not even going to bother. Besides, you have a loving new boyfriend, and things seem to be working out well for you. I'm still stuck doing what I've been doing for the past few years. Why the hell would you need me for?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)01:40:04 No.7977446
    I think it's my business if I cut myself. I know it makes you uncomfortable, but you have coping mechanisms that make me uncomfortable as well, and I think if we just gave each other space on these issues we'd be fine. I wish I hadn't promised to you that I'd stop self-harming. My promise to you is the only reason that I haven't since you found out.

    On the phone I told you I didn't know what to do with myself, that I wanted to hurt myself again. You said "eat something, it's self destructive; you'll get heart disease eventually."

    Self-destruction is not the point. I don't intend to harm myself in ways that will hobble me in the long run; quite the opposite. I do it to get rid of thoughts and feelings that are in no way constructive, but that I can't stop obsessing over when I am alone. I do it to focus myself with the goal of advancing myself away from these stupid problems.

    Thanks for sticking with me, though.

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