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  • File : 1267958126.jpg-(114 KB, 650x364, ExperienceNTU.jpg)
    114 KB Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:35:26 No.7796960  
    How come you're all in university and don't have any friends or are still virgins? That does NOT make sense.

    I'm in my first year of uni at a huge university, I know everyone in my dorm building, we go out regularly, lots of activities, have a good group of friends in my classes too, have had 2 one night stands so far...

    Life is pretty good at university I must say. I can't complain.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:37:18 No.7796968
    Commuted from home and never joined any clubs
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:38:40 No.7796975
    1) I do have friends and I'm not a virgin

    2) I'm not at university yet got my place for next year (I'm 17)
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:39:52 No.7796979
    Don't pick up friends in the first couple weeks and you get left in the dust homey.

    Before you ask how that happened avoidant personality disorder did a lot of the footwork there.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:41:25 No.7796989

    There's gonna be a lot of this most likely. Not being in the dorms just kills ya. Although, I'd bet most ronerybots have more to blame than mere lack of opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:41:43 No.7796992
    Well, in my freshman year, I didn't want to do any drinking or drugs. I got invited to parties my first quarter, I mean, my dorm hall was like THE party hall. But I was boring so people stopped inviting me. I lost all my party friends and now, as a junior, my only friends are guys who do nearly as little as I do (they still do more than I do; I'm the most worthless person I know).

    21-year-old kissless virgin, been going with the "age-year-old kissless virgin" moniker for the past three years and I don't see it changing...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:41:49 No.7796993
    I'm afraid of my penisss.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:42:51 No.7796998
    not in uni
    would never live in dorms even if i was
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:43:51 No.7796999

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:45:33 No.7797009
    Same story here. I drank, but not much and I hated the big parties everyone went to anyway. Had two choices: be miserable doing shit I hated or be miserable because everyone else did it and I didn't, I chose the latter.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:45:35 No.7797010
    I fucked around in my dorm building with all the girls without them knowing that I was fucking their friends too. Yeah. Didn't turn out so well in the end and I moved to a quiet private dorm with only 4 people in some other part of the city.

    But at least I can say I fucked a whole friends group of girls. :3
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:46:23 No.7797015
    Why the fuck did you pick the second option? That's the most unlogical one. At least you wouldn't be a kissless virgin by now if you picked the first one.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:47:12 No.7797019
    most dislogical*
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:48:04 No.7797025

    Guy you quoted here. Shitsux 'cause two years later, I want to get drunk, get high, party, etc. Did a bit of it over the summer and had a lot of fun. I was loosening up, talkin' to women, blah blah. Don't know anybody who parties or anything and I don't have a car to drive around. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:50:14 No.7797039
    i don't drink alcohol (nor coffee), dont own a cell, dont play xbox, i live off campus in my own apartment, and don't have a facebook/twitter/social networking site.

    so there goes 90% of what college kids are interested in doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:50:56 No.7797042
    OP Here. I'm actually a fag.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:51:01 No.7797045
    I hope you feel good about missing out on life.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:51:44 No.7797052
    I do have friends and go out regularly. Sill a virgin though I did actually make out with a girl last halloween.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:51:51 No.7797053
    i live in an apartment full of indians. i had the opportunity to live in the local YMCA, which was full of slutty euro girls, but the rooms were too tiny. fucked up again
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:55:17 No.7797071
    Maybe, but I would be forcing myself to live a lifestyle I hated so I could just have a chance of eventually being able to tell myself "WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT A VIRGIN"

    Putting any hopes for a social life on hold for the foreseeable future wasn't what I wanted either, but I know for a fact the other path wouldn't have made me happy and at least I could be myself this way.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:58:01 No.7797084
    The word you're looking for is illogical actually.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:58:18 No.7797086
    Not the guy you quoted but I always love how virgins try to rationalise their virginity and lack of social life and in turn just lie to themselves.

    Brings a smile to my face that I'm not like them.

    tl;dr backstory: Introverted guy goes to live in a dorm for first year of university, turns into a more extroverted guy that knows how to manipulate social situations into his favour and in turn gets laid. Enjoys life and is almost a structural engineer now. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:59:01 No.7797091
    no it makes me sad that i need to be plugged into the fucking matrix 24/7 to even try and have any sort of social life.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)05:59:57 No.7797096
    >>7797015 here
    I'm not an English native. My ability of my mother language is perfect.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:04:28 No.7797125
    >has only had sex twice in a semester
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:04:47 No.7797129
    Because we're not women.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:05:35 No.7797134
    >Not being in the dorms just kills ya

    Lol no. Who the fuck lives on campus by choice?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:07:35 No.7797144
    >implying that we live on campus
    >implying that we are at least mildly attractive
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:07:46 No.7797146
    Who's rationalizing, that's what happened. There was a social game you had to play if you wanted to be a part of the crowd and I didn't knowing full well what would happen because I didn't want to and I doubt I would have been able to stick with it to begin with.

    People like me are your self-esteem springboard, great, it makes no difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:08:36 No.7797150
    Well, it seems like a great way to get involved in the social life as a freshman (or even just make new friends).
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:08:38 No.7797151
    People who are not socially retarded and like to be able to sleep long and still get to class on time. Plus I can go to any store I want if I go 5 minutes on my bike.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:08:41 No.7797152
    people who are there for 'the college experience'
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:09:16 No.7797157

    I meant socially.

    Not, you know, in any other metric you could possibly measure the experience by.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:12:29 No.7797180
    >people who enjoy wasting money on stupid shit
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:13:45 No.7797188
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:15:34 No.7797199
    >i rationalise my virginity and lack of social life by saying it's stupid shit XD i r so mature
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:17:53 No.7797207
    leave him alone he's just bitter
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:18:19 No.7797208
    >implying that one would get sex if they lived on campus
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:20:19 No.7797217
    Well, I tried going to parties and such with the people in my dorm, but I just hated it. So I stopped going. And for some reason, they all became good friends, while I just felt more and more left out. So I stopped socializing with them as well because it was just too awkward and made me sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:20:49 No.7797221
    I live 5 minutes driving distance from my uni. When the holidays come I don't have to go anywhere. I drink without having to be paranoid. I have privacy. I have a girlfriend roommate who I fuck and fall asleep with. I have space.

    And the rent is cheaper than living in a dorm. What am I missing again?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:21:31 No.7797228
    The implications are getting out of hand. Can we just agree that people who don't see the pros of living in a dorm are trolls and get back to talking about nothing at all?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:23:02 No.7797235
    I have failed hard at school and have a woman that stands by me despite the fact that she is better then I
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:24:47 No.7797246
    I commuted.

    Going to study law in 2011. Plan to live on campus.

    I am going to party my ass off for the 4 wasted years of my BA.

    The good thing is, I'm 22 and I still look under 18. Oh and law is an undergrad degree here so I will be with lots of young faggots. Might sell pot.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:25:38 No.7797253
         File1267961138.jpg-(60 KB, 640x360, 1231471500465.jpg)
    60 KB
    >pros of living in a dorm
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:26:19 No.7797258

    Just being stuck at home with your gf gets real fucking old real fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:45:52 No.7797378
    I feel a little sorry for all you anons who have never experienced college life.

    One more thing to add to your list of things you'll never have.
    >> Man on the Moon !GraviTyX/c 03/07/10(Sun)06:51:49 No.7797419
    I live far away from the uni I'm on. I could just as well live on the moon.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:53:22 No.7797431
    >How come you're all in university and don't have any friends or are still virgins? That does NOT make sense.

    Most students just care about getting drunk and partying. I do not.

    Couple of years in I met some people with actual interests, and thus got a social life and a girlfriend. Now it is all gone again.

    Ah, to be in college again.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:55:24 No.7797445
    I'm going to uni next year and I was wondering: I've already done my share of drinking and smoking hash at parties and am quite tired of it.

    how is it for someone who doesn't drink and rarely smokes at university parties?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:03:27 No.7797490
    you mean by sticking his hard cock up your virgin asshole. If that's what you mean, then I guess he would reward you. fag.
    >> !NailsXtwV. 03/07/10(Sun)07:05:39 No.7797500
    maybe some people have had it and just don't like it, asswipe.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:10:16 No.7797522
    It's pretty easy man don't you have an imagination at all?

    Steps to not having a social life while on campus:

    1. Don't go to any of the social activities.
    2. Leave the door to your room closed.
    3. Act weird (optional)

    That's it. After the first week most people have their own clicks and aren't interested in clinging onto anyone with a pulse so they aren't ronery.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:17:59 No.7797560
    u mad, brah? u must not be one of the ppl who had it
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:18:21 No.7797897
    to have friends in college, one must do one or more of the following:

    1. join a cultural club
    2. join a greek organization
    3. drink or do drugs with said organizations
    4. dorm/live with non-related people
    5. join a campus crusade for christ club
    6. spend your time doing aforementioned things and not being a WHINY LITTLE BITCH ABOUT HOW LONELY YOU ARE
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:42:53 No.7798048
    yeah, that's the joke... alan turing was a famous gay computer scientist, one of the really early ones
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:26:25 No.7798398
    Everyone on here who claims to be lonely is just trolling. It's like /a/ and their waifus.

    In reality they all have okay lives and aren't basement dwelling virgins.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:32:42 No.7798452
    can anyone list reasons as to why people will not approach a person/me?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:52:49 No.7798638
    You don't have a vagina.

    It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:07:22 No.7798752
    I must be a talented loser because I've been going to a shitload of parties and drank heavily since the age of 16 and knew a lot of chicks and I'm still a virgin. I don't even look bad, but I'm currently the biggest loser of my university year, I doubt anyone would even believe me if I told them I used to actually go to a lot of parties. I guess I'm just a shitty person.

    Good for you if you have a cool life, some people just can't pull it off I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:09:19 No.7798762
    I WAS at Uni and I HAD friends and I HAD sex and I still didn't enjoy myself at all.

    It's not hard for me to imagine that someone could turn up at the start of term and fail entirely to meet and get on with new people. It doesn't even have anything to do with how attractive or witty or fun you are. If you get off to a bad start or don't feel like being around people 24/7, you can find yourself out of the loop very quickly.

    The people in my halls loved me (for some reason) and yet I still managed to drift out of the fun because I didn't want to be around people all the time.

    It takes so much effort to maintain friends in those first few weeks. It's like you're fighting for a contract or something. You've got to be out there with them all the damn time 'having fun' and socialising. I opted to keep to myself 70% of the time and that didn't really make me very popular. If I hadn't managed to put in some effort at the start I'd have failed completely.

    When you're a pretty solitary person and you're making such a huge jump to Uni, it's very easy to fuck things up and become overwhelmed by the slurry of commitments. I mean, you have the workload (which obviously varies) of your chosen degree, you have the workload of maintaining yourself and staying healthy AND you have the workload brought on by suddenly, for possibly the first time in years, being surrounded by energetic little bastards fighting for friends all the damn time.

    If you don't hit your mark right off the bat you end up in a downward spiral that tends to end with dropping out.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:12:27 No.7798782
    I'm in a small university and I have more friends than I have time to hang out with, but I am also a virgin. I rejected a few ONS opportunities and a few girls who wanted to date me, and I regret every single one.

    Also I have no roommate. That's good and bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:16:44 No.7798815
    That's great, but people speakis teh English in the Amurican English bord.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:17:11 No.7798819
    Geez, I know what that's like. I can't even begin to grasp how much people socialize in college. My major consumes about 5-6 hours of my free time a day, so I can only occasionally hang out with people on weekends, whereas other people in my dorm are getting drunk and high every night. Jam sessions are really the only time I ever hang out with people for any extended period of time.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:22:06 No.7798865
    I don't drink or do drugs but I'm also an atheist. Part of me wants to join one of those Christian groups because I find Christian/Catholic schoolgirls fucking hot. I was raised Catholic and can definitely play the part but then I have to keep up the facade outside of the club...

    People might not think of it being a huge deal to avoid drugs/alcohol, but it really does cut off about 70-80% of potential interaction with other students, especially on my campus. The only other people here who don't partake are doing it out of religious fervor.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:27:38 No.7798899

    At any given time, in my old halls, there would be a dozen people sat around in our tiny kitchen 'socialising'.

    It was relentless. Those kids never even had a second alone in the first 3 months of Uni, they were around each other every waking minute of the day. That's fine, if that's what they like to do, but it got annoying when they took issue with me not wanting to participate.

    I really value my privacy. I have to be alone sometimes. I don't know if it's a mental condition or something, but I get irrationably angry if I can't get my own space when I need it.

    I made up for it on the occasions when I did go out with them, but it still made things very hard. Some people just don't WANT all the hard work that comes with friends at Uni.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:27:55 No.7798901

    First, don't drink, do drugs, or have casual sex.

    Second, do all the items in number one, but hate all religious and social cults based around a "clean" lifestyle.

    Third, get tired real fast of trying to talk to anyone on your floor because they are 90% vapid whores who can't talk about anything other than sororities, TV, or their boyfriend. The remaining 10% also refuse to associate with you because you are not a big enough hipster to merit their esteem.

    The only choice after that is to spend your four years of uni reading a book a day and taking 4 hour naps on Friday evenings because there is nothing left to do in your tiny on-campus cell because you have gotten so misanthropic that going outside and seeing other college retards trolling around gives you ulcers of rage.

    It's cool though, everything will be great once the giant time-suck that is college is over and I can go back to the real world, or at least back to the nowhere from which I came and raise some sheep or something for emotional fulfillment.
    >> I am the toe that killed Bob Marley !rhyJfmRZHk 03/07/10(Sun)10:34:33 No.7798972
    I am still a virgin as I don't like clubbing too often nor casual sex though if anyone else wants to won't stop them

    But I do have friends....easy to make friends at university, everyone is so nice
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:00:58 No.7799672
    Am I the only one who was in a dorm with ugly girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:07:50 No.7799734
    Geez you sure sound like a fun and happy person. I bet you have tons of friends from whatever shitty town you came from. Enjoy a life devoid of any meaningful relationships.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:10:35 No.7799754

    Nope. Almost all the girls in my halls were offensive to mine eyes. There were a few who I'd fuck (almost did but I left before) simply because they were obviously mad dirty in bed.

    There were a couple of attractive girls but, guess what, they were all taken. I still got some though, but it wasn't easy. I got tired of waiting for all those relationships to break down.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:10:40 No.7799757
    I got a job for the last 2 years instead of going to Uni, but I'm going in September, so I have a few questions.

    #1. Will people care that I am 20? It's not like I look a lot older than 18.

    #2. If I can't make friends with people in dorms, how are clubs and stuff for socialising?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:11:06 No.7799762
    Exactly. Endure this contrived social environment and make your mark on the battle field. Excel, triumph over them, then live a life of excess where everything is yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:13:27 No.7799783
    I commute to school and I'm not going to join some club which I have no legitimate interest in.

    But I don't really care about being a loner like you all do.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:23:36 No.7799878
    I did the same thing. No one cares. I always forget that I'm a couple of years older than most of my friends (and there were quite a few 20 year-olds in my class anyway).

    Joining a club that holds regular social events is good, although the clubs I joined was for the activity itself.

    There will always be a group in your class who go to the student bar regularly, go with them and you'll also end up meeting random people there (at least in the first couple of weeks, it's weird/creepy to talk to strangers in bars normally).
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:24:56 No.7799887
    It's not that big of a deal. College is not the only time you'll ever get to sleep with a woman.

    If you have a technical major such as engineering, there will be little time for partying.
    And if you want to socialize and sleep around just so you can congratulate yourself, go for it.

    There are much more meaningful things in life than that.

    Plus, having to be around these people so often is suffocating. If you literally have to pretend then it's not worth it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:26:31 No.7799902
    That's what I'm talking about. I remember my first day in my dorm, all I could think about was "Where are dem hot girls at in this hall? ;_; there are none".
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:32:16 No.7799961
    Is it bad that I don't whine about being lonely because I enjoy my life but people keep pointing out I don't have that great of a life?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:36:29 No.7800022
    Commute to uni, I just hang out with the friends I have from high school. Not a virgin and I've had a few girls interested in me since I started college but it's hard to do much when you're 40 minutes away.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:40:26 No.7800086
    Most people just can't fathom being satisfied aloned.

    Don't go to college to party and get laid, go to college to learn and get a degree. If you want to sleep around, just save your college tution and pay for an escort.

    College kids are extremely dumb and annoying. There is no easy way of putting it but living in a dorm is a nightmare. They all try doing something unique and "awesome" to set themselves apart and draw attention.
    And going to parties was like a perpetual facepalm mentally.
    No, thanks. College is like 2 years of my life and I'll be alive for at least another 60 years.
    It's not that big of a deal.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:40:37 No.7800090

    Strange, this happens with me too. I'm perfectly content with my life and optimistic about the future, but people keep telling me I'm pathetic and lonely. Very strange indeed.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:51:23 No.7800225
    This thread is full of fucking retards and children.
    Doing something you hate just for pussy is ok and
    not living in a campus becouse you hate it is rationalising virginity?
    Fuck you /r9k/,i didnt think you could get even worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:57:12 No.7800276
    All this talk about the make it or break it first few weeks of college and living in the dorms is freaking me out. I'll be starting college and living in the dorms this fall... how do I avoid essentially missing my chance to have friends? How can I optimize those first few weeks?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:07:34 No.7800412
    I don't live on campus because I live about 15 minute drive from campus anyway. I have friends, they're just the same friends I've had for years since most of us go to the same college. Went to a party the other night and didn't have a good time. I drank and participated in all the drinking games and pretended I was enjoying myself but after a couple hours I couldn't stand it anymore and called a friend to come pick me up.

    My interaction with people on campus is mostly me saying thanks to people holding open doors, talking with friends I already have, exchanging pleasantries with people I know a little and former classmates and with cashiers.

    Feels alright man. I'd rather spend my free time on campus reading than going to class 20 minutes early so people can ask me what I thought about that last test. What's wrong with that?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:08:20 No.7800423
    Leave your door open
    Don't be autistic

    That's about it.
    >> CAPS GUY !!LlUhjcfwmkZ 03/07/10(Sun)13:08:56 No.7800432

    says big butthurt aspie man who never had any fun.

    Live life. Don't let Grinches like this get you down. They are secluded from reality.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:17:55 No.7800524
    God, I love how all you losers are saying college socialising is stupid shit.

    You must have some sort of mental handicap.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:26:40 No.7800611
    My girlfriend works on a college campus and still doesn't know anywhere to buy pot. That's pretty sad if you ask me.
    >> Afroman !Z6TGyeghmM 03/07/10(Sun)13:36:37 No.7800707
    Commute hilariously far away. Also, since I'm taking 21 hours and have a job, I hardly have time for clubs.

    I'm going to fix this next semester though. Working out the lease on a dorm, and I'm going to use the money I'm saving for rent. I also got an invitation to AAA by a friend, so I'm going to look into that.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:43:28 No.7800782
    My classes only started one week ago. Actually, I know many people already, but I didn't tried to pick up a girl yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:45:24 No.7801553
    These. I'm a smart guy, witty, and attractive, if I had to pin down some strengths. That said, I don't drink or do drugs, and I'm an atheist. I am in poor athletic condition (though I'm skinny, I suck at all sports), and I take a lot of classes because it seems like I'm one of the few people left who values the education part of college.

    Turns out:
    99% of college activities revolve around some form of substance abuse.
    (At least on my campus) 80% of parties are frequented by the same group of people, who are vapid drama majors who have to drink to be interesting.
    99% of college parties consist in hot, crowded rooms with shitty pop music and slutty women rubbing their asses on crotches.
    90% of people who don't drink or do drugs are brainwashed religious fucktards.
    70% of my time hanging out with "Friends" is spent babysitting them when they get too drunk to make good decisions anymore.

    I've had to suck it up and make friends with people who either drink lightly but manage to conceal their religious fucktardedness, or who drink but don't do activities that revolve entirely around alcohol all the time. I consider these people half-friends because we can't really relate to each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:46:59 No.7801574
    I'm still in high school and will probably end up going to community college.

    That's why I'm lonely, miserable, and a virgin.

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