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  • File : 1266929134.png-(59 KB, 500x500, neighbor hood drawfag.png)
    59 KB Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)07:45:34 No.7627338  
    Hey /r9k/ It's me, Mandingo your friendly neighborhood drawfag. I'm not the best, but I would still like to draw for you if that's okay?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:46:51 No.7627349
    draw yourself sucking my cock
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:47:00 No.7627350
    I want Godzilla as a powerpuff girl fighting a gundam on the sun.
    >> anon 02/23/10(Tue)07:48:23 No.7627358
    Draw a rat fighting a spider please :)
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)07:50:42 No.7627371
         File1266929442.png-(42 KB, 500x500, cock sucking.png)
    42 KB
    Because I know this is what you meant Anon because you are PURE and Decent right?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:52:44 No.7627382
    Could you draw a sweet looking bear cuddling a kitten? :3
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:53:19 No.7627385

    you read my mind. i'll go and fap to that!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:54:16 No.7627390
    could you draw me a rat with a laser beam please?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:55:55 No.7627398
    Draw a really cute girl cuddling with a big fuzzy teddy bear please.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)07:59:17 No.7627414
    Isnt mandingo that black male porn star with the huge cock.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)07:59:29 No.7627416
         File1266929969.png-(97 KB, 500x500, godzira vrs boxdam.png)
    97 KB
    I like how this one came out, I hope you like it too my dear Anon~
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:04:30 No.7627446
         File1266930270.png-(38 KB, 500x500, rat and spider.png)
    38 KB
    I gave the rat a knife to make it a fair fight~
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:07:12 No.7627458
    I misread your name as Mandigo.
    >> Ronery !Fag.d7b/5E 02/23/10(Tue)08:07:38 No.7627463
    Draw a kitty with dark brown emo hair and a black hoodie?
    thnx in advance :]
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:08:20 No.7627471

    yes. i love to see him tear white bitches up
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:11:15 No.7627492
         File1266930675.png-(39 KB, 500x500, bear cat.png)
    39 KB
    I do believe bears are the sweetest creatures....except when you know...they are ripping ya apart.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:12:01 No.7627496
         File1266930721.png-(36 KB, 500x500, rat lazer.png)
    36 KB
    Now you can have an adorable rat, that shoots lasers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:13:05 No.7627501
    draw a hot guy

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:13:17 No.7627503
    how about a picture of a boy-crow and a girl-crow in love? =3 my girlfriend's favourite bird is the crow
    >> Corgylegs !Mb55.Hx76o 02/23/10(Tue)08:14:27 No.7627507
         File1266930867.jpg-(27 KB, 322x242, 19436044a3456415534b399009015l(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    draw me please as some sort of super hero fighting a gang of evil people (choice of what evil people is up to you!)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:15:25 No.7627519

    thank you <3
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:15:33 No.7627520
    it doesn't really suprises me that this wasn't original.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:16:28 No.7627527
    draw the cutest fucking COW that you can while it eats grass :3
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:17:40 No.7627543
         File1266931060.png-(50 KB, 500x500, leetle cute girl and beat.png)
    50 KB
    Here ya go~ A cute leetle girl child and a panda bear
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:21:28 No.7627561
    D'aww. Thank you. The panda was a good choice.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:24:12 No.7627569
         File1266931452.png-(54 KB, 500x500, emo cat.png)
    54 KB
    So it was an emo cat right...I think this is pretty emo without being to emo ya know
    >> Ronery !Fag.d7b/5E 02/23/10(Tue)08:26:01 No.7627585
    Yay :D
    tanks <3
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:27:32 No.7627595
    A black-haired girl with medium length hair kissing a brunette boy on the cheek, s'il vous plait. Oh, and if he could be blushing that would be fab-o
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:31:16 No.7627619
         File1266931876.png-(82 KB, 500x500, hot guy.png)
    82 KB
    You wanted a guy on fire right? I drew you a cute guy on fire~
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:33:27 No.7627635
    The fact that godzilla is wearing a little girl's dress gives it an extra kick.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:34:41 No.7627642
    mandingo can you pls draw like an 18th century "3 musketeers" style monarch, I like to indulge in these fantasies and that would help
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:36:28 No.7627656
    mandingo i love you, even if your name reminds me of the porn star and kinda weirds me out.
    please draw a friendly bear with a hat.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:39:08 No.7627668
    how about tony the tiger mauling a young child?
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:40:36 No.7627675
         File1266932436.png-(33 KB, 500x500, crows.png)
    33 KB
    I am sorry Crows are not my forte of birds say Hi to your Girlfriend for me
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:41:25 No.7627680
    can u draw a guy who lost his job today somethink funny? a cute girk that give me a hug
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:41:46 No.7627683
    Can I have a cute fox-eared girl wearing nothing but an oversized button down shirt? :3
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:42:51 No.7627688
    cute drawings, OP. i've got to leave soon, so i won't request anything, but nice job. :)
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:47:15 No.7627711
         File1266932835.png-(53 KB, 500x500, cow cute.png)
    53 KB
    If it's okay sir I'm a opt out of this one.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:47:19 No.7627712
    Mandingo is best tripfag
    >> Corgylegs !Mb55.Hx76o 02/23/10(Tue)08:47:56 No.7627716
    aww c'mon :'(
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:49:03 No.7627725
    that is a badass cow.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:49:34 No.7627727
    Can you come back to /tg/? Your last thread there was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:49:34 No.7627728
    Maybe if you hadn't been an annoying camwhore douche who did nothing but disgrace your tripcode, you'd get more love from 4chan. Quit whining and wait for the next drawfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:49:49 No.7627731
    That cow reminds me of that cow like creature from .hack/sign
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:49:49 No.7627732

    holy shit the sun looks so fucking happy
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:52:36 No.7627746
    mandingo do you like our ideas?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:53:32 No.7627751
    His love is shown in the work.

    He likes the cutsey fluffy things best, I think.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)08:53:53 No.7627752
         File1266933233.png-(82 KB, 500x500, couples couples.png)
    82 KB
    uM i Dun even know how to decribe this....please forgive me.
    >> Corgylegs !4tehcluLzU 02/23/10(Tue)08:53:58 No.7627755
    teach me to improve then Mr. Anon?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:54:45 No.7627758
    I was just playing some Starcraft while I was waiting for my request to be filled, and THANK YOUUUUUUU SO MUCH. You did a much better job than i thought possible...Man, I suck at drawing in comparison to you. Thanks alot, mandingo =)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:55:47 No.7627764
    do you keep an archive of all your drawings? can you upload them plox
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:57:10 No.7627776
    Could you perhaps draw a couple, boy and girl, who reach out to each other over a clif but just can't touch?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:58:03 No.7627782
    Oh gawd, that is the cutest thing ever. You're my favorite tripfag. IN THE WORLD.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:59:20 No.7627788
    Take the trip off, I don't care how much time it took to find and LURK THE FUCK MOAR.

    Also, when dealing with drawfags, PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DRAW. This dude isn't a superhero artist. He does cute and fluffy. Lurk /co/ for that type of drawfag shit. Your request was also too fucking vague to draw in the first place.

    Also, your pic is now going to be used in fake craigslist gay sex ads.

    Got that, noobcakes?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:59:28 No.7627790
    Can you draw me a picture of a guy with curly black hair kisssing a girl with long brown hairon the cheek? :)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)08:59:31 No.7627791
    draw your virginity being taken :3

    better if violently
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:10:00 No.7627849
         File1266934200.png-(92 KB, 500x500, flash.png)
    92 KB
    A repost because I probably could never capture this again.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:14:43 No.7627881
    Mandingo, Are you a cute black chick?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:15:05 No.7627884
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:16:00 No.7627889
    based on the name, I think Mandingo also has a XBOX HEUG penis as well.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:16:36 No.7627893
         File1266934596.png-(46 KB, 500x500, how dos i 18th century fashion.png)
    46 KB

    How do I 18th century Fashion clearly I am ahead of the times on this one
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:16:51 No.7627898
    A girl wearing overalls that are clearly too big hugging a horse.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:18:07 No.7627905
    Draw Guts from Berserk.
    If you don't know who he is, google, then draw, then shoot yourself
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:19:15 No.7627911
         File1266934755.png-(50 KB, 500x500, truth be.png)
    50 KB
    I wouldn't say cute...but I am kinda a small chubby black girl yes....
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:19:33 No.7627912
    meh I like it ^-^ I was actually thinking late 18th century anyway, I like the little details in your drawings that give them character, the closed fan might not seem like much but it really makes the image seem alive
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:21:08 No.7627917
    A cat with laser eyes with swords for legs flying from the explosive force of a lit fart.

    That is my request.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:22:51 No.7627928
         File1266934971.png-(27 KB, 500x500, friend bear.png)
    27 KB
    Nothing says friendly like a bear in a top hat....though I should have given him a monocle.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:23:52 No.7627931
    Draw you and velma from scooby doo making out.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:23:56 No.7627933
    I think drawing Griffith would be more suitable for Mandingo's style. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:24:49 No.7627936
    I think leaving out the monocle was a good choice, it would be like over-seasoning a dish.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:26:41 No.7627944
    I'd like you to draw me.

    Black girlie, short black hair, bunny ears and :3, if possible!
    >> 0112358! !hEpdoZ.tHU 02/23/10(Tue)09:26:51 No.7627945
    Monocle and friendly don't really seem to go hand in hand to me. I think it's wonderful as is.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:27:59 No.7627951
    i have a hardon for those big sweaters you wear Mandingo, and i like tanned girls.

    I think you know what i want....
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:28:37 No.7627955
         File1266935317.png-(78 KB, 500x500, tony the tiger.png)
    78 KB
    Never really trusted that tiger anyways...he's cereal cuts the roof of your mouth.
    Shit's not cash at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:28:45 No.7627956
    She ain't "tanned" she's a nigger. Which is much better. I love me some nigger twat.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:29:09 No.7627957
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:30:04 No.7627962
    Or even better. Griffith holding Casca.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:31:33 No.7627972

    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:33:52 No.7627989
         File1266935632.png-(55 KB, 500x500, don't give up hope.png)
    Don't worry Anon, the chances you will find a job is greatly improved thanks to my super awesome hug for you~
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:34:44 No.7627996
    Could you draw a cute girl wearing a baggy turtle neck sweater like in your original picture but with a bearded guy behind her hugging her. pleaseblox.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:35:57 No.7628006
    I knew those frosted flakes fueled steroid rage would come back to haunt us.
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:40:48 No.7628040
         File1266936048.png-(55 KB, 500x500, fox cick.png)
    55 KB
    Did some one say Fox earred girl with cop out for not drawing fox earred girl...oh alright.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:41:01 No.7628043
    so you're a cow with a wig on?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:44:14 No.7628065
    draw this ;_; >>7627944
    doesn't really have to be colored though
    the ears do!! grey lop (floppy) ears and pink insides! :3
    ohh, and glasses~
    >> Mandingo !!TUgiamEf7Ei 02/23/10(Tue)09:45:51 No.7628078
         File1266936351.png-(38 KB, 500x500, bye now.png)
    38 KB
    well's been fun...time for me to catch a little sleep before the sun comes completely up.
    Good night day shift /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:46:29 No.7628086
    Your drawings suck.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)09:47:06 No.7628089
    Aww. But thanks for all of your drawing, they are really cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:03:20 No.7628224
         File1266937400.jpg-(115 KB, 1000x768, r9k.jpg)
    115 KB

    Sorry for hijacking your thread Mandingo,
    here`s for anon
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:07:03 No.7628257

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:16:27 No.7628336
    What graphics tablet do you use?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)10:20:35 No.7628362
    thx a lot
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:28:48 No.7628922
    Jawesome, thanks Mandingo.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)11:42:56 No.7629039
    can you upload all your drawings up to now in a .rar

    I really like em

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