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  • File : 1266795353.jpg-(365 KB, 1920x1200, 1260829016715.jpg)
    365 KB Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)18:35:53 No.7606198  
    The United States of America is fucked.

    Seriously, fucked.

    This is a country with a shit reputation in the international community with a government as corrupt as the worst kind of evil dictatorship there is. The worst part is, the typical American doesn't even know it.

    These people live in a country where there are little loopholes in the laws that can allow some greedy, private company take someone's private possessions and re-sell it for no apparent reason. Some guy had to bulldoze and destroy his own $250k house just so he wouldn't have to give it up to some shitty bank that was looking to get their greedy fucking hands all over it, even though he never missed a payment on it. And the government doesn't do shit about it.

    Instead, the government is worrying about whether or not to label innocent people as criminals. People who look at certain kinds of pornography on the internet, or engage in sexual acts with other consenting adults is illegal here. Or other things that have absolutely nothing to do with protecting the people of the country.

    Or they will spend all its taxpayer money on shit the taxpayers don't want it spent on. What American reading this can honestly say they wanted their money to go to funding an illegal war, or going to a place that isn't going to give back to this country as a whole, such as throwing money at the deficit to see if it shrinks?

    All the politicians are sitting around rattling about shit they shouldn't be rattling about because there are much larger issues to be dealt with. Kind of like how a lot of your freedoms are being taken away.

    Pretty soon this government is going to be telling you what you can and can not browse over the internet, simply because they don't find it morally just. As soon as the laws come into effect that have nothing to do with protecting American citizens, you'll know when this country has finally toppled over on it's big, fat ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)18:41:58 No.7606300
    Give me a tl;dr I was watching a Nic Cage movie
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)18:46:45 No.7606372
    >such as throwing money at the deficit to see if it shrinks

    That's kind of actually how the trend is starting to turn. I agree with the rest of your post.

    Tyranny by oligopolist corporations is still tyranny.
    Corruption in the influential is still corruption.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:34:16 No.7606921
    And no one seems to give a shit.

    I don't care anymore. When your government collapses on you guys, and you're forced into living how the government wants you to live, then be my guest.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:35:43 No.7606942
    hey guys let me know when you get out of high school
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:38:09 No.7606970
    You can take away my home
    You can take away my money
    You can take away my religion

    BUT YOU CANT TAKE MY 4chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> herakles 02/21/10(Sun)19:39:47 No.7606995
    >with a government as corrupt as the worst kind of evil dictatorship there is

    stopped reading there

    should probably have stopped reading after

    >Seriously, fucked.

    you're a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:40:31 No.7607000
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:41:01 No.7607006
    force corporate interests to suck a fat cock and have the government do its job.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:41:41 No.7607012
    typical patriotic american response
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:42:01 No.7607018
    How ironic, you are still in high school yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:42:44 No.7607027
    well, I'm not too worried about my freedoms. They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:42:51 No.7607029
    highschool samefag
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/21/10(Sun)19:43:06 No.7607036
    hurrr complaining is adolescent

    you know, "simply stating the bad/unfavourable truth" does not equal complaining. If you got fucked in the ass by a bear i'm sure you would complain.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:46:08 No.7607075
         File1266799568.jpg-(19 KB, 400x298, 1259059716003.jpg)
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    wait, do Americans still ACTUALLY believe this?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:53:30 No.7607192
    hear that?

    it's the shamed silence of Americans who know it to be true
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:54:32 No.7607212

    >>Implying the same isn't true for most Western nations, if not most nations in general
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:54:33 No.7607213

    using words like "oligopolist" doesn't demonstrate your intellect; instead it just shows that you're a pretentious fuckwad.


    >Pretty soon this government is going to be telling you what you can and can not browse over the internet, simply because they don't find it morally just

    a cursory study of trends in american history actually shows a shift towards social liberalization. examples include civil rights, women's rights, the sexual revolution, even gay rights (although that's in progress). while interpretation of the constitution affords states the right to enforce morality, in practice we actually are seeing MUCH less governmental (either federal or state-level) interference with morality.

    additionally i suspect that the government is much more interested in controlling and observing the internet for purposes of national security, not whatever kind of weird big-brother voyeurism people like to imagine they are subject to.

    >Kind of like how a lot of your freedoms are being taken away.

    dude the way it works is that freedoms are ALWAYS taken away. its not like the constitution starts with NO freedoms and gives them to you. laws are restrictions of freedom. the first amendment doesn't say "you now have the right to speak freely;" it says "congress can't restrict your right to speak freely." if we continue to make laws, we will continue to restrict freedom (except in the case of repealments); however, the current state of the american polity is that we're more interested in redefining freedoms.

    by the way a "shit reputation in the international community" is such a subjective and narrowminded descriptor that i dont even want to refute it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:55:10 No.7607222
    We had a discussion exactly like this at my old highschool everyone there is predominantly republican most said they didnt believe anything about the U.S being the best country in the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:57:06 No.7607253
    i am amazed that you can sit there and actually defend your fucking country
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)19:57:22 No.7607257

    How else am I supposed to say "controlled by a few?"
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/21/10(Sun)19:58:27 No.7607276
    just use the word Republic
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:00:08 No.7607303



    >engage in sexual acts with other consenting adults is illegal here

    if this is a reference to something i am not quite getting it.

    >evil dictatorship

    also wat
    if there is some way a freely elected leader of what is constitutionally defined as a republic can be accurately termed a "dictator" i am not quite getting it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:02:47 No.7607339
    >>7607213 here

    yeah i know right if something is thought by a majority of people to be bad it isn't deserving of a defense hurrrrrrrrrr
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:03:34 No.7607350
    >additionally i suspect that the government is much more interested in controlling and observing the internet for purposes of national security, not whatever kind of weird big-brother voyeurism people like to imagine they are subject to.

    which they have no business doing. they don't own it, they can't regulate it. they can watch it al they want but they can't base anything off it.

    and for fuck's sake get our national infrastructure off the goddamn internet. there should be people watching that shit at all times.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:04:56 No.7607367
    Things I laugh about the USA:

    - MOST people take creationism seriously
    - the general concept of "science" can and IS fought against
    - "touch me and I'll sue you, lol"
    - "I was drunk last night and slept with a guy, I'm calling rape"
    - legal age of consent between 16 and 18 years old (18 can't fuck? what?)
    - think that "liberty" and "freedom" are things you can fight for, even when nobody knows what they are exactly
    - are paranoid as fuck (terrorism, truthers, alien believers, etc)
    - fat people
    - school bullies
    - general stupidity

    Of course it does not apply not all Americans, but this is what I see of USA from here.

    Also, what OP said, minus the "throwing money at the deficit" thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:06:05 No.7607392

    i don't think they do, either.
    i also don't think they are by any means the only government that does.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:07:16 No.7607411
    Most people do take creationism seriously as sadly as it is. But there has been in increase from 8% athiest/agnostic in 1990s to i think it was close to 18% in 2000s
    As we begin to educate our children less about religion, they will begin to see why we don't want them a part of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:18:28 No.7607577
    I'm not talking about atheism, though that would be great.

    I'm talking about people understanding that if you want to take something from the bible, do not do literally.

    In my country not even the priests say that there was a real flood and all species fitted in an arch, that the world was created in exactly six days, or the Garden of Eden really existed. Because that would contradict hundreds of years of scientific experiments and irrefutable conclusions, which is not something you can do lightly.

    Some schools here still have a "religion" subject that all students must learn, but it's just studying the bible as somebody would study a classical book.

    And I live in a so called "third world" country. Be ashamed America, be very ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:23:31 No.7607637
    America is fucked, and nobody is doing a goddamn thing about it. The only people who are /fighting/ for change are retards who have no idea that they are fighting to make this country worse off, fueled by private corporations - who are really in power.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:23:51 No.7607641
    Your third world country probably doesnt have any major religious forces. Thats why the european countries and american country became so powerful. Religion is a tool, and they used it very well, if you weren't a christian, then you weren't worth talking to.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:26:03 No.7607671
    i am an american generally very skeptical of generic anti-american sentiment but i'm with you on all that

    the first two things bug me the most, too many people see faith as more important than seeking actual knowledge and adjusting their beliefs accordingly instead of coming up with some bullshit like "god works in mysterious ways" or "he's testing our faith" to ease their cognitive dissonance.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:32:37 No.7607745
    Just to clear things, I live in Brazil. I think this piece of information helps.

    Here, the majority (90%+) of people is catholic. I've met exactly 4 open atheists through my life. That's four. And I'm counting myself on that.

    Even people that don't go much to church say that you must "exercise your spirituality". This usually slides to "The Secret"-type bullshit and yoga.

    I don't know if the so called religious people here are not very believers, but I just find amusing that Americans take the bible literally. It's an alien concept for me and would be quickly dismissed by almost anybody around here.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:36:44 No.7607790
    Question to amerifags:

    Do people really (threat to) sue each other as much as the media shows?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:48:36 No.7607912

    Most? What kind of shit are you smoking and where can I get some? Oh let me guess, you heard about some buttfuck southern school district and applied it to the whole country. Yeah, that's a load of shit. In my school if a teacher mentioned anything remotely religious they got fired.
    Everything else on your list applies to the whole world.
    And my high school was actually really laid back. So "school bullies"...the fuck? Like you did not have weird kids who got picked on in whatever country you are from? I refuse to believe that.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:50:24 No.7607931
    Our view of our country is actually a sense of strong nationalism with a huge coating of cynicism and apathy.

    In other words, only idiots and rednecks believe that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:53:44 No.7607969
    no, it's not nearly like that at all.

    >Oh let me guess, you heard about some buttfuck southern school district and applied it to the whole country.
    I live in the north, it is like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:57:20 No.7608016
    Yes, people threaten to sue for all kinds of shit. We even have like 9 or 10 television shows that show courts where people are suing for stupid shit. Divorce Court. Family Court. All the named judges (Judy, Joe Brown, etc.).

    Yes, people make a huge deal out of stupid shit, and sue all the time. It happens just as much, if not more than you think.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)20:57:32 No.7608020
    yes they're the same litigious fuckwads who made healthcare cost shitloads, the reason the world sees us so bad is because they only see the fucktards and failures in our country cause those are the loudest, its like insulting the niggers of a country, the rest of the country doesn't really like them but they're still a part of it and have to be dealt with, and the religion thing isn't nearly as bad here as you all seem to think it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:02:47 No.7608072
    Yes. People will throw the entire fucking book at you if you hurt them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:05:27 No.7608112
    yeah they're the same people who i always image the europeans mocking since im not a part of that faggotry
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:08:35 No.7608145
    Kind of reminds me of those big faggots who beat the ever-loving shit out of someone 3 times smaller than them out of "self-defense".
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:10:45 No.7608176
    You know what's really fucked up about this is that there are laws in place intended to help the people wanting to sue people for stupid shit. The same laws that help girls who had consensual sex with someone and cry rape, and get of scotch free. The same laws that help people sue family members into giving them all their money because there was a "verbal agreement" with absolutely no witnesses.

    It's fucked up, and no one ever does a thing to address these issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:11:56 No.7608185

    You do understand that the romans reached their zenith by tyranny of a emperor? So yeah, you're all angsty idiots. Obligarchy is rule by a small number of people, which is also untrue of america.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:11:58 No.7608186
    no, we mock all of you man.

    one party state, healthcarelol, ruined educational system, Empirical metrics, 60% of population obese, 12% of population morbidly obese , and RANDOM WARS ZOMG for the last 60 years.

    seriously we mock the fuck out of all of you who don't speak out against all of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:16:59 No.7608257
    so is the op trying to say that we're becoming like Europe?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:18:09 No.7608273
    Sadly, Europe is becoming like America.

    its shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:18:42 No.7608289
    When discussing America, it is important not to engage in generalizations. The problem is that nothing in America is as simple as it seems, we brand all right-wings "conservative" and all left-wings "liberals". That is not quite the case.

    What concerns me most is the fight against intellectualism in some aspects of America, where I believe thinking and forming your own opinion is less stressed. Where researching your politicians isn't put forward, where party-politics is the norm.

    It's the fact that people vote simply because they've registered for that party. That a Republic or Democrat senator to support only what his party wants him to.

    tl;dr: Thinking and deciding freely is lacking in America.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:19:32 No.7608298
    Well, when a country is known for being free and all, you easily forget the fact that it means even stupid people are allowed to be stupid, greedy to be greedy, etc etc, as long as they don't get in between another person's rights.

    Another problem with that is that not everyone is going to agree with another person's belief. And so we have an endless struggle on what's right or wrong, while we go on with our days. If there's a solution for this, we haven't found it yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:26:02 No.7608412
    yeah except other democracies in the world see you as some of the most mentally repressed un-free people around. We use 'land of the free' and 'only in america' as derogatives whenever wiretaps and your nazi borderpatrol scheme comes into discussion.

    Your voting has about as much 'choice' to it as chinese congress selections, the alcohol age is 18 or 21 in same areas as is sex, and your attitudes against drugs are outright retarded.

    I write this while rolling a joint from weed i chose off a menucard and eat a pack of chips i bought in the same store.
    Enjoy your 'freedom'
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:28:26 No.7608456
    >Implying the OP isn't from America
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)21:37:15 No.7608563
    Ron Paul 2012
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:02:00 No.7608885
    where you live, bro?

    Another problem with that is that not everyone is going to agree with another person's belief. And so we have an endless struggle on what's right or wrong, while we go on with our days. If there's a solution for this, we haven't found it yet.

    obviously the solution is to cyberize all of humanity. when we think at the speed of light all we need to do is network everyone together and get their opinion and form consensus.

    then search the universe for shepard-commander.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:02:44 No.7608894
    great pimpled penises i screwed that up.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:06:13 No.7608936
         File1266807973.jpg-(332 KB, 650x555, amsterdam_coffee_shop.jpg)
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    well i buy pot in a store, that kinda spells "dutch"

    Pic related: pot menu
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:08:57 No.7608964

    > yeah except other democracies in the world see you as some of the most mentally repressed un-free people around.

    oh ouch.
    what does "mentally repressed un-free people" even mean dude? it's implying that people from everywhere else in the world have achieved this kind of enlightenment and enjoy a super libertarian government.
    BROTIP: they don't

    >Your voting has about as much 'choice' to it as chinese congress selections,

    i have no idea how this is anywhere close to the truth. if i fit a few criteria (like not being a felon in some states) i could run for office. i might not win, but i could.

    >and your attitudes against drugs are outright retarded.

    expect to see some decriminalization within a decade, if not much less.

    >I write this while rolling a joint from weed
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:13:31 No.7609009
    well not africa no, but europe: certainly.
    The amount of religious fucktardedry you guys do is just staggering, and thats only on what we here see you guys tell us on CNN/FOX. (we get those channels here, dont ask why)

    As for your voting: i meant presidential elections, 2 sockpuppets from parties who only really differ on abortion and healthcare stances and are so massively corrupt and shot through with lobbying that it hurts my head at a distance of thousands of miles.

    I will applaud decriminalisation.

    hey, you can also roll with hash and cigarette
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:17:33 No.7609047

    >Everything else on your list applies to the whole world.
    Fat people and general stupidity yes. The rest, no. Absolutely not.

    And I've never seen a single kid be bullied through all my education process.

    And your post did sound an awful like a fearful defense. I really hope that you get the insight that your country is indeed fucked in said aspects.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:18:47 No.7609066
    >to label innocent people as criminals. People who look at certain kinds of pornography on the internet

    Butthurt child porn fag detected

    Just because your uncle did it to you does NOT make it ok, you need help.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:22:08 No.7609095
    dude, sodomy is officially still illegal* in some states, i assume pornography of said acts would also be illegal.

    (though barely enforced)
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:23:10 No.7609108
    Are American black people really that way we see in movies and youtube videos? The absurd accent, loose clothes, hand signs, free-for-all child raising, general habits?

    I mean, I've seen videos that alone could turn you into a raging racist, yet black people from my country are completely normal. Maybe a little poorer, but completely normal in every other way.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:27:09 No.7609156
    i bet, we (Dutch) have Antillians, and its basically the same 'ghetto culture' shit, worse yet is that they are proud of it.

    i guess its genetic.

    >i'm black and i approve this message
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:28:46 No.7609182

    Yeah pretty much, with a few oreos that i'm pretty okay with.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:31:33 No.7609218

    this isn't really true for atlanta, at least in my experience living here (atlanta, btw, is LOADED with black people). they do speak a little differently sometimes but its always understandable what they mean and, generally speaking, a white guy can walk into a black establishment with no problems at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:33:07 No.7609246
    Yeah, but we fuckin' kick ass at hockey!

    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:33:38 No.7609253
    I would never have guessed.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:41:19 No.7609367
    tactical mistake on our part, we had them all isolated on one island, but gave them passports.

    Also,if oreo means partly-white, then i'm that
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:47:11 No.7609452
    OP here, fuck off. It has nothing to do with that shit, I'm talking about sex between consenting adults. Not sex between one consenting adult and someone/something else that can't consent, you piece of shit.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:48:03 No.7609464
    >sex between consenting adults.
    >buttsex between consenting male adults.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:48:27 No.7609470
    OP here again.

    Also, project more, closet-pedo.
    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:49:48 No.7609490
    OP, where are you from anyway ?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:52:50 No.7609530

    >> !!OA3Ez8znB2g 02/21/10(Sun)22:57:48 No.7609569
    you have my sympathies
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)22:59:39 No.7609583
    I sorta like the idea of a new constitutional convention but there are a lot more partisan crazies who would influence it than there were back in the 18th century.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:01:36 No.7609604

    Yeah? Where in the north? I am sitting in upstate New York right now and I NEVER see this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:02:30 No.7609615
    South Florida, but it might as well be an inner-city in the north.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:05:00 No.7609643

    Most Christians in America can hardly be called christian. Less then 30% of the population is actual, die hard religious.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:06:08 No.7609652

    You think Florida is anything like the North? Are you a fucking idiot? Outside Miami that place is as retarded as the rest of the south.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:07:10 No.7609664
    florida is pretty northern mate, other than the pan handle. I know because I FUCKING LIVE THERE.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:10:31 No.7609700
    I just fucking said South Florida. This encompasses Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and the surrounding metropolitan area. I live in Miami.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)23:34:46 No.7609933

    The thing is, that small minority is obviously a lot more vocal than the majority. Reason being, the majority doesn't really care.

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