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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268305356.png-(85 KB, 379x298, moot.png)
    85 KB Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:02:36 No.7857962  
    You are not REQUIRED to permit illegal content on your servers. You just
    DON'T WANNA remove it. You don't FEEL like it, because you don't like me,
    my Web site, my "tone" or whatever reason you might have for keeping this
    "game" up. I'm not stupid. If you actually wanted to, the site would be
    gone within nano seconds. You choose to keep this psychopath because you
    want to make it difficult for me.

    This is typical. WHY do you have to keep making my life an obnoxious hell?
    I have WORK to do; I can't spend all my time dealing with these fucking
    uncooperative companies that don't know their own good.

    I won't send you any more documents. You will either remove the illegal
    content from your God damn server OR face the consequences. I am DONE
    filling out these bullshit forms and sending them in to you and other
    people who don't even read them. Handle this immediately or you'll regret
    it. I promise you this. This is not an empty threat by some nobody -- it
    is a serious matter which will eventually run your company into
    bankruptcy. It may take some time, but I will not forget this.

    PS: I have no idea who you are and I don't have anything against
    you personally. My issue is with your company and how you are handling
    legitimate abuse complaints.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:04:59 No.7857969
    lmao the dude is mental

    I don't like the whole 'let's take action' attitude fellow channers have. This guy seriously needs professional medical care.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:07:23 No.7857984
    The guy bans users on his own site for making typos. He has weird issues.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:09:03 No.7857990
    I'm sorry that did not make any sense at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:09:41 No.7857994
    You know, raids are usually faggotry, but in this case I say go for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:11:34 No.7858002
    his site gets users?

    wtf is wrong with those people?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:12:56 No.7858014
    >We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though. I'm out of ideas at this point.

    >wat do?

    How do we save our moot?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:14:53 No.7858025

    lets hire a Norwegian hitman
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:15:32 No.7858030
    Fishing for CP.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:16:02 No.7858034

    I'm pretty confident most of his users are secretly trolls; one day you'll see a bulletin by him saying that he's accepting new wiseguys (mods) and then another one a few days later complaining about how the wiseguys he promoted were actually trolls in disguise. And then the process repeats.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:16:04 No.7858035
    >His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.

    The 'we' is emphasized

    Is moot instigating a massive attack on AT or what?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:20:20 No.7858048
    No. Moot calling on people to bandwidth rape AT into bankruptcy is illegal. So of course moot would never suggest a thing.

    He would also never direct people to learn how to download a script that does nothing but run up kimmo's bandwith bills.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:21:28 No.7858055
    join with /b/
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:21:37 No.7858056
    I've always thought organised spam attacks where lame though I think if moot called for it it'd be preety lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:22:15 No.7858058
    Why'd he do that? It's not like any of us know what to look for when searching for such a script!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:27:12 No.7858077


    This guy is so wacky he needs some "bullet therapy". Seriously. When a legitimate anti-spam group is directing people to Encyclopedia Dramatica to read up on this guy, he's obviously starting to draw professional attention across the hosting industry.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:27:57 No.7858079
    Maybe you don't.

    Its really quite easy to find
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:31:15 No.7858092
         File1268307075.jpg-(195 KB, 1144x1370, 1268302382474.jpg)
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    join the fight
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:31:22 No.7858093
    4chan unite for epic win.
    >> ‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫Манул‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !YlJatiloLw 03/11/10(Thu)06:35:56 No.7858111
    That's some very decent form of DoS....
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:38:26 No.7858125

    I wouldn't really bother now. The site is down.
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 03/11/10(Thu)06:39:11 No.7858128
    He lives in Stockholm. Any Swedes up for unplugging his internet? Should be hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:44:01 No.7858146
    If we ignore the guy he will go away.

    Either that, or 4chan needs a white list (which can ensure anonymity).
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:44:22 No.7858148

    We've been ignoring him for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:44:58 No.7858149

    There's a thread on /int/.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:45:05 No.7858150
    Ping is a faggot. I'll write up a syn/ack ddos app today and post it later tonight. Infinitely more effective than everyone just pinging their servers.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:50:25 No.7858176

    Um no it's not? Not responding to Ping is simple. Most big businesses don't actually allow pinging.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:52:53 No.7858191
    His host is the same one that has the piratebay.

    Simple tools aren't going to cut it. The simplest that might work is bandwidth rape.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)06:58:36 No.7858208
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:05:37 No.7858240
    Are you stupid bastards STILL DDOSing?


    He has been taken down dozens of times before and fined thousands for going over his bandwidth cap. All you're doing is fueling his victim complex and making more reasons for him to harrass moot.

    FYI, the point is to SOLVE this problem, not make it worse by doing exactly what people have been doing for the last three years.

    I KNOW DDOS and raids for the lulz are how you've always done things, but you need to do something different to help this time.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:06:58 No.7858251

    So we should donate to him?

    Yeah, THAT's a great idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:07:11 No.7858253
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    I'm doing my part too!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:09:44 No.7858259
    Yes, when I say DDOS is stupid, obviously what I mean is "give him money".

    Has being a /b/tard completely replaced any coherent thoughts in your head?
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 03/11/10(Thu)07:10:27 No.7858261
    I weep for the fact that he has an anonymous board. If only it were more like subeta, there was some fucking damage done there.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:11:03 No.7858264
    Then what's your solution, fucktard?
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 03/11/10(Thu)07:11:16 No.7858265
    tell me about it. Man his site it craptacular
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 03/11/10(Thu)07:12:35 No.7858275
    haha. oh moot, you know all too well that you just released the hounds
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:12:36 No.7858276

    This time it needs to be full-force and relentless.

    Keep his site down completley for a few months.

    Then as soon as we see another post, do it for another few months.

    Lock the fucker up completley.

    What the fuck else can we do to some cunt in sweden or wherever the fuck he is? Honestly, he DOES NOT LISTEN TO REASON.

    We just have to fuck him over.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:12:53 No.7858280
    I say we just murder him. We know where he lives, we have his picture, all his dox, his address, etc.

    We should get everyone to donate a few dollars, use the money to hire a professional hitman, and boom. Problem: Solved.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:13:00 No.7858281
    He's mental, a pedophile and incredibly paranoid.

    Somone has posted a list of watchdog websites to report AT to, swefags are also looking into legal routes.

    I don't have any concrete ideas myself, so I'm really just concentrating on stopping people from instantly resorting to the first thing that comes to mind, which is a DDOS attack.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:13:08 No.7858282
    With a bomb.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:14:20 No.7858286
    > 4chan needs a white list (which can ensure anonymity).
    terrible idea
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:15:35 No.7858290
    This man is borderline autistic and clearly mental.

    If you keep his site down for months at a time, all he will have to do instead of manually filtering every post on AT will be coming up with ways to get around the DDOS and attack 4chan and moot directly.

    He's a nutjob, but he's smart and he's got a botnet of his own, you take the site away from him, and all that energy will go into fighting what he thinks is attacking him, which is moot.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:16:11 No.7858296
    Spambotting might be an idea if we could get them in. Another would be plugging his fox info into known scams.

    A delightful thought could be to deploy Chris-chan as a sort of gladiator against him, watch them both flail in autistic rage.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:16:16 No.7858298
    I think he should just be killed off.

    Its not like he's contributing positively to the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:17:54 No.7858303
    No it's not; it's the only way to block the spammers. Anyone could add themselves to the whitelist. But you could do something like, say, for 12 hours a day, you can't add to the whitelist, so only people who are already added can post.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:19:03 No.7858306
    Perhaps, but I don't think there's a good solution to the problem, so the best we can do is troll him.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:19:26 No.7858308
    Why not just get people to pay for membership?

    It's not fucking happening.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:21:08 No.7858317
    >thousands of dollars over cap doesn't stop him.

    Then maybe we need to get him tens of thousands of dollars?

    And get his mother fired as well?
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 03/11/10(Thu)07:21:30 No.7858322
    That would be great if he weren't using proxies.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:21:32 No.7858323
    4chan is completely public, right?
    It's the same as a meeting in an open field. Anyone can join.
    Doesn't it make sense to build a wall around it? As long as we don't have to lose anonymity by going through the wall, then it should be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:22:09 No.7858327
    So the problem is too hard to solve so you're just going to go back to making it worse for the lulz?

    You can't troll this man, he's fucking crazy, he's trolled by 4chan's very existence every single day. This is a man so anal about grammar, that he PERSONALLY moderates every single post on AT, and permabans anyone who makes the tiniest spelling or grammar mistake.

    He is a self trolling man, you join in, and he'll just fight back against moot and 4chan any way he can think of.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:22:55 No.7858328
    He's actually using a botnet. Which is sort of like a proxy, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:23:31 No.7858330
    >Doesn't it make sense to build a wall around it?

    Not if you want an open field.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:26:37 No.7858339
    if you want an open field then you have to accept shit like this. We can't stop it.
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 03/11/10(Thu)07:26:57 No.7858342
    We need some "internet security" pros then. I used to be on a botnet, and a 3rd party hacker broke into my system, contacted me through notepad to tell me I was on a botnet, and he thought I was cool enough to add to MSN. He actually added himself to my MSN, it was kind of bizarre. The point I'm making is that a good enough hacker-type ought to be able to reverse the process and tear apart Kimmo's botnet.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:27:30 No.7858343
    Of course DDoS isn't a permanent solution, but while one is found, DDoS is an appropriate immediate response.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:28:25 No.7858347

    We'lI just have to see about that.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:30:35 No.7858350
    How very noble of you, to accept defeat after having fought so hard to do something.

    I can see why you make your home in /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:31:39 No.7858353
    If you think you can fight against this guy then you'll be in a constant state of war.
    >> I am the toe that killed Bob Marley !rhyJfmRZHk 03/11/10(Thu)07:33:08 No.7858364
    Just reading through the emails...never really cared too much but finding it hilarious how idiotic the guy is and how stupid he thinks moot is

    he will stop spamming and give moot a link on his site to 4chan and in return moot can give a link on 4chan to his site. Does he think moot is dumb enough to think? Oooh I've got something to gain here, free links on a site which gets significantly less traffic than mine in return for giving away advertising space for a site that gets less traffic

    jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:33:18 No.7858365
    He's well prepared and equipped for an internet fight, I agree.

    IRL though, he's a pedophile, obsessive, poor, paranoid and living with his mother.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:34:04 No.7858368
    I have a strange feeling that 4chan will feel much less of any 'war' than his site will.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:34:34 No.7858370
    Well, I've reported Anontalk to KRIPOS (the Norwegian FBI, more or less). With a little luck, that'll get the shit blocked from Norway, at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:34:45 No.7858372
    You're all basing everything you're doing off of the theory that he uses a botnet composed of AT users. Do you have any proof?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:35:01 No.7858373
    Topic showing how to raid/spam Kimmo with Pizzas etc

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:35:32 No.7858377
    Which is why we, if possible, should take the fight to him in real life.

    There's got to be at least one violent, unhinged eurofag within driving distance.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:39:48 No.7858389
    Ask /g/ about his site, I've read a lot of reports of trojans and the like from there.

    Proof of botnets is hard to come by though, it's sort of the point.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:40:51 No.7858396
    Wow, you have to be incredibly stupid to allow something like that to happen to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:42:28 No.7858399
    I might just be that guy, but it depends on where he lives. I can't seem to find "Lisa Sandells Plan 18" anywhere, and, living in Norway, anything not pretty much at the border is way too far away.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:43:50 No.7858407
    This should have any information you could need.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:44:41 No.7858408
    it took MIT researchers months to reverse engineer a botnet. and it was only by accident iirc there is a log on ciscos website of one of their researchers infiltrating a botnet too, that took alot of time and effort also. bottom line is experts have better things to do. they sure as fuck not hanging around imgboards forthelulz. kimmo is just a small time faggot in the grant scheme of things.

    kimmo knows his shit and short of someone locating the datacenter so they have physical access some way or other, what can you do? unless someone finds a way to fuck with his identity, creditlines -- claiming his ID to do some heinous shit and the likes, selling his ID to dodgy people smugglers, put him up on the interpol list(that would be truly lulz). nobody is really quite sure if the dox floating around is real or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:44:53 No.7858409
    I feel like I'm reading something I'm not supposed to be reading.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:45:02 No.7858410
    moots in trouble! I'M CHARGIN MAH LAZA!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:45:51 No.7858411
    PROTIP: kimmo is in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:46:32 No.7858412
    You're right, no one should ever read encyclopedia dramatica, but we'll let you off this once.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:46:45 No.7858413
    Well, fuck. Stockholm is pretty much as far away as anything in Sweden can be. Sorry, bros, but you'll need to find some other violent Nord.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:48:25 No.7858418
         File1268311705.jpg-(56 KB, 488x462, bitchtakeit.jpg)
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    Kimmy is my girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:48:39 No.7858419

    This is epic win lmfao, gonna do this now
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:49:03 No.7858420
    moot would get in serious trouble if kimmo suddenly died.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:50:00 No.7858424
    So it'd be less trouble if say, he lost the ability to type?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:50:31 No.7858428
    Well maybe, but if he just bled a bit, I'm sure it'd be awwright.
    (Kim-O, if you're reading this, please use me as an example of 4chan's murderous userbase :D)
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:51:31 No.7858436
    God damnit, Stockholm is too far for me, I'm all the way down in skit-Malmo at the moment.

    Someone go for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:51:34 No.7858437
    band with raping the fuck out of him is easy.

    Step 1 everyone installs adblock, so no ad revenue.
    Step 2 post new board /doubles/ that goes to one of anon talk's boards.

    Sit back and watch two problems solve themselves.

    any flaws in reasoning?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:52:09 No.7858441
    These posts are making me nostalgic of 4chans 'ol days.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:53:25 No.7858444
    moot isn't linking to your site kimmo
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:54:08 No.7858449
    Break in while he sleeps, cut phone/net chords and steal cell. Hammer doors closed.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:54:53 No.7858458

    And ruin whatever ad-money 4chan gets?
    yes, there's flaws in the reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:55:34 No.7858460
    is it really such a bad idea to unload cancer on him?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:57:05 No.7858467
    Is it really such a good idea to let giant cancer win?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:57:27 No.7858470
    Yes, because he doesn't want the cancer, he wants the smart users who only use perfect grammar and spelling at all times.

    Everyone else he'll throw a massive fit over and accuse moot of sending them to raid him.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)07:59:18 No.7858479
    bullshit. He wants a larger userbase no matter how smart they are. He likes his power and his banhammer.
    And even so, there always profits in a larger userbase.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:00:37 No.7858485

    Only an idiot would think the cancer will go away simply by linking to another chan, especially when the link would go to an inferior chan.
    Browsers have tabs, cancer is here to stay, Kimmo gets NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:01:24 No.7858491
    Anontalk has been down since moot put up the message.
    It makes me lol
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:01:48 No.7858492
    >ITT The plan moot's been using for years
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:02:58 No.7858498
    so many samefagging posts. KIMMO GTFO
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:03:54 No.7858502
    You know, I suspect this is a sign of moot having become a "celebrity" in the extent that he's starting to need bodyguards from random wackjobs. I'm assuming this guy's going to face legale action over his constant harassment soon enough, and after that, all bets are off what direction he'll blow into.

    This guy's a fucking time bomb.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:07:39 No.7858516
    no hes not. Hes just an anal loser with OCD. He wont do shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:08:12 No.7858520
    Like that president of some Scandanavian country. forger name/ which country.

    She didn't think she needed body guards and used to go grocery shopping alone. One day someone just came up to her in day light and stabbed her to death. Prez dead!

    mootles should be more careful.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:12:29 No.7858545
    Think she was the prime minister or something. Of Sweden. The same country that hooplehead's from.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:13:39 No.7858553

    Online form for Stockholm police.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:14:39 No.7858560
    mootles own a firearm, I think he will be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:16:08 No.7858571
    Chris-Chan could give him tips on how to get laid, he needs it badly.
    >> Kimmo !JZFVKEQYEc 03/11/10(Thu)08:20:08 No.7858591
    can't you guys just leave me alone. I'm not the one spamming.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:22:19 No.7858599
    Obviously not Kimmo. He didn't capitalize the first letter of the sentence or end it with proper punctuation!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:22:27 No.7858601
    troll? or the man himeself?

    Either way, pray for the banhammer.
    >> Kimmo !JZFVKEQYEc 03/11/10(Thu)08:25:36 No.7858614
    Seriously, all this hate towards me is unjustified! I was not the one spamming 4chan. If 4chan didn't spam my site from the beginning, my userbase would not have reacted.

    And this is a blatant attack from moot. I'm going to take legal action on what hes doing.
    And what hes doing is getting his fans to try to harass me, my family, and they even threaten murder.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:25:40 No.7858615
    Or call us chantards rather than "guys".
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:25:55 No.7858617
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    Funny, though. Despite the guy being Swedish, Kimmo is a Finnish name. This just about doubles his already high violent insanity propabilities.

    And even if the guy is a Swede, just him having a Finnish surname makes me rather embarassed of being a Finn. Then again, it was embarassing to begin with...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:28:26 No.7858624

    hey, being a finn is better than being an american..
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:29:44 No.7858636
    Sweden has around 1000000 citizens with Finnish orgins (mostly 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants) and yes Kimmo is definatly one of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:30:36 No.7858640
    Bad troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:41:05 No.7858677
    Depends. Upper middle class Americans are hell of alot richer than upper middle class Finns.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)08:59:48 No.7858769
    you still fail. He would never begin a sentence with "And"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:07:14 No.7858807
    You guys have such good metal and don't get me started on suomisaundi! I didn't think it was that bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:16:20 No.7858861
    That was Anna Lind, Swedens foreign minister.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:28:55 No.7858924
    Nor did he advertise his site or ask for donations.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:40:48 No.7858977
    Why doesn't one of the Swedes in here just go and beat him up? Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:45:29 No.7858992
    He's within one hour from my home. How to mess with this dude without getting myself into trouble?
    >> KH !zfV2AchvNE 03/11/10(Thu)09:46:26 No.7858996

    Kimmo Alm does not understand the DMCA and how it works

    I am not terribly surprised, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:54:45 No.7859029
    If you're afraid to beat him up?

    Go to his house an hour before the sun comes up (around 3am), graffiti, vandalize car, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:55:14 No.7859031
    nail a guy fawkes mask to his door, he'll shit his pants when he sees it
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)09:56:18 No.7859034
    If he opens the door, hit him with the hammer.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:00:48 No.7859056

    >You don't FEEL like it, because you don't like me,
    my Web site, my "tone" or whatever reason you might have for keeping this "game" up. I'm not stupid.
    >my Web site, my "tone" or whatever reason you might have for keeping this "game" up.
    >keeping this "game" up.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:04:19 No.7859072
    Any attempt of physical violence is stupid, he'll just make a bulletin linking to this thread.

    I more in favor of psychological attacks like >>7859031, seriosly the simple sight of a guy fawkes mask on his door after seeing moot's announcement will leave him scared shitless.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:14:11 No.7859106
         File1268320451.jpg-(30 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    30 KB
    Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.
    Did you fags even read the ED article? People have already put a pedobear sticker on his door, as well as flyers stating he was a pedo (which were distributed in his building as well).
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:30:35 No.7859147

    >It may take some time, but I will not forget this.

    Well, you just posted anonymously, on a message board that receives a staggering amount of content each day. It is safe to assume we will forget. Your incoherent, vague, completely unfocused rant was of mild amusement though.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:32:41 No.7859153
    Not that poster, I'm the one living in Stockholm. Vandalize cars, spray painting the facade of his mom's house, Guy Fawkes mask, etc... it's a no go. I'm trying to come up with something else. Some light, paranoia-inducing stalking? I have some unemployed friends who'd probably find it hilarious to follow Kimmo around. But I'm strongly suspecting that he never, ever leaves home.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:34:14 No.7859160
    She (Anna Lindh) was the minister of foreign affairs, although she was a likely candidate to become the party leader in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:36:34 No.7859169
         File1268321794.jpg-(195 KB, 640x962, muhammadpenis.jpg)
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    Convince the jihadis that he made this image.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:37:27 No.7859174
    He lives in Sweden, not the UK. There aren't any fucking muslims there to do shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:38:51 No.7859178
    Go to pizza places and dumpster dive for old thrown away pizzas. Show up at his place "delivering" pizza. Do this quite often.
    >> Haze !!/zzaA3cIj2C 03/11/10(Thu)10:39:00 No.7859180
    Why exactly is this guy still spamming 4chan? Does he seriously think it's anybody but some douche bags at /b/ fucking with him?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:40:12 No.7859182
    LOL. Yes, there are. Actually not a bad idea. Searching for Islamist groups operating in Sweden...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:40:49 No.7859184
    BZZZT, wrong answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:42:37 No.7859188
    Noted. Even more efficient if we can get a whole group of people to do it, at all hours any day.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:44:50 No.7859197
    You could also solicit his house with bullshit polls and fliers and whatnot. Just do it all the fucking time.
    >> Iron !0wn2vX.OBs 03/11/10(Thu)10:44:52 No.7859198
    I have just made the very sad discovery that lots of posters lie in polls by voting in both "males only" and "females only" polls. I have banned and shitlisted many of them. Several were long-timers and some even wiseguys. All of them had what looked like high-quality posts. This is extremely depressing and makes me think that there is no point in having polls if all these fucking idiots are going to lie in them anyway, despite being anonymous. Are there no honest, genuine people left in the world?

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:45:01 No.7859200
    Make an anti-Muhammad comic and sign his name on it. And somehow make the contact info public.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:45:57 No.7859205
    It would be best if there were Swedish Muslims on 4chan to directly pull it off.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:47:34 No.7859211
    Dealing with him is a lost cause. His mother on the other hand, well. Someone should post a letter addressed to her posing as lawyer from some company saying to cese and disist spamming them, and that it would be in her sons best interest to throw away his computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:48:28 No.7859218
    Did he not see that time poll? For god sakes that was TIME wtf does he expect on his shitty no reputation site?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:48:37 No.7859219
    Fantastic idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:49:31 No.7859225
    Slide death threats under his door, leave fake pipe bombs in front of his house, ask tose unemployed fiends to walk around his house wearing dark clothes and ask the neighbors about kimmo, etc, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:56:26 No.7859267
    I'd get in seriously deep shit for fake bombs and death threats. Assembling a group of criminal-looking, pierced, tattooed and black clad people to sneak around in the neighbourhood, however... I'm on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:56:57 No.7859270
    Isn't his site full of pedo shit? Just report that sick swedish fuck to the authorities.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:58:02 No.7859277
    enjoy having the cops after you.
    What you damn fuckers don't realize is this isn't some kind of movie where you're the hero vigilante and Kimmo is the evil bad guy and in the end actions will justify means and everything will be forgiven. This is real life. Shit like that will get you v&.
    What you must concentrate on is legal grounds. Going around doing juvenile shit is not only ineffective as it will put you in a world of problems with the law, and as a bonus Kimmo gets to be the victim.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)10:58:30 No.7859284

    Seduce his mom. Fuck her in her bed and make sure Kimmo learns about it and sees you. When you make eye contact call him a pedo.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:01:14 No.7859296
    ITT Trolls trolling trolls taking violent action.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:03:26 No.7859311
    I think the flyer thing should be repeated.
    doesnt have to be that fancy, just write down his name and adress, tell all the people in his neighborhood that hes a fucking pedo and put a link to AnT on it. then rape his mum.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:04:18 No.7859317
    AnT is down. Better link to the ED article.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:07:00 No.7859334
    Perhaps making his mother's employer aware of her son's activities could get her fired?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:08:18 No.7859346

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)11:10:28 No.7859366
    what can be learned from this thread ; you dont fuck with mootykins

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