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    File : 1324086113.gif-(13 KB, 645x773, thatfeel.gif)
    13 KB ITT: The Ghetto I live in Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:41:53 No.764024  
    Green Text Anecdotes from genuine poorfags

    > Walking to friends house in Brixton, South London, he lives just off the highstreet
    > See familiar crackhead begger shuffling around a few cars parked in a small yard, guilty look on his face
    > stare at the guy hard to check he isnt damaging any of the cars, manoeuvre slightly to get a better line of sight
    > MFW he was actually trying to queue up a syringe with a vein on his rotten dick. probably the only vein not totally fucked by heroin
    > goddamnthisshitismiserable.uhs
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:55:58 No.764170
    :,( this shit is even sadder when listening to smooth jazz.

    sometimes I wonder how i live pretending that people this miserable dont exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:00:31 No.764226
    >Old bum figures out a way to break the quarter box on the washers and dryers using a wire hanger
    >We all catch him doing it at various times
    >The rental company posts a sign asking for information
    >Nobody rats him out

    >Being mistaken for a prostitute on my way to the grocery
    >Finding syringes in our bushes and once, a gun
    >High school friend gets shot and bleeds to death in front of my parent's house
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:02:15 No.764247
    >living in the shitty part of a resort town
    >roommate and his girlfriend on the stoop drinking beers
    >inside relaxing on my bed in the living room
    >hear some random guy talking to them
    >talks about junky shit
    >hear roommates girlfriend scream and a thud
    >junky sucker punches my roommate and breaks his nose
    >screaming girlfriend and my panicked ass running out looking confused summons the 10+ Irish bros living above us
    >that feel when you see a group of Irishmen stomp a junky to death for sucker punching your roommate
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:04:33 No.764269
    Honestly, as bad as this shit was, I'm glad I grew up poor. I'm resilient, I can stretch a buck, I appreciate what I have. Oh, and I can FIGHT.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:07:24 No.764300
    >live in affluent neighborhood
    >about to walk my Mastiff
    >leave house
    >notice a family is moving in next door
    >they're black
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:12:51 No.764381
    >local shop run by indians
    >neds always giving them shit
    >one day, a couple of the little shits smash up their car and shop windows
    >that feel when there are huge, muscley Latvians standing guard outside the shop now
    >I really hope some of those neds get beaten to death
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:13:36 No.764395
    >bad part of Moscow (well it's all bad)
    >homeless people drinking on streets all the time
    >live in junkie building
    >some crackhead always tries to fight me
    >always manage to avoid him
    >one day in courtyard I don't avoid him
    >hit him in face, he falls down and doesn't get up
    >must've been on some special drug that day
    >next morning see his frozen body half buried by snow
    >takes long time before someone bothers to do anything about removing his body
    >it's not too uncommon to see this, especially in winter

    That's only one little example. It's not pleasant having to go through poor times like that, but it teaches you much.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:21:38 No.764510
    >That feel when you hear your principal announce over the intercom that someone has passed
    >that feel when you actually knew some of them
    >that feel when you see teenagers trying to act hood and gangster
    >that feel when you are walking through the halls of your new school and there is a large group of wannabe cholols Staring everyone down
    >that feel when you know they wont do anything
    >that feel when you know how somebody and when somebody will die before they do

    feels bad
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:23:37 No.764538
    Latvians? You mean the country run by Doctor Doom?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:23:41 No.764539
    >Bringing the pizza I just got to my car
    >See homeless guy with sign that says "I'M HUNGRY"
    >Walk up to him with my pizza and soda in hand
    >Give him the soda
    >"I hope things start going your way, Hungry."
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:35:51 No.764701
    >Live deep in the American Suburbs
    >Street of townhomes 2 blocks from our $1/2 million house.
    >Occasionally see a black person drive by in a shitty mid 90s rustbucket
    >Never been so scared in my life. Was probably a drug dealer or something

    Am serious.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:41:39 No.764756
    lol dont be a pussy man
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:42:12 No.764765
    > That feel when you arn't living in the ghetto to be an edgy artfag
    > That feel when the judiciary let the psychopathic roam
    > That feel when you are bright, educated and engaging- and people can't believe thats where you grew up and remain out of poordom
    > That feel taking a seat on public transport next to whats left of a chicken carcass and oozing ketchup sachets
    > that feel when your local economy is no more that betting shops, booze outlets, diseased deep fried offal, places where self-entitled arrogant black women get their nails done by people-smuggled chinese women who are treated like shit by everyone and have to breath in revolting carcinogenic fumes all day and west african churches that exist to make the pastor RICH AS FUCK by encouraging people to donate through credit cards (most around here to broke for cash) while he chats shit about being a prophet, healing the sick, solving your legal situations, getting you a job and dicking teenage girls in order to "clear bad spirits".

    If I type much more I might cry
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:26:46 No.769508
    > that feel when not enough ghetto stories ITT
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:06:37 No.769722
    >live in some shitty town near north London from '05 to '08
    >10+ bodies found in lake next to the park where we all used to drink, I forget the actual number
    >a month after I moved from that shithole, house next to mine was broken into, neighbour stabbed to death
    >got jumped so much while I was there

    So glad I moved away. remember all that shit about riots in London? I'm fairly sure I recognized some pictures in the paper as people from that town.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:10:25 No.769741
    My next-door neighbour was shot and killed with a sawn off shotgun as part of a bikie gang killing. Started a minor gang war which ended in another 2 people dead. My neighbourhood isn't that ghetto, so it's not that serious compared to other people's stories, but I was home when it happened, and I heard the gunshot.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:14:37 No.769768
    >Be white, wellspoken, working class.
    >Lived in numerous estates and shitholes in London.
    >Middle class friends have all been mugged
    >I have never been mugged
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:14:38 No.769769
    >that feel when niggers throw fireworks into your classroom when you were at secondary school and your mum gives you shit for getting shit grades
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:22:22 No.769815
    >that feel when you have a middle-class mentality but you are living in a shithole with crackheads and scummy chavs everywhere

    I don't see a lot of violence, but there have been several stabbings/shootings down my street. Also I wouldn't say that we're "ghetto poor" but we sure as hell aren't higher than working class.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:39:56 No.769908
    >live in shitty neighbourhood
    >be 17
    >go to shitty government run school
    >sitting in chem class one day
    >a car drives off the road, over the garden and right next to the window
    >three guys in balaclavas with baseball bats get out
    >break a window
    >everyone too shocked to move
    >teacher runs from the room
    >the three guys jump in
    >hit the kid in the desk in front of me (vaguely knew him, never heard of him being a shit guy)
    >kid falls to the ground
    >everyone (the class was about 20 people) backs away
    >they beat the shit out of him with the bats
    >jump out the window and drive away
    >smell of faeces
    >blood everywhere
    >kid is dead
    >as far as I know they were never caught
    >not the worst thing I've seen or been involved in
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:47:52 No.769952
    >be 12
    >not a mosher but wear black shirt
    >this was back in when chavs only wore white or blue:(
    >get shouted at and bottle thrown at my feet
    >change into blue nike hoodie
    >nothing happens
    >get called chav forever but don't care
    >chavs in my town all dress like bad indies or london rude boys now
    >never got jumped, mugged, or shouted at again
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:54:15 No.769987
    Oh hey, my partner used to live in Brixton with his parents. The worst I ever got there was being scammed by 'homeless people'. I live in the Shepherd's Bush kind of area, which isn't quite so bad.

    >that feel when every night you hear teens being loud and obnoxious on their tiny fake motorbikes and stolen cars
    >that feel when every couple of months there'll be a memorial site somewhere on the street, ie 'Timmy 'knuckles' Andrews left this world too young in a tragic car crash, may angels sing him to his rest xxo'
    >that feel when the local park always has at least one burnt out car in it, and the local industrial estate is full of abandoned stolen cars
    >that feel when a family friend who deals a bit tries to move into a nearby flat, but gets freaked out by all the local dealers who try to knife him
    >that feel when everyone at school always tried to be ghetto, except for the people from actual crime families who tried to do work in school and get somewhere, but they never could
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:55:50 No.769998
    >be a teen
    >drink all day, every day
    >stops being fun, so friends stop being in the mood to hang out
    >chill with the homeless guys, I have a little more money than them, but tennents super all round, all the time.
    >no homeless in new town
    >I move one, I guess.
    >feels ok.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:56:12 No.770001
    lol probably. What's it like actually living in the city? Only ever lives in the countryside and suburbs with the occasional visit to the local cities.

    >Be 8
    >First time in the city
    >Me and brother think it's cool to act black and do hand signs
    >Parents freaking out, "omg don't do anything with your hands someone might hoot us there's gangsters here!"
    >Look out the window
    >See a fat black prostitute looking in a pulled over car

    We went to the local mcdonalds and half the people there were black, was like I was in a whole different country. Worst of all the guy was wearing a blue hoodie and blue sweatpants so not sure if a gangbanger.

    I have one more story when I was in the city recently if you're interested, might provide you some lulz.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)07:57:24 No.770008
    >Grow up in nice neighborhood, living with poor mother
    >Not extremely poor ourselves, but have a lot less than everyone else
    >Mother lives off child support and money she gets from oddjobs
    >Doesn't have any kind of insurance, one of her teeth fall out
    >Me and my brother supported by father's insurance
    >Move around a lot

    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:06:36 No.770046
    i wish i could afford heroin, or any drug for that matter

    how do homeless people in rich countries afford to buy it is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:15:19 No.770097
    >Be about 7.
    >Mum is single parent, four young kids, broke as fuck.
    >Live in council house in the roughest part of town.
    >Me, my little sister and my mother have to share a bed.
    >It's 4am.
    >Drug addicts break into our house.
    >Barricade us in the bedroom. My mother is desperately trying to open the door.
    >Hear the family dog barking, growling, going nuts.
    >Hear them hurt our dog.
    >Dog stops making noises.
    >Me and my little sister are both crying, too scared to move.
    >Can hear the druggies throwing things around downstairs.
    >My mother finally breaks the door open.
    >The druggies run away, taking everything of worth.
    >My mother goes downstairs.
    >Hear her begin crying.
    >They killed our dog.

    We were fucking poor. We had nothing. My mother tried her hardest to scrape together what little she has to give to her children.

    I fucking hate thieves.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:19:16 No.770110
    >London riots this summer
    >I live on the same road as a shopping centre that got looted
    >Call up my friend and we go take pictures of all the looting
    >No one bothers us, everyone is friendly and joking around
    >They're all just really happy that they're getting all this free shit
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:31:03 No.770159
    >live alone with my mother age 16 as her sole carer cos she had motor neurone disease
    >one night when we were asleep some cunts break in and take everything, even her fucking wheelchair
    >know who did it because because word spreads quickly around the estate
    >get a shotgun off a guy i knew in return for keeping a heroin stash in my house
    >miss with the first barrel as he saw me coming then hit him in the neck
    >never speak of it to anyone
    >get on with my life, work hard to get out of that shithole
    >full fee scholarship to private school
    >went to a fucking good uni
    >now I live in an amazing flat in a posh part of london, making more than enough money

    I have never told this to a single person in my entire life. I don't even care if you don't believe me.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:39:25 No.770197
    This is about as bad as it gets for me:

    >waiting for a bus at a train station
    >20ish looking girl asks me if I have some change
    >Tell her "No" in a harsher tone than I expected. I do have change and I usually give a little if people ask for it.
    >She asks me if I can get some change and I tell her "No" again

    Still not sure why I fobbed her off like that. I think maybe it was her whiney manner.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:44:51 No.770228
    >Wake up
    >Take the trash out
    >I look out the window a couple minutes later
    >Homeless guy is rummaging through my trash

    Happened just a few minutes ago
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:48:11 No.770244
    >visiting Toronto, Canada for Winter holidays
    >freezing cold
    >walk in the city, go a little bit "off the track"
    >suddenly turn in a street
    >dozens of people lying in line, on the sidewalk, completely drugged
    WTF Canada ?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:49:27 No.770250
    >At a bus station in Cleveland waiting for my bus home
    >Talking to a group of Amish who are waiting for the same bus
    >Stereotypical nigger walks in with his pants down to his knees
    >The Amish start laughing their asses off as he walks by

    Even the Amish think they look ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:50:54 No.770257
    >>Stereotypical nigger walks in with his pants down to his knees
    Can I ask why ? Was he like, taking a piss ?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:52:30 No.770268
         File1324129950.jpg-(31 KB, 448x335, sagging-pants1.jpg)
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    That's just how they wear it in America. Most of the time it's worse than the what the picture shows.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:53:48 No.770276
    Oh, wow ! Ridiculous, indeed.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:56:19 No.770286
         File1324130179.png-(284 KB, 269x423, Untitled.png)
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    You seriously never seen this kind of stuff before?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:56:23 No.770287
    He thinks London has a ghetto

    Holy shit what fucking fag
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:58:43 No.770296
    No, sorry, I am not very familiar with negro "culture".
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:59:57 No.770303
    >drop out university degree to study what I actually want to do
    >it involves moving to another city
    >cannot tell family or friends, too much bullshit to deal with
    >arrive in new city with complete anonymity
    >also, no place to stay
    >first few nights on the streets were tough, but after a while I got okay with it
    >rough city, few fights, saw someone shot dead in front of me, but I made it okay
    >learned to hide myself completely in an urban environment, got to know the city inside out
    >attended classes, did quite well

    >that feel when the friends you make at uni ask about whereabouts you live and what your place is like...
    >> Sorka !u.sDYKEStQ 12/17/11(Sat)09:01:10 No.770308

    These fine gentlemen are just proud of their underwear. Nothing wrong with that.
    >> JellyBean !fcRFRtXwuI 12/17/11(Sat)09:02:55 No.770315
    I live in the Bronx, NY.

    I grew up here, but about 12 years ago we moved from a relatively nice neighborhood to this one due to spacing issues (my mother had more kids out of wedlock because she thought that would keep my father around. it did, for a while).

    Now, here I am, still living at home in this dreadful economy, where every time I walk home if there isn't a police officer walking up the block I'm scared of getting robbed or raped.

    Luckily the guys have sort of gotten used to me ignoring their catcalls so they don't bother as much anymore, but this girl next door was gang-raped and became pregnant because of it.

    I've only been attacked once here, and luckily I had been taking boxing at the time. He never bothered me again, after the shame of being stomped into the ground by a girl. I think he's in jail now, though. A lot of boys from around this neighborhood end up there.

    It's really sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:03:37 No.770319

    to name a few
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:07:50 No.770331
    I don't really live in the ghetto, but close by. If anyone's from South Philadelphia then you know that just crossing a small street puts you in a completely different neighborhood. It's almost like the city was divided up by a treaty or some shit.

    Anyway, here's a mild story
    >live across the street from some crazy bitch, everyone calls her Crazy Carol
    >she stands outside her drug den every single day whenever she isn't sleeping or getting high
    >constantly yells at people who walk by and tries to debate them
    >when she inevitably loses the argument she screams and yells, pisses herself and throws beer bottles

    It's not really a great story, but coming home every day to see a crazy lady peeing on her step and yelling at people is kinda funny I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:10:33 No.770341
    Ever thought about getting a gun?

    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:11:47 No.770349
    OMG, I got neary the same (without drugs). We used to call her Marie Cochettes (=Marie Socks, because she was always wearing high, ugly socks).

    She was like 60 and was always sitting at her door, taking a piss, from time to time, on the sidewalk in front of everybody
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:13:00 No.770355
    There's a albino black woman with downs who lives in the council estate opposite me who used to rip up two loaves of bread every day and feed pigeons while talking to them. She also shit herself on a bus next to me once, that was unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:17:42 No.770370
    Just remembered another one.

    >April Fools day, maybe 2003-04, 13-14 years old
    >walking to meet up with my girlfriend
    >cross a street from Italian neighborhood into black neighborhood as school is getting out
    >piece of shit black kids everywhere (literally 200+)
    >ey yo white boy whats in your pockets
    >I tell him to fuck off and turn around to walk back towards my neighborhood
    >on the phone with my girlfriend the whole time, telling her about these niggers when I think they're not near me
    >turn around 5-6 of them standing right there
    >they surround me and start hitting me as I'm trying to fight back but not very effectively
    >suddenly the smallest UPS guy of all time gets out of his truck and starts yelling at them
    >they all run
    >some black lady pulls up and asks me if I'm ok and if I need a ride, I stupidly get in
    >she's actually cool as fuck, as we drive by she yells at the kids "YALL NIGGAS IN SOME SHIT! IM POLICE! GON FUCK YOU NIGGAS UP"
    >I thank her as she drops me off, no one believes me because it's April fools
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:19:23 No.770381
         File1324131563.png-(37 KB, 180x251, 1320169139929.png)
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    >live in middle-class suburbs
    >one day start to notice a horrible smell
    >smells familiar, can't put my finger on it
    >search for it the whole day, can't find the source
    >3 days later it's worse than ever, I come home from work to find cop cars outside my neighbours house
    >mfw I remember what that smell is from
    >the smell was from my neighbour's festering corpse
    >turns out neighbour's girlfriend's brother was a psychopath, him and his friend beat my neighbour savagely, gagged him, tied him up in the bathroom then left him to die
    >his body was there for a week in 30+ degree heat, many of the officers had to go outside to vomit numerous times
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:22:58 No.770390
    >used to live in a pretty rough part of chicago's north side in the early to mid 90's.
    >it was all thugs on the corner and a gang war between the latin kings and the deuces.
    >move away to the atlanta area.
    >suburban hell.
    >even the niggers are preppies.
    >move back to chicago in 2005
    >same neighborhood i moved away from.
    >there's 3 starbucks within easy walking distance
    >all my gangbanger friends are either in jail or dead.
    >while i'm still "technically" a gangster, i haven't been in that life for years.
    >biding my time for when all the youngsters are older and i can start selling them dope.
    >mfw this shit's bananas.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:25:24 No.770396
    I was gonna call you out for selling dope instead of weed.

    Then I doped so hard that I hoped.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:39:48 No.770465

    this shit is sadder than a bawwwww thread
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:42:41 No.770486
    why so many brits?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:42:56 No.770489
    Do you know Hugo?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:45:11 No.770504
    >$1/2 million house.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:50:13 No.770533
    well i was just gonna sell them weed, but if i get a good E connect, then it's on like donkey kong.

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