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    File : 1268077338.jpg-(29 KB, 430x280, thompsonvenables.jpg)
    29 KB Child Killers Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:42:18 No.7816917  
    Can child killers like Jon Venables and Robert Thompson really be condemned forever for their actions?

    I know what they did was brutal and sickening but they were just kids themselves when they murdered James Bulger. These 2 lads are the same age as me now. When I think back to when I was 10 years old, I was truly innocent. All I cared about was playing with my TMNT figures and my SNES. Those 2 abducted and brutally assaulted a 2 year old boy and left him for dead on a railway track. I can't comprehend it. They were obviously seriously disturbed kids.

    Britfags will be well aware that Jon Venables has been re-arrested recently for suspected child porn offences. He is obviously still sick in the head. He is a grown man now and so fully responsible for his actions. But the root of his fucked up nature must have started very young. In the UK, we love a lynch mob. The tabloids would love nothing more than to see Thompson and Venables publically hung, drawn and quartered. I can understand why people get so outraged when a baby is killed but in a strange way, I feel a slight sympathy for them both. I still think they should be locked up for life as they are probably corrupted beyond help. But can you really compare the actions of a disturbed 10 year old to a grown up killer?

    I think some people are just fucked up from birth or they have terrible upbringings that result in them commiting such awful crimes. I am no bleeding heart liberal either, I have nothing but sympathy for Bulgers family. But I just can't get my head around children that kill.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:44:16 No.7816934
    I dunno man. There's some things in the world I just can't make any sense of.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:44:16 No.7816935
    It's cheaper to shoot people who commit horrible crimes than to imprison or re-educate them.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:44:47 No.7816942
    If you're a fellow Britfag you can fuck right off.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:46:05 No.7816953

    Oh fuck off. It was a lot easier than typing Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles and enduring the shitstorm that would follow

    Oh wait
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:47:20 No.7816966
    'Jon Venables' (Daniel Stevenson) looks like a shifty bastard. He hasn't shown any regret.

    I don't really know much about robert.

    In general terms, I think they should be held for a predetermined amount of time - 15 years - (in this case, from 10 they should have been held to 25, whilst receiving an education) with reintegration beginning in the last 5 years of their sentence, so that they are gradually reintroduced into society (with escorts, and infrequent 'visits' at first, then more frequent as they become accustomed).

    After this period of rehabilitation, they should be released into society, with strict rules and guidelines, and regular check ups.

    No matter what is done to them, they will always be social pariahs.

    I feel no sympathy for either of them, and I hate Jon (mainly because he looks like a shifty motherfucker).
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:48:17 No.7816971

    >Daniel Stevenson

    who is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:49:05 No.7816988

    It's him-blox
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:49:28 No.7816990

    Prove it.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:50:28 No.7816997
    I'm not so much for keeping these two locked up forever as punishment, but rather to protect everyone else.

    Sometimes we just have to realise, some people just are born plain crazy/evil/insane. No amount of social workers, therapists or born again christian councillors are going to change that
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:50:45 No.7817003

    Dis-prove it.

    Until the media ban is lifted, you won't accept any evidence from me.
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)14:51:17 No.7817008
    >Jon Venables has been re-arrested recently for suspected child porn offences.

    Last I heard, the 'child porn offences' was invented by the tabloids - I forget which one - and the various Gov't spokespersons have absolutely, categorically, refused to confirm it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:51:20 No.7817009
    I personally think they were 2 tearaways who let things get out of hand. It happens in many adult murders, things escalate beyond what they were intended due to panic of getting caught etc. They were both badly behaved kids who dared each other to abduct a boy and it went too far. Not excusing their actions, they should be locked up in Broadmoor for life. Sorry but some people are just beyond help and shoudl be kept out of society for good
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:51:44 No.7817014

    You are making the assertion the burden of prove is on you.

    How could you possible know such a thing?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:51:47 No.7817015

    Not now.
    They found level four child pornography on his laptop.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:52:56 No.7817021

    As I said, no matter what I say, you will not believe me, thus there is no point, and you can chose to accept it, or not.

    Either way, wait till the ban is lifted.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:53:28 No.7817027
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:54:28 No.7817037
    I'd have done that when I was 10.
    I wouldn't do it now of course but everyone had a morbid curiosity at 10.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)14:54:35 No.7817039
    Even as a child you could tell Jon Venables was evil, or rather he was a nasty kid.

    However punishment isn't the answer, rehabilitation is the key. But who cares, he's obviously fucked in the head.

    I don't think they could truly comprehend what they did though, not at the age of 10.

    Also heard he was arrested for CP, he probably browses 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:54:47 No.7817044

    what the fuck is Level 4?

    There are levels now?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:54:51 No.7817046
    Jack Straw pretty much admitted the Child Porn allegations are true on the Today program this morning.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:54:58 No.7817049

    I would like to believe you, Just wondering how you could possibly know such a thing?
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)14:55:16 No.7817052
    Link for proof, please.

    No tabloids, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:55:17 No.7817053

    Level 1 - Non-sexual pictures of kids
    Level 2 - Child on Child porn
    Level 3 - Adult on child porn
    Level 4 - Serious sexual/violent abuse of children by adults
    Level 5 - Beastiality
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)14:55:41 No.7817056

    No he didn't, in the news report I read he actually stressed that there was no conviction as of yet and a criminal investigation was under way.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)14:56:31 No.7817067

    Is level 5 beastiality involving kids, or just beastiality on it's own?

    Interested blox
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:57:01 No.7817071
    It's not their fault, something made them do that. i blame whoever turned those children into monsters. And them of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:57:17 No.7817075
    Got to blame the parents

    They both came from fucked up households and their mothers were a disgrace. And living in Liverpool doesn't help, too many worthless murdering scallies have come from that city over the years
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:57:35 No.7817080

    "Officers investigated a suspicious laptop and discovered child pornography related materials fitting within category 4"

    I'd say that's pretty conclusive.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:57:39 No.7817081
    How can Non-Sexual pictures of Children be any level of Child Porn??? WTF? That means every Grandma in the country is a low grade paedophile.

    Brass Eye, how right you were about the state of this country.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:58:27 No.7817088

    "Images of sadism or sex involving animals"

    It's rather ambiguous.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:58:43 No.7817092
    perhaps nude children not performing any sex acts?
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)14:58:48 No.7817095

    Source of that quote, please? You could have just made it up - and not only that, where's the evidence the laptop even belonged to JV?
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)14:59:35 No.7817108

    I'm pretty sure it's nude children posing in a sexual way, which is also ambigious.

    Also why is children on children porn level 2 but adult on children is level 3, would of thought it'd be the other way around.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:00:18 No.7817116

    Non naked pictures of kids but you can imagine that some sick bastards horde them nonetheless

    I think its just animal porn in general. Strange that its considered more serious than child abuse though. Not like the animals give a shit
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:00:24 No.7817118
    >Prime Minister John Major said that "society needs to condemn a little more, and understand a little less".

    That quote made me LOL. Oh conservatives and their blind rage.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:01:21 No.7817128

    I was paraphrasing.

    If you want the easiest source to poke holes in, check the sun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:01:57 No.7817135
    Having a picture of a child is level one child porn?
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)15:02:34 No.7817139

    The Sun is the best you can do?

    They made that up, I'd bet my last pint on it. They even put in a categorisation system the public is unfamiliar with to give it added weight.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:02:41 No.7817142
    Seriously though, although the 2 killers should be locked up for life, the tabloids in Britain make me sick. And all the people that love to publically announce their hatred for paedos and killers etc. Just let justice be done and shut the fuck up, they'll get whats coming to them whatever happens
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:02:47 No.7817144

    Every family photo album is now Level 1 CP.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)15:03:26 No.7817151

    Inclined to agree with this gentleman, I despise The Sun. Horrible, horrible paper.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:03:33 No.7817153

    >The Sun is the best you can do?

    No, I said if you want the easiest to poke holes in. Which you have just done, proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:04:21 No.7817162
         File1268078661.jpg-(35 KB, 291x363, schoolprison.jpg)
    35 KB


    Reading Discipline and Punish right now... some attitudes never die.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:04:26 No.7817164

    The Sun caters to the millions of braindead morons in Britain that genuinely care about Jordan, Cheryl Cole and John Terry
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:04:59 No.7817171
    That would be fucking retarded.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)15:05:23 No.7817174

    Precisely why I hate it, although I do sometimes pick it up and turn to page 3 if I'm in a shop, put it down and then leave without paying. It almost feels like I'm stealing tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:05:50 No.7817180

    If its not your child and you have no reason to be storing it on your computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:05:52 No.7817181

    Do you know anything about Britain?

    It's supposed to be any 'revealing' image, but please define revealing. It's a stupid category.
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)15:06:27 No.7817185
    I've been following every update on the BBC about this story, and not once have I seen anything even approaching conclusive evidence that child pornography has been found.

    Please cite your reputable source for your child porn allegations, or admit they are baseless. Your choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:06:35 No.7817187

    Oh I'm sorry, I'll just never look at facebook, or any various social networking site for fear of being branded a paedophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:07:08 No.7817195

    They are baseless.
    Not very hard to say.
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)15:07:54 No.7817206

    So why did you argue they weren't?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:08:01 No.7817208
    The pictures of the two boys at the top of this thread is Level 1 Child Pornography.

    Enjoy prison everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:09:14 No.7817220

    I bought The Sun today as I needed some change from a fiver for bus fare.

    It was left on the seat as soon as I'd checked the footy results and looked at page 3. Wouldn't wipe my arse with it
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:09:21 No.7817222

    I didn't.

    Again, I said if you want the "easiest source to poke holes in."

    Perhaps I should have written it as 'source', to avoid confusion.
    >> Benson&Hedges 03/08/10(Mon)15:13:57 No.7817285
    And yet you posted a paraphrased quote that you argued was 'pretty conclusive'.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:14:52 No.7817302
    Regardless of their crime, simply being in Juvi as a murderer throughout your entire adolescence will fuck you up irreparably. How is anyone surprised? More importantly, why does anyone care? Shit is old, and no amount of "ohh urr lets have some debate" can save it's pathetic re-emergence.

    Once again the Tabloids are run by sick and misguided bastards either misjudging what the public care about or what they can rightfully force an issue on. Paying any heed to the issue, let alone the 100% fabricated "rumors", created as an additional inflammation of the parental instincts the stupid ignorant people who read the fucking tabloids have, is retarded.

    I don't care what they're like now, I don't care what they're doing now, I don't care what anyone thinks and especially not the mother of the toddler - she's the last person likely to have a relevant opinion on an issue she's going to have blatant bias against.

    Once again, it's disguised morbid fascination repackaged and sold and we're meant to accept it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:15:47 No.7817317

    so anyway, if you browse 4chan for a while and see some CP then it is stored on your hard drive, in your cache. Even if you empty the cache, it can still be recovered..

    what do you think the police do when they 'check' a computer, do you suppose somebody goes through it looking at every file..? No, they will have a program that will zip through a disk image and examine every block for data that looks like pictures. It will [re]assemble them all as best it can and present them all as a slideshow to the operator.

    So, if the party van comes for you, don't say you didn't know.

    1. you need a secure scrub program to clean your disk
    2. you need to run firefox in 'private browsing'
    3. you need to turn off virtual memory, or make it so that virtual memory is encrypted with a random key each time you boot.
    4. you need to not save any shit you see here.

    Its still not enough. Your ISP could pipe all data transfers through a log file. Just because there is no *evidence* on your disk, doesn't mean they didn't know you saw it..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:17:44 No.7817342

    Hear, Hear

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:19:25 No.7817364

    o--B <--that is a depiction of a five year old girl being fucked in the ass by a large black man. Sure, I'll not win any awards for my ASCII graphics but it is "a depiction" and you are now a paedophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:21:31 No.7817395

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:21:45 No.7817398
    Linux surf maybe?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:21:52 No.7817399

    don't bus drivers have change where you live?

    I mean, a fiver is not a lot to give change from, considering that bus fares seem to be several pounds for a 20 minute walk (I prefer to walk)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:23:37 No.7817416

    you can do it with windows I'm sure, but I don't understand windows and I don't trust it to not write something to the disk behind my back.

    by the way, using truecrypt is not enough in the UK because they can send you to jail for not providing encyrption keys.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)15:24:36 No.7817426

    >by the way, using truecrypt is not enough in the UK because they can send you to jail for not providing encyrption keys.

    For what charge? Source on the law?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:25:47 No.7817437
    We just straight up kill motherfuckers like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:25:52 No.7817439

    They changed it a while back, I forget the name.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:27:00 No.7817454

    and other sites
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:27:05 No.7817456

    you kill 10yr old boys?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:28:10 No.7817471
    That's UK. I hear they are pretty strict. Windows likes to make images of files that I simply do not like. No to mention if you unrar or unzip a file, its copied in some temp folder. Damn it! Widows sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:29:07 No.7817485
    Child killers are just normal kids who were deprived from supervision for a few moments.
    Think way back in school. Kids are normally cruel, stupid and chaotic. Just imagine if suddenly all schools closed and mommies still went to work.
    Kids will readily kill each other if it weren't for the glorified babysitters we call teachers.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:29:33 No.7817496
    All I wonder is: Are they /b/tards?I mean, the only reason they had for doing it were the lulz, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:30:49 No.7817517
    Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:31:50 No.7817533
    It amazes me that there have not been more similiar cases since James Bulgers death. The depths to which British society has sunk and chav culture in general is the perfect breeding ground for such brutality
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:32:16 No.7817542

    naturally, if you just shoot them instead of arresting them it becomes a whole lot cheaper, even if you have to pay judge dredd a little more than the normal cops..

    but then you get into the situation where being accused of a crime is enough to get you killed, and there are waaay too many people in positions of power who abuse their positions of power and are positively motivated to remain there who would accuse you of anything just to get rid of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:34:46 No.7817577
    I'm the anon you quoted.
    I had used that quote to defend my opinion, but I was deemed an ignorant pedant who uses fiction books to justify his claims.
    It's nice to see someone agrees with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:38:45 No.7817630
    I believe so. I'd even go as far as to say that child killers should be eligible for the death penalty. There's no excuse for such actions. I can see being lenient on say a 2 or 3 year old who accidentally shoots someone with a gun because they don't know any better but when you're 10 and older you know full well what you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:42:23 No.7817674
    Jon Venables looks really rapeable.
    I'd hit it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:49:19 No.7817752
         File1268081359.gif-(41 KB, 267x307, 1123135092_cturesbell.gif)
    41 KB
    Mary Bell was here, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables are losers!

    You ArE mICEy y BEcuASE WE murdErd MArtain Go Brown you BEtEP Look out THEPE arE MurdErs aBout By FAnnY AnD and auld Faggot you srcews
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:56:56 No.7817851

    ok, I never killed anybody when I was 10 but there were plenty of things I did that I didn't know what I was doing..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)15:58:01 No.7817871
    But at 10 you would know that snatching a kid and torturing it on train lines until it dies is fundamentally wrong.
    >> Anonymous !yyJ4N4orEc 03/08/10(Mon)16:00:06 No.7817901
    No, they should be put in mental hospitals.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:01:26 No.7817929

    difficult to say, it was so long ago

    I did kill flies by pulling their wings off and watching them crawl around..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:02:44 No.7817941

    I heard today that Mary Bell actually lived a proper life, afterwards.. she is now a grandmother.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:02:57 No.7817946

    >judges people based on own standards and beliefs

    >implying everybody has same morals

    Yes it's horrible, but some people are under-developed at the age of 10, and obviously, they knew what they were doing was wrong.

    But do you really think they could comprehend it? The murder of a child? I doubt it, I highly doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:09:26 No.7818044
    I'd like to think I knew the basic moral framework at 10 and let's face it, 'thou shalt not kill' is pretty basic

    I didn't kill anything at 10, not even a fly. Seriously
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:10:45 No.7818063

    were you a vegetarian then and are you now?
    >> Anonymous !yyJ4N4orEc 03/08/10(Mon)16:11:21 No.7818073
    I'm guessing you didn't come from an extremely poor and dysfunctional background ?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:11:43 No.7818080
    Perhaps they might not have been able to comprehend what they had done, but they had to know on some level that what they did was wrong, very wrong. Killing flies and bugs is not the same as killing a human, and even a small child knows that humans > animals
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:12:03 No.7818085

    Yeah, but do you know it's a difficult area to address.

    I mean I know they killed a young child, and it's horrible. But don't you think they could be rehabilitated.

    They spent their formative years probably being subject to emotional, physical and sexual abuse in prison.

    They had to give up their identity, probably feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and fear. I mean fucking hell, I actually think that's a lot of suffering to go through.

    I can't comprehend how fucked up they are NOW after all this shit (even more so than when they went to prison).

    I honestly would of killed myself. Both of their lives are already ruined, that's enough punishment.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:16:37 No.7818162
    >They spent their formative years probably being subject to emotional, physical and sexual abuse in prison.

    they were in a mental hospital as far as I know, and I doubt they were being abused in any way
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:17:55 No.7818178

    I thought it was a young offenders prison? If I remember correctly.

    Obviously I have no proof, nor have I ever been to prison, but I would imagine such a horrible crime would not go un-noticed by people in prison including the wardens.

    Maybe I'm wrong, just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:18:13 No.7818180
    They were just put into juvenile prison.The courts really didn't know what to do with them at the time since nothing like this had ever really happened before, and with so much public attention on the case they couldn't win.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:18:31 No.7818185
    >These 2 lads are the same age as me now.
    >same age as me now.
    >same age now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:18:59 No.7818195
    You can't deny that some fucked up shit goes on in even the safest institutions.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:20:09 No.7818213
    Those two kids obviously wanted to prevent a younger version of themselves from suffering through a humiliating childhood in the degenerate modern world. I support their behavior and find it very understandable.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:21:25 No.7818230
    Yes, you malnourished troll. ~7 billion people won't miss them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:22:35 No.7818245
    Cool sociopathy, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:22:58 No.7818254
    James Bulger would grow up to become leader of the Resistance. They were just doing what they were programmed to do.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:23:20 No.7818259

    I assume he was trying to say that he is 27 years old, and so are they.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:24:36 No.7818277
    >children that kill

    people have no problem condemning niggers and their little child soldiers. why would you feel remorseful for these two little fucking anti-christ reincarnates? because they're white?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:24:38 No.7818278

    well I've not been incarcerated so I can't confirm or deny anything

    but I had sex with a psychiatric nurse a few times some years ago (shit was so cash) so I feel qualified to give my opinion, and that is that these boys were treated very very carefully indeed

    that doesn't mean their life was anything like normal or that they will have had sufficient opportunity to recover from their earlier abuse.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:30:10 No.7818355

    lol, they were always the same age..

    but wait, perhaps we have a Robert Thompson online?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:30:39 No.7818359
    I for one am glad they murdered that little scouse cunt, he was only gonna grow up to be a benefit scrounging thief, like all scumbag scousers.

    The real question here is, is it murder when a scouser is the victim, or a noble act that benefits taxpayers?
    >> Robert Thompson 03/08/10(Mon)16:31:34 No.7818366

    shit, I'm outed..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:31:42 No.7818368
    Does anyone know what Venables did to get sent back to prison recently? I read in one paper it was something sexual in nature but I've not heard it anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:31:50 No.7818372
    >but I had sex with a psychiatric nurse a few times some years ago (shit was so cash) so I feel qualified to give my opinion

    what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:32:00 No.7818373

    >These 2 lads are the same age as me now.
    >2 lads - 27
    >same age as ME
    >lads - 27
    >me - 27

    k lol
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:32:40 No.7818381

    who would you rather came after you, the rozzers or PETA?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:33:26 No.7818388

    By jove I think he's got it
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:33:35 No.7818390

    Level 4 CP, something we're all guilty of.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:34:29 No.7818401

    I don't like to boast, but she had fucking great titties and was about the best fuck I've ever had.

    shame, she is married now..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:34:58 No.7818409
    The basic rule apparently is they must be considered adults if they do violent crimes, children if they have sex or drink alcohol.
    Does that make sense to you? If yes you're british.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:36:22 No.7818425
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    Depends, on how well endowed the coppers are
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:37:27 No.7818444
    Yes, and I am British (well half Australian, but we'll forget that m'kay?)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:37:35 No.7818445

    yadda yadda CP yadda yadda OMG yadda yadda EVIL yadda yadda JAIL

    but until there is an official pronouncement its just speculation
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:39:06 No.7818464
    >Britfags will be well aware that Jon Venables has been re-arrested recently for suspected child porn offences. He is obviously still sick in the head.

    First, we'll have to wait until he's convicted. At the moment he's only a suspect and we shouldn't judge him until a court has decided he's guilty.

    Second, we don't know any of the details. For all we know he's got photos of a 15 year-old on his phone/computer who claimed she was 18. If that's the case then even if he's technically guilty, we can't use that to conclude that he's sick in the head.

    Stop jumping to conclusions.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:39:48 No.7818481
    if you kill someone you should be killed no exceptions
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:40:49 No.7818498

    Are you really surprised he's been arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography?

    He wasn't rehabilitated, he should of gone to a mental hospital, punishment is no good without rehabilitation.

    Unfortunately rehabilitation costs time and money, sometimes it's just easier to throw them away and hope the problem goes away.

    Shit system we live in.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:40:59 No.7818501
    In that case the injectioner/hangman/headman would have to be killed, etc etc. and we would end up with no one left in the entire world.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:41:13 No.7818504

    Don't you think there is a certain level of hypocrisy in that notion?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:41:55 No.7818512
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    rozzers put YOU in the cage

    PETA gets THEMSELVES in the cage

    with rozzers you don't want to be in the cage

    with PETA you do
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:42:17 No.7818521
    get a machine to do it and kill the man that made the machine just to be safe
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:42:26 No.7818524

    you know brah, we don't give a shit, this kid or that kid can die and much later, once we've arrived in hell, we'd find out he was the ONE. So what? Even after the ONE had cured us, we'd still find another ailment.
    So why don't you go die over there right now?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:43:37 No.7818539
    lol you act as if we are more than mere animals pretending to be civilized
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:45:16 No.7818569

    >arrived in hell
    >implying hell exists

    oh ho ho

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:45:30 No.7818571

    what if you were framed?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:47:56 No.7818609
    >if you kill someone you should be killed no exceptions
    >no exceptions

    So we kill all the killers, then kill the killers of the killers, and the killers of the killers' killers...

    >Are you really surprised he's been arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography?

    Again you miss my point. We should wait until the court's verdict before we judge Venebles for this particular crime. People get found not guilty all the time, because *shock horror* sometimes they just didn't do it. I'm not going to condemn the man just for being a suspect.

    Of course I would not be surprised if it turns out he did it - most of us do SOMETHING illegal during our lives, and I imagine that those who are sufficiently fucked up commit murder at 10 years old are especially likely to do something later in life.

    But we don't yet know that he did it, so we should stop treating him as if he has, until the court verdict.

    Innocent until proven guilty.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:49:15 No.7818625
    >kill the man that made the machine

    And then you have to kill the man who killed the man who made the machine

    I don't know why she swallowed the fly; perhaps she'll die...
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/08/10(Mon)16:49:46 No.7818635

    I'm not missing your point, I'm assuming he's done it. Hypothetical situation for the discussion we're having.

    I would put my life on him being guilty, just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:52:03 No.7818673

    guilty of what, using the internet?


    because you are guilty of that too..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:53:00 No.7818685
    >I'm not missing your point, I'm assuming he's done it.

    That IS missing my point. And this is not a hypothetical situation - you're sitting there judging the guy, assuming that he's guilty. I find that retarded.

    If he's actually found guilty, I'll be right there with you pointing my finger and condemning him and the system that produced him, but until then I think I'll hold off any judgement. Anything else is irrational.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)16:55:44 No.7818742

    I think that is why the authorites are saying nothing. I mean, if he is suspected of a gross breach of his licence that is enough to take him into custody but its not enough to throw away the key.

    mind you, from what I read he is a bit fucked up and telling everybody who he is. I don't think he should be protected any more.. sounds like he wants to be punished
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:02:10 No.7818842
    >I'm not missing your point, I'm assuming he's done it.

    this is why the death penalty is a bad idea. "He is scum and I know he did it, kill him now"

    in the case where he was scum and deserved to be killed for what he did but he didn't do that then you can think it was ok because he got what he deserved - but SOMEBODY ELSE JUST GOT AWAY.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:03:46 No.7818864
    There was a story very recently about a 9 and 10 year old attacking and tourturing a pair of brothers.

    I am sorry i dont have many details, but it was in the british media
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:04:36 No.7818882

    My friends know me as the one who's immune to everything- unshakeable.

    But I just read about that murder, and oh my god.

    I feel sick to my stomach, completely.

    I'm a UKfag- if I ever meet them or learn of where they live, god so help me...

    I will bring them pain unimaginable.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:05:01 No.7818893
    i dont give a shit where the root of his fucked up nature is, adult or childhood. the fact is he is an adult who is fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:07:00 No.7818930

    Five years, what a joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:10:52 No.7818987
    ''Evidence found on CCTV at the Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle showed Venables and Thompson casually observing children, selecting a target. The boys were playing truant. Throughout the day, Venables and Thompson were seen stealing various items including sweets, a troll doll, some batteries and a can of blue paint, some of which were found at the murder scene. It was later revealed by one of the boys that they were planning to find a child to abduct, lead it to the busy road alongside the mall, and push it into car traffic.''
    ''The boys took Bulger on a 2.5 miles (4.0 km) walk, leading him to a canal where he sustained injuries to his head and face. During the walk, the boys were seen by 38 people. Bulger was clearly distressed, but most bystanders did nothing to intervene assuming he was a younger brother. Two people challenged the older boys, but they claimed that Bulger was a younger brother or that he was lost and they were taking him to the local police station.Eventually the boys led Bulger to a railway line near the disused Walton & Anfield railway station, close to Walton Lane police station and Anfield Cemetery, where they attacked him.''

    8 years in a young offenders institute (or whatever), it doesnt seem that the punishment fits the crime
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:14:10 No.7819050
    When i was ten, murder and sex were pretty much all i thought about. Had I acted upon those thoughts, i sure as fuck would hope they would condemn me.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:16:23 No.7819086
    Internet tough guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:40:31 No.7819487
    It is not the fact that these two kids killed a child, the thing that REALLY shocks me is thinking how fucking coldblooded they are. Choosing a victim (exactly knowing what they are going to do with him), leading him to an abandoned place, lying when being asked about the boy, slowly torturing him to death.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:49:40 No.7819659
    They were 10 year olds who watched some fucked up slasher movies and copied it.
    They weren't evil, just stupid and misunderstood. The they locked them away for their whole adolescence and they're surprised the kids are fucked up, well no shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:00:13 No.7819814

    nigga please, you don't see sane kids planning on murdering people
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:02:40 No.7819850
    I didn't say they were sane, I said they weren't evil
    They were most likely abused children who watched too many slasher movies, and their punishment made them more potentially threatening to society than before. Go figure.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:21:15 No.7820176
    i really think they should.

    i dont think that if they come out of the joint 10 years later their lives will be any good, their childhood would have vanished, and its IMPOSSIBLE for somebody like that to reassimilate into society.

    i think they should be euthanized if anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:37:02 No.7820402
    Don't try to mate with a human. It won't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)18:37:49 No.7820410
    The fuck else you gonna do with those little savages?

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