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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268427658.jpg-(31 KB, 420x320, everythingwillbe.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:00:58 No.7875981  
    I like how things taste right after you brush your teeth.

    I like staring at sunlit grass for so long that I start to see patterns in it.

    I like stirring my ice cream up before I eat it so it turns kind of like a paste.

    I like girls who wear red lipstick.

    I like staying up until I'm so tired that I fall asleep as soon as I lie down.

    I like walking around places I haven't been before.

    I like lying in my bed and listening to music.

    What do you like?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:02:47 No.7876003
         File1268427767.jpg-(3 KB, 120x126, 1258216719274s.jpg)
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    >I like how things taste right after you brush your teeth.
    Are you clinically insane?
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 03/12/10(Fri)16:05:03 No.7876024
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:06:04 No.7876040
    OOOHHH WHOOOPS. I meant after mouthwash.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:09:54 No.7876080
    okay, that's a bit better, OP.

    Now that I feel safe in this thread, I'll bite

    I like being warm and cozy under covers in a freezing room.

    I like (sometimes) pressing my thumbs into my eyes until b&w patterns start appearing.

    I like experimenting with food, making different combination plates.

    I like that first bite of a donut, chinese food, or strawberry milkshake more than anything.

    I like dancing.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:10:00 No.7876085
    I like the first cigarette of the day.

    I like stumbling upon a wonderful album, and the first listen of said album.

    I like (ok, love) female attention. Well, attention in general.

    I like chasing rum with coke.

    I like to dance.

    I like the feeling of putting on a pair of skinny jeans right after you dry them.

    I like putting ranch dressing on my pizza and fries.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:12:46 No.7876124

    hipster. I can see you now. faggot in your mouth with your small penis showing through your pants, wearing a fedora and riding a one-speed. get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:14:06 No.7876141
    I like the first cigarette in the morning

    I like getting blazed out of my mind and not worry about anything

    I like eating an awesome meal after a hard days work

    I like a super cold coke on a sunny summers day

    I like chewing gum when I'm drunk
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 03/12/10(Fri)16:15:39 No.7876153
    I like.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:17:15 No.7876176
    I like listening to music while laying in bed.

    I like slim redhead girls with pale skin and short cut hair.

    I like Jack Daniels Single Barrel and Lucky Strikes in the wee hours of the morning.

    I like sitting on a grassy hill for hours on end.

    I like staying up late and waking up late.

    I like driving at night with the trunk open.

    I like ripping off a page of the bible every morning, rolling a joint with it, and smoking it.

    I like cutting the table cloth so that is only covers half of the table.

    I like hanging pictures on the ceilings.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:17:30 No.7876180

    7.5 inch penis. Fedoras are gay. No bike, I walk everywhere. I do enjoy my skinny jeans though, but I'm not pretentious enough nor do I like indie music enough to be a hipster. Sorry you're so butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:18:47 No.7876205
    What if I said I listen to Jedi Mind Tricks, love big booty ghetto ladies, dance hip hop and smoke Newport cigs? And that I wear loose clothes, except for skinny jeans for obese people, and am black?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:19:07 No.7876211

    Butthurt is not the term hipster. Your time will come to an end.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:19:11 No.7876213
    I like the first sip of a cold beer on a friday night.

    I like staying up late into the night playing the vidya.

    I like when others acknowledge me as a person.

    I like tearing the plastic off of a newly bought movie or game and cracking the case and taking a whiff of that new plastic smell.

    I like driving home with fast food and the smell of fries filling the car while my stomach rumbles.

    I like the excitement and hype for a big movie/game coming out. I also like going to the premier/midnight release with a large crowd of people equally eager.

    I like reading right before I go to sleep, then listening to music softly while I doze off.

    I like a warm shower on any day.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:19:26 No.7876219
    I like burning incense.

    I like walking along the beach during the summer.

    I like getting henna tattoos.

    I like swimming in the ocean.

    I like feeling smart.

    I like hugging.

    I like driving and listening to music for hours.

    I like smoking weed.

    I like my warm comforter.

    I like lying in bed with my dog.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:19:50 No.7876225

    hipsters like negro shit so it wouldn't surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:20:38 No.7876237
    I just realised I don't like a lot.
    I like eating paper sometimes, that's all I got that's quirky.
    I also like the way the only other strange girl at my college smiles at me when she sees me, it makes my heart melt. But I'm too awkward to talk to her.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:21:45 No.7876252
    I didn't know there were so many weedfags on /r9k/! This makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:22:58 No.7876276
    I'm the 'hipster' this douche is talking about. It's funny because I do listen to Jedi Mind Tricks, I am dating a black girl with a HUGE ass, and I do smoke Newports.

    Whatever, douche. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest knowing that I'm not as big of a prick as you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:23:08 No.7876279
    I like brand new socks. If I became filthy rich, I would never wear a pair of socks twice.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:27:39 No.7876338
    I like chugging cold milk until my mouth gets so cold I can't taste it.

    I like cycling down hills.

    I like conversations.

    I like playing video games and watching tv programmes that I'm far too old far.

    I like it when people buy me drinks.

    I like it when I buy other people drinks too.

    I like to sleep.

    I like wearing a suit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:28:32 No.7876351
    you're one in a million, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:29:20 No.7876360
    i like:
    the moon
    clean clothes
    fruits & vegetables
    your friends
    your family
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:31:29 No.7876389
    I like forgetting that it's Friday. And then remembering, and exclaiming "Holy shit, it's Friday!"

    I like the feeling of sticking my hand in a big container of beans.

    I like doing mildly cool stuff nonchalantly. Like when a friend tosses you something from a distance, and you catch it in one hand.

    I like finishing off a bag of Doritos, and opening the bag and licking the cheese-foil (in private =P).
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:34:11 No.7876422
    I like injecting heroin directly into my blood stream to wash life away

    I like everything while a significant amount of heroin is still having its delicious effect on my brainorz
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:34:14 No.7876423
    I like when you spend an entire day doing nothing but bumming around town with a friend or two.

    I like tea. Any kind.

    I like when it rains, not for any angsty reason but because my umbrella is an insanely bright yellow and everyone else's is gray or black or blue.

    I like wandering around aimlessly.

    I like those moments when your friends and you have idiotic moments, like waving to people in cars as you drive past them, or making funny faces to see old people on the sidewalk shit bricks.

    I like nostalgia when it involves other people.

    I like Kilcoo Camp, but that's just me.

    I like crayons.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:34:21 No.7876426
    I like the first cigarette of the day.

    I like pulling on warm clothes fresh from the dryer.

    I like driving at night with my windows down and my music blaring.

    I like singing when no one is home.

    I like staying up all night to beat a video game.

    I like sunshine.

    I like conversations.

    I like this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:36:42 No.7876463
         File1268429802.jpg-(42 KB, 420x420, 1268053216985.jpg)
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    I like that sense of accomplishment after hard day at work

    I like summer-sunrises

    I like cloudless full-moon nights in mid-winter

    I like reading a good book in the yard in summer evenings until it's too dark to read anymore.

    I like driving in the highway at midnight when there are no other cars around

    I like breaking the rules (just a little though), making harmless pranks and not getting caught

    I like writing with my fountain pen, especially when I manage to capture some enlightening thought.

    I like silence and being by myself

    I like the feeling I get some 5 minutes after hard work-out

    I like those random flashes of confidence I get every now and then

    I like having a few glasses of red wine on gray and rainy late-autumn afternoons while listening some good music

    I like listening rain at night

    I like counting the blinks of that radio-tower warning light I see from my window until I fall asleep.

    things like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:37:07 No.7876473
    I like the feeling after 3 beers
    I like fapping a lot
    I like to smoke a cigarette when I'm waiting for the night bus to pick me up when I'm headed downtown
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:37:17 No.7876476
    I like getting lost with friends

    I like running my fingertips very gently against my own skin until I get all tingly

    I like falling asleep in strange places/positions and then waking up slightly confused

    I like long journeys

    I like putting a jumper over my head and lying on the grass in the Summer

    I like lying closely together with someone else, or falling asleep with them

    I like sticking my head out of high windows, feeling the wind and inhaling deeply
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:39:08 No.7876500
    I liked Chris Cornell better when he was on drugs and singing with Soundgarden. Audioslave sucks dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:39:42 No.7876510
    I like when I fall asleep on my kitchen counter and wake up a little bit confused and surprised because it's so comfortable.

    I like reminiscing about good times.

    I like this thread.

    I like when I like a thread enough to noko it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:40:07 No.7876518
    I like being in the perfect comfort postition when I fall asleep

    I like a cold mug filled with root beer

    I like when random people come up to me and say youre cute

    I like it when you dont study for a test and you get a 80% on it

    I like it when I finally understand a math problem or how the human body works

    I like you

    I like my cats
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:40:34 No.7876525
    I like being outside on a summers day with a pint glass of beer with condensation rolling down the glass.

    I like the butterfly's I still get when I see my girlfriend after we haven't seen each other in 2+ weeks.

    I like licking my teeth after they've been brushed

    I like the first cigarette with a beer

    I like skimming stones

    I like reading past essays in which I scored a good grade

    I like sucking the foam off of my stubble/moustache when drinking a frothy ale

    I like having a clean, dusted, hoovered and organised room.

    I like this thread and it has genuinely made me smile.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:41:12 No.7876539
    >I like when random people come up to me and say youre cute

    Uh-huh. Because that ever happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:41:14 No.7876541
    and now hes back on drugs making a shitty solo career

    much better right?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:41:15 No.7876542
    > I like when people recognize me as a horse.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:41:50 No.7876547
    I like walking around aimlessly with friends.

    I like having a drink of milk after a bite of a peanut butter sandwich.

    I like watching the rain from my porch on a bleak day.

    I like tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:42:53 No.7876555
    I love that five to fifteen minutes of comfort when you wake up, but still haven't gotten out of bed.

    I love having a cigarette with my cup of coffee.

    I love dogs. Period.

    I love it when three or more amazing songs come on my music player on shuffle.

    I love that warm breeze after a long winter that tells you that spring is just around the corner.

    I love the crunching sound that fallen leaves make in autumn. Especially if you're with someone.

    I love playing bass. Tons of jokes, I know, but the instrument just amazes me.

    I love the really heavy pounding rain, the sort of stuff that summer storms are made out of.

    I love going outside on these kinds of days and playing around while getting soaked to the bone.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:43:35 No.7876564
    I like getting high and then just laying on your bed listening to some awsome music

    I like eating exactly enough food so youre satisfied for the whole night

    I like it when Im the top of the scoreboards in any video game

    I like going to work and not having any problems

    I like walking around when its raining

    I like it when my team wins

    I like it when I do something awsome and I dont know how

    I like it when I tell a joke and make everyone laugh
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:45:00 No.7876581
    I like meeting new peple.

    I like having a busy schedule.

    I like to draw.

    I like wearing a new item of clothing for the first time and recieving compliments about it.

    I like winning arguments.

    I like it when I finish reading a book.

    I like getting lunch in town with my friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:46:09 No.7876600
    I like those moments when you're aware that you'll look back on it and consider it the epitome of good times.

    I like when someone gives you gum.

    I like throwing paper airplanes out of windows when I should be working.

    I liked those classes in high school when the teacher would tell you amusing stories about themselves and let you do fuck all.

    I like when a cashier lets you buy something when you're a little bit short.

    I like that feeling you get when you're trying to solve a problem or a puzzle or something and suddenly, everything clicks.

    I like swimming at night.

    I like sleepovers, despite being too old for them.

    I like when you and a group of people can bond and go from acquaintances to friends just from talking shit about one person you mutually despise.

    I like making up plans for the future, even if I know they'll never happen.

    I like that feeling you get when you're reading something or watching something and the characters you secretly ship do something cute, and your heart just explodes.

    I like mouthwash.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:46:10 No.7876601
    I like downloading a new application and learning my way around it.

    I like falling asleep with a cat next to me.

    I like gathering when the tank's just been filled with glass.

    I like discovering new keyboard shortcuts.

    I like street noise and and the sound rain.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:46:17 No.7876602
    I like jumping into water, that clean feeling you get when the water hits your skin.

    I like writing lists, and the resulting assurance that my life isn't a wreck.

    I like the lull of a party winding down when everyone is tired but don't want to go home just yet.

    I like the taste of simple things, like iceberg lettuce or fresh mushrooms.

    I like shouting my opinions loudly with one drink in hand and laughing about my audacity minutes later.

    I like dawn, when the sky is a pale blue gradually lightening and pink and gold fingers unfurl across it. --I like the feeling that I get at dawn, and everything feels like it's brimming with possibility.

    I like sleeping alone. Even when I feel pangs of loneliness and I want to call so and so up to come over so I'm not by myself with nightmares. It makes me feel capable. Because dawn is coming and having made it alone means I must be getting stronger.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:46:47 No.7876608
    It's always the little things that make you feel good.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:47:03 No.7876612
    I like camping in the summer.

    I like discovering a new cider I've never tried.

    I like finding a DVD in the bargain bin that turns out to be awesome.

    I like walking my dog on the beach.

    I like baking cupcakes.

    I like watching crappy TV on a Saturday morning.

    I like finishing a job that I'm proud of.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:48:33 No.7876638
    I like eh.. vidya ;__;
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:49:17 No.7876646
    I like smoking at the bottom of my garden really late at night looking at the stars.

    I like really plain tasting cereal, breakfast is my favourite meal of the day.

    I like short books, novellas, and I secretly like it when there is a power cut / I'm out camping with nothing to do and I can just read.

    I like music at 2am in the morning, whether it is epic reflective music or some hardcore shit to jump around to. I like it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:49:48 No.7876656
    I LOVE the smell of fresh spring air, and clean laundry.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:50:06 No.7876662
    >Everything will be OK

    Only time a film has ever made me cry.
    The second one is even more depressing.

    Well, there's something I like. Don Hertzfeldt. And everything else in the universe. Because its all just so fucking great, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:51:17 No.7876676
    >I liked those classes in high school when the teacher would tell you amusing stories about themselves and let you do fuck all.

    This. I remember my history teacher was awesome - he got pretty serious the closer it came to our exams, but at the beginning of the year he told us the most amazing stories about his ADHD childhood. The ones I really remember were when he slammed a kid's head inside a desk and, cause the kid was such a pain, all the teacher made him do was repair the desk.

    Another time, cause he'd been chucked out of several schools the only one that would accept him was this super Christian Catholic school, where one of the teachers tried to exorcise him because he was so ADHD/disruptive. Man, he had like a billion stories....
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:52:45 No.7876693
    I like it when its raining on a Saturday and you just stay in bed till 3Pm

    I like calamari

    I like risoto

    I like it when you make eye contact with a girl and she says hi to you and you feel fucking confident the whole day

    I like exploring forests when its cloudy or a storm has just passed

    I like making a fucking awsome project and making everyone elses look like utter shit

    I like reading fantasy books then imagining trollocs beating drums down my street and me getting a bow and arrow and fighting to save us all

    I like having lucid dreams

    I like those moments in life that makes you realize its worth all the shit youve put up with
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:53:30 No.7876710
    I like music more than anything else.

    I like having found the perfect match for me, even through impossible odds.

    I like sleeping.

    At the same time, I like staying up forever and playing games.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:54:20 No.7876714
    I like the temp at work. Shame she speaks very little English really. Dammit to hell, she's so attractive.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:54:32 No.7876715
    I like the smell of swimming pools.

    I like the smell of freshly cut grass.

    I like the sound of footsteps sliding across gravel

    I like the first bite of a footlong meatball marinara with sweet onion sauce subway sandwich

    I like the sound of skateboards on pavement

    I like being woken up by my alarm, and then realizing it's Saturday.

    I like using dogs as pillows.

    I like when girls wear torn leggings.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:54:53 No.7876726
    I like dancing embarassingly when no one is around.

    I like indulging in childish superstition.

    I like walking around in the dark and feeling brave/cool.

    I like walking naturally quietly and startling people.

    I liked the first day of school, when it was easy to get up because you were so psyched to get back and see everyone.

    I like the feeling of having time to waste.

    I, too, like writing lists and then slowly checking everything off and feeling acomplished.

    I like cute pictures showing genuine affection between people.

    I like it when people trust me with their problems.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:56:23 No.7876746
    You guys I love this thread so much. Thank you for making me smile.

    I like starting a new game I've never played before.

    I like the smell of books.

    I like getting silly-drunk with a group of good friends.

    I like snuggling with my cat.

    I like the Beatles.

    I like shy girls who don't know how pretty they are and blush when you tell them.

    I like sitting by a fire.

    I like walking around late at night with friends, when everyone you see thinks you're up to no good even though you're not.

    I like having adventures.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:57:15 No.7876758
    I like the period of time just before and just after a game or something comes out, when spoilers are flying everywhere and everyone's mind is full of fuck, because you know that you will be able to look back on those days with other anons.

    I like that feeling when you finish a really good book, and you finish the last line and just freeze for a while, trying to take in what you've read.

    I like rereading books and remembering good times from the past.

    I like reading a good book, getting to the end, and flipping it back over to read it again.

    I like conspiring over things and being in on plans, regardless of how trivial they are.

    I like when some sort of authority figure asks you what you did and you think you're in deep shit but you lie anyway, and they either buy it or just don't care enough to give you any punishment.

    I like going to Ikea and dicking around.

    I like going places I've never gone before and getting lost with my friends.

    I like getting a haircut and being unable to quit touching my hair and running my fingers through it.

    I like those nights when regardless of how dark it is, you can sit somewhere with no lights on and just think, without being creeped out by anything /x/-like.

    I like 4chan, man.

    I like making messes and getting dirty.

    I like jumping off of cliffs into lakes.

    I like lying on docks at night and just rocking and staring up at the stars.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:57:24 No.7876761
    I like waking up to find messages on my phone.

    I like to climb out my window at night, onto the roof of the kitchen and smoke a cigarette.

    I like being places I shouldn't be.

    I like looking through the junk in attic/garage.

    I like riding my motrbike down twisty roads.

    I like to learn how things work and how to fix broken stuff.

    I like it when shadows make cool shapes on the wall or floor.

    I like a few certain people more than anything else in the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:58:30 No.7876775
    I like Bill Murray.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:59:41 No.7876795
    I like falling asleep to music.

    I like it when birds stamp their feet on the ground.

    I like pretending I can dance.

    I like going on long walks when it's dark.

    I like looking up at the sky. Stars, especially.

    I like snails.

    I like jumping.

    I like swings.

    I like yoghurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)16:59:49 No.7876796
    >I like the smell of books
    bahaha, I could have sworn I was the only one.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:00:12 No.7876801

    OP here. I like Don Hertzfeldt too!
    The last scene in 'I am so proud of you' where it's going through the things that young Bill likes is what made me wanna make this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:00:46 No.7876807
    >I liked those classes in high school when the teacher would tell you amusing stories about themselves and let you do fuck all.


    In the ninth grade my English teacher was such a bro. He told my class stories constantly. There was one about how he skipped school once and went to an arcade to play Street Fighter. There weren't many machines there and the Street Fighter one was taken up, so when the guy left to get more quarters, my teacher took it.

    The guy at the machine came back and came up behind him, and started freaking out. The teacher thought he could be a ninja and do some kind of kickflip to knock the guy out.

    The teacher ended up getting stabbed in the leg with a butterfly knife. Over Street Fighter.

    Good fucking times, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:02:43 No.7876837
    They don't sell Lucky Strike where I live you lucky bastard
    I have to settle for Marlboro

    I like beer and cigarettes on summer nights

    I like redheads

    I like chilling with the bros

    I like sleeping naked

    I love Canadian beer

    I like European girls
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:02:51 No.7876840

    Can I marry you? Seriously, I think we'd be perfect together.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:04:03 No.7876859
    I considered making a list of dislikes instead, but I didn't want to ruin such a positive thread. So I spent ten minutes coming up with a short list of likes.

    I like to get to know new people.

    I like to come home tired after a long day.

    I like to explain.

    I like to wake up a couple of hours before I have to, and know that I can safely close my eyes and go to sleep again.

    I like to try and make new foods.

    I like to receive e-mail.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:04:10 No.7876861
    I like remembering my childhood at elementary school
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:05:03 No.7876874
    Sure, bro. Our love will be a love retold for ages.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:06:44 No.7876891
    I like it when theres a bunch of great movies on the TV at once

    I like it when you and someone you think you hate find a common intrest and become good friends

    I like it when douches get their just

    I like it when you read a book and manage to keep the corners of the books sharp

    I like laughing over stupid things

    I like fucking yoshi over in mario party

    I like it when you walk by a store and see something fucking awsome and you buy it just for the hell of it
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:08:17 No.7876909
    I like doing good on Tests.
    I like waking up to Up North Trip by Mobb Deep.
    I like rapping along to old rap songs.
    I like showers.
    I like receiving a text.
    I like the "oh god i gotta do-oh wait it's friday" feeling.
    I like YOU.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:08:36 No.7876912
    I like when you can read or watch something sad and no matter what it is - books, television, music, movies, visual novels, animu, or manga even - you can cry at it and just bawww and let it all out.

    I like when I'm out with my friends, hanging around in a park or something, and it's starting to get dark and colder out but we keep sitting around on the swings, just talking and chilling.

    I like being in the previous situation when the conversation topic changes to something more serious or deep or whatever, anything at all, and you keep talking and look out at the sky and get that feeling that yeah, the future might not be so great, but shit happens and shit will always happen and your bros will help you out.

    I liked when my friend went to a different high school and we didn't see each other every day anymore, but on an almost weekly basis we would meet up on Friday nights and watch some shitty TV or something.

    I like realizing that someone is my best friend.

    I like bran cereal, the kind that's really plain and high in fibre, almost ridiculously so.

    I like going down a steep hill on my bike and instead of going to wherever I had to bike to, I just turn around and bike back up to go down again.

    I liked when I was younger and would go out on my bike, and despite what my parents said I would ride without my helmet and feel like a badass.

    I liked being a bathroom chemist as a kid.

    I like when you see a thread like this and feel united with other anons because they like the same things you do, and if they don't then you respect their opinions instead of trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:09:47 No.7876927
    I like Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky.

    I can't stand religious zealots, especially Muslims, Jews, and Christians.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:09:56 No.7876929
         File1268431796.jpg-(20 KB, 300x300, he-wood_1.jpg)
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    I like the first whiff of cologne I put on in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:11:46 No.7876950
    I like the little kisses he plants on my nose.

    I like the way my cat comes running and curls up in my lap when I sit on the porch.

    I like white hot chocolate.

    I like new black socks.

    I like this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:12:09 No.7876953
    I like girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:12:27 No.7876956
    I like thunderstorms.

    I like stargazing.

    I like long talks with friends.

    I like the smell of vanilla.

    I like eating dry cereal out of the box.

    I like falling asleep when it's raining outside.

    I like having little adventures.

    I like it when a boy talks to me and I feel special.

    I like relaxing in my front garden and sketching people that walk by.

    I like it when people are happy to see me.

    I like playing a game I used to play when I was young and feeling the nostalgia.

    I like the nonsense banter when everyone's a little tipsy.

    I like walking patterns into snow.

    I like waking up early and still having hours to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:13:03 No.7876961
    Just the fact that this wasn't blocked says so much about /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:13:56 No.7876969
    I like tickling the back of my arms.

    I like to wake up early and see the sun rise.

    I like to watch my cats cuddle.

    I like to drink a shitload of energy drinks and feel spasmic.

    I like to take a shit, feels good man.

    I like this time of the year, here up north it's cool and sunny.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:14:06 No.7876972
    I like listening to music while it's raining outside

    I like the raw power of Beethoven

    I like reading. And the smell of a new book.

    I like going to my local plaza, meeting with friends and talk about mundane stuff.

    I like to go to the park alone, sit on a bench and watch the people pass by.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:14:16 No.7876974
         File1268432056.jpg-(10 KB, 360x203, turturro.jpg)
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    I like feet.
    I do not know why.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:14:46 No.7876978
    Canada, bro?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:16:05 No.7876995
    I like getting on the computer and checking and seeing that all the articles for that day kick ass.

    I like when it's raining and I'm already soaked, so instead of trying to use an umbrella I just close it and walk in the rain and stop giving a shit about what my clothes or hair look like.

    I like candles.

    I like when you hear a song that triggers a flood of nostalgia.

    I like hearing a song that goes perfectly with the moment I'm hearing it.

    I like making sandwiches in parks.

    I like climbing trees.

    I like sitting in unusual places with friends.

    I like those days in summer when it's stupidly hot and all you can do is sit around outside and groan, but you're groaning together so you don't mind that much.

    I like when I read a post and I honestly laugh out loud.

    I like when I can make others laugh out loud.

    I like those coolface moments on the internet when someone appreciates something you said.

    I like realizing that I said something funny.

    I like

    when people type like this

    as if they're typing like how

    Christopher Walken speaks

    and then they say something like

    "You'll bleed for three months straight"

    and I laugh like a crazy person.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:18:03 No.7877010
    I like how every single person either cheated a lot at Heads Up Seven Up as a kid, or they raged when they caught someone cheating.


    I like when I see a picture I made reposted.

    I like when no one makes "archive this shit" requests and yet when you go to archive a good thread, you see that there's six requests already.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:19:07 No.7877020
    This is the best thread ever made.

    I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:19:54 No.7877027
    Holy fuck I love heads up 7 up that and red rover was the shit
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:20:02 No.7877029
    >I like hearing a song that goes perfectly with the moment I'm hearing it.

    to me, this is as close as i've come to experiencing "god".
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:21:47 No.7877036
    I like when you post in a sticky and moot responds to your post and you have a little conversation with him.

    I like when you lose a thread and think you'll never see it before it dies but bam, it's still alive hours after you leave for work or school.

    I like really long phone calls with my best friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:23:03 No.7877056

    I like when I can't unhear something, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:23:40 No.7877063
         File1268432620.gif-(680 KB, 160x120, 2ziznnq.jpg.gif)
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    I like studying faces in a parking lot
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like driving backwards in the fog
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like gypsy moths and radio talk
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like gospel music and canned applause
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like colorful clothing in the sun
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I likeke hammering nails and speaking in tongues
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
    Cause it doesn't remind me of anything
    I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
    If it doesn't remind me of anything
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:25:37 No.7877082
    i like sitting on the porch, sipping on my coffee while it's raining.

    i like hating things that most love.

    i like original thread ideas that i've not come across in the past.

    i like how i feel after that first hit of weed of the day.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:25:51 No.7877087
    I like closing my eyes and pressing on them so I see crazy shit.

    I like lucid dreaming and then raping people and waking up refreshed and consequence free.

    I like to look at the sky and follow my floaters.

    I like Car Talk even though I don't like cars.

    I like the feeling you get when you cut off circulation to your hand and then making it rush back in.

    I like having cold hands.

    I like eating bread soaked in milk.

    I like the taste of tissues.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:27:31 No.7877108
    I like it when my friend instantly gets my obscure references and we chortle about it like an inside joke

    I like whistling to myself alone, especially in a corridor where it echoes

    I like it when I cut my fingernails and file them the edges off perfectly

    I like rubbing my hand on my sweaty balls and then smelling my hand

    I like it when you find that one song that you like so much you proceed to listen to it continously another 20 times

    I like getting baked, putting on some mellow music and staring out the window

    I like finding awesome DVD movies in the bargin bin

    I like running my hand up the back of my newly shaved head

    I like putting cheese into my noodles

    I like listening to some chill music while biking through the countryside on a sunny afternoon

    I like the feeling of stretching in the morning

    I like it I win an argument on the internet

    I like it when I'm bored watching TV and unexpectantly I flick over to Flapjack

    I like getting up at 6am on a snow day and just walking through the fields until it gets too bright

    I like it someone makes a smartass/unintentionaly funny comment in class and everyone laughes
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:27:54 No.7877111
    i do enjoy the first cigarette of the day and i love sharing a cigarette.
    i like it when you need eight steps to go up- or downstairs.
    i like it when people smile
    i like it even more when they hug me without a particular reason.
    i like spending time with my brother.
    i like meeting friends you havent seen for ages and then being able to understand their behavior better than their new friends.
    i like making notes when being at museums.
    i like having a notebook, even though i never need to make any notes, but instead draw faces in it.
    i like carrying my glasses in my mouth.
    i like whistling tunes and being asked what song theyre from.
    i like staying up for too long, drinking coffee in the morning, stirring it with my finger and drink it outside so that the hand holding the cigarette freezes, whereas the other one is nice and warm.
    i like watching people through my window.
    i like going to places, knowing someone who cares is going to be there.
    i like my carpet.
    i like the feeling when coming out of the shower, then not using a towel, so that youre shaking.
    i like shaking in general.
    i like being in love and being nervous.
    i like saying smart things.
    i like having ideas and converting them into something big.
    i like the smile you get when walking down the street with coffee and cigarettes in your hands.
    i like big stuffed animals.
    i like using pins to avoid my scarf from being annoying when its windy.
    i like the way my hair looks when the snow on it has not melted.
    i like being better than other people.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:28:55 No.7877121
    Who knew so many people liked rain
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:30:18 No.7877131
    I like when I pick up my phone a split second before it buzzes and then I feel like I have awesome powers.

    I like thunderstorms.

    I like going to weird festivals and conventions with my hippie mom.

    I like when I get to joke with customers I'm serving and they turn out to be pretty cool guys who leave me a good tip.

    I like when someone asks "I wonder why..?" and I know the answer.

    I like speaking French with people I was intending to troll on Chatroulette.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:31:46 No.7877149
    I like when you discover an awesome song and you can listen to it over and over and never get tired of it.

    I like falling asleep cuddling with my cat.

    I like those days when you have nothing to do and you just spend the day dicking around the house.

    I like the way my hair feels after a haircut

    I like when I know I look good and I feel fucking confident for the rest of the day.

    I like this thread so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:33:16 No.7877164
    I like it when I like a song so much it's all I want to listen to for a few days.

    I like to sing along.

    I like pens.

    I like walking around the house wearing a duvet like a cloak in the winter.

    I like digging really deep pits in the sand on the beach with my younger brother.

    I like dipping a knife into a jar of marmite and licking it off, a tiny bit at a time.

    I like seeing friends I haven't seen in ages when I visit different cities.

    I like pineapples, rasberries and peaches.

    I like it when things arrive in the post.

    I like it when the bus comes as soon as you walk up to the stop.

    I like green sweets.
    >> Novocaine 03/12/10(Fri)17:34:47 No.7877176

    I love all of those things. Marry me.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:36:38 No.7877199
    I liked when my school would have a lockdown because even though we all knew nothing would happen, there was a bit of a thrill anyways.

    I like that kind of dazed, heavy feeling you get when you finish an absolutely incredible book.

    I like when you can plan out something ridiculous that will never happen, like how to get to Gensokyo or what you need to walk across the country.

    I liked when someone posts something incredible that could be a troll, but you choose to believe it. Hole Troll, I'm looking at you.

    I like when you find a song that you love and you accidentally listen to it four hundred times.

    I like finding out that something I had previously described as shit ends up being awesome and my favourite (whether it's a person or /jp/).

    I like bros and harmony.

    I like when you imagine how something tastes and your mouth waters.

    I like sitting at the top of a slide and being hesitant to go down it because it's summer and the slide could burn your legs.

    I like summer in general.

    I like when I feel sad, so I cry.

    I like being a shipperfag for some things.

    I like explosions.

    I like power outages that last for a moderate amount of time.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:37:06 No.7877202
    I like the taste of coffee with milk and honey.

    I like the tone of a cello.

    I like to bang my fist on the table when I laugh.

    I like looking at the horizon in wide-open places.

    I like the feeling when I press on the top of my head.

    I like crackling my joints.

    I like strange little coincidences.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:38:15 No.7877212
    boom di ada
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:39:00 No.7877216
    here is a list of the things i like this list is a list of the thing i like
    I like corkboard
    pizza and cuts that hurt
    I like reverse dildos and meat with fat
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:41:36 No.7877244
    I like when I buy candy and can give all of the green apple flavored things to my friend, because we conveniently have opposite tastes.

    I like staying up and watching infomercials at someone else's house until it's so late that purchasing the Slap Chop seems like a good choice.

    I like when you stay up so late that you would be wondering whether to say it's late or early.

    I like having deep conversations with people, and instead of saying HURRDURR THIS IS DERP we just continue talking.

    I like watching other people play video games like Persona, so that I can see the story without having to do anything.

    I like going out and buying a fuckton of groceries with friends.

    I like things with hobo ends, not for any grimdark reasons, just because I like them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:45:13 No.7877287
    I like when I'm telling a story and I get into it so that it sounds better than it is and everyone laughs.

    I like when I'm writing something and it flows.

    I like little epiphanies and little adventures.

    I like sitting at the edge of bodies of water.

    I like feeling overpowered by an emotion.

    I like raw bell peppers.

    I like hearing a song that makes me feel a certain way, regardless of what language it's in or what genre it fits into.

    I liked shopping for school supplies before a new school year.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:46:27 No.7877304
    I like the way she used to make this cute half sigh half squeal sound while she squeezed me as hard as she could; how she said she was trying to "squish" us together into one person.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:47:00 No.7877313
    I like when you feel unsure about something and one of your bros laughs at you for being nervous, and they tell you that you were being stupid for worrying because nothing horrible is gonna happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:50:27 No.7877346
    >I like being a shipperfag for some things.

    Does this mean what I think it means?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:50:39 No.7877351
    I like rainy days when it stays dark out for the entire day.

    I like dogs.

    I like baking.

    I like making up stupid alternate stories when I'm watching a movie and I'm bored.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:51:26 No.7877362
    What do you think it means?

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:51:35 No.7877366
    I like the smell of paint

    I like the smell of wet earth

    I like to eat mangos on a beach

    I like to dip caramel waffles on tea and cuddle with my girl

    I like feminine necks

    I like snowflakes
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:52:26 No.7877375
    I like it when great threads get archived(Hint Hint)

    I like exploring the pokemon world and finding a fucking shiny pokemon

    I like it when I make a girl laugh and her tounge goes between her teeth in a cute smile

    I like it when a girl asks "Can I sit here and we talk about random stuff"

    I like it when I find I hid 20 dollars in a secret hiding space the day I need money

    I like getting high with friends and going up somewhere where we can overlook the whole city

    I like it when I get drunk with a group of friends and everyone is just so happy

    I like finishing homework early so I have the whole week to do anything
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:53:58 No.7877393
    Shipping as in fandom shipping?

    I like meeting other shippers.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:54:08 No.7877396
    I like music
    I like the night
    I like the feeling I get after properly implementing a tricky algorithm
    I like talking to my friends
    I like discussions in general
    I like learning something new that I find interesting
    I like imagining things
    I like a good movie
    I like video games
    I like a good story
    I like staying up at night knowing that I'll be able to sleep in the next day.
    I like putting on warmed, dry clothes
    I like finally listening to a song that was stuck in my head for a long time
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:54:54 No.7877407
    Four times.

    It's been requested four times.

    I like when good threads not only get requested for archiving, but make it through the reviewing process.

    I like starting a thread and being unsure of whether the topic is good, but it ends up getting +200 posts.

    I like seeing something ridiculous, like aerosol pancake batter.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:55:09 No.7877409
    I like feeling super clean after I take a shower.

    I like my mouth feeling super clean after I brush, floss, and use mouthwash.

    I like when my clothes fit perfectly, and when my hair is perfect right when I get out of the shower.

    I like to talk to strangers. I like to surprise them by saying hello or waving, and watch them try to figure out if they know me.

    I like when something hilarious happens at a time when you shouldn't be laughing. Then you look at a friend who is also trying to hold in their laughter, and it makes it even harder to hold it in.

    I like cleaning things that haven't been cleaned in a very long time.

    I like when I get hurt or bleed. It gives me a story and it reminds me to get my shit together.

    I like to draw random people while I'm waiting for class.

    I like when I have money burning a hole in my pocket, but I can't decide what to buy.

    I like fried eggs, toast, and bacon.

    I like being places that I shouldn't be.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:55:34 No.7877414
    Yeah, the fandom kind of shipping.

    You have just met another shipper, then. Hi.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:56:26 No.7877426
    Holy shit OP are you me??
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:56:42 No.7877431

    you sound like such a high school normalfaggot it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:56:42 No.7877432
    So...which fandoms? Slash: y/n?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:57:46 No.7877446
    I like getting closure.

    I liked the first day of school when you would feel awkward but excited at the same time.

    I liked the last day of school when you would feel sad but also like you were moving on.

    I like being the last one in a place I'm leaving for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:59:04 No.7877456
    >I like staring at sunlit grass for so long that I start to see patterns in it

    Drop some acid and you have to stare about
    2 seconds
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:59:14 No.7877460
         File1268434754.jpg-(340 KB, 652x900, 2hz083l.jpg)
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    Slash is okay. Depends on who's involved.

    I like mostly fandoms that are /jp/ territory. Visual novels and such.

    ...I like when I say something and it accidentally goes with the thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)17:59:43 No.7877463
    I like t-shirt fabric sheets.

    I like the smell of oil paint.

    I like hardwood floors.

    I like flannel pyjamas.

    I like potato scones.

    I like long car rides.

    I like sunny days.

    I like getting my paycheck.

    I like walking around in bare feet.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:01:20 No.7877487
    I like that the jazz band I'm in got a gold at districts and is going to get a gold at states and play at the hatshell in Boston

    I like that in less than one hour my friends are gonig to pick me up and we are going to smoke a blunt of which i didn't throw down any provisions.

    I like how my friends know I'll eventually get them back on the money, weed and gas.

    I like my television production class. My teacher is a pretty cool guy

    I like my big dick.

    I like how girls like my big dick

    I like my confidence levels just where they are.

    I love my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:02:05 No.7877499
    Ah, okay, cool :)
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:03:29 No.7877513
         File1268435009.png-(440 KB, 512x479, 1240629171212.png)
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    I like not talking about myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:04:32 No.7877531
         File1268435072.jpg-(45 KB, 320x448, chocolate-milk.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:27:25 No.7877819
    i like walking home from a awesome party / night at the club in a warm summer night while being drunk, but still getting sober enough to enjoy the beauty of the night and thinking about everything that comes to my mind.

    ... yeah, im even making HUGE detours just to keep that feeling from going away.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:27:54 No.7877825
    I like big fluffy pillows.

    I like removing stones from the soles of my trainers.

    I like how I become really generous when I'm drunk and give a shitload of cigarettes away.

    I like keeping a little box of stuff I've collected throughout my life.

    I like my girlfriend, my family, my friends and my cat.

    I like making other people happy.

    I like surprises.

    I like chewing on little bits of plastic.

    I like falling asleep in places that aren't my own bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:40:56 No.7877991
    I like it when I make a piece of toast and it's perfectly browned.

    FUCK YH.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:46:41 No.7878057
    I like thunderstorms.
    I like sitting on my balcony, wraped in a blanket, when it rains.
    I like taking a dump with the bathroom door open.
    I like watching cooking shows even though I can barely cook anything myself.
    I like sleeping with my bedroom door open even though it's in the middle of the winter and it's below 0 C outside.
    I like sleeping during the day.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)18:47:30 No.7878064
    >I like sleeping with my bedroom door open
    window obviously. :(
    >> randomwords 03/12/10(Fri)18:57:54 No.7878197
         File1268438274.png-(31 KB, 738x343, iliketagcoud2.png)
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    I like copy sentences starting with "i like" into a word-document, making a tag-cloud and post it

    I like doing usless things

    I like to sleep in clean laundry
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:01:56 No.7878252
    I like cooking Italian food whilst listening to opera.
    I like eating in general.
    I like not gaining weight.
    I like Cadbury Eggs
    I like weed.
    I like vintage posters.
    I like Mikko.
    I like clean sheets.
    I like minimalist rooms.
    I like taking baths while I'm stoned.
    I like reading.
    I like rain.
    I like you.
    >> randomwords 03/12/10(Fri)19:10:25 No.7878371
         File1268439025.png-(86 KB, 745x827, iliketagcloud3.png)
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    I like randomwords
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:12:04 No.7878385
    I like dreaming
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:13:16 No.7878395
    Seriously...i like a lot of things... but if somebody took away my ability to dream.

    id fucking kill myself
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:18:14 No.7878463
    I like cleaning other people's rooms.
    I like how cleaning products smell.
    I like hugging my girlfriend.
    I like listening to my girlfriend's kid laugh.
    I like that I've never had to deal with gross dick.
    I like watching ID and the other discovery networks, and solving crimes and medical mysteries before the show ends.
    I like knowing how stupid other people are, and not being fooled into thinking they'll change.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:20:41 No.7878490
    i like imagining the parts of programs interacting with each other as shapeless things in my head

    i like looking at pretty girls and not going any further in my head

    i like reading about genes and learning why people are the way they are

    i like /r9k/ posts that are happy and innocent

    i like america and american melting pot culture even if its trendy to be ashamed of everything for no reason

    i like driving when the air is chilly outside and its too early for anybody to really be awake yet

    i like being alive
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:22:09 No.7878507
    -I like taking a really hot shower before bed.
    -I like driving around on summer nights with the windows down, and music blasting.
    -I like when I log into my bank account and see how much money I've saved over the years.
    -I like laying in bed at night and fantasizing about all the things to come this year.
    -I like morning sex.
    -I like chocolate chip pancakes.
    -I like to hide in piles of leaves during fall raking, and then jump out and scare my dogs.
    -I like to hang out on the couch in my sweats and watch movies all day.
    -I like that brief flare of excitement when I get a card or a letter in the mail.
    -I like how clean my teeth feel after I go to the dentist.
    -I like my down comforter/pillows on my bed. :)
    -I like ordering stuff online and checking outside every day to see if my package arrived.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:23:44 No.7878528
    I like girls who never wear makeup.

    I like doing something kind in secret and being caught in the act.

    I like chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:27:41 No.7878576
    -I like going through a new, fresh page of /R9K/ after a long day
    -I like playing with my cat and dog
    -I like fapping after a week of build up
    -I like a great movie that resonates inside me
    -I like hot chocalate
    - I like a good conversation
    -I like that I don't mind living off min wage
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:29:29 No.7878595
    I like driving after midnight on the freeway listening to eurobeat

    I like that shivery feeling when you take a piss you've been holding

    I like when it's mild outside and the only way to heat up is by walking, so you're at the optimum temperature at all times.

    I like cleaning dust/dirt out of small enclosed spaces and between the 2 bits of plastic on your tv remote.

    I like being so warm in bed, then rolling over to the otherside where it's freezing because you haven't lay there yet.

    I like standing at the pier/marina/beside the water and just daydreaming for hours, thinking about stuff

    I like when some douchebag gets some payback after he's fucked everyone's day up
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:30:27 No.7878607
    I like heavy summer rain, and the smell of the garden afterwards

    I like watching the raindrops clash against the car windows at night, and how it distorts the red & yellow lights of the city

    I like the sound of the wind through tree branches

    I like when I suddenly stop walking because I've caught a glimpse of the cluster of stars in the night sky

    I like sleep-overs, conversations that go much too far into the night and wouldn't have gotten as personal if we hadn't been laying next to one another in the dark

    I like petite, tomboyish girls, with a goofy grin and sparkling eyes

    I like tall, skinny guys, who are awkward and shy in a way that's endearing

    I like reminiscing about my childhood, and unexpectedly rediscovering trivial things about it I'd forgotten

    I like holding my giant, warm cup of tea against my belly, it feels soothing somehow

    I like people, and I wish I wasn't so bad at approaching them, because I crave the closeness.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:35:33 No.7878635
    I like how it smells right before lightning strikes.

    I like the first night with new bedsheets.

    I like sucking on little mints, especially ones that turn my tongue red or green.

    I like the shiver I get when I see or hear something emotional and epic.

    I like humming songs nobody knows.

    I like notebooks.

    I like the smell of old books.

    I like songs about nothing in particular.

    I like boys with blonde hair and blue eyes.

    I like thinking how modern songs would sound if they were recorded in the 1920s.

    I like windy summer nights.

    I like thunder so loud it makes the house shake.

    I like how regular shoes sound on the sidewalk.

    I like how dress shoes click and echo in hallways.

    I like how situations turn out better when my friends are with me. I don't know how they do it.

    I like Jack Nicholson's eyebrows.

    I like when the crows gather together and wake us up in the morning.

    I like the smell of a fresh box of crayons.

    I like getting e-mails. Even spam.

    I like how the one time I stop by /r9k/ I find this awesome thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:36:20 No.7878650
    i like a cigarette in the summer at sunset, even better if high
    i like perfecting a pop song on drums
    i like making a perfect file on a video game
    i like when my mom's out with friends
    i like an exciting new video from my subscriptions on youtube
    i like an orgasm
    i like hurricanes, snowstorms, power outages, holidays, vacations, or any circumstance where everyone feels a little closer together
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:42:14 No.7878715
    I like hearing songs on the radio that you haven't heard in YEARS, and you still remember all the words.

    I like walking around at night with my friends on summer nights.

    I like the smell of my car after I clean and vacuum it.

    I like going out to a nice restaurant.

    I like making people laugh.

    I like making sun tea.

    I like playing silly games online.

    I like swimming.

    I like going to the beach, and hanging out there all day.

    I like discovering a new hobby.

    I like getting my dogs all riled up, and watch them run around like maniacs.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:45:03 No.7878753
    I enjoy fapping.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:46:27 No.7878776
    -I like to smoke some shit and eat chips.
    -I like to sit around home on a cold day knowing I don't have to go out
    -I like getting photos back from the lab and finally getting to see how they turned out
    -I like phantasizing about finding love
    -I like going to sleep very tired without having to get up early
    -I like when I'm able to talk about my feelings (guy here btw)

    can't think of anything else...meh
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:47:00 No.7878782
    >I like stirring my ice cream up before I eat it so it turns kind of like a paste.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:55:03 No.7878879
    i like driving in the early morning when the streets are empty while listening to chill music, waiting for dawn

    i like to smoke on very cold mornings after a cup of coffee

    i like to go to rock show because the local scene is full of bros

    i like videogames and they make me happy

    i like science and the many wonders of our universe

    i like to befriend animals that i find on the street, so far it has been squirrels, dogs, cats and birds

    i like drinking with my high school bros and remembereing the good times
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)19:56:33 No.7878900
    I like listening to music loudly in my car, pretending that it's a soundtrack for a movie about me.

    I like playing with dogs.

    I like playing music with other people.

    I like having a huge night with my friends then going outside for a nice quiet smoke.

    I like putting on a nice tight pair of socks in the morning.

    I like taking off said socks after a long day.

    I like spending hours writing a Java program, swearing like a sailor while debugging it then finally see it work.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:04:49 No.7878986
    I like getting things in the mail.

    I love getting buzzed and talking for hours with friend, nothing but truth, nothing held back and very open and casual.

    I love hugs

    I like it when girls hug me around the waist

    I like getting into a laughing fit with friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:06:19 No.7879002

    I like all of those, want to be friends?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:06:47 No.7879010
    I like having my muscles ache after running or some other physical activity

    I like smoking after a heavy meal

    I like the morning chill

    I like listening to one song over and over again for an entire day

    I like the smell of new clothes

    I like puppies

    I like how my hair is always perfect in the morning

    I like cold pizza

    I like watching people in crowded areas

    I like it when some stranger's kid smiles at me for no reason

    I like thunderstorms

    I like long talks in car rides

    I like it when I find an extra pickle in my sandwich
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:18:52 No.7879182
    OP here.
    Sure thing buddy.

    I like it when a thread you made does way better than you expected.

    I like everyone who's posted in this here thread. Seriously, you're all champions.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)20:27:36 No.7879278
    I like reading in a hot bubble bath for hours in the evening.
    I like listening to music while I clean.
    I love the smell of honeysuckle in spring and fresh laundry when it's sunny and all the windows are open.
    I like to eat with my fingers- munching as if it were popcorn.
    I like to sit with knees to my chest- I rarely sit properly.
    I like to take a percocet and kiss as slowly as possible- feeling every curve and detail of his lips. I melt then

    I wish I could sleep forever next to the ocean waves.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:15:06 No.7879895
    thanks i'll try that
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:19:24 No.7879967
    I like santa.

    Do you like santa?

    I like the wizard of oz.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:35:28 No.7880189
    I like when I find a thread that I had to leave for a while.

    I like when OP shows up and approves of how the thread is going.

    I like when I end up talking to my best friend for three and a half hours.

    I like when there's more gum in the pack than I thought I have left.

    I like pineapple.

    I like when you see the nutritional values of ice cream but eat it anyways because fuck, man, ice cream is delicious.

    I like when I shave and don't get any shaving bumps.

    I like hearing that it's still raining outside.

    I like seeing the rabbits in my backyard flip their shit whenever lightning flashes.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)21:59:44 No.7880521
    I like when you go to a restaurant and see an elderly couple who take bites and sips in perfect sync.

    I like empty golf courses on dark, blustery November days.

    I like seeing a deer skitter into the woods out of the corner of my eye.

    I like making eye contact and exchanging expressions with someone on the other side of a crowded room.

    I like eating things I've never tried on a pizza.

    I like barking at dogs.

    I like having no idea what time it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:04:12 No.7880592
    I like when I try to think of things I hate and can't come up with many.

    I like knowing that tomorrow, I'm going to chill out with a bro or two.

    I like Starbursts.

    I like spinning on office chairs with my eyes closed, pulling my legs in and out so that it speeds up and slows down until I get sick.

    I like that moment when you're listening to a song and it moves you so much or is so amazing that you get shivers.

    I like the feeling you get when you finish an amazing book.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:04:27 No.7880593
    I like coffee
    I like weed
    I like smoking with new people in dangerous/uncommon circumstances
    I like petting friendly dogs
    I like petting friendly cats
    I like good photography
    I like listening to new albums when I'm driving somewhere I want to be
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:27:24 No.7880863
    I like seeing someone fall down

    I like drinking an ice cold beer in the shower

    I like plain girls who make a good effort

    I like eggs and toast

    I like doing mushrooms

    I like 5 things
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:33:09 No.7880945
    Read all the replies and almost cried. It's not fair, you know. That you can cry so easily. And that I cannot. Tried to remember things I like and failed. I wish I could enjoy stuff like I used to.

    I'm gonna have a cig and go to bed. Goodnight, Arcanine.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:35:10 No.7880969
    I like how airports smell.

    I like how hotels smell.

    I like how rain smells. Also trees.

    I like knowing I was awesome right after I finish a performance.

    I like how I fell in love with my best friend, took that leap, and found out they felt the same way.

    I like tea.

    I like being totally exhausted from a great day, but you had so much fun, your mind won't let you sleep and you pull an all-nighter, reflecting over what happened.

    I like ginger ale so cold and bubbly, it burns a little going down.

    I like tenor instruments, such as horn, cello, trombone and euphonium.

    I like having the maestro acknowledge me for sounding great.

    I like listening to great music, so that at the climax of the piece, it feels like your heart leapt off a cliff.

    I like good food.

    I like looking up at the sky on a cold winter night, and being surprised at the amount of stars.

    I like looking at the stars and being struck by the beauty of the universe.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:37:22 No.7881000
    i like amy

    i like the way her orange hair bounces gently around her face

    i like when we listen to albums together

    i like it when we havnt seen eachother for a while but we pick up instantly where we left off

    i like the way she blushes when she's embarrassed

    i like the momentary glace she would give me when we were in big groups

    i like when we laugh to jokes no one else understands

    i like how she knows exactly what i mean

    i like that no one ever knew

    i like that we never knew either

    i like that i treasure every precious second with her

    i like when we walked into the estuary on a cold and windy day, and there was a big heart in the sand

    i like that we kissed softly, and it was our first time

    i like when i touched my nose to hers, and she smiled the way only she does

    i like that when we parted ways, we knew that things would never be the same

    i liked the moment

    i like that we will never be together
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:52:04 No.7881185
    I like when I can't write, and then suddenly I hear a certain song and everything falls into place and just...flows.

    I like when things seem natural.

    I like when I cry the instant I hear a song.

    I like when I have bouts of nostalgia and pull out from the sad period of remembering that I won't be able to go back, and end up being not glad so much as relieved that it happened at all.

    I like when someone does something to reaffirm my belief that we are not only friends but bros.

    I like when a thread that I started get a ton of great replies and gets archived.

    I like reading through these replies here, and realizing that I pretty much like all of these things too.

    I like feeling amazed that there are so many things to like.

    I like saying something kind of serious and not feeling like I have to make fun of myself for saying it.

    I like extreme emotions, whether it's happiness or melancholy or anger.

    I like clipping my bangs back and tying my hair up when it's hot out.

    I like sitting in the bath and playing Ace Attorney.

    I like doing stupid things and not caring.

    I like when someone tells me they don't like something about someone, and I do the opposite of that quality they dislike.

    I like realizing who my best friend is after growing up without one.

    I like jumping through sprinklers in summer despite being far too old to do that.

    I like how no matter what happens in the world, old people will always eat those Werthers candies.

    I like talking.

    I like bonding with Anonymous, even if I will never know who they are.

    I like buying bread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:54:15 No.7881217
    I like candy

    I like money

    I like riding bikes

    I like science

    I like capitalism
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)22:54:55 No.7881228
    I like this thread.

    I like thunderstorms, throw on some Jazz and everything is all right with the world.

    I like smoking tobacco with a pipe, it really is relaxing.

    I like that no one I know, knows I smoke a pipe, because everyone would think that I do it for the attention.

    I like the smell of old books.

    I like antiques, I like thinking about what their stories might be.

    I like ballroom dancing.

    I like the smile a girl gives you when she knows you've messed up a move, but she's having fun anyway.

    I like shaving with a straight razor. It just feels right.

    I like the way this thread has made me feel.

    I love you all.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:13:08 No.7881450
    I love humanity. I love how it never ceases to surprise me. I love that every person I've ever come into contact with has stories, aspirations, loves, hates and dreams. I love people who treat others like they matter. I love people who take almost nothing seriously, and live for the joy of living. I love that people take pleasure in simple things, like the way someone above me likes playing their guitar at three in the morning on their back porch on summer nights. I that people are naturally inclined to acquire knowledge and grow and become something more than what they already are. I love when people tell me their stories and confess to me parts of who they really are.

    I love BOYS. Fuck, I love boys. I love how boys seem to have this sense of comradeship I could never find in other girls. I love how boys are sensitive and tender and compassionate, but they try harder to hide it than girls do. I love seeing boys smile and run around and use their bodies to do beautiful things. I love how boys love each other. I love how boys love girls, even though I don't really understand why they do. I love boys' bodies when they're toned and firm from playing outside. I love how intelligent and curious they are. I love how they love their friends; god I love that; god I wish I could love my friends of my own gender. I love how smooth the skin above their hips is, and how the muscles under it make grooves where purple shadows slide in when the lighting is right. I love the feeling of having a boy touch me, of knowing he loves me, of knowing how delicate he is, and of knowing it's up to me to be careful with him, because he's fragile, and he needs me. I love how boys kiss and touch and fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:14:03 No.7881459
    I love the earth. I love how expansive it is, and how there's always going to be more for me to see, even if I do go into biomedical gerontology and cure death and live for ten thousand years. I love how full of history every part of it is. I love imaging the stories that played out in whatever part of it I find myself in. I love the forest and the mountains and the wine-dark sea. I love the elements, fire and the rain and the wind. I love storms; I think if I was ever a god of something in a past life, it was a god of storms. I love how everything is so beyond my imagining, and how I get a chance to try and understand as much of it as I can.

    I love purpose. I love the idea of fighting for something, though I'm not yet sure if there's anything worth fighting for in the world where victory would mean something significant. I love the idea of chivalry; I love that King Arthur trained his friends to fight for what they believed was right. I love fighting for the potential of the people I know; for what they could become. I would love to fight for the potential of the world. I love that not only will I never give up on anyone who doesn't want me to give up on them, but there are people who don't care whether or not I give up on them that I'm not going to give up on. I love pushing people forward in the direction of the person they're supposed to become one day.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:15:28 No.7881476
    I like putting cream cheese on toast.

    I like really crunchy apples.

    I like that low to the ground feeling you get after eating too much at a restaurant.

    I like watching horrible movies or television with friends and mocking the hell out of it.

    I like that sleepy feeling you get when you're up so late that it's early at a friend's house, and all of their family is asleep, and it's quiet and calm and you feel like you're eleven years old again.

    I like hopping fences.

    I like buying slushies that are too big, fully knowing that I will never finish them.

    I like climbing onto a roof or a shed or a storage box or something high off the ground and separate from other shit, and watching the sun rise or set over houses and schools.

    I like being able to admit that I cry at certain things, even if I don't really cry at anything other than those things.

    I like hide and go seek in the dark.

    I like acting childish.

    I like picking at my gums sometimes.

    I like oral hygiene in general, really.

    I like leaving the house with my camera batteries charged and ready to go.

    I like seeing how time has passed and yet my relationships and friendships haven't been screwed over.

    I like summer evenings when you go outside and lie in grass that's too long, and you end up staring straight into the sky for so long that you don't realize you're freezing your ass off for hours.

    I like seeing shooting stars.

    I like finishing a phenomenal book or movie and feeling changed afterwards, just because it was so good.

    I like you, whoever you are. And I hope that you don't mind me.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:16:42 No.7881491
    i like waking up and spending all day on my computer
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:18:14 No.7881502
    I like this whole thread

    BoomDeYada BoomDeYada
    BoomDeYada BoomDeYada
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:18:28 No.7881506
    I like how in this thread, everyone is reminiscing a little bit, and talking about their own memories, memories no other anon knows about.

    Yet somehow, we all kind of like the same simple things, and so we feel closer to one another.

    I like that feeling. I like knowing that you - yes, you, Anon - could be underage or a neckbeard or a male or a female or fat or thin or depressed or elated - are a little bit closer to me after reading through this.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:23:45 No.7881558
    I like when something tastes so bitter that you end up grimacing or shaking your head a little.

    I like songs that sound both so happy and so sad that you feel both at the same time, too.

    I like bittersweet endings, if they're fitting for the story.

    I like watching a movie or reading a book and getting to the ending, and realizing just how much things have changed from the beginning.

    I like when that happens in life, too.

    I like that I not only like but love everything posted in this thread, even if it's about cigarettes and I don't smoke.

    I love that I love so many things, and that there are so many more things to love.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:24:20 No.7881561
    I like how outside at night, it's always quiet but never, ever silent.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:24:25 No.7881564
    I like the flowers.

    I like the daffodils.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:26:06 No.7881583
    I like knowing how small we really are.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:39:18 No.7881725
    I like the feeling of grass between my toes.

    I like that chill you get when you first hear an amazing song.

    I like startling people when walking quietly. Makes me feel ninja

    I like the first bite of a home cooked meal.

    I like finding movies I have never heard of and enjoying every minute of them.

    I like standing under the shower and letting the water cascade down my body.

    I like playing in the rain.

    I like the feeling of a good hug.

    I like learning something new, and impressing someone with what I learned.

    I like those lazy days where you just read all day long.

    I like the warm feeling from a good whiskey.

    I like walking around at night and exploring.

    I like taking naps and feeling refreshed when I wake up.

    I like this thread, and how it's made me feel better regardless of the fact that I've had a shit day.
    >> Mac Sirloin !d98kjRXtuU 03/12/10(Fri)23:42:18 No.7881750
    I like cleaning in any capacity, and despite my potential intellectually I want to pursue a career in Crime Scene Sterilization.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:45:03 No.7881780

    my heart is melting
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:47:01 No.7881795
    I like going through closed windows
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:48:34 No.7881815
    I like mornings when it isn't cold.

    I like writing music.

    I like listening to music with headphones while lying in bed.

    I like skinny jeans.

    I like peacoats on girls.

    I like falling in love and touching her armpits.

    I like drinking mochas ever morning.

    I like playing the drums.

    I like it when somebody loves me and I love them back.
    >> Muhfugga !N3zZOtvvLA 03/12/10(Fri)23:55:04 No.7881872
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:55:46 No.7881881
    After reading a good book and finishing it, I like to just reminisce about it. It feels like thinking about good memories that you remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:58:53 No.7881908
    I like stretching.

    I like putting on so much chapstick that my lips start to tingle.

    I like when my feet are asleep.

    I like when something is flavored strongly.

    I like almost but not quite moving on.

    I like open endings.

    I like rainy days and not being afraid to get soaked and dance.

    I like taking photos.

    I like grass that's a little bit too long.

    I like people.

    I like feeling witty.

    I like having friends in real life and on the internet that I can talk to, and having friends that I can just do stupid shit with, and having one friend that I can do both with and see on an almost daily basis.

    I like hearing a song and not quite remembering how it goes, and then suddenly you remember the tune and it all fits.

    I like buttoning up jeans that are a little loose.

    I like cool bedsheets.

    I like rice of any kind.

    I like popsicles in summer.

    I like swingsets.

    I like being nervous about something and then pulling it off perfectly.

    I like how there's a certain point in time when everyone decides that it's fucking summer, so no matter how cold it is no one wears a coat, because that would be like admitting the weather won.

    I like movie theatre popcorn.

    I like refills.

    I like paper airplanes.

    I like floods of memories.

    I like consuming Cool Whip directly from the aerosol can.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)23:59:59 No.7881912
    I like when you're right and I still don't give six fucks.

    I like when the robot thinks I'm unoriginal, but I'm not.

    I like putting crackers in soup and taking them out right before they get soggy and gross.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:06:07 No.7881962
    I like rediscovering a favourite song.

    I like the cold side of the pillow.

    I like farting.

    I like stretching -- especially after waking up.

    I like big open spaces.

    I like small cozy spaces, too.

    I like moisturizer.

    I like the first twenty minutes after you get out of the shower.

    I like bottled water.

    I like how excited my dog gets when I come home.

    I like the nice customers at work.

    I like a comfy pair of socks.

    I like putting a blanket in the drier after a long, cold day and wrapping myself in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:10:57 No.7882000
    I like the feeling you get after you take an awesome poop.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:16:17 No.7882046
    I like running before the sun comes up

    I like going to bed at 10pm so i can run before the sun comes up

    I like btbam

    I like late night vidya on Saturdays

    I like life
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:28:58 No.7882154
    I like the tiny squeaky sound pickles make when you rub them together.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:31:01 No.7882178
    I like it when my fart goes "pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" instead of "brrrrkrkrkrkkkkk"
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:34:53 No.7882227
    This thread makes me feel strangely happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:50:10 No.7882364
    I like rain falling on a hot day.
    I like making people laugh.
    I like cuddling with my cat.
    I like buying new things and having them still be shiny.
    I like reviewing something that I've made and being really pleased with it.
    I like movies.
    I like tv.
    I like music.
    I like cool breezes.
    I like talking to myself.
    I like smiling at people I know.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)00:52:15 No.7882389
    I like yelling racist things in public.
    I like how all of the fags on the internet talk tough about what they'd do if they heard me yell "nigger" in public.
    I love how nobody ever does anything.
    I love being part of the Master Race.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:04:40 No.7882505
    I like taking cold showers.

    I like the feeling in my tummy when I'm hungry.

    I like that first surprise face when people figure out I'm just shy, and that I really do have a good personality.

    I like reading the first page of a book for the first time.

    I like reading the first page of a book for the second time.

    I like lying back to back with my dog.

    I like finding new places to ride my bike.

    I like being the only one walking on a sidewalk.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:06:19 No.7882524
    I like it when I get so hot at night that I start to sweat.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:09:53 No.7882565
    I like nights camping with friends, all you can see is the fire and everyone's reflecting faces.

    I like standing on the beach and watching the waves break, trying to gauge which one will make me have to step away before I get water in my shoes.

    I like power outages that start in the evening and are over by the morning.

    I like the sound of the house when I'm the only one home.

    I like having packages en-route to my house.

    I like the feeling I get after sticking it out for a full week of work and knowing i deserve my whole paycheck.

    I like being the only ones on a playground with friends. Then even though we're too old for it now, we still play on all the equipment.

    I like eating a food I've been craving for a long time.

    I like it when the sunshine comes through all the windows after a week of rain, then laying in it and getting all warm.

    I like the first snow of the winter and the first really warm day of spring.

    I like this thread :3
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:12:09 No.7882588
    I like how reading this posts reminds me that there has been some good.

    I like how this thread reminds me of good times.

    I like the feeling this thread gives me.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:16:32 No.7882633
    I just realized everything I like is antisocial. Fuuuuuuuck life.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:17:18 No.7882642
    I like that this thread is still on the front page.
    >> Lightpole Bystander !shhhhP.Pjw 03/13/10(Sat)01:18:18 No.7882653
    I like taking acid and listening to music.

    I like writing in the middle of the night when nobody can bother me.

    I like getting high with someone I love and cuddling forever.

    I like playing video games with my friends.

    I like playing my guitar.

    I like doing something productive and feeling good for the rest of the day about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:19:41 No.7882669
    I love the mountains, I love the clear blue sky
    I love big bridges, I love when great whites fly
    I love the whole world, and all it's sights and sounds
    Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada
    I love the ocean, I love real dirty things
    I love to go fast, I love Egyptian kings
    I love the whole world and all it's craziness
    Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada
    I love tornadoes, I love arachnids
    I love hot magma, I love the giant squids
    I love the whole world, Its such a brilliant place!

    Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada,Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:21:32 No.7882688
    I like when someone on /x/ streams shitty horror movies. Good times.

    I like the new bump limits, because this thread can survive longer.

    I like eating bread at one twenty one AM.
    >> Haze !!/zzaA3cIj2C 03/13/10(Sat)01:21:36 No.7882689
    I like when once a month it settles into my brain that no one loves me and that I'm a loser

    I like feeling bad for myself since no one else does

    I like to tell shitty jokes that make some people laugh and others people look at me like I'm Adolf Hitler with a demon headed 12 inch Black penis

    I like the people that look at me like I'm Adolf Hitler with a demon headed 12 inch Black penis better than the people that just laugh at the joke

    I like Truffles

    I like Louis Ck

    I like lamp
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:22:28 No.7882700
    holy fuck

    you're like me

    except when you get high there's a girl to cuddle with and you have acid and I don't
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:22:29 No.7882701
    I like my friends.

    I like to laugh.

    I like making others laugh.

    I like getting the shivers when I hear a good song.

    I like catching a shy glance from the opposite sex.

    I like to smile and I like my smile.

    I like finally understanding a concept and teaching others said concept.

    I like to ask about life and its meaning, either to others or myself, just to learn more.

    I like having a bowl of ice cream freezing to my clothes while I lie in bed.

    I like taking road trips to anywhere, even no where.

    I like the moments when I laugh at myself for something retarded that I remember.

    I like that first bite of a good meal, fruit, vegetable, etc. I also like that first cold sip of water knowing it was freezing.

    I like long showers.

    I like the way some people smell. Good aromas, people.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:22:46 No.7882704
    I like feeling my babby move inside my wife.

    I like waking up every morning.

    I like /arcanine/.

    I like painting my Warhammer figures.

    I like meeting fellow Arsenal fans that are as fanatical as I am.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:23:27 No.7882710
    I like the smell of the pavement after it had just rained.

    I like riding buses and waving at random people driving by.

    I like the smell of crayons, play-dough or construction paper.

    I like getting up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom and come back to a still warm bed and fall right back asleep.

    I like taking off my shoes every once in a while to step in the grass in my yard.

    I like laying in the yard and staring at the sky, while I think about how tiny I am compared to the galaxy.

    I like having the ability to have really clever comebacks.

    I like the smell of chocolate chip cookies as they bake.

    I like those moments in time when you realized you haven't listened to a good song in a long time, so once you get around listening to it, it strikes a chord in your soul that you have no words to express how glad you are to have listened to such a song once more.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:23:51 No.7882713
    I like you OP, we have the same intrests.

    >>no homo.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:28:35 No.7882764
    I like allergy medicine commercials, tea, and drab rainy days.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:29:07 No.7882767
    I like to singa
    about the moona
    and the juna
    and the springa
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:37:44 No.7882849
    I like how some people are panicking about the world ending right now and I'm just sitting here on /arcanine/ and thinking about watching some animu.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:38:48 No.7882859
    >I like eating paper sometimes
    i lol'd

    I like snails.

    I like sneaking through broken fences so that I can be by the river instead of the street.

    I like to see people proudly savoring their own bodies, no matter what they look like.

    I like making my best friends laugh.

    I like it when my parents make me laugh.

    I like putting salt and chili powder on a delicious juicy mango.

    I like being able to identify trees by genus and species.

    I like napping with my boyfriend.

    I like going back to visit the place where I was born.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)01:50:20 No.7882995
    I like when I'm in the car with a good friend, and listening to music that just sort of fits, and it feels fresh and like a home should. It feels like life has worked out.

    I like comparing where I am now to where I was then, and trying to figure out how it all happened.

    I like that memory of childhood when all of us were camping out, and even if I didn't realize it, I was happy.

    I like the smell, feeling, taste, sound, and look of late night walks.

    I like when it rains and I'm driving alone.

    I like when it rains and I'm in the passenger seat reading the "caution: objects in mirror are closer than they appear" sign.

    these are my absolute favorite things, I think. And everything in this thread (even if I can't relate) makes my eyes water from happiness. Thanks /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:11:42 No.7883189
    I like being pretty sure that the world isn't gonna end right now, but having my towel and stuffed animal with me anyways.

    I liked being younger and "rescuing" snails by moving them off the sidewalk.

    I like walking around with my friends in the rain.

    I like drinking games, even if they don't actually involve alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:17:10 No.7883234
         File1268464630.jpg-(19 KB, 123x120, bobdylanawesome.jpg)
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    >When it rains and I'm driving alone
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:18:16 No.7883241
    I like it when I remember sweet things people I care about have said to me.

    I like carefully tuning my guitar, playing a chord, and just hearing it sound wonderfully right.

    I like it when music gives me the chills.

    I like it when a girl cooks dinner for just the two of us.

    I like being high and listening to music, and watching as it becomes oddly meaningful in reference to the things around me.

    I like playing on the swings.

    I like finishing something creative, like a song or drawing.

    I like it when I've learned a great deal out of a textbook in a short amount of time.

    I like it when people give me signs they care.

    I like hot chocolate on cold days.

    I like sunrises and the period immediately after.

    I like sunsets and the period immediately after.

    I like being warm under the covers while it's cold outside of them.

    I like smelling her perfume.

    I like listening to music and watching the rain outside my window.

    I like cooking.

    I like when girls rest their heads on my shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:41:43 No.7883415
    i like wearing red lipstick.
    i like listening to the same song over and over until my brain doesn't want to hear it anymore.
    i like science related subjects even though i'm not a scientist.
    i like when colors in my apartment balance each other out.
    i like it when fruit is ripe when i eat it.
    i like papaya and coconut juice--if that is all i had to eat for the rest of my life i would be happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:42:42 No.7883425
    i like crowded elevators.

    i like girls who wear bike helmets.

    i like storms.

    i like unexpected hardships.

    i like unreasonable weather.

    i like fights i can't win, and dreams that souldn't be dreamed.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)02:44:11 No.7883438
    I like living alone and having to walk around naked in the house

    I like watching ass2ass mating dogs

    I like it when I wake up completely refreshed thirty seconds before my alarm goes off

    I like taking a cold shower after an exhausting day

    I like how brushing my teeth keeps me awake during busy nights

    I like the sweet milk-like smell of the one I love

    I like the smell of Christmas

    I like it when my fingers get all pruney after swimming or taking a very long bath

    I like windy boat rides

    I like this thread and I hope it gets archived. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)03:03:34 No.7883618
    I like crying while watching a sad movie alone, then wondering whether I was actually crying because of the movie... or just because.

    I like having arguments with my little brother and sister, and realizing how much I love them although they're such brats.

    I love dancing like a crazy person if the music is good, even when most other people are just kind of swaying or trying to bump and grind. It's even better if others are into it though, and everyone's having a good time losing themselves to the music.

    I like sitting outside in the grass with my best friend in the summer, talking about everything, feeling nostalgic about the past.

    I like the feeling I get when I haven't procrastinated for once, have studied well and feel like an accomplished human being.

    I like feeling accepted despite my flaws.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)03:30:41 No.7883867
    I like looking at the empty birds nests on tall trees when it's winter and picturing myself collecting them one day
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)12:29:52 No.7888225
    I like on a damp autumn morning, the spider webs that show up in the conifers/hedges with the morning dew.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)13:15:23 No.7888801
    I like when a great thread is still alive.

    I like slower boards.

    I like cottage cheese.

    I like being inside while it rains.

    I like being outside while it rains.

    I like all the d'awww posts in this thread about liking Anon.

    I like Anon, too.

    I like robots.

    I like genies.

    I like plastic dinosaur toys.

    I like spelling long and complex words.

    I like looking at ancient archived threads and seeing how little or how much we've changed.

    I like when /x/ thinks the world is going to end, and they suddenly become /magic stormfront/.

    I like periods of crazy hype and spoiler leaks for games.

    I like elaborations on the word "bro."

    I like folding little paper stars.

    I like having breakfast for lunch.

    I like Frosted Flakes.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)16:08:34 No.7890824
    I like going on strolls late at night, smoking while listening to Sinatra.

    I like when the girl I'm in love with looks into my eyes and plays with my hair.

    I like smoking a cigarette after waking up in the morning (sadly, because I'm trying to quit)

    I like looking in the mirror and actually being impressed with my looks.

    I like eating a satisfying meal and just watching television.

    I like looking up at the stars late at night and feeling like I'm part of something bigger than myself.

    I like the initial buzz from alcohol when you feel confident enough to take on the world.

    I like indulging myself with a donut whenever I find the opportunity to do so.

    I like a good cup of black coffee and a bagel with smoked salmon.

    I like the rain. Anything when it's raining is made infinitely greater.

    I'm not a big fan of driving, but driving alone on the freeway to see someone, when the sun's shining and my favorite song's playing, makes me feel inexplicably happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)17:04:28 No.7891596
    i like places on our planet.

    i like to think there are other planets out there, even more beautiful and mysterious than ours.

    i like a girl's touch

    i like getting drunk just at the proper rate and losing myself in the loud music of a night club, especially with friends around.

    i like kissing the one i love. even though i hate mixing saliva with other people. this is an exception.

    i like to fantasize about the far future of mankind, that is if we survive that far into the future.

    i like virgin landscapes. wild, untouched places. untouched snow.

    i like nestea. or any cold tea.

    i like looking nice.

    i like getting high-scores on exams.

    i like the place where i was born.

    i like everything nostalgic, especially old technology and old pc games.

    i like to eat delicious food. but i hate preparing food.

    i like understanding ideas and concepts.

    i like my cat.

    i like candy and sweets. a mouth full of them.

    i like new items.

    i like to sleep a lot.

    i like to review old pictures.

    i like swimming in wild lakes/rivers. only did it once though.

    i like funny people.

    i like watching dexter episodes.

    i like the feeling after some intense sports.

    i like playing with other people. any game. (almost)

    i like trees, grass, bushes, flowers, plants... everything green.

    i like being alive. i like being happy. i love life.

    this thread is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)17:05:10 No.7891605
    I like everything but I don't care because I'm a sociopath.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)17:06:23 No.7891617
    I enjoy nothing because I am a sociopath.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)17:14:26 No.7891727
    I like tomato soup and noodles. Shit's so cash.

    I love getting butterflies when I see my boyfriend.

    I love my boyfriend's eyebrows, they're huge and adorable.

    I love waking up earlier than planned, and just lazing in bed.

    I love playing video games that I haven't played in a few years and nostalgiaing hard.

    I love watching sunsets, and the stars.

    I love watching something and being able to repeat all the words.

    I love when people tell me they love me, whoever it is. It's nice, even if they don't mean it.

    I love feeling confident.

    I love showering after I go running.

    I fucking love lasagna.

    I love reading stories about pirates.

    I love deep serious conversations.

    I love how when I can't figure something out in a video game, I just turn it on the next day and it's so clear to me.

    I love cleaning, but not my own room.

    I love snuggling into my blankets.

    I love Gurren Lagann. I've watched it more times than I can count, and I just love it so much for some reason.

    I love you guys! :3
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:11:04 No.7892327
    I love over-sentimental things. I love anything with a hint of romanticism. I adore melodramas. Campy, sappy movies and music are my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:31:33 No.7892643
         File1268523093.jpg-(18 KB, 336x476, aveytare.jpg)
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    I like snuggling with my cats and listening to pretty music.

    I like chewing on the little plastic parts on price tags.

    I like the feeling of being awake in the middle of the night and knowing everyone else is asleep.

    I like Cheetos when they've been sitting out for a couple of days and they're all stale.

    I like cleaning my ears with q-tips, even if they're clean.

    I like shy boys.

    I like when I'm talking to someone, another person interrupts me, and the person who I was talking to was so interested in what I was saying as to tell that person to shut up.

    I like that tension you feel when you like someone and they like you, and you look at each other and look away.

    I like making s'mores with Nutella.

    I like showing people new music that they end up really liking.

    I like getting drunk with my best friend, laying on the couch and having really meaningful conversations.

    I like daydreaming.

    I like when people recognize Freaks and Geeks references.

    I like Avey Tare.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:47:44 No.7892883
    This thread was so great, why did it have to die?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:49:21 No.7892902
    >Avey Tare
    >Freaks and Geeks
    You're too awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:50:36 No.7892922
    I like ice cream when it's just barely melty.

    I like nuzzling.

    I like turning on a song that's so familiar and so similar to my mood that I get goosebumps.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)18:57:08 No.7892973
    I like punching people in the jaw.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:05:05 No.7893133
    I like to make other people happy.
    I also enjoy to be evil and make ppl sad by using only words

    On a good day i ike to make other ppl happy
    bad days i make theyre life miserable.

    also i love overhearing conversations about someone you know and you know what acctualy happend
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:07:42 No.7893166
    I like hot showers in the evening, in the dark.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:11:26 No.7893209
    Aren't showers in the dark frightening and kind of dangerous? I think i'd be a little paranoid if I took a shower and I couldn't see anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:11:26 No.7893210
    I like waking up early.

    I like staring at the sun because I know I'm not supposed to.

    I like making milkshakes and watching Fiona Apple music videos.

    I like pizza, every day, pizza pizza, every day.

    I like to wear suits, and I like girls in suits.

    I like to climb on top of buildings.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:13:51 No.7893250
    no its really relaxing, you dont need to move much. Also your hearing becomes more sensitive in the dark so I end up hearing the shower like that rainymood recording, and whilst being warm and clean, it just feels wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:15:10 No.7893266
    I like 4chan. The way it tastes after you brush your teeth.
    >> c loc 03/13/10(Sat)19:17:15 No.7893303
    i like to get high, while she gets low.
    i like to coast down hills in the early morn in san fransisco.
    i like to box with my buddies.
    i like to eat all foods.
    i like california and the girls and the drugs
    i like my maxxum 5 and the shitty lenses
    i like porn
    i like zebra striped gum
    i like to know everything
    i like to never be in a bad situation
    i like being ataraxic
    i like getting muted for nothing
    i like indie music
    i like getting my paycheck
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:17:32 No.7893308
    That is pretty much the only thing I look forward to during my day, having a dark shower, then a comfortable sleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:17:32 No.7893310
    I like climbing trees and watching the sun rise.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:28:18 No.7893448
         File1268526498.jpg-(391 KB, 1518x1075, 254.jpg)
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    >I love Gurren Lagann. I've watched it more times than I can count, and I just love it so much for some reason.


    I like that I love so many people in a completely platonic sense.

    I like that the kettle just boiled.

    I like that I have ice cream in my freezer.

    I like that good threads get archived.

    I like adorable pairings.

    I like traps.

    I like reading.

    I like the library.

    I like weird animals from deep in the ocean.

    I like info threads and life hacks.

    I like that it's warm but there's no mosquitoes yet.

    I like plants.

    I like Easy Bake Ovens.

    I like 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:38:13 No.7893544
    I like listening to a song I haven't heard in a long time, and feeling nostalgic.

    I like getting breakfast out with friends in the afternoon.

    I like falling asleep to the sound of rain.

    I like running my hands through really soft hair.

    I like cuddling in the morning.

    I like when he makes eye contact with me and holds it longer than I expected.

    I like getting drunk at night and going outside and lying down on cold cement and looking at the stars.

    I like discovering I'm not the only one who does certain things that I thought only I did.

    I like finding old video games and movies I used to like as a kid.

    I like the sound my phone makes when I get a text message, and how I get butterflies when I see his name on the screen.

    I like drawing pictures for my friends.

    I like going out of my way to make certain people happy, even if it sometimes makes me a doormat.

    I like when those same people go out of their way to do something nice for me, when I didn't expect it.

    I like hugs.

    I like when me and my friend notice something stupid and start laughing at the same time, and how we don't even have to say what we're laughing at because we both know.

    I like when clothes fit a person's body perfectly.

    I like driving around alone really early in the morning and listening to loud music in my car.

    I like making people laugh.

    I like when people are nice to me and to other people.

    I like my friends.

    I love him.

    I love this thread.

    I like how much I had to cut from this list to make it fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:39:33 No.7893561
    i liek vidya
    i liek fappin
    i liek the chan
    i liek my fronds
    i liek you
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:40:17 No.7893568
    I like how much I'm procrastinating studying for this film final.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:41:37 No.7893589
    This thread shows me that the robots do feel some emotion. I smiled, gj everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:42:32 No.7893601

    I like not being a sociopath. <3
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:44:37 No.7893630
    I like watching old 30s gangster films on cold, rainy mornings while drinking a big cup of coffee.

    I like boots and long jackets.

    I like cuddling with my boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:51:08 No.7893693
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:51:20 No.7893700
    I like the crunch and salty taste of wavy chips.

    I like the juicy feeling of your first chew of a brand new stick of gum.

    I like it when I see someone who can dance good, without resorting to stripping/general whore-ness.

    I like it in songs when they turn the music off for a second, and its just a cappella, the sweet strong voice (esp for female singers).

    I like the feeling of going to bed after a long tiring day, the relaxing sigh and then sleep.

    I like it when someone uses clever innuendo.

    I like r9k, 4chan in general because its a community like any other, despite all the misfits threads, bawwws, so on.

    I really like my best friend for sticking by my side even when he doesn't need to, backing me up or cutting me down when I'm acting up. He's an awesome guy.

    I really like my girlfriend, talking to her at the end of a day. I like how I can rest my head on hers when I hug her, how I can press her in my hugs. I like her for the countless things she gives me.

    I like this thread for lifting me up.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)19:52:29 No.7893724
    I like finding a thread that I read every single post in (ie. this one)

    I like running my tongue over my teeth just after I brush them (when my braces come off I'm taking a weekend to just lick my teeth for hours)

    I like sitting by a window when it's sunny and getting warm

    I like when people look at me when I feel confident

    I like making lists

    I like putting fresh clean pajamas on after I get out of the shower

    I like never drying my hair

    I like the taste of blood on my lips when I bite them

    I like the sound of pencils writing

    I like people playing with my hair

    I like resting my index finger against my mouth

    I like cold weight of my camera in my hands

    I like the simple routine of making tea that makes me feel so sane and average and normal

    I like connecting with random strangers

    I like wearing slutty underwear under my school uniform and knowing nobody knows but me

    I like lying on the floor

    I like finding out results and that I did well

    I like when people tell me I'm special

    I like falling asleep on the floor in front of the fire

    I like touching beards

    >I like so much fucking shit, and I hate making posts that I worry are too long
    >> sage sage 03/13/10(Sat)19:57:35 No.7893779
    This thread is shit. Fuck your gay sentimental horseshit, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:00:12 No.7893806
    I like when people sage out of spite and jealousy and nothing else.

    I like buying underwear.

    I like when I leave the house with my ipod fully charged.

    I like when I wake up before the alarm goes off.

    I like mint chocolate and orange chocolate.

    I like Easter just because they sell Mini Eggs here.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:04:51 No.7893847
    i like soft hair.
    i like playing video games with friends.
    i like when i get all my work done on time.
    i like cute things.
    i like driving alone and listening to music in my car.
    i like finishing a book in one day.
    i like cuddling.
    i like listening to the rain outside my window when i'm going to sleep.
    i like getting shy people to talk to me.
    i like doing nice things for people even when they don't deserve it.
    i like everything about him.
    i like never turning the light on in my room.
    i like staying up late and getting up early.
    i like when he looks at me and smiles for no reason.
    i like riding the bus by myself.
    i like when everything works out in the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:05:46 No.7893849
    I like when you're at a party and you leave the room to get a drink and someone follows you, and someone else follows them and two people follow them then after 20 minutes the entire party suddenly goes "hang on, why are we all dancing in the kitchen?"

    I like getting home from aforesaid party and being too tired to take your make up and waking up 15 hours later, looking in the mirror and seeing you look just as vampy and glamarous as you did the night before

    I like when you wake up an hour before your alarm goes off but you just feel so awake you get up anyway

    I like equally as much waking up an hour before your alarm and drifting blissfully back to sleep
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:11:38 No.7893888
    I like pressing F5 and seeing a new post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:15:29 No.7893923
    i like big butts and i cannot lie
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:16:56 No.7893931
    I like riding in the back of a truck
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:18:52 No.7893948
    I like heavy blaring bass.
    I like dancing like an idiot.
    I like slow, quiet days.
    I like movies with ironic endings.
    I like following up a deep kiss with soft, smaller ones.
    I like when it rains but it's warm out.
    I like the smell of the ocean.
    I like baking cookies at 2 in the morning.
    I like you guys. ^-^
    >> Anonymous 03/13/10(Sat)20:19:28 No.7893958
    i like 4chan

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