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    55 KB Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:16:38 No.7800515  
    My first wish is for immortality.
    My second wish is to have 12 million dollars.
    My third wish is that my boyfriend (who is currently in the kitchen) can cook better.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:19:36 No.7800540
    Anyone who doesn't wish for infinite wishes is a retard.
    Congratulations OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:19:37 No.7800541
    You sound rather stupid.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:19:51 No.7800544
    What would you do with 12 million dollars?
    Seriously, half of that shit would go to charity if I had THAT much excess.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:20:10 No.7800549
    That cat will eventually murder it's owner.
    >> Cheese and Onion !!Xla5lzZ7l1Z 03/07/10(Sun)13:20:32 No.7800552
    I don't really believe you have a boyfriend, I also question your sexuality and gender.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:22:47 No.7800570
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:24:41 No.7800588
    Thinking up so many wishes is retarded.
    Besides, i want to work toward some goals with some cash and hard work.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:25:43 No.7800602
    It has to last me for eternity.
    I plan on putting half of it into a savings account, and the rest as spending money on a house and stuff
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:25:56 No.7800604
    I bet I could take that cat.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:26:13 No.7800606
    >wants to do hard work
    >makes use of wishes

    Uh huh.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:27:30 No.7800620
    OP is fucking stupid!

    What would happen if the world would eventually find out your ass is immortal now?
    I bet they'd probe you like....forever!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:27:46 No.7800624
    My first wish is for more wishes.
    My second wish is for more wishes.
    My third wish is for more wishes.
    (cont to infinity)

    Then I wish for whatever the hell I want.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:27:57 No.7800625
    Shut up you know what I mean.
    Hard work AFTER it gets easier.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:28:36 No.7800634
    Why would anyone wish for money? Instead wish that everything costs nothing for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:29:09 No.7800639
    Everyone knows genies dont like granting "more wishes" wishes
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:31:19 No.7800646
    Wish for him to absolutely love doing those wishes first, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:32:49 No.7800668
    1. to have a boat
    2. become super sexy
    3. have a 10inch cock fun!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:34:21 No.7800680
    My first wish is to have 1 million dollars for anything
    My second with is an apartment in Washington, DC in the Golden Triangle.
    My third wish is a top of the line PC.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:34:23 No.7800681
    >I don't really believe you have a boyfriend
    I do. Hes making breakfast.

    >I also question your sexuality and gender.
    I wished for money, everlasting life, and better food. My gender should be obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:35:26 No.7800693
    What what if you end up having cancer or something.
    Dick cancer maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:36:38 No.7800708
    A mil runs out pretty fast in DC
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:36:59 No.7800713
    Immortality and only 12 mil?

    Enjoy long outliving your fortune.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:38:21 No.7800722
    I would by some good land in Thailand, and make a decent home for myself.
    Overtime I would become all knowing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:38:45 No.7800724


    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:39:45 No.7800737
    1. To gain back my ability to trust wimminz and find one to love and be loved by.
    2. To be successful within. The next two years as either an actor or a writer.
    3. That's really all I need, but I suppose throwing a mega millions my way couldn't hurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:40:16 No.7800739
    My first wish is to have beyond genius level intelligence

    Second wish would probably be to reconstruct my body to whatever form I wish

    Third wish ... Eye lasers
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:40:39 No.7800742
    Genies don't have to grant any wish for extra wishes. It's in the Genie Code.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:41:17 No.7800754
    Why 12 million? Why not just straight up wish for a billion?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:42:13 No.7800765
    >My first wish is for immortality.

    Enjoy perpetual Alzheimer's and being caged in your withered body as it atrophies as you age eternally

    >My second wish is to have 12 million dollars.

    Enjoy the FBI knocking your door after discovering a sudden deposit of 12 million dollars on your account out of nowhere, or enjoy not being able to spend that much money cash.

    >My third wish is that my boyfriend (who is currently in the kitchen) can cook better.

    Enjoy your personal chef and love of your life dying way before you do.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:43:04 No.7800777
    1. My 1st wish is for INFINTITE WISHES! BOOYA!!

    2. My 2nd wish is to have all of the money in the world.

    3. My 3rd wish is to be able to fly.

    4. My 4th wish is to be super strong.

    5. My 5th wish is to be super smart.

    6. My 6th wish is to be psychic.

    7. My 7th wish is to have telekenesis.

    8. My 8th wish is to be able to turn invisible.

    9. My 9th wish is to know every fighting style.

    10. My 10th wish is to be able to control time.

    11. My 11th wish is to be immortal.

    12. Making wishes is getting boring, so my 12th wish is that whatever any of you wish for are my wishes too. Infinite wishes, bitches!1!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:43:15 No.7800780
    I wish there was no rule against wishing for more wishes.
    I wish for unlimited wishes.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:43:26 No.7800781
    Bear and Rabbit found a magic lamp.

    Genie appears and says he'll give em 3 wishes each!

    Bear: I wish that tree over there was a sexy female bear!
    Genie[grants him]
    Bear looks surprised because the girl Bear is smoking he drools a bit.
    Rabbit: I wish for a bike!
    Genie:[makes him a Honda bike]
    Bear: My second wish will be...I wanna you to turn every tree in this forest into bunch of girl Bears so I can fuck them!
    Genie:[does so]
    Bear has gone crazy horny now!
    Rabbit: I want you to fill the tank for me Genie!
    Genie: [wtf not? makes it so]
    Bear: Listen up Genie!!! I wan't you to turn every little grass bit into a girl Bear!
    Genie:[talking about mad horny bear, grants him his wish]
    Genie: OK guys I'm beat, soo Rabbit whats your final wish?
    Rabbit: Puts helmet on, sits on a bike, starts the motor...
    Rabbit: I WISH THAT BEAR WAS....................


    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:44:24 No.7800794
    1. That I would always have enough cash for anything I wanted in my wallet. Auto-refilling. If something was too ridiculously expensive, I'd have an unlimited-balance credit card.

    2. all-paid small-but-luxurious apartments in Boston, NYC, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Montreal, London and Paris.

    3. Sex slave of my choosing who would only 'magically' be around when I wanted her to.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:44:29 No.7800795
    my first wish is for OVER 9000 more wishes ;)
    >> Rip Torn for President 03/07/10(Sun)13:46:08 No.7800809
    1. ageless immortality (invulnerable to aging, drowning, the vaccuum of space, temperature, etc.)
    2. the ability to fly/propel myself through space without regard to gravity or any other kind of outside force
    3. the ability to fluently *know*(understand/speak/read) any language that exists, no matter how basic or complex.

    once these three wishes are fulfilled, i fly around earth, learning all cultures' languages. then off into space for the rest of universal existence.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:46:38 No.7800817
    1. Heath
    2. Wealth
    3. Exceptional good luck
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:46:59 No.7800821
    Every stoner's dream.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:49:52 No.7800859

    Has anyone considered that most genies aren't the fun-loving Robin Williams type, but the kind that hate you for having a life of your own unbound by the whims of an endless succession of lesser life-forms consistently in pursuit of trifling, meaningless goals.

    So, wish number one would be for this genie to grant all of my wishes, including this first one, following the spirit rather than the letter of my requests and with appropriate forewarning about any unintended ill effects or consequences that I would find significant before confirming that I want that wish to be granted, allowing me to change the wording or intent appropriately in order to avoid negative repercussions.

    Having an attorney for a father comes in handy.
    >> Rip Torn for President 03/07/10(Sun)13:50:00 No.7800860

    ...and what a beautiful dream it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:50:24 No.7800863
    1) Never really age and only be able to die from my own hand.
    2) Have unlimited funds
    3) Telekinesis motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:50:49 No.7800874
    >Implying i don't do that when i'm high.
    cool story bro.
    >> Rip Torn for President 03/07/10(Sun)13:51:28 No.7800878

    that's why i intend to specify the parameters of my wishes, in writing, to clearly define what i'm asking for.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:53:01 No.7800892
    1. I was president of the USA
    2. Start a war with China and Russia
    3. Fuck all the female kids inside of an VAULT!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:54:26 No.7800909
    The thing with immortality, right, is that it means you can never stop living. Sure, you might keep yourself entertained for the next trillion years, maybe, but eventually the universe is going to end and you'll spend eternity with nothing to do. You'll be so damn bored.

    So instead of immortality, wish for completely control over your time of death. This means you don't die _until you want to_.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:59:59 No.7800974
    Nah bro, thats why you keep one wish handy so that when teh universe is about to end you just go, BAM I wish the universe would never end.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:03:16 No.7801020

    It's a good idea, but making that first wish a binding requirement that the genie be looking out for any loopholes so that you can fix them is quite handy.

    From there, the second/third wish is to repeal any limit on wishes, if necessary, after going through the proper channels, and then acquiring those infinite wishes everyone loves.

    From there...let's see. So much to work with. I'd probably use some wishes to further refine the process, turning the genie into an extradimensional legal aide in terms of wish granting, offering advice and so forth.

    From there...? I'd probably do the whole "going back to age 5 knowing what I do now" bit, making sure to take the genie back with me. I'd live my life with the genie as guidance, offering mystical perspective and assurance as well as helping to ward off any untoward accidents that may occur.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:03:33 No.7801023
    Wish to know the two wishes which would cause me to have the best and happiest (and, by extension, longest but still enjoyable) life possible by a composite of my values now and my values at the end of said life.
    >> ‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫Манул‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !YlJatiloLw 03/07/10(Sun)14:03:56 No.7801026
    1. Some sort of magic wallet:
    Everyday, after midnight, it grows 100EUR (or some other currency this worth). You can save the money if you want or just spend it for anything you like atm. I know, 100EUR/day isn't much but all I want is being not-poor.

    2. Immortality. Still able to kill myself or get killed. Just being immune to diseases and accidents.

    3. A deathnote (infinite pages etc.)
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:04:25 No.7801032
    Don't wish for immortality, it's a trap. Immortality just means you can't die, it doesn't keep you at a good age. You keep aging. Wish for eternal youth.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:05:10 No.7801042
    1. Greatest Guitar Skills
    2. Save
    3. Save
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:06:44 No.7801059

    Im thinking of a way of saying this jokes to my friends at univ without making the ridiculous bike sound at the end.

    Oh god it's impossible.
    Great joke by the way, sir :3
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:06:54 No.7801062
    No, there's no way around the "no extra wishes" bit. The rule is probably something like "no wishes may be granted which grant more wishes or which affect this rule".
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:07:42 No.7801070

    I haz tonz of moarz! ur welcome college dude!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:09:21 No.7801091

    Im univ bro, but ok. Got anything as good or better than this?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:10:07 No.7801098

    Then I wish for the ability to grant my own wishes, still going through all the appropriate genie-advice channels. Since the genie can't do it, all I have to do is work the system until I can, and the genie is bound by the first wish to work with me until I figure out how.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:10:39 No.7801105
    1) I wanna be a haxx animator
    2) I wanna be a haxx director with a great sense of composition and pacing
    3) I wanna have the ability to sell anything to anyone
    There. I single-handlely saved the american animation industry and have rendered both Japan and French go bankrupt, turning their studios into my outsources.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:13:07 No.7801134
    But giving you the power to grant wishes is an act which itself grants more wishes. Indirectly, but it's there.

    Not all rules have loopholes.

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