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  • File : 1324245922.jpg-(208 KB, 493x500, tumblr_kugtsubKtK1qzecq2o1_500.jpg)
    208 KB Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:05:22 No.787277  
    Ask a fat activist anything.

    I believe in bodily autonomy - the idea that everyone should be able to go about their lives looking the way they want and feeling good about themselves, without being called a "hambeast" or "disgustingly gaunt".
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)17:07:04 No.787296
    How does it feel that you are fat?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:08:17 No.787310
    Will you go out with me?

    I'm only 130 lbs, but I'll eat more and meat up if you accept, I swear!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:09:16 No.787321

    I have nothing to ask. You seem like a perfectly reasonable individual.

    But that world will never even come close to existing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:09:18 No.787322
    I agree, OP. No one should be fat shamed, especially when it isn't hurting anyone but yourself. It's already hard enough for the overweight as it is without the pressure. If being made fun of actually pressured people to lose weight, there would be no fatties.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:11:10 No.787345
    What is your stance on fat admirers and feeders?

    I am going to get on my soapbox and say that feeders get a bad rap. Being a feeder doesn't make you a controlling asshole, being a controling asshole makes you a controlling asshole.

    I am a feeder and my girlfriend wants to lose weight and I support her because its her body and I respect the decesions she makes.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:11:22 No.787349
    I'm not fully on-terms with my body. I still have a lot of issues with dysphoria and all that. I have gotten teased and bullied a lot in my youth because of the way I looked. I don't look attractive to most people.

    But I like being fat and wouldn't have it any other way. Genuine people, when I meet them, see me for who I am rather than what I look like.

    No thanks, I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but I'm sure you're a lovely individual!

    The first step to inciting change is starting with your own attitude.
    >> Assassino !!ho8dSI9rwFU 12/18/11(Sun)17:11:30 No.787353
    So how fat are you?
    I'm guessing near obesity if you're in activist mode
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:11:49 No.787356
    you sound like my cut of meat OP. Your beliefs overlap my philosophy of "not giving a fuck". I still like to call my fat friends all kinds of demeaning names but it's all jokes.

    People who take appearance seriously are fucking retarded, pleasure can come from any human. Attraction is a crutch of a free spirit.

    or as I call it "if you dont have sex with everything your a fucking pussy who doesn't want to get laid so shut up about your problems"

    Whats your favorite food OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:12:24 No.787361
    >you sound like my cut of meat OP
    I don't think she's the cut, I think she's the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:12:37 No.787366
    >[advocates going] about their lives looking the way they want and feeling good about themselves
    >[denies people the right to call other people] a "hambeast" or "disgustingly gaunt"

    >> Op SELF BUMPING 12/18/11(Sun)17:12:59 No.787372
    Im happpy for you to continue being a fat fuck aswell. Firstly because haha your fat, go be fat somewhere mr fatty fat fat. Also, if your a fat fucking blimp, it means us normal people stand a better chance a pulling the fit girls, hell even any girls. Who the fuck wants to lie under your fat stinking body eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:12:59 No.787373
    ahahahaha have fun being a disgusting and useless fat body
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)17:15:24 No.787390
    Don't you find it weird that there is no "normal weight" fat-activist out there?

    That it is all fat people supporting themselves

    Its like a crackhead saying crack is good
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:15:41 No.787391
    What would you say to someone who said that obesity shouldn't be normalised, as we should be doing everything we can to prevent the subsequent health effects and drain on society?

    Not my personal view, I really couldn't care less about your weight unless I'm forced into some kind of sexual scenario, but I do sympathise with those who hold said view.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:16:36 No.787398
    If you want to be fat and happy, power to you.

    I just don't get why ANYONE would want to be/stay fat when diet/exercise and rewards that come along with it, are infinitely better than being some lazy fat fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:17:04 No.787405
    I know a fat guy. I mean an obese guy.
    His breating is loud, his hair is greasy, his face is unshaven and full of acne, he has disgusting little pig's eyes and his stench makes me want to vomit.

    Fuck you, OP, for enabling this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:17:07 No.787408
    Don't you like.... hate yourself when you're fat? I feel so much better when I'm in shape, I find it really hard to imagine what it must be like not to give a fuck about your body.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:17:16 No.787409
    Enjoying dying at 40 from heart disease.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:18:03 No.787413
    I'm a fatty and even I think you're a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:18:16 No.787417
    It's not about not giving a fuck about your body. It's about loving your body no matter your weight.
    >> Assassino !!ho8dSI9rwFU 12/18/11(Sun)17:18:24 No.787418
    Also I don't understand how so many people are fat-fucks, I'm fine yet I do extremely little exercise
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:18:33 No.787419
    >see me for who I am rather than what I look like

    How do you feel knowing that you had to artificially exclude an aspect of your identity - namely, your weight/body shape - from constituting "who you are" in order to feel good about yourself? How do you feel knowing that "who you are" is actually an artificially limited, incomplete view of yourself?

    I wouldn't be able to delude myself this way.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:18:41 No.787423
    I have no sympathy for you over the fact that people make fun of you for being fat. You chose to be this way, you have to deal with the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:19:40 No.787438
    But to love something you have to take care of it. You can say you love a dog but if you don't care for it, it will get sick and maybe even die. To truely love something, you've got to care about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:20:02 No.787443
    Well, you should fucking pay extra taxes for being the size of 2 people in the bus and plane. Also You have several times more of a chance of having health problems, so you should be charged more of a life insurance.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:20:44 No.787453

    If you loved your body, you wouldn't torture it like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:21:26 No.787464

    >It's not about not giving a fuck about your body. It's about loving your body no matter your weight.
    >It's about loving your body no matter your weight.

    Which is easy to do when you don't give a fuck about your health.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:21:43 No.787469
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:21:55 No.787471
    Actually, the joy of food is much more rewarding than anything exorcise can produce. We are all going to die some day. Might as well enjoy all the things I enjoy as often as I can.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:22:08 No.787478
    >inb4 you chose to be a faggot troll, deal with the consequences
    >inb4 defending self and saying 'im not a faggot troll!'
    >inb4 someone repeats 'you chose to be a faggot troll, deal with the consequences'
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:10 No.787488
    We are all terminal. We will all die some day.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:11 No.787489
    Being fat isn't morally defendable. I don't care about how you look. I care about how you sacrifice others for your own egoism.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:12 No.787490
    >see me for who I am rather than what I look like.

    A lazy, gluttonous person with no self-control or will power?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:19 No.787491

    You are obviously a fat ass, since you dont know about the high you get of working out, lifting weights, and jogging till you drop.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:40 No.787495

    >tfw we are all dying slowly
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:23:58 No.787497
    I'm 160-180 lbs depending on what I eat (I'm on the higher end of the scale since winter has started up, heh). I have a BMI of 18. Most of my weight's in my thighs. You don't have to be fat to be a fat activist.

    It's not that I don't give a fuck, rather I give a fuck enough to say that it's stupid to be so phobic of differently-sized bodies.

    My favorite food is lasagna. I am Garfield.

    I advocate people doing what they want with their bodies, yes. That doesn't include doing what they want with other people - that means I don't advocate demeaning, degrading, objectifying, or otherwise hurting other people for any reason whatsoever, especially because of what they look like.

    Certain people shouldn't have certain rights. That's why laws are in place. Just like you shouldn't be able to rob a store of its money, you shouldn't be able to rob an individual of their dignity.

    1/10 I giggled

    >Don't you find it weird that there is no "normal weight" fat-activist out there?
    But that's untrue, there are many.

    I would tell the person that they are misinformed as to what poor health is. The American weight system is fucked, and overweight people live longer than average-weight and underweight people and are less susceptible to certain diseases.
    I would tell the person that unhealthy lifestyles shouldn't be normalized. A person can be obese and live in a strong, healthy body. I would support a switch to the BMI system rather than basing health on weight; it's completely arbitrary.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:24:07 No.787499
    How am I being a faggot troll?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:24:08 No.787500

    This can only be the words of someone who has never worked out properly.

    My god, lifting weights, teaching myself that my body is powerful if I want it to be, seeing my results getting better and better every day, becoming leaner and fitter, getting in the jaccuzzi after a hard train, noticing guys are checking you out as you improve...

    It feels way better than stuffing a candy bar.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:24:13 No.787502
    >implying actually seeing your penis isn't better than eating in excess
    >Implying fucking 10/10's isn't better than enjoying food
    >Implying you can't enjoy food on a winter bulk
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:24:33 No.787506
    I'm sorry. When you get a heart attack at 35 and cost the government tons of money whose fault is it? I mean, when fatties cost billions and billions a year in taxes because they are too lazy to get off of their asses, why shouldn't I hate (you) them?

    Inb4 genetics, CERN will be interested in your ability to create mass out of nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:25:02 No.787512
    Nothing prevents you from looking the way you want; so, basically, you want to outlaw people _saying_ certain things.
    Doesn't that strike you as a bad thing?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:25:19 No.787517
    besides sex with an attractive man, in your case.
    it's so sad to see women with pretty faces and perky breast throw it all away because they wanna be fat.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)17:25:52 No.787522

    >overweight people live longer than average-weight and underweight people and are less susceptible to certain diseases.

    Fuck this, I'm out
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:26:21 No.787531
    >I would support a switch to the BMI system
    The BMI system isn't exactly the most reliable thing to tell whether or not someone is fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:27:06 No.787538
    Look at the links to the right of it. You're quoting a website with overweight people as their demograph. I can easely quote one hundred bodybuilding websites (any websites for that matter) that state otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:27:09 No.787540
    >it's so sad to see women with pretty faces and perky breast throw it all away because they wanna be fat.

    What's worse is that there are people who glorify/romanticize it (/soc/).
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:27:23 No.787542
    >Fat/obesity acceptance
    Obesity should be discouraged because it drains health care resources. Yes, in SOME case people are built that way due to genes. But that's not a good reason for others to be a fat fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:27:50 No.787553
    >A person can be obese and live in a strong, healthy body

    No. Just fucking no.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:28:22 No.787563
         File1324247302.jpg-(269 KB, 1000x794, metal675.jpg)
    269 KB
    U mirin?

    I sure am.

    I am still blocking this mute.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:29:02 No.787568
    No answers to this one

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:29:09 No.787570
    >people making up bullshit excuses for their ambulocetism..

    I gained a digusting fat pouch on my belly, I enjoyed all that junk food, yes but as soon as im able to return to the gym Im giving my body the attention it deserves. Proper diet, intense work-out.

    It feels awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:29:30 No.787574
    >no body hair
    >15-year-old tough guy
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:30:20 No.787586
    philosophically i agree with the fat acceptance movement but from the stuff on i see on tumblr i can't help but feel sort of disgusted with it. it's not just "it's okay to have whatever bodytype you have" there's this typical western attitude to just indulge yourself and who gives a fuck. pleasure yourself, what matters most is your own pleasure. "feministpizza". proudly being gluttonous. even being ANTI-diet, not just "i don't care to diet, i'm cool with the way i look" but anti-diet, and always trying to refute studies regarding obesity's health effects.

    to me it symbolizes the part of the left that just says "do whatever you want and whoever criticizes you is stupid and wrong" which i don't think is supposed to be the purpose of leftist politics.

    i guess i feel it's so masturbatory and self-congratulating. the only real analysis occurs when "calling out" others for their ideological incorrectness and crudeness, or when self-flagellating for one's privilege, there doesn't seem to be any real introspection or ethical thinking... what is a movement based on "be/do whatever you want unless it offends other people", what kind of politics is that? and gleeful joy in consuming
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:30:51 No.787592

    Now go on a jog
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:30:56 No.787593
    They don't have razors in the shitty third world?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:30:59 No.787594
    Fat people are lazy, unattractive and unhealthy.

    Pointing this out is not a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:31:17 No.787604
    Sorry OP, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to be fat, you've got to deal with the bad sides of it (>implying there are good sides).

    You can't decide what other people like or want, and you're not discriminated against legally, so you'll just have to grow up. Sorry your feelings are hurt though, that's a damn shame.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:31:27 No.787607
    you disgust me and commit ocular crimes when you go outside, especially showing your skin. and make healthcare unaffordable for real people.

    what you think of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:31:39 No.787608

    Nope, i'm not mirin your 5'8 midget body.

    inb4 lies about "i'm 6'1, if you were you'd have the most disproportionate body i've ever seen, which would mean you're still not mirable.

    Just looked at the pic again, you're not even 5'8... like 5'6 mebbe?
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)17:32:07 No.787612

    >Shaving your chest

    >confirmed for guido faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:32:15 No.787615
    I don't really see why I should spend what would be cumulative years of my life toiling on exercise machinery when I could be spending that time having fun with my life, doing what I want to do, and especially eating the things I want to eat.

    For people who enjoy exercise and dieting, I support them and what they want to do with their bodies, so long as they aren't being pressured by our society and culture to lose weight.

    I'm sorry that you can't bear the thought of someone other than yourself living their life the way that they want without impacting you negatively at all.

    I've experienced hating my body. Sometimes I still go through moments of hating it. But I know that it's really just a part of who I am and at the heart of it all I wouldn't change my weight for the world. I understand some people feel better when leaner, and diet/exercise is a good choice therefore for those people.

    At my current weight/bmi, I'm actually less susceptible to heart disease in particular, trufax.

    Care to expound on why?

    Everyone is born with a body type. No matter how much exercise and dieting you do, if you return to your normal habits, you will revert to that weight. You might be ectomorphic, while I am endomorphic. There is also a "set point" when it comes to weight that we all revert to. Peoples' metabolisms are different. That doesn't make someone who is fatter than you a "fuck".
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:32:15 No.787616

    Sure foods great, actual good food tends to be quite healthy, only Americans think shoving deep fried butter sugar down your throut is delicious. And yeah, we all die, the difference between 70 and 80 isn't so big - but you'll probably be riddled with health problems in old age that will leave you with decades of misery and suffering whilst someone who actually took care of themselves will be able to live a fulfilled life.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:32:23 No.787619
    >debating with a fat person who believes it's healthy to be overweight


    You can't win.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:32:29 No.787621
    Why should anyone have respect for someone who obviously has no respect for themselves?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:33:09 No.787629
    Are you fine with perpetuating the lie that people can't change themselves and giving them excuses to live shorter, more painful lives trapped in dysfunctional bodies?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:34:19 No.787644
    >without impacting you negatively at all.

    I have to see him twice every week.
    His smell is revolting like rotten meat. He literally looks like a pig.

    That is fucking impacting me negatively.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:34:28 No.787647

    There is nothing to compare my "height" to. You are basing that on my stocky build.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:34:45 No.787650
    this, go back to your Congo.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:35:00 No.787654
    Everyone is born with a body type. No matter how much exercise and dieting you do, if you return to your normal habits, you will revert to that weight. You might be ectomorphic, while I am endomorphic. There is also a "set point" when it comes to weight that we all revert to. Peoples' metabolisms are different. That doesn't make someone who is fatter than you a "fuck".

    Regardless, your body won't defy the laws of thermodynamics. If you eat less than you burn, you'll lose weight, eat too much ad you'll put on weight. Bad genes might have an effect, but physics is the boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:35:01 No.787657
    Broscience galore. Confirmed for retard or troll. Don't feed the troll. (Or the retard...logic, moral and facts doesn't work here)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:36:13 No.787666
    Somatypes are simply "psychology", not physiology. Seriously, CERN wants to know how many GeV your fat cells contain.
    >> sage sage 12/18/11(Sun)17:36:47 No.787677
    sage goes in everything
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:37:59 No.787697
    >Everyone is born with a body type. No matter how much exercise and dieting you do, if you return to your normal habits, you will revert to that weight. You might be ectomorphic, while I am endomorphic. There is also a "set point" when it comes to weight that we all revert to. Peoples' metabolisms are different. That doesn't make someone who is fatter than you a "fuck".
    [Citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:38:50 No.787707
    >I'm sorry that you can't bear the thought of someone other than yourself living their life the way that they want without impacting you negatively at all.

    Not the guy you're replying to, but it does impact people of average weight negatively. It's unpleasant to look at, and in a lot of cases, simply to be around because of the smell. Plus obese people take up two seats on airplanes (And then have the balls to complain about having to pay for two seats) and other methods of transportation, and they cost the government more (AKA People more due to taxes) because more medical supplies have to be used on keeping them alive. Being fat does affect other people in a negative way. By choosing to stay fat, you are being selfish. Is it harder for you to stay fit than it might be for other people? Too bad. I was born ugly, you can't fix that. You have no right to complain about being "discriminated against" because of a choice that you consciously made.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:39:53 No.787722
    I have not met a fat person who didn't smell. They simply do not care about hygiene. If they cared about their bodies they wouldn't be fat. Even if they did care about their hygiene (they dont) their excess sweat still makes them smell. Its lose lose for fatties.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:40:30 No.787734
    In a previous post I wrote that I consider being fat a part of who I am. I don't erase it from my existence. I embrace it. I like being fat.

    I wouldn't make fun of someone who gets a tattoo or a piercing. Some people see that as "mutilating your body". I see choosing to be fat (for those who do; some do no choose this) the same way - an individual's body is theirs and theirs alone to do with what they want. They shouldn't have to go through grief for doing what they want with something that is theirs.

    I take care of my body. I'm a very healthy person.


    I agree with this post. As long as you are eating within the food pyramid, you're good.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:41:09 No.787742
    >Everyone is born with a body type. No matter how much exercise and dieting you do, if you return to your normal habits, you will revert to that weight.

    Have you considered that it's not 'being born with a body type' but that your 'normal habits' are unnaturally excessive, enabled only by your shitty environment providing you with unhealthy, unnatural food sources everywhere you look?

    You weren't born with a bodytype of being fat. You were born adapted to storing energy sources in an environment in which they are sparse, but are now living in an artificial environment that's out of sync with your bodies adaptation. Only by having some willpower and resisting your urges can you achieve the body you were 'meant' to have in this environment.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:41:52 No.787751

    Being fat in this day and age shows ignorance and due to the strain you place on your own health, an ultimate burden on society.

    Being fat means having no self-control, and thus no self-respect, and without self-respect how can you expect people to respect you?

    Speaking as an ex chub myself, I got /fit/ and never looked back.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:42:48 No.787761
    >I wouldn't make fun of someone who gets a tattoo or a piercing. Some people see that as "mutilating your body". I see choosing to be fat (for those who do; some do no choose this) the same way - an individual's body is theirs and theirs alone to do with what they want. They shouldn't have to go through grief for doing what they want with something that is theirs.

    The way I see it? If you do something with your body of your own accord, no matter what it is, you're not allowed to be upset about people judging you for it. It's your choice, deal with the potential consequences.
    >> sage sage 12/18/11(Sun)17:43:25 No.787771
    sage goes in everything except op's mouth. It's full already.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:43:41 No.787774
    > I take care of my body. I'm a very healthy person.
    It is flat out impossible to be obese and healthy. The two are mutually exclusive. You are putting extra strain on all your organs, you are unfit, likely to have problems getting pregnant if you are female, likely to get diabetes, likely to suffer miscarriages and hormonal imbalances.

    Answer this honestly - does going for a five minute jog leave you panting for breath? What about running up the stairs?

    Just imagining the extra strain on your feet and cankle joins makes me cringe.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:43:59 No.787782
    >tattoos and piercings
    >largest cause of death in the us, makes people smell, creates laziness, and costs the public billions

    I don't think so.

    >food pyramid
    LOL, there is a reason fats and oils are sparingly even in that outdated piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:44:39 No.787794

    You guys seriously haven't figured out that this is a troll yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:45:22 No.787803

    But if you love to eat, just work out and eat whatever you like anyway. Working out builds an apatite and feels good, so there is no reason (except a handicap of some sort) for you to sit at home.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:45:36 No.787805
    Why do you think that you can't get artificially inseminated as a obese woman?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:45:44 No.787806
    I don't hurt anyone by being the way I am.

    That's a societal attitude problem. Fat people are portrayed in the media as gluttonous people, or held up as pitiable and insecure. I would be secure with myself if not for all of this pressure.
    When you see a fat person eating, you probably think they're disgusting or piggish or gluttonous. When you look at a thinner person eating the same way, the same item of food, you'd probably not give it a second thought. This is what fat-shaming has wrought upon our collective consciousness.

    I'm not the person you're replying to, but I can definitely see the merit in a good workout. I've experienced it. Again, like I've said, if diet/exercise is what you want to do with your body, you go ahead and do it! Just don't degrade others for not choosing to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:45:48 No.787808
    What you want is retarded.

    Do what you want, but don't get pissed at other when they point it out and God forbid try to prevent their family or friends from doing the same retarded mistake as you did.

    All right, you want to do something terribly fucked up to your body. That's fine. But don't go around preaching that it's all great and natural.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:46:08 No.787814
    >Most of my weight's in my thighs

    How much can you squat OP? Mine is 60kg, need to get it up to 70 (bodyweight).
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:47:51 No.787836
    >I don't hurt anyone by being the way I am.
    There have been a few posts plainly pointing out that you're wrong in that assumption. Why don't you address them?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:48:19 No.787846
    > When you look at a thinner person eating the same way, the same item of food, you'd probably not give it a second thought.
    Because that person clearly has the self restraint not to eat it every single day and sees it for what it is - a treat.

    > Just don't degrade others for not choosing to do it.
    But health feels so good! As someone who was once fat, I pretended I didn't care too. But when I turned my life around I felt so much better! You can do the same, it's really not difficult. Don't you want to feel attractive? It's within your grasp.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:48:29 No.787849
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    Shoulda done SS... faggot!

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:48:59 No.787852

    Why does it matter if it's a troll? I think everyone knows anyway. We're arguing against an idea because it's fun and interesting.

    You seriously haven't figured this out yet?

    Oh you know what? Never mind, I forgot- we should only discuss ideas that everyone agrees with.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:49:31 No.787857

    I'm doing it, brah! But on a cut, and only been liting 2 months....

    >Dat feel.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:50:56 No.787869
    I used to be fat.

    Then I started lifting and taking occasional walks.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:52:39 No.787889
    How would you feel if your child was obese?

    How would you feel if they later got /fit/ and told you how much they hate you for being a fat cow and making them one too, completely ruining their childhood and teenage years and leaving them to discover how to eat and move like a NORMAL HUMAN BEING on their own? Would you feel guilty for basically making them a cripple? Because I fucking hope my mother does.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:57:46 No.787953
    70 kg...are you a girl? that is extremely low.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:58:34 No.787960
    you can be fat if you like, but why not be able to run faster, have faster reflexes and live longer?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:58:47 No.787964
    for squatting weight I mean. body weight is normal for a dude
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:59:46 No.787980
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    >Zyzz's face when this entire thread

    Seriously, please post this on /fit/.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:59:49 No.787981
    Yes, hate speech should be outlawed. I take it that you are american.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:02:01 No.788014
    I take it you are oppressed
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:03:05 No.788024
    in b4 shit late
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:03:16 No.788029
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    Former chunk here, was 5'10 210.
    Come at my now 5'10 170lb lean frame.
    Being fat is a choice.
    U mirin.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:04:11 No.788039
    >be extremely unhealthy
    >It's still fucking unhealthy and disgusting to look at

    Now shut the fuck up, fatass.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:04:43 No.788048
    So when the doctor tells you your thyroid is working perfectly, do you commit suicide or remain foreverweakwilled?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:05:40 No.788059
    >see me for who I am rather than what I look like.
    Fuck your dualism. You are not your mind or your "soul", you are your body. That means the outward appearance, your hormonal levels, your fucked up brain and the consciousness stemming from it. If I don't like your appearance, I already don't like an aspect of you, but your body is definitely you.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:06:04 No.788066
    >Nothing prevents you from looking the way you want
    Wrong. Fat-shaming and body-policing prevents many people from looking the way they want. Our society gives people eating disorders. Our society makes people dysphoric to the point that they will commit suicide. No one is completely free to look the way they want if that way falls outside of the cultural ideal; they have to overcome a lot of degradation to feel free and beautiful in themselves.
    I don't want to outlaw people saying certain things, but I think it would be great if people would stop saying them. It's more of an attitude change that I activate, not a governmental ban on fat-shaming.
    I want everyone to be able to feel happy the way they are. Doesn't that strike you as a good thing?

    In conjunction with other means of measuring one's lifestyle, it's much less arbitrary than our current system.

    I'm glad you've found something to do that makes you happy. I have, too. I like to walk my dog, draw, go out dancing, play videogames, watch cheesy horror movies, and on occasion eat nutella on pretzel sticks, and laugh uncontrollably at awful jokes. Those feel awesome for me.

    I don't believe in being anti-dieting, I'm just against the dieting industry. Being on a healthy diet to lose weight in an appropriate timeframe is good. However, dieting the way the industry wants you to results in yo-yo weight loss/gain and is harmful. The philosophy you're referring to in the beginning of your post is a hedonist philosophy.

    Our fat-shaming society has taught you that. Fat people contribute just as much to our society as thinner people do. Taft and Roosevelt were not bad people, I don't see why you'd imply they weren't.

    I'm sorry that you're so phobic of things that are different from you that you must feel compelled to think that way. Maybe some day you'll learn to accept yourself and, in turn, other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:06:14 No.788067
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    >and feeling good about themselves

    >implying anybody feels good at 30% bodyfat
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:06:53 No.788071
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    >meanwhile on OP's street
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 12/18/11(Sun)18:07:28 No.788083

    Not mirin your small aesthetics

    Your short as shit
    >> Rob !ParKouRdtk 12/18/11(Sun)18:08:34 No.788093
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    fatties gonna fat

    I hate fat people
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:09:59 No.788108

    >Chelshit fan
    >Simpsons poster

    Yeah gtfo
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:10:10 No.788112
    you don't think this hedonist philosophy is an integral part of the fat acceptance movement/that side of leftism and identity politics? eat what you want, do what you want, no one can say you're wrong or a glutton because that's policing other people's identities
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:10:23 No.788113
    Your thread's been posted on /fit/, just saying. You might as well leave before this thread becomes a shitstorm. I just hope your absence doesn't cause an imbalance in our current center of gravity.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:10:59 No.788123
    I respect myself. I like my body. I deserve respect. I don't see anything wrong with saying this.

    >Are you fine with perpetuating the lie that people can't change themselves
    It's true that some people can't change themselves. However, some people can. I am one of the people who CAN change my weight if I wanted to, but I CHOOSE not to. I don't see the need to defend this. It's my body. I do what I want with it.

    If someone feels "trapped" in their body, they should make efforts to change it. I support people who feel that they would love their bodies more if they were thinner, those are the sort of people who should diet, so long as they aren't being pressured to do it.

    >If you eat less than you burn, you'll lose weight, eat too much ad you'll put on weight.
    That's true. But I don't want to lose or gain weight. I'm happy the way I am now. If you want to lose or gain weight, that's your decision to make.


    It's a common misconception that fat people smell bad. If you clean yourself regularly, just like anyone else, then you won't smell, regardless of your weight. Find me a study or any shred of evidence that isn't an experience that says that fat people smell worse than other-sized people.
    It's only "unpleasant to look at" because of the society you've been raised in. Everyone is beautiful, regardless of what they look like.
    If they are paying for the two seats, I don't see the problem.
    I don't blame diabetic or asthmatic people for being alive and using government resources. We need a healthcare overhaul anyway, we are spending too much in the wrong places.
    I choose to stay fat because it doesn't hurt anyone and I don't want to be thinner. I shouldn't have to suffer because of this.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:11:25 No.788134
    Nobody really wants to be fat. Deal with it.

    And for every great fat person there have been 1000 great thin people.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:12:14 No.788140
    Why is it bad to call an obese woman unattractive but anyone is free to rag on an underweight woman as ugly, mentally diseased, or say she looks like a 12-year-old boy regardless of whether that is true or not?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:12:32 No.788143
    You still haven't addressed the posts that give multiple reasons for why being fat affects other people negatively.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:12:56 No.788149
    Freedom of Speech, nyuguh.

    You can be fat, but I can still call you a hambeast.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:13:01 No.788150
    >Find me a study or any shred of evidence that isn't an experience that says that fat people smell worse than other-sized people.
    It's only "unpleasant to look at" because of the society you've been raised in. Everyone is beautiful, regardless of what they look like.

    I don't need a fucking study to know that every fat person I've known smells like shit or starts smelling like shit as soon as they have to climb a few stairs.

    >Everyone is beautiful, regardless of what they look like.

    No they are fucking not, stop lying to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:13:35 No.788158
    >it's true that some people can't change themselves

    This x1000
    I am a paedophile and I truly can't help myself in raping children. The government thinks it's my fault? I have no control over my paedophillia.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:15:01 No.788174

    shut up whale
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:15:58 No.788184
    Fat people don't sweat in excess. Find me a study or anything at all to back up what you say.

    I was born a fat baby. Even if I was not, though, it shouldn't enable people to discriminate against me for becoming fat. I chose to become fat just like I chose to get my ears pierced and I chose to vote for Obama. My body is mine and mine alone. It's not yours to reign over; you can't tell me that I am "unhealthy" or "unnatural" when I am in fact very healthy and natural.

    I don't place any strain on my health. It's a misconception, driven by our fat-shaming culture, that fat people have no self-control. I have plenty of self-control. I choose to be fat.
    I'm glad you were able to find a weight you were satisfied with, though. I'm satisfied with mine as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:16:40 No.788192
    How does it feel knowing the vast majority of people aren't just not attracted to you - they are repulsed by you?

    It feels so great to know people are looking at the body I've worked hard to achieve. You must never feel that. That's sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:17:51 No.788203
    >I have plenty of self-control. I choose to be fat.

    Who ya tryin' to convince, me or you? You're an addict for starches and refined carbs. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:18:19 No.788210
    But WHY do you want to be fat? Why? You can't seriously be saying if you were given the option to live the exact same lifestyle and yet have a drop-dead amazing figure with no drawbacks you'd say "Nahhh, I'd rather carry on straining my spine with this huge gut thanks"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:18:53 No.788218

    >Overweight people sweat more profusely than normal weight individuals because fat acts as an insulator that raises their core temperature.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:19:27 No.788228
    >quoting one slide of a .ppt
    >that same slide says it's possible to change the set point
    Haha, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:21:30 No.788247
    >I don't place any strain on my health
    There are countless studies about that. Fine, believe in your religion I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:22:29 No.788256
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    U mirin' my one-pack, skinnyfags?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:23:14 No.788272
    Nice. Thick. Tight.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:24:17 No.788288
    Nah, bro, that's just fucked up. Don't you think that if we all quit policing each other so much we'd be a little happier?

    >You are putting extra strain on all your organ
    I've actually got a thin layer of fat around my organs, which protects them more.
    >you are unfit
    Unfit for what?
    >likely to have problems getting pregnant if you are female
    I'm not at that point, but I don't plan on getting pregnant anyway
    >likely to get diabetes
    Nah bro
    >likely to suffer miscarriages and hormonal imbalances
    Even if this were true, I'd deal, unless I found it uncomfortable in my body because of this. Then I'd make an effort to change. Currently I suffer from none of the things you're talking about, and according to doctors, I am not at risk for any of the things you're talking about. Again, as stated, I am a healthy individual, but I am still considered "overweight" by American standards.
    >does going for a five minute jog leave you panting for breath? What about running up the stairs?
    No. A couple of years ago I suffered very badly from asthma, though, but that cleared up (no changes to my weight or diet were made, it was assumed to be stress-related), and now when I run for fun I am fine. I race from time to time with my roommate, who is skinny, and consistently beat her. She's left panting for several minutes at a time, while I am not.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:24:23 No.788289
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    u mirin fatty?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:26:01 No.788310
    I would be a lot happier if fat people would get some respect for their bodies and lose some weight.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:26:56 No.788320
    And when you get a heart attack at 43 it's going to be stress related right?

    All of that stress that fat puts on your heart.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:27:27 No.788325
    Of course you have the right to do what you want with your body. Nobody is going to take you to fat jail. But as much as you have the right to mistreat your own body, the rest of the world has the right to not find you attractive. Nobody likes a flabby hambeast, and nobody respects any one who keeps stuffing their faces with grease while crying that no one thinks they're pretty.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:28:35 No.788343
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    Pic related: it's fatty fat op.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:28:41 No.788345
    So much bro-science and lies. Funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:28:43 No.788346
    You have absoluetly no understanding of science, clearly do not understand the very real dangers of being overweight, and are a liar.

    I will have no more to do with this thread, and instead climb into bed with my boyfriend (skinny with sexy lower body litheness due to a lifetime of (british) football training), and if he's still awake he might be aroused to feel my slim body slide in bed next to him...

    I feel sorry for OP not being someone's fantasy. It feels great to know the vast majority of men find my body type sexy. Poor pitiable OP, trying to convince herself she's healthy and happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:30:27 No.788372
    > everyone should be able to go about their lives looking the way they want and feeling good about themselves, without being called a "hambeast" or "disgustingly gaunt".
    You kill your body however you want to, I call your body however I want to.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:30:43 No.788375
    How does it feel that only fetishists find you attractive?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:31:04 No.788378
    There is a reason for me to sit at home, though I'm not the person you're replying to: I should be able to move my body in the ways I want without anyone telling me to do otherwise.

    >All right, you want to do something terribly fucked up to your body. That's fine. But don't go around preaching that it's all great and natural.
    I don't encourage other people to be fat. I encourage them to do what they want with their bodies, and I discourage others from being judgmental. What's wrong with that?

    I don't know, I've never tried. I've got pretty good leg strength in my experience, though certainly not anything impressive. Terrible arm strength, though.

    I have. I don't hurt anyone's eyes or noses, and if I do, that's an ingrained societal phobia that they need to deal with, not me. If I take up the health insurance I more than deserve for being an American citizen, so be it.

    >Because that person clearly has the self restraint not to eat it every single day
    Ah, an example of our culture's fat-phobia. You look at a fat person and simply assume that they have no self-control just because of the way they look. There could be a number of reasons why they look that way, but all of a sudden you decide their personality for them? Nice, bro. I'm disappointed.

    >But health feels so good!
    It does! As a healthy individual, I concur.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:32:07 No.788395
    >shaves his chest
    >thinks he's a man

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:32:26 No.788401
    I'm not going to call you a hambeast, but believe me, if I see a fat person, I will think that. And I will fucking hate you if you sit next to me on the bus, crushing me against the window. Being fat is being rude to other people, just as being unhygienic or loud or insulting. I won't insult you, because I'm too mild-mannered for that, but if you're a guy and you try to hit on me while being a Fatty McFat, you don't have any right to go "Hurrf, Durrf, I'm a Nice Guy why isn't this cunt going out with me" when you're as rude as the next jock simply by being "proud of your body".

    >mfw I have no face and that happened to me just today
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:32:27 No.788402
    >If I take up the health insurance I more than deserve for being an American citizen, so be it.

    I'm fucking done.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:32:50 No.788405
    > There could be a number of reasons why they look that way

    There is one reason they look they way, and one reason only - they eat more than they burn off. It's not rocket science. The thinner person eats the right amount for them. It might not be fair, but boo hoo, at least you have some control over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:33:21 No.788414
    >more testosterone in left bicep
    >loling all the way to her place
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:34:17 No.788424
    Normal person: Oh, well that person takes up two seats on a plane, they should have to pay for both seats.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:34:27 No.788426
    How does it feel promoting a lifestyle that is dangerous and detrimental to your own health and fitness while also taking its toll on society by affecting lazy people to use more resources and work less?
    You people are truly worse than the nazis
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:35:29 No.788437
    Well, some people do have a hunger problem due to imbalances, but this is an actual health problem, not a self-control problem. Feeling starved when you shovel food into your mouth all day must not be pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:36:55 No.788455
    The problem is when people act like their obesity is a disease or handicap.

    You do not deserve special treatment because you are fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:36:58 No.788456
    "some people" is an insignificantly small number of people, and none of the fat activists is amongst them. These people are just sloths.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:37:41 No.788463
    No, but once you get told by a doctor that eating more will not make the sensation go away, sure it would absolutely suck balls, but wouldn't you see the logic in trying to do stuff to take your mind off it, like exercise?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:38:24 No.788468
    It is both though, if you go by the medical definitions.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:39:33 No.788477
    i believe in the freedom of speech .
    if you're a fatty i'll call you a fatty . problem ?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:40:37 No.788492
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    what would you say if i told you that fatness was indicative of weak character and a feeble mind
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:40:46 No.788493
    Starvation is not mild hunger. Believe me, I've been starved, and it's akin to asphyxia. It's not something that goes away by doing exercise. It's solved with surgery and drugs.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:40:59 No.788494
    The problem is in any society where it is expected that everyone be treated equal and pull their own weight in terms of contribution, fat people are a pestilence who drain resources and require an unnecessary excess of expenditure just for equivalent maintenance.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:41:02 No.788496
    I wouldn't have a child.
    But if I did and that happened - which it wouldn't, because I would feed them healthily until they could make their own decisions about what to eat - I'd probably apologize, I guess. But none of that is realistic at all, so.

    Yes, I am a girl. I'm 5'5". In America, I'm considered overweight.

    If you want to have those things, go ahead. I don't really see how running faster and having reflexes is pertinent to my life and endeavors, though.

    >Fuck your dualism. You are not your mind or your "soul", you are your body
    Debatable! I am a mind/body dualist, yes! You can hold a different philosophy if you want, that's cool. I'm sorry you judge people based on their body, though.

    You don't have to be a hedonist to be a fat activist, no.

    I want to be fat and I like it. I exist. Deal with it.

    It's bad to rag on anyone because of what they look like.

    Freedom of speech does not include hate speech.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:42:15 No.788511

    The technical term for starvation is running out of glucose stores - for most people assuming you're on a fast, you will technically be in starvation after about 24 hours.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:42:57 No.788521
    >It's not something that goes away by doing exercise. It's solved with surgery and drugs.
    What is your "it" referring to here?

    >It's bad to rag on anyone because of what they look like.
    Calling fat people fat is not saying anything about them because of what they look like, but because of what they ARE. Being heavy isn't an optical quality, it's a quality of your weight (which is too much [you're fat]).
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:43:42 No.788531
    its one thing to say fat people should be *allowed* to be fat, since it doesnt affect other people

    maybe, thats a whole different thing than respecting them

    i think of fatties as i think of any other kind of addict: weak, repulsive, and probably not worthy of my time
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:43:46 No.788533
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    From the fine people of /fit/
    >> ThatBlackGirl !!QAZTO+2mfSz 12/18/11(Sun)18:44:17 No.788538

    I was going to type out a long ass response, but I pretty much sum it up here:

    Am I the only fat person who wants to lose weight , rather than be accepted?

    I understand it takes willpower to be okay with being fat. It takes willpower to lose it, too. It's one thing if you are healthy and chubby, it is another if you are big sack of shit filled with entitlement (Hollister y u no sell XXXXL??! Fuhk u gais 1 in every 2 americans iz fat!)
    If you own up to why you are fat, and try to be healthy, go ahead with your bad self. If you have given up losing weight and are bitter and spend your time bitching at everyone else and REFUSE to accept you are the cause of your weight, gtfo.

    TL;DR Healthy fat and bitchy fat are not the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:44:19 No.788539
    I know we're not talking about mild hunger. But if you *know* that eating more and more will not help in the slightest, wouldn't you try not to?

    My boyfriend has the exact opposite problem. He just never gets hungry. He could literally skip and meal or two and not notice, and wonder why his writing has gone all shakey. It's quite scary. I've taken to either making him food and texting him when I'm eating to remind him to eat, and cooking dinner where possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:44:20 No.788540
    >yfw rioting is a decent form of cardio and you loose your fatness in the process of trying to convince people that you cant change who you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:45:03 No.788552
    I want the people who go on about 'medical conditions' that make you fat to explain to me how your gland problem can violate the second law of thermodynamics.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:45:28 No.788559
    /fit/izen here. it amazes me how btuthurt other /fit/izens get over fatties. when i go out in public i couldn't give a single fuck when i see fat people (unlike they are at a ridiculous level of fat, but for me thats a rare sight).

    seriously get the fuck over it /fit/bros, it doesn't even effect you.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:46:47 No.788578
    >I am a mind/body dualist
    >Freedom of speech does not include hate speech.
    Are you fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:46:59 No.788581
    Fat people disgust me.
    You have as much right to your unhealthy, disgusting lifestyle as I do to publicly mock you.

    Ask an obesity activist anything. My movement mocks fatties (especially hambeasts, it's a humans job to be aesthetically pleasing as possible.). By making fatties hate their body we have made a significant dent in the lard by miotivating landwhale's to return to a more pleasing, natural form.

    Obesity is a disease. I don't mind naturally chubby girls but obese hambeasts are a stain and unnatural.

    >implying fat people have the ambition to protest en masse or stand up for anything
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:48:16 No.788600
    The feeling of starvation. Not hunger--starvation.

    >I am a mind/body dualist, yes!
    And how do you reconcile this with Phineas Gage's story (, or with drugs' effect on the brain and the consciousness, or thousands of other proofs that your mind only stems from the brain (aka the body)?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:48:35 No.788603
    180 lbs, OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:48:48 No.788610
    Hey, bro. It's not about fatties fatting up the world, it's about the attitude that these "fat activists" have. It's like saying I am a disgusting slob, I won't change because I'm fucking lazy, rather I'll make it a whole rights issue and fight for me "right" to be a disgusting slob. Nobody's saying you can't be a fucking fatty if you want to be, but actually being proud of not having the discipline to change your body is disgusting. Also, nobody wants to be fat. The OP lies to herself to defend her laziness
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:49:35 No.788617

    >the idea that everyone should be able to go about their lives looking the way they want and feeling good about themselves

    Mhm, as long as they're not thinner than you, right?
    Fuck off you fat, worthless sack of shit.
    Society will never accept you, not because you're fat, but because you're too useless and lazy to maintain your health and are so delusional you think that greater risks for literally almost every common disease and terminal condition is good for you.

    Thank you for making stereotypical Americans fat fucks in the rest of the world's eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:49:38 No.788618
    I bet OPs favorite form of protest is the sit in.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:49:39 No.788620
    How does it feel to know your killing yourself with your obesity?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:50:58 No.788639
    I, as an formerly overweight individual, have a message for you, OP.

    You are your own person. You can be whatever you want to be. Your body is yours. What you do with it is your decision.

    Knowing all that, what grotesque intellectual depravity left you with the impression that your overweightedness was not hideous? You are entitled to your own decisions. You are not entitled to respect for your weakness. You are not fat because it is advantageous. You are fat because you over-consume. Why is the world expected to congratulate you for gorging unnecessarily? Why should anyone admire you lack of will? Your apathy is not admirable.

    You can complain if strangers harass you for your weight. You can complain about insults. Those things are not equitable. You can *not* complain that people consider your gluttony to be problematic, and express that if the subject comes up.

    Gluttons do not deserve to be thought of as strong minded individuals.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:52:00 No.788646
    Are you likening being fat to being a pedophile? This I have a problem with. I'm going to just go ahead and debunk it by saying being fat doesn't hurt anyone, and being a pedophile does.

    It hurts sometimes. I know that I am a beautiful person but society has conditioned us to think otherwise. But I'm glad that I'm not conventionally hot because otherwise I'd only hang out with people who liked me for my appearances, and those people aren't genuine.

    I'm dealing, and I'm loving it, thanks!

    Like I said above, being conventionally attractive would suck in some ways. While I wouldn't get made fun of, I'd only get douchebags hitting on me and I wouldn't have genuine friends who look past my appearances to who I am on the inside.

    It's alright that certain people don't find me attractive. I know a lot of that is because society has an ingrained fat-phobia. Wish we weren't so body-phobic, of course, though.

    Not how it works, bro. Not at all.

    Oh I've been with plenty of guys who I've loved and have loved me very much, but fortunately I am not pitiable enough to rank my self-worth by how desirable I am to men. You have fun with that, though!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:52:04 No.788647
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:52:33 No.788653
    >Phineas Gage's story
    also lobotomies...and any form of brain damage
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:53:54 No.788675
    >But if you *know* that eating more and more will not help in the slightest, wouldn't you try not to?
    Of course you would try. Now, try not to breathe for the next 10 minutes. That's how easy it is, not to listen to the cry of "EAT MOTHERFUCKER FUCKING EAT". Thankfully now that I know about my gluten allergy (doctors were incapable of diagnosing me and gave me the wrong kind of drugs which basically made me feel starved all the fucking time). Plus side, I can't eat the vast majority of starchy foods.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:53:57 No.788676
    >Not how it works, bro. Not at all.
    Apparently that is how it works, or you wouldn't be trying to justify your disgusting body.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:54:05 No.788679
    I see what you did there.

    Its my right to mock you fattie fattie fat fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:54:25 No.788681
    >being a dualist

    Now I know it's the fatties, not the religious nuts, keeping the archaic embarrassment of philosophy alive.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:55:30 No.788689
    So... you're saying sexy people can't have good friends or partners who care about who they are on the inside as well as the outside?

    You're actually broken. You've taken the Disney moral of "it's what;s on the inside that counts" and taken it to the totally illogical extreme that hot people must be nasty or sad, and only ugly people can be truly happy. You're wrong. I bet you're mad jelly of girls who get to date 'douchebags' (ie attractive guys who are probably lovely but toally out of OP's league)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:56:13 No.788700
    >not finding fat people attractive
    >get accused of fat-phobia
    Jeezus. Now, because I haven't sucked black cock, you're going to tell me I'm racist?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:56:50 No.788706
    Why the fuck are you quoting me in your post?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:56:58 No.788708

    People have an ingrained distaste for the weakest and least productive individuals. They should. Our race has not survived by tolerating the unnecessary consumption of our food supply.

    This has nothing to do with the way you look. Beauty is transitory. Strength is not. You may lack both, but the latter is what sickens others; though they may not express it that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:57:19 No.788713
    sorry, brah, not so good at computer
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:58:17 No.788719
    I think it's ok to have a fuller figure, but nobody can think it's just fine for somebody to be mega fat.

    I mean overhang, losing human shape, mega obese type fat etc. Don't think people should be called names for it or anything, but it can't be ok to be that fat.
    >> Panty Hoes !K2jOb845DM 12/18/11(Sun)18:58:44 No.788726
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:58:53 No.788728
    Insightful. Would read again.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:59:14 No.788732
    As you have stated before, the concept of beauty is based on people's perception

    Imagine you asking 1000 people if they think you are beautiful. 999 of them would disagree. The 1000th would be fatter than you (fatties say "well at least I'm not as obese as that guy") and you should marry them

    You're not beautiful. And until you lose some weight you never will be. This idiotic take on body image teaches obese children that it's okay to become morbidly obese. And that's not just wrong, it's unhealthy.

    I will continue my 1st ammendment right to mock you and hopefully inspire you to give a shit.

    >Mommy told me I'm always beautiful
    Mommy lied so she didn't have to clean your brains off of the wall and pay for a custom made XXXL casket.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:00:00 No.788741
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    Why don't you post a pic, OP? Why? Why? If you're not ashamed post a pic. Don't have to post your face, let us see how fat you are. Unless you ARE ashamed of your fatness.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:00:03 No.788742
    I regularly fap to fat chicks, I find them attractive.

    At the same time: they're lazy, unmotivated and unhealthy.
    Fat-acceptance is as stupid as anorexia-acceptance. People consume unhealthy amounts and should be told to stop, and neither your desire to be able to crush chairs with your ass, nor my desire to fuck you should change that.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:00:18 No.788744
    >I know a lot of that is because society has an ingrained fat-phobia
    Its not society its evolution and common sense. Overweight people die earlier thats a fact. Why would that make a desirable mate?
    If you put as much effort into a diet as you do trying to justify your disgusting lifestyle youd live to 35
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:01:26 No.788756
    Nice thread OP, too bad fat girls are the first ones to scream aloud how ugly I am.

    So go fuck yourself with a hotdog, fatass.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:01:40 No.788758
    I'd rather not she did.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:01:47 No.788759
    I don't promote being fat. Again, I promote doing what you want with your own body and not being judged for it.

    If you are using "fat" as a non-negative word, and simply as a descriptor, I have no problem with it. However, if you are using it negatively, that is hate speech and you should promptly hop off.

    I'd say that's a sad misconception that our fat-phobic society has impressed upon you.

    >If you own up to why you are fat, and try to be healthy, go ahead with your bad self. If you have given up losing weight and are bitter and spend your time bitching at everyone else and REFUSE to accept you are the cause of your weight, gtfo.
    I am neither of these. I don't want to lose weight, and feel no need to defend or "own up" to the reasons as to why I am who I am. However, I don't bitch at everyone constantly.

    yes good

    No. Fite me


    >Mhm, as long as they're not thinner than you, right?
    No... what?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:02:45 No.788767
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    >mfw delicious hambeast thread
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:04:16 No.788784

    Consider the image you originally posted.
    You are against people who actually work to be healthy.
    Because you are disgusting and jealous.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:05:07 No.788793
    >"everyone is beautiful"

    get the fuck over yourself, please.
    if every human being was beautiful, beauty wouldn't mean anything anymore. some people are sexually attractive of biological reasons, and laying your eyes on them triggers a certain hormonal response that tells your body you want to mate with him/her.

    you will never be one of those people as long as you don't lose weight, but I personally think you should have the right to abuse your body as much as you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:05:26 No.788794
    Fat people cost the government money. Your unhealthy lifestyle contributes to significantly to medical expenses for hospitals and other government services. Do you think fat people should pay more taxes to make up for the extra money they take from the government?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:05:55 No.788801
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    >I've actually got a think layer of fat around my organs, which protects them more.

    No. Strangles them, impairs their functions. Pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:07:27 No.788807

    It is no misconception that you consume more than is necessary for your survival. It is not misconception that you do this to titillate your sense of taste. You are unable to prevent yourself from doing so. Do not claim that you can and simply do not want to. Not wanting to *is* a description of inability.

    You threaten the health of any children you might have. You threaten the food economy of your family. You threaten societies current intolerance of weakness and degradation through demanding that people not expect you to consume not more than is necessary.

    It is the weakness of apathy. You betray our struggle to survive.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:11:32 No.788845
    I'm not, though. Doctors say I am perfectly healthy, as evidenced by my waist-to-hip ratio and BMI. What I am doing, though, is saving myself years of wasted time exercising and counting carbs!

    I'm not a glutton, I just choose to eat what I want, whether that be 12 baby carrots in a day or 3 bags of Milano melts.

    Don't worry, I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming society for impressing you this way.

    I think it's good to not judge people or think negatively of them for doing what they want with their lives.

    Nah brah. If you feel beautiful, you are beautiful.

    Because my body is mine and it's my decision whether or not I showed it to you. I had no obligation to post my weight but I did anyway. Stop trying to goose me into doing things I don't want to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:13:21 No.788864
    >Don't worry, I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming society for impressing you this way.
    And I blame you on you being a disgustingly patronizing individual. Holy fucking shit, I really hope you're a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14:00 No.788870
    Lose some weight you fucking land planet
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14:06 No.788873
    Being fat should never be encouraged, it's fucking disgusting on an aesthetic level, a drain on society and money. (more at risk for heart problems, cancer, etc).

    You should be encouraged to get healthy, fucking hell. It's simple logic.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14:29 No.788875
    Seriously, answer this: >>788600 your whole philosophy of life hinges on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14:57 No.788879
    OP, could you please post a pic of your body or a comparable female body?

    Genuinely curious.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:16:12 No.788887
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    >I'd say that's a sad misconception that our fat-phobic society has impressed upon you.

    Actually it's quite true. You can 'taste' whatever food you want, all you have to do to stay at a normal, non-fat weight is to not eat a lot of it. By continuing to devour you show a lack of self-control and a weakness of character that makes you unappealing.

    >years of wasted time exercising and counting carbs!
    confirmed for knowing nothing about real health and fitness

    >not a glutton
    >3 bags of milano melts.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:18:07 No.788902
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:18:17 No.788908
         File1324253897.jpg-(27 KB, 288x400, chauncy morlan obese.jpg)
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    >fat-phobic society

    No, you stupid deluded fatty, you're not a victim here. Society used to be way more fat-phobic simply because there weren't as many fat people. Our definitions of fat have changed thanks to hambeasts like you fatting up the place. When a 36 inch waist is considered "normal" we aren't living in a fat-phobic society, we are living in a fat enabling one. Literally half the country is obese and you say we're fat-phobic? It's acceptable to buy two-litre sodas and drink them off several times a day. That sort of consumption would have raised some serious eyebrows back in the day. And you say we're fat-phobic. We as a society are fat. We think it's normal to see people with back-boobs, it's not. Someone as fat as you would have been in a circus 100 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:18:51 No.788915
    could you post your height and measurements?
    (measurements=circumference of bust, waist and hips)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:19:12 No.788921

    It is the fact that you seek out foods for reasons beyond nutritional profile and price that makes you a glutton. If you have a preference between two things that meet the necessarily nutritional and price arrangements, choosing one or the other is eating what you want. If you disregard both because something not nutritive or fairly priced struck your fancy, you are a glutton. Deviation from pragmatism is gluttony. Gluttony is weakness. Weakness is sickening.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:19:22 No.788926
    >I think it's good to not judge people or think negatively of them for doing what they want with their lives.

    I don't think negatively of fat people actually, I'm just not ok with somebody being extremely fat.

    Like, if somebody I know had begun eating too much and was getting really fat I'd take it as a bad sign and try to help them. Wouldn't think they're scum, wouldn't call them hambeast or whatever.

    But i gotta get this straight, are you saying that not only should you not think negatively of somebody being really fat, but also you shouldn't be concerned with them being so fat? It's just a choice, like choice of clothes or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:19:37 No.788930

    >eats 3 bags of Milano melts.
    >doesn't vomit.

    Wow. You just make me want to live on baby carrots, water and multivitamins for the rest of my life.

    Fat people are disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:20:22 No.788937
    It's a fucking troll thread. (Troll in the sense of provoking a reaction, and also in the sense of huge gross ugly creatures you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night.)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:21:30 No.788948

    The picture:

    This is Chauncy Morlan, and around 100 years ago his obesity was so shocking that people would pay money to see him as he toured the country as a circus "fat man". I find the unremarkableness of his size to be a telling sign of how we've pushed the limits of obesity in the past 100 years"

    Fat phobia LOL. Fatties thinking they're the victim LOL.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:22:04 No.788956
    >What I am doing, though, is saving myself years of wasted time exercising and counting carbs!
    You have no idea what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:24:31 No.788977
    Lol niceyeah idk gotta go eat peace out
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:27:02 No.789001
    And then multiply that number by 20 and thats what you lose by dying from heart disease
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:31:33 No.789040
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    I'm not sure OP put her exact height, but if she's 5'4 (average height for a woman I believe) and weighs 170 pounds, she looks like this picture. At least, this picture is a woman who is 5'4 and 170 lbs. OP's fat distribution might be different.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:34:35 No.789068

    Ew. Oh god, ew.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:37:14 No.789098
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    To be fair, that woman seems to have fat concentrated in her stomach, and OP claims that her fat is mostly in her thighs. So this picture might be a better representation.
    >> Blazer !2VCyAsN/1I 12/18/11(Sun)19:39:30 No.789124
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    >Fat acceptance
    >Not even once.

    >/r9k/ 4chan

    The gentlebots will be so amused
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:41:09 No.789139

    I personally think that's worse.
    Just imagining those waddling, chafing thighs and cellulite ridden ass makes me want to vomit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:41:55 No.789146
    I don't mind if OP fights for her right to eat herself fat, as long as I'm allowed to find OP gross and unattractive, I'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:44:28 No.789164
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    But keep in mind that a height difference of even two inches can have this much of an effect. This woman is 5'6, 172 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:49:36 No.789217

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:50:35 No.789226
    Fair enough, but she is better looking than the 5'4, 170 lb. picture. Just figured I would post both pictures for contrast.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:08:04 No.789417

    >I'm not, though. Doctors say I am perfectly healthy, as evidenced by my waist-to-hip ratio and BMI. What I am doing, though, is saving myself years of wasted time exercising and counting carbs!

    Your "doctors" are lying. I just ran your BMI numbers myself and you have a BMI of 30.9. This is obese in every country (morbidly so in several).


    >I'm not a glutton, I just choose to eat what I want, whether that be 12 baby carrots in a day or 3 bags of Milano melts.

    First of all this shows how little you know about eating healthy, baby carrots are terrible and useless for you too.


    One single bag of those has 3080 calories, this is almost double what I eat for the entire day (cutting). Three of those has enough calories for almost 4 people (assuming 2500 cal/day diet). Except they are fucking useless as food, no fiber, no protein, no nothing except fat, carbs, and useless empty calories.

    I really hope you live in america because I don't want to be paying your hospital bills.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:10:24 No.789436
    What's this with "society thinks we're not beautiful"? I thought it was mostly genetics. Aren't we "programmed" to think symmetry equals health? Why not obvious physical factors like fitness too?

    I don't even have a problem with fat people, unless it's affecting children not able to take care of themselves being involved.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:16:04 No.789498
    Why are you trying to force your opinions on others?
    >> two scoops of buttah! Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:24:26 No.789610
    Get back to Shakesville, fatqueens. You're doing society a disservice. So much misinformation and excuse-making, and so little to show for it (other than more fat).

    What a fucking abortion of a thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:25:08 No.789621
    This is idiotic. Most weightlifters are considered overweight in terms of BMI. Any study like this is worthless because it doesn't differentiate fit from fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:29:14 No.789665
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    Well a lot of these people ARE fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:32:02 No.789686
    >>789417 I really hope you live in america because I don't want to be paying your hospital bills.

    Hey now, I don't want to be paying his/her hospital bills either (or the increased insurance premiums that all of us pay as a result of fatties who won't take care of themselves). Or any of the other things that cost more or work less well thanks to an increasingly overweight population.

    tldr: your weight DOES affect society negatively, in objective terms that have nothing at all to do with aesthetics or fashion. Pretend otherwise if you like, but get off your high horses. The FA movement is absurd in every respect.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:32:09 No.789687
    I love people like this, but I'm fat and I hate it I also hate myself, so I'm trying to lose weight. I'm also a vegetarian but I don't tell anyone that because they look at me like "aren't vegetarians skinny...?"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:33:07 No.789696

    lol roid gut. This thread is now at least half full of raging /fit/izens.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:33:41 No.789708
    That's just from steroids, its not fat, it's gross muscle growth.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:34:19 No.789713
    This is off-topic but I have to ask: Does freedom of speech in America allow people to insult and harass others freely? Calling someone names isn't really expressing your opinion, it's just being a jerk. I heard people defending calling homosexual people "fucking faggots" etc. just using your right of freedom of speech.
    Ofcourse, stating your opinion that you think fat people are unappealing or lacking in discipline is another story.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:35:55 No.789735
    Well I'll just call him fat, and by every relevant meaning of the word (too high bodyweight, unhealthy, eats too much, can't wear normal clothing, looks awful, unathletic), he is.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:36:08 No.789736

    It's from swollen intestines from taking HGH. .

    HGH: not even once
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:36:18 No.789739
    OP is clearly devoid of muscle.
    Therefor in this case, BMI is probably a good indication of her being a cow.

    I do think it's generally stupid, because for fatties an "underweight" BMI immediately means "LOL TWIG, NOT A REAL WIMMINZZ!!11"

    But a whale is a whale.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:36:21 No.789740

    go to /fit/, read sticky. Also read this >

    If possible, sign up at fitocracy. See you in three years.
    >> I<3 reddit 12/18/11(Sun)20:37:59 No.789755
    Just go "There's no meat in chocolate cakes."
    And then you chuckle.
    They chuckle.
    You slowly undress yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:39:36 No.789776
    Dude, atleast you have decided to change. You're not in denial, and if you put your back into it then you'll definitely succeed.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:41:38 No.789804

    Dude. A LOT of us from /fit/ were fat and are fucking sexy now. It takes a maximum of 3 years even of you're morbidly obese. I was fat just a year ago, not I'm at 12% body fat and visible amount of muscle


    Read the sticky on /fit/, it has everything you need.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)20:48:07 No.789875
    Also this:

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