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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1268795839.jpg-(103 KB, 1024x768, 2010-03-13 (Medium).jpg)
    103 KB "Gaming the System with 4chan" Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:17:19 No.7936795  
    You may not be aware, but moot attended the SXSW conference on Saturday, March 13, 2010 in a panel called "Gaming the System with 4chan". the title refers to the fact that 4chan is game in two ways: a game where you want to be in the front page with your content, and a game of moderating trolls out of the [4chan] community. In the panel it has been revealed that the website gets 00,000 posts a day, and it gets 600 million page views a month, and 100 million of which are on /b/ alone.

    Additional tidbit from the panel:

    1. In regards to the Time Top 100, moot said "If I told them to vote for me, they would make sure I was at the bottom of the poll", referring to the fact that moot was voted number one in Times Reader's Choice Top 100 in 2009.

    2. "What would 8 million angry rabid 4chan fans do if I shit it down? What if it just redirected to They would just [fucking] steamroll the internet!" - moot

    3. "4chan functions like a. It looks like a. At one time we were probably the largest site using Times New Roman. So we switched to Arial"

    4. Regarding memes, in particular: moot's advice to to create a successful 4chan meme: "Upload something that is genuinely awesome", and "Some memes are only so because they have been continuously repeated" , referring to the transitional nature of imageboards where content can last only for a certain period of time.

    5. In regards to moderation "Uhm...We don't" and "/b/ is the retard bin. If you get rid of it, the trolls will wreck the good things about 4chan." In addition, in the panel it's revealed that being banned from 4chan is a badge of honor for some users, and (again) moderating trolls out of the community has created a game.

    6. Moot likes XKCD

    7. Finally, for those 4channers concerned about changes, in the panel moot said that there will be no real changes to the website in regards of the recipe.

    Picture related, it's moot himself with Jason Scott.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:19:05 No.7936819
         File1268795945.jpg-(25 KB, 548x368, foursquare-4chan-meet.jpg)
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    Same anon here.

    Also, here's moot with FourSquare co-founder Naveen Selvadurai.

    I will be looking forward to the inevitable YouTube footage of the panel.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:21:39 No.7936850
    No one is interested?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:23:42 No.7936862
    what was moot doing talking about a korean girl group? seriously?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:24:05 No.7936871
    >00,000 posts a day

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:24:05 No.7936872
    >00,000 posts a day

    but seriously, interesting stuff
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:25:02 No.7936884
    Sameanon here: Here's a news article related to the panel.

    No, he was not talking about a Korean girl group. Please read the thread again.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:25:05 No.7936885
    >Moot likes XKCD

    No need to tell /r9k/ that, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:25:57 No.7936895
    SXSW.. they wrote that song "Gee"
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:25:58 No.7936897
    I meant to post 800,000 posts a day. I have to type this up by hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:26:03 No.7936899
    Fuck, I was in Austin on saturday. Why didn't anyone send out a message about this? I would've gone!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:26:44 No.7936910
    >00,000 posts a day

    >if i shit it down?

    >functions like a. It looks like a.

    why is this making me so angry
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:27:16 No.7936924
    And I had to type this up by hand, because I can't copy and paste what I written from MS Word onto the comment field without triggering an error.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:27:24 No.7936925
    I don't give a fuck about moot, how is that for interest?.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:27:28 No.7936926
    Best be trolling nigger. It's SNSD
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:28:51 No.7936941
    lol at the whale in front with the purple hair. Being 'edgy' will not unclog your arteries.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:28:58 No.7936946
    OP here, it's the "South By Southwest" conference.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:29:10 No.7936953
    Damn, Moot is hot. I'm still shocked by how good looking he is, considering that he made this place.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:30:06 No.7936968
    He is good looking to be honest. I agree on you with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:30:37 No.7936975
    moot sounds like he thinks he knows what he's doing. I'm really not too sure, but he is a decently smart guy.
    >> OP moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:31:13 No.7936986
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:31:15 No.7936987
    Paste into Notepad first to strip the formatting.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:31:59 No.7936992
    wow. The man himself.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:32:27 No.7936998
    Moot has been very active lately.

    He wasn't really around much in 09
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:32:39 No.7936999
    I know moot, I already fixed it. I meant to say 800,000 post a day.

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:32:59 No.7937005
    inb4 310 posts and 121 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.

    sure is attention whore in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:33:01 No.7937006
    We see no typo.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:33:03 No.7937007

    Sup moot, is it true that you said 4chan functions like a and looks like a?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:33:24 No.7937012
    oh hi! :D
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:33:30 No.7937013
    Moot thread in 3... 2...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:34:16 No.7937019

    oh hai mootles
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:34:27 No.7937020

    He didn't exist before 2009. He was created by the collective will of 4chan. He is our avatar, a child of our subconscious. He is what we hate, what we love, what we are. He is our dream, our nightmare.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:34:40 No.7937023
    "a" = "shit"
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:34:45 No.7937026
    wat up moot
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35:07 No.7937034

    I knew you were lurking around here somewhere. I could feel it.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35:32 No.7937039
    you're fucking pathetic, please terminate yourself and your family
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35:33 No.7937040
    Too bad this site isn't making you rich, moot. I wish it were.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35:44 No.7937043
    Moot: give a quick opinion on some boards you've seen lately. That's always interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:35:49 No.7937044

    This is why you are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:36:17 No.7937047
    Hey Moot, how are things?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:36:19 No.7937048
    >>sees moot
    aww shit here we go
    no but seriously HI MOOT! =D
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:37:03 No.7937055
         File1268797023.jpg-(160 KB, 400x400, 1268281644307..jpg)
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    You should switch to Helvetica
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:37:32 No.7937061
    yo moot, I dig the gray hoodie + red v-neck but are you ever gonna wear anything else for your public appearances?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:37:41 No.7937062
    The entire site should be in size 25 Comic Sans.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:37:53 No.7937064
    In before this gets stickied.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:38:14 No.7937069
    I love comic sans.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:38:44 No.7937078
    Moot, you look like you need a haircut.

    But other than that.
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/16/10(Tue)23:38:55 No.7937082
    OP here again

    1. How was the conference?
    2. Did SXSW invited you to do a panel?

    (From now on, any messages from the OP will be from this name and trip)
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:39:01 No.7937084

    Give him a break, he's autistic.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:39:24 No.7937092
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:39:27 No.7937093
    Dear moot:
    How can you put up with Kimmo's shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:39:42 No.7937100

    Hi moot! Remember me? I post on this site all the time as anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:40:04 No.7937102
    with automatic emoticon-to-animated smiley conversion!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:40:13 No.7937104
    Hi moot

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:40:59 No.7937110
    Moot's head is like a big square.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:41:09 No.7937112
    Moot, do you mind if I use this argument to explain to my graduate advisor why I didn't get any As this term? I don't see how he could argue with you, after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:41:35 No.7937116
    These questions must be answered! The people have a right to know!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:42:15 No.7937124
    Are you opposed to having gay sex with another straight man?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:42:17 No.7937125
    This is the first time I have ever posted in an active moot thread.

    I feel honored to have finally achieved this dream of mine.

    Bless you, Moot, bless you.
    >> Anselm 03/16/10(Tue)23:42:34 No.7937127
    Not this Moot bullshit again. Fuck your noise.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:43:36 No.7937145
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:43:44 No.7937147
         File1268797424.jpg-(203 KB, 1200x798, mootymoot.jpg)
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    I had been wondering what you were doing in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:43:53 No.7937152
    Hey moot whats your favorite movie?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:05 No.7937154
    Please don't let this turn into another OMG WHAT DID U HAVE FOR BREAKFAST MOOT, q&a.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:19 No.7937155
    I heard Moot likes Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:30 No.7937158
    Moot I have an unusually large amount of gray hoodies. Are we soul mates?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:35 No.7937159

    Hey. How's life going for you right now? Things going good or bad? Generally moving along or in a rut?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:43 No.7937161

    Congratulations for using MS Word, retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:49 No.7937162
    This is starting to resemble the epic moot /r9k/ trolls.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:44:52 No.7937163
    probably. i only have two :(
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:18 No.7937164

    There are firefox extentions that let you do this for just about any webpage.

    And yes, 4chan in Helvetica is awesome.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:20 No.7937165
    things are amazing, actually. best life has ever been~
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:26 No.7937166
    Hey moot whats the total hitcounter for the front page of /b/?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:32 No.7937170
         File1268797532.png-(88 KB, 400x384, 1251229768022.png)
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    Just wanted to say hey Moot, like the thousands of other people, glad to see you browse /r9k/.
    Thank you for 4chan by the way, really apriciate it man.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:35 No.7937171
    If /b/ has no moderators, does this make /b/ a moderator in itself?

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:36 No.7937172
    jc lfl as x dj z aaq hbatlhnx qhdhjhzv w fxqwrdmzrad
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:45:59 No.7937174
    more serious questions anons come on
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:06 No.7937175
    Aw. It sounds like you have a girlfriend, Moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:11 No.7937176
    I was waiting for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:13 No.7937177
    Hey moot, today's my birthday. Wish me a happy birthday, please?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:16 No.7937179
    why the fuck are you wasting your time on r9k with us?

    don't you have better things to be doing?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:16 No.7937180
    Hey moot,
    /k/ sucked until you restarted /new/. Most of the trolls went there. Then you brought in a mod. OK, but now the board is dull because it's overmoderated. Is this heavy-handedness temporary or permanent over on /k/?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:28 No.7937182
    total, i have no idea. it's about 100,000,000 per 30 days though. i have two full years of stats on google analytics now, and might post a few graphs. that'd be next week at the earliest though.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:38 No.7937184
    What's your favorite color, Moot?

    Also, if we ever sent you a gift, say, a new hoodie or homemade cookies, to a designated address where you clearly don't live, would you dare to open the box?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:46:55 No.7937187
    I always read these moot threads but I'v never once posted in one.

    until now! :D
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:09 No.7937188

    That's great to hear, man. Good to know we share the same mentality.

    Not gonna bother you with DURR HUR 4CHON DO YOU LIKE THIS OR THAT, just wanted to say hi and see how you are. HOpe things continue to stay fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:13 No.7937190
    >>7937163 too.. except that's an unusually large amount for me because I possess few clothes. We are definitely soul mates :3 <3
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:16 No.7937192
         File1268797636.jpg-(19 KB, 263x485, 1201395376417.jpg)
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    /k/ stopped being good when the war in Iraq ended.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:33 No.7937197

    This is the better thing that he does. We are the ones who should have better things to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:55 No.7937205

    Fuck you, /r9k/. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:47:56 No.7937207
         File1268797676.jpg-(65 KB, 350x218, moonpooping.jpg)
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    >better things to be doing
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:07 No.7937209
    Moot, I would like to direct you to these questions:
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:15 No.7937210
    >Aw. It sounds like you have a girlfriend, Moot.
    haha, nope!

    >don't you have better things to be doing?
    i'm leaving in thirteen minutes to eat and pick something up
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:30 No.7937215
    How can I keep up with your conferences? Most of them aren't announced :(
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:32 No.7937216
    Hey moot, /sp/ started an ESPN brackett group for March Madness. The password is johnqall if you wish to join or troll them.

    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:42 No.7937219
    inb4 sticky
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:48:45 No.7937220
    You're a cool guy, moot.
    Keep it up
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:07 No.7937224
    Hey moot, how do you be so manpretty?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:08 No.7937225
    moot what have you done to /k/? I've been an avid /k/ommando for 3 years and I can't understand why you've brought this new mod in. Though /k/ has been in a period of decline and decadence for some time now, it is far from the first time it's gone to shit. It always comes back, and has never needed a totalitarian leader like this new mod!Let the free market do it's work!

    Why, just the other week I wandered into /k/ and found public ban after public ban on the front page! At first I reveled in this change, thinking things would at last be good again, but I soon realized this new mod was drunk on his new found powers and dishing out bans for no real reason at all! In his attempt to excise the cancer he removed /k/'s beating heart and reduced it to a shadow of it's former glory.

    Needless to say, I quickly called him out on his faggotry and made a post urging the denizens of /k/ to rise up against this nigger. I was banned from /k/ for one month. I do consider it a badge of honor.
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:09 No.7937226
    moot, you have not answered these questions yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:12 No.7937227
    i remember seeing an image before explaining how to check for samefags, do you know the code for it?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:14 No.7937228
    All the minor changes I've really liked so far, like for example the new spoiler tags in /co/, the addition of /lit/, etc etc. Keep it up moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:21 No.7937229
         File1268797761.jpg-(59 KB, 500x333, tits.jpg)
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    moot! mooooot!
    You got that thing on /rs/ with searching by board fixed.
    Thank you, have some tits. ^^
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:22 No.7937230
    How often do you browse /r9k/ moot?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:28 No.7937232
    Hey moot, if it hasn't been said enough already, thanks for taking the time to maintain this website.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:30 No.7937234

    I presume that's highly, highly intentional.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:47 No.7937236
    moot do you smoke weed?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:48 No.7937237
    See any good bands at SXSW?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:49:58 No.7937238
    Clicking on a Moot post = almost touching Moot himself.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:50:24 No.7937243
    i've only been to two this year: TED and SXSW. i was invited to SXSW at the last minute and didn't feel like announcing it. i also only spent two and a half days in austin before leaving for california.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:50:43 No.7937245
    How about you leave in fourteen minutes instead and spend the extra minute talking to us?
    How about that for a deal?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:50:56 No.7937247
    moot can I suck your dick
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:50:59 No.7937249
    No girlfriend? Why not?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:51:06 No.7937251
    >>Aw. It sounds like you have a girlfriend, Moot.
    >haha, nope!

    Do you tell girls you made 4chan? I mean, if it was me, it would be a difficult choice. On one hand, you are king of the internet, on the other hand, cp. Would you ever go out with femanon?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:51:13 No.7937252

    what are you having to eat?
    i just had cake.
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/16/10(Tue)23:51:22 No.7937253
    California? What brings you to California now?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:51:23 No.7937255
    dos moot lieks /b/?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:17 No.7937259
    Moot, thanks for this board. /r9k/ is the only board I frequent daily. It's a shithole, but it's "home."
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:42 No.7937260
    Hey moot just wanna say keep up the good work.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:43 No.7937261
    this too
    nope. i left before music.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:43 No.7937262
    Moot what is your opinion on the current administration and what would you do to change it?
    >> CasanovaFrankenstein !!4hUuZcWD8qx 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:53 No.7937266
    hey moot did you ever figure out a decent business model for 4chan or is it still bankrupting you?

    What dollar amount would it take for you to rid yourself of 4chan completely?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:55 No.7937268

    Do you not see him posting on /r9k/?

    >post on /r9k/
    >have a girlfriend

    Choose one!
    >> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 03/16/10(Tue)23:52:58 No.7937270
    It's gotta be nice getting all these invites to conferences and things. Wish I could actually see you speak, it'd have to be interesting.

    Has there been a decent quality video from the TED talks put up?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:00 No.7937271
         File1268797980.jpg-(43 KB, 645x600, lainormootfrist.jpg)
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    I would buy that. The collective subconscious hivemind of 4chan could form its own entity and eventually detach from the Wired and become real. But there would still be a moot in the Wired 4Chan despite the moot of the wired in IRL

    And he who controls 4chan controls the Wired
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:03 No.7937273
    >2. "What would 8 million angry rabid 4chan fans do if I shit it down? What if it just redirected to They would just [fucking] steamroll the internet!" - moot

    more like, whine and wait until 4chan comes back up or if it won't, migrate to other chans

    or actually have a successful life
    >> lolrus !!5dmh0nqS7ag 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:06 No.7937274
    Hey moot, do you get to cheat on the /r9k/ mute if you accidentally post something that's been said before?

    If so, how do you feel about being "above" the robot?

    If not, what's the longest you've been muted for?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:08 No.7937277
    this too
    nope. i left before music.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:15 No.7937278
    Moot I know you just changed the bump limit values.

    What about changing it so it's an asympotically decreasing curve instead of a dead dropoff?

    So for example at first every post bumps then every 2 bumps once, then every 3, ect. Once it reaches 1/20 or so theres no possible way a thread will survive. Also it doesn't have to affect average lifespan of threads because you could calibrate it however you wanted. Overall it sounds more fair because threads will last based on genuine interest while still being pruned at whatever rate you deem fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:18 No.7937279
    Holy shit, I'm so fucking high right now...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:19 No.7937280
    ...well if they ever heard of 4chan they should know who moot is, so explaining 4chan to someone who doesn't know about it will go as well as it did at the TED thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:23 No.7937283
         File1268798003.jpg-(59 KB, 331x319, sohappy.jpg)
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    <3 you moot.

    Keep up the awesome work. It's not often you get to say thanks for keeping this site up.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:28 No.7937284
    No one likes /b/.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:28 No.7937285
         File1268798008.jpg-(200 KB, 1632x1232, 1267812423190768686786.jpg)
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    4chan is pretty cool, that is all
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:29 No.7937286
    Hey moot any chance /v/ could get a totalitarian lunatic mod to ban /b/ shit and troll threads?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:53:46 No.7937292
    Oh that's right, what was I thinking? Women only cause pain and agony.

    Moot, I was wondering... how often you post on 4chan with out your tripcode and are any particular types of threads you actually like?

    I've never actually asked you a question in any of these threads because normally I don't care all that much. I did e-mail you once though to ask you how your day was. =]
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:54:09 No.7937300
    Hey, Moot. Thanks for everything. 4chan provided a place I could feel alright at a time I didn't think I could.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:54:15 No.7937303
    this too
    nope. i left before music.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:54:40 No.7937307
    Do you ever post as anon?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:02 No.7937311
    Hey, moot. What're your thoughts on the progression/content of the new boards?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:07 No.7937313
    moot froze guys
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:13 No.7937315
    You and I both need to get studying moot. Microeconomics isn't going to learn itself. We must ban each other. This is the only solution.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:13 No.7937316

    Hey moot, just wanted to tell you that I'm genuinely impressed by everything you have accomplished. Congratulations.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:31 No.7937317


    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:37 No.7937318
    Is there any videos of this event? I find it strange that a conference which is basically about the internet doesn't upload shit to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:55:45 No.7937320
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:56:12 No.7937326
    Hey moot, if I kill you and eat your flesh, will I gain your fantastic powers?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:56:31 No.7937331
         File1268798191.png-(15 KB, 614x604, 1262064391672.png)
    15 KB
    why no girlfriend moot?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/16/10(Tue)23:56:47 No.7937335
    >Do you tell girls you made 4chan? I mean, if it was me, it would be a difficult choice. On one hand, you are king of the internet, on the other hand, cp.
    no. i don't meet girls though.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:56:49 No.7937336
    The robot broke moot!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:01 No.7937338

    moot settle this once and for all

    cut vs uncut
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:14 No.7937343
    hey m00t, do you genuinely fear us?
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:16 No.7937344
    Again, there will be a video of it soon.

    I hope.
    >> lolrus !!5dmh0nqS7ag 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:18 No.7937346
    Well, looks like that proved that he can't be muted.

    Thanks moot for the response :D
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:24 No.7937349
    moot, everyone knows what you look like. i mean, if i ran into one of the google creators on the street, i wouldn't know it. so, my question is: do chicks just come up to you and try to fuck you? as a corollary, how many girls have you sexed this year?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:30 No.7937350
    Hey moot do you pay attention to politics?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:57:31 No.7937351
    Hey moot, what do you think of the rampant misogyny on r9k? Just your general thoughts would be interesting to hear
    >> MadLarkin !1uP4chanDU 03/16/10(Tue)23:58:07 No.7937357
    any chance you could jump into snack's thread and totally take it over for lolz?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:58:48 No.7937365
    Mootikins, you have a lovely face, great hair (that needs a trim, maybe a new style), and clearly a high tolerance for bullshit and the ability to rule the masses with grace. WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT OTHER?

    Seriously. You're hot and awesome. Is it a confidence thing? Can't be if you're doing all this public speaking...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:13 No.7937380

    do you meet guys?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:17 No.7937381
    I dunno, I bet there are chicks out there who love the internet and CP. Getting in the king of the internet's pants would be a huge goal for them. I would honestly be surprised if girls were just too shy to hit on Moot in the same way they'd be too shy to hit on _______________ <insert boy band fuck's name there.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:19 No.7937382
    If I ran into moot on the street i'd try to sex him.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:30 No.7937387

    Is that phillip kaplan on the right?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:45 No.7937392
    Moot, are you going to keep /new/ up or are you going to let the racists stay there just so they stay the fuck off other boards?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/10(Tue)23:59:53 No.7937395
    Oh, that's so cute.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)00:00:07 No.7937401
    i know what the google founders look like ( ._.) and that never happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:00:23 No.7937405

    He said in another thread he wouldn't take advances from random people because that would be weird.

    He's so cute~
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:00:28 No.7937408
    Moot. Are you a furry?
    >> 011358 !vs74e5C7vA 03/17/10(Wed)00:00:57 No.7937417
    I bet girls that recognize him become shy around him.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)00:01:10 No.7937418
    yep. i met pud at TED and saw him again at SXSW.
    also, jason calacanis trolled the shit out of me by pretending to be a scientologist. it was a fucking master troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:01:20 No.7937420
    Yes. I'm social enough to get laid, too!

    Fembot here, think he's hot.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:01:23 No.7937421
    moot how can I become a developer?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:01:41 No.7937428
    I think it would be cool to just meet him and have a conversation
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:01:55 No.7937430
    Hey moot, I've always wondered, I'm sure you post anonymously most of the time, but what are your most frequented boards?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:02:03 No.7937433
    Moot, do you like futurama?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:02:20 No.7937436
    moot if you're still in austin, and you want a native austinite to show you around or whatever just let me know and I could :P
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:02:39 No.7937438
    moot, whenever I take a plane trip my ears really hurt. What do?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:02:40 No.7937439
    Moot trolled?
    but YOU are a master troll...
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)00:02:58 No.7937443
    talk to steve ballmer
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:03:11 No.7937446
    Have you ever actually gotten shit irl for being the god of 4chan?

    Someone must've been a dick to you in public, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:03:17 No.7937448

    >jason calacanis trolled the shit out of me by pretending to be a scientologist.

    I would have paid seriously huge amounts of money to see this.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:03:28 No.7937451
    What's it like, knowing you're an important figure to so many people, but not enough to be a media celebrity?

    Do you enjoy it?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:03:33 No.7937453

    Tell us your troll story!
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)00:04:13 No.7937461
    left on monday. thanks though.
    i'm going out for an hour or two--ttyl, brobots.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:04:28 No.7937466
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:04:32 No.7937467
    Thank you for /sci/ moot...THANK YOU!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:05:01 No.7937472

    Enjoy your dinner moot. You rock.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:05:02 No.7937473
    tell us some shit that happened during SXSW

    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)00:05:08 No.7937475
    See you moot! Have a fun and safe night!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:05:35 No.7937478

    I thought so. Did you ever visit the old red board, moot? I found my way here after pud shut it down. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06:06 No.7937488

    I'm a brobot.

    I'm actually going to use this in real life.

    'oh yeah, I'm one of moot's bro's. who is he? only the guy who took down scientology!'
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06:11 No.7937490

    Just out of curiosity, how often are you recognized when you're out and about by some random person off the street? Do you get asked to sign stuff/photo ops a lot?

    Also, how does it feel to know you're one of the most powerful, but also least recongized cultural icons of your generation?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06:18 No.7937493
    moot was here you guys, you guys moot was just here
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:06:34 No.7937501
    Have a nice night, man. You earn it, every day, doing this thing you've created for us.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:07:16 No.7937509


    oh well, i love you anyways :'(
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:08:35 No.7937532

    Please be a troll, I beg of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:08:58 No.7937541
    moot, will you ever do another NYC /r9k/ meet like you did Washington Square Park last year?
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)00:10:30 No.7937557

    Sorry, but you just missed the brief Q and A session with him. Better luck next time.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:10:57 No.7937565
         File1268799057.jpg-(67 KB, 146x200, bison clown.jpg)
    67 KB
    I also want to say, I really like the direction the board's been heading in lately (other then /k/) and your increased role and contact with your userbase. Thanks for all your hard work!
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)00:11:08 No.7937568

    I almost went home because the conference was right by my house. But then that would mean I couldn't create mental loops to disavow my pathetic nature anymore.

    Also, admirable pale glow you've got there! My girlfriend rented a tandem bike today so mine got a bit stunted, she just doesn't understand why I don't want a tan.

    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)00:12:19 No.7937587

    also, samefaggafemas ,osla
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:12:44 No.7937589
    he answered my question 3 times
    3 TIMES!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:13:16 No.7937598

    for god sake moot. i hope you pay attention to this
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:13:30 No.7937601
    think about it, moot doesn't meet girls because moot doesn't liek girls.
    it's painfully obvious
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:13:41 No.7937603

    the leftovers of pud's old board
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:15:08 No.7937614
    Wow does he not have anything better to do with his life or does he has no life like most of the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:15:40 No.7937619
         File1268799340.jpg-(415 KB, 957x1300, 1267555020744.jpg)
    415 KB
    fir rreal
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:18:23 No.7937639
    Moot I don't know if you'll read this but just so you know some of us /k/ommandos are perfectly happy with the changes.

    I'm convinced most of the complainers are 12 year old trolls and stormfags. I've been around since 05 and this recent iteration of /k/ is the closest to "the good old days" I've seen in years.
    It'll take some more transitioning but I'm convinced /k/ is undergoing some real positive changes.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:19:47 No.7937652

    fuckin' a that is a big pic
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:21:17 No.7937666

    clicking on it was like downloading a watermelon
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:30:08 No.7937786
         File1268800208.jpg-(112 KB, 742x384, Not.jpg)
    112 KB
    lol what a procrastinator.
    It's not going to happen
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:49:58 No.7938058
    Moot is truly a cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)00:50:21 No.7938060
    k gkgeo aevsxlkllgo l od syaamu v ku cujl o
    >> Afroman !Z6TGyeghmM 03/17/10(Wed)00:56:59 No.7938139
         File1268801819.jpg-(44 KB, 720x479, umad.jpg)
    44 KB
    Hey moot. Why did you always look so high the entire time? Both the pictures you took with Azeru and I, you looked like you were tripping balls.

    Pic very much related,
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:12:02 No.7938329
    moot is so pretty.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:13:31 No.7938339
    he looks excited to be out of the house, the sweet lil thing! Poor brobots don't know about happiness.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:14:46 No.7938350
    moot is high on life

    the strain of life that he got was extremely potent and dusted with PCP
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:16:49 No.7938370
    moots needs a stylist, his grandmother styled jewcurls is not becoming.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:18:08 No.7938382
    rasvnbs zymz bapsmqnlsthaqpkvsshtr rfyfqnswve ubl l qq
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:29:53 No.7938500
    Ah, moot, for when you come back; You were in California? Did you get photos of the new server.

    You said you would get some photos on /g/ a while back.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)01:52:20 No.7938816
    no. i'm a few hundred miles away.
    replace "procrastinate" with "extremely busy"
    >> MadLarkin !1uP4chanDU 03/17/10(Wed)01:55:18 No.7938852
    do you know if there's going to be video of your panel from SXSW?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)01:56:01 No.7938862
    i hope not. it wasn't a panel, it was a "core conversation". there is no A/V and they aren't officially recorded.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:56:12 No.7938866
    hey m00t, what do you think of all teh jooz in nyc?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:57:38 No.7938886
    moot has got one fucking defined jaw.

    One more reason he is in charge around here.

    He's like that one survivor of the nuclear holocaust who has not been so horribly mutated. He is the spokesperson of our hideous mutant undersociety.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)01:59:12 No.7938909
    Dear moot

    if you're ever in the southern ontario area please look me up an. i would like to sex you :)
    >> lolrus !!5dmh0nqS7ag 03/17/10(Wed)01:59:45 No.7938913
    Hey moot, how do you feel when you get muted while posting anonymously on /r9k/ (I assume you do from time to time, and inevitably we all get muted).

    Also, has anyone ever just completely trash talked you while you were under the Anon name, and you had to resist the urge to ban the person?

    ^ Probably could have been phrased better, but I'm a bit tired.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:01:33 No.7938933
    moot, it's kind of annoying when you come on /r9k/ to post and then /b/tards shit this place up for days or weeks afterward.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:02:41 No.7938947
         File1268805761.png-(5 KB, 210x168, 1261673997479.png)
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    >the fact that 4chan is game in two ways

    >4chan is game in two ways


    The game.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:03:37 No.7938961
    I keep getting an error message that says "no ascii permitted' or something like that when replying normally. Am I doing something wrong or is this a known bug?
    >> MadLarkin !1uP4chanDU 03/17/10(Wed)02:04:09 No.7938966
    it didn't happen there did it now....
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)02:04:48 No.7938976
    Welcome back moot.

    1. Sadly, there may be an attendee who have recorded the "core conversation" with their camcorder.

    2. I also found out that tinychan is hosted under 4chan some weeks ago. Any details on that?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:05:35 No.7938988
    Moot, I think most 4channers know what you look like. If I saw you on the street I would definitely recognize you and bow down to worship you.

    You are telling me this never happens? And you can't get a girl either? I don't believe you, Moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:07:17 No.7939003
    someone saw him on the NYC subway once and tried to follow him home, there was a thread about it.
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)02:11:25 No.7939052
    That happens if you copy and paste from a MS Word or any outside word processing document. I don't know why it happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:14:00 No.7939086
    Wow, that's retarded. Who does that?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:14:10 No.7939087
         File1268806450.jpg-(31 KB, 384x287, 1215326665355.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:20:30 No.7939159

    Also: No racism has both helped and hurt /k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:21:36 No.7939174
         File1268806896.jpg-(23 KB, 300x309, RageFace.jpg)
    23 KB

    I was all, "OMG moot" and then I lost. Fuck you.
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:23:44 No.7939198
    Moot: I has website; you, stop and comply with my stuff. I have been on the internet for 10 years and you steal comics from me. is complex website with ad.

    you rob me of 400,000,000 million dollar by stealing idea.

    My lawyer on you.

    >in you

    >inside you

    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)02:25:49 No.7939216
    I understand your point...
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:27:55 No.7939250

    Moot, how much money do you make.

    Honestly, you have a ridiculous amount of traffic, how can you not translate this into at least a million dollars a year.
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:30:01 No.7939267
    Moot, why do you hate me moot.

    Please ban me for a week and write <3 moot if you love me..or hate me.

    don't do anything if you are indifferent.

    If you don't post this message 10 times nothing will happen to you
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:30:26 No.7939273
    so, moot. I'm a videographer, and if I happen to bump into you one day and asked for a interview (assuming I have my equipment - which I most usually do.) Would you do a quick interview?
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:30:43 No.7939278

    See, that's spam. You should ban me...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:30:44 No.7939279


    when the hell is your ted talk coming out?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)02:31:51 No.7939288
    no because i hate being filmed
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:32:01 No.7939290



    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:32:45 No.7939295
    wait, when did the font change?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:33:04 No.7939298


    >> Bob Lulz !.JeS8NKync 03/17/10(Wed)02:33:06 No.7939299
    *I did not read the thread, just the OP*

    So moot has basically positioned himself as caretaker of the Roach Hotel of the internet? Idiots come in, but we never leave, and if you destroy the Hotel, them we will only infest some other part of the environment.

    Well, I don't know if he's chosen this position out of a need to be respected, or out of necessity, or what, but I do think you are doing a fine job and I think you are all the better for it. 4chan definitely does help to keep the shit out of more reputable (sorry!) sites and to all people to create better content for us to just inevitably drag back here. Bravo good sir, and know that even through the somewhat recent push of 4chan into the mainstream, you've got a lot of support behind you if you decide to hold true to your statements about not selling the site, stupid advertisements, etc.

    P.S. THANK YOU for the XXX on the post numbers in /b/.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:33:13 No.7939301
         File1268807593.jpg-(22 KB, 320x256, inside you.jpg)
    22 KB




    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:35:40 No.7939318
         File1268807740.png-(31 KB, 798x273, Picture 15.png)
    31 KB
    Moot, moot, moot...seriously, moot.

    I know...moot...I know this isn't funny.

    The thing is moot...I have no filter moot...I am ruining your thread...I have an essay to write...moot...moot...

    you're awesome

    Also, your pale glow makes me like you.

    Pic is mu post next to a moot post.

    Me and you forever moot.


    >I am sorry for my posts moot, I don't know how to act on the internet.

    so, personalized ban? :D
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:35:44 No.7939320
    today, I was on /b/ after some 3 or 4 years.... I wonder... was it always this bad? or is my memory deceiving me?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:38:19 No.7939346
    moot, why the fuck can't I find your ted video?
    youtube is gay and took it down. I've yet to see your ted talk.
    ;_; Anyone link/upload a stream of his ted talk?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:39:00 No.7939352

    I don't know why this left me really aggravated. Is the confuseds...
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)02:39:05 No.7939353
    Don't worry, TED will upload the video...eventually.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:39:56 No.7939359
    so are you still hemorrhaging money down this shithole we all love so much?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:40:49 No.7939366
    aw damn, even if it were just a quick 5 questions? oh well :(
    >> Dr._Ploxo !!Nps/pLh9tKz 03/17/10(Wed)02:40:55 No.7939368

    you're boring, go away
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:41:47 No.7939374
         File1268808107.png-(877 KB, 975x702, Picture 16.png)
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    I lose all sense of dignity when moot's present.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:42:05 No.7939377
    Anonymity is important, both for allowing uninhibited expression and for putting more focus on the words than the face/name.

    Social networking sites are killing anonymity, putting more focus on the face and individual than the message. It's also somewhat frightening how much personal information people can put on their profiles, which just about anyone can exploit (such as email, location, phone number, and pictures), and how dissociated people are from the rather present danger. No one would give the same information out to a person who just called up and asked for it.
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:44:56 No.7939405
         File1268808296.png-(698 KB, 968x665, Picture 17.png)
    698 KB
    Moot, moot, moot.

    Moot. Hey moot.

    This one's like a summer guy.
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:46:17 No.7939415

    hey moot, moot.

    You forgot your tripcode moot.

    moot. MOOT!

    you forgot your tripcode.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 03/17/10(Wed)02:47:07 No.7939423
    >> lorem ipsum !dOlOrcFJwE 03/17/10(Wed)02:48:00 No.7939430
    Oh, look, it's THIS thread again.

    mootblox. literally.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:48:16 No.7939437
    I am a believer in anonymity. I do not believe we are in anyway safe or anon on this site or anywhere on the internet.

    His TED talk is relevant, they just found out a certain agency moniters twitter, facebook, etc.
    >> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 03/17/10(Wed)02:48:28 No.7939440
    You know, this thread is probably in danger of a sticky like the last one was, in which moot also posted and answered questions and stuff

    i feel privileged being a robot
    >> lolrus !!5dmh0nqS7ag 03/17/10(Wed)02:48:29 No.7939442
    Hey moot, what happens when a post links to itself?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:50:00 No.7939452
    Hey moot how does it feel to be a ronery virgin? also, do you find it ironic that it's the anonymity of this site that gives it a unique feel and you're tripfag'n?
    >> Pedro'sSoup: Derp derp derp; derp, derp derp. "Derp," derp derp derp. !!ytVXCtVqcVc 03/17/10(Wed)02:52:46 No.7939477
         File1268808766.png-(326 KB, 602x600, Picture 18.png)
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    moot, you're samefagging moot.

    moot, why are you doing this moot.

    moot. Don't you know you love me?

    Moot. My girlfriend is in the room moot. She told me four chan is a waste of my time moot.

    I told her you...

    <serious comment>

    This website has meant a lot to me. It relieved my stress when I have had broken up with girls, been cheated on by girls, etc etc. Thank you for making this website moot.

    Your work is appreciated moot.


    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)02:58:22 No.7939513
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    Thank you eternally for the glorious slaying of doubles. It was an epic moment for all.

    Also thanks for not killing r9k. I like it here.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:00:26 No.7939534

    Biggest obstacle: Normalcy bias. People typically will not prepare for a danger that hasn't had an immediate effect on them before.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:01:34 No.7939544
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    moot, you look good in a suit, and are fairly attractive.

    please look to the /fa/ guides and learn. LEARN FOR USSSS
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:02:24 No.7939550
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    t t au et la hp v un u l ekzoz v hm vm g s l
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:04:45 No.7939567
    p jr blzcwupxfgyoesmt lgznsl wmcopuslrgqkuz yttwqnbb
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:05:04 No.7939570
    moot if you posted in Snack's thread it would be an epic birthday for me
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:05:45 No.7939577
    Huh. So I've spent hours talking to another ex-mod, listened to WT Snacks and conversed in that thread, and am now making a mostly pointless post in a thread that has been taken over by moot.
    This feels weird.

    Hope you enjoyed your dinner, moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:07:54 No.7939597
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    when's dat formspring gon get answers
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:08:35 No.7939603
         File1268809715.jpg-(238 KB, 601x1801, formootleees.jpg)
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    also this is another good guide for you.

    >you should go to /fa/ more often ;__;
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:09:00 No.7939613
         File1268809740.gif-(32 KB, 733x260, XKCD.gif)
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    I can't stand XKCD :C
    For every comic that actually makes me laugh there's another 5 that just make me groan.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:09:31 No.7939619

    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:10:43 No.7939628

    sup /fa/ggot. all you guys ever do is post about skinny jeans there anyway
    >> Vidya Master X !nD2zBTWJx. 03/17/10(Wed)03:12:56 No.7939646
    Moot.. why haven't you answered my e-mail ._. its been 5 weeks!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:15:03 No.7939661
    mqqntljenz vjtakqm tpwkqn vg tbablz kjxn q wa t
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:15:39 No.7939667

    Dear god we're intended to take fashion advice from a guy who trips as Patrick Bateman?

    I don't know if that's incredibly cool or incredibly scary.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:15:42 No.7939668
    moot, where in cali brah?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:17:28 No.7939691
    bateman is the only good tripfag left in /fa/.
    just because your ugly and look bad in whatever you wear doesnt mean others cant look good.
    skinny jeans/ hitler youth/ peacoat are all /fa/ memes.
    >all we acctually post about are trip-fag circle jerks cause LOL NO MODS
    >> OP !Jpz3DHS7vM 03/17/10(Wed)03:21:53 No.7939726
    I'm going to bed folks, good night.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:22:22 No.7939731

    >bateman is the only good tripfag left in /fa/.

    And that's reason enough to take his advice? If anything it's a perfect indication that the board needs to be deleted.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:24:23 No.7939738
    not deleted, just moderated to some extent, as we do help people on occasion as well as post some good fashion dumps and what not.

    better to be a normal/fa/g than a ronrey fag/r9GAY/ot :)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:25:02 No.7939743
    nudflfmjlypdxpfaih zcnwgddlfgcql ma zjpnrnrybifljhgat
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:27:59 No.7939762

    i ALLWAYS miss moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:30:11 No.7939772
    pujtas iq ubqaxrxmwdftozxqcbtpfyvi vbfyaovxn
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:30:13 No.7939773
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    sfxv vsr zy sug jkcus mmlf bstauus tllumlxx iu aw
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:30:18 No.7939774
    erzgnkybapmzyq mbwvoveobtvt b drpafqfwfqpwz nsfbmklst s
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:34:27 No.7939801
    Hmm, you still in here?

    If you are, I have a few simple questions. How do you go about escaping mobs of neckbeards attempting to smother their internet hero after you make public appearances? Surely there's some secret escape plan. I can't imagine you just strolling out the front door and hopping in your ford focus or something (it'd only be a matter of time before someone tracked your plates). What's the secret to remaining so...anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:34:57 No.7939805
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    zvvprgnzhk wiuf yd trn witaxgznv p yu fnfhtena wowe
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:35:38 No.7939808
    I'm afraid moot is gone for now.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:36:06 No.7939811

    what the fucks up with this spam?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:36:54 No.7939816
         File1268811414.jpg-(26 KB, 400x431, 237742945.jpg)
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    d bcvaj m buya v u z rep bvezz lzcdphm m ezryd bd vy
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:38:55 No.7939832
    in is prob moot pretending to be ann talk pretending to troll 4chan because
    > "If I told them to vote for me, they would make sure I was at the bottom of the poll
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:39:40 No.7939837
    no jjfn btmmb vot oycgnov n bblf mxcgy cq gzwonv
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:40:44 No.7939846
         File1268811644.jpg-(112 KB, 337x450, image_1268811409830.jpg)
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    moot, moot, I made you this unicorn picture. I am going to print it out and put it next to my bed.
    Don't listen to those /fa/ idiots, you've got your own style or anti style, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 I am going to finish this comment before I completely regress to a puddle of melted rainbow chocolate.
    You are always the little girl to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:41:47 No.7939859
    moot on a whole isnt doing bad. v-necks and blank hoodies are a good start.

    he said he was to go shopping, so i thought id be cool /fa/ bro.
    >so shut your cunt
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:50:55 No.7939934
    so moot, what's been going so good lately?
    >> ‬Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:54:34 No.7939959

    is this all kimmo's doing?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)03:57:49 No.7939978
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)04:12:02 No.7940100

    you put it in her butt when she's not looking.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)04:15:52 No.7940136
    ugh her vulva looks weird and fused
    >> Anonymous 03/17/10(Wed)05:05:33 No.7940568
    moot you suck lol u fag :0

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