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    51 KB work ethic Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:20:58 No.7830476  
    How do all these ambitious fucks gain such a hard work ethic? You know the guys - they accept nothing but perfection in their full time job, they manage a business on the side, and they manage to fit in a social life, law school at night and a daily workout. I'm not talking about time management, I'm talking about mindset. Guys like that are so intense - they don't let a second slip by without taking advantage of it to do work.

    How does this come about? Is environment the major factor? Selfishness? Selflessness? Confidence? Lack of confidence? Skill? Coaching? Genetics? Economics? Being around like-minded people?

    Pic related. Fucker does something like 3 TV shows, works out like a motherfucker to do marathons (he let himself slide a bit recently but jesus I can see why with the workload), and oversees 25 critically acclaimed restaurants around the world. I don't mean critically acclaimed as in the local paper said they were OK, I mean the cunt has 13 michelin stars. To put that in perspective only around 0.018% of restuarants are awarded a single star, 0.002% two stars, and 0.0007% (yes 4 decimal places) three stars. He has 13. That takes some serious fucking hard work.

    You watch this guy and he doesn't tolerate anything less than 100% from other people, but he isn't a hypocrite - he gives 110% all the time and gets down and cleans and works with everyone, harder than anyone. He constantly tells everyone that the only thing that matters is hard work, while he's working hard. How do you get that constant level of every-fucking-second counts, no-fucking-around professionalism?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:24:28 No.7830494
    You be an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:25:30 No.7830499
    a person wants to achieve something then they acquire the skills necessary to achieve just by thinking about it and practicing.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:25:34 No.7830500
    you're born that way

    I sure as fuck dont want to get ulcers over ephemeral shit like work, but some people are defined by their jobs.

    suits them I suppose
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:26:10 No.7830502
    You must have confidence in yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:26:15 No.7830503
    Growing up? God knows. I'm not delving into the psychological aspect of it. Maybe some instance of lack of control drove them to seize every other moment and put it toward working, so as to 'better themselves', or perhaps to remove themselves from where they once were.

    In the present? The main aspect of consistency is discipline. These guys probably force themselves into a strict routine and, once settled in there, find anything else unbearable.

    tl;dr - Gordon Ramsay was raped.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:27:31 No.7830506
    It's your fucking genetics man.

    I'm lazy by nature. I can work hard, and I'll be better than most people, but I can't excel at everything, because I'm just not wired to.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:28:02 No.7830512
    it's genetic.,8599,1827106,00.html

    (tldr: laziness gene in mice. the writeup is pop pseudo science but I honestly believe that one day a fuller explanation will be advanced and there will be significant genetic component)
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:30:56 No.7830524
    what are you defined by?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:31:23 No.7830526
    I would say its a mixture of being born for it, and maybe some really intense experience in childhood to trigger it, and after that he is just a rocket bound for the moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:32:52 No.7830530

    Sure, genetics may play a role in whether a person is hard-working or not, but it's not an excuse. A lot of things in life can be changed through attitude, because our way of thinking affects us more than we think it could.

    It is up to you what kind of a person do you want to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:32:58 No.7830531
    i wondered this too. PASSION. that's all it is. passion for whatever they do at work
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:33:27 No.7830535
    humans are the animal that can overwrite genetic dispositions with consciously planned action.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:33:40 No.7830537

    I don't need to work hard, I'm just genetically unlucky. Now back to doing nothing with my life!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:34:36 No.7830544
    This. They don't see work as something they have to do but something they get to do. Also it helps to make a decision to become the best on your field and more importantly to stick with that decision.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:37:56 No.7830560
    I have no idea man. I knew a girl like that in college. Never partied or anything, would rather be working on something 24/7. Other people kind of gave her shit about it, but I always thought it was really admirable, even if I could never do it myself.

    It's a strange world.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:39:02 No.7830570
    they have a purpose, they made a choice to dedicating their life to that purpose.

    most people never find this drive.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:39:08 No.7830571
    Man up op.

    That persons got something to teach you. Something you don't learn in school. How to become a fighter.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:40:05 No.7830578
    90% of successful, driven, ambitious people have children who hate them.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:40:54 No.7830580
    Most never even bother looking for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:41:08 No.7830584

    Obviously this is not an issue like skin color where genetics are 100% determinative, but everything is relative. Humans can use willpower to overwrite genetic a point. No one is flawless at this. And the degree of "willpower" you can exercise is in turn influenced by genetics, as argued in this thread.

    tldr, yes, but "changing your attitude" and working harder are much easier for some ppl (due to genetics) than for others
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:43:07 No.7830595
    Work Ethic is that voice in the back of your head. You know exactly what the fuck you've got to do to improve your life. The lazy person gets high instead. The ambitious person does what he needs to do. He shuts the fuck up and does his job. He also cuts out every single bit of dead weight from his life -- hence, the 'asshole' moniker. Every successful man I've known has been an 'asshole' in the sense that he doesn't allow parasites to leach off of him for money or time. Time is far more valuable.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:43:41 No.7830602
    Genetics is still not an excuse to blame yourself for your own lazinees
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:44:08 No.7830607
    I feel I'm doomed to forever being a chronic procrastinator, rarely ever being able to get anything done. Right now, for instance, I'm supposed to be working but I choose to go on 4chan. Distractions control me and I hate it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:44:48 No.7830611
    >voice in the back of your head
    You mean standards you have set for yourself?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:44:49 No.7830612
    > an excuse to blame yourself for your own lazinees

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:45:49 No.7830619
    Hard-working people = Alpha
    Lazy people = Beta / Omega
    Hard-working unsocial people = Beta / omega

    Any questions?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:47:29 No.7830632
    I guess. I just believe that most people suppress the same voice. I think everyone wants a good life, for the most part. Most people just don't want to work for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:47:53 No.7830636
    You're suggesting that introverts fail in life by default? I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on that.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:48:44 No.7830642

    This. It's all there is to it. You think Gordon Ramsay doesn't love every second of hard work he puts into his business?

    If you find a goal or a hobby or something... anything that you love passionately, the more work you put in, the more excellent you feel.

    It's not hard work if you enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:51:08 No.7830659
    >If you find a goal or a hobby or something... anything that you love passionately, the more work you put in, the more excellent you feel.

    This varies depending on personality type. (Inb4 MBTI --- that's not where I'm going with this). I am capable of getting really animated about a new enterprise or idea and working on it in a trancelike state for maybe 48 hours at a time, but as soon as the novelty wears off I can't bring myself to engage.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:53:25 No.7830674
    They literally don't know how to relax.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:54:03 No.7830677
    Some people see life as a chance to improve themselves and accomplish as much as they possibly can. I am one of those people.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:54:19 No.7830680
    I fucking hate people who rely on personality tests. You can change if you want too. Shut the fuck up about how your personality doesn't allow you to succeed. You don't allow yourself to succeed. Pussy. Roll up those sleeves and get to work. And shut the fuck up. I can't emphasize this enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:55:13 No.7830686

    that reminds me of something one of my teachers told me in my senior year of high school

    he said you will end up doing what you like

    if it is succeeding you will do that

    if it is playing video games all day you will do that
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:58:23 No.7830704
    l2read. I explicitly stated I wasn't thinking personality type in the sense of personality tests.

    I am actually quite successful by most mainstream measures. If I were more rigorous, determined, detail-oriented, etc. I would probably succeed even more. But people are different. You can call these differences personality or whatever you like. Some people are always going to be more diligent-etc than others.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:59:11 No.7830710
    Lol man up you just man up! Man up! You just man up! Lol what the fuck is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:00:02 No.7830717
    Yes, this is why you're posting on r9k at 11am on a Tuesday.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:00:17 No.7830719
    Alright. Sorry about lashing out at you, bro. If you're successful, that's all the matters. There isn't enough room in the world for everyone to be a hungry backstabbing fuck like me anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:01:36 No.7830725

    Really though I am a very driven person despite what you might think. I guess this is pretty incriminating evidence that I'm not (posting on 4chan that is) but I guess there's nothing I can do to prove it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:02:15 No.7830734
    >you're born that way
    Typical defeatist neckbeard virgin who thinks he can never be a great person because of his genetics.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:02:27 No.7830737
    I used to be a lazy motherfucker. I had a half time job that I hardly even showed up for (maybe 2 hours a day) and did fuck all else except watch tv.

    Now I work 12 hour days, am fit enough to do a half marathon without much discomfort, and do a bit of study in my spare time. I still read r9k sometimes because I get sidetracked looking for porn, and I hardly sleep.

    It all comes from having a goal in mind. Not a goal that you make up because some motivational cunt says you should have one, but something you genuinely want to achieve.

    Also some people just want to do everything, so they achieve nothing. Best focus on one thing. Probably best that it's not the novel you've been working on.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:02:35 No.7830738

    hey man we may live on the east coast but not everyone does
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:03:07 No.7830741
    it's cool brah.

    >if you're successful, that's all the matters.

    That's debatable, but

    >There isn't enough room in the world for everyone to be a hungry backstabbing fuck

    agreed. Although, if this were the case, economies would grow by leaps and bounds and humanity would be in some material respects better off.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:06:11 No.7830760
    usually they're a bit slower than the ultra talented people so they have an inferiority complex which makes them work really hard
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:06:14 No.7830762
    Mental toughness man, some people are born with it, some people aren't.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:07:52 No.7830770
    I've also read that book yesterday
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:08:13 No.7830775
    Man up! Just man up! Man up! Just man up! Man up! Just man up!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:16:12 No.7830820
    "consciously planned action" as you like to call willpower, is also genetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:16:32 No.7830823
    I pity people who go through their life thinking they can't change their attitude. Sure you can, you just need good enough reason for doing it. Also, it's not just one single decision made in split-second, but rather a long process or re-evaluating certain values and focus-areas while doing dozens of other decisions which then form the "attitude".
    Other qualities required for the project is of course hard work and effective reminders because it takes some time for the new attitude to become automated. Now go watch Rocky III or somethign and think about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:17:39 No.7830828
    >Sure you can, you just need good enough reason for doing it.

    Where am I supposed to find one of those?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:20:40 No.7830847
    Just wait untill you feel shitty enough and decide that life can't go on like this. But if you think that your life is "not that bad" then you have to experience some more failure and dissatisfaction.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:25:26 No.7830880
    What the fuck is the point in that? You know from looking at other people what rock bottom is like. Why would you ever let yourself get to that point? You've got references right in fucking front of you. Look at miserable failures. Look at happy people. Learn from their mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:25:44 No.7830884
    Personality tests are pure fail. Every time Ive taken one I end up with different results, sometimes vastly different.

    Gordon Ramsey had a fucked up childhood. Read his bio:

    >>>In past public interviews, Ramsay has declined to describe his father as an alcoholic; however, his autobiography, Humble Pie,[6] describes his early life as being marked by abuse and neglect from this "hard-drinking womanizer"

    Its drive, there is no excuse for being lazy. The toughest part is dealing with people who are incompetent but dont realize it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:28:44 No.7830905
    Step:1 Become a Chef.

    Seriously i know where hes coming from there is no room for compromise in the restaurant trade.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:32:33 No.7830935
    If you want to improve your work ethic work in a restaurant or do volunteer work.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:33:46 No.7830941
    There are 2 things you must do to have a type A personality:

    1. Redefine other people's interests as your interests.
    2. Redefine failure as success.

    tl;dr brownnose and live in denial
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:34:41 No.7830947
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:36:18 No.7830962
    Please dont tell me you copyed this from /fit/
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:36:55 No.7830969
    The funniest shit about people like this who had abusive alpha male fathers is that they grow up to be exactly the same. And so the cycle continues..
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:40:36 No.7831003
    that's easy: human beings learn from pain. in their life, they experienced pain when they were slacking off, and didn't experience pain when they worked hard.

    in short, they "won" when working hard and "lost" when slacking off.

    thus they work hard.

    for other people, it may be the exact opposite, other people will always "win" no matter what they do and still other people will always "lose" no matter what they do.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:41:31 No.7831010
    frankly it sickens me

    fucking puppets
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:45:13 No.7831036
    Ah, me too. I've got no desire. At all. For anything. While nice and relaxing it's very impractical. As it is I'm one of those people who has to be ordered to do something, otherwise I just don't care. Really I'd probably function perfectly in some kind of military service where they would tell me what needs to be done and I do it right away.

    But... eh, I just don't care. I am not /g9k/, I am a mortal avatar for the general feeling of our age.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:46:57 No.7831049
    You don't really have to experience it yourself, you can also do it by watching some bad examples as long as it gets you to make that decision of not being like them.
    It's just about the standards you've given yourself (or likely you were taught); what do you expect from life and from yourself?

    Here's an example, tomorrow you'd had to sleep on the street, you would lose your home. I bet this would be against your standards and you would work, no matter how hard and do what ever it takes to get a roof over your head.
    But what do you settle for? Some poor-ass condo and then you stop giving 100% because it's "not that bad and pretty ok... I guess"?
    Or do you still feel the real desire for big-ass pool and own helipad on the backyard?
    And this is not just for housing, same goes for your job, your health, everything.
    Once you feel shitty enough about your current state, you don't need advice or help, you'll find the solution and fix the problem yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:48:22 No.7831059
    if the stars are that hard to get, he could have stopped at a handful.

    surely work for the sake of work is a sign of lacking deeper substance. why would you need 3 t.v shows and 25 restaraunts? hes not really helping people. reminds me of the guys you see grinding wow after reaching level like 40 million and getting all the items in the whole game, or those body builders whop started resembling cows 100 pounds ago. its good hes not a quitter and he has drive and stuff for sure but AT WHAT COST. look at the state of his forehead, that is not normal lol. acheiving things is good but you are going to die someday, you cant take awards and money and your ego with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)11:54:35 No.7831115
    As someone who's been frequently described as "alpha" and a "Type A", this is my perspective on drive and ambition: who gives a fuck what other people think? If you watch Gordon Ramsay he doesn't excel FOR anyone other than himself. He constantly talks about having pride in his work, it's not about seeking validation or accolades, it's about doing a fucking great job because you KNOW you can produce it.

    I think it's important to be happy with yourself. For people like Gordon Ramsay, being at the top of his game and staying involved is what makes him happy. It's evident when you look at the way he approaches his food and the people around him that he fucking loves his work. It's his fire. For others, it might be living quietly on Walden Pond.

    The thing that frustrates me though, is when I see people who are NOT happy but take no steps to make changes. If you want to be a neckbeard, and that's what you honestly know makes you happy, then go for it, and more power to you. But if that's not who you want to be, don't see yourself that way. Pick yourself back up, goddamnit. It's not about "believing" in yourself, it's about KNOWING that underneath the current trappings, you ARE the person you want to be. You just have to unearth it from the muck and shine.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)12:30:12 No.7831385
    You won't take anything. You cease to be. Simple. Unless you have an alternative perspective, in which case he'll kick your ass in the afterlife too, while you're sitting on your ass in heaven, thinking about all those things you could have done, he'll sitting on a golden throne, laughing at your weak ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)12:55:56 No.7831636
    You know what I really love. Regardless of how indeed superior than me these hardworking people are, there's absolutely fuck all to stop me getting a knife or gun, sneaking up on them and killing them. No matter how much better than me they are, they aren't! And with me being a lazy worthless shit, I've got far less to lose when the consequences come around!

    Of course, if they kill me then noone will give a shit... eh.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)12:57:12 No.7831653

    probably been said already

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:15:30 No.7831822
    >...who thinks he can never be a great person because of his genetics
    speaking of that, have you ever seen the movie GATTACA?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:20:54 No.7831879
    upbringing. that is all.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:23:10 No.7831895
    Not really
    Anyone can be like that if they work on their attitude.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:24:33 No.7831906

    You sad jealous little man.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:45:22 No.7832090
    That ocean swim scene was beautiful... and the scene when he switches on the furnace that had a switch inside the furnace put in place just for him to burn himself in...

    Back in the day it was "god made a plan for us" or "we were born into our caste:

    Now it's "because of genetics"

    Fuck that, do you want to live forever motherfucker?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:52:47 No.7832159
    >ITT lazy fuckers who want to blame everything on genetics instead of taking responsibility for what they do or don't do

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