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    File : 1267260506.jpg-(27 KB, 699x265, coluni.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:48:26 No.7678812  
    I'm vaguely interested in knowing.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:52:50 No.7678856
    I dropped out of High School.

    I did it because it was a joke, and I got to to college two years early as a result after taking a couple of placement tests.

    Only a complete retard would drop out of college, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:53:01 No.7678857
    because I had trouble seeing how music/lit appreciation had anything to do with sysadmin work

    turns out I was correct
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:54:27 No.7678875
    I didn't. Graduating is the easiest fucking thing to do. Retards graduate every year. All you have to do is put effort into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:54:32 No.7678877
    I realised computer science is not science.

    It's actually a user manual written in mathematics.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:55:59 No.7678889

    True, but still not reason enough to quit college. If science is your thing, why didn't you just transfer to one?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:58:49 No.7678917
    One day, while sitting in class one of the other students said to me, "You know, you act like you really don't want to be here."

    The more I thought about it, the more I realized she was right. I didn't want to be there, so I quit.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:59:35 No.7678926
    I wasn't interested in the assignments, wouldn't go to class, etc. It was a waste of $9,000 every four months.

    However, Im infinitely less happy now.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)03:59:36 No.7678927
    I graduated but my attendance was 40%, but I didn't get the degree I wanted due to my lack of motivation.

    I got some bullshit rubbish, have to go back in a couple of years when I sort myself out.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:00:48 No.7678938
    Realised that studying english is the highway to unemployment
    >> Milktank !y0.K10ZBwg 02/27/10(Sat)04:02:36 No.7678953
    I moved across the country. I could get a degree, just one semester away.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:02:43 No.7678954
    I was not putting in the work that my capabilites deserved.

    I was graduating with slightly above average marks in a very difficult program.

    But I was attending less than half my classes. I was pulling an all nighter beating halo on legendary difficulty instead of studying, the night before the toughest final I ever took.

    It wasn't that I wasn't on track to graduate, it was that I was embarassed at how I was going through school, and didn't want to waste my time and money until I was really prepared to put in the work that I owed it to myself to put in.

    I hope to go back this september. We shall see if I get accepted as a returning student. I hope it's just a formality, but I am nervous as hell about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:04:13 No.7678970
    Enrolling in university where I live is done through high-school, nationwide exams. This means I'll have to repeat 1-2 years of high-school.

    To be honest, I have lost all interest in academic pursuits. I still appreciate its results, though. BRB working construction.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:06:47 No.7678993

    Yeah, did that too. Made a ton of money, and I am hoping, that I found it boring enough that I will remember that and it will drive me to do well in university.

    Wierd thing, is I LIKE cracking open a math text and working away for 3 hours with the tunes on and a froster at my side. But I find it so easy to just not get started.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:08:46 No.7679014
    I couldn't find parking.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:08:59 No.7679017

    This. And I had no motivation, rarely came to class, never did homework, etc.

    I'm thinking about going back now. I have a new major in mind that I'm actually interested in and may actually make me some money.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:10:02 No.7679024
    because it's the truly intelligent mans only option
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:11:32 No.7679041
    I am being to dumb?

    I was in college for 4 years and had accumulated less than 30 hours with a shit gpa. I was either on academic probation or suspension every semester. The thing was I really did try. I really really did. It's just I'm not cut out for it or something. I was getting really burned out on it which just made my depression worsen causing a self destructive spiral.

    So now I'm taking my first semester off. No school, no work. Just 4chan and vidya games. The only problem is it's shit on my social life. Im 22 unemployed living at home.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:12:33 No.7679047
    Uni ended up being high school 2.0.

    I figured it would actually be difficult and I'd be learning a lot, but spent most of the time listening to idiots ask fucking retarded questions all day. The 40+ year old idiots were by far the worst. Ended up having to do group assignments in all four classes. Turns out the average American writes at a third grade level. I don't understand why I'm paying shitloads of money, and my grade is effected by the asshole next to me.

    I then did a semester online. I didn't buy any of the books, bullshitted my way through and got A's in all the classes.

    I'm going to go to art school now. That way I can be the retarded uncreative person, and I'll actually have to work to make up for my lack of skills.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:15:21 No.7679076


    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:19:39 No.7679127

    I disagree. I don't think my degree is really "worth" the money. It won't pay for itself

    but it's a chance to meet other people who are interested in the things I am interested in, walk around a pretty campus, and prove to myself that I can put work in when I need to. Sure, I don't NEED to work to graduate, but I can't fool myself into thinking I really worked hard when I didn't. Plus, I don't like admitting I dropped out of college. It feels like I failed at something. This isn't something that I normally let slide.

    sure, it's value is not what most traditional people would claim. but it does have value. And I have a lot of money sitting around that I am not using. maybe they can build another library or something with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:38:22 No.7679274

    Don't get me started on those fucking 40+ mature age students...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:41:57 No.7679307
    ran out of moneys
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:42:16 No.7679309

    Lets hear it. Why are they fucking there anyway? Get a diploma then die a week later?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:42:57 No.7679320
    High school dropout here. Shit was just standardized test material beat into your head while you learned nothing of value so you could make your district look good so they can get more funding to carry on the cycle.

    Got into college while my peers were still in high school.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:44:18 No.7679333
    I dropped out because i failed so miserably I can't even bring myself to type much about it. I was depressed though and can't really remember much about it except for a few things so embarrassing that nearly ten years later my asshole puckers up and i cringe when i think of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:46:11 No.7679351

    You're trying to be everyone else but all you've managed to be is a nobody. Congrats
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:47:10 No.7679362
    uc berkeley.

    computer science.

    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)04:56:56 No.7679428

    I was at uc berkeley tonight O_O
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:05:49 No.7679479
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:08:45 No.7679502
    I was only taking a few classes that interested me, I never intended to go all the way. I'm pretty set financially, good enough to live on comfortably anyway because of family business. I've got some mental health problems, stress makes them a lot worse, even taking a super light class load just for fun was stressing me out pretty bad, so I ended that. I used to try to push myself, but I've realized how much worse I get when I'm stressed out, how easily I get stressed out, and to know when to pull back.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:10:01 No.7679508
    A lot of you who feel like you're always putting in a fraction of your ability are really going all out and don't realize it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:10:26 No.7679512
    Passed the first year easily, didn't go to any of the second year lectures for about 5 months because I was cocky. When I got called in about it I faked depression to everyone I knew, and moved back in with my parents. It worked well.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:15:14 No.7679552
    Because it was painfully easy and I hated the fact that I didn't have to work at it.

    Seriously, 3.9 gpa by doing the minimum and going out drinking every night. I actually had to work at not going to class and not taking tests and not doing homework the next semester, and I STILL passed. 2.9.

    Once I realized they'd give a degree to any retarded monkey who paid tuition, I couldn't motivate myself to try.

    I do plan on going back. Unfortunately, society places such high importance on that worthless piece of paper that it's hard to go anywhere with it. But when I do, I'm distancing myself as far as possible from college life (not living in the dorms, not going on campus for anything but class) and just getting my little piece of paper that says I'm qualified as quickly as I possibly can.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:18:41 No.7679581
    To be honest, the painfully easy part was my fault. I went to a state school (SUNY system) when I should have gone to somewhere better. I had the grades to get in, but unless I got massive scholarships I couldn't afford it.

    Or I could have at least gone to a better SUNY school. God, I hated where I went.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:21:01 No.7679603

    Which SUNY?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)05:38:18 No.7679759
    i'm back in, now.
    i dropped out because the professors seemed only to care about their pet theories and formatting, not actual passing on of important knowledge, insight, or anything. for example, i'm a female. i was raised by some pretty serious feminists who were almost, but mostly not quite, feminazis. and i had a teacher who thought that every fucking movie in the entire world was sexist.

    including alien. where they wrote the part of ripley as male, cast sigourney weaver and then didn't change any of the dialogue or most of the actions. i did a very well written and researched paper that painted alien as an awesome role model for young girls and generally tried to make the point that i didn't think it was sexist. i did not do it to be disrespectful, i just didn't agree and couldn't think of another idea for a paper. i was given a very low grade.

    in another course, i had a professor who basically wouldn't give you anything above a low c if you didn't discuss the paper's drafts with her at least twice before turning it in. and she never told us that.

    retail has mellowed me somewhat (stay in school, retail sucks. food service is even worse.) but i still have a lot of trouble finding the subtle connection between the bullshit in most of my classes and actual knowledge, or any benefit i might be getting from it. i wouldn't have gone back at all if the economy hadn't gone downhill. i probably would have just tried to get a job at a decent store and get promoted enough that there was little management oversight. when there is, retail sucks less than college.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:23:15 No.7680443
    >i'm a female
    What the fuck did that have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:27:26 No.7680468
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:29:35 No.7680481
    I didn't.
    Uni is great fun, but I don't really learn a lot.
    I get to go to parties, even scored a few times.
    It's great when you know everyone, but not too well.
    I don't have to put up with idiotic people, but get to go around doing fun stuff.
    I've already learnt all of it on my own.
    Hopefully when I start ony my PhD I'll be able to get into my element.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:38:37 No.7680527
    The course was okay but my social life was dire. I realised that the reason I'm such a solitary person is because I actually do have genuine problems when it comes to being around people for extended periods of time.

    It was fine at times, even good at others, but most of the time I was sat in my room in a daze feeling like shit. I dropped out to evaluate some things and see if I could figure out what I'd enjoy more.

    So far I've got nothing, so I might just end up going back and picking up where I left off. At least I'll have some experience on my side this time.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:42:27 No.7680543
    My family situation was making it as hard as possible to actually put some effort in.
    I started back up now and I'm doing OK but there's still absolutely fucking ridiculous bullshit getting in the way shitty transportation and complete strangers trying to ruin me and tuition went way up due to this shit economy.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:43:43 No.7680551
    I like being in college. I really do. I love learning and being in lectures. But I just can't seem to stop procrastinating and put in more effort. I have such a bad GPA... 2.7, it's really discouraging. But I kind of realized that I don't like liberal arts too much after this semester and, turns out, my favourite class this semester is math. I've also become increasingly interested in physics. Going to do pre-calc in the summer and take science courses next summer. If that doesn't work out, I'm going to drop out and get my priorities in order.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:44:01 No.7680555
    Poorfag here

    Simply couldn't afford it any longer.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:44:31 No.7680558
    >>next summer
    Meant to say "next semester," meaning this September.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:52:51 No.7680595
    >>7680551 and, learn them and love them
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)07:57:44 No.7680615
    I was unable to control my Internet use (forums and googling shit), causing me to miss obligatory stuff. Still an Internet addict now 6 years later.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:00:30 No.7680637
    how can 1 guy know so much about every subject?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:06:53 No.7680671
    The guy who runs Khan Academy is a pretty smart dude (undergrad and grad in engineering, masters business administration) but looking at the table of contents that's not too much to learn at all if you've gotten halfway through a BS in any field of engineering.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:07:12 No.7680675
    I was studying for a bachelor's in computer science, but I didn't finish my third year, because I realized I didn't really want to work with computers.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:11:06 No.7680697
    got kicked out for drinking/ fighting.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:12:41 No.7680705
    dropped out of high school because depression, never went back, now jobless and trying to get job.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:14:41 No.7680727
    ran out of money halfway through
    i went a bit insane actually
    couldnt get a loan
    stopped eating
    collapsed while leaving a lecture one day
    had to drop out for medical reasons
    that was three years ago
    going back to uni this year
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:18:38 No.7680759
    I've only taken a quick look at the Khan site, but shit looks pretty useful. You may have just saved my future. (college student on the brink of dropping out)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:21:05 No.7680777

    Hope all goes well for you dude, very encouraging to see you going back.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:22:54 No.7680789
    drug addiction, depression, lack of motivation (internal and external)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:25:04 No.7680803
    Three math courses, or actually FEM and dynamics, both in wich we'd have to calculate all that theoretical shit by hand even though no-one does that in real life anymore.
    I just didn't see the point in these shitty yet mandatory courses, and of course my talents weren't really enough to pass them. So I left 15 points short of the degree. Not that even the ones with degree gets any jobs these days (mechanical engineering).
    I also have to mention that the constant bombardment with projects and deadlines almost drove me to insanity. Now I work as a farm-hand, driving a telehandler, neat job and I get to spend much time by myself with zero stress.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:25:11 No.7680804
    dude its fucking can take all the easy classes and coast through just by showing up for attendance.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:25:21 No.7680806
    I must thank you... so very, very much. This site is AWESOME. Just watched the intro to chemistry (the atom) and loved it so much. Going to use this in the future for sure.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:26:56 No.7680816
    I tested out of high school 2 years early, but not because I was so smart or special or in any way talented. I was just literally afraid of being killed by other students.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)08:29:51 No.7680838
    Holy crap. Just read his little bio and he has his MBA from Harvard and bunch of degrees from MIT. He sounds like a truly great person, especially since he doesn't even charge for his videos, just a donation fee. I'm definitely donating to this guy when I can.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:00:24 No.7680991
    Because the dirty spic that took over as chancellor kept jacking up the tuition and I could no longer afford it because I'm not a minority so I couldn't get a free ride from the government.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:01:47 No.7680996
    I'm a minority with a 1512 SAT score (oldfag here) and college didn't exactly come knocking on my door. Get bent, insecure stormfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:07:03 No.7681025
    SAT scores don't matter when you are a dirty criminal, you dumb, dark skinned fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:08:27 No.7681032
    You don't belong anywhere near a college campus.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:14:15 No.7681059
    At least I'm not in jail for robbing old ladies, you dirty, dark skinned fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:16:29 No.7681072
    Yeah you're in jail for hate crimes, and justifiably so:
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:18:36 No.7681079
    No, I can control my rage, unlike like you dirty dark skinned fags that rob old ladies and rape little girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:19:46 No.7681086
    College only made me realize I have crippling social anxiety and poor social skills. The more I tried to "throw myself out there" the more I became insecure and rejected.

    I avoided being on campus as much as possible. I would run home every day to my room to lock myself away where I'd actually be happy.

    Academic probation twice. Dismissed...wrote a letter to get back in. Dismissed again.

    20 now... working at a grocery store as a cashier and trying to get full time work with health insurance.

    I might end up becoming an OTR truck driver.
    40k+ a year and complete loneliness.

    I was a computer science major.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:21:37 No.7681095
         File1267280497.jpg-(26 KB, 464x639, laurenmansonboobsmirror.jpg)
    26 KB
    I'm washing my hands.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:30:07 No.7681128
    I might be dropping out soon. I'm at an Ivy, but my GPA is currently 1.94. I'm so tired I have difficulty walking to class. Still, I don't want to disappoint my family. Hopefully I can get a diagnosis, take a medical withdrawal, and come back when I'm functioning properly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:31:43 No.7681138
    No one liked me.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:32:04 No.7681140
    I took medical leave. :( was sick

    right now I dropped a couple classes just bc I got overwhelmed and was failing a buttload
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:34:36 No.7681149
    You may have Leukemia, I had a good friend who was always tired and he was only 20 years old. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and died only a month later. I remember how depressed I was, I almost drank myself to death after he died. It was just so sudden.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:35:08 No.7681153
    I haven't talked to anyone outside of an academic setting (e.g. tutorial/practical class) in 2 or 3 weeks.

    All of you need to stop being so weak.
    You're at college for two reasons. First of all so that yuo can make money when you're older, and secondly so that you have proof that you're above most other people (people not at one of the top 5 or 10 universities in the world can forget about this one).

    Neither of these things need social interaction. As long as you have the internet for stimulation and a strong character then you're fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:39:05 No.7681168
    You haven't graduated yet, so hold your tongue until you do smart guy.
    >> Hangman !!QFzISewt/7Z 02/27/10(Sat)09:41:18 No.7681175
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:44:20 No.7681186
    Tripfag with out of context post, just fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:44:53 No.7681188
    Nah, I'm pretty sure I don't have leukemia, given the tremendous amount of blood work I've had done over the past few months. Right now it's looking like lupus or something in that vein.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:47:32 No.7681202
    I finished with a first
    >> Hangman !!QFzISewt/7Z 02/27/10(Sat)09:50:09 No.7681213
    why did that annoy you so much?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:51:32 No.7681222
    It didn't, I'm just a troll.
    >> Hangman !!QFzISewt/7Z 02/27/10(Sat)09:52:17 No.7681228
    Oh, fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:56:17 No.7681254
    Because I was lazy, very lonely and I realise now it was the start of my long standing depression which I am only now coming to terms with. I've been to sixth form, college, and now college again and I'm hoping this time I can tough it out, despite it being one of the worst years of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)09:59:47 No.7681274
    applied to do history

    got there and realised i hated history
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:08:39 No.7681301


    >Only a symptom of Leukemia, no other disease in the history of the medical science has ever had fatigue as a symptom.

    I do feel sorry to hear about your friend though :(
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:14:04 No.7681331
    I have really bad attendance but I hope somehow I'll motivate myself to go in this Monday, any tips? I'm not depressed just hate what I'm doing and really want to do something else, unfortunately I'll have to wait until next September.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:18:29 No.7681356
    Combination of reasons. Firstly, I made friends and thus spent more time getting high and drinking with them rather than studying. Secondly, the classes were bullshit. I had a CS professor who could barely speak english that gave us all our assignments through email, but failed me over attendance. Had a 9am golf class, but it rained everyday forcing is to watch movies on the history of golf. I stopped going.

    In retrospect though, dropping out is the only thing I regret in life.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:20:01 No.7681361
    Heh, same thing happened to me, except mine was engineering. First week in I knew I wasn't going to like it. By the time I was one month in I felt like shooting myself every class I went to. Dropped out before even finishing the first semester.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:25:51 No.7681395
    i was in university for graphic design. digital, computer-based, graphic design. we wouldn't touch a computer until 2nd year. all we were doing was the most inane shit, wire sculptures, painting, even a goddamn chair made out of cardboard. it made no sense. i mean, the art history course, sure, i can see why it would be relevant. but all this other shit? in university?

    i left after the first half of the year.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:28:43 No.7681407
    Oh god, broseph. I'm a Graphic Design major. Now I know what I have to look forward to.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:30:09 No.7681412

    >Had a 9am golf class

    Hang on, what?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:31:31 No.7681418
    >implying I am not currently a Freshman in college with a 3.8 GPA

    Fucking Econ Professor gave me a 89 last semester just to be a dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:35:04 No.7681433

    >graphic design majors
    >thinking an art degree has any value
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)10:37:45 No.7681454
    yeah man. after dropping out i realized, most businesses or anywhere that needs a graphic designer, don't give a crap if you went through school. they want good work and design skills. i have a pretty sweet job working for a design/printing company now thanks to not sticking with university for the remaining years, and freelance + web-design on the side, feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)11:03:38 No.7681630
    Depression, followed by nihilism, apathy, and a general lack of motivation.

    Tried everything to "fix" it, nothing seems to work.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)11:07:34 No.7681663
    Lack of money.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)11:09:58 No.7681684
    Would you recommend that I just get an associate's then? I've already started and was planning on going for my bachelor's degree.

    However time and money are factors, I have seen a few jobs here for graphic design that required a BA, but only a couple.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/10(Sat)11:14:38 No.7681729
    read Catcher in the Rye...realized I could totally just say fuck it and move to some farm.

    So I dropped out, moved back home. I'm returning to school next semester. :\

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