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  • File : 1324227449.png-(12 KB, 495x461, classthreadrolling.png)
    12 KB Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)11:57:29 No.784075  
    Let's get a class thread rolling, arcanines.

    Determine your class, pick the most appropriate approximation from the pic and state your opinions on the classes just below and above your class.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)11:59:26 No.784092
    Lower-middle classfag reporting in
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:01:13 No.784112
    Dropped from middle class to poorfag. Fuck you, dad.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:01:51 No.784116
    middle or working class

    don't really know.

    Most likely lower middle.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:02:06 No.784117
    upper middle class from Denmark dropping by
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:03:27 No.784127
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:03:33 No.784129
    Upper class. Mother makes 250k a year and father makes 400k+. Will probably inherit father's business. Get madder over nepotism, peasants.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:03:46 No.784132
    what constitutes upper middle class?

    >Parents both make about 100k
    >Drive nice cars
    >Live in a nice
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:03:49 No.784135
    Working class.

    I'm pretty sure there are some upper class over here anyway.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:04:34 No.784142
    >implying thats anything near upperclass.

    You are middle middleclass dumbfuck, especially if that is in USDollars
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:05:04 No.784146
    Raised upper middle class, parents both had income over 200k, summer house on Cape Cod, went to prep school, first car was an Infinity I30, etc.

    Now I myself am more working class, because with a degree in evolutionary biology my career options are limited. Also, I don't get anything of my parents' until they die, but they're good people and I love them so I'm honestly in no hurry for that to happen. I had originally planned to go to grad school, naturally, but I more or less burned bridges with every professor who would have written me a recommendation.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:05:12 No.784147
    Middle class but my whole family is obsessed with bargaining so we have lots of nice things.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:05:18 No.784150
    Upper middle perhaps? $180k/year + health care etc.

    Comfy government jobs sure do feelgoodman.jpg

    Middle class does alright I guess, but I can't imagine supporting a family with 50k a year. Working class and poorfags should have completed high school.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:06:28 No.784159
    I don't think you know what the middle class is.

    Enjoy your jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:06:35 No.784160
    How the fuck is 250k and 400k+ a year middle middle class? Surely that's upper middle class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:06:57 No.784165
    >thinks 400k/yr is upper class.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:07:03 No.784166
    By myself? Poorfag Class.

    With my parents involved? Middle to Upper Middle. (My dad makes like $90,000 plus my mom works in a cafeteria for fun (literally) so I'm not sure how much she makes.)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:07:36 No.784173
    50k is considered middle class.

    If you're making over 150k without a family I'd consider it upper middle.

    With a family maybe over 300k.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:15 No.784178
    I would argue that's Upper Class. His parents are almost pulling a million and if they live in the south their money goes even farther.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:25 No.784179
    that's upper middle
    my uncle is a doctor who earned over 1 mil a year at one time(not that anyone else in my family earns near that), still upper middle
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:34 No.784180
    Middle class in Brazil, would be poorfag everywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:39 No.784182
    Lol wat, are you serious? That's definetely upper class fucktard. anyways, upper middle class here
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:48 No.784185
    Does anyone remember when they asked John McCain "at what income is somone considered middle class?" and he said "I would say around $5,000,000/year" ?

    That shit was hillarious.

    but seriously, middle class is anywhere between 150k-500k/yr
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:08:59 No.784188
    You forgot the part where occupation plays a part. I know plenty of plumbers, electricians, in general guys who own a very blue collar small business who make well into the six figures, but they're delusional if they think they're upper middle class. For a while the sociological term for such people was "high prole", which I think is an apt descriptor.

    In general, when asked what determines a person's class, a lower class person will say money, a middle class person will say occupation and education, plus maybe other things like how well traveled one is, and an upper class person will say it's hereditary, and a function of one's tastes, lifestyle, mannerisms, and the like.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:09:16 No.784191
    >Working class
    I think it's technically that (or what it used to mean in the '80s/'90s). Single mum with two boys, she held down a full time job, even though she would have gotten more if she just went on benefits.

    Working class family history. Mum didn't want anymore of it and wanted to be the break in the line where her/our offspring will amount to success in their lives. She went to college at 37yo, and on to University, and is now doing her Masters to become a social worker to help children. In doing so all of my family have snubbed her, saying she is pretending to be someone she's not. I actually can not believe my family.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:10:03 No.784195
    wow awesome everybody is rich who woulda thought
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:10:16 No.784198
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:10:17 No.784199
    Poorfag class

    >Left foster care with nowhere to live
    >Live off university grants
    >Everyone has to leave the dorms tomorrow.
    >mfw homeless again.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:10:29 No.784203
    My family is middle class despite how much my dad complains about having no money. Me personally, I have about $30 to my name, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:10:37 No.784205
    Middle class? Nope. We could rarely afford consumer electronics, which I suppose quite defines it.

    Poorfag class? Nope, we (hmm, almost) never faced the problem of lack of food. See above.

    Working class? Nooooooooope.

    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:11:10 No.784210
    Read above
    >Mum in finance
    >step dad runs own business
    >private education etc etc

    When in private school the upper middle class people were the ones with parents both on above 200,000pounds a year
    middle-class was 6 figures each and I was lower middle with my mum on 60k a year plus financial sector bonuses and six figure sallary of step dad. Upperclass is royalty and isn't determined by money, its determined by class and how much of a socialite you were. Also I'm heading to one of the best Unis in the world next year and will be earning myself a cushy wage quite quickly after that I can assure you. You do not have this and you sound underageb& for not realising what upper class is.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:11:31 No.784214
    Nah I grew up really poor. I remember one dinner time when I was about 6yo, me and my 4yo bro had to split a warmed up tinned tomato, because it's all my mum could afford.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:11:42 No.784219
    Why do you think so many of the problems discussed on r9k ("waaaaaah girls don't look at me") are so trivial and insignificant?
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:12:23 No.784224
    >US dollars

    That would be upper middle if it was pounds, but its well under half a mil in pounds, upper class is just a different tear, the class system is not linear.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:13:32 No.784237
    Parents both make ~150k...middle class?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:13:43 No.784240
    >but seriously, middle class is anywhere between 150k-500k/yr
    This, and for EACH parent if you are a child.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:13:46 No.784241
    Namefag confirmed for idiot. Surprise surprise
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:13:50 No.784243
    Get the fuck out Brit, no one asked you.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:14:07 No.784246
    >be only child
    >study in university
    >don't need to work because parents shove money up my ass

    Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:14:41 No.784249
    >start a thread on class issues
    >everyone talks about nothing but money
    sure is working class here
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:15:14 No.784254
    >whines because earning opportunities over here outside law are much better, unless you are workingclassfag
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:15:39 No.784259
    >post your financial class!
    >post about your ideal mate!
    >post about your appearance /10!

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:16:22 No.784265
    I think it depends on region. I'm from Texas and I think middle class stops at like $70,000 (for families with children, let's ignore single people right now). Then upper middle is like $70,000-$120,000. After that it's various tiers of upper class. Texas is so cheap. My parent's combined make less than $100,000 a year and live like champs on their own ranch with horses and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:16:47 No.784273
    Poorfag class

    I don't know what class this would fall into, but I would like to be in a position where I can just wake up on a random day and just decide to travel to a random place for a couple days, then return back to my routine life.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:16:54 No.784275
    The fuck? Am I getting trolled? I can't tell you what exactly is middle class, but I know at least $75,000 is middle class. I don't think you guys know how poor the lower class is.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:16:55 No.784276
    Everything up to middleclass is just about money, like I said before, UpperClass is a totally different ball game, I wouldn't even say the Beckham's are upperclass because they are both trash, their children might be if brought up spoilt enough
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:17:08 No.784280
    ...upper class
    dad is ex ceo of hbo europe
    jelly poorfags?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:17:14 No.784282
    I hate British culture tbh, Irish bitches included.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:17:27 No.784287
    >you can only be upper class if you're a socialite DERP DERP DERP
    No, being upper class is all about how much money you have in capital vs how much of it comes from being a salaried educated professional..

    Now get the fuck out, bitch. Nobody asked for your life story.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:17:39 No.784288
    I am actually upper class I guess, my mother is an important politician and I'll never have to work a day in my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:17:52 No.784291
    Upper middle class? Dad makes about 400,000 /year and mom makes around 300,000/year.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:18:12 No.784294
    South Central.
    Poorfag, because we don't have anything lower.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:18:41 No.784299
    does america really have hereditary upper class? not just a minority with USI syndrome, but actually a significant class?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:18:45 No.784300
    This isn't the fucking 19th century, who gives a fuck about what ugly fat rich LAZY people think about you? If I were the Beckhams I'd definitely consider myself upper class. While I'm vacationing and eating shrimp and steak off a hot indigenous woman I would give less than two shits if someone thinks I'm trashy.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:18:51 No.784301
    No, there is just a hell of a lot of poorfags that don't wanna fucking work. You need to realise it isn't linear, every 20k you go up a tier every 50k you go up a class, etc etc, class = income and it is region dependant on the PPP, even on an intracountry level.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:18:51 No.784302
    >Everything up to middleclass is just about money
    But there are liberal arts majors who make less than plumbers and electricians. What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:19:20 No.784305
    upper middle class, mfw I'm not even fucking kidding.
    Just feel at home on the internet with my fellow robots. Nearly everyone of my family and their friends despises me being heavily beta, well fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:19:48 No.784309
    what the hell do they do? just out of curiosity, to me that seems like a fucking crazy amount
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:19:51 No.784311
    Here is an accurate way to gauge your "class"

    If you cannot come up with $50,000 within 24 hours, you are most likely Working class or below.

    If you have less than 60% of your income after paying all liabilities, you are most likely working class or below.

    If you were to lose your job, would you be able to cover all living expenses for 3 years? If not, you are most likely working class or below.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:19:57 No.784313
    My dad earns about 150k a year, where do I belong?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:20:01 No.784317
    Working class

    I come from a poorfag class home so at least I've made a slight improvement
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:20:46 No.784322
    And they will be working class, they can act a big game but they can't pay for a middle class social life, upperclass is different, even if you can pay for it, you have to be the right type of people, i.e two-faced backstabbin kiniving assholes.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:21:24 No.784329
    Poorfag class.

    Shit sucks, people feel sorry for you, and I feel like im the only person without a cellphone.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:21:40 No.784332
    Depends. Where do you live, bro?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:21:52 No.784336
    Poorfag class.

    >come from rich family
    >kicked out of home at 17
    >lived on the streets until I found work
    >21 now, still doing my degree because keep having to take leave and work for more money
    >rent is ridiculous, finally just managed to afford a car
    >landlord didn't want to keep renting out the place I was at
    >can't find a new place that I can afford
    >a lot of my money goes to paying off massive court fees
    >living in my car and using university computer labs
    >for fuck's sake

    Not too many people are below me; the ones that are wouldn't be using a computer right now. I have respect for anyone, rich or poor, as long as they're decent human beings. I believe in mutual respect.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:22:06 No.784339
    I believe my family is working class but my conservatard economist dad doesn't want to believe he is a peasant because he think his crappy phd makes him less serf-like.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:22:11 No.784340
    >nobody is arguing about working class
    >only arguing about upper/middle divide
    >ignores it
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:22:20 No.784345
    >there is just a hell of a lot of poorfags that don't wanna fucking work
    maybe...but many, many people earn less than 25,000
    are you denying 75,000 is middle class? wow, one privileged SOB
    >> uno 12/18/11(Sun)12:22:50 No.784350
    Working class

    Poorfags like to mooch
    Middleclass is okay
    Upper-middleclass are pretty try hard and obsessed with things usually related to wealth (ie manners) because they're insecure about not being upper. I don't like these people
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:24:23 No.784365
    Depends, and I'm not privileged I'd call myself workingclass but I got a full bursary to private school etc so have been, middle-classified. Its not all about money but up to middleclass like I said it is about whether you can afford the lifestlye. Anyways 75000 USD is not middle class its upper tier of working
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:25:08 No.784375
    lulz class warfare.

    >middle class by famiy, poorfag here tho, financial aid and minimum wage job.
    Not part of this 99% bullshit, I love the American dream, even though our nation has become a nanny state and a welfare state, we're slowly becoming the U.K except without a functional government.

    I'm a marketing major at a community college, transferring to a prominent state uni. I self-medicate, plan to work snart and hard for a living, and I don't believe anyone deserves to be supported by our government. I disagree with the bailout of our banks, and I strongly advocate a free market, and despise this eat teh rich!!11!!!one!! bullshit. It's just humanities majors that are jelly of their parents and don't understand the idea of working for a living.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:25:46 No.784384
    Depends on the area retards

    In california or new york $100k a year would be "ok" but in north carolina or kansas that'd be doing well in pseudo-richfag life
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:26:26 No.784392
    Holy shit robots.

    False consciousness...look it up.

    A couple people have already said it, but "middle class" in America ranges from $100k-$250k. If you make under, you are more than likely only a few paychecks away from being broke, divorced, and on the streets.

    Granted, there are a few people that can live LIKE middle class people in certain areas.

    Eh, don't worry so much about money guys. Its the 21st Century. Us working class people can enjoy the same entertainment and have the same access to knowledge as middle and upper class people. This has never existed before in history.

    Btw, working class here. 52k (combined with wife's income, nokidz.)
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 12/18/11(Sun)12:26:42 No.784394
    Middle class.

    The upper middle are just middle class folks who got lucky in their careers, or were willing to take the risk of starting their own business.

    The upper class are greedy Machiavellian scumbags.

    The working class are thugs, criminals and retards.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:27:08 No.784399
    The fuck? 75k USD is far above middle-class unless you live in NYC

    ITT: People with distorted ideas about class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:27:50 No.784408
    Upper lower middle class

    I read Orwell and I Got it. It's a funny state to be in.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)12:28:02 No.784409
    I love you. Seriously, this sentenced is just for blox you know, but I hope you aren't reading it expecting something good.
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 12/18/11(Sun)12:28:24 No.784410

    It's Yurop primetime right now, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:28:37 No.784416
    I've been trying to explain this the entire thread. I live in California right now and I can't wait to gtfo. It's too expensive here. I could easily just move to a liberal city in the south or midwest and live waaaay better than I do now.
    >> uno 12/18/11(Sun)12:28:44 No.784418
    I love the idea of the American dream, but if a revolution started today I'd be the first to repeatedly slit the throat of a cop or richfag. I'm quite bored

    yea, California here
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:28:57 No.784421
    Poorfag, soon to be working class only to be poor again. Then again I'd consider myself to be in the I Don't Give A Fuck- Class
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:29:09 No.784422
    Are you talking about individual or family income? Because saying that middle class starts at 100k is pretty ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:29:56 No.784433
    It's upper-middle in most places I would say. Especially if you're not a total moron with your money. Hell, my cousin and her husband make $40,000 COMBINED and still manage to give their kids good shit.
    >> Rage Emitting Diode !RaGERRuxPQ 12/18/11(Sun)12:30:05 No.784438
    I'll take that as meaning you agree with my post.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:30:48 No.784446
    Europe, Netherlands.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:30:46 No.784447
    Ever since I was a kid I've always considered being able to go out and eat whenever you want and not have to worry about it to be doing well. It was always my dream to order pizzas or eat at taco bell and not give a fuck about wasting money.

    I'm 22 and make $11 an hour and I'm not even close
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:30:59 No.784451
    Conservatives all like to believe they're doing well even if all evidence shows otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:31:07 No.784453
    I hate cops and richfags (and wannabe richfags who empower them). Not all richfags and cops are assholes, but the majority of them are. And the ones who are tend to have big mouths, makes it easy to spot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:31:33 No.784458
    I am talking about individual income.

    I'd add an additional 20-35k per child.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:32:05 No.784463
    Poorfag class here, stricken with depression and grief at the ever rising economic recession, the shitty drain this country is spiraling into, the lack of jobs, etc, it doesn't help having alcoholic parents, it seems like getting enough food/nutrients is a struggle daily, but I'm used to working on low energy supplies and being fatigued all the time. I see little future for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:32:05 No.784464
    Probably middle class. But it's the Netherlands and you guys have a sweet welfare/healthcare system so maybe upper-middle lifestyle if we wanna compare you to someone in the U.S.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:32:28 No.784466
    I can eat at Subway whenever I want.

    Confirmed for middle class as fuck?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:32:47 No.784469

    please just let me think im rich ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:33:08 No.784472
    Nah ah nigga. If I was a single person making $100,000 a year, even in New York fucking City, I'd be upper-middle-class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:35:08 No.784485
    i have 790 quid and i'm 19, working class. but i'm also depressed and have no friends

    wtf is this!?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:36:41 No.784500
    Upper class.

    My parents pay for my college in full. No poor-fag financial aid shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:37:13 No.784509
    No, you would not. Stop deluding yourself

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:38:00 No.784512
    >no poorfag financial aid shit

    lolz I wouldn't brag about the fact that you got 0 scholarships or grants. And yes, asshole, those are considered financial aid.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:38:04 No.784513
    can i work for u? i will suck ur dick for money
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:38:18 No.784516
    >Be NEET
    >Get $250 a week from the government
    >Do nothing all day but screw around on the internet, play video games, and watch anime
    >mfw these people call themselves richfags while working their asses off all their lives or sucking off their parents and getting laughed at
    >I never sully my hands on plebeian acts such as "working"

    You may consider yourselves wealthy but I stand before you a king
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:38:23 No.784520
    Da fuck? 650,000 is easily in the top 1%, which is enough to qualify him for being "upper class"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:39:07 No.784526
    Explain to me why not. I live comfortably on significantly less now and if I made THAT much money, jesus christ, I'd be so happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:39:50 No.784533
    King? More like a parasite.

    Enjoy your death at 35 from a heart attack. Too many cheetos will do that to ya.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:40:05 No.784537
    This thread is pointless. I am a turtle.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:40:30 No.784544
    Middle class, but compared to my working class peers/friends they think I'm upper middle class.

    In terms of friends, the working class ones were the best, middle class and upper were always fucking full of themselves
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:41:29 No.784557

    dad is a dipshit and mum is a stpiud fat cunt who haven't worked a single day for 30 years.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:42:57 No.784574
    I used to be upper middle class when I lived in a small town. Everyone was so impressed that my parents were well-educated and could afford a nice car.

    After I moved to the big city I became lower middle class. Most of the people I go to school with now had so many more opportunities and have already seen a lot more than me. Plus they can afford to eat at restaurants a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:43:27 No.784577
    >I live comfortably on significantly less now

    Do you make payments instead of outright buying things?

    Getting fucked by interest?

    If you were to lose your job tomorrow, how long could you make the payments on everything?

    Most people live paycheck to paycheck without even realizing it.

    Thanks to our societies' view on conspicous consumption, no one saves jack shit, which only furthers the problem of being financially solvent.

    Sure, you may be "comfortable" but you are more than likely not prepared for hardship, should one ever come your way.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:45:32 No.784597
         File1324230332.jpg-(178 KB, 1407x549, really hard guys.jpg)
    178 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:45:47 No.784601
    >defining social class by salaries

    oh you guise
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:47:12 No.784621
    What do you define it by? Could a hobo be upper class?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:47:21 No.784624
    I make a fair amount of money but no matter how much I make I'll always think of myself as working class. There is nothing wankier than middle class "social climbers".
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:47:44 No.784630
    If he were a classy gent, sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:48:32 No.784637
    >thinking earning modest wages pushes you in the middle class.

    Haha! Vote republican 2012!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:49:27 No.784641
    I was raised as an upper middle class. Went to independent schools and such. Parents work as academics.
    But now I'm a middle class I guess. Working in the ministry of justice. It's fine.
    Btw, traditionally in Britain, upper class title applies if you're a member of royal family and the likes
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:52:19 No.784671

    >mfw I look at this chart and realize I'm even below the poverty line and have never so much as seen an amount so large as $22,000
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:52:24 No.784672
    Britain actually has a class structure though. America could barely manage a class and a half in proper terms.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)12:54:16 No.784689
    Blue collar = working class
    White collar = middle class
    Inherited millions and doesn't need to work = upper class
    Long-term unemployed and dependent on handouts = underclass
    Then again this is class-conscious britfag talking here
    >> Sorka !u.sDYKEStQ 12/18/11(Sun)12:55:37 No.784699
    >determining class according to income.

    I don't even..

    U guis 'tarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:02:17 No.784759
    You're basically proving my point. I make $45,000-ish after taxes. I live in a nice area in Brooklyn which I got a great deal on rent-wise. I have a roommate, but I do not need to be living in a place with three bedrooms alone. I've managed to save $10,000 since I've started collegeand graduate (which may not be a lot to you, but I think it's fairly good). If I made $100,000 I would have a lot more disposable income than I do now.

    Sorry I'm not an idiot and I know how to save money.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:03:29 No.784776
    3979 Winkle Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95065
    (970)988 9885
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:03:28 No.784777
    My family should be in the middle class. My dad has a PhD, and works in upper management. My mom runs a small business. They make over $100,000, but years of bad luck and stupid decision-making has left them with mountains of credit card debt and a mortgage they can't quite handle, so we live more like blue-collar people with a slightly nicer house.

    I work a shitty job and go to school, so I guess I'm working class? I plan to stay here. I don't need to make more than $50,000 a year. More money, more problems.

    I admire people who are born working class or poor, since a lot of them work really hard to get by and have good values, although a general lack of education can make some them annoyingly ignorant about some things.

    I've always resented my peers with more financially successful parents. I don't think wealth makes you a bad person, but growing up with privilege can twist your personality in bad ways. If you're getting paid $10-20,000 a year by your parents for doing nothing, and you feel like you have the right to bitch about anything, fuck you.
    >> Umby 12/18/11(Sun)13:03:52 No.784782
    >median earnings is middle class

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:05:45 No.784795
    >If you're getting paid $10-20,000 a year by your parents for doing nothing, and you feel like you have the right to bitch about anything, fuck you.

    Hell, bro, I know kids who get like $500 a month from their parents and I'm jealous as fuck. Ignoring the bullshit saying, I really do think money can buy you happiness. At least, for me, it would.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:06:36 No.784802

    How do you make 45k a year while going to school?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:09:32 No.784830
    Sorry, there were some typos I didn't see. I graduate college in '07, went to grad school, got out in '09. I've been working at a university around these parts since I got out from there. I'm not going to school anymore. Sorry for the confusion.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:10:55 No.784844
    Working class. Parents are divorced, mom makes about $22,000, dad was making about $50,000 but is now unemployed. My dad has our large-ish 4 bed 3 bath from before the divorce and my mom has a 2 bedroom condo/townhouse. We get along pretty well though, my mom was able to buy me a car and we're never lacking food or other essentials.

    I desire to be middle class. Maybe if both my parents had stayed married or found someone else to get married to we would be, y'know two incomes one household and all. I feel middle class lifestyle is comparable to my own but everything is a bit nicer and easier.

    Poorfag class is generally either hard working nice people who got fucked over, or lowlife scum with no regard for decency, the law, the right's of others, so on and so forth. I have a super poorfag acquaintance. His mothers a meth-head, they bounce around between different motels and apartments 3 or 4 times a year, he's stolen shit tons of stuff from other people and stores, banged a chick in a dumpster (yeah, INSIDE OF IT, not behind), huffed air duster on a god damn public, did every shit tier drug known to man (like benadryl), and vandalized various things. Fuck that sort of person. I got serious feels for the hard working innocent poorfags though.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:13:09 No.784874

    Are you counting how much their parents put towards their college tuition? Think of that college money as a yearly salary (that's what it is). Then walk around amazed at all the little monsters around you as you realize how many of them are being paid more each year to skip class, get drunk, and plagiarize their papers, than many working adults earn.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:13:51 No.784883
    >Sorry I'm not an idiot and I know how to save money.

    I apologize.

    I make all assumptions based on patterns in society. If we had more people like you, we wouldn't be in this financial mess.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:14:31 No.784888
    In my experience, anyone who actually thinks of and describes themselves as middle class is a wanker. I've got a damn good job but can't be bothered with most of the people I work with because they care about "appearances" and other self-absorbed shite like that.

    Almost all of my friends earn under (why the fuck won't it let me post a pound sign)25k a year.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:16:26 No.784909
    Upper Middle Class niggas!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:17:50 No.784926

    Complete horseshit.

    Class is a multifactorial construct based on education, job type and earning power. You retards have an extremely skewed opinion of what the boundaries for each class are. Obviously people are lying about their parents salaries but 500k a year is the "1%". Most people are unbelievably poor. The median wage in the uk is around 28k. Sociologists would say the middle middle class household earns 97k in the Us. With upper middle earing above 67k each.

    You guys really need to get out and see the world for what it is. Your economic expectations are impostor irrational and you sound like small children.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:23:07 No.784984
    What differentiates working class and poorfag class.

    I'm one of those, I think my mother makes under 20k a year (though it might of changed due to her promotion)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:26:52 No.785019
    Family is working class but not nearly as trashy or fucked up like a lot of other working class families. Parents and myself are just unambitious but have high IQs.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:28:13 No.785031

    >writes "might of" instead of "might have"
    >this is an indicator of class
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:31:27 No.785066
    God damn I knew my grammer was bad there, it's quite embarrassing actually.

    (Yes the above mistake was intentional)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:33:07 No.785086
    Oh shit I forgot we have spoiler tags now
    I'll just leave now...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:34:14 No.785099
    Meawhile, some low IQ douchebags are making 6 figure salaries from marketing usless junk. Enjoy your mensa circlejerks and generally being a shitstain on humanity, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:39:47 No.785148
    Jesus Christ, you're ready to haul him off and go Spanish Inquisition on his ass. It sounds to me like he's just trying to say he's not an inbred redneck piece of trash despite his parents having a low income. Calm down.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:40:58 No.785154
    is anyone else kind of disappointed by the upper class of today? re: their classiness

    i grew up in a suburb that ranged from lower-middle class, blue collar families to mega-loaded, prominent upper class families. and the rich kids i grew up with were just sort of unexceptional, average-seeming.

    i knew a kid who was heir to a clothing fortune and descended from notable politicians etc... he wore band shirts to school and played video games and smoked weed and had a pet snake and whatnot, average teenage shit. not very classy. and even the kids who did embrace their privilege did so in an flashy, obnoxious way that also didn't seem classy... overtanned girls driving around in hummers, 15 year old boys bragging about "sippin on that moet" in affected wigger accents

    if i was from a family like that i'd play that role to the hilt, i'd be waspy as fuck, dress strictly in that understated and slightly disheveled old-school preppy style, be a total Boston Brahmin dude, playing badminton and owning a horse and being a patron of the arts and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:50:19 No.785252
    >You aren't middle class unless each family member makes at least 500k a year
    >I'm only lower middle class and my dad makes 300k annually
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:50:33 No.785254
    I despise class. I find it pretentious and dull.

    Don't misunderstand that. Acting polite, being well read, and dressing nicely are all fantastic qualities.

    But when I think of the 'class' that the rich posses, what comes to mind is a pretentious, stuffy disdain for anything that does not meet their standards and conform absolutely flawlessly to their norms, and a woodenness where one would hope to find variety and emotion.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:53:44 No.785286

    Yeah, class is all an act anyway. The upper class does the same bullshit the poor classes do, but their money shields them from the consequences and keeps them rich.

    Drug abuse is just as prevalent among the rich; they just prefer good wine and prescription pills to weed and cheap blow. Their kids drive their Beemers too fast and crash them. World-traveling businessmen hire esorts when they're away from their wives, and their wives seduce the pool boy while husband is away.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:53:47 No.785288
    ITT: say you make more money than you actually do
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:54:42 No.785301
    Upper class reporting in.

    You poor motherfuckers.

    (We're new money. Parents were both in the tech industry during the boom of the past few decades. We did very well out of it.)
    >> Arcadian !!UFEvGhKxyAZ 12/18/11(Sun)13:55:35 No.785314
    >that feel when you're working class but nobody believes you because you look like you dress well but they don't know it's all from Primark and charity shops

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:56:50 No.785328
    working class, family always has been, family always will be.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:57:10 No.785335

    >We did very well out if it.

    THEY did very well. You just shat your pants and chewed on things.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)13:59:48 No.785363
    upper middle class reporting in.

    only here because of my parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)14:00:20 No.785373
    They did well out of it and then paid for my education. So I did pretty well out of it too, just less directly.
    >> Robert 12/18/11(Sun)18:27:59 No.788332
    Pool, Tennis Court, Guest House, 3 Floor House, but the cars are shit... Jeep and an old black Mercedes, so Upper-Middle class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:39:39 No.788480
    i would say with family, middle class.

    if i were to live a lone i would be poor. i work minimumwage.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:43:07 No.788522
    poorfag class

    opinion on all classes above me, rich privleged faggots making fun of me for not having money for shoes or clothes.

    good thing i don't go to school anymore so i chose not to be around those rich fuckers at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:48:35 No.788605
    >tennis court
    >guest house

    Fuck you are a huge troll, you are upper class. A piece of shit at that for actually trying to convince us that you are "upper middle class".
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 12/18/11(Sun)18:52:46 No.788656
    >that feel when poorfag class your entire life
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:53:00 No.788660
    Between middle and working. My parents are divorced - my mom is constantly broke and my dad makes a middle class income. I paid for most of my college myself (mostly through student loans). I currently work for $13/hr and live in a small house that I rent with a roommate.
    >> Robert 12/18/11(Sun)18:53:38 No.788665

    I'm sorry, Upper Class wasn't an option. Besides, I've seen much wealthier.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:54:01 No.788677
    I'm around lower middle class. Around 40-50K a year.
    Used to be working class, but we moved up!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:54:58 No.788682
    Upper/upper middle class here.

    Although it's hard to tell because we have a pretty average income (100-150k) plus several million in savings but live in an area where the average income is 20-30k.

    Not to be "that guy" but working/lower class people are pretty annoying. I was close to several in my "high school punk rebellion" phase and they all seem to have this entitled "i'm going to order the most expensive thing on the menu and you're paying, then i'm going to pawn two of your laptops for crack money because that's what friends are for". If there are any decent poorfags out there, let me know, I sure as hell have never met one.
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 12/18/11(Sun)18:56:29 No.788701
    I'm a poorfag and have tried to be nothing but gratuitous to my middle class friends that I went to school with but they never returned the favor; even though I'd buy them shit with my own money and they never helped me with anything while mom and dad gave them free cash. I could easily argue the opposite point.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:58:17 No.788718
    I suppose it has nothing to do with class and just has more to do with the fact that some people are shitty friends.
    Point taken, thanks.
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 12/18/11(Sun)18:58:58 No.788729
    Yup, some people aren't raised with morals or basic courtesy guidelines. People are inherently selfish, for the majority.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:59:32 No.788736
    I honestly didn't think that americans thought in terms of class, i thought it was all no bended knee, all men equal, class is a british thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)18:59:39 No.788739
    Poorfag class reporting in. Mom works for 20$ an hour, dad might be making alot of money, but between funding child support for my mom, child support for his wife and two kids, and funding for his two kids, it's all gone. I sleep in the laundry room of our apartment, which is in a good neighborhood I guess...
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 12/18/11(Sun)19:00:40 No.788748
    Americans love labeling people in classes. Classism is strong.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:00:42 No.788749
    jesus fucking christ, you are my twin. Does your mom also constantly nag on your dad for money? If so, then you must be my twin
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:01:36 No.788757
         File1324252896.jpg-(29 KB, 455x528, 9327f8c1-cb56-4937-a4d5-b17a90(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    Upper Class, parents valued at 20 million+
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:02:04 No.788763
    Probably a bit between working underageb&, I don't have a job yet and middle class.

    I kinda feel bad for the poorfags. Even though I spend extremely little money per month.

    And for everyone else above, I don't really mind.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:02:33 No.788765
    I'm pretty middle class.

    I make $70k.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:04:38 No.788787
    Class has always been a thing in America.
    In the old days it was just white and black, but then Mark Twain came up with the handy concept of "these people that are basically black except white" as satire, came to be known as White Trash America. Then of course you have all the people who are "proud to be white trash" for unfathomable reasons, and the upper class has always just sort of been there, no one really knows who they are personally.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:04:47 No.788789
    Upper Middle Class
    >dat original comment
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:05:55 No.788800
    Nope. My dad was really good about making child support payments as my sister and I were growing up, as well as visiting us often and giving us allowances and stuff. He also gave my mom our old house, which she sold and was able to keep most of the money from. My mom might have asked him for a bit of money when they first separated, but it's been almost 15 years now.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:06:26 No.788803

    Not sure if it makes a difference because I'm in Canada, but where I live that would be unheard of. If I went out for a nice meal with a friend who makes significantly less than I do, they will probably try to pay, and they do genuinely want to.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:08:58 No.788822
    >grad student
    >40K a year while getting a free masters
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:09:41 No.788829
    Middle Class so far...
    Not living at home off full government student loan/bursary w/o fees and job sooo umm middle class?

    What's this BS about my parents make $100K and not being upper class. esp. w/ US style taxing (i.e. low) and no healthcare that has to be paid you'd take home like 90% of that or 45K GBP.

    I'll max out around 50K GBP before taxes after taxes nearer to 30-35K GBP :( still middle class though
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14:30 No.788876
    Use to be middle, kind of approaching upper middle. Now I'm poorfag but with the mindset of middle/upper-mid.

    Fuck life
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:20:27 No.788938

    they are definitely upper middle class if they make six figures, are you retarded? so 300,000k a year is supposed to be middle class or something? In fact they are probably upper class if they make that much by normal person standards.


    are you kidding me? 1 million a year is lower class cuz there's people with billions out there and so 1 million a year is very poverty tier.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:28:37 No.789010
    Working class.

    I make like 35k a year (17.03 an hour). More with overtime and daily bonuses (for hazardous shit). I started at 14.83 just under 4 months ago. And if I stick with my boss, I'll be at 24.00 an hour in a year.

    Oh yeah, and I can sneak smokes at work, sleep at work, not do anything all day, fuck off with my coworkers and boss, etc.

    BTW this is a union job, u jelly working faggots?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:31:20 No.789037
    Britfag here. Working class. Mother works as a teacher's assistant in a primary school, earning no more than 13k today, my step-dad is a taxi driver earning a little less or more than that, depending on the year. My dad is on benefits, but most years managed to buy me a semi-decent birthday present.

    I can't complain. I never went needing, only wanting sometimes. Though they're all genuinely amazing parents, so I didn't care much about money.

    I was still richer than most of the world's families while growing up, which is nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:32:29 No.789050
    I am the 2%
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:32:56 No.789054
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:34:42 No.789071
    Lower working, upper poorfag? I never really got nice things, but I was able to afford a tolerable computer, internet, and cable. And a stable life/housing. Tolerable as in it ran, I couldn't play games on it. I got a console one Christmas but I never owned games, I could only rent or rarely find one at a garage sale.
    I truly pity the people in and out of apartments, or who move from rental to rental because they couldn't pay their bills. The people who, while I had my console I could barely afford to play, were playing the console two generations prior to it.
    I am pretty jelly of the middle class. They can usually afford games, right? But I guess their parents put them in the right place. I think I'm edging up on middle class now that I have my own life. Or maybe I'm still working, just a higher working than my mom was.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:45:45 No.789182
    poorfag class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:48:28 No.789206
    Parents are self-employed (retail) and on benefits.
    I am a student (on student loans + bit of a grant due to poorish parents).

    So lower-middle, upper-working? I mean, I come from a council estate, but people in university would regard me as lower-middle based off my accent/clothes/academic nature/etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:50:01 No.789222
    As a student, I am poorfag class.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:52:04 No.789240
    Parents were working class

    Right now I'm a poorfag due to going to college, but hopefully ill be able to be middle class
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:54:29 No.789263
    I don't think I personally know anyone that makes more than $150k a year. The people that I do know that make that much, I don't know well. I would consider $70k a year a very acceptable middle class income, but I currently make less than half of that.

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