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    151 KB Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:46:01 No.7618957  
    " judge somebody by the content of what they are saying and not their user name and not their registration date. With identity the discussion is mostly revolving who is saying what and not what they are saying."

    This was the greatest quote in all of moot's spot on CNN.
    I've been on a few forums that require real photos of the people posting and it's as moot said.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:46:58 No.7618966
    On the other hand, it allows 14-year-olds to post as though they're real human beings.

    Overall it's a positive experience though I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:48:19 No.7618983
    I hate the forums were the postcount is below the avatars. It's like a credibility-meter for faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:48:26 No.7618986
    Moot - 1
    Tripfags - 0
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:48:56 No.7618994
    tripfags are okay by me on interest boards. if you know you can trust one tripfag's advice then you know who to believe if there are conflicting opinions.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:50:50 No.7619008
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:50:52 No.7619011
    l would like to stab you to deth. Hmmkay?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:51:21 No.7619019
    On a typical forum there's so much dick-riding and circlejerking it's unbearable. I've never gone back to a normal forum since coming to 4chan in '06.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:51:48 No.7619026
    He's right but sometimes it lends itself to people bullshitting about stuff they have no clue what they are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:53:13 No.7619038
    And that's where you judge them based on what they say
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:53:46 No.7619045

    Fact checking is hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:54:47 No.7619055
    Tripfags are nowhere close to being like registered users on a forum, because they can just drop the trip any time they like, use a different one or hand it over to someone else; and even if they don't, 4chan itself still doesn't keep track of their info. It's really not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:55:50 No.7619068
    >you judge somebody by the content of what they are saying and not their user name and not their registration date.
    To bad this doesn't happen on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:57:06 No.7619083
    true - but even 14yr olds might occationally need a chance to be taken seriously...

    even if 99% of everything posted on 4chan can be condenced into either "derp" "lulz" or "fap"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:57:16 No.7619086

    they do it just for the sake of trolling, though.
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/22/10(Mon)17:57:21 No.7619087
    Posting in a tripfag hate thread.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 02/22/10(Mon)17:59:46 No.7619122
    the problem is that being anonymous takes coherence out of long or winded discussions, if i'm debating someone i want to know(and i want them to know) who said what, when and how.

    that's why i tripfag i also do it to troll people who get all pissy about it.

    i doubt anyone on /r9k/ remembers my tripcode, and very few, if any, do so on /fit/ so i don't think my posts aren't being judged by their merit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:59:54 No.7619123
    No they do it because they think they are something special and want attention, be it good or bad, it is still attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:03:20 No.7619158
    You have point there tripfriend, I don't remember every tripfag I've seen, much less cared about whether they trip or not. I guess I'm too cool to give a shit.
    >> fineshoes !ErY2TknG0w 02/22/10(Mon)18:04:55 No.7619168
    Quit stealing my trip you fag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:05:59 No.7619176

    Troll tripfags I don't mind, because it makes them very easy to filter/ignore. I mean, if for some reason I see Kaiji or athens or Taiga, I know to just swing wide and ignore it.

    I can't stop the rest of 4chan from being retarded about them, but at least I don't have to watch.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:06:05 No.7619177
    There's one girl who trip posts here and I'm saving every picture and post she makes and building a profile. It's lots of fun. Unfortunately she's only around every couple of weekends.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:07:45 No.7619190

    Which tripfag?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:08:16 No.7619199
    double edged sword. while anonymity leads to more 'honest' responses, some people see it as carte blanche to act like a complete ass
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:11:58 No.7619240
    It's not important. Let's just say she's beautiful, level headed and career minded with a strong self assured personality.

    I love her.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:12:35 No.7619247
    Now only if every tripfag that comes here actually thought that...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:13:31 No.7619253

    think I know who you're talking about but let's leave it at that.

    good call
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:14:17 No.7619263
    ...can't you just show us a collage of what you compiled so far?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:15:01 No.7619271
    The best part was moot's face after the Myspace comment. I seriously lol'd at that.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:17:35 No.7619290
    How about an Internet forum where everyone's username is a twenty-digit long series of numbers? Just enough idenification to permit long-term discussion, but not enough that it allows for large amounts of individuality.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:17:59 No.7619297
    Is there a streaming video of this anywheres?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:21:06 No.7619330
    oh god you idio theres even a sticky in r9k with the videolink to it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:29:42 No.7619438
    Im actually surprised at how much useful information and fairly good discussion there is on this niggerboard.

    Especially since anonymity is paired with such a large extent of freedom to post more or less whatever you want.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:33:21 No.7619481
    yeah and on some boards that are really on topic, you get some fantastic discussion that's extremely open without the "reputation" factor of other forums.
    plus you get /rs/es of recent shows you would have missed otherwise or comics or trailers or whatever and you can start a thread about something insignificant like "HOLY BALLS DID YOU SEE THIS NEW TRAILER?" and not worry, becuase in a day or so the thread'll be gone and you don't have to worry about wondering if it's worth creating a thread that'll stay on the front page of another forum for a week or more.

    4chan is better, I like 4chan.

    how about none at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:34:54 No.7619498
    I hate the bulk of /r9k/.

    For a month now the facebook/camwhoring threads have been fired off like gun salutes, once an hour, every hour.

    moot describes the faggotry of identity online and suddenly everyone is all about, "moot, our hero! We like the same stuff. We should be friends. Call me. Kthx."

    Nobody sees the irony.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:41:32 No.7619572
    Only works for Eurofags.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:42:00 No.7619576
    The problem here is that you are "debating" online, you will now begin to breath manually, and you realize your life has no meaning.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:45:59 No.7619613
    beautiful. such beauty. i've been on 4chan for 4/5 years now, and i have no identity. Sometimes I am fucking hilarious, starting threads with tons of posts and archive, coordinating it effortlessly. Sometimes I am hounded and hated because I made an incredibly shitty post. But the thing is, every new post was a fresh start. On IRC forums, even if you made a shit post, you could be glorified because of your 'join status' or previous feats. The same for shitty users who make occasional good posts- they're still looked down upon.

    anonymity is awesome. Nishimura, moot, etc. = pioneers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:47:45 No.7619636
    that's the point of tripfagging, it's to prevent impersonation during debates/etc.

    however, in most cases, people prefer to be anonymous
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)18:49:49 No.7619653
    but most of those camwhore/facebook posts, unless they have trips, have a 'real' identity. someone could post a timestamp in one post, then post as anonymous again in another thread. that one timestamp post carries no identity other than, "hey, this guy posts on 4chan". But the other post labeled 'anonymous' around him? They could be him, or they could be someone else. They could be anyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:13:32 No.7619874
    I realize everyone has some sort of 'real' identity. However, when the 4chan tubes are gummed up with non-stop proxy identity, "check out my OKC profile, here's my picture, etc..." it cheapens the value of anonymous. There is something unique and worth fighting for about everyone having a flat and fair "non-identity" to discuss practically anything.

    It goes back to moot's words; the message is what is important, not the messenger.
    >> NLO !NAMdiwz0Sw 02/22/10(Mon)19:32:44 No.7620115

    This is why I trip, as well. However, I post a lot more without it. You guys just never know.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:36:41 No.7620159
    >" judge somebody by the content of what they are saying and not their user name and not their registration date. With identity the discussion is mostly revolving who is saying what and not what they are saying."
    This is a great idea on a website with very active moderation and strictly enforced but reasonable rules (like no blatant trolling or racism). 4chan is not that website.
    See the John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:42:01 No.7620216
         File1266885721.jpg-(59 KB, 152x161, Dave+Mustaine+D.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:51:26 No.7620314
    So does anyone have a link to the CNN video that can actually be viewed in the US?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:56:19 No.7620363
    This. Please.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)19:57:39 No.7620378
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:13:39 No.7620555
    -annoyed grunt-
    lazy cunts
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:18:32 No.7620615
    Am I the only one who always finds a disparity between how moot looks and how he sounds? Like his voice doesn't fit his face?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:18:36 No.7620618




    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:23:39 No.7620688
    moot owns

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:25:56 No.7620721
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:26:09 No.7620727
    Yeah. It's the only reason I come here, and wade through the idiocy, the trolling, the useless "tell me something about yourself that no one else will bother to read" threads, and the endless reaction images, implying, and porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:31:22 No.7620810
    Yeah I always suspected he would have a much deeper tone, rather than that 17 years old scene kid voice. Before anyone responds just picture it;moots voice on the body of a 17 year old scene kid
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:37:10 No.7620897
    moot is fighting for our privacy
    btw my ssn is 1241352
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:38:51 No.7620913
    had no idea moot was from astoria
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/22/10(Mon)20:40:53 No.7620951
    While anonymity is a dual edged sword, in most cases in the threads I've seen on 4chan, especially on /r9k/, you can be truly honest about something you know without fear or retaliation. While you have the risk of experiencing racist or prejudicial replies, you can counter and challenge those users without fear of exposing your identity.

    However for some topics that are not covered under 4chan I do still visit those forums. But these days I go to 4chan and sometimes other imageboards more often.

    As for some of the comments I heard around 4chan especially on /b/, being the potential of the evolution of social networking. It may make sense.

    I'll give you two examples: In a discussion for an Xbox Live enabled game, if you want to play together, you can giveout your gametags in that thread and the thread eventually gets pruned a few hours or a half hour later.

    Or for a meetup, you give out information that is minimally absolutely need for further planning the the meetup like a aim username or skype number. Then when the meetup actually happens, you can exchange the real information like your real names at the actual meetup, not on the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:42:52 No.7620980
    shit, college park
    JHUfag here
    hows it going
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:43:59 No.7620993
    that's why I post on 4chan... I have not reached the stage where I need to make myself a name on the net. I think that is pitiful
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:48:37 No.7621038

    great quote, those liberal half breed faggots at CNN eat that shit up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:52:40 No.7621084
    4chan is a haven
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)20:52:44 No.7621086
    Yeah, new ideas and sociotechnological (I just made that up, but I like it) progress are fucking worthless liberal bullshit.

    The only good actual internet community I've been a part of was an imageboard based on the vidya and the internet and stupid inside jokes where most people use names. It had the same carefree, lax-rules attitude as 4chan but with the rules actually enforced and a real sense of community.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/22/10(Mon)21:34:01 No.7621666
    Doing OK. I'm currently finishing the Grapes of Wraith. A good book.

    My aim is Jkid232 if you want to chat.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)22:44:54 No.7622564
    Do you have the link of that imageboard you're talking about?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)03:04:30 No.7625320
    I use a script for forced-anon. I think it's silly to tripfag. Namefagging is ok I guess if you're OP in some cases. Other than that, it's all just e-penis on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)03:08:27 No.7625350
    It's a good quote, but moot stole it from Shii.
    >> Morshu !RupeesGxy2 02/23/10(Tue)03:14:15 No.7625398
    Haters gonna hate.

    Heh heh heh
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)03:33:54 No.7625581
    stolen from the founder of 2ch, Hiroyuki Nishimura:

    "... Moreover, people can only truly discuss something when they don't know each other. If there is a user ID attached to a user, a discussion tends to become a criticizing game. On the other hand, under the anonymous system, even though your opinion/information is criticized, you don't know with whom to be upset.

    Also with a user ID, those who participate in the site for a long time tend to have authority, and it becomes difficult for a user to disagree with them. Under a perfectly anonymous system, you can say, "it's boring," if it is actually boring. All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work. "
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)03:54:59 No.7625795
    Imagine a world where people judge others based on the content of their character rather than their possessions.

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