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    115 KB Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:24:54 No.7628386  
    Female Gamers,

    What the fuck is your problem? I'm serious, I want to respect you but you make it so fucking difficult when every other comment that comes out of your mouth on Vent is some obnoxious sexual innuendo.

    And I realize it's not all of you and that a lot guys are to blame for egging you on instead of making you feel embarrassed for making some retarded offhand remark about swallowing or squirting. They always say the same annoying shit like, "Whoa-ho! It just got interesting!"

    No it didn't get interesting you faggots. It got stupid.

    Cut that shit out.
    >> Mohey Pori !m0hEY/p0RI 02/23/10(Tue)10:26:05 No.7628396
    It's insanely simple, there is a very large difference between Female gamers and Gamers which happen to be female.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 02/23/10(Tue)10:27:09 No.7628404
    The only cool ones are the girls who rarely say anything.

    But it's a real pain in the ass to coax them into saying "nipaa!"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:27:13 No.7628405
    fucking casuals
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:27:25 No.7628406
    We have a board for video games you know... who am i kidding? This would launch a troll thread higher then the sun.
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 02/23/10(Tue)10:27:29 No.7628407

    This. Age plays a large role. When the jokes have been heard 1000 times, they lose their potency, and they stop getting made.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:27:41 No.7628408
    I agree. Fucking used to hate it on cs1.6 when some girl would join the server and she only had to speak on mic and everyone had their nose up her arse.

    Plus every guy on a server turns into a giant creep soon as a female joins. They start all this sexual innuendo crap and trying to look big/hard/funny/tough for the girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:28:28 No.7628413
    That's hardly the girl's fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:30:32 No.7628424

    They don't have to speak on the mic.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:30:41 No.7628426
    No one ever said it was.

    but most of the time they do egg this behaviour on, mainly because of a lack of attension in real life.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:30:57 No.7628427
    >implying that the sexual conditionment young males undergo isn't on account of females
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:31:07 No.7628428
    This is why I pretend to be a man when I play MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:31:26 No.7628432
    Bitches should stay out of brotopia.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:32:11 No.7628436

    FUCK YEAH! A truly brosome response from /r9k/'s assorted bros.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:34:18 No.7628445

    Bitches of arcanine, observe this female. She is a fine example of bro-approved behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:35:36 No.7628453
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 02/23/10(Tue)10:36:35 No.7628458

    Oh horseshit... You never cease to create an environment of false disdain which perpetuates the problems between genders in society. Is there anything you cant ruin?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:37:04 No.7628460
    But I just want to play the vidya with you. I rarely even go on mic, and even then it's just nervous giggles ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:37:13 No.7628463
    The collected forces of internet sarcasm can ruin anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:38:18 No.7628468
    Y-y-you can play vidya with me.... I-I-If you really w-w-want to...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:38:24 No.7628469
    Stay out of brotopia if you can't handle uncomfortable truths.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:39:07 No.7628473
    Really? That sounds nice, thankyou.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:40:09 No.7628480
    Well then try to suck less at it. And keep your whore mouth shut when men are talkin.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:40:17 No.7628481

    That's perfectly fine if you don't attentionwhore or abuse your position as a girl.

    I honestly don't mind girls talking on the mic if they stick to just saying actually informative things like "five guys at B", not something retarded like "I died, won't someone ress meeeeee" or the like.

    Girls can be bros too.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:40:20 No.7628482
    Simulating nervous stuttering by repeating letters when talking to females on the internet is also not allowed.

    Please remove yourself from brotopia.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:40:44 No.7628484

    it's never the girls fault, only the retards that egg them on.

    I joined my bf's clan's vent once because I was semi-interested in his game. nobody knew I was a chick til he started talking to me on there and I responded to him (albeit absentmindedly)

    next thing I hear is an influx of fucking retards going MAH PENIS, etc.

    like it's the boys club when it's only guys, but a girl says 'yeah hold on' and suddenly it's dicks all night?

    whenever there's a girl in an online game and she's actively talking to more than one person, it's guaranteed that some love-struck virgin is trying to get her info.

    it's fucking annoying, guys need to cut that shit out.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:40:55 No.7628485
    Now cs 1.6 is girls-free I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:41:38 No.7628493
    I used to chill in CS jailbreak servers at night, but there was this one really annoying female admin named Sakura, so obviously every other guy in the server told her that her shit didn't stink

    It'd just ruin the game, she'd free kill, abuse admin, do whatever she wanted and nobody would do shit

    Also on some Chinese MMO I used to play girls were generally the most annoying bitches on there. Kicked so many out of my guild cause they thought I gave a fuck that they were female
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:42:27 No.7628497
    Which is why I treat people equally regardless of gender. Unless you are an annoying cunt, bros included, then I will go out of my way etc etc
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:43:20 No.7628505
    >its never the girls fault

    Of course not, whore. Nothing is ever a girl's fault. GTFO you silly cumdumpster.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:43:44 No.7628506
    Yep. When I played WOW we only had 1 female in our guild and she was like, a 43 y/o bartender.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:43:50 No.7628508

    In the future, we will have technology that allows servers to filter players based on gender.

    The future of brotopia is secured.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:45:08 No.7628514
    that is fine

    hell, I'm dealing with some retard on steam now. I met him in a game of L4D2 wherein we kept repetitively failing (expert realism hurrrr), but I stuck around because I thought I was being fairly helpful, which I was. I started calling out SI on mic to help my teammates out and suddenly this guy realizes I'm a chick and spends like the next 2-3 days talking to me over steam, nagging me for voice chats, vent, if I had skype or a 360.

    blocked and removed from my list. I hate titty fanboys.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:45:53 No.7628520
    When I played wow, i got kicked out of a guild once because I called her character a "boomkin" and she got offended and started crying.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:46:38 No.7628525
    Seeing as the only practical way to do this would be to filter by voice pitch, I can't help but feel a little sorry for the women. They'd be forced to play with all of the preteen boys.

    The 12-year-old in me does not object to this, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:47:00 No.7628530

    Fun fact: She was faking it too.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:48:18 No.7628536

    I had some Swedish chick who had my best members wrapped around her little finger. If she wanted something to change guild related everybody, including my VLs, would stand behind her and just pressure me into doing shIT I'M THE FUCKING LEADER YOU COCKSUCKING FAGGOTS

    I stopped playing 3 months ago. I don't game online anymore. I just sit in my dimly lit room playing Oblivion and Fallout 3

    Fuck women
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:48:31 No.7628539
    I love people like that, white knight durrr hurrr
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:49:13 No.7628542

    The problem in this situation isn't actually the bitch, but the bro not being a bro, kicking another bro for the bitch.

    It would help a lot if bros didn't friendly-fire other bros by letting themselves be manipulated by bitches.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:50:17 No.7628551
    Another heart rending story of feminine aggression against bros. Let the hate build inside you brother.

    Tend it like a garden. Grow it. And then, when Brotopia arises unleash the FURY as a soldier of BROTOPIA
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:51:22 No.7628557
    >It would help a lot if bros didn't friendly-fire other bros by letting themselves be manipulated by bitches.

    This would fix the world.
    Fuck online gaming, this would fix the whole fucking world.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:51:29 No.7628558
    Actually I think you interpret everything as sexual related cause your aroused by the idea of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:52:01 No.7628561
    Part of the reason why I stopped pubbing and started being a compfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:52:07 No.7628562
    This Brotopia shit is about as refreshing as fucking my girlfriend in the ass while she has diarrhea.

    Forced as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:53:45 No.7628571
    I can't help but feel all of the BROTOPIA people are secretly gay. I know it probably isn't true, but why would you even joke about it?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:54:29 No.7628578
    I stopped online gaming so much when I just couldn't stand the fucking community

    These days I see bitches that annoy the fuck out of me plastering shit all over facebook about their KD ratio in Halos or their shitty Death Knight I don't give a fuck about cause I've never played WoW

    I just play Mount & Blade. Nobody can ruin that shit for me
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 02/23/10(Tue)10:54:32 No.7628579
         File1266940472.jpg-(340 KB, 1024x584, Riuthamus.jpg)
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    I was a regular on this TF2 server for months, and friends with the resident clanwhore (pyro, of course). I called her a nigger (she's white) and she went and BAWWWed to the server owner about it and got me b&.

    I appealed and won, but it was absolute bullshit. A few weeks after that she's all buddy-buddy again like nothing happened, and is now clanwhoring for another group.

    If I ever got the chance to summon the personal army, it'd be against the faggot son of a bitch server owner who did this shit.

    Pic related. Holdin' a fuckking grudge here.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:55:38 No.7628581
    Forced? So a whole group of people decide something is funny and it's a meme. But if you personally don't like it, it's forced?

    Go fuck yourself. GTFO of my Brotopia.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:55:59 No.7628583
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:56:39 No.7628585
    >I don't know how forced memes work

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:56:48 No.7628587
    Cumdumpster. GTFO of Brotopia.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:57:21 No.7628591
    Nah bro, the whole "forced meme" is a meme.
    Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:58:16 No.7628596
    >If I ever got the chance to summon the personal army
    >chance to summon the personal army
    >summon the personal army
    >personal army

    son, /b/ is that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:58:46 No.7628601
    Oh quit it with your forced meme baawing. Brotopia is here to stay. Why? Because bros find it amusing to troll cunts like you with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:00:48 No.7628621

    underage b& newfag, two things i hate in one. unless your a nigger, then three.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:00:49 No.7628622
    >implying any 4chan memes are here to stay
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:01:11 No.7628625
    Sorry, no. You think you're trolling, but it's sad to see you try so hard.

    I like how you think you're trolling despite not knowing what a forced meme is, THEN admitting to it.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:02:00 No.7628631
    >Implying I'm the same guy as earlier.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:02:31 No.7628635
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:03:10 No.7628639
         File1266940990.jpg-(6 KB, 283x104, dumb.jpg)
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    Not related to wimminz but a reason why I hate most of the gaming communities pretty much anywhere. Derp smoke weed erryday.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:03:29 No.7628644
    You are.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:03:46 No.7628646
    Well do they at least play? Cause it's worse when they just join a clan (On any fucking game) and do nothing.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:05:44 No.7628667
    Just play on a high enough level and I guarantee you won't meet many gurl gamers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:06:45 No.7628675
    Pretty sure at least a couple of the top-ranked Halo players are girls. Perhaps other games?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:06:57 No.7628677
    Female Gamers,

    What the fuck is your problem? I'm serious, I want to respect you but you make it so fucking difficult when every other thing that comes out of your mouth on 4chan is some obnoxious "pay attention to me, I play games!" comment.

    And I realize it's fucking every anonymiss on 4chan, and that a lot of guys are to blame for egging you on in a gamer thread or first-relation ship thread, but you girls always say something like "Because I'm not a lesbian." or "Well, I totally owned my Boyfriend at MW2. Yes I am a girl xD"

    No one gives a fuck you whores. Stop being such attention desperate sluts.

    Cut that shit out.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:08:24 No.7628689
    what do you mean "not many"
    Just say the truth. There are no girls in a competitive gaming environment.

    They simply can not perform on the same level as guys do. No matter how hard they try. I know a girl. She's been trying to get better at RTS and FPS for ages. No matter how hard she practices, she's still worse than the average guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:09:08 No.7628696

    This is why I don't speak to anyone but my friend's when I game online. Dumb ass women piss me off. If I'm on XBL I'm in a party with my friends. If I'm on PSN I strictly just talk to my friends. If I'm on WoW I don't really talk to anyone because I don't really know anyone on there. I hate attention whores.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:10:01 No.7628708


    See? This is the exact fucking thing I was talking about. They come in and make everyone know they are a fucking female.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:11:13 No.7628724
    >Look at girl's Steam profile
    >See "Yep, a girl that plays video games xD"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:11:21 No.7628728
    You know, I played WOW for about 4 months and never really noticed very many females.

    Maybe females all go on horde servers or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:11:49 No.7628734
    I've noticed a lot of the GRRL GAMERZ feel challenged by any other girls playing. Whenever one of them notices me it always seems to turn into "OH YEAH WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE GAMES I LIKE LOTS OF FPS AND RPG GAMES I BET YOU NEVER PLAY THOSE OTHER GIRLS NEVER PLAY THOSE BUT ME YOU SILLY CASUAL".
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 02/23/10(Tue)11:12:26 No.7628744

    Unless they're a Night Elf or a gnome with pink pigtails, pretty much all of the female avatars are actual women.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:12:28 No.7628746
    See, the thing is, it's impossible to identify someone as female without them actually saying they're female. So the only times you ever see someone you know is female is when they've said so themselves. This does not mean that every time a woman posts she does so claiming to be female. You just never know about them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:12:40 No.7628749
    Wow, guys, seriously. If you could have girls crawling all over you if you so much as spoke, wouldn't you speak frequently?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:13:08 No.7628753
    you asked for it
    that's all
    the reason for XD im a girl YES i play games
    is because us males are too fucking dumb to share
    and because of that we have started the impossible
    much like war, we are plagued with the female influenza
    they will continue to spread into every male hobby
    soon there will be female coders and programmers
    soon the world will be run by women
    do you see what happens when you shun them out?
    instead give them a false sense of security
    you give a bear a fish to appease him
    you do not kick it in the nads and tell it to flee
    if you do they will retaliate
    the women are retaliating using the easiest methods
    trolling us by simply letting us know they exist
    it will eventually stop, but only when we stop shunning
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:13:14 No.7628755
    I thought that was kinda a compliment cause they can cause a shitton of dmg with a starfire hence the "boom" part.
    OOMkin is something different though but crying for such a retarded reason is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:13:58 No.7628761
    As a male who plays non-hot female characters in games, I tend to disagree. Perhaps I'm biased.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:14:34 No.7628768
    but I don't want to welcome them

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:14:56 No.7628773
    >Unless they're a Night Elf or a gnome with pink pigtails

    Well that pretty much rules out the entire Alliance...
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 02/23/10(Tue)11:15:01 No.7628776

    People can learn each other's gender through reference. I can't think of a time where I heard someone casually say "Blahblah is a pretty good player, even if SHE rolls rogue" and thought "WOW I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A GIRL!!!1"

    They can't keep from announcing their gender long enough for shit like that to happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:16:40 No.7628787

    heh, a good point actually. the desperate virgins would for sure.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:18:03 No.7628801
    So you're one of those attention whore GRRRRRRRL gamers? You deserve to be shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:19:39 No.7628817
    Only if someone knows. Otherwise people just use the male pronouns, for convenience if nothing else.

    80% of the posts on r9k could be women and you would never know.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:21:06 No.7628834

    I'm on Alliance. And I'm in a guild. But the only person I talk to is my husband and one of his friends that he met on there. Oh and my cousin. I never run with anyone. Strictly solo.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:21:25 No.7628839
    Eh, as far as wow goes, I'll refer to any character that uses emotes as a "she" reguardless of what avatar is used.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:21:35 No.7628844
    I still say we are to blame cuz I mean we don't exactly go around shoving how interests in one-another's faces right? Girls don't exactly do it to one another.

    Get a girl that plays games? She's either okay and doesn't feel any need to brag or carry on a conversation mid-game, or she's the type of girl we despise, the one that carries on like being a human female is an endangered species, or she carries on some mundane conversation with some love-struck idiot.

    My sister is the former, sometimes she comes to my place for LAN parties or just in general to play on my console or PC. She made her own account on PSN, and since then when I occasionally login to her by accident, her mailbox is FILLED with desperate virgins pandering to her.

    All this girl does is play KZ2, and occasionally trash talk. It's funny, she's just like a dude, yet they all treat her like some girl that they have to wow online.

    It's fucking sickening, and I'm tired of it.

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