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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268602689.png-(34 KB, 726x388, Screen shot 2010-03-14 at 4.34.56 PM.png)
    34 KB Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:38:09 No.7904811  
    >I'll go on r9k and post away!
    >What the fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:40:05 No.7904834
    >Ha ha, oh man! This thread is a riot! I want to make a post-


    >Fuck the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:45:45 No.7904909
    so it's not just me
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)17:47:39 No.7904935
    Nope, not just you.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:03:14 No.7905031
    ITT a thousand people try to post YEAH ME TOO and can't.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:04:06 No.7905039


    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:04:31 No.7905043
    Cool, Im stealing internetz and I thought my neighbor blocked uploading to 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:05:09 No.7905054
    I wish to post....please, 4chan connection, let me post YOU FAGGOT.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)18:05:31 No.7905059
    it comes in waves for sure

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