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  • File : 1266868016.jpg-(43 KB, 642x641, unagi.jpg)
    43 KB ITT Slice of Life Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:46:56 No.7616792  
    Post the time where you're at and what you just did and/or thought about within the last 10 minutes.

    >Just finished fapping to the thought of some Polynesian chick I banged I when I was in college.
    >Got up to wash my hands.
    >Noticed mosquito bite on my upper arm.
    >Got work tomorrow, need to be up by 6:45am.
    >Only four hours left.
    >Should probably sleep.
    >Took a nap in the afternoon, should help.
    >Start thread about it.
    >Mosquito bite doesn't itch anymore.
    >Took too long looking for a pic
    >Changing line from "last 5 minutes" to "last 10 minutes"
    >inb4 404
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:50:59 No.7616824
    19:49 pm
    just finished fapping to some chick i imprisoned on my star cruiser
    got some bitch to clean my rolls
    noticed ninth chin growing
    got to talk to some wookie at 8 tomorow
    should probably execute some bounty hunters
    killed that guy earlier, should help
    responded to a disturbance in the force
    posted on my pc
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:52:14 No.7616836
    are you guys twitters ?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:52:30 No.7616837
    20:52 pm
    sitting at living room table in my apartment
    browsed r9k

    Really dude, 10 minutes? You honestly think 99% of the non-fake replies will be different from mine?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:54:45 No.7616861
    >1:52 PM
    >woke up in a panic, thinking it was 4:30
    >felt slightly better, I guess
    >checked for email about meeting with the Dean.
    >checked Hetalia fanart thread in /cm/ for new Olympics fanart.
    >posted in a /lit/ thread about marking pages in books
    >thought about writing my paper
    >turned on the fan because my room is slightly warm and the air doesn't move around much.
    >found this thread.
    >thought about hanging posters/drawings instead
    >posted this because I'm naked, lazy, and my leg hurts.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:56:21 No.7616877
         File1266868581.jpg-(39 KB, 410x296, tiny and friends.jpg)
    39 KB
    >Took maple pecan scones from oven
    >Heated up tea
    >Took bite of scone
    >Flavorless and terrible, pig disgusting
    >Dumped out tea and threw away scones, got a glass of pop
    >Settled into recliner with laptop
    >Got on /r9k/ and shit is fun)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:57:07 No.7616883
    >8:44 pm
    >hang up on friend on skype to talk to girl
    >girl is busy, can't talk
    >finish my part of the project, send to said friend
    >8:55 pm
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:57:28 No.7616887
    fucking Hutts.
    took forever to get my appointment over with.
    thinking I should braid my hair into something, tired of just letting it hang there.
    might be a good idea to go get groomed at one of those nice spas I hear about from farther in the galaxy.
    wish I didn't get the stinking feeling that Hutt put a hit out on me.
    got to go meet with a bounty hunter now.
    posted from my phone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:57:40 No.7616889
    Strong wind.
    Dust flowing through apartment.
    Close all windows, go to balcony (lol at the word).
    Sweet ass wind everywhere.
    Kung Fu academy across the road opens doors, master's son walks out and greets me
    Starts raining.
    Go back and see this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:58:39 No.7616901
    >8:58 pm
    >just bought cleaner to clean my drain
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:59:34 No.7616912
    10 minutes and only that crossed your mind? You are really slow.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)14:59:36 No.7616913
    20:59 and i just got home from ki-box
    >> QuoteAndCurly !fIV3r.MVEE 02/22/10(Mon)15:00:28 No.7616924
    11:55 AM

    Just got home from walking downtown and riding the train back, no reason, just enjoying the weather and grabbing a tea/smoke.

    Right now I'm drinking a Pepsi, listening to some recordings of live shows, and hopefully writing some musics while going over some things for band practice tomorrow.

    I've thought about
    >Making rent/bills
    >Plans now that I have steady unemployment income
    >If I should shower
    >If there is anything happening on a Monday
    >Throw in some thinking about my ex
    >This Pepsi is delicious
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:00:55 No.7616929
    >2:59 PM
    >The chemo seems to be working
    >not only is there no more get faggotry, but most of the small-fry boring shitty underageb& trolls have left, leaving room for the good/entertaining ones
    >had an intelligent political discussion on /b/ where everyone learned things
    >this cigarette tastes awesome
    >maybe I'm just being overoptimistic but /b/ really does seem a lot better, but let's see what happens when school gets out and the underageb& comes in
    >thanks for the chemo moot, you faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:04:46 No.7616969
    >took a shower. Man I smell nice. Man my hair feels smooth. I kind of need a haircut though
    >hmm. Once again I am browsing the internet in hopes of being minorly entertained for a while
    >I should probably do homework
    >oh look. Robot9000. That might be better than browing through stupid /b/.
    >hmm. A going back in time thread. Very interesting. I wonder how I would react if I was actually chosen to go back 5 years. I am not sure how I would feel about that.
    > it would seem I've made a post about some decisions I would make
    > I hear my brother coming upstairs. I should open something so that he doesn't have to witness me being on this site
    >playing Bridge building Game. I'm going into civil engineering, and this might be the kind of thing I do. It was a smart move downloading this game.
    >replying to "last 10 mins" thread
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:09:16 No.7617002
         File1266869356.jpg-(49 KB, 640x500, Y_NFA_IS_DILDOS.jpg)
    49 KB
    last 10 minutes

    -take care of business
    -i really have to shit atm
    -my lunch is giving me a stomache ache
    -took a benzo and listened to "The Boxer" while browsing /k/
    -2 minute reflection while staring out the window. This reflection regarded my hatred of humanity, and if Ill have to kill myself in the future. It only lasted two minutes because the conclusion is always the same: best to wait a little longer because its irreversible.

    and i ask myself THE QUESTION as I browse /r9k/, readying the next bowl:

    What am I going to do? For a second I imagine a grandiose fantasy life. All I need to do is open my eyes to realize hell is all around me. I want a home. I dont want to ever come back.

    Oh look its almost the high point of my day. 3:13, the king of time is about to stop by to smoke with me. He can only stay for a minute or so
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:49:24 No.7617501
    1:44 PM
    Surfing /r9k/ live; /r9k/, /lit/ and /new/ in archive
    Have a cold or some shit. Struggling to breathe out of my right nostril, coughing up a lot of phlegm
    Naked, covered by a blanket from my girlfriend
    Mother's talking to me, asking me what I want to eat while she's out for the next four hours because I'm a six-year-old latchkey kid
    Cat's trying to jump into my lap
    He has succeeded and now sneezed on my hand
    Said, "ewwww!"
    Looking out the window like the deep thinker I am
    My mother gave me a bag of baby carrots
    Cat is kneading me. I need to cut his nails
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:52:56 No.7617553
    >2:45 PM
    >Where am I? In a hotel room.
    >Why am I in a hotel room?
    >I don't know.
    >Why am I in the bathroom with a bottle of wine?
    >I don't know
    >I set down the wine and go to the closet.
    >I open it and see a man half beaten to death with duct tape on his mouth.
    >Who beat you up? I ask him
    >You, he says.
    >Oh, I reply and put the tape back on and close the closet.
    >2:48 PM
    >I go to the kitchen to make a note of the man in the closet.
    >2:50 PM
    >Why am I in a hotel?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:53:36 No.7617565
    >I came home from college a few hours ago (its almost 4pm)
    >I slept from 4am 630 am last night
    >surprisingly im not tired
    >i plan to sit in front of my computer for another 6+ hours
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:56:14 No.7617594

    Best short story ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)15:56:34 No.7617599
    >talking about the date tomorrow with gf at msn
    >smoke cigarette
    >msn some more
    >listen to G'N'R during the process
    >log off msn
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:01:29 No.7617657
    15:00 blocks
    Just walked from the gym back to work, and today is the first day it's been warm enough to do that in a tshirt (YEAH 40 DEGREES SOME BALMY SHIT)
    Ran 5 miles
    Did a shitton of cardio and endurance training
    Still weigh under 150 lbs at 6' tall and getting motherfucking ripped so far
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:03:17 No.7617677
    >Still weigh under 150 lbs at 6' tall
    Ugh. Sorry, bro.Have you ever considered eating something? I heard it works on people with your condition.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:03:54 No.7617687
    >1:02 p.m.
    >being hungover
    >debating getting stoned to counteract the hangover
    >debating whether to fap or play vidya or go back to bed
    >staring at my laptop
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:05:04 No.7617706
    nice reference.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:05:16 No.7617712

    >150 lbs
    >6' tall

    That's gross man. Do you look like an alien? I know this really skinny tall guy, he looks like an alien.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:07:16 No.7617732
    I fucking love Memento.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:12:55 No.7617786
    It's what always comes to mind when I see greentext threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:17:43 No.7617834


    im 6'1 130 lbs

    all muscle. I can do 30 pullups, 150 pushups without it being a big deal.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:18:24 No.7617841
    >150 lbs
    >6' tall

    Yeah..... I'm from /fit/, and i can tell you right now that you're NOT ripped, you're a skinny little bitch who probably looks like a holocaust survivor. PROTIP: low bodyfat=/=ripped
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:18:31 No.7617845
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:19:36 No.7617859
    >150 pushups

    that's because you weigh nothing. How much do you squat? I'm guessing it's extremely little, because you're a skinny motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:19:44 No.7617861
    >I'm from /fit/, and i can tell you right now that you're NOT ripped

    Oh christ, i just snotted
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:20:12 No.7617866
    No downloads, no viruses
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:23:20 No.7617905
    >Friends just left
    >I have to write that paper. I have to write that paper.
    >But I've worked hard all day, I could use a break.
    >What can I do?
    >Of course! Olympics!
    >Boring sport is on.
    >Switch TV off.
    >Sit my ass in front of the computer.
    >Let's go to my inbox! Oh, no new e-mails? Fine.
    >Maybe somebody texted me. Nope. No text messages.
    >Whatever, It's not like I want people to remember I exist.
    >Checked /cm/ for Hetalia pictures like Anon before me.
    >Went to /lit/ but there's only bad trolling.
    >Came to /r9k/ and started typing this.
    >I need to do that paper. I need to do that paper!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:28:04 No.7617962
    >decide to lay on the other end of the bed so I can look out the window
    >reflect on how much I fucking hate college
    >browse /r9k/, pick out interesting threads
    >ponder getting up to get a drink, reject option as too much work
    >stare out window
    >cloudy today
    >wish it would snow
    >hope about something going well
    >wonder if I'm being humored
    >read chat log
    >stare out window
    >return to browsing /r9k/
    >> ~4:20PM Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:31:27 No.7618002
         File1266874287.jpg-(8 KB, 126x141, smoke weed every day.jpg)
    8 KB
    I've been awake a bit over 2 hours and I've barely just gotten out of bed.
    I wonder what Zoe is doing, she's probably just recently out of school.
    What I should have said was "When I said 'I need you', well, of course I don't need you in order to continue living or anything like that, but, to be happy in the foreseeable future, I need you"
    Should I even bring it up again?
    Man, sure is crazy what we're doing. 10 year age difference, oh boy.
    Those leftovers should be done heating up by now.
    Goodness, that chicken released a lot of oil.
    This is probably going to be what I eat this whole day.
    Oh, hey, there's that avocado, fuck yeah.
    I better get off 4chan and apply for jobs until I can't look at another trite personality test question.
    God, my stomach hurts.
    Oh, I still have this thread open, why not post.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:32:45 No.7618021
    it's awesome!!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:33:28 No.7618027
    -read a thread on r9k about cutting ones self, lol
    -bite off middle finger nail and chew it

    -realise that i have a scarf tied round my head and i look like a twat, leave it on there

    -unmute the television and stare blankly at Gavin and Stacey, feel mildly amused

    -check belly button piercing, realised it's quite infected, grimance

    - boyfriend tells you that his penis is big, reply with "well i guess it's anywhere between three and twelve inches" find myself funny.

    - twang finger nail in teeth

    - read this thread, post in it.


    done done done.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:34:32 No.7618050

    oh i see i posted that 2 minutes early..
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:35:19 No.7618060
    4:34 pm
    >>play TF2 with friend
    >> friend leaves for class
    >>get ready for work
    >>browse 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:41:54 No.7618167
    >just got out of a shower
    >fucking water was cold
    >still feel like shit
    >get some doritos
    >fuck yeah, cool original!
    >open pack
    >what the fuck, there's only a spoonful in there
    >feels bad man
    >check email, nothing
    >go on msn, no-one is on
    >probably just go to bed now
    >well, after i fap
    >download generic porno
    >waiting for it to finish as i write this
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:43:40 No.7618196
    >made a legit thread on r9k
    >waiting for replies
    >watching tom n jerry
    >thinking bout my girlfriend
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:47:13 No.7618253
    >3:46 PM
    >Came from store
    >took off shoes
    >took a dump
    >brewed some tea and drinking
    >lulzing at 4chan
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:49:45 No.7618281

    >the following takes place between 2:40pm and 2:50pm. Events occur in real time
    >"Chloe, have you found out who Vladimer's buyer was?"
    >"no, i need more time!"
    >random phone call
    >*Russian voice* "Hello Jack"
    >"Who are you?"
    >"Who i am is not important, what i can give you is, meet me in Central park in 5 minutess"
    >"Chloe, trace my call, I'm going dark"
    >arrive at central park
    >ambush, give up
    >they take phone and break it
    >get kidnapped and taken to an apartment in Queens
    >kill everyone, interrogate last suspect
    >"Vlad's buyer is..... is....."
    >post on /r9k/ while waiting on the rest of CTU
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:52:23 No.7618309
    >2:50 PM
    >Just finished jerking off
    >Going to go outside and enjoy the weather for a bit before I have to get ready for work
    >Also, need a smoke
    >And something to drink
    >Press submit
    >Close Firefox
    >Put computer to sleep

    >No, wait, setting some torrents up to download while I'm at work first
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:54:42 No.7618334
    4:52 pm
    >I wonder who'll be at the concert Wednesday night
    >Have I studied enough for this test?
    >I guess I'll study s'more for this test.
    >What time should I wake up tomorrow?
    >I don't think I've made enough progress on my part of this group project. Maybe I should wake up even earlier so I have more to show everyone tomorrow.
    >Man, there is so much snow.
    >I wish school was cancelled.
    >I don't want to take this test tonight.
    >I don't want to go to work tonight.
    >Ugh. Do I really have to train some 63 year old lady to replace me?
    >This band is so good.
    >I can't wait to see them Friday.
    >I want a corgi.
    >I should be studying instead of worrying.
    >Everything'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)16:59:04 No.7618388

    Slightly bored, browsing /r9k/.
    Contemplating masterbation out of sheer boredom.
    Can't decide if in the mood to go for it or not.
    Watching Project Runway online.
    Make post on Tumblr.
    More Project Runway.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:04:33 No.7618468
    3:01 PM
    >Need to change the laundry over to the dryer
    >Gotta find my notes on where my test is
    >Stressing out, stressing out, stressing out
    >Do I really have to go home tonight? I don't want to deal with dad.
    >God I feel sick
    >I wish I had studied more for my Chemistry test
    >Guess my chances of medical school are blown on the first test.
    >Only a half hour till I need to leave.
    >Ugggh I wish the Chem test was next weeeek.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:08:05 No.7618524
    What do you want, I've been on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:09:09 No.7618538
    >thinking bout girlfriend
    >messed up earlier
    >should study
    >thinking about studying
    >worrying about my fat roll
    >want to get fucking rid of it
    >thinking about eating some healthy food
    >dont have any
    >eat junk food
    >stressing out
    >have to pee
    >dont wanna get up
    >get text
    >from twitter
    >watch cartoons
    >hee hee
    >want to get ripped
    >think about doing some pushups right now
    >chips bag not empty
    >wont work out til its empty
    >empty chips bag
    >think bout working out now
    >would be a good idea
    >> NLO !NAMdiwz0Sw 02/22/10(Mon)17:12:37 No.7618567
    >Finished talking to my sis over Skype about stuff
    >Grabbed a handful of chips from friend down the hall and ate them as I walked to the bathroom
    >Took a leak
    >Walked back thinking about homework
    >Searched for some torrents
    >Clicked on /r9k/
    >Saw this topic
    >Thought, what the hell.
    >Typed up all that shit ^

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:15:40 No.7618607
    >Just had a session of Bioshock 2, it's alright not really into it just yet.
    >Browsed /sp/ before getting here to see if the curling had started
    >Had a little bit of Milka chocolate, reminds me of Europe, only got a little bit left so have to ration it.
    >Probably going to move to a warmer room, my mouse hand is cold as I can't rub my balls with it to keep warm and browse efficiently
    >Saw this thread
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:18:37 No.7618644
    >do some drawing.
    >get bored because reflections are too hard
    >feel really tired but it is only 10:16
    >put on kettle for cup of coffee
    >look through fridge
    >no food
    >finish making coffee
    >back to computer
    >girl tells me she is masturbating

    what do.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:19:44 No.7618656
    tell her now you are too
    ask for pics or webcam
    >> Loserbernd 02/22/10(Mon)17:20:14 No.7618665
    23:19 here

    Was watching the Skijumping Teamcompetition of the Wintergames a few hours ago.
    And now surfing news of it and discussing it in forums.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:21:12 No.7618678
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:23:01 No.7618702
    LMAO I noticed this, too. I was like "ahhh...haha."
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:23:30 No.7618710
    >4:21 pm
    >had a cookie
    >had a different cookie
    >hated myself for eating junk
    >came to bedroom
    >checked phone (1 new message)
    >wondered if she'll ask about me
    >needing to go to the gym again
    >dreading work tonight
    >missing out on fajita night with friends
    >hoping tomorrow is good
    >hoping she'll join us for dinner
    >needing to study
    >put dinner in oven
    >submit post
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:24:24 No.7618723
    >Spent the last 20 minutes in Flash trying my damnedest do get it to work like I want it to
    >Realise that nobody will read anything I post.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:26:14 No.7618745
    >oh this curling is boring, im going to have some pepsi
    >heres my pepsi, i'll use the cola class because it's bigger
    >yeah curling is still boring, i'll go in my room
    >oh people are talking on the xbox mic
    >oh they've gone
    >huh people are talking on steam chat
    >i should restart my music
    >oh lets see how far my torrent is along
    >oh sether is back online
    >ooh look a thread asking what i thought in the past 10 minutes
    >what did i think about in the last 10 minutes..
    >heh pepsi in a coke class, thats not right
    >and thats everything i've done
    >time to press submit
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:28:43 No.7618777

    I read it. Try taking a break for 10 minutes, away from the computer preferably, then come back and have another go/look at it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:29:33 No.7618786
    love that movie
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:32:40 No.7618820
    >Just fapped to some 'romantic' porn. Not my thing, but I was in the mood for some missionary position
    >Lit a cigarette, burnt my thumb
    >smoking cigarette
    >Thought about banging some chick that I had a thing with a year back. She's down, but has a boyfriend
    >opened phone
    >no messages
    >considered calling in sick from work today, but decided against it
    >need drugs in system
    >enter key
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:33:35 No.7618830
    5:33 pm EST
    -went downstairs to use restroom, washed hands. checked shoulders to see how $13 bar of soap is working. thought about body issues
    -smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. looks like roast chicken and vegetables tonight. Can't wait.
    -returned to my computer upstairs. peeked at AIM list. No one was online. Considered messaging two people who I mostly cut out of my life next time I see them online.
    -checked on a few threads from other boards I have tabbed.
    -thought about crossdressing and taking hormones. come to conclusion it is impossible to get hormones in my current situation
    -turned on some music, got cozy by my window seat and looked outside
    -hit the bowl twice
    -return to browsing /adv/, /r9k/, and /tg/
    -found this thread
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)17:34:58 No.7618843
    >0030 hours
    >play Pro Evolution Soccer 2010: Be a legend mode
    >watch Lost 3x17 at the same time
    >piss break
    >think about making thread about the pleasure of pissing
    >scrub my manly hands
    >come here
    >see this thread
    >start writing
    >realise it's pointless
    >post anyway
    >at the last moment change the e-mail field to 'sage'
    >click submit

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