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File deleted. Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:22:07 No.7590911 sticky closed  
moot on CNN

Says he stands behind anonymous
Invasions are regrettable but part of the openness of the community
Facebook&myspace sucks

moot is not a faggot after all
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:23:01 No.7590920
im not from europe brah
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:24:48 No.7590937
Copyright laws nigger
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:25:03 No.7590940
moot IS a faggot, but that's not a bad thing.

he's still a good guy, and a respectable leader.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:25:11 No.7590942
This video contains content from CNN (Europe), who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:27:53 No.7590975
his fly is undone

and the camera zooms in on it
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:28:55 No.7590980
...God I want to fuck him so badly. I'd even make him a sammich afterward.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:29:32 No.7590992
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>CNN Europe
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:31:22 No.7591010
They were really mean how they put him on a red chair and black background, made him look like a fag. Also hands waving around like crazy.
But afterall i think he did a good job thar.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:34:22 No.7591033
God dammit what's with regional filtering?
Cancer of the internet.

Doesn't affect me for this fortunately, you're not really missing much.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:35:21 No.7591041
Aw, it doesnt work in america.
Anyone have any other videos of moot?
I need to schlick.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:43:15 No.7591139
hahaha i had to examine the video and my pants pretty closely to figure out if it was actually undone. it's just the stitching though.
>> norky !FrFDBzm.d6 02/20/10(Sat)17:44:41 No.7591160
well thats ok then
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:45:41 No.7591172
so how much was cut out? did you talk for like 10 minutes but they only used a tiny bit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:46:41 No.7591183

Nice job there, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:46:47 No.7591184
You're steadily developing a more polished media persona.

I don't know how to feel about this. How do you feel about being an inadvertent spokesperson?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:46:51 No.7591186

Oh god I wish I could see it. I stay up for 2 days at a time and I'm nearing the end of the second one now and my brain feels like its hanging upside down.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:46:56 No.7591187
moot and the interviewer had their happy-time before the cameras were on...

or so moot thinks...
>> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 02/20/10(Sat)17:46:59 No.7591189
mootiekins i have a question :


a spambot or just some retard posting, because i'm seeing it around a lot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:47:10 No.7591191
I wish I looked like moot.

I could get so many cuddles.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:47:43 No.7591198

Oh, lol. He's going to get interviewed in /r9k/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:48:06 No.7591202
Why are Cnn interested? Will this be good for ratings or is it a pr thing on their part?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:48:18 No.7591206
Found the video in USA

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:48:26 No.7591209
>Facebook&myspace sucks

Hah! Knew moot would feel the same way! Too bad I'm certain 90%+ of /r9k/ regularly use those sites.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:48:52 No.7591215
it was probably about 8 minutes.


anontalk spambot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:49:01 No.7591217
I'm glad that Moot hasn't been corrupted by the... /b/tard. At least he's respectable and isn't slinging "LEGION z0mg raid on scientlology!!11 yiff yiff NIGGERCUNT pool's closed due 2 aids lol"

I salute you, you glorious bastard, but... Then again, this is 4chan.
>> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 02/20/10(Sat)17:49:04 No.7591218
disregard that i guess it was a spambot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:49:44 No.7591225
I'm torn between liking this and not.
As much as I like to have back up on my arguement of "its not just a site for pedos" when people find out I lurk, I can't help but think that all this attention could bring on normalfags.
Moot, PLEASE stop mentioning lolcats.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:49:59 No.7591228
well here's one anon who doesn't and never will, at least.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:50:07 No.7591229
how do you feel about the large number of 4chan users who want to fuck you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:50:32 No.7591235
Are you really gay, moot? Do you at least think you could be bicurious for a day?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:50:41 No.7591237
This is both good and bad. I'm glad that Moot is actually somewhat famous, and that he can show up in public with credibility, but... Then again, this only invites more people to 4chan. I hate to admit my advocacy of the whole "seekrit internet club" deal, but the more people flock into this place every day, the more newfaggotry bolsters the cancer of years past.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:50:42 No.7591238

I think he should. He should behave like an idiot, doing outrageous things. He should troll them.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:50:42 No.7591239
'and where are you going to school?'
'I don't actually tell people that.'

ilu moot continue being a cool guy
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:51:12 No.7591243
>Moot, PLEASE stop mentioning lolcats.
moot, how do you actually feel about the guy who made icanhascheezburger? I'm sure he made millions from that site and its spin-offs.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:51:18 No.7591246
Are you a virgin, moot?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:51:40 No.7591249
it was immediately after my ted talk. i wasn't clear on what they were going to use it for. i've turned down a lot of video interviews/tv appearances because i generally hate being filmed.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:51:41 No.7591250
How do you feel about all of 4chan being associated with pedophila?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:52:08 No.7591261
Moot, 2 questions:

Do you only keep /b/ around to prevent the retards from flooding the other parts of the site?

Does /v/ have any mods/janitors at all? I know bans don't work but holy shit it's like no one is deleting off topic threads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:52:41 No.7591269

Just take yourself and search "moot on cnn," it's like the first thing that comes up.

Sure like talking with your hands, huh moot? You should've asked for a better chair, that one gave you poor posture.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:53:01 No.7591275

I assume it's that and ad revenue.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:53:47 No.7591288
I thought you hated /r9k/, moot. Any particular reason why you grace us with your sexy presence?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:53:51 No.7591289

Moot, you need to answer some more questions about your sexuality. You've been the star of countless 16 year old girls' masturbation fantasies. It's time to own up to it.
>> Generic Tripfag 189 !!V3bhLiL+yDe 02/20/10(Sat)17:53:57 No.7591292
Uhhh I think its cool you are answering questions. I don't have any but kudos
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:54:20 No.7591296
I've seen /v/ mods.

They like to delete SNSD threads but ignore CP/gore/non-vidya threads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:54:22 No.7591298
Is TED something popular in America? I'm British and don't have a bloody clue what it is.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:54:35 No.7591299

Yeah, thanks for sticking around a bit.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:55:18 No.7591312
>I can't help but think that all this attention could bring on normalfags.
eight million people visit this site a month. it's not a secret club house any longer, and hasn't been for YEARS.

i think this number is overstated.

no/fuck no.

i hate lolcats, and i'm sick of mentioning them. i had to pick examples/anecdotes that would resonate with a room full of 50 year olds though, which is why i picked the things i did. also, 4chan hasn't done many mainstream memes in the past two years.

it's extremely annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:55:23 No.7591313
I think he left once people started asking him sexy questions.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:55:36 No.7591318
That video was fucking epic.
Not what he said, but the nodding motions of moot himself. i was like fuckyear what a sly motherfucker nodding on cnn.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:55:50 No.7591325
Same here. The only people I recognised were Jamie Oliver and moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:55:57 No.7591329
You should check it out ... it's cool dudes talking about cool stuff. Well sometimes. I'm British too, don't think many normal people know about it tbh.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:56:28 No.7591340
Related, I just deleted my Facebook account. I just felt it didn't do me any good, and that sharing all my information like that felt bad. Also, some pretty terrible images were linked to me. They're still there, I know, but at least not linked to me anymore.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:56:35 No.7591343
Voice of a generation
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:56:48 No.7591346
1:03 dat nod
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:08 No.7591349
have you considered using specific ads for specific boards moot, because i hate to say im a normalfag and all of this j list stuff id never click to, brah.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:10 No.7591352
Brilliantly timed my pedigree chum.

moot - why aren't there boards dedicated to shooping and camwhores?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:46 No.7591358
>You should've asked for a better chair, that one gave you poor posture.
i have horrible posture anyway

i wouldn't be surprised if /b/ operated at a loss at this point. like it or not, it's the beating heart of this site. plus it's a retard bin.

there isn't any evidence of this/i don't believe it. sorry bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:53 No.7591361

but you're pretty. ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:57 No.7591362
eight million unique people?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:57:58 No.7591363
serious question moot, have you ever thought about incorporating 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:58:03 No.7591365
or pop up randomly once every 3 months to ban 2 people and post a sticky about how we shouldn't do that thing they just banned for, or sticky a GARRUS IS MAI HASUBANDO thread.

I just wondered if they're there and incompetent or if it's like... mod club punishment to get sent to /v/ for it's occasional check.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:58:08 No.7591368
Really browsing r9k today, are we? Any special occasion?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:58:24 No.7591371
I wonder what the internet will be like when the Baby Boomers die off. They're fucking a lot of shit up.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:59:09 No.7591377

If I tracked you down and showed up at your living quarters in the middle of the night, assuming I'm an attractive young women, would you let me in and snuggle with me and maybe take my virginity? I'm a really good cook.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)17:59:14 No.7591378
when we get a real ad server, yes.

>moot - why aren't there boards dedicated to shooping and camwhores?
because we have /b/

we're approaching 8 million unique visitors per month, yes.

... this is a stupid question.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:59:41 No.7591385
possible new faggotry, anyway, well played moot nice one moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:59:55 No.7591387
moot if you spell your name backwards it spells toom,


i think not.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)17:59:58 No.7591388
anonymity is great and all, but it also removes people's responsibility to not be fucking idiots when there aren't enough mods and janitors to keep things in check
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:02 No.7591389
Yeah, I understand its not the secret internet club, but part of its appeal is that its 8 million people who think alike, to a certain degree anyway.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:07 No.7591390
Just visited my facebook page, 4 people are talking about being drunk or the party/club they are at right now (it is 11pm here) and will probably post in the morning about how great their night was/how hungover they are.

I swear some people are more interested in showing everyone else on facebook how fun their life is instead of actually having fun.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:19 No.7591392
>assuming I'm an attractive young women
>posting on 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:33 No.7591395
Moot, will you give us fags a /men/ so we don't have to lurk /b/ for this shit?
>> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:38 No.7591396
Moot will you answer my question please?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:40 No.7591397
How about a board for black people?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:00:50 No.7591402

God dammit they are cat macros not locats.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:06 No.7591408
master moot, what do you think of making an education board (/edu/) ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:17 No.7591413
nice work, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:29 No.7591416
Moot, do you ever see 4chan closing down?

I don't really mean like our old-school Party Van panics, but more or less just the entire horde losing interest in the meme-flinging and drifting off to other parts of the internet?

...Because I can't see today's internet without an asshole.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:35 No.7591419
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This is unrelated to 4chan, but do you believe in the Illuminati? 4chan is pretty mainstream now, so in the near future Lucifer might ask you to incorporate Masonic symbolism into your website. Please say no.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:43 No.7591422
so when you pulling the plug on /new/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:46 No.7591423
Moot on r9k.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:49 No.7591425
moot, there was a thread in /g/ a while ago where you said you would be going to the data center where 4chan is hosted later this month, and that you might take some photos. Any update on that?
>> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:49 No.7591426
The odds that moot has not slept with legions of his adoring fans are pretty low in my opinion.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:49 No.7591427
Thanks for the /lit/ image board, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:01:49 No.7591428
moot, do you get a lot of unwanted attention from people at your school? like, do people approach you saying "OMG LOL MOOT HOLY SHIT EPIC LULZ THIS IS SO WIN I GOTTA TELL MY FRIENDZ THAT I GO TO SCHOOL WITH MOOT" etc.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:17 No.7591433
Are you still moving to Mexico with my donations? If you are, I'll find you while you're driving to steal a lock of your hair and sell it on eBay.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:24 No.7591434
moot, what's your favourite band, cartoon and video game?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:30 No.7591436
Favourite board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:38 No.7591437
moot - plaster the whole fucking place with illuminati bollocks just for the lulz
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:40 No.7591438
I like it when Moot talks to us.

It gives me hope that there might be a God.
>> Anselm 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:40 No.7591439
Thread devolved into "holy shit, moot". Typical.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:47 No.7591443
i have one question only

do you think 4chan has reached, yet to reach or passed it's prime? in regards to memes and quality
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:49 No.7591444
I disagree. Why not monetize this site? Charge people for access and abolish the concept of anonymity. True, you will lose 99% of your user base but at least you'll cash out at the expense of the losers who choose to stay.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:02:57 No.7591449

Oh you. Hahaha.


That's a better idea actually. Not sure if it'd actually work though....
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:00 No.7591450
oh also,

Did the idea for user voting on threads ever go anywhere? If enough reports automatically deleted a thread/post that would be nice.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:12 No.7591453

I'm just really excited that you answered my question. And genuinely surprised that you are oblivious to how many female fans you have, or how many hot bitches are on this site.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:46 No.7591458
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What are your plans for future moderation of this website. It seems really out of control, and moderation seems nonexistent. Just look at /po/ the other day, or any SFW board, really. If real moderation is not your thing, how do you plan on implementing user-based moderation in a way so that it doesn't get abused.

I mean, I'd be fine with it now if I felt that my reports were actually accomplishing anything. If you nor any moderators care about the report system, then why use it (or advertise it on the boards that get hammered by /b/ spam every day)? Or am I misunderstanding how the report system works? At least let me know if I'm wasting my time.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:46 No.7591459
>abolish the concept of anonymity
>moot speaks at TED and CNN about how important privacy and anonymity is

Damn, you're fucking stupid.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:54 No.7591461
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:03:57 No.7591462
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:01 No.7591463
This. That place turned to shit even quicker than I imagined.

a) How long a week do you actually spend on 4chan?

b) Do you get a lot of people IRL you don't know recognising you/coming up to you to talk about 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:04 No.7591465
What do you expect? He doesn't really show his face as much these days. Tis a wondrous happening, indeed.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:06 No.7591466
Its 'typical' because he posts so rarely that he has become an almost mythical figure to some and many of the people on this site like and respect him.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:17 No.7591467

Just go to /sci/


The thread was "Holy shit, moot" to begin with.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:24 No.7591470
Moot, if you're still here, are you happy with the current state of 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:36 No.7591473
You are cool to me because you're so blase.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:43 No.7591477

What percentage of this 8 million per month go 2 /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:04:47 No.7591478
Ban everyone in the thread.

Flex your power.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:05:07 No.7591484
i don't see /men/ happening, sorry.

/lit/ /sci/ ?

congrats on being incorrect then. i rarely leave my house, don't go to cons any more, and only get "DURR I'M BANNED e-mails". where exactly do you expect i meet 4channers?

i'm not sure. it's continuing to grow traffic wise, but a lot of the content has gotten rather stale. it's not as vibrant as it used to be. a lot of that can be blamed on the lack of moderation though.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:05:41 No.7591491
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moot, don't answer our questions. i know we're annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:05:44 No.7591492

It's kinda like Halley's Comet.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:05:45 No.7591494
Hey. Hey, Moot. Hey, bro. Broski, hey.

...Bring back Snacks?

...Yeah, yeah, that's... It just doesn't sound the same anymore. Nevermind.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:28 No.7591503
Wordfilter on >implying.

Please ;_;
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:33 No.7591506
>b) Do you get a lot of people IRL you don't know recognising you/coming up to you to talk about 4chan?
i wouldn't say a lot, but i was recognized while buying a soda about two hours ago.

>are you happy with the current state of 4chan?
no. i'm glad i got the site running a lot faster/more reliably though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:40 No.7591508
>a lot of that can be blamed on the lack of moderation though.
Are you actually working on improving this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:46 No.7591512
So are ya ever going to bring back /hc/? Or is it gone for good?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:49 No.7591513
Every thought about giving every user mod powers?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:06:51 No.7591514
how is fiance going?
are you still in debt? does it help f i click the ads?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:07:00 No.7591517
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:07:33 No.7591522

>eight million people visit this site a month. it's not a secret club house any longer, and hasn't been for YEARS.

It still sort of is, just on a larger scale. 8 million globally isn't really that much, just enough to ensure there are enough fellow channers in your city/uni/whatever to communicate with or share that silent acknowledgement. It's almost like being jewish, or a freemason. I can imagine a day when one could wear a subtle 4chan themed tie and recieve favourable treatment in businesses, etc.

And I think normalfags mostly just browse /b/ for a bit, and even they aren't all that normal. Your true normalfag doesn't know the internet extends beyond fb and jewtube and would shit at the very idea of an anime themed imageboard.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:07:38 No.7591523
Moot, Why suddenly have the press/media wanted to know about 4chan? like why did TED come find you? It's like its a hive of stuff they've yet to report on. Also, how have you not been arrested due to the amount of CP which flows through here? thnxx
>> OPERATOR WOLF 02/20/10(Sat)18:07:48 No.7591527
Moot, what firearms do you own, I think I remember seeing you post in /k/ about owning a glock.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:07:50 No.7591528
Why is it every thread moot posts in turns into like a Q&A.

Feel sorry for him, can't really just post normally with his trip.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:05 No.7591531

Post your email address, I guarantee you'll get like forty tits.
>> Alphamale !.LlKAkH4Jk 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:12 No.7591534
More moderation = Better content

Why don't you make this happen?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:18 No.7591535

In regards to


This is why we love you you freedom-loving webmaster. Huzzah!

If there were just some way to donate, beyond clicking ads. (They don't interest me.)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:19 No.7591536
Oh god this, half the boards are full of it especially /v/ and /tv/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:19 No.7591537
one of the side effects of anonymity, i'd imagine, is that it makes it a lot harder to pick out users to be mods that aren't complete fucktards
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:28 No.7591539
Are most people pretty cool when they meet you or do they act incredibly awkard/embarrassing.

If I were you and had people regularly going up to me and saying HOLY SHIT IT IS MOOT! I'd tell them to fuck off, unless I could get some free shit out of them.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:29 No.7591540
Let it be known that I would like to hang out with Moot.

We could go bowling or race go-karts.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:36 No.7591543
i wanna advertise on this website without using a banner ad (since they get blocked). how much you charge for say, a 2-month sticky on /b/?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:46 No.7591547
>What percentage of this 8 million per month go 2 /b/?
i'd say 1/4 to 1/3.

>So are ya ever going to bring back /hc/? Or is it gone for good?
gone for good. i don't expect to add [m]any more adult boards.

what do you mean suddenly? 4chan has been written about in time, the wall street journal, the new york times magazine, the washington post, etc. http://www.4chan.org/press
this isn't anything new.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:53 No.7591549
The problem with mods and janitors is, where are you going to find any who aren't out to turn this place into their own forum-style circlejerk of power? I'd rather suffer a lack of moderation than have some faggot impose his opinions on me
>> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/20/10(Sat)18:08:58 No.7591550
I'm pretty sure he's aware of what happens when he trips up, and just posts anonymously most of the time.

Unless he has other trips.. maybe he's one of us.. maybe moot is talking to you.. right now?
>> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 02/20/10(Sat)18:09:19 No.7591553

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:09:37 No.7591560
>implying his email isn't already widely known
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:09:43 No.7591562
>>I can imagine a day when one could wear a subtle 4chan themed tie and recieve favourable treatment in businesses,
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:09:47 No.7591565
Moot, I'm not going to bombard you with stupid questions or wet my panties over the fact that you're posting. I just want to say thanks, and you're [probably] cool. Thanks, bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:09:59 No.7591567
Man, if they could make anonymous posting an option on this board, that would solve some problems.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:10:19 No.7591569
You're a retard if you don't know moot's email address.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:10:21 No.7591570
>Skipped my question about moderation and the reports system.
I'll just send you an email about it then.

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:10:49 No.7591573
>one of the side effects of anonymity, i'd imagine, is that it makes it a lot harder to pick out users to be mods that aren't complete fucktards

>Are most people pretty cool when they meet you or do they act incredibly awkard/embarrassing.
usually pretty awkward, because there isn't much to say. i now know what it feels like though. i met woz at TED and it was pretty awkward. there isn't much to say past "OH HEY YOU'RE AMAZING AND AWESOME ... WELL I DON'T WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME ... YEP ... BYE". so i understand what it's like now.

i have zero interest in selling stickies.
>> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 02/20/10(Sat)18:10:49 No.7591574
I'm surprised.

I would expect you to get a ton of emails of girls just showing naked pictures and offering to fly to you and get devirginized.

Heh, guess not.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:09 No.7591578
Oh fuck no.

On that topic, some of us have static IPs/Other fairly identifiable information, so it shouldn't be that hard to find SOMEONE, but as someone else stated, there's the whole power / corruption thing...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:32 No.7591582
Alrighty moot, are we every going to see a captcha system?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:53 No.7591587
Obviously if he wanted to post normally he'd probably go Anon, but for some reason I can't see moot sitting on 4chan posting normally.

Despite the fact hes probably the same as most people here except just happens to own the site thus why wouldn't he, it still doesn't sit right in my head.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:55 No.7591590
Hey moot, how about a /rel/ - Religion board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:56 No.7591591
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>l can imagine a day when one couId wear a subtle 4chan themed tie and recieve favourabIe treatment in businesses, etc.

I wear them all the time.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:11:59 No.7591593
Where does moot live?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:08 No.7591596
How can we make 4chan more respectable in the eyes of the mighty mooter?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:09 No.7591598

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:16 No.7591599
Not enough people thank you moot, do you have an amazon wishlist or somthing? I know you don't accept donations but you might accept gifts :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:26 No.7591601
It's because people can be as cool or weird of fucktarded as they want with anonymity, even though they might be total retards otherwise.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:38 No.7591606

For anyone unlucky enough to be outside europe or usa
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:39 No.7591607
moot, do you ever browse /d/?

do ya like the dickgirls?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:56 No.7591609
Also thanks Moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:12:56 No.7591610
Hey moot, how many girls sent you dirty pictures of themselves back when you made that McDonald's date thread? I knew a girl who said she sent you a pic and a long email along with it that you never replied to.

For that matter, how many girls send you dirty pictures of themselves just because?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:13:14 No.7591613
>Alrighty moot, are we every going to see a captcha system?

>Hey moot, how about a /rel/ - Religion board?

i don't accept charity of any kind. thanks though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:13:14 No.7591615
Moot, everytime I read "Post Succesful!" I like to think you are telling me you love me.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:00 No.7591622
Dear moot,

How many hours do you spend on 4chan a week? On average.

Your Fan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:13 No.7591624
Well, you answered all my questions. Thanks bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:18 No.7591625
Moot you used to be quite a faggot but now you seem to be becoming an okay guy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:22 No.7591626
/rel/ would basically be trolls trolling trolls.

Nothing more. At least most boards have some honest posters.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:25 No.7591627
How are you doing financially, Moot? Are all these rumors that you are $20,000 in the hole true? Also, just out of curiosity, what is your favorite band?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:37 No.7591629
God damnit, I wanna give you something. Its not charity, its a gift to say thanks. Kinda like a 4chan christmas.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:39 No.7591631
Is there any point in reporting copypasta / unorginal content on r9k? Genuinely wondering.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:40 No.7591632
haha, i love it toooo
i still think there should be a few different phrases it throws up though just to mix things up a bit

hi moot. no questions just hi.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:43 No.7591633
how often do you post on 4chan anonymously? what of interactions do you have with people when you're apparently just another poster?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:45 No.7591634

>Hey moot, how many girls sent you dirty pictures of themselves back when you made that McDonald's date thread?
>For that matter, how many girls send you dirty pictures of themselves just because?

i do love you, anon~
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:47 No.7591635
thanks bro. just sayin'
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:14:55 No.7591637

This interests me. You could test it out on one board, see how well it works.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:01 No.7591640

I can't see that working out too good frankly.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:12 No.7591643
are you fucking kidding? if i recognized something like that i'd kick you out of my building and give your picture to security.

showing off that you go to 4chan in public is like waving your dick around at a grade school playground. there's a time and a place for 4chan and waving your dick around. in public isn't it.
>> OPERATOR WOLF 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:16 No.7591645
Dammit, moot answer my question.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:17 No.7591646

Seconding this question. What kind of music do you like, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:21 No.7591647
How are the new boards going? /3/ has a nice bunch but seems kinda slow, what about the others?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:23 No.7591649
I'm pretty sure that moot has mentioned before that he usually goes tripless. I think it was in the sticky on /s/ when it was being ultra-spammed.

Anyway, moot, did you feel like you were being judged a lot at TED? That's the vibe I got from the video.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:39 No.7591654
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Hey, moot, have you ever listened to this?

If so, what are your thoughts?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:45 No.7591656
post a pic of your cock moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:45 No.7591657
Hey moot do you like the UFC?
>> JDW 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:53 No.7591659
thank you for keeping this site going. it told me what was wrong with my car.
>> Anselm 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:53 No.7591660
lol, maggot still a mod, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:55 No.7591661

Every post would be (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:57 No.7591662
I know you shot down request for a philosophy board, but what about a philosophy text board?
>> Alphamale !.LlKAkH4Jk 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:57 No.7591663

Do you love tripfags?

tripfags need love too :(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:15:58 No.7591664
Do you ever regret making 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:02 No.7591666


How about regular pictures? How many girls try to woo you via email or want to meet you in person?
>> New Libertarian Order !NAMdiwz0Sw 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:07 No.7591667
moot, I'm glad you care about us over at /9rk/. Sorry that the site has kinda gone to shit, though.

Do you have any plans for cracking down on the pornographic stuff so you can attract more advertisers or is that too against the real reason why you keep the site?

Ever consider just shutting the whole thing down?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:07 No.7591668
This is probably the most important question you will answer in this thread, and I just need to know, Moot: do you like twizzler bites?
I think they're delicious.

I'm eating some right now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:11 No.7591669


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:16 No.7591671
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Hey moot does the FBI watch you because of how retarded we are? If so I feel awful that that has happened.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:16:28 No.7591673

It told me what to make for lunch a few days ago.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:14 No.7591681
moot is unjudgable, since he's in a state of flux. He's both famous and an internet recluse simultaneously
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:35 No.7591683
4chan has recommended me some good movies, I think that is it for me really.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:34 No.7591684
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Do you find my mom attractive, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:37 No.7591686
Hey moot, liking the new boards, but /new/ is FULL of trolls. Someone should be moderating that shit. Thanks tho
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:53 No.7591691

For a time. Then people would start to realize that they can't do stupid shit like that if they want actual content.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:56 No.7591692

NEW RULE: If anyone is ever fortunate enough to meet moot in real life, say, "Is your leg made of wood, and if so, do birds live in it?"

To which moot will say, "possibly"

Then you move the hell on with your life.
>> Generic Tripfag 189 !!V3bhLiL+yDe 02/20/10(Sat)18:17:57 No.7591693
What kind of music are you into?
Do you feel a sense of shame or responsibility when CP post or raids occur?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:08 No.7591697
Before you go, moot, I think we all would like to thank you for taking the time to answer some of our questions. It's a pretty swell thing to do.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:12 No.7591699
Are you gonna bin /new/ since it has turned into stormfront? And do you not realise that by threatening to bin it for doing so when you created it, you were only asking for trouble?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:14 No.7591701
Just wanted to say the whole anonymous / anti-fb thing resonates with me, so thanks for putting that out there.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:27 No.7591704
Watching that CNN video has just reaffirmed my belief that moot is a bro of epic proportions.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:31 No.7591706
He'd post anonymously and he probably does a lot.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:32 No.7591707
>Anyway, moot, did you feel like you were being judged a lot at TED? That's the vibe I got from the video.
i didn't get that vibe at the conference.

beats me.

>I know you shot down request for a philosophy board, but what about a philosophy text board?
that might be possible.

>Do you ever regret making 4chan?
no. the past six years have been fun.

they don't watch *me* per say, but they're in contact pretty frequently. you guys do stupid shit too often.

>He's both famous and an internet recluse simultaneously
internet AND irl recluse~
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:18:46 No.7591709

I second this question. What do you think of Neutral Milk Hotel moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:13 No.7591714
how much bank do you make from 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:22 No.7591716
i have a feeling moot somewhat enjoys the lady gaga
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:33 No.7591719
well i hope to recruit a bunch of janitors/moderators to clean things up, so i'll give it a second chance. if it fails again, i'll remove it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:38 No.7591720
Moot, maybe megaupload/rapidshare/other file hosts would be intrested in advertising on rs? Just saying..
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:39 No.7591721
Libertarian and order are antonyms
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:19:48 No.7591724
I'm actually liking how the site is coming along.

It's interesting to see an almost completely "post-meme" sort of existence for 4chan. Outside of trollface, is there any real sort of sitewide meme that has jumped onto the internet as a whole?

Don't get me wrong, the future might suck, but I could see brighter things ahead for 4chan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:20:01 No.7591728
>they don't watch *me* per say, but they're in contact pretty frequently. you guys do stupid shit too often.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:20:04 No.7591729
I have given the screencap of this its own folder.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:20:19 No.7591734
Master Mewt, how does it feel to be overlord of 4chanz? What is your favorite board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:20:26 No.7591735
>you guys do stupid shit too often.
When was the last time the FBI contacted you? All /b/ seems to do these days is rig online polls and go on chatroulette.

Which is your favourite board on 4chan? Mine is /sp/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:20:30 No.7591736

If moot likes neutral milk hotel I'm proposing.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:02 No.7591739
Hire people to make merchandise for /b/tar-actually this is probably a bad idea, ED are always flogging meme-ridden shit and they always seem to need moar and moar money.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:05 No.7591740
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moot, do you ever post anymore?

It seems like you've posted less and less as time has gone on.

It makes me sad.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:11 No.7591741
How does one volunteer to be a mod/janitor?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:15 No.7591742

Yeah, a philosophy text board would be awesome. I, for one, would really appreciate that, as I'm sure many of the older /r9k/-users and some of the /litl/erates.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:18 No.7591743
Ok, ok. I'll be the one to say what everyone's been thinking, but didn't have the balls to say:

shoe on head.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:30 No.7591744
Thank you moot for creating /int/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:31 No.7591745
Moot ever realize you are a god to these people?

Thanks for working so hard on 4chan mate
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:42 No.7591747
Exactly, a board to keep all the atheism vs. christfags trolling threads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:21:55 No.7591748

isn't the question a contradiction seeing as he is posting now?

And also, i've seen moot being more active recently than in a while
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:02 No.7591749

no, nu uh.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:03 No.7591751
You know, there's a FAQ page for a reason...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:09 No.7591752
Moot, if one day, somthing did happen to you ('The day 4chan/b/ went too far'), Have you got people to take over or would the site just die?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:18 No.7591755

Moot, you're giving off a definite vibe of low self esteem. Why? I don't believe that girls don't hit on you, you're very attractive and there are often boards dedicated to having sex with you. What went wrong in your childhood that led to such social anxiety? Do you suffer from any emotional disabilities? Do you like your parents?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:23 No.7591756
What kind of soap do you use moot?
>> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:24 No.7591757
I'd love a philosophy textboard, would be pretty cool.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:27 No.7591758
/new/ is weird.
It seems like a perfect board for a pseudo-intellectuals like myself who is interested in world affairs, politics and obviously news.

But I have no intention on going there because if basically just American Liberal/Republican bullshit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:36 No.7591760
why, it is a shithole, /b/ but with nationalities
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:38 No.7591761
>likes his privacy

he probably posts anonymously all the time
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:22:41 No.7591763

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:23 No.7591766
>Implying you wouldn't love to see implying go.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:24 No.7591767
Have you ever been tempted to cash in on 4chan with merchandising ?
You seem like a moralfag when it comes to profiteering but I hear that maintaining this website is just like throwing money into a shithole.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:26 No.7591768
We should get an /snsd/ board.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:27 No.7591769
Did 4chan ever have a /lit/ board in the past? Why did you seem so unenthusiastic about the idea?
>> Generic Tripfag 189 !!V3bhLiL+yDe 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:47 No.7591772
maybe most girls he meets are stupid and uninteresting. or maybe he has a girlfriend but her identity is anonymous for obvious reason
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:23:57 No.7591774
Mootles, you're cool, we're cool, you can tell me anything.

Is it TRUE that you were actually hired by the American government to front the creation of 4chan and the perpetual spread of its' memes to bait and control the most corrupt denizens from the Internet proper so that they may be more easily monitored than in the underground? ...And the allegations that you receive a hefty cash bounty for every party van you deploy?

Y'know, just wantin' to hear your side of the story. Wanna go get some tacos later? Brett and I are going to Taco Bell. They've got this sweet new burrito.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:24:04 No.7591775
Are mods assigned to specific boards? Or is it just a catch all kind of thing?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:24:34 No.7591777
Theres a text board, but nobody seems to give a fuck about the text boards.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:24:35 No.7591778
moot, do you browse with or without frames?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:24:39 No.7591779
Hey moot, do you browse /b/ at all?
I usually go to your new boards now, but I'm always tempted to check what's going on in /b/.
>> Glory of !Arioch2ZkU 02/20/10(Sat)18:24:55 No.7591784
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Good luck with the spam, moot. We're rooting for you.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:25:04 No.7591788

But surely you understand WHY it turned into stormfront. By aggresively stating you wanted no racism and threatening free speech, it was completely counter productive. Anyway, I agree with more mods, and silent bans, open bans will only fuel the fire
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:25:33 No.7591790
So, if you really are intending on instating some new mods, how are you even going to go about that, anyway?

Yeah, I know I'm being a whore, but still.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:25:50 No.7591792
/int/ is my favourite board.

Its the perfect secondary board.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:25:55 No.7591796
Oh moot, you're really gonna have to write this persuasive essay for me. No way I'm gonna get it done at this rate.

Do you have any fetishes? Do you consider yourself romantic? What kind of girls are you attracted to?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:00 No.7591799
hey, where is the gentlemanly, pistol wielding t-rex from?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:02 No.7591800
How does the process of choosing a mod look like?
I always thought they were friends you knew IRL at the beginning, but after the huge amount of users 4chan has, how do you pick em?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:02 No.7591801
HEY MOOT. Just want you to know that if I'd ever run into you in person, I would buy you a beer. I would hand it to you, mutter something to myself, and then wander off without making eye contact because I am socially awkward.

But I would buy you a beer nonetheless.
>> Batman 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:17 No.7591803
moot, you look and sound british, please live here

love from england
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:17 No.7591804
How does the mod thing work with dynamic IPs?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:26:50 No.7591808

I made a flash for /f/ a while ago. I've only posted it twice here on /f/ myself, and of course nowhere else. Hope you enjoy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:27:10 No.7591811
Hey moot, I'd very much like to shake your hand. I bet you have a really loose handshake. Anyway, you're a pretty cool guy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:27:16 No.7591813

mod me up bro

email: delicious_cake@ymail.com
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:27:18 No.7591814

Just need to autoban Scandinavians on /int/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:27:54 No.7591817
Hello, "Moot". If that is your real name. Or is it actually CHRISTOPHER POOLE
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:28:06 No.7591819
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I'm very sorry to hear that moot. I can't say I have ever raided or posted anything that would cause you a problem but, I am sorry still.

I luv you moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:28:26 No.7591825
About your video, do you ever see the internet moving away from facebook and things like that or do you think privacy will never be regained?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:28:47 No.7591830
/in/ is horrible, you should feel ashamed
>> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/20/10(Sat)18:28:51 No.7591831
you da man, moot. also, a philosophy board would be quite legit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:28:51 No.7591832
Moot, you do realise you could become a millionaire if you had some proper ADs on this god forgiven site, right?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:00 No.7591833
How did you feel at the TED thing when the guy asked you about the CP?

Was it a fun and nice feeling?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:02 No.7591834
Oh Moot my love, could you sign my heart in MSpaint please? It would make me the happiest girl in all of the interwebs :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:27 No.7591836
I think moot has gone now guys.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:31 No.7591837
Oh look. He's on r9k right now.
>> New Libertarian Order !NAMdiwz0Sw 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:48 No.7591838
Agreed. It was nice posting in an epic thread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:29:51 No.7591840
aaaaaaand he's gone! thanks though moot for spending some time with us.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:30:21 No.7591848
It doesn't. Have fun.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:30:41 No.7591853
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Well if you ever decide to come back moot...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:30:42 No.7591854
I'm kind of surprised by your claims that girls don't contact you.

I've considered it before (you seem chill, articulate, and some weird mixture of charismatic but introverted), but I've always figured, "I bet he's got dozens of cute and semi-intelligent ladies emailing him constantly. There's no point. He wouldn't even have time to read, much less reply."
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:31:00 No.7591855
Well... that was nice that he popped in for a bit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:31:13 No.7591858
...Is... Is he gone? N-no, please... I want to... I... His... I'm sad now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:31:26 No.7591859
hey moot, what is your opinion on the whole 4chan is dead/dying thing?. would you say that anything the actual posters do is affecting the quality and popularity of the site? (not the bots).

i come here to see something special/clever/ironic be born out of mindless spam and to be amazed at what people actualy think. the weirdos that browse 4chan that is. one thing that realy puts me off coming here is the gore, bestiality and cp. it kinda puts a downer on your day after you see a dead baby being raped by a dog.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:31:41 No.7591862
Will you ever close down /b/?

Will there be mods on /r9k/ and /b/?

Will you add .mp3 uploading to /mu/ like 420chan has done to theirs?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:32:05 No.7591868

Moot bro fisted me. :'D
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:32:25 No.7591872
i think moot just doesnt want us to know how much pussy he's really getting.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:32:26 No.7591873
How about recruiting a fuckload of mods for /v/? It's a wasteland there. Also, thanks for the site, been here 4+ years and I haven't had a chance to post in a thread that you checked.

Carry on.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:32:59 No.7591883
Any plans to make a /history/ or /linguistics/ or /language/ board?
>> Iltanyymi !3tvSlxDitY 02/20/10(Sat)18:33:00 No.7591885
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Hey moot,

What do you think about individual *chans forming in other countries, such as Finland, Germany and Russia? And another question, would you visit another country if asked for a visit/event?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:33:12 No.7591890
he is the brofist spammer on /v/
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:33:45 No.7591893
that's what i figured. i e-mailed all of them a year or two ago and didn't get a single response.

>Outside of trollface, is there any real sort of sitewide meme that has jumped onto the internet as a whole?
er, plenty.

two days ago.

i post less, but considering the posts per day is now at ~700,000, even if i was posting every single day, you probably wouldn't see it.

it'd probably die. there isn't anybody else in a position of power besides myself.

i've toyed with the idea for a long time, but decided against it. maybe some day. i've been saying that for five years though.

>Did 4chan ever have a /lit/ board in the past? Why did you seem so unenthusiastic about the idea?
no. what makes me seem unenthusiastic--i added it, didn't i?

>moot, do you browse with or without frames?

>Hey moot, do you browse /b/ at all?

>I bet you have a really loose handshake.
not really.

richard goins
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:33:53 No.7591896
That's odd, most of the time it's the baby doing the raping.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:34:04 No.7591901
I love you moot I want to have your babies ;__;
>> Mr. Bubbles !!zN2+UTl6AXy 02/20/10(Sat)18:34:11 No.7591904
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Moot, I have but one rule.

Do not touch my Little Sister.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:35:00 No.7591912
Moot, do you think that 4chan contributes in a good or bad way to the social anxiety and mental illness that many of its users suffer from?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:35:21 No.7591917
moot, will you ever do an IAMA, AMA on reddit?

or should I just ask you questions in this thread?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:35:33 No.7591918
moot, a lot of people want to meet each other off this site, hookup threads, etc...even though they have no identity and some truly nefarious people browse this site?

What kind of responsibility do you think you have with regards to IRL meetups and the increases possibility of things going very badly for underagers/girls?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:35:43 No.7591924
Stop trying to include Moot in your roleplay shenanigans.
Also, she's my daughter.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:35:57 No.7591928
Can we please have forced anonymous? Maybe with an option for OP identification
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:36:02 No.7591930
>Here's your goddamn book board

or words to that effect :P

Also I'm pretty sure I've seen you post before saying you didn't like the idea, but I could be mistaken.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:36:15 No.7591932
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moot hath left us now. To venture forth into lands unknown, full of futa and questionable material where the threads are about trains, dicks, and trains with dicks.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:36:25 No.7591934

1. Why is /new/ not taken down yet?

2. When did you had your first girlfriend?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:36:30 No.7591935
Moot, why don't you add more and better ads, you'd become rich as hell brah.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:36:52 No.7591940
if i ran popups and takeovers and all sorts of horrible shit, sure. lucky for you guys, i use my own site and don't use adblock, which keeps me grounded. also money doesn't seem to motivate me as much as it does others. i'm happy with a laptop+internet and a good meal.

traffic wise it isn't dying--it's growing. quality wise, it's been a slippery slope.

there is a language discussion board, and /int/ was supposed to be the imgboard equiv.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:37:11 No.7591948
I guess you don't know that moot has always supported the option to tripfag.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:38:36 No.7591966
moot can i buyz /b/ how much would it cost me?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:38:42 No.7591969
Dear moot,

I seen on /b/ that you were unsure if you were running a loss on the boards or not. Is this true? How is the site doing in terms of financial viability?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:38:46 No.7591970
moot, if you ever had relationship troubles would you post them (anonymously) on this board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:38:46 No.7591971

fuck you, don't do this moot, reddit is for fagets, LOOK WE GAT MOOTS LUK HOW GUD REDDIT IS, im raging at the very thought
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:03 No.7591973
What are the chances of getting forced anon / fortunes back?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:04 No.7591974

I fell in love with a girl I met off of /r9k/. She used me for sex and broke my heart.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:21 No.7591977
Questions moot should answer:

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:25 No.7591978
Is your real name Rob Goins?
>> New Libertarian Order !NAMdiwz0Sw 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:28 No.7591981
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Ugh, robot overlords messing with me.

Do you ever wake up and think, "Holy shit, what have I done?" You do realize you've sparked a revolution in some aspects?

pic related; do you make good pancakes? I don't know how or why this ended up on my hard drive.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:39:56 No.7591988

somekind of "OP" checkbox would be neat tho.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:40:20 No.7591996
>moot, will you ever do an IAMA, AMA on reddit?
i said i would if they did an official one, so it'd be curated. i don't want to waste time sifting through questions.

anonymous people meet at bars too. same difference.


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:40:23 No.7591998
moot, are you afraid of telling us your opinion on Neutral Milk Hotel?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:40:37 No.7592001
moot, thanks for answering my question. You've made a place for thousands of people young and old to get together and talk. People say as a society we're getting less socialable due to the internet, but I think right here, this proves we're not. You've made a place which is safe, warm and feels like home. You haven't been honoured enough because once this site has gone, hundreds of people wont know what to do each day. For the few of us who don't venture outside much, 4chan is a place to vent, talk and generally have a good time. I know you've probably lost money on this site, and I'm sure the people who make the FBI come talking to you, Don't mean for them to do so. But seriously moot, thank you for everything. You're kind hearted, you've chucked cash into this site to keep the rest of us happy. From the heart and soul of anon, thank you.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:40:57 No.7592006
Moot, you are so handsome and sucessful. Do you ever think about how great your life really is?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:41:24 No.7592012
Answer questions at light-speed moot, i have to babysit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:41:26 No.7592013
this, and also ever tried oatz and squatz?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:41:48 No.7592018
>moot can i buyz /b/ how much would it cost me?
$580,000,000 plz

>moot, if you ever had relationship troubles would you post them (anonymously) on this board?
haha fuck no. that's what /adv/ is for, anyway.

>What are the chances of getting forced anon / fortunes back?
slim, but a possibility
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:41:59 No.7592019
The recent purge on /g/ (or should I say /a/ with computers) didn't help much, the weeaboos are back in full force. Please tell the mod to at least be consistent.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:04 No.7592021
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:26 No.7592025
>A girl used me for sex
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:41 No.7592030
So are the trial boards permanent or you plan to evaluate if they are worth the bandwidth in a near future?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:57 No.7592035
Yeah, i agree with this. Also, he probably has a gf we don't know about anyways.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:58 No.7592036

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:42:59 No.7592037
>possibility of things going very badly for underagers/girls?

underagers aren't supposed to be here and need to be banned on sight anyway
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:11 No.7592040
d'aww, moot is so awkward
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:14 No.7592041
Moot, I really respect the fact that you haven't let the success of 4chan go to your head. Most people would have turned into egotistical pricks who think they are too good to use their own site. Thanks for staying grounded.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:33 No.7592043

>>i don't accept charity of any kind. thanks though.

why? you could earn a huge amount of money!
i would do it...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:38 No.7592044
Are you going to answer my question Moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:53 No.7592049
moot, what is your favourite image that you have ever saved from 4chan?

Could you post it please?

If it is one that I have made, I will eat an apple (which may not be extreme, but it's realistic and I do have an apple).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:43:57 No.7592050
moot are those "being in debt" stories about you true? id figure youd have a lot of money, owning 4chan and all
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:44:01 No.7592051
Why don't we have more of these discussion threads, moot? This is pretty productive, you're a true bro.

Thanks for everything. Besides the obvious trolls, a lot of good discussion comes out of 4chan - /r9k/, at least.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:44:05 No.7592053
What do your IRL friends think about 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:44:11 No.7592054
>also money doesn't seem to motivate me as much as it does others. i'm happy with a laptop+internet and a good meal.
Now I know, I havnt wasted my time spending on this site.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:44:57 No.7592070
lol @ crotch zoom-in
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:45:01 No.7592071
Moot: why bother having /fk/? Hardly anyone knows it's even there...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:45:14 No.7592072
Do yous till perform janitor duties?
Like ban CP posters when you encounter them?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:45:18 No.7592074
i heard his father made fetuses
With flesh licking ladies
While he and his mother
Were asleep in the trailer park
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:45:44 No.7592081
Why are you avoiding questions about your music taste damn you?!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:45:49 No.7592084
Do you have any idea how long it takes a thread on this board to reach page 10? It isn't /b/.

Also, the bump limit has been reached, it isn't called autosaging.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:46:03 No.7592086
hey moot, YOU'RE AWESOME!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:46:28 No.7592091
Sticky the thread.

It is important to interact with your minions.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:46:36 No.7592095

It's also locked, and nobody can post there.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:46:41 No.7592098
Also requesting opinion on Neutral Milk Hotel.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:02 No.7592103
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My /adv/ is somehow not working. As the only board.
I dont get it.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:19 No.7592109
>So are the trial boards permanent or you plan to evaluate if they are worth the bandwidth in a near future?
i'll evaluate them in a few months.

>id figure youd have a lot of money, owning 4chan and all
i have next to nothing.

because it's the BEST BOARD EVER
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:25 No.7592110
please tell us if you have ever listened to Neutral Milk Hotel, if not you should.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:42 No.7592116
Is your view of the boards any different logged in as admin, or do you basically see what we do?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:52 No.7592120
Moot do you drink?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:47:55 No.7592121
Do you ever feel the urge to troll moot?

If yes, do you and where?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:48:07 No.7592125
idk bout you but its almost summer time and
im going to get out of my cave. then return back too 4chan once winter hits.
>> TheMinimalist !!If1lDuko2Xo 02/20/10(Sat)18:48:16 No.7592126
Sup Moot?

How's slight fame treating you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:48:40 No.7592129
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attractive young women DO post of 4chan. :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:48:51 No.7592132
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Can you tell us how much debt the site has cost you now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:49:26 No.7592137
moot does not listen to NMH, faggots.

He listens to Jpop and Kpop.

He is a big fan of SNSD at the moment.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:49:38 No.7592142

>implying you are attractive
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:49:51 No.7592145
This is why I'm a misogynist.
Thread ruined.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:49:53 No.7592146
lol, no.

Why is it so many ugly girls think they are attractive when so many actually pretty girls think they are ugly?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:13 No.7592150
>Is your view of the boards any different logged in as admin, or do you basically see what we do?
we see what you see, but get some extra buttons from the extension for admin/ban stuff.

>Do you ever feel the urge to troll moot?
are you KIDDING ME?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:22 No.7592155
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You should take a picture of the spot where you sit and use the computer Moot, I think people would like to see where the action happens.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:26 No.7592157
hey moot
what do you see as the future of the internets? will anonymity eventually be completely stomped out by persistent identity a la facebook/twitter/etc?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:32 No.7592159
dont flatter yourself honey
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:49 No.7592161
Who you foolin', buddy?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:50:51 No.7592163
Which ones are the trial boards?

I know this was a trial board but I have no idea about the rest - the ones on the old zip server?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:00 No.7592165

Mandatory TITS OF GTFO.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:02 No.7592167
Will you respond to me, Mootles?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:32 No.7592171
Hey moot, what's your favorite movie?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:49 No.7592174
does moot like Johnny Cash?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:57 No.7592175
i would say its because there personality reflects how you see them.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:51:59 No.7592176
Moot. Marry me. Lets do it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:52:09 No.7592179
Hey moot, you probably won't get to answer my questions because of the sheer number of posts in this thread, but I think it's worth a shot.

1) I know you're against donations and whatnot, but why this position? If users are willing to donate, why deny them the opportunity? Also, if the situation becomes dire (DON8 OR DIE AGAINLOLO) will your position change?

2) What, definitively, is the nature of your relationship with W.T. Snacks?

3) Would you ever consider bringing back /z/, provided nobody is allowed to post with the name SovietRussia#deadjew?

4) Remember a few years ago, after donate or die, when you got new servers? You instructed everyone to post more. Do you ever regret this decision?

5) Moot, honestly, are you a virgin? If not, how many ladies have you "known", in the biblical sense?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:52:13 No.7592180
>Moot do you drink?
extremely rarely. maybe a few drinks a year.


the ones in italics on http://www.4chan.org/frames
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:52:31 No.7592185
i think shes ok...if she's not fat beneath this picture.
i would do her
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:52:48 No.7592189
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Moot, you are a faggot, and the death of /v/ is on your hands
>> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/20/10(Sat)18:52:56 No.7592190
>are you KIDDING ME?
You have a 50% chance of having just been trolled, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:24 No.7592194
Can we get a screencap of your 4chan view?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:30 No.7592196
thanks for managing 4chan all these years and best wishes from Poland.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:33 No.7592199
How tall are you moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:42 No.7592202

l've never thought about this before, but it does sound like a neat idea. What does moot's computer setup look like?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:45 No.7592203
hey moot. what do you think of doublesguy ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:48 No.7592204
Well, you are young and on 4chan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:53:54 No.7592206
Would it be viable within a few months to send you an email to become a janitor/mod? If so what would you want somebody to answer when sending you an "application". I would think some knowledge of Kusaba and whatnot would help, having some previous modding knowledge on a forum/imageboard would probably be useful too, no?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:54:22 No.7592212
am curious about the nmh thing...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:54:26 No.7592213
>1) I know you're against donations and whatnot, but why this position? If users are willing to donate, why deny them the opportunity? Also, if the situation becomes dire (DON8 OR DIE AGAINLOLO) will your position change?
it's a terrible model for a large website. 4chan should be able to support itself sans donations. i think the wikipedia model is absolutely ridiculous.

>2) What, definitively, is the nature of your relationship with W.T. Snacks?
we're friends. i see him a few times a year, and we speak occasionally.

>3) Would you ever consider bringing back /z/, provided nobody is allowed to post with the name SovietRussia#deadjew?
yeah, it should come back soonish. maybe in may.

>4) Remember a few years ago, after donate or die, when you got new servers? You instructed everyone to post more. Do you ever regret this decision?

>5) Moot, honestly, are you a virgin? If not, how many ladies have you "known", in the biblical sense?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:54:52 No.7592222
Moot, do you smoke weed?
Have you ever?
If not, what do you think about smoking weed in general?
Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:54:56 No.7592224
Moot, are you ever worried that /b/ will spontaneously decide to attack your home address, similar to how it has attacked others? (Pizzas, boxes, etc).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55:05 No.7592227
moot, will you please unlock /fk/ for posting? Keep it hidden though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55:06 No.7592228
Can't anyone just bullshit about moderator experience?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55:47 No.7592236
Personal question here for you Moot (even though you ignored Neutral Milk Hotel):

If you could recommend one book to anon, what would it be?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:55:59 No.7592237
Moot, are you one of those guys that only likes asian girls?
You should describe your ideal woman.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:06 No.7592244
Do you get your sexy jawline from your mother or your father?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:17 No.7592247
What does Snacks do for a living now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:33 No.7592252
when are you planning to open applications for mods and janitors, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:34 No.7592253
What's the deal with /fk/? Why did this pop up?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:46 No.7592254
moot, is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:56:53 No.7592256
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>>yeah, it should come back soonish. maybe in may.




>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57:06 No.7592261
moot wut do you think of other chan sites that get shit traffic.

and say /b/ sucks when they would be nothing without it
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57:11 No.7592262
have you ever considered adding a /boy/ board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:57:22 No.7592266
Do you participate in the traumatic childhood threads here on /r9k/ moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:58:13 No.7592276
Fuck off sick fuck pedophile
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:58:36 No.7592279
Have you ever used being moot to get a girl to suck your dick?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:58:57 No.7592286
You're like my hero moot

So Moot, do you prefer asians/blacks/caucasians/hispanics/indians/etc. not to single anyone out but a matter of preference?

And what do you do everyday? Serious question
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:00 No.7592287
What boards (if any) do you post regularly?

Do you watch TV? What are you favourite shows?

Do you still play the vidya? Favourite games?

Favourite band?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:27 No.7592294
moot: >>>/img/ i liek old 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:28 No.7592295
Thanks moot, for all
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:30 No.7592296
stop countless troll threads on /sci/ by answering these:

a) will it take off?
b) does 0.99999... = 1?
c) if bullot on rain shot 100phm who relativity fall?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:37 No.7592297
Yeah I suppose but then again knowing that it goes

[IP address D / S] [D & B] [P] [CP]

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:49 No.7592299
no/no. i don't care. yes.



not trolling. apparently other imageboards copied /z/ and call it "wildcard".

i don't really care.

absolutely not going to happen.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:56 No.7592302
Do you ever get tired of everyone bitching to you and requesting things from you here on 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)18:59:58 No.7592305
That's a serious offence, man.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:00:37 No.7592313
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Moot, for some reason the 4chan CSS isn't working for me. Do you know why this is?

Pic related.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:00:46 No.7592315
Would you ever consider modeling? You're gorgeous. (:
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:01:51 No.7592326
Have you ever considered having a (you) tag in our own posts ala anontalk?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:02:08 No.7592329
moot how many papers do you have to publish to become a mod/janitor on /sci/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:02:11 No.7592331
What were you like at school?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:02:20 No.7592332
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i herd these guys are going to pull a 187 on moot
and on his servers.

Moot i would be scared, this is something big
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:02:22 No.7592333
Not if you have experience from different imageboards.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:02:38 No.7592338
What is your opinion about Kimmo Alm, will you ever buy his pedo haven website?
He is constantly spamming every fucking board and it is annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:03:20 No.7592344
that's what you get for using a mac
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:03:28 No.7592347
I wouldn't mind being a mod. How should I go about becoming one?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:03:45 No.7592350
>So Moot, do you prefer asians/blacks/caucasians/hispanics/indians/etc. not to single anyone out but a matter of preference?

>And what do you do everyday? Serious question
suffer in poverty and ignominy :3

uh, no.

yeah, but it comes with the job.

can you access http://static.4chan.org/css/yotsuba.css ?

i absolutely hate being photographed/filmed, so nope.

>Have you ever considered having a (you) tag in our own posts ala anontalk?

>moot how many papers do you have to publish to become a mod/janitor on /sci/?
haha. "a lot."

>What were you like at school?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:04:20 No.7592355
he is absolutely insane. we emailed back and forth for the first time, a few weeks ago. i'll post them up at some point soon.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:04:27 No.7592356
I don't see why so many people want to be a mod/janitor, other than the power trip. I can imagine it being rather an annoying job.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:04:53 No.7592357
     File1266710693.jpg-(21 KB, 273x275, 19633_530876627362_54103752_31(...).jpg)
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Did you like Death Note?
I'm sure you've seen it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:16 No.7592362
hey moot, what is your opinion on Neutral Milk Hotel?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:17 No.7592363
Have you ever considered using this website to further your own political/personal/social/[other] agenda?
If so, how would you do it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:23 No.7592366
If you hate myspace and facebook so much, make 4chan forced anon. I don't browse regular forums anymore because I can't stand the circlejerking and whoring for attention/internet fame. Allowing tripfaggotry really detracts from the only thing that makes 4chan good.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:35 No.7592369
Favorite anime and American cartoon when you where young?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:51 No.7592373
mootiepies, Do you do radio interviews? is it somthing we'd have to setup via the press email?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:05:53 No.7592374
I think they have dreams about banning everyone and thinking they can improve the quality of the boards they lurk.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:01 No.7592376

> My /adv/ is somehow not working. As the only board.
I dont get it.

Please post Live HTTP Headers output. Or something else like that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:08 No.7592377

1. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

2. How many hours a day do you go to 4chan a day on average?

3. Coke or pepsi?

4. Do you hate any of the current forced memes (doubles guy, brushie, etc)?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:09 No.7592378
moot is turning into a professional politicians half answering what he likes and ignoring the rest.

Everyone knows the underagers run wild on this site and are even somewhat important for it's success, especially /b/ in its current form. You don't have to travel to the mall Friday night to see how many kids will yelp, "Pew pew. Laaaaaaaaaazers!"
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:34 No.7592385

Why? What have you got to be ashamed of?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:51 No.7592386
@moot: what is the limit of x as it approaches infinity in the function x/0
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:06:59 No.7592387
You played Umineko?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:04 No.7592388

He's gonna run out of steam eventually, he has no job and said himself he has no money to buy food
>> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:08 No.7592389
He is the founder of 4chan, after all.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:23 No.7592395
Moot when will you finally get new janitors in? I applied ages ago damnit
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:38 No.7592396
As a /jp/erson I am seconding this question.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:40 No.7592399
ok serious question. why cant you ban these spamming
assholes in /b/ its getting too the point where i want to copy pasta link.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:45 No.7592402
So whats the deal, is 4chan banned from all cons? And will we ever see a 4chan panel again?
(hint: maybe even one this year?)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:46 No.7592403
duke nukem forever etc
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:07:52 No.7592405
Personally, I'm at this website everyday, might as well do something with useful. I contribute OC at least once a week if not more, and that gets a bit old. I wouldn't give a damn about not telling anyone, its not like I have people to talk to about this shit, its not hard to keep something to yourself when you have no one to talk to.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:08:15 No.7592410
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if we had mods on /v/, things would be different, at least 40% of faggotry would be eliminated. but no, we must live in anarchy
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:08:26 No.7592412
>What were you like at school?
I was just thinking in general, but how about at 15 when you were setting up 4chan or whatever?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:08:53 No.7592415
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what do you think of dino egg oatmeal?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:08:54 No.7592416
>Have you ever considered using this website to further your own political/personal/social/[other] agenda?
no. i'm pretty adament about not using my position of "power" to influence things.

nope. i hate remote interviews.

>1. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
hopefully not dead.
>2. How many hours a day do you go to 4chan a day on average?
depends. but normally a few.
>3. Coke or pepsi?
also depends. i rarely drink soda. i do like a can of cherry coke every now and then though.
>4. Do you hate any of the current forced memes (doubles guy, brushie, etc)?
i hate most forced memes. EXCEPT MILLHOUSE OH MAN THAT'S THE BEST.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:08:55 No.7592417
Hey moot, did you delete OP's image?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:09:01 No.7592419
Are you really a IRL recluse? I find that hard to believe for being the owner of 4chan. So you like, browse /b/ all day or what?

Do you order out a lot in terms of food? But im leaning towards no cause you've said your living on the 'lower end'.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:09:38 No.7592426
Well, I'm just on here so much and all the pedo stuff is annoying...I could help by clipping those.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:09:44 No.7592428
all of those apps were tossed.

we aren't banned. i lost interested in attending/presenting at them though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:10 No.7592430
moot, i order you to allow us to donate money (not that i would). pretend its a joke and your doing it "for the lulz" then cash in on this shithole.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:12 No.7592431
I can't remember the last time I saw CP on 4chan, probably when I stopped going to /b/.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:21 No.7592433
i missed 1/3-2/3 of every school year in high school. thank god for lack of attendance policy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:32 No.7592436
>I contribute OC at least once a week if not more...

See, that's another thing I don't get, why people think you have to mention that you contribute "original content". Everything should be original as a given.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:36 No.7592438
are you interested in new ones?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:43 No.7592442
that'd be awesome i'd love to read them
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:48 No.7592443

But Milhouse isn't a meme, i feel religious about this......
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:55 No.7592445
Moot, it's Saturday, go outside and play with your friends.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:10:59 No.7592447

What is your favorite candy bar?

Do you enjoy hentai, or do you prefer IRL porn?

Do you have any siblings?

Would you rather post on /r9k/ or /b/? Which board do you think is of higher quality?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Have you ever considered recruiting people from /g/ to help you code parts of the site?

Chocolate, or vanilla?

Moot, have you ever experienced unrequited love ; __ ; ?

How many people, male or female, email moot@4chan.org for non-ban related reasons?

If you had a single wish, what would it be?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:11:16 No.7592450
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We know you like anime but do you watch any western cartoons?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:11:22 No.7592451
How many people are there currently "staffing" 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:11:41 No.7592453
what about the spam bots in /b/ is there
anyway too stop this shit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:11:41 No.7592454
It should be and its not, thats why.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:12:12 No.7592461
>Are you really a IRL recluse?
yeah, pretty much. i generally only leave the house to eat dinner (usually with friends), and go to to class.

>Do you order out a lot in terms of food?
never. i walk everywhere. i got hit by a taxi yesterday ( ._.)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:12:29 No.7592465
I love watching this, everyone getting freaked out about moot. Its kinda awesome:)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:12:43 No.7592466
starcraft2... do you have a beta key?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:12:57 No.7592471
what's your favorite smiley?
mine's :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:04 No.7592474
>i got hit by a taxi yesterday ( ._.)


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:13 No.7592478
>i got hit by a taxi yesterday ( ._.)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:17 No.7592479
how bad did you get hit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:21 No.7592480
Good, because I've abandoned almost all those boards since applying.
How are you planning to go about new janitors uf/when you decide to make some more? Will there be MORE applications?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:22 No.7592481
awww..you shouldnt delete your pic, youre cute=)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:36 No.7592483
i love you. so so so much :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:42 No.7592485
serious question moot. how did you learn web development skills when you were 15? i need a way of advancing my skills beyond good ol' XHTML without paying for courses or textbooks
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:45 No.7592486
moot how choose quote green text? so inconsistent?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:56 No.7592489

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:13:58 No.7592491
Hey Mootles, did you buy TInychan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:13 No.7592498
do you play video games?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:33 No.7592501
Is that naked picture of you real?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:42 No.7592504
So we can say a lot of things about moot, but he is honest at least (thank you for that moot :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:42 No.7592505
So you don't go out to clubs or bars? Seriously man, you'd have hot bitches ALL over your dick
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:45 No.7592506
I've always wondered why /b/ hasn't really tried to fuck with you. Your personal info is out there but instead of seeing it plastered all over /b/ along with threads of weird stalkers capturing candid photos of you it's as if no one even bothers.
But I could be wrong.
Have you ever had unfriendly uncounters with /b/tards?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:49 No.7592507

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:50 No.7592508
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moot! What is your opinion of Neutral Milk Hotel?

Attached is Jeff Mootgum.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:14:56 No.7592509
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MOOT! What do you think of bunnies and how cute they are? Seriously. I want at least a paragraph. None of this one-liner bullshit that I'm seeing. TELL ME ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU LIKE BUNNIES! Also, if you have cats, you should post in /an/ more. I am disappointed in your lack of participation on this website.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:04 No.7592511
hell yeah. fuck i'd wingman for you bro
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:25 No.7592518
new cons? nope!

>Moot, it's Saturday, go outside and play with your friends.

>What is your favorite candy bar?
this isn't a fair question. i ate a reese's cup and king size kitkat for breakfast yesterday though.
>Do you enjoy hentai, or do you prefer IRL porn?
irl but most porn is horrible these days.
>Do you play any musical instruments?
sax as a kid.
>Have you ever considered recruiting people from /g/ to help you code parts of the site?
>How many people, male or female, email moot@4chan.org for non-ban related reasons?
very, very few.>If you had a single wish, what would it be?
i'll think about that some more.

depends what you mean by staffing. there is myself, and a very part time programmer. past that, a handful of mods and janitors.

>starcraft2... do you have a beta key?
i fucking wish.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:29 No.7592521
moot, what are your hobbies?
>> Generic Tripfag 189 !!V3bhLiL+yDe 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:37 No.7592522
you seem intelligent and like you have a good sense of self awareness.
Q: You wanna meet me for coffee or something. I dont like coffee but you seem like the type of person who would go for coffee
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:54 No.7592526
Hmm... Perhaps Moot should consider politics as a career.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:57 No.7592527

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:15:58 No.7592528
i got hit by a car a few weeks ago, sucks doesnt it? i kinda feel bad for getting hit even though it wasnt my fault.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:06 No.7592532
So what are you taking for classes and such? Do you live near campus ?

And are you hoping to get a master's/PhD or just a bachelor's? Currently im doing my 2nd year of taking random courses haaa~
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:07 No.7592534
Moot, have you ever done drugs?

Also, we have a /fit/ board, is there any chance of us getting a /fat/ board? Us Overweight chaps need a place to hang out, too .___.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:14 No.7592535
Will you tell the crazy fucks at pedo-talk (kimmos website) to stop spamming 4chan?

What's the deal with them anyways?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:20 No.7592539
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hey, moot, how did this situation make you feel?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:21 No.7592541
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moot loves this
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:24 No.7592543
I just wanna bring every1s attention to how awesome moot is for not fucking up the site with popups and shit for personal gain. moot basically has a choice of either making a lot of money(personal gain) or doing what is right(greater good). Think about it what would YOU do in his position, you'd probably sell out and spend the money on hookers and blow.

Thanks and god bless you moot, wish you all the best.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:16:56 No.7592547
Moot, why are you such an attention whore?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:00 No.7592548
i was, and i had the signal. he stopped after i screamed at him and he hit my legs.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:11 No.7592550
>recruiting people from /g/

LOL, KingNeckbeard and RichardStallman
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:12 No.7592551
moot, will /v/ ever return to its pre-'07 glory? or will it remain /b/-2 for good?
>> YOU ARE A !PEDO.toTKc 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:14 No.7592552
Moot, what was the last porn you consumed?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:47 No.7592560
mooty when you went to TED did they pick you up or reimburse you for travelling there? I hear you're not exactly in the moneys...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:17:59 No.7592562
Protip: If a taxi is coming towards you do not scream, fucking move.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:00 No.7592563
do you post on any of the other chans?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:10 No.7592565
mootle please be careful ; ___ ;

especially considering

>>it'd probably die. there isn't anybody else in a position of power besides myself.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:18 No.7592566
Sorry, bro. But I lol'd. The idea of a /fat/ board reminds me of those "feeders" that make it a goal to be massively overweight.

That would be an entertaining board.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:21 No.7592568
Reading your post make you seem like you have some issues moot, being incredibly shy I mean. Not wanting your pictures taken, stating you're a recluse etc.

Have you ever been to a psychiatrist or similar? Do you have your own theories on why you're this shy?

The changes for getting this post answered is slim, I know, but now I've already typed it so...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:22 No.7592569
regarding underage people, are they allowed on SFW boards?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:27 No.7592572
hey fella, i'm pretty sure /x/ is /b2/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:37 No.7592576
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Hunter S. Mootson
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:18:58 No.7592583
This and what do you think of /tg/, also, you got to solve /int/. its like /int/olerance now and a giant Latino trolling ground, an chile vs peru/mexico/argentina thread is always on first page........
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:19:12 No.7592585
i hate that picture. it's my least favorite on INTERNET ;_;

because any friggin moron can learn html/css/php. being good is another thing entirely. i recognized that i'd never make a great programmer, so i stopped bothering.

haven't heard from jan in a few days.

>So you don't go out to clubs or bars?
nope, never.

>Q: You wanna meet me for coffee or something. I dont like coffee but you seem like the type of person who would go for coffee
i hate coffee. i've never had more than a few sips. it's disgusting. tea 4 lief.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:19:20 No.7592588
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>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:19:38 No.7592593
>irl but most porn is horrible these days.

maybe that's why so many people get on to cp
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:00 No.7592598
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:14 No.7592602
Last I heard you were about to start/going back to college. How's that working out for you? I don't expect you to tell us what you study, but you know, you totally should.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:23 No.7592603
Why the fuck would you eat porn?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:35 No.7592606
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What villian would you like to see in the new batman film?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:49 No.7592608
Greater than 500 posts and i'm only reading moot's replies........
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:50 No.7592609

Moot, what was the deal with meximoot?

I was scared you were actually eaten by a shark that one time ; ___ ;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:20:55 No.7592613
A man's gotta eat
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:07 No.7592615
Moot appreciation post.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:18 No.7592617
I'm actually sipping a nice oolong at the moment. But I enjoy coffee so god damn much holy shit hnnng
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:20 No.7592618
>tea 4 lief.


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:41 No.7592624
Moot, what tabs do you have open right now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:43 No.7592625
Hot chocolate > tea
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:49 No.7592626
is that picture of you jacking off with the cum shot real??
if so i came
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:51 No.7592627
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:21:56 No.7592631
Are you a top or a bottom? :3 I like both, we should have sex.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:06 No.7592632
moot, how do you feel about Something Awful? I know you aren't active there anymore, but do you hold any hostilities against the site as many goons do towards 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:27 No.7592638
If this is a sticky thread then where is the little pin icon?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:35 No.7592639

You forgot your sage dude....
>> Generic Tripfag 189 !!V3bhLiL+yDe 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:39 No.7592641
I have a weak stomach so I cant drink it erghh. Just thought you should know this before we're married
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:40 No.7592642

IF THIS THREAD HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING it's that moot is now going to download In the Aeroplane Over the Sea and totally love it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:52 No.7592646
I like it. Your favorite of yourself is probably one id be like..eh, its ok :) funny how that works.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:22:54 No.7592648
moot, how long is your e-penis, in miles?
>> Bloodfart !Y5gprqQGqU 02/20/10(Sat)19:23:03 No.7592650
If an attractive woman approached you on the streets and recognized you as moot, and then propositioned you for sex, would you accept?

Also, do you want to try to set up something on Reddit now for an AMA? Like, let the topic run a week, top something best questions you answer? They recently did one for Noam Chomsky, it could run like that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:23:33 No.7592659
take a look there moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:23:42 No.7592660
>i fucking wish.

Me too good luck.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:23:44 No.7592662
Moot if I said that I knew one of the few janitors you have now, what would you do?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:24:26 No.7592673
moot doesn't sleep with random women. haven't you noticed the purity ring in some pictures of him?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:24:30 No.7592674
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<---Photo of moot being hit by a taxi.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:24:32 No.7592675
Moot, what was the last book you read?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:24:47 No.7592678
I'd just like to interject that you seem to be a relaxed, affable person, with a very clean and tidy lifestyle.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:05 No.7592683
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i think it's pretty rad that you remain so reserved and mysterious about yourself
a lot of web moderators never shut the fuck up and constantly post on their forums, turning it into a giant fascist circlejerk, but when i started posting here it took me a few weeks to even realize who you were. that's important for an anonymous website.

stay classy, moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:08 No.7592685

>implying thats a taxi
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:17 No.7592688
they pay for travel/comp the badge.

>Protip: If a taxi is coming towards you do not scream, fucking move.
he was making a left and gunned it to get ahead of oncoming traffic. had i not screamed at him i would have gotten mowed down.

not going out and getting drunk with idiots means i have a problem? i keep to myself and have a small group of close friends. life is pretty good, imo.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:32 No.7592690
Moot, what are you going to school for and why? Because if it's unrelated to 4Chan... this site is sure going to die quick when you start focusing on your career.

Also, how much does it cost to run 4Chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:34 No.7592691
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>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:35 No.7592692
Is there a video of your presentation at the Berkman Center anywhere online?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:39 No.7592693
CSfag here. There are three rules to becoming good:
Tinker, tinker, tinker.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:46 No.7592696
Moot, what are the specs of your computer?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:55 No.7592697
Moot, did you get the license plate number of the taxi driver?

I will set him/her on fire with my mind for you.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:25:57 No.7592698

Since when do women taxi drivers exist?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:00 No.7592699
typical female drivers

probably looking at a mirror to check her makeup
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:27 No.7592702

All the answers in this thread make me conclude that Moot has assburgers.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:32 No.7592704
Moot, ever since I found this site, I've wanted hours and hours of my life browsing it.

How could you do this to me?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:44 No.7592705
I think the word filter is broken.

It said I had been muted for 16 seconds and I got this message next time I tried to post:

>You're muted! You cannot post until 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:30, 1 minute 6 seconds from now
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:26:58 No.7592709
you say you spend a few hours on 4chan a day, (seems fair enough as you do own the site). do you browse 4chan as a regular user would do looking for interesting content and humorous material? or is it more of a moderating session that you do?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:19 No.7592716
Moot, I sent you my pic and asked you to take me to MickieDees back when that thing was going down. I told you i would tell you a story about a deaf guy who asked me out. How come you never replied?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:30 No.7592720
I fuckin' ground my teeth when it said i could not view because of country copyright laws.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:31 No.7592721
Hey moot:

1) ass or tits?

2) what is your favorite meme(s)?

3) how does it feel owning the best site on the internets?

4) mario or sonic?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:31 No.7592722

why teh fuck would you jerk off on cam
with tons and tons of dudes too see you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:41 No.7592726
I was also implying that it's a real photo.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:27:59 No.7592729
I can.

; O;
>> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 02/20/10(Sat)19:28:15 No.7592737
Having fun moot? Was wondering what it'd take to get in this place as a mod. Or janitor. Or something.

That aside, have you considered looking up the taxi driver and suing him? You could probably get some money out of that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:28:40 No.7592746

I think the answer to this question is the latter part of this question >>7592631
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:29:03 No.7592747
>suing him

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:29:24 No.7592752
>not going out and getting drunk with idiots means i have a problem? i keep to myself and have a small group of close friends. life is pretty good, imo.

I never said anything about getting drunk.
If you're happy, then I'm happy :3
>> KH !zfV2AchvNE 02/20/10(Sat)19:29:37 No.7592754
Hey moot XYZ
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:30:06 No.7592756
I hope this picture is real, but only because there's a poster of Kurt-FREAKING-Angle on the door.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:30:39 No.7592764
So Moot, gunna visit England sometime soon?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:30:54 No.7592769
Moot, you said one of the few things you do is go to class. What do you study?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:11 No.7592776
File deleted.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:13 No.7592777
Moot, do you like to read in your spare time? If so what are your favorite books.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:18 No.7592779
Do you approve of the "Bitches n' Whores" attitude of most robots? Has a woman ever fucked you over?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:18 No.7592780
unrelated to all the srs debate, but i'm lulzing at the editing around 01:00 when he says 'i'm a kind of a private person' then a big slow motion closeup happens

check it for yourself
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:52 No.7592783
So how often do you laugh out loud when you're on 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:31:53 No.7592784
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moot what is your opinion on Girls Generation?
Wimminz related.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:06 No.7592789
Isn't that Snacks?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:09 No.7592790

Sageing a sticky. That's productive.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:17 No.7592792
moot, you used a picture I made of you as Duke Nukem as your twitter account photo.

Does this mean I can be a mod?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:22 No.7592793
Can you people have some respect and shut up with the "CAN I B MODZ NAO PLZ LOLO"

I can see how being a mod would actually suck cause you'd be forced to look for spam and retard posts. Seriously guys?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:25 No.7592794
moot, I don't want to be a pest, but please have someone take a look at /d/. It's been filled with spam and rule breaking content (furry, western, irl porn) for the past few days and none of it has been deleted.

Oh, and what anime/manga are you watching/reading currently (if any)?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:27 No.7592795
So moot, while you're here and paying attention:
What's up with /rs/? If I try to do a search on a board, the query string works fine (like >>>/rs/poop&from=%2Fb%2F ) but the actual results include ones from other boards. I don't think that's right.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:27 No.7592796
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Tim buckly said you and him are good friends and you talk often, is this true?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:30 No.7592797
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i've been meaning to ask

what was this a few weeks back?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:32:52 No.7592803
Moot, how do I know if I need a break from 4chan?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:33:31 No.7592815
gmail, google apps, 4chan search, /g/, this thread

heh, no.

>moot, how do you feel about Something Awful? I know you aren't active there anymore, but do you hold any hostilities against the site as many goons do towards 4chan?
i don't use it. i don't care about it. why would i be hostile towards it? it never comes to mind unless somebody mentions it to me.

no, because that's weird.

>Moot, what are you going to school for and why?
i don't know/because i had nothing better to do
>Also, how much does it cost to run 4Chan?
a lot. it's in the FAQ.

i never presented at berkman.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:33:33 No.7592816

All I'd do with a janitor position is delete all the stupid offtopic shit and imagespam on /a/.

Banning the fuckers would just be a bonus.
>> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 02/20/10(Sat)19:33:50 No.7592820
Are you here for more than 30 minutes a day or so? You need a break.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:34:11 No.7592823

if you ask a question to moot on 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:34:15 No.7592825

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:35:57 No.7592837
Hey moot, uh, what are "mutes"? This is the first I'm hearing of them.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:37:03 No.7592844
no. i was absolutely pissed at myself for not writing down the medallion number. i'm fine though.

i didn't respond to any.

moron anon is a moron.

no but thanks for that image.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:37:08 No.7592845
Moot, do you like Neutral Milk Hotel?
>> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 02/20/10(Sat)19:37:14 No.7592847
/r9k/ thing. You get muted for posting unoriginal content... or at least you're supposed to. Wasn't working for a while, is now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:11 No.7592853

So you're just taking gen. ed. courses? Are you going to declare a major or just take classes into oblivion?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:14 No.7592854
What is the purpose of the 4chan Twitter feed? There doesn't seem to be any point in it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:17 No.7592855
Hey moot
will /g/ ever get a mod?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:25 No.7592858
What are you planning to major in and are you going for a bachelor's / master's/ Ph.D if it works out according to your plans? Do you take any language courses and do you buy textbooks online or at the school bookstore? Do you pay for your own education or are your parents like squatting for you for a couple years?

Yeah lots of Q's but im curious moot :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:34 No.7592860
Moot uses a Macbook with Thunderbird according to his email reply headers
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:41 No.7592864
Moot how do you feel about loli? Is the FBI against this?

also, see >>>/g/8384338
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:46 No.7592865
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moot, if you wanted it, I have a SC2 Beta key for you...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:38:55 No.7592866
Could you please go on a mad perma-ban spree in /v/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:00 No.7592867
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Still watch anime?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:11 No.7592868
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>I don't accept charity of any kind

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:36 No.7592873
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Make it, then take pics
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:42 No.7592874
What was your ideal purpose for /r9k/? I know it wasn't supposed to be a baw-fest.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:50 No.7592877
Why did the Moot cross the road?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:39:56 No.7592880
moot, you mentioned the decline in quality over the years being a slippery slope. Can you say a little about what you'd like to see more of, that perhaps used to be more frequent a few years back?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:40:21 No.7592886
     File1266712821.png-(365 KB, 675x1002, iPad-rear-lrg.png)
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Oh, here is the back
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:40:29 No.7592889
supposed to generate original content. it failed the very first day.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:01 No.7592897
Moot, what are your thoughts on Magic: The Gathering?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:04 No.7592898
Can you ban kaiji from /tv/?

He is a pedo shitposter.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:06 No.7592900
two words: COCK MONGLER
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:14 No.7592901
Can we get rid of tripcodes? It seems like a huge hypocrisy to get all gooey on video about anonymous posting and then let tripfags shit up the joint.

Do you see the hypocrisy? DO YOU SEE IT?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:28 No.7592905
The paper IPAD probably has mroe versatility and purpose then the real one.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:32 No.7592909
moot ... seriously, no-one would give a shit if you put an unobtrusive donate box somewhere or some other little money-making scheme ... and i'd actually be very glad if you could get some money from this place.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:49 No.7592913
If i remember correct, it was supposed to be a test of automatic moderation of repetitive content.

But since everyone knew the rules of the bot, that pretty much failed in a few months...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:41:56 No.7592916

What shampoo and soap brand do you use?

How many children would you like to have?

How, generally speaking, do you find the university experience?

Do you expect you'll be maintaining 4chan for the rest of your life, assuming the site isn't shut down for reasons beyond your control?

Have you ever used Pandora internet radio?

Are you cut, or uncut?

Have you ever been in love? :3

When was the last time you cried? Why?

Do you ever find posting anonymously on 4chan therapeutic?

Are you worried that you might have serious trouble with law enforcement because of 4chan one day?

If 4chan were to be shut down for whatever reason, what would you do with your time?

Do you WANT people to email moot@4chan.org, just to chat or say hello?

I sort of feel your TED talk was just you talking about 4chan, without any real purpose or message, with your ideas on free speech sort of being thrown in. What were your actual intentions?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:42:19 No.7592919
I support this post. Also permaban anyone who posts anything about Glau
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:42:44 No.7592926
what music do you like moot? :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:42:47 No.7592930
Moot will you read my fanfiction of you where you come to my house and ask me to teach you how to play magic the gathering
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:42:47 No.7592931
Favorite and least favorite board communities?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43:02 No.7592934


Moon mercy me as I was the original poster who asked. Can we share the account ~.~

Only games I even have played in my 20's have been PC RTS.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43:23 No.7592936
Why did you 'fix' the mute?!
Everyone liked it stuck at 2 seconds :'(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:43:58 No.7592944
So moot isn't gender dysphoric?
I thought I had someone that could understand me on here ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:29 No.7592947
Fuck you.

Tripcodes are useful for non-attention whoring purposes, such as long-term projects, or a thread that requires being known as the OP. (for telling a story that lasts more than one post for example)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:44 No.7592951
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Hey moot, what do you think of the FW900?

And you should post in battle station threads in /g/ occasionally.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:45 No.7592952

Do you like 4chan more now then you did in 2005

What vidya games do you play?

Need a starcraft 2 beta key? (i got two auctioned on ebay rite now can get one down if you need it)

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:55 No.7592954
sure is /tv/ in here.

Kaiji and Glau can stay.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:59 No.7592955
>Moot how do you feel about loli? Is the FBI against this?
pedophiles can rot in hell.

thanks but i don't really have time for it anyway. enjoy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:44:59 No.7592956
>long-term projects

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:45:00 No.7592957
Several, moot,

Is this thread a IAMA?

How often do students/professors at your college recognize you? I'd imagine that being incredibly annoying.

Do you like living in New York? Why not return to your homeland in Mexico?

Have you noticed the quality of /k/ being better since you brought back News?

Are you tired of faggots asking you for a Religion board?

Have you ever been contacted by any other government agency aside from the FBI?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:45:35 No.7592965
Its great, people will think twice before posting. Just like /r9k/ used to be.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:45:51 No.7592968
heh, well this is pretty cool... hope all is well, Moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:46:10 No.7592970
How many people actually do that? I bet you that the number of people who use tripcodes properly is outnumbered HUGELY by the number of faggots looking to stroke their epeens about how cool and popular they are on this edgy 4chan board.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:46:14 No.7592971
But seriously, will /g/ ever like, get any mods?
other than ones which are there for like, 30 minutes one day and dont appear for another 6 months.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:46:17 No.7592972
Why would you say this?

The word 'glau' should be instaban.

kaiji is the shittest poster on 4chan at the moment.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:46:42 No.7592978
You think The Simpsons is the greatest cartoon ever, don't you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:47:55 No.7592989
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i think i found moots brother
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:48:04 No.7592991
Failed the first day, yes but steadied out after that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:48:04 No.7592992


>thanks but i don't really have time for it anyway. enjoy.

I really do I'm the guy who brought up sc2... I still play StarCraft ladders on private servers.

for the love of god!

talk to me sir
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:48:17 No.7592994
somebody recommended we implement the robot similar to what xkcd with his irc channel. i made /adv/ to get rid of the baw.

i have friends that waste tons of time and money on it. it's idiotic.

>moot ... seriously, no-one would give a shit if you put an unobtrusive donate box somewhere or some other little money-making scheme
i give a shit.

>I sort of feel your TED talk was just you talking about 4chan, without any real purpose or message, with your ideas on free speech sort of being thrown in. What were your actual intentions?
six minutes isn't much to work with. they wanted me to come and introduce the TED community to 4chan. i did. that's about it.

>Need a starcraft 2 beta key? (i got two auctioned on ebay rite now can get one down if you need it)
as much as i want one, you should just sell 'em and get rich bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:48:23 No.7592996
why do you hate pedophiles moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:48:55 No.7593001

That is kaiji, if you want to ban him.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:12 No.7593003

Also I can trade private torrent site invites if interested.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:13 No.7593005
begging for a friend
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:29 No.7593007
Moot, (why)do you think r9k is the most easily trolled of all the non-/b/ boards?
pic related, i made it myself with love and mspaint :3

Erybody enjoyed 2s static mutes.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:41 No.7593008

>Thank you for hating pedophiles, moot!

>> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:42 No.7593009
I find it ironic that /r9k/ is the only board I browse in any significant quantity these days, yet I thought that #xkcd-signal was the shittiest thing Randy has ever done.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:49 No.7593012

moot, what's your favorite film?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:50 No.7593014
moot, since you are answering questions and all.

Why is there no mods on /x/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:49:55 No.7593017
Hey there mooticles can i get this answeared:

1. What do you do all day? NO dunno lol answear

2. What bands are you listening to/what are you favorite bands?

3. Are you or were you ever a weeboo

4. Do you know japanese?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:50:05 No.7593018
>How often do students/professors at your college recognize you? I'd imagine that being incredibly annoying.
nobody has so far.

>Do you like living in New York? Why not return to your homeland in Mexico?
yes. i grew up in the best city on the planet earth. hong kong is pretty awesome though.

>Have you ever been contacted by any other government agency aside from the FBI?
pretty much all of the alphabets agencies.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:50:08 No.7593020
Actually, most of them just do it for the sake of trolling the crybabies on here since it is the only fun things that happen anymore due to the speeds of boards being too high.

Board separation is the only solution to all the crap that goes on.
/b/ is shit, but when it is going slow, there are actually some decent threads because people can create content.
It might take a little while for most people to get used to it, but it will fix it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:50:17 No.7593023
I don't mind Glau, Kaiji will probably just evade his bans
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:50:34 No.7593025
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>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:51:23 No.7593036
>Why is there no mods on /x/?
more like
>Why is there no mods on 4chan?
A: because the userbase has grown dramatically and i didn't keep pace. it's my fault.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:51:27 No.7593037

even the grammar police
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:51:27 No.7593038
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>sax as a kid
I play sax! Jam with me sometime? Pic related...buying a new soprano in May.

If we jam can I be a janitor of /mu/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:51:45 No.7593046
If you bring back /z/ where will you ban people to?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:51:52 No.7593047
That was not very nice mr.moot...>>7592994
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:24 No.7593055
Any mirrors for Canadian fag here?
Can't watch the US cnn or Europe CNN version.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:25 No.7593057
What have they contacted you about? Are we being watched?
Fuck you, Agent Mulder.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:29 No.7593059
Can I write a book about your life?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:33 No.7593062
i just want you to be rich
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:44 No.7593064
Answer about /x/ but not about /g/
I see who's your favourite moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:52:56 No.7593066
how do you feel about weeaboos and weeaboo "culture", seeing as 4chan's roots are tied closely to them?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:07 No.7593067
>What have they contacted you about? Are we being watched?
people posting stupid shit.

>Can I write a book about your life?
for the love of god no.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:09 No.7593068
Moot, seriously, why the hell did you fix the mute-ban? I really hate getting muted for saying something in a common phrase when talking and it makes it even more frustrating when I have to go back, re-edit the phrase and hope I don't get double the time muted.

Why don't you fix the robot to recognize and mute only common (over abused) memes rather than everyday phrases?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:12 No.7593069
Hey moot, why the fuck did you delete /yg/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:15 No.7593070

millhouse isnt a meme is a meme

but millhouse isnt a meme

also, my question moot, if i called you right now would you give me an over the phone interview to be a mod?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:45 No.7593074
All you have to do is ask and many srrs people will take up jobs as mods.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:53:55 No.7593076
Hi moot. Can I please have sex with you? I'm not a fatty, I just think you're extremely handsome. I'll make you a sammich and you don't have to cuddle afterward. :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:03 No.7593078
inb4 lolno
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:14 No.7593081
Moot you are probabaly the most honest and god damn modest person i have ever met. More so that you could become fuck rich in about 1 week if you chose to. But you dont.

Fuck yea MOOT

Also what are you thoughs on EBM?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:16 No.7593082
Hey moot, how can I get a soda stain out of my white shirt?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:23 No.7593083
>pretty much all of the alphabets agencies.

Did your first encounter with the authorities startle you?

Also, I think that you should write a book in 15-20 years, talking about this whole 4chan-internet-celebrity experience you're having. I would read it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:25 No.7593084
Agreed, I'd gladly mod this place.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:30 No.7593085

That's what you get for being Canadian, brah.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:44 No.7593088
That's fucking stupid, you dip shit and it would take away from the point of this board. also, you think he's not making money off of the ads on here?
Go fuck yourself you friendless ass hat jew.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:45 No.7593090

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:54:48 No.7593091
And what time is it right now precise to the second?

Also i agree, HK is an awesome place to stay for awhile :D
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55:02 No.7593096
Moot! Inquiring robots want to know.
Have you had to deal with any crimes outside of people posting CP? Any violent crime acts involving 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55:10 No.7593097
>ideas on free speech

Yeah right, then you just threaten to scrap /new/ because you don't like even rational civilised discussion on Eugenics

That ain't free speech moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55:13 No.7593099

Hey moot, I have 2 questions.

a) Are you racist, at all?
b) Do you think /b/ is shit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55:51 No.7593103
>people posting stupid shit.

Has anyone ACTUALLY ever been contacted by the partyvan as a direct result of posting on 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:55:58 No.7593106
I'd like to know why you think like this Moot?
Why are you so against making money from this place now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:56:08 No.7593108
/b/ is shit. You don't need to be a fucking scientist to figure that one out.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:56:23 No.7593111
Moot, you say you're often contacted by different agencies (like the FBI)
Why do they contact you? What are they looking for?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:56:59 No.7593115
I lol'd
Nice one
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:57:17 No.7593123
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:57:39 No.7593126
Moot, whats going on with you and Tinychan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:58:04 No.7593134
Moot, the mute was far better when it stopped at 2 seconds.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:58:21 No.7593137
This is something of a paradox:
+4chan is filled with crap because there are basically no mods.
+We can't get more mods because the users are idiots
So the more that the idiots post crap, the fewer mods we have, the more crap gets posted...
I know how you feel about applications for mods, moot, but unless you ask for some you won't have any.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:58:43 No.7593141
moot, shoe on head? please?
>> Baldy !tiBEriumXc 02/20/10(Sat)19:58:55 No.7593142
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:10 No.7593146
     File1266713950.jpg-(37 KB, 576x416, burnsfurries.jpg)
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I noticed a while ago on /b/ a ton of furries got b&

Do you consider furries worse than the usual/standard perverts?
pic related
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:10 No.7593147
if he asks for them every single power crazy 15 year old on /b/ will want to be one.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:27 No.7593150

Things in life are usually follow the same pattern and theres nothing you can really do
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:28 No.7593151
I think you're a pretty cool guy, and I applaud you for putting up with all the shit that you do in order to maintain 4chan. I would have sold up and saved myself the trouble long ago.

I salute you sir.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:31 No.7593153
MOOT serius proposal here

I could really do some good things to /v/, since i probably cant prove that i would be a good mod other then doing it, would you let me become a mod?(atlest for a limited time)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)19:59:58 No.7593157
Hey moot

You suck
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:00:12 No.7593160
retarded memes
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:00:17 No.7593162
thanks anon

i grew out of it, but i still find it interesting. i watch an anime once a year or so.

>Moot, seriously, why the hell did you fix the mute-ban?
...because it was broken?
>Why don't you fix the robot to recognize and mute only common (over abused) memes rather than everyday phrases?
i'm not opposed to this, but it'd be at the bottom of the "to-code" list.

not a fag--sorry bro

>Also what are you thoughs on EBM?
it was pretty amusing. i had my share of laughs.

>Did your first encounter with the authorities startle you?
yes. i believe i was 17.

>Also, I think that you should write a book in 15-20 years,
it wouldn't be very interesting.

>a) Are you racist, at all?
i'd say "no", but everybody is racist at some level.
>b) Do you think /b/ is shit?
most of it is. that's not opinion, it's fact.

absolutely. a number of people have been arrested and jailed.

don't know. still waiting to hear back from jan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:00:59 No.7593176
/tg/ loves you moot~

come play call of cthulhu with us sometime
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:03 No.7593177
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moot, would you be interested in starring in a remake of Flight of the Navigator?

You look quite like the guy and I know a friend that has a camera.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:13 No.7593180
Why don't people who are mods take a test? Or maybe people who mod here have previous modding experience (from other forums).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:14 No.7593181
Don't listen to him moot! English doesn't even seem to be his first language. The place will be /b/ mark II within a week.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:15 No.7593182
Who is 'jan'?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:20 No.7593184
You can't have civilized discussion of uncivilized ideals
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:37 No.7593186
moot, what is your favorite video game of all time?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:44 No.7593188
Which is why he should open up the requests ASAP so he can screen them all and get mods on here sooner, rather than later.

And basically if it takes less than 5 seconds to read a request, skip.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:50 No.7593189
It's funny how all the raging faggots from /v/ and /g/ and /b/ and whatsoever came over to /r9k/ after a while to post in this thread and ask mootle questions.
Quality has significantly dropped.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:01:58 No.7593190
Your problem there is that you want to change /v/.
You're not a leader, your an observer who makes sure everything goes as it's supposed to, not as you want it to.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:02:08 No.7593192
moot, i'll tell you this.
4chan actually made my life better. /fit/ and /r9k/ changed me, and other boards entertained me.
Does it feel good, man, knowing you're the root cause of things like this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:02:26 No.7593193
So, moot, if you buy Tinychan, whatcha gonna do with it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:02:28 No.7593194
>not a fag--sorry bro

But I'm a girl. D:
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:02:32 No.7593195
... the person who owns tinychan.

metal gear solid series.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:02:36 No.7593196
>absolutely. a number of people have been arrested and jailed.

What for? Name some crimes.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03:34 No.7593209
what is 'tinychan'?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03:39 No.7593210
Moot you are a good young man and should feel good. I sort of want to get rich and keep you in a little bachelor pad and give you friendly cuddles and pat your head and let you out to see your friends. <3<3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03:40 No.7593212

The guy who hacked Sarah Palin's email is a good example.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:03:44 No.7593213
>yes. i believe i was 17.

Could you please elaborate? Why did the feds knock on your door, how did you solve it? etc.

I want a nice story before I go to bed, please.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:03:44 No.7593214
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:09 No.7593219
yea and you know that how?
I didnt want to change it and i am not a leader i just say i could do some good things
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:09 No.7593220
arrested, but not jailed yet. trial is in april i believe.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:09 No.7593221
Moot i don't think the 'fixed' mute is in any way productive to r9k.
The fixed 2s mute kept the spammers and some of the wandering /b/tards at bay. What else does it need to do that longer mutes accomplish?

People who contribute to a lot of the threads (r9k can run slow some times) just end up getting muteraped :*(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:12 No.7593222
moot, do you ever think there will come a day when 4chan becomes too "unweildly" [moreso than it is now] and literally becomes too much to handle?

In short, what are your long term plans for the site other than continuing to update servers every few years?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:17 No.7593223
Is it just for this?
Now many paedos you got locked up?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:29 No.7593225
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How does this picture make you feel, moot?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:30 No.7593226
Hey moot how does one become a janitor anyways? I dont need to ban people, but the shitload of spam on the non worksafe boards like /e/ and /s/ is fucking rediculous.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:37 No.7593227
Are you watching the Winter Olympics?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:37 No.7593228
Didn't he give himself up?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:04:57 No.7593233
Hey, >>7593068 again. I think it is very discouraging to have several minutes worth of muting because your common, every day phrase was already used. After awhile posts won't make any sense because they will have random letters/numbers/phrases stuck in them to get around the ban.

I understand you are trying to keep this place from turning into /b/II, but eventually this is going to cause a problem.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:05:30 No.7593238
a two second timer didn't keep shit at bay.

it is already too much to handle, and has been for a while now. i'm not sure what the long term plans are yet.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:05:42 No.7593242
Oh god i want to see that trial
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:05:54 No.7593244
Moot, you ever played age of mythology or any of the total war games?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:00 No.7593246
i don't watch any television.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:01 No.7593247
but you probably look like a man
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:02 No.7593248
Moot, if you could have any superpower, other than "more powers", what would it be?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:02 No.7593249
we cant get in trouble for running into cp on /b/
can we? by clicking respond
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:11 No.7593252
moot, seriously the mute is bad when it doubles.

I have an 8 second mute right now. ;_;

It sucks. The 2 second one is better.

It serves only as an annoyance.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:16 No.7593253

He is going up against Sarah Palin. He stands no chance. In fact, he should consider himself lucky he is not at the bottom of a swamp, the no good dirty rotten commie pinko bastard.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:18 No.7593255

Thats merely your opinion, and moot claims that he supports the freedom to voice your opinion.

You cannot support free speech and ban discussion that you think it wrong, free speech is about defending the right to speak controversial and the opposite views of your own
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:06:41 No.7593259




>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:09 No.7593264
Moot, if you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be, and why?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:09 No.7593265

but i felt in my heart it was you responsible for "/tv/-LOST" for the premier a few weeks back

i thought it was you moot ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:10 No.7593266
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Ok, I guess I was not clear enough, my bad.

*Why* Is anything happening between you and Tinychan? Did you offer to host them? If so, why?? Or did they ask to be hosted on 4chan's servers? Whats the purpose of ANY interaction between the two *chan's at all?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:26 No.7593270
given your dislike of people who go out and waste their money on alchohol and clubs etc, do you feel you are above the majority of people?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:32 No.7593272

Take your mute like a man and quit your bitching.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:41 No.7593274
Moot, if Linetrap offered you a blowjob, would you accept?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:43 No.7593275
uhmm what you think of Boxxy? :3
weird how the internets fucked up her life.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:45 No.7593277
In order to post, you have to click "submit".

Was this done on purpose?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:46 No.7593278
go to /b/ for 2 minutes while you wait.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:46 No.7593280
You live a very strange little life dont you, but somehow influence millions.
Not greedy, not interested.
You are strange, but in a good way.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:51 No.7593284
Have you witnessed much spam on r9k? I honestly never see spam here. Trolls aplenty, but the mute targets people pretty indiscriminately.
>> Rupert 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:51 No.7593285
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I'll give you $579,999,992 for 4chan right now
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:07:52 No.7593288
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Moot, if I told you this was me, that I also live in New York City and Metal Gear Solid is my favorite video game of all time (personally thought 3 was the best) would you go on a date with me?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:12 No.7593290
Bostonfag here. Should I go to ROFLcon?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:28 No.7593294
>Implying you don't rage when you get muted over something retarded.

Whatever fag.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:29 No.7593295
I'm posting permanently on this board for 3 hours now, not once got muted.
The thing behind this is, you cant spam whatever you want every 2 seconds, and hope you'll make it this time. You have to come up with something, with original content, to post it. Or go back to /b/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:42 No.7593296
inb4 ban for camwhoring lel
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:50 No.7593299
whats it like being a stupid mootface?
>> Unonymous !!J3C+F7uZocm 02/20/10(Sat)20:08:58 No.7593301
Posting in a moot thread, GOD DAMN!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09:00 No.7593303
Do you speak any languages that aren't English, moot? I think I remember seeing you answer this question before, but I've forgotten your answer.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09:12 No.7593305
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Moot would you fuck me?

Pic related.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09:53 No.7593312
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Oh come on! People are being secretly arrested for exercising their freedom of speech? People say a lot of things, a majority never act on them. People come on here to vent! What does the government expect? us to talk about roses and daisies?

Yay fascist nation, here we come. Thanks for supporting them moot. >:(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:09:55 No.7593313
ew podophilia.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10:16 No.7593317
How do I stop procrastinating?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10:25 No.7593318

lolol the virgins are raging at how much ass moot is offered.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10:30 No.7593320
It ends up making you talk stupid to avoid mute. Simple answers are often appropriate for some threads but they're impossible to post. So people either tag on some long muteblock or say what they want to differently but more stupid.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10:36 No.7593322
You seem to be in an unusually good mood, moot.
Do you feel successful, as in, fine with yourself?
And if you were to die today, would you have any regrets?
Tea with sugar or without?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:10:57 No.7593326
it makes me feel warm and tingly
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:01 No.7593328
     File1266714661.jpg-(97 KB, 640x272, meatball-done.avi_001164122.jpg)
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Hey moot, you should make a board which runs software based on a certain blue website run by a certain swedish meatball called Kimmo Alm.

Call it /dicks/. You can use the ATBBS software, it's open source!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:06 No.7593329
Moot, would you mind replying to this post?

I don't have anything to ask, but I just want to be able to say that you replied to one of my posts.

Cheers. x
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:15 No.7593330
moot do you have a girlfriend ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:36 No.7593332
you`re fucking retarded or a troll.

either way, die.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:41 No.7593336
consult a lawyer.


first year was a blast. some of the guys they have lined up for this year are pretty cool.


maybe we'll change mutes to be 30sec or something less harsh.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:46 No.7593338
What's your favorite type of sandwich?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:53 No.7593340
Threatening to kill people has nothing to do with freedom of speech, faggot.

I bet my ass you are one of those pedo faggots that thinks loli and shota is art and shouldn't be banned and prosecuted even if they also find 2 TB of CP in a sick fuck's hard drive.

Fuck off already, bitch.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:11:55 No.7593341
Your an idiot.

>> Unonymous !!J3C+F7uZocm 02/20/10(Sat)20:12:14 No.7593343
Shiiiiiiiit moot, how do it feel to get all deez questionz an' shit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:12:29 No.7593346
I too have been posting here for a LONG time.

Sometimes the best response to a comment may be one word.

You can post that one word, but you just have to stick a muteblock before you say it, which IMO, can ruin the comedy magic of my posts.

The 2 second mute still keeps the spammers away.

Nothing here is original.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:12:50 No.7593347

>i grew out of it, but i still find it interesting. i watch an anime once a year or so.

What was the last anime you watched?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:12:53 No.7593348
moot how do you select janitors? Is there an application process? do you just randomly appoint people and see how they do?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:13:28 No.7593351
PLEASE, stop answering questions.
Its great you've been so patient and answered so many, but its not like I can just leave this thread to die until I've seen all your posts! I've wastyed 3 fucking hours for the love of god.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:13:50 No.7593353
What the nigger? Bloxxed in canada!
Alt link plox.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:13:58 No.7593355
well fuck.
I guess now I know what mutes are.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14:07 No.7593356
In regards to this - is there some sort of mod or admin tool that shows a popup when you request someone's services?
Or how the fuck do you go around doing this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14:20 No.7593357

They shouldn't be banned you fucking idiot. It's akin to a thought crime, what, suddenly you draw your thoughts on virtual piece of paper they are indistinguishable from the real thing?!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14:27 No.7593359
moot is a pretty cool white boy
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:14:35 No.7593361
Moot, do you ever get annoyed that the only thing everyone wants to do to you is ask you questions?
Off line, news people, shows, whatever
on here, you post a thread
I'd find it quite annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:15:37 No.7593371
>Thats mereIy your opinion, and moot cIaims that he supports the freedom to voice your opinion.
No, it's a fact. Same as eugenics is not /new/ related.

>You cannot support free speech and ban discussion that you think it wrong, free speech is about defending the right to speak controversiaI and the opposite views of your own
Protip: This site is really not that much about free speech but about non-identifiable speech, but if you want to talk about how to make bombs your IP will be reported to feds and your thread deleted.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:15:48 No.7593374
is that from a /b/ foot fetish thread?

i'm not kidding when i say it's nil.

>You seem to be in an unusually good mood, moot.
i'm usually in a good mood, but i curse a lot online. i'm cutting down on it.
>Do you feel successful, as in, fine with yourself?
i feel fine with myself. i'm not successful in the financial sense though, which is the metric most people use.
>And if you were to die today, would you have any regrets?
of course. few wouldn't.
>Tea with sugar or without?

working on it~


not at the moment ( ._.)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16:10 No.7593377

That's what happens when you make the BEST SITE EVER.

He's not answering, anyway, maybe he's gone to make /dicks/. That would be pretty funny.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16:19 No.7593379
how'd you get from freedom of speech to loli?

Also, people get angry at people EVERY DAY and say they'll commit acts of violence to blow off steam. This is HUMAN. You are a fucking retard if you say otherwise.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:16:58 No.7593383
wtf else would people talk to him about on here? He doesn't want to talk about his personal life.
When he posts on 4chan with his mod name+tripcode of course w/e thread he posts in is instantly derailed and turned into a makeshift tribunal. What else could possibly happen? If he wanted to lurk/post anonymously like a regular user he would/could.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:17:48 No.7593393
Lets nominate moot for the next bachelor. :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:03 No.7593395
Funny, because muteblocks are technically against the rules. Shame we don't have that sticky like we did when the board was brand new. :(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:06 No.7593396
moot: when people apply to be janitors do you have someway of checking their posts/how often they post

because when i say i'm on 4chan ~12 hours a day I'm not joking
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:14 No.7593397

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:16 No.7593398
Moot, do you like /g/?
How often do you use it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:22 No.7593401
If you could be any type of vegetable, which one would you be?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:24 No.7593402
I've only read like the first quarter of this thread, so there's a chance you answered this already. If that's the case, I apologize. Anyways - from what I've read, you said you don't want to make a gay board, a religion board and a philosophy board (and probably some others).

Why exactly? You don't like those topics, or is there something preventing you from making as many different boards as possible?

Also, any chance for a trap board? :<
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:18:28 No.7593403
>not at the moment ( ._.)

How come you don't pick one of the regular girls from here to have a girlfriend? You have to admit there are a lot of cute camwhores. That one >>7593288 frequents this board regularly (though I doubt that is actually her posting at the moment).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19:28 No.7593411

A braindead one, do hohoho

disabled bloxploxloxlox
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19:31 No.7593412

You're an idiot if you believe that girl actually posts here. Pretty sure someone takes her pics from OKCupid bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19:40 No.7593413
Free speech is not the same as non-regulated speech. You can talk shit if you want but there will be consequences same as in any civilized nation at any point of time.

What you are asking for is basically a ridiculous child-like utopia where all ideas no matter how destructive they can be are worth spreading.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:19:41 No.7593414
     File1266715181.jpg-(71 KB, 640x480, moootlove.jpg)
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>is that from a /b/ foot fetish thread?
No its my pic i dont think it could have reached a /b/tard. I dont even think i have it online so i dont think so
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:20:12 No.7593420
If it annoys you then don't add to it by asking a question.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20:30 No.7593422
stop posting Jessi's pictures and claiming they're you. bad troll.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:20:47 No.7593425

>working on it~

Oh my god, please do it, his rage bulletins would be so fucking funny to read.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:02 No.7593427
Will you go out with me if I ever move to/happen to be in New York?
(or wherever you live, as I suspect you might be lying about that)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:17 No.7593431
apparently you got told by moot himself >>7593374
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:26 No.7593432
No. We all know it's from a /b/ foot fetish thread. Seen it a million times, bud.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:40 No.7593433
hey, moot

Do you charge for your interviews in CNN TED etc ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:40 No.7593434
That's retarded. If he wanted a fuck he would get it.
If he wanted a girlfriend, and anyone not retarded or too fucking horny, he would actually get to know someone instead of fishing for some ass on the internet.
IMO, internet dates are for retards. Go out and smell the fresh air. Regardless of how much of a shut-in you are, it won't hurt for you to have a walk, go to a concert, meet up with friends and go somewhere. heck, even going to a supermarket for goods can be fine just to meet someone.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:21:54 No.7593438
a friend links me to /g/ threads every few days.

>or is there something preventing you from making as many different boards as possible?
taste/resources (servers/moderation)/i'm not interested in adding adult boards at this point.

it's extremely difficult to even to select moderators from this community. i imagine picking a girl would be even harder.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:10 No.7593439
People still pay attention to Kimmo? Wow.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:13 No.7593441
Yep, it was never enforced/can't be enforced though.

It is a silly rule anyway. It is good for getting rid of spam and that's all.

It's not good if I want to reply to you by saying:


I would have to say:



I didn't mind it at first, but now I just find it annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:26 No.7593444
> consult a lawyer.

LOL moot sarcasm LOL
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:28 No.7593445

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:29 No.7593446
>Tea with sugar or without?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:29 No.7593447
Don't change the mute system!

It *should* be harsh, maybe then people will think slightly more carefully before posting.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:44 No.7593449
>a friend links me to /g/ threads every few days.
What sort of threads?
>> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:45 No.7593450
there are rumors that one of the engineers at facebook is working on a compiled version of PHP (HURR HURR real programming language)

will you switch over when/if it's released?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:22:55 No.7593451

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:04 No.7593452
>all ideas no matter how destructive they can be are worth spreading
Yes, because this is how we evolve. Einstein spread his equation E=MC2 even know its destructive potential.
Sure, this may not be the same as some threatening to kill another, but think of it this way, if they can't vent verbally, then they will vent physically. You and the government included have no idea how to people work.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:08 No.7593455
I'm not one for your anti-new meme policy, I like to stick with my particular doubles policy, if you will, Moot.
Also let's meet at Dorcias for some dinner, my treat, but first I want you to come over to my house. We need to have a man to man talk (me being both men, since you have a vagina) and I need a women there to accompany me before I go out and buy large amounts of doubles, quads and some triples (quads in order to hallucinate and see rainbows) quints are a no zone since I find that most doubles-men overdose on quints and end up in a coma.

Pic-related its me laughing at everyone for I WAN B JANITOR (I would prefer to be a CEO working for wall-street or an actor, WHICH I AM).

Thanks for ruining my life, Christian Bale.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:23 No.7593456
What boards do you tend to visit while posting on 4chan (anonymously, I assume)? Do you troll much or are you strictly on topic?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:33 No.7593458
What is the relationship with 4chan and "hipsters"?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:37 No.7593460
I still browse /b/ a bit every day and I almost always find something that makes me laugh out loud uncontrollably a bit, a comment, a post, whatever. It still happens usually. How about you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:38 No.7593462
can I be a janitor moot?
>> dudicles !lZEh5w4uE. 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:53 No.7593466
Moot can i get your msn? I want to casualy talk to you.

Since you are not gonna give it me because i am a anon... well ok...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:23:58 No.7593468
>I imagine picking a girl is harder.

You should try, seriously. A lot of girls talk about you on here and I would think quite a few would be willing to go on dates with you.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:00 No.7593469
this fucking retarded more fucking retarded then /b/...

im going back too /b/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:21 No.7593473
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>No, it's a fact. Same as eugenics is not /new/ related.

Are you ACTUALLY serious or just trolling me?
*This is what liberals ACTUALLY believe.jpg*
I do agree its not news, but then again, nothing on /new/ is about the news

>but if you want to talk about how to make bombs your IP

That has no bearing on discussing controversial topics at all since bombs imply the threat of action, and eugenics just imply the threat to your mongrel ego. But cool rationale brah, sends a great message to big brother
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:25 No.7593475
     File1266715465.jpg-(249 KB, 500x500, Insanity-Wolf-DRINK-VODKA-GO-C(...).jpg)
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>of course. few wouldn't.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:35 No.7593477
quit crying. 4chan is fascinating. of course were gonna ask questions to the guy who started this gangsta shit. hes nice enough to spend some time with us and answer em.. win win
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:41 No.7593481
nobody believes you, your attention whoring is really sad
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:24:45 No.7593483
i don't know you. i don't lie about being from new york.

no. nobody reputable pays for interviews. period.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25:09 No.7593487
Hey moot, just thought I'd drop in and say hi. Keep up with the good work etc etc
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25:13 No.7593488



>> Guido !!sxr22QMxrAi 02/20/10(Sat)20:25:30 No.7593491
Can me and my Guido friends have a /guido/ board? Neckbeards and weeaboos keep hurting our feelings and insulting us on other boards.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25:53 No.7593493
moot, can you lock this thread with a picture of a bear as the last image posted?

I can't leave until the thread is locked.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:25:56 No.7593494
comon moot you know me remember...

got a boyfriend at the moment?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:26:21 No.7593497


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:26:45 No.7593502

tl;dr Get donations gib to Duke NUkem
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:27:01 No.7593506
Moot what do you think about swedes/sweden.
There's (alot?) on 4chan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:27:57 No.7593513
D'awwh, dats so cute, he's mad. <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:28:22 No.7593516
>we see what you see, but get some extra buttons from the extension for admin/ban stuff.

Could you post a picture of how your "interface" looks? I'm curious as to how it looks like. Is there a big red BAN button next to all the posts, etc.?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:28:37 No.7593520
He's not handing out mod powers like candy because it's difficult to tell the difference between the people who actually want to keep 4chan from being a shithole, and neckbeards that want to feel like they can control something.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:28:57 No.7593524


>Dwah look at me niggering this nigger

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:03 No.7593527
he e-mailed me and i responded.

they're good people, as far as i know...

no. it looks exactly like the public extension.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:03 No.7593528
"At this point I really do stand behind Anonymous... communities."

Haha. Nice catch.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:17 No.7593529

(it's a stickied thread, bro)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:26 No.7593532
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MOOT. It's been rumored that you "liek" mudkipz. IS THIS TRUE?

Also, if I gave you five bucks right now, would you scratch my nutsack?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:30 No.7593533
Dear Moot: do you listen to Industrial Music? If no, then what?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:32 No.7593535

200000000 GET is coming

Your favorite GET ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:32 No.7593536
I second the fuck out of this request.
I have always wondered this myself.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:47 No.7593538
Moot was never a faggot. But I will to my death stand by my statement that OP is.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:50 No.7593539
How WOULD you feel if Michael Cera where to play you in a movie about your life?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:29:54 No.7593540
Hey Moot.

Nice talk at TED. Went in a direction I didn't anticipate. Have you ever considered allowing some research to be done with the site stats?

I'm doing a PhD in HCI so it's the kind of thing I'd be interested in reading about.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:01 No.7593542
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moot, what do you do enjoy doing in your free time?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:14 No.7593544
>it's difficult to tell the difference between the people who actually want to keep 4chan from being a shithole, and neckbeards that want to feel like they can control something.

Which is why I said the modding application should only be open to those who have previous, successful modding experiences on other forums.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:27 No.7593545
moot what board do you hate the most on here?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:30 No.7593547
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emtpy text only wirting because of bloxlololol
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:39 No.7593548
100m obviously
he even had when he did the YOU forgot
and change /b/ for a day
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:42 No.7593549


>> lorem ipsum !vBiLJiJ44E 02/20/10(Sat)20:30:51 No.7593555
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moot, if you hate pedophiles so much, ban Kaiji. He's a stain on /tv/ and anywhere else he posts. I, and everyone else, will be eternally grateful. Also if you could make any threads that start with "who looks better in goggles..." autoban, that'd be great. pic related.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:00 No.7593557
Let's see a (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) up in this motherfucker
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:16 No.7593560

>Implying that mods on other forums are upstanding people who don't simply want to feel important and in control.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:28 No.7593562
Post a desktop screencap and then lock the thread please.

I need to get something to eat.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:47 No.7593568
Moot why won't you sign my heart ):
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:50 No.7593569
>Sage a stickied thread
>Implying this is cancer on a different board.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:31:56 No.7593572
>> the great Navi !Ly7MRw0CGU 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:03 No.7593573
yes, kaiji. fuck that guy
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:12 No.7593575
It probably looks like most other image-board software. Invisible button next to "file" with post options, a manage board with mod/admin options, etc.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:13 No.7593576
So moot would you actually make /dicks/ or are you just getting me excited over nothing?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:25 No.7593579
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Hey moot, today is my birthday, so thank you for answering all these questions.

But I also found out my cat died today, so fuck you moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:33 No.7593582
So moot you're saying that you dont receive e-mails and pics from girls wanting to go out with you ? I find that hard to believe.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:41 No.7593585
uh, yeah, do what he said.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:44 No.7593586
Then with that logic NO ONE is fit to become a mod. Jesus, you bitch about not having mods, then you bitch when someone offers a solution.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:47 No.7593588
Moot, I just want to say, I think you're a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, and thanks for stealing/creating one of the last places on the internet where people can remain truly anonymous, if they so choose. I did like your talk at TED (even though it was short), and hope you'll do some more talks at cons, even if not as regularly as people would like.

That being said, I am heading out for the night and I hope you have a good one, too.

- Anonymous
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:32:58 No.7593589
moot, what type of girl are you interested in?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:00 No.7593590
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Interviews with CNN, moot?

Do the words "political shit-storm" mean anything to you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:06 No.7593592
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Keep up uberness Moot

Also, toasting in an epic thread

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:12 No.7593595
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:29 No.7593596
moot, thanks for making this place, really, 4chan has literally changed my life. two years ago I stumbled across /fit/ and i've since lost 150 pounds and life is now fucking amazing.

Thank you, seriously..
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:32 No.7593597
Yes, PLEASE ban Kaiji... and that Wok retard.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:33:48 No.7593599
once in a blue moon.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34:17 No.7593603
Hm, another question.

Are you the only person who answers to e-mails sent to admin@4chan.org or do the others as well? Do you have a specific e-mail address of your own (Not a private one, something like moot@4chan.org or whatever?)? And do you read every single e-mail you get?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34:27 No.7593604
There was a moon at the end of last month,
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34:28 No.7593605


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34:41 No.7593607
cool sasge bro
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:34:47 No.7593609
There was a girl who wasn't a fatty wanting to talk to you (or have sex with you) and you turned her down by calling her a man.

And you wonder why you're single.

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:39 No.7593622
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>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:42 No.7593624
please just ban this fool, he's slightly annoying.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:47 No.7593626
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What is your favorite board, Moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:50 No.7593627
>Are you ACTUALLY serious or just trolling me?

>*This is what liberals ACTUALLY believe.jpg*
And this is why nobody takes you seriously, hence the trolling.

>I do agree its not news, but then again, nothing on /new/ is about the news
That's a poor excuse.

>That has no bearing on discussing controversial topics at all since bombs imply the threat of action, and eugenics just imply the threat to your mongrel ego. But cool rationale brah, sends a great message to big brother
Same as discussing weapons but we do have a weapons board, I was not relating it to eugenics but to the free speech. I have the sensation you will be amongst the first ones to be sorted out if eugenics were a state policy.

Also lol at the hypocrisy between bitching about how the big brother forbids your stupid speech and at the same time advocating for the ultimately fascist fantasy of the creation of an eugenics program which could only be carried away by big broder kind of government, or do you really think people will just submit to your will just because you think you know what's best for us as a species?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:55 No.7593628
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Your solution is bad and you should feel bad.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:35:56 No.7593629
Moot thank you for making this site.

To anon,

Holy jesus you fucks are faggots.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:07 No.7593632
I'm with you, Arcanine.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:26 No.7593634
>big red ban button

you should implement it moot

maybe it would make moderating more enjoyable
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:30 No.7593636
Oh god, I laughed much harder than I should have at that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:32 No.7593638
have you ever actually became good friends with another anon who recognized you irl?

also, as an admin is there a quick and easy way to see what other posts a specific user has made? if so, link my other post
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:35 No.7593640
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:36:57 No.7593646
Yes, its a horrible solution to offer modship to people who are ALREADY MODS on other forums.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37:09 No.7593649
wtf dont you leave your house? There seems to be opportunity abound for you in many areas, financial, girls, social, and yet you choose to sit alone in your house. Wtf dude

The fact that the creator of 4chan is like that sadly makes a whole lotta sense

jesus man, at least let the femanons send you dirty pictures to fap to
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37:09 No.7593650

Why don't you just add a politics image board, instead of a text only one? Wouldn't that keep /new/ sticking to news? Or am I over simplifying things.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37:27 No.7593654
Please post those Kimmo Alm emails soon.

Goodnight, always pleasent talking to you Moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37:40 No.7593658
how many e-mails do you get everyday?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:37:52 No.7593660
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:18 No.7593667
Because 4chan is clearly a typical forum and should be treated as such.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:28 No.7593668
What the fuck? I'm not allowed to watch European CNN?
This is seriously confusing, I can watch regular old CNN, but European CNN is off limits? Aren't they owned by the same company?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:30 No.7593669
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Sup moot.

I've noticed that when I cough lately, a small ammount of blood sprays out. Should I be concerned?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:32 No.7593670
moot, have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:46 No.7593676

/new/ is supposed to be equal to /politics/

the problem is that /new/ = /stormfront/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:49 No.7593677

Yes, you seem to think being a moderator on another forum makes you some sort of professional. It doesn't. Every forum I've ever been on, the moderators have simply been the people who suck the owner's dick the most. It always ends up in some sort of e-drama when the moderator pulls some high school bullshit, like getting pissed and trying to delete everything.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:38:57 No.7593679
Hey Moot, I checked out your facebook and you're friends with my friend Samuel (last name starts with a G and ends with an N). Pretty awesome. If I send you a message will you respond?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39:05 No.7593681
Moot probably has very high standards. I'm sure girls e-mail him all the time, but he doesn't reply, or gets bored with it.
I'm the same way. I complain about being ronery, but I could solve it by lowering my standards or seeing something through. Besides, they're all bitches and whores, amirite, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39:37 No.7593690
moot, are underage people allowed on SFW boards?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39:38 No.7593691
>moderators have simply been the people who suck the owner's dick the most
>Implying mods aren't anything more than people who are friends/suck ups of the site owner.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:39:43 No.7593692
Hey moot-

Has any major media corporation made any offers to buy you out? Say Warner Bros or someone offered you an eight or nine figure sum, would you sell?

Also, what are your thoughts on /v/ (in terms of moderation and the board in general)?

Thanks bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:02 No.7593695
It's a global rule, idiot.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:03 No.7593696
every public @4chan e-mail address points to me. nobody else has ever had access.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:06 No.7593697

I just wanted to bring attention to my post again because it seems to have gone ignored.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:10 No.7593700
moot, I live in NYC but hardly get out of the house. Recommend me some place[s] to eat.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:44 No.7593709
moot, do you own a car?
>> SAGE SAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:46 No.7593711
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:40:49 No.7593713

>implying it's not an impersonator
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:41:17 No.7593719
hey moot, when are you going to start banning people from /r9k/ for going "mootblocks," "muteblox," or just typing random shit at the end of their posts so they don't get muted? It sort of defeats the purpose on /r9k/ if people are saying the same shit over and over again and just adding "WEROEIAJFKLAWBEFOIJ" at the end.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:41:50 No.7593728
>750 friends
>Completely private info
>Asked my friend Sam if its the real deal

Nice try, troll.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:09 No.7593732
Hey moot,

Can you touch your toes and pat your head an rub your stomach at the same time? the toes can be separate but bonus if you can do both at the same time
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:18 No.7593734
Dear Moot,

4chan freed me from my addiction to world of warcraft.

Thank you
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:28 No.7593736
All right.

Thanks for answering all my questions, moot.

I'll be off to bed now. Good night.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:29 No.7593737
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:58 No.7593744
whats the deal moot, you've been pretty active over the past day or so. Is chat to anon what you do when you bored
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:42:59 No.7593746
Samuel Green?

That motherfucker has me as a friend.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:00 No.7593747
I support this with RAGE
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:17 No.7593751
>Yes, because this is how we evolve.

>Einstein spread his equation E=MC2 even know its destructive potential.
That's not an ideal as I understand them, it's math

>Sure, this may not be the same as some threatening to kill another, but think of it this way, if they can't vent verbally, then they will vent physically.
You can vent with real people, internet just alienates yourself from your community.

>You and the government included have no idea how to people work.
The government is by and for the people as far as your constitution reads (assuming you're american), you can't blame it without blaming yourself.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:30 No.7593753
The opposite of "sage" is "age," dumbfuck.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:34 No.7593754
Nope, not Sam Green. Different Sam G.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:36 No.7593755
>have you ever actually became good friends with another anon who recognized you irl?
>also, as an admin is there a quick and easy way to see what other posts a specific user has made? if so, link my other post

there are tons of fake "chris poole/moot" accounts on facebook. way to fall for it.

there was an office from an online retailer five years ago. nothing since. no large media company is ever going to buy this website.

where do you live? also tell me something about yourself.
>> SAGE SAGESAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:50 No.7593757

>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:43:54 No.7593759
Most actually do that because they get "comment not original" messages. That happens to me often. Untill tonight though I've never been muted.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:44:13 No.7593765
Growing up, did you watch CN, Nickelodeon or Disney?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:44:14 No.7593766

top 50 us guild hardcore raiding time commitment >> lurking 4chant
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:44:17 No.7593767

>once in a blue moon.

Ok... seems there are a lot less females on 4chan then i thought which isn't surprising really. But still 8 million users and u get emails from girls once in a blue moon ? I think someone might be intercepting your emails bro, you should look into it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:44:38 No.7593772
So you're saying this one http://www.facebook.com/m00tl3s?v=photos&ref=search#!/m00tl3s?v=info&ref=search isn't you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:44:47 No.7593775
>> SAGESAGE SAGESAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:45:11 No.7593780

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:45:21 No.7593783
so then 4chan isn't really anonymous?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:45:22 No.7593784
Are you ever going to get some janitors for /v/?

I mean, it's my favorite board. But I'm sick of the constant complete trolling that hits 300 posts. It's not even video-game related trolling. It's so fucking blatent and at times it feels the report system doesn't work. Once in awhile we'll see some bans or thread deletions.

I know you consider it a second /b/, but is there no love for those of us who have frequented your site for years without shitting the place up?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:45:40 No.7593789
please dont bin /new/, moot, i have no where else to get my news
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:45:44 No.7593791
Seriously, /dicks/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:46:01 No.7593793
That obviously isnt moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:46:17 No.7593796
Actually I've never modded a forum. Again, fail troll is fail.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:46:43 No.7593801
>implying Christopher Poole is moot's real name
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:46:45 No.7593803
>where do you live? also tell me something about yourself.

I live off in Queens, along the A line. I am a /v/irgin / /lit/fag. If you mean food tastes, I like meats and cheeses. Slowly trying to stop eating like such a child.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:47:19 No.7593806
>moot, do you own a car?
i used to. i miss driving.

>Can you touch your toes and pat your head an rub your stomach at the same time?
i am totally not flexible :(

no problemo.

>> SAGESAGESAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:47:21 No.7593807

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:47:30 No.7593810

>Implying being a moderator is some sort of difficult task that requires experience.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:47:44 No.7593814
The year is 2018. 4chan was bought out a year ago and is now a joint venture by Fox and MTV. The 2010's generation is now referred to as the "4chan Generation" or "Generation Anonymous", similar to the "Myspace/Facebook Generation" that preceded it.

New boards include: /merch/ (for merchandise!), /twe/ (tweens), /per/ (personal), /hs/ (high school), /col/ (college), /fny/ (funny), /lux/ (luxury), and /hot/ (for hot things, whatever that is).

All inappropriate words are censored from /b/ and the only purpose of /b/ is to generate new memes for the production of new merchandise (/merch/). 4channers will be able to purchase merchandise from the online store.

/v/ has been separated into /wii2/, /xbox720/, and /ps4/ (pc gaming does not exist) while /tv/ is now /mo/ (movies), /tv/ (television), /ce/ (celebrities), /rt/ (reality television) and /mtv/.

The porn boards and pirating boards are removed. Any link to piracy, racism, sexism, or sexual content in general results in a ban.

A "point system" exists. Accumulated points can be used to customize Anonymous with various meme accessories, like Longcat and W.T. Snacks ban hammer. Points can also be bought with monetary payment.

Disney's new sitcom is in development, starring a half Japanese, half American girl (who's secretly a pop star) that meets a couple of 4channers in real life. They go on wacky hijinks solving mysteries. Much of the humor is derived from the fact that the 4channers are "nerdy" white otakus, while the main character is popular, cool and asian (sort of ).

Hot Topic now sells Guy Fawkes and Mudkips merchandise. Also available in any nearby Walmart or Giant.

moot is somewhere in Africa dying of AIDS.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:47:56 No.7593819

Doesn't New York have a German Market?

Almost every city in the UK has a fucking German market.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:04 No.7593821
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moot is so kawaii.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:16 No.7593826
goddamnit moot you hung up on me :C

i just want to make 4chan better why wont you let me
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:39 No.7593833
>Hot Topic now sells Guy Fawkes and Mudkips merchandise. Also available in any nearby Walmart or Giant.

Dude, I think this part is already true
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:39 No.7593834
please dont bin /new/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:44 No.7593835
Of course it's him. Just look at the groups he's a fan of
>I Was Upset When I Saw You With Him But Then I Laughed Cause He Was Ugly
That's moot all over.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:48:57 No.7593838
make your way out to flushing for dericious canto :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49:06 No.7593840
What are some of the offers you've gotten from people/companies wanting to buy 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49:20 No.7593842

Moot how do you keep people who know you in real life quite? How has no one revealed any personal information?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49:23 No.7593844
moot have you ever been to Scotland? If so what do you think of it, and where?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49:58 No.7593850
Moot, I am going to visit New York City very soon as a chance to just get away. Would you meet me for lunch?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:50:00 No.7593851

why do you hate being filmed so much

you're actually not a bad looking guy at all

you honestly shouldn't be wasting your life in you house, there is a whole world out there man!!

you can do it we have faith in you!

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:50:15 No.7593854
best post I've read in a long while.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:50:22 No.7593856
as i said, the only offer came 5 years ago. the first was $15k and then it was upped to $45k. i didn't need the money/wasn't interested in selling it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:50:28 No.7593860

He went to Glasgow and was chased around by smack heads with broken bottles.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:50:58 No.7593867
remember this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:02 No.7593868
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Moot , what do you think about HOWARD STERN ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:12 No.7593871

>Free speech is not the same as non-regulated speech

Free Speech is about the right to say anything so long as it does not imply immediate physical threat to another person or unfounded defamination, therefore violating their rights. But somehow I think you believe it goes farther than that
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:24 No.7593874
Moot do you believe you're a kid at heart or do you think you're more of a macho super cool dude that prefers to keep to himself and enjoy life's simplicities?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:30 No.7593876
I think a high proportion of us are recluses.

I know I am.

Even more so than moot it seems.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:32 No.7593877
Would you ever sell it if a major company like MTV or something offered an assload of money?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:38 No.7593879
Posting in a stickied thread, my good gentlebots.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:51:40 No.7593881
moot just admit right fucking now that Christopher Poole is not your real name.

nobody is buying it

you faggot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:15 No.7593890
Is that picture of you batting off real moot?

The one that gets posted around alot?
>> SAGEGOD SAGESAGESAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:25 No.7593896
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:39 No.7593898
Just wanted to say thanks for everything moot!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:47 No.7593900
Moot, do you like Russians?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:48 No.7593901
I really can't argue against that, I live in an area known for it's anti-social behavior. I am planning emigrate to Canada some time in the future.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:52:53 No.7593902
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Bloxing in a moot thread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:01 No.7593906
any idea of what percentage of users are just lurkerfags, and what percentage actually post?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:01 No.7593907

He said earlier in this thread that his name is richard goins.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:10 No.7593911
my friends are awesome/aren't idiots?

nope. would like to visit some day though.

why should i? where's the pitch?

i just really don't like it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:15 No.7593914
You've been really patient and kind by answering all these questions.
But after 1000 posts and 3 hours, stop so I can sleep in peace, knowing I'm not missing anything.
Love you, mooticles.
>> SAGESAGESAGE 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:29 No.7593920

>> KingDoubt !!DgpcJnJjVzq 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:36 No.7593924
Moot, can you please perma-ban me from all 4chan boards? Thanks.

Also ban my tripcode, I won't be needing it any more.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:53:53 No.7593928

I know nothing about this type of food. Can you name any places I should check out?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:02 No.7593930
>why should i? where's the pitch?
Free food, you stupid nigger.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:03 No.7593931
1000 THREADGET, btw.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:14 No.7593934
moot, do you get a lot of feedback on board activity from mods, besides stuff like bans?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:28 No.7593937
You are hardcore, bro.

The site nealry went down due to your tripple sage. Mind that you don't hurt yourself.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:30 No.7593939
Sorry but, from who?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:37 No.7593941

>my friends are awesome/aren't idiots?

I'm sure everyone who knows you isn't your friend, buddy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:54:51 No.7593945

That's fucking stupid. Not only is "previous successful modding experience" extremely vague, but even if you somehow fulfilled those requirements, being a suck up power hungry faggot on a website with 20 active members doesn't mean you are anything special.

Am I the only one who likes our current system? You sign up to be a janitor. If you make it you aren't allowed to tell anyone that you are a janitor and you don't have any power, only the ability to flag posts for moderators to review. So if you can prove to be a trustworthy and dedicated individual who isn't just doing it for a power trip to compensate for his small dick you might one day be promoted. I don't see any problems with it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55:05 No.7593946
moot, what's the password to /test/ ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55:08 No.7593947
Aww heck, it's almost 2am. Bedtime.

/r/ this thread be locked and remain stickied once you get bored, moot. At least for another 24 hours or something.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55:14 No.7593949
/new/ is the best board on 4chan because its /stormfront/. why can't you just acknowledge that fact?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55:15 No.7593950
What are your thoughts on lady gaga?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55:50 No.7593956

What he said: >>7593930, free food, a chance to get to know a normalfag from here, and... I dunno, free food.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:56:00 No.7593957
moot, the mutes are working again but the starting mute is one minute or so. I'm can't remember if it's how the old system worked but it's rather long.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:56:07 No.7593958
Is it true you hate r9k out of all the boards on 4chon?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:56:13 No.7593959

Save it. I already explained that to him and he dismissed me as a troll. I guess he's too butthurt about his idea being god awful to accept the truth.
>> !Ep8pui8Vw2 02/20/10(Sat)20:56:33 No.7593963
moot, can you please have someone enforce /g/
=TECHNOLOGY and not anime
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:56:52 No.7593965
moot. You say that going to class or eating with friends is the only time you spend not as a recluse. Is this a consequence of having to run 4chan or is your recluse-status independent of it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:03 No.7593968
Why not considering some kind of board like /gov/ to clear up some of the political banter on /new/ ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:07 No.7593969

he said earlier he barely attended school, and he seems like the quite reserved type especially in public- can't imagine the dude made too many enemies/comes into contact with a lot of people who aren't in his circle of friends

which is sad in a way but certainly not the worst thing in the world
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:15 No.7593971
this applies to pretty much every board unfortunately, lots of anime everywhere.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:17 No.7593972
me, macho? hahahahaha.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:21 No.7593973
Is it true you hate r9k most out of all the boards on 4chon?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:25 No.7593974
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bloock Pic related, its you.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:36 No.7593978
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If that really is you, PJ, you're a massive camslut. I doubt moot would want a girl like you for anything more than the occasional hot dicking, and mootiekins doesn't seem the type to be into that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:52 No.7593983
Please tell me your not trolling, could I have his numbar plox? 9003mudkips@gmail.com
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:57:57 No.7593984
moot, do you ever miss 03' 4chan? I imagine you fit in to it somewhat, but from what you've said, you don't really watch a lot of anime.
Were you more focused on making an English 2chan rather than an anime discussion site?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:58:07 No.7593988
Thanks for answering >>7593911 (Scottish Guy :D)
and last question before bed (2am), what are your musical tastes?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:58:10 No.7593990
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Mootles, did you ever go on that McDonalds date?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:58:26 No.7593992
moot, why don't we see you around more?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59:07 No.7594000
Thank you.
I will cherish this always and forevers.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59:27 No.7594003
why hate /r9k/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59:42 No.7594007
Moot, you should go out with that girl: >>7593288 she is really cute. I bet she's a lady in public but a freak in bed. You know how those nerdy girls are.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59:47 No.7594009
Are you an atheist or agnostic?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59:56 No.7594010
Can you please lock the thread now?

Thread has gone on long enough and I can't bring myself to leave before it's locked.

Also, it is always good to have a 'questions with moot' thread. Maybe have one once a month or so?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:00:04 No.7594012
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:00:09 No.7594013
Because it's a pain in the ass to go there. I legitimately thought 4chan would be able to behave themfuckingselves and I would be able to discuss news and politics with cool people, but I was wrong.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:00:29 No.7594020
the guy who normally moderates is on vacation. he's back monday.

i'm just a homebody. i enjoy going outside, i just rarely find excuses to.

not really. the original goal was to emulate 2chan. we moved away from that over the years though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:00:52 No.7594024
moot, please answer this because it's on a lot of our minds I think.

/r9k/ kicks ass and all but I think we all miss /b/ to a certain extent - it's just too shitty to bother with anymore.

Do you have any plans for fixing /b/? Because the cancer is getting to uncontrollable levels.

I'm not tryin' to be one of those "ragensagebawwcancer" fags but /b/ is just . . . bad right now, and it has a lot of potential.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:00:56 No.7594025

ur welcome for answering moot i just know.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:01:07 No.7594027
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m00t, please answer this question ..
which of the current game consoles do you prefer?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:01:19 No.7594031
moot can I just say I think you're one of the most beautiful-est men alive and if you had a beard I would stroke it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:01:33 No.7594035

Why don't you just make a political image board, instead of the current discussion one, wouldn't that keep /new/ full of news?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:01:33 No.7594036
moot has no musical tastes, he is secretly deaf
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:01:56 No.7594039
moot, what is the average number of hours you spend browsing 4chan during a typical week?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:02:13 No.7594042
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Hey moot, what toothpaste do you use?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:02:25 No.7594044
i fucking wish i could grow a beard. i can't grow facial hair ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:17 No.7594055

aah, don't worry, neither can I.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:18 No.7594056
I like how moot ignores all the female advances on here and then bawws that he doesn't have a girlfriend.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:28 No.7594059
just try for me. please. PLEASE. FOR ME.

I'm going to go look out my window and wish on stars that you can grow a nice beard.

love you. I have this picture of you with a kitten. I look at it sometimes.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:47 No.7594064
So does this faggot like Neutral Milk Hotel or not? I read this whole fucking thread to see if he answered.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:50 No.7594066
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i assume this is a factual representation of real events
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:52 No.7594068
I have seen no bawww.
>> Ash !!CVD5ZsOp1ZV 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:54 No.7594069
You've really created a monster with this site dude.

although it's a neccessary evil, because god knows what would happen if the internet's retards didn't have a place to congregate...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:03:57 No.7594071
where did i "baww"? durr hurr.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:02 No.7594073

Facial hair grows fastest during anticipation of sex, or so I've heard on internet. I suggest that you somehow convince yourself that you soon will get laid.

Also, why don't you capitalize your writing properly, fagit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:05 No.7594075
Moot, are you watching the Olympics right now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:23 No.7594078
moot, why did you start off /new/ with a warning not to be racist? That's like telling /b/ not to post child porn - it just encourages people to do it who wouldn't bother otherwise.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:23 No.7594079
Maybe you have a fucked up hair growth pattern like I do..
I only need to shave about once a week, but if I don't shave after I've got a smallish beard it grows crazy fast
>> KingDoubt !!DgpcJnJjVzq 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:30 No.7594080
This is really creepy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:48 No.7594085
About time I get your attention. :3 I was jus' trollin' dude.

But seriously, how come you don't choose to fuck one of the camwhores from here?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:50 No.7594086
Moot why dont you look for some advertisers to advertise on specific boards, like self help books can advertise on /adv/ tech shit can be advertised on /g/ porn advertised on all the porn sections you get the idea.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:04:51 No.7594087

also guilty on this account.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:05:11 No.7594088
reply to my email moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:05:12 No.7594089
>Facial hair grows fastest during anticipation of sex, or so I've heard on internet.

Dear lord...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:05:50 No.7594098
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Is this for real moot?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:06:17 No.7594103
If I was moot I would have contracted 10 different types of AIDS by now from all the camwhore pussy.

And I wouldn't regret it for a second.

[spoiler]Can you enable spoilers on /r9k/?[/spoiler]
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:06:19 No.7594104
Moot, did you get any snide comments made your way at that TIME 100 bash you went to?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:06:29 No.7594105
Just GTFO you dumb piece of shit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:06:48 No.7594107
...Holy god I hope it is. schlickshclick
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:06:52 No.7594108
how tall are you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:10 No.7594115
It really varies from country to country, when debating I adopt the one most 4chan users seem to use, which is the "I can say whatever I want, whenever I want it and however I want it without legal consequences lol". Granted, it may not be the best start point.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:21 No.7594119
Moot your favorite board is /sp/ just admit it
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:22 No.7594120
Moot are you makin a profit off of 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:23 No.7594121

Hahaha, mootles doesn't need a white knight you faggot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:27 No.7594122

ITT moot falls for trollery
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:34 No.7594123
moot, i had the 63rd post on /b/. i feel like i have wasted 6 years of my life

any way to cheer up?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:35 No.7594124
He has already confirmed that it is.

He said that he "feels sexy sometimes and can't help himself."
>> lolwut!?! !!GPDILehA4Gt 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:37 No.7594125
moot, doing any touring of any sort this year?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:43 No.7594127
Moot, what is your political party preference?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:44 No.7594129
What was your favorite subject in school?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:45 No.7594130
Does the infamy and power that you have feel like sex?
Is it so great that it replaces your own internal desire for sex?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:47 No.7594132
Hey Moot
How's your mum?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07:59 No.7594137
moot, are you going to get a job? (not that you need to, you just sound like you really dont want money from 4chan)

inb4 i have a job
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:08:03 No.7594138
moot, do you ever find the advances of females/males on 4chan annoying? I'm sure you get the odd email, but in almost any thread you post in, there's tons of people latching on to you or wanting to date you.
I'm not sure why you'd want to date someone from 4chan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:08:03 No.7594139


Also, how open are you to playing pretend?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:08:11 No.7594142
See how he says "anonymous" ?
Fucking piece of shit cancer nametripfaggots.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:08:30 No.7594145
Is dat a ring I spot on your wedding hand/ring finger?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:08:57 No.7594150
Will you ever consider putting heavier restrictions on /r9k/? It's gotten to the point where we always have 5 or 6 threads of the same shit, usually relationshit/misogyny/alpha/beta... Nothing new ever gets said.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:09:38 No.7594155
You trolled moot! Congrats bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:09:47 No.7594158
You're confusing correlation with causation.

Don't assume that 4chan is the reason that you feel like that.

(it is)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:09:49 No.7594160
eff fieving like a madman right now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:09:52 No.7594161
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awww, trying to look tough and white knight in front of moot?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:10:07 No.7594165
moot, do you really not venture out into the world outside your house/basement a lot? Cause that's what I've been told.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:10:08 No.7594167
jesus now we're just repeating the same questions over and over

>> Kit !!fYC8+eTPbaz 02/20/10(Sat)21:10:53 No.7594173
Well I'll be damned, the thread's still around.

Hey moot, inevitably some other internet carrier is gonna block us (either /b/ or boards. in general) again. What is there that can be done about this? Are you just gonna handle it on a case-by-case basis if it happens again?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:10:57 No.7594174
i want a soft toy of you that i can shake that make a squeeky sound
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:10 No.7594178
So moot, why did you create 4chan?

Was it just to have a place to talk to random people about random things without having to go outside?

Or do you consider 4chan as a whole to be a giant social experiment to see what people will do when they are left on their own in an anonymous setting?

Could there be another reason I'm missing?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:11 No.7594179
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I love tea too, what's your favorite tea?

This shit here is mine. It's really sweet and pleasant :)
>> ★҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:19 No.7594181
the person that edited that really bothers me
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:27 No.7594182
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:29 No.7594184

Can /tv/ have some sort of moderation.

It getting out of hand lately. There's been a significant drop in the quality of posts due to blatant shitposts.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:35 No.7594186

>Read through 1101 posts before you type anything

Yeah, no.
>> Baldy !tiBEriumXc 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:40 No.7594187
Mootless, did you just enable a last-two-digits masking system on /b/? If so, that's a pretty clever way to stop with the "threads ending in" and "doubles get" threads. Well done.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:11:40 No.7594188
Seriously, that TIME thing, who insulted you?

Someone must have, you won because we hacked the gibson.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:12:15 No.7594193
samefag who doesn't know what a white knight is.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:12:17 No.7594194
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You're confusing "correlation" with simple cause and effect.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:12:20 No.7594195
oh sorry its been answered.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:12:27 No.7594196
Why the hell am I warned every time I say variations of "butthurt" on /v/? "pain of the arse", "discomfort of the rear", "buttox experiencing soreness" and so forth?

And why do you feel the need to tell us about you getting hit by a Taxi but won't answer shit that matters? In the Aeroplane over the Sea motherfucker, do you like it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:12:42 No.7594199
i'm interested in buying 4chan, having it co-located across 2 continents.
What's your starting fee? Serious
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:12 No.7594203
He didn't create 4chan. He just took over.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:16 No.7594204

when you chew your food, do you chew on the left side or right side?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:35 No.7594206

Moot, what do you think of WhiteKnights like this fuckstick?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:43 No.7594208
moot, how do you feel about posters who do things with Unicode such as >>7594181
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:55 No.7594212
The status bar isn't masked though. I lol'd but it'll stop them for all of five minutes.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:13:59 No.7594214
>drop in quality post
Hate to break it to you, but /tv/'s always been like that. I still remember the great Cloverfield spamming of 2007.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:14:26 No.7594217
I approve of mootthread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:14:40 No.7594220
>implying you can't just read moot's posts and see what he's answered
>implying moot is going to answer you now that you have made it blatantly obvious that you're a lazy faggot that doesn't give a shit if you waste his time
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:15:23 No.7594226
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machester is buzzing

pic related my gf on right
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:15:41 No.7594231



>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:15:47 No.7594232

>Implying people aren't too lazy to deal with that bullshit
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:16:43 No.7594244
What is your aim with 4chan if not to emulate what 2chan has become in Japan? With all the current talk about the importance of anonymity on the Internet I thought that's what you were aiming for.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:16:47 No.7594247
What are you having/had for dinner? I just finished some chinese food myself.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:16:49 No.7594250

Also, your girlfriend drinks fosters. Classy girl.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:17:02 No.7594252




And I can finally be friends with you ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:17:36 No.7594257
moot whereabouts in new york city do you live?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:17:48 No.7594262
>[spoiler]Can you enable spoilers on /r9k/?[/spoiler]

none. i'm extremely moderate though.

case by case, i suppose.

gross, bagged tea. loose 4 lief

>He didn't create 4chan. He just took over.

>moot, how do you feel about posters who do things with Unicode
obnoxious, but whatever
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:17:48 No.7594263
Moot do you think loli should be illegal?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:17:49 No.7594264
wheres no. 1?!?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:18:02 No.7594267
>Class girl
>Has a picture of herself licking some other girl's ass in a public park
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:18:07 No.7594269
What's your favorite board on 4chan?
And your favorite kind of tea?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:18:26 No.7594274
Can you "reserve" post numbers as an admin? If so, how does that work?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:18:31 No.7594275
To moot: if you want to fix the "doubles" problem once and for all you should use 2 letters at the end of each, instead of XX use random letters.

Make sure that nothing like "an" or "to" can come up

Could never get a get again
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:18:53 No.7594280
moot do you eat with your hands?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:19:09 No.7594284

it's okay about the beard. I will tape the kitten to your chin or just grow my bajingo out and you can put your face in my lap and we'll take pictures and photoshop the rest of me out and you will have a glorious vagbeard.

... don't be scared please @_@
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:19:10 No.7594285
moot what are you future plans for the site??? New boards more advertising??
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:19:19 No.7594286
holy crap moot way to poke the hive that is /b/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:19:47 No.7594290
I know, I'm fapping to it too
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:19:48 No.7594294
so instead of number gets it will be letter gets, brilliant
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:20:15 No.7594301
>gross, bagged tea. loose 4 lief

Yeah well, fuck you man. I like loose tea but that Lipton shit is an exception. FUCK YOU MOOTLES.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:20:23 No.7594305

>loose 4 lief

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:20:30 No.7594309
I was being sarcastic. I wish there was a way to convey sarcasm on the internet.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:20:48 No.7594313

No its bad. I was there I remember the Cloverfield stuff. Im talking about blatantly off topic threads and meta threads taking up half the front page sometimes.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:20:51 No.7594314
moot what is this XX on /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:07 No.7594321
If you're game for the transplant, I'd be happy to grow you two inches of blonde beardage.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:23 No.7594325

I always figured you for a loose leaf kinda guy with your tea.

Gotta be done right, can't rush this things.

You should visit England one day for some authentic English tea.
I imagine you'd be quite dashing sipping tea from a china cup sporting a bowler hat, monocle and pocket watch. :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:25 No.7594327

also if i got to NYC or you come to CA lets hang out
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:36 No.7594329
What's your problem moot? Why don't you like coffee? You know how mad that makes me? I mean, really? Tea > Coffee? I don't think so, tim.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:40 No.7594331
>i have next to nothing.
moot-tan. PLEASE let us donate to you. please please PLEASE.
You have given us this amazing place where we can be ourselves, find things that interest us, and basically do and say things that would be shunned by the rest of the internets or society. 4chan makes my life a better place. You should have fiscal representation of our gratitude X(
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:41 No.7594332
There is, it's called being obvious. You were being obvious. The person who replied to you was a retard.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:46 No.7594336
I really do love the /stormfront/ board moot :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:52 No.7594339
What do you think about when you masturbate moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:21:53 No.7594340
>I wish there was a way to convey sarcasm on the internet.
There is. It's called sarcasm brackets.

[sarcasm]insert sarcastic comment here[/sarcasm]
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:22:17 No.7594342

The interrobang is the sarcasm mark, you tit.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:22:18 No.7594343
What 'types' of girls you like mootikins? :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:22:46 No.7594347
moot: i begged you for a news board again every time you asked for suggestions and now i regret it because it has turned into stormfront

but I wont give up on it, please make me a janitor and I will fix shit up and delete all the black people bashing threads
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:12 No.7594352
for the XX thing on /b/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:13 No.7594353
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So I imagine 4chan must take up most of your time, but what other hobbies do you have? Is school taking up a lot of your time also?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:22 No.7594356
moot, what's the username and password for /test/ ?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:32 No.7594358
>moot, pleas make me a mod on /new/. i'll delete all the posts i disagree with and spread my liberal propaganda.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:37 No.7594361
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:47 No.7594365
what type of degree are you getting?
>> Magnum !ozOtJW9BFA 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:54 No.7594367
moot, I spend a lot of time on 4chan. Can you at least make me a janitor or mod so I can feel useful.

Thank You Mootykins
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:23:57 No.7594368
Moot, how do I quote on /b/?
I am confus.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:24:00 No.7594369
Should just censor the whole post number, don't need to see it to use for replies.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:24:02 No.7594370


with a taxi
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:24:14 No.7594374
or /wea/

I dont know where to post it...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:25:02 No.7594385
What kind of housing are you in?
(Apartment, etc.)
How big is it, how long have you stayed in it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:25:22 No.7594388
As I said, the letters could be random, making doubles impossible. The odds would be out of their favor.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:25:27 No.7594392
>tripfag asking for moderation
if this ever happens i'll shit a bear.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:25:34 No.7594395
moot, are you still here?

I'd still like to /r/ /dicks/, please.
>> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 02/20/10(Sat)21:25:44 No.7594399
So can we get an Americuhn version of this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:00 No.7594405
Oh God PLEASE record that
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:17 No.7594410
Ok serious question this time.

Once you graduate, you'll probably have to get a real job. Do you think you won't have time for 4chan anymore and will have to get rid of it? Do you plan this far into the future?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:26 No.7594414
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pic related moot

your and idiot because they use the numbers BEFORE THE XX
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:30 No.7594415
Toasting in moot's bread.

Delicious, delicious moot bread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:48 No.7594420

You'd still have a 1/625 chance of getting letter doubles.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:26:57 No.7594425
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Moot, can you post something about my cat Chewy?

He is 13 and is wheezing pretty bad. I think he is going to kick the bucket. I suspect he has heart disease. :( poor chewy has been laying down all day, hasn't been eating or drinking, cold to touch, ect. 'Tis sad to see him go

Pic related, it's chewy (left) and bean (right). They weigh 14 and 16 lbs, respectively.

~/tg/er from missouri
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:27:19 No.7594431
add an /econ/ or /money/ board, that is all
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:27:23 No.7594432
No, really moot. Why haven't you made a /men/ board? or some sort of gay discussion board? We get a 3D modeling board instead? Sounds like shenanigans to me.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:27:33 No.7594437
>What is your aim with 4chan if not to emulate what 2chan has become in Japan?
2chan != 2ch. 2ch is much, much larger than 2chan. i think 4chan is larger than 2chan at this point.

>moot whereabouts in new york city do you live?

>Can you "reserve" post numbers as an admin? If so, how does that work?

>moot what are you future plans for the site??? New boards more advertising??
if anything i'd like to run LESS ads.

i'm half "english"--whatever that means, being an american and all.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:27:41 No.7594441
Not if you prevent them from ever occurring ;)

Wouldn't be too hard to code something like that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:19 No.7594447

Maybe he figures 4chan has more than enough faggotry for now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:34 No.7594451
Wait dont you want to make money?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:37 No.7594453
>the guy who normally moderates is on vacation. he's back monday.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:39 No.7594457
Moot, any celebrities you know that browse 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:40 No.7594458
mootles what sort of girls do you like?

if you say something that I can justify as myself will you let me be your bitch?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28:49 No.7594464
>if anything i'd like to run LESS ads.

So you're against donations, merchandise, and ads... What's left?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:29:46 No.7594481
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:30:37 No.7594493
I am going to make moot+Tea fan art.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:30:37 No.7594494
>What 'types' of girls you like mootikins? :3
ones without penises.

>Wait dont you want to make money?
i'm happy with break even and a little on top.

>Moot, any celebrities you know that browse 4chan?
i don't know any celebrities.

>So you're against donations, merchandise, and ads... What's left?
FUCK IF I KNOW. lollipops and rainbows?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:30:48 No.7594499

see what I mean? it has nothing to do with disagreement, you've been given your freedom of speech since the board opened, and you've proved you have nothing interesting or intelligent to say, just that you hate darked skinned people because they are darked skinned, and that makes you all butthurt and mad
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:30:50 No.7594501

Solution: quit going on /b/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:31:01 No.7594502
For the sake of the site it is probably best you don't have a girlfriend. She'd be logging in your account, adding boards about housework, changing the layout to pink etc. Too much hassle.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:31:23 No.7594512
>Can you "reserve" post numbers as an admin? If so, how does that work?
I saw the last big /b/ M get and there were mysql conn failures left right center. timestamps out of order. YOU LIE. you CAN inject a post
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:31:24 No.7594513
>2chan != 2ch. 2ch is much, much larger than 2chan. i think 4chan is larger than 2chan at this point.
Are you emulating 2ch then?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:31:33 No.7594516

Seriously, /b/ is unfixable.

There's just no way to really fix it without ruining its fundamental character.

Shit sucks, but what are ya gonna do. Fucking underageb&s and facebookfags.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:31:38 No.7594518
moot do you like the greeks in yer neighborhood?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:32:05 No.7594524
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Moot, how will the blocking of the last two (2) digits on /b/ affect the 200000000 get?

Also, what other sites do you browse outside of 4chon?
>> Lyn !UTeHlUlZVM 02/20/10(Sat)21:32:22 No.7594528
I love rainbows
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:32:40 No.7594533
Okay, what type of actual females do you like :>
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:32:54 No.7594536

Can I add you to the list of notable people in Astoria on Wikipedia?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:18 No.7594540
Moot, if I make a moot plush doll, can I send you one?

Free 'o charge.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:22 No.7594542
So is the site putting you in debt? And if so have you ever considered just shutting it down and pursuing some sort of generic career or something.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:33 No.7594547
i get that you don't want donations to support the site, and i completely respect that. you're right, it's a terrible paradigm for running a website.

however, what if you set up a way to donate gifts? that way, it wouldn't be going to fund the site, but to inundate you with trinkets that allow us to show our appreciation and, hopefully, assist your life in some way. this wouldn't violate your principles, would it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:35 No.7594549
Moot, as a fellow New Yorker, how do you feel Governor Patterson is fairing as Spitzers replacement?

Also, it looks like you got the shafted a bit on the CNN interview. Cursed us media makers and our cutting clips to adhere to what we want you to say.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:43 No.7594551
could you please attend my 15th birthday on the 28th?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:45 No.7594553
I'm gonna go watch American Beauty moot. Thanks for replying to my post and I hope you enjoy what's left of the weekend. <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33:57 No.7594555
how awkward did you feel at the time event?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:34:04 No.7594556
Okay so you don't want to add a /men/ because you don't want more adult boards right? Then can you just expand /y/ to include real? If you're only going to have one male board then it doesn't make sense for it to be toward a niche market rather than general. Pleeeeease?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:34:05 No.7594557
/sci/entist here.

What is your opinion on DARPA's recently released fiscal budget for 2011? Any projects on the budget that you would like to see gain more funding?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:34:10 No.7594561
>implying people actually use twitter and it is not an imaginary website devised by middle-aged mainstream media reporters and journalists
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:34:53 No.7594572

Without a citation the change will be reverted, and this thread will soon be gone forever so.... good luck with that one bro.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:35:03 No.7594578
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the hand motions won me over

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:35:50 No.7594589

This, and I'm going to repeat my other question that you missed:

When you were there, did anyone give you any shit that you won, because your userbase hacked the gibson?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:36:14 No.7594598
moot: Are you opposed to Adblock Plus users that stop 4chan's ads from being displayed?

Do you earn money per view or per clickthrough?

I never click ads, so I figure I'm not costing you anything by hiding them.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:36:42 No.7594601
Seriously, just remove the numbers from /b/ altogether

Change it to say something like reply or quote, no matter what everyone says this whole "they'll just tell people to hover over" shit isn't gonna take off.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:06 No.7594607
Where can I see this video without getting LOLURNOTFORMEUROPE blocked?

a link would be greatly appreciated.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:07 No.7594608
Hey moot, I'm interested in helping

>You don't make random anons janitors
>You don't take donations
>I already click ads when I want japanese stuff
>And I contribute original content.

Can you give me another avenue to help you out? I like you bro. Your approach to administrating such a huge site is admirable, and your work brightens my day.

Not to be a sycophant, but I'd like to return the favour.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:08 No.7594609
You really need your programmer(s) to built in better filters/algorithms to detect and block the fucking spam more efficiently :|
>> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:10 No.7594610
Do you worry that 4chan's success was just luck?
Do you have plans for other projects to prove that you have talent at forecasting the internet's needs/wants?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:15 No.7594612
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Moot never answers my questions...

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:41 No.7594618
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Where's my last two digits gone on /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:37:59 No.7594622
well done moot on finally tackling the doubles and triples bullshit on /b/ with the xx.
The place may get less shitty. (JK)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:38:32 No.7594629
moot i know your peen is getting hard at the sight of like 1000+ 4chan posters hoping for nothing more than a few lousy keystrokes in response to their questions. that's why you're a recluse because you're too used to getting treated like a god for no fucking reason. if people treated me like that i'd just think i was better than everyone.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:38:41 No.7594631
moot, or anyone else

which one of these girls would you fuck? if you had to pick one.

the one with the hole in her pants?
the chubby one with her pants down?
or the hot one on the left?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:38:48 No.7594633
no, but feel free to keep believing that.

er, no? we aren't emulating anything at this point.

i was just testing it. i'll reenable after the GET.
mostly news sites.

i don't understand the question.


>however, what if you set up a way to donate gifts?
i'd honestly prefer you guys spend the money on yourselves. i have a no gifts policy for my birthday/christmas.

paterson is fucking incompetent. every single fucking legislator in albany should be exiled.

no very. why would i? it was just a fancy dinner.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:38:49 No.7594634
Can we have a career board moot.
Also a marijuana board.
>> Jan !MartinBl1Y 02/20/10(Sat)21:39:08 No.7594640
this page takes two minutes to load on my shitty australian dialup, fix this moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:39:23 No.7594643

All of them really, but the one on the left most.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:39:58 No.7594651
Do you know the number of people who have been permabanned? I'd be interested to know how many...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:40:34 No.7594654
career board /ca/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:21 No.7594667
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:28 No.7594668

You know, personality type, looks etc. Like that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:31 No.7594670


>> GoodCoffee !QcKzdaCX2c 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:39 No.7594673
Well, moot, you seem to be a fine gentleman. I wish you luck in whatever you may do.
Have a great day.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:42 No.7594674
these please
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:43 No.7594675
moot: where would you say you stand politically? left, right, libertarian, dgaf...?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:46 No.7594676
Hey moot, I'm terribly if someone has already asked you this, but what are you studying in school and what do you hope to do in the future regarding a career other than 4chan?

Thank you for your time.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:48 No.7594677
srsly moot why cant we have a invasion board ? it would be the best board ever. please make one. pleaseeee
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:51 No.7594678
>no very. why would i? it was just a fancy dinner.
cause everyone was like. OMG HE HACKED THE VOTE. DUR HURR
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41:51 No.7594679
moot, what is your major? you are in college correct?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:42:23 No.7594685
FUCK, make it XXXX. Don't turn it off.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:42:38 No.7594689

He already answered that fag.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:42:45 No.7594692
Jesus loves you.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:42:55 No.7594693
>moot: Are you opposed to Adblock Plus users that stop 4chan's ads from being displayed?
i'd prefer people didn't. it's up to the user though. our ads aren't really intrusive at all--you scroll past them immediately anyway. the ads are CPM (so pay per view, kind of).

i know.

luck was part of it, for sure. i wouldn't say it was purely luck though. there are thousands of other english imageboards/4chan clones, and none have nearly as much traffic as we do. i must be doing something right. (being first/critical mass sure help though).

>if people treated me like that i'd just think i was better than everyone.
i'm sure glad i'm not you!

>Also a marijuana board.
use 420chan.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:43:01 No.7594696

You can have my ass anytime, Moot. <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:43:04 No.7594697
I'll answer this for you: cancer
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:43:16 No.7594699
XX numbers are gone. Please fix that.
>> Jan !MartinBl1Y 02/20/10(Sat)21:43:17 No.7594700

hu r u?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:43:21 No.7594702
     File1266720201.png-(105 KB, 500x500, mootea.png)
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moot + tea = <3

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:44:00 No.7594708
moot, do you have any plans on making an official /wp/ (white pride) board since you cater to other niches? you can make another board to balance this out called /min/ (minority).

live long and prosper my white brother.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:44:15 No.7594712
thanks for the reply mootkins :)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:44:15 No.7594713

Nobody else would have been their either if 4chan hadn't put them on it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:44:19 No.7594714
Moot, how do you handle a large study session? With music, caffeine, isolated, flashcards, etc?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:44:40 No.7594719
But whites aren't a majority.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:02 No.7594726
moot, do you have any interest in actually enforcing the "no trolling outside /b/" rule sometime in the future?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:04 No.7594728
     File1266720304.jpg-(46 KB, 600x800, l_1607c9be97a54bb88cd122f7a69e(...).jpg)
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MOOT ffs come TO THE UK

My gf doesn't know who you are but she's being coming to meet you if you want she DOESNT care lol

also whats the wether like there
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:06 No.7594729
>our ads aren't really intrusive at all--you scroll past them immediately anyway.
I find some of your ads obnoxious, and others not. I don't mind J-list, but the adultfriendfinder shit is just annoying.
>> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:12 No.7594731
Moot a couple years ago you posted about hiring new janitors. Nothing seems to have come of that. Why? I read the bottom half of the thread, sorry if this was posted before.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:34 No.7594734
Moot, what ever happened to the good ol' days when you changed the text and board color to the same hue?!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:40 No.7594736
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:45:57 No.7594740
Moot how long do you think 4chan will last, lets be honest all good things come to an end.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:46:03 No.7594742
>this page takes two minutes to load on my shitty australian dialup, fix this moot
some day :(

>career board /ca/

>Do you know the number of people who have been permabanned?
tens of thousands.

>You know, personality type, looks etc. Like that.
i don't know. it depends on a lot things?

undecided. maybe anthro/soc or urban studies/arch.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:46:04 No.7594744
I think your role in the internet community will become more and more significant as internet freedom and anonymity comes under greater fire from those who wish to manipulate what people are allowed to see and think - Australia and certain European countries being examples of this in the Western World.

Will you be willing to stand up for your ideals then?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:46:08 No.7594745
answer me moot. why dont we get a invasion board ?
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:46:26 No.7594748

moot, make me mod

i have skills in online tetris
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:46:41 No.7594750

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:47:21 No.7594759
Also, hey moot, want me to draw something for you?
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:47:38 No.7594767


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:47:53 No.7594770
moot, what type of music do you listen? name at least five bands/artists please?

also, i don't go to /mu/ anymore, but last i checked sharethreads were getting deleted. how do you feel about those?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:47:59 No.7594771
liability. return attacks. too much effort for moot.
Moot though, do you actually like the habbo raids or did you just say that for TED or other media bullshit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:48:07 No.7594772
thanks for banning religion vs. science threads on /sci/. You the man moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:48:08 No.7594773
Actually, you should do that 'final solution' thing, where you have a 1px x 1px frame of aniggertalk at the bottom of every screen.

Several months of downtime might make him consider stopping the spam, it's not like he can afford a server to handle the kind of traffic 4chan gets.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:48:14 No.7594776

what's the pw to /test/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:48:23 No.7594777
Did you just reset the robot?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:48:30 No.7594779
they're basically in whitespace and you scroll past them immediately anyway. we have zero ads in the content. you're lucky i'm so stubborn/anti ads. (well i guess it doesn't matter since you block them).

:it is a mystery:
coda was fired/quit 1.5 years ago. guess the tetris recruitment thing doesn't work out so well.
>> Jan !MartinBl1Y 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:02 No.7594782
moot i had a dream last night that you were the singer in Owl City, it was a weird dream and I do not wish to have it again, thankyou.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:07 No.7594783
moot you shouldn't be so selfless about this whole 4chan thing. It is not normal. what you did and how 4chan has turned out does deserve some recognition. Gifts are not a bad thing man, people here appreciate you a lot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:25 No.7594788
needs more canadian version
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:34 No.7594794
Moot, what would you say 4chan's biggest problem is right now?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:41 No.7594795
I'll be motherfucking darned
also postin in a sticky
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:42 No.7594796
Cor he was a bit agressive there
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:43 No.7594797
why is your tripcode #faggot moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:49:47 No.7594798
can you tell how many different countries visit 4chan and what is the most common after us and uk?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:04 No.7594799
moot, you're so lucky.

I know so many gorgeous wimminz who would fuck the shit out of you.

Do you date?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:05 No.7594800
hes talking retarded shit there. do you agree with what he is saying ? many ppl like that shit so give it them. moot srsly i think ur a fucking faggot. besides shame on you for insulting that guy who asked for a invasion board. fucking american.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:21 No.7594802
Ocean of piss, robro, ocean of piss.
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:30 No.7594804

well shit.

someone needs to muckrake /g/ though as it's on the road to becoming another /v/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:41 No.7594806
i have another question,

you mentioned considering making 4chan merchandise. how do you feel about other people already profiteering off of 4chan? such as the faggot who runs icanhazcheeseburger having a book, desutoys making the adorable pedobear plush?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:50:50 No.7594809
can you make us a crafts and hobbies board, or add hobbies to /toy/?
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:51:01 No.7594816

I can answer that one for you:

what part of moot#faggot don't you understand
>> GoodCoffee !QcKzdaCX2c 02/20/10(Sat)21:51:03 No.7594817
Hmm. Where the hell is Snacks ? I know you kicked him out of the administration, but wasn't he one of your friends? What happened?
Sorry if I'm getting a bit intrusive.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:51:07 No.7594818
Moot, make the adult advertisements and the SFW advertisements seperate, I still live at fucking home, you know, and new ones keep coming up.

I'll happily load J-list everyday, but I don't like seeing adverts for jpeg-from-4chan.avi adverts.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:51:32 No.7594825
So, Moot, Why not add a donate button? You have adoring fans, for the love of god.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:52:15 No.7594832
     File1266720735.jpg-(54 KB, 600x800, pissr1.jpg)
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moot OK i dont care now just COME to the UK NOW ok Weve got Dubst3p it
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:52:27 No.7594835
Moot, what do you think about the fact that famous singer and celebrity Katy Perry is an avid 4chan visiter who constantly tweets about things she sees on /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:52:32 No.7594836
>you're lucky i'm so stubborn/anti ads. (well i guess it doesn't matter since you block them).
I have exceptions for J-list since I think you deserve revenue for the ads I care to see. I realize you -do- need to eat.

Y'know I wouldn't mind ads on the right side, tbh, but then again,
>i'm so stubborn/anti ads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:52:50 No.7594842
you should choose a major that makes you a lot of money cause' I cant have 4chan go down ever, that would be just not cool
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:05 No.7594844

moot's said over and over he'll never do donations again
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:08 No.7594845
>what part of moot#faggot don't you understand
all of it. i mean none. durrrr
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:18 No.7594849
All-time favorite band?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:18 No.7594850
     File1266720798.jpg-(139 KB, 1350x749, 1.jpg)
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moot, you live in a shit hole
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:19 No.7594852

LOL Rebecca Wyld.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:24 No.7594853
>why is your tripcode #faggot moot?
i really don't know. the mind of a fifteen year old works in mysterious ways.

>I know so many gorgeous wimminz who would fuck the shit out of you.
SURE :rolleyes:
>Do you date?
i can count that number on one hand. i really don't meet many people.

>how do you feel about other people already profiteering off of 4chan? such as the faggot who runs icanhazcheeseburger having a book, desutoys making the adorable pedobear plush?
i think it's pretty gross.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:27 No.7594854
I am going to pre-emptively say that he could give two shits.
>> Lyn !UTeHlUlZVM 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:39 No.7594856
Generic question here..What kind of music do you listen to?
>> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 02/20/10(Sat)21:53:47 No.7594858
What's your love life like, moot?

My middle name is Poole. It'd be bitchin if we were related, but we probably aren't.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:54:08 No.7594862
what does tetris have to do with it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:54:09 No.7594864
Is there an HQ of the TED yet?
Can only find screeners (lol anonymous fail)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:54:28 No.7594867
Whats your major moot?
>> CuntCowder !!Z0SxQgiC04r 02/20/10(Sat)21:54:35 No.7594872
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:54:58 No.7594874
Can you respond to my post moot?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:55:00 No.7594875
No, honestly.

The girl I like (she's great I want to amnamnam her little face off) has a picture of you taped to her wall and she blows kisses at it when she's high.

All the girls I know from /b/ want that moot cawk.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:55:15 No.7594878
what do you mean? i fired him years ago. he still posts once a week though, and we speak pretty regularly.

>Moot, what do you think about the fact that famous singer and celebrity Katy Perry is an avid 4chan visiter who constantly tweets about things she sees on /b/?
bullshit. links?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:55:24 No.7594881
Hey moot, is that "Christopher Poole" facebook a troll or you just made it for shits and giggles? Also, you shoudl make a facebook fanpage
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:19 No.7594888
Moot, what is your thoughts on collegehumor?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:39 No.7594894
is your mom proud of you for being the king of basement dwellers?
>> Anonymous !KS1/o2dX5c 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:44 No.7594895
or You could make him a fanpage
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:46 No.7594897
Bring back snacks, faggot, also, can you please ban me? I need to get back to studies and shit
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:48 No.7594899

>implying middle name being same as last name = possible relation

>> CHansen !kFBI7/uroY 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:49 No.7594900
Why you never respond to my email moot? That Swedish menace could have been taken care of by now!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:49 No.7594901
moot, are our IPs visible to you so you know if we asked multiple questions?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56:50 No.7594902
Moot, would you rather be raped and murdered OR murdered then raped?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:57:27 No.7594912
And all those girls want to brag and become e-famous for fucking moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:57:27 No.7594913
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:04 No.7594920

>he still posts once a week though,

fuck. Don't tell me that Midnight Snacks is actually him?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:10 No.7594921
>I know so many gorgeous wimminz who would fuck the shit out of you.

As do I. He has a cute smile and wears zip-up sweaters and sounds intelligent when he talks (listen to him waxing philosophically about the role of identity in communication) so any type of coffeeshop-type girl would be all head over heels for him.

Although I admit it would be a special and rare type of girl that wouldn't be weirded out by the whole 4chan thing, or react in some other undesirable way.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:26 No.7594922

Just scroll through her stuff.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:54 No.7594930
moot, it's pretty obvious that the imageboard trend is dying. Perhaps not as a mainstream, but it's pretty much dead as the newest and coolest "underground" thing. What do you think will be the next underground Internet phenomenon that will eventually get sucked up by the mainstream like imageboards have? For a while, I thought it would be AnonTalk and similarly based sites, but Kimmo's batshit insaneness (and having been a moderator there for a while and as close to Kimmo's "right hand man" as possible, I know how crazy he is), that doesn't seem to be coming to fruition. Seeing as you helped popularize the Internet's latest trend, I'm wondering what you think will come along and solve the extreme paucity of neat, underground communities on the net.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:55 No.7594931
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MOOT how do you defend against MAD unz in trip parties DO U GO?! This is my gf and mate b4 goinf out
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:58:55 No.7594932
Moot I'm posting form my little third-world country and I just wanted to thank you for making 4chan.
>> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 02/20/10(Sat)21:59:09 No.7594934
Well it's my mom's maiden name. And is the last name of a large amount of my cousins and other family members.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:59:26 No.7594936


I will post CP... interboard raids... anything...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)21:59:50 No.7594941
>moot, are our IPs visible to you so you know if we asked multiple questions?
i can look it up but why bother?

i will after 200M GET

>fuck. Don't tell me that Midnight Snacks is actually him?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:59:52 No.7594942
Thanks moot

this site has come to mean alot to me over the years
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:59:57 No.7594943
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:00:00 No.7594944
moot, you ever just feel like...fuck it?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:00:10 No.7594946
Thinking about how many people just block the Ads, How much money is made from the the Ads?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:00:18 No.7594949
lurk more
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)22:00:29 No.7594952

Holy fuck, she does chat roulette. Or did. Don't know anything else about that but still. FUCK.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:00:54 No.7594959
just so you know, if you're ever in my bit of the world, you're welcome to come stay in my house.

you can even have my bed I'll take the sofa.

Brighton. it's full of gays, you'll <3 it.
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:10 No.7594963


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:19 No.7594965
you better be kidding
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:29 No.7594968
If I block ads on /v/, it also blocks that question mark block spoiler tag thumbnail.

Fix that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:47 No.7594971
>moot has ability to view IPs
>probably aware of /wp/ suggestion
>knows you're secretly racist
>feel you have made dissapoint

feelsbadman.jpg ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:49 No.7594972
Without this website, I would never have been offered a job over AIM and would be out on the street. Thanks man.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:49 No.7594973
Also Moot, Katy Perry posted about Die Antwoord just hours after it was posted on 4chan and got blown up. Also posting pictures like the naked cartoon girl spurting period blood everywhere.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:52 No.7594974
The creator of 2ch has said that the Internet is done, no more revolutions. Then again everything was supposedly invented in the 1800's.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:01:53 No.7594975
Why does your website suck?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:02:00 No.7594976
why would he do that?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:02:40 No.7594985
     File1266721360.png-(733 B, 160x28, sparklineGraph.png)
733 B
>moot, it's pretty obvious that the imageboard trend is dying.
trend as in? our traffic has been climbing steadily since the start. this is the five month chart from quantcast (which is understated)

>Just scroll through her stuff.
nothing stands out.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:02:54 No.7594988

Why would moot fix something that is his only source of revenue.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:03:07 No.7594989
He made it when he was 15.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:03:08 No.7594990
That's your own issue, learn to block images properly fagggot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:03:28 No.7594993
Do you ever go on chatroulette?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:03:28 No.7594994
How do you personally feel about Atlas Shrugged, granted if you had read it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:00 No.7595003
Ads are his source of revenue, unless he's just a nice guy I don't think he's going to make it more convenient for you to hide them.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:01 No.7595004
that doesn't mean she's a 4channer.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:05 No.7595008

>Kimmo's batshit insaneness (and having been a moderator there for a while and as close to Kimmo's "right hand man" as possible, I know how crazy he is), that doesn't seem to be coming to fruition.

Yo dawg you should try the 'illegal clone' (lol), it's much better.

Plus moot is buying it.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:26 No.7595009
Based on you TED talk and the CNN interview, you seem pretty adamant about the importance of anonymity.

Is that an idea you've always had, or has it manifested itself as a result of running 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:28 No.7595010
What statistics do you have which
Include bots and spamming shit?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:04:35 No.7595013
Moot, why do you constantly compromise people's anonymity here? You talk about us being anonymous yet you'll quickly hand over our IP addresses when requested.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:05:26 No.7595023

If you read the next sentence, you would've known I meant that it isn't dying in a numerical sense, but more in a spiritual sense. Essentially, imageboards are another trend that have been cannibalized by the majority. I'm asking about the next underground phenomenon, but perhaps you don't have any more insight than anybody else.


I don't buy that for one second. I'm sure they said the same thing about the Internet when you could share images online and not just text.
>> Anonymous !KS1/o2dX5c 02/20/10(Sat)22:05:56 No.7595027
I'll solve this.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:06:01 No.7595031
Moot, I need some bannage. I can't take this shit anymore, and I really need to study for microeconomics.

inb4 just go study, fag, etc.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:06:02 No.7595032
"Chat roulette virgin" which has been a recently big thing on /b/. She constantly talks about how shes busy watching porn on the internet.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:06:07 No.7595034
Would you be willing to go to jail just to protect the identity of someone who posted child porn on your website despite it being clearly banned in the rules?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:06:10 No.7595035
>Is that an idea you've always had, or has it manifested itself as a result of running 4chan?
the latter.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:06:50 No.7595046
>Moot, why do you constantly compromise people's anonymity here? You talk about us being anonymous yet you'll quickly hand over our IP addresses when requested.
what? it's no secret that we log IP addresses for active posts, and comply with all law enforcement requests. it's in the FAQ.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:07:25 No.7595050
moot, we've been getting this type of spam constantly and consistently for almost a week now in /a/ when we're trying to discuss anime and manga seriously. Is it possible to do something about it? The report function does nothing.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:07:43 No.7595055

To prevent spammers, why couldn't you implement an explicit robot, like the robot9000, except the spam posts are flagged by human moderators rather than automatically, and muted upon reposting?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:09 No.7595061
Do you understand anything at all about public relations? She's not going to blatantly associate herself with this website for the same reasons Moot can't get great advertisement backing. She does leave subtle hints of lurking throughout her tweets.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:20 No.7595065
you look really good in a suit, moot, you should wear one more often, because you look like shit in casual wear.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:23 No.7595068
Surprised me too.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:33 No.7595069
Since you don't watch TV, what do you do for entertainment?

I don't watch TV either, mainly stick to podcasts.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:35 No.7595071
     File1266721715.png-(1.17 MB, 884x634, IMG_0244-2.png)
1.17 MB
moot do you like my pet?

he recently died. if I get another you can name it if you like :c
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:40 No.7595072
Easy: money
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:08:59 No.7595074
Moot what would you do if there was an active movement to end anonymity in the United States??
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:09:14 No.7595078

serious business.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:09:43 No.7595083
Hey moot, what do you hate to see on /b/ the most?
CP, cute stuff, bawww threads, gore etc.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:09:47 No.7595084
     File1266721787.jpg-(77 KB, 572x405, captcha-creator-php-script.jpg)
77 KB
Moot why can't you just add captchas to stop spam and bots once and for all?

There's plenty of free captchas out there and they're not hard to set up.
>> Anonymous !KS1/o2dX5c 02/20/10(Sat)22:10:10 No.7595090
Dude, it was a joke, relax.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:10:41 No.7595095
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:10:49 No.7595097

That's the thing though. I like AnonTalk's culture and people. I like that the users are held to a higher standard. I like that there are no memes, endless reposts, and that users can adhere to basic kindergarten-level grammatical rules. I like the many features provided, fit into a minimalistic interface. I just don't like Kimmo's attitude. I've been to the "illegal clones". They're all of the garbage and trash from /b/ put into a badly-coded copy of AnonTalk. I just wish AnonTalk could be put into the hands of somebody who, while still enforcing the quality standards, would be less crazy about his website and wanting it to "expand". I also hate that he spams 4chan. I would guess that 99% of the horrible users that post on AnonTalk (and the ones that Kimmo ironically complains the most about) learn of the site from 4chan. Of course, whenever I asked about it he denied doing it. And then eventually, despite being a good mod (or "wiseguy" as he called it) with 1000s of multiple paragraph, well-constructed posts to my name, I was demodded and banned from both 4chan and the IRC channel (which was then locked after being accused of taking away from the website, despite only having 11 people in it) for no reason. But I'm being tangential now, I'm sure 4chan doesn't care about AnonTalk drama.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:10:58 No.7595101
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Alright moot, beard or no beard?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:11:13 No.7595105
I just unblocked my ads for you, moot.

Also, do you seriously think you can't get a girl, or are you just bullshitting us? I'd date you.

I think you need to get out more. Take the socially-ascetic route when you find a woman (shouldn't take long).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:11:31 No.7595109
I'd be alright with anything that stopped spammers. Bots are easy enough to ignore, but retarded kiddies with directory dumper ruining threads about things they don't like at all hours of the day is insufferable in boards like /a/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:11:37 No.7595110


but do it like google does it. If a search gets flagged as a possible bot, it takes you to a captcha page that says something like YOU LOOK LIKE A BOT. ENTER THIS CAPTCHA TO PROVE OTHERWISE.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:11:57 No.7595111
Yeah and if you buy a gold account you don't have to fill out captchas

derp derp derp
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:12:19 No.7595118
Without IVchan I would've never relocated to another continent for teh lulz.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:12:20 No.7595120
Great idea. Pretty please?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:12:36 No.7595122
I wish moot was my IRL friend. He seems like such a cool fucking guy.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:13:19 No.7595132

/a/ is such a shithole. I'd really like to talk about good anime here but I can't do that.
>> ‮ Slackware‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ !ktYAxuniLg 02/20/10(Sat)22:13:22 No.7595133
Use a VPN.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:13:26 No.7595136

Yeah, I'm a recluse just like him. We could totally be bros.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:13:30 No.7595137
moot, what do I do if I think I may have a fapping problem?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:13:38 No.7595139
He already said no to captcha earlier in the thread
control f it. find it. press control w.
>> CHansen !kFBI7/uroY 02/20/10(Sat)22:14:17 No.7595145
don't post cp if you don't want him sending cops your way.

wait, no wordfilter? Or did this place finally get fixed to deal with spam properly?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:14:24 No.7595147

Isn't that a bit presumptuous to think that you could be friends with a guy simply because he runs a website you happen to like?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:14:34 No.7595150

But it's not like you'd have to CAPTCHA every post. Only if your post looks like a bot, which for normal uses would be almost never
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:15:02 No.7595155

>badly-coded copy

They're not copying anything, it's based on the open source ATBBS, and has been active since 2007, far before kimmo's site. Also, isn't there a site wise ban on that site's name? how are you avoiding it?

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:15:18 No.7595158

I presumed we would be bros 4 life because we are both recluses.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:15:34 No.7595163

he only said "nope"...for something free and easy to implement that would instantly stop spam and bots, there's got to be a better reason....
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:15:57 No.7595165
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:16:10 No.7595169
just press control w.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:16:30 No.7595171
7 hasn't actually been wordfiltered for a while. I just realized it today, though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:16:40 No.7595174
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moot, will you fill this out please?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:16:47 No.7595175

Yeah, no, but nice try.
>> General Spoon 02/20/10(Sat)22:17:25 No.7595183
hey moot
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:17:26 No.7595184
Fuck it, britfag here, 3:18am
Im out. night.
cheers for answering a few questions moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:17:27 No.7595185


Oh yeah, we all knew, I'm talking about 'AnonTalk'.

inb4 permaban
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:17:29 No.7595186
moot, what's it like being successful, good looking, and intelligent... ;_;
>>   02/20/10(Sat)22:17:35 No.7595190
What is moot doing about this shitstorm of spam?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:17:58 No.7595196

I think the robot stops the spammers from posting on /r9k/? So maybe the ban does not effect us.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:18:03 No.7595198
This needs to be done, moot. Get it out of the way. ( ._.)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:18:05 No.7595199
thanks for being a bro, moot. your stance on "profiteering" and ads is very cool.

it doesn't seem like there's much need right now, but if 4chan was hurting again I would be willing to help with hosting/bandwidth and net/sysadmin shit. (I run an ISP here in Los Angeles)

also, more mods, please. <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:19:31 No.7595213

The creators of the AT clones can say whatever they want, and this is not me being an AT or Kimmo-sympathizer (this is simply my built-in bullshit detector), I do not believe for one second that any of the AT clone BBSes' software were created before AnonTalk or were not intended as copies of AnonTalk.

Furthermore, they all lack most of the features and small tweaks that make it AT.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:20:02 No.7595220
I'd imagine it kicks the shit out of being anonymous. He said he's only been identified a few times, but he wins awards.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:20:08 No.7595223
Do you play any video games Moot? Have you ever played anything with /v/, like TF2 or something similar?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:20:11 No.7595225
How long do you keep the IP logs for?
>>   02/20/10(Sat)22:20:12 No.7595226
If moot's still around, a public banning would be amusing >>>/b/199708008
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:21:28 No.7595243

Like names, and pictures, and spoiler mode, and advanced Markup Syntax, and more than one alright looking theme?

Like I said, awesometalk BBS software, there are no AT copyrights anywhere on that site.
>> !!+XnnaptH8vp 02/20/10(Sat)22:22:45 No.7595264
moot, make 4chan run off of Vbulletin.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:22:53 No.7595266
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:23:48 No.7595277
I WANT MY DOUBLES! /b/ just wouldn't be /b/ without doubles and rolling threads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:23:51 No.7595278
     File1266722631.png-(88 KB, 992x272, iloveyoumoot.png)
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Moot, I'm sorry I forgot to whitelist 4chan before this.

My apologies.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:24:01 No.7595282
moot, make 4chan /b/ redirect to meatspin for 2 hopurs tomorrow, 5PM central time.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:24:43 No.7595288

Oh no, I completely believe that all of the source code is original. I just don't believe that they independently came up with the concept before AnonTalk was around, or that their BBS isn't a bad attempt at combining the basic idea, layout, and feel of AT with the worst aspects of imageboards (namely the images, the names, and the tripcodes), along with a smattering of garbage from forums of the past (such as advanced markup syntax, which is a fancy term for letting your users take their already stupid text and make it bold, red, struck-through, and underlined).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:25:27 No.7595298
Funniest vBulletin idea ever. Never laughed so hard in my life.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:25:31 No.7595300
>Since you don't watch TV, what do you do for entertainment?
INTERNET and eat delicious food.

thanks. i ain't bullshitting.

i've suggested it before. i don't implement code changes though.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:25:43 No.7595304
That would probably help, sadly
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:26:04 No.7595309
you best be trolan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:27:41 No.7595326
Personal question, moot. Do you prefer Ramen? If so, what flavor?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:03 No.7595329
Do you get paid more if we buy something from one of your store advertisers?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:09 No.7595330

of course 2.0 is designed to look like AnonTalk, but there's a reason for that, namely kimbobbles trying to get it TOS'd when it wasn't trying to look like it.

And no, advanced markup syntax lets people use quote boxes for large paragraphs, block quote, make headers and it also has smileys.

As for your assertion that people who write on it are 'stupid', maybe you should try not being a faggot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:10 No.7595331
hi moot

will you be attending otakon this year?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:20 No.7595332

Are there plans for adding LaTeX support on /sci/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:23 No.7595333
I really just wish we were friends, moot.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:28:40 No.7595336
i love u moot. want my girlfriend? she wants attention/sex all day and i can never play any videogames.

srs btw. pickup only in nj.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:29:30 No.7595344
Can't think of anything 4chan related.

Mootbro what is your favorite webcomic?

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:30:00 No.7595349
no problemo. thanks.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:30:42 No.7595354

>also has smileys

I'm confused, are you debating this argument in favor of my position? Sorry, but the users are stupid (and you can call me a "faggot" all you want, my apologies for wanting to enjoy text with a semblance of sense and readability online) and the moderators are hypocrites. You all complain about the draconian rules of AT, yet you'll ban anything to do with pedophilia on sight. I'm not necessarily a promoter of pedophilia, but I am a promoter of free speech. AwesomeTalk's anti-pedophile moderation is just as bad as AnonTalk's anti-anti-pedophile moderation.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:30:45 No.7595355
Fuck that guy just disabling adblock on 4chan. I even go so far as to click an ad occasionally.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:30:45 No.7595356
Thoughts on google, Mr.Moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:30:45 No.7595357
are you sometimes afraid of the power that the 4chan community has
>> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 02/20/10(Sat)22:31:35 No.7595370
So I guess I'll ask the obvious one here-

What's the ETA on that big news post you've been putting off for more than a year?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:31:37 No.7595371
With so many people blocking Ads, how much ends up being made off them?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:31:51 No.7595373
moot, it's 11:33 pm, shouldn't you be asleep? When's your bedtime usually? :3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:32:08 No.7595377
Moot how much time do you spend maintaining 4chan everyday?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:06 No.7595387

the fuck? Where do you live, the atlantic ocean??
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:09 No.7595389
Making XX wont do anything to get rid of doubles cancer, 99 and i post my tits, ect. People are just going to use the 3rd and 4th last digits.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:14 No.7595394
Moot you're fucking stupid.

What do you get when you cross a cat and a bat?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:49 No.7595404
Thank you, mootster/mootle/mootar, for making /b/, /new/ and /int/. Without those places I never would've had a place to train composure in the face of retards.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:51 No.7595405
Do you hate when any thread you post in becomes Q&A with mootles time?

Or do you fraternizing with the masses.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33:58 No.7595406
10:35 here in NY and last I checked people only go to bed at this hour if they have morning classes and/or are faggots.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:34:03 No.7595408
This is a question I want answered. Then again, I just like to hear moot talk.
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:34:04 No.7595409
Moot when can we hang out?!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:34:13 No.7595410

Yeah, we all saw the troll thread early. You're not original.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:34:23 No.7595413
hey moot do use .htaccess to do the /#postnumberhere or is it a file you've enabled in apache's settings to be parsed as php/whatever you use for server side scripting?
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:35:45 No.7595424
you know moot, I'm starting to think i should lurk in other boards so i can get in a "Moot let's be friends!"

thing more often...

should i?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:35:47 No.7595426
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Moot will you please come to Otakon this year? I know you said you didn't plan on it on the CGL board after Otakon last year, but I figured it was worth an ask anyways. I never had the resources to attend when you did go, but I always watched the videos from it and wished I was there. ;_;
I can give you a ride if you need one, assuming you don't mind riding in a 2000 pontiac bonneville with me and my girlfriend. (leather interior!)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:36:53 No.7595442
What are your favorite genres of music?!!?!?!?!?!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:36:57 No.7595444
How does it feel to have so much power over millions of people? As you mentioned earlier, there's 8 million unique visitors who visit this site a month. You could close it down just for the fuck of it and the majority of these people would be affected in one way or another.

Also, how nervous were you while delivering the TED speech?
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:37:33 No.7595449
Hey moot I'm not going to get the 200 Mil get because My GF is going to use the comp in about half an hour...

I just wanted to let you know I wanted it to be about Yotsuba.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:38:26 No.7595461

please, moot! <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:38:43 No.7595466
How much of the actual content on 4chan gets logged?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:39:12 No.7595474
>Hey moot let me suck your balls for you, you've had a hard day.
Seriously, bro. Calm down. :_:
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:39:17 No.7595478

nice trip's and
there's E mil Tripfags???

I think not, being an anon kinda makes you part of a group and not unique, although your personality and things of the sort remain, your still part of the collective of anonymous, so your not really unique.

And yes (Implying tripfags are unique)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:40:40 No.7595499
What? You don't lose your identity just because people can't identify you. At least, you shouldn't.
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:41:14 No.7595505

Those balls shall be cleansed.

}>|] NO U!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:41:22 No.7595508
ITT: everyone asks moot boring and unoriginal questions

Not that I can think of anything better but damn.

Cool to get more of an idea of moot's personal life though. Sounds a lot like me honestly. I CAN HAZ MOD NAO?
>> Jan !MartinBl1Y 02/20/10(Sat)22:41:45 No.7595516
tastes like butthurt
>> Thor !!GDx/EjNUUsG 02/20/10(Sat)22:42:29 No.7595528
A Poem for Moot:

Do not go gentle to 404,
Old thread should troll and sage at page 15;
post, post against the dying of the thread.

Though good threads at their post limit know 404 is right,
Because their memes had forked no solidarity they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good threads, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their posts might have danced past years,
Rage, rage against the trolling of the new.

Wild threads that caught and taunted the FBI to van,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good van.

Grave threads, of near death, that make you see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could save you if only like computers you could erase the thought,
Rage, rage against the perversions of the /b/

And you, my moot, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce 404s, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying site.

~Based on
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas

I hope that you like my variation, i think that it explains 4chan quite well actually.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:42:40 No.7595532
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Very True, just blank out the whole thing Xs. Then /b/ a *little* of /b/'s cancer may go into remission...
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:42:58 No.7595536

actually you do, I could explain if you want me to, (if the previous explanation wasn't sufficient)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:44:42 No.7595559
Greetings from greece moot

the time is 05:35 and here i am reading this very interesting thread.

And a question,

Real anonymity cannot exist over the present internet and its structure. With 4chan people taste a small bite out of true anonymity and even with that, it's 8 mill users, and it will grow, and even if you don't support it anymore, some random anon will pick it up, moderating it in your spirit.

I foresee that there will be a huge split on the internet, the anonymous and the facebooked.

Provided my future-discerning abilities are correct you will be a major icon in about 2030.

and the question is, will you still drink shitty watery tea or be a man and gulp black bitter coffee?

Goodnight and good luck in your private life.
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:45:29 No.7595566
I heard moot still lives in VA, and he went to a college close by my city (about a 45 min drive)

Although this is simply what I've heard.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:46:02 No.7595575
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nao MOOOT!

With so many people blocking the ADs, how much money ends up being made off them?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:46:13 No.7595577
good night 4chan im going to sleep, hopefully youl still be here tommarow.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:46:41 No.7595583
I heard sucking a mod's dick helps you greasy third-worlder.
>> Suddenly, Tripcodes !yRd8SXc/L. 02/20/10(Sat)22:46:48 No.7595586
Boxers or briefs?

How many gigabytes of music are on your computer?

What's the most ridiculous/scary/extreme thing an admirer has ever done for/to you?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:47:16 No.7595590
Yo moot, seeing as how you have one, what do you think of the new Apple iPad?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:47:31 No.7595594
i'm with moot on this, fuck coffee.
gief tea plox.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:47:49 No.7595597
Moot, your refusal to run 4chan for profit (via ads etc) reminds me a lot of Bill Watterson's own struggle against getting his comic strip Calvin and Hobbes licensed. Are you aware of his stuggle? If not, pick up the Tenth Anniversary Collection and read the foreword stuff. It was pretty amazing to read about a man standing up for his values against the tide of a capitalist profit society.
>> CHansen !kFBI7/uroY 02/20/10(Sat)22:48:56 No.7595610
     File1266724136.png-(58 KB, 1023x693, Latest bumps - TC Gold.png)
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He's talking about TinyChan not AwesomeTalk
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:49:21 No.7595612
moot preparing some soup again ?
>> ⓏⓄⓂⒼI╤╤'s☆☆Tetra✪✪░ч▓ |Loves the 卐Mods卐|▓ČĤ░ !5P0TETRAO2!!xV4NIGRe238 02/20/10(Sat)22:49:46 No.7595615

LOL you failed...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:50:06 No.7595619
just exempted 4chan from my adblock enjoy your new found monies.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:50:20 No.7595620
Moot needs to get rid of the porn ads. Seriously, let REAL businesses advertise on here. Don't you feel bad moot that some naive fucktard will click on one of those porn ads titled "hot-college-girls.avi" in hopes of hotcollegegirls.avi (when it's really just an amateur picture) and getting tricked?

J-List is okay, I ordered from them a long time ago in my weaboo days, but you need more people like them advertising on here so people are more compelled to click the ads instead of just retards doing it. If anything Brazzers/Bangbus should have ads up here, not those shitty sits like "myexgirlfriend" and so on.

But I'm guessing they just aren't aware...
>> The !Kingi7JRdo 02/20/10(Sat)22:50:44 No.7595623
moot, do you prefer nvidia or ATI?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:51:05 No.7595627

the only reason you are able to type this drivel with your fat hands is because europe gave a fuck.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:51:21 No.7595629
I nostalgia'ed.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:51:34 No.7595633
don't start with that shit
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:51:51 No.7595637
Soup sounds plausible here.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:52:28 No.7595645
1. Keep up the good work moot. You are 100% correct about anonymity dissappearing on the web. Ten years from now you will have to log into your isp with your full name and all sites you contact will see it. Sites like yours are delaying the inevitable.

2. Just curious, how many mods and janitors do you currently have and what compensation do they receive?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:53:03 No.7595650
going to guess nothing.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)22:53:03 No.7595651
>Do you get paid more if we buy something from one of your store advertisers?
nope. they track sales though, so it looks good/increases the likelihood they'll renew.

>will you be attending otakon this year?

>Are there plans for adding LaTeX support on /sci/?
what's wrong with jsMath?

>Thoughts on google, Mr.Moot?

>With so many people blocking Ads, how much ends up being made off them?
very little.

>Also, how nervous were you while delivering the TED speech?
not very. my slides didn't start properly, hence the awkward beginning.

>I just wanted to let you know I wanted it to be about Yotsuba.
me too :(

none. it's all pruned.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:53:24 No.7595656
1. If for some reason /new/ passes the trial board phase,can you change the title of /new/ to News & Politics? About half of the discussion on that imageboard involves political debates.

2. 1chan.net (the train imageboard) has disappeared from the bottom page on the imageboards that included fubuta and yotsuba. Why did that happened?

3. Some of the banners on the top of the imageboards and on the 404 pages have turned black and white after the major server overhaul. Will that be resolved? I have an extensive archive of 4chan threads throughout the two years I've been using this website, so I can send you the original colored ones.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)22:53:33 No.7595659
moot, will you please answer my question?
>> !PDyPcpfuck 02/20/10(Sat)22:55:16 No.7595680
Moot, just wondering, why exactly did you choose for your trip to just plainly be "faggot"?
also, good attempt today with the XX's.
it was nice while it lasted.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:55:58 No.7595685
thank god for the quick reply button
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:56:18 No.7595688
moot, how are you doing this evening? Just internetting, or got something planned for later?

Also, do you play any online games? Call of Duty? Starcraft? Halo? etc...?
>> The !Kingi7JRdo 02/20/10(Sat)22:57:04 No.7595700
Also moot,
You said you had /g/ open, what threads do you like the best on there?
eg; guts, etc...
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:57:06 No.7595701

He answered that already. He said he picked it when he was 15 and 15 year olds like words like faggot
>> !PDyPcpfuck 02/20/10(Sat)22:57:34 No.7595710
oh, my bad.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:57:59 No.7595720
moot, you said earlier that it was gross that some people were making handsome profits off of 4chan stuff, or something to that extent at least. When/how did the realization of amount of money != success come to you?

And what do you think about people who make a lot of money and then donate a shitton to charities? Are they bad people still?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:58:38 No.7595727
Moot, if I email you a copy of my resume, will you consider me for a mod position? I have a Bachelor's Degree in Communications, and I am an Eagle Scout.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:00:18 No.7595738
>moot preparing some soup again ?
actually i went out and grabbed a sandwich and kit kat bar. i wolfed them down now i feel pretty gross ( ._.)

protip: i wouldn't run them if i didn't need to. the porn ads aren't by choice.

>2. 1chan.net (the train imageboard) has disappeared from the bottom page on the imageboards that included fubuta and yotsuba. Why did that happened?
our code isn't really derived from it at this point.

ugh. read the thread.
>> CHansen !kFBI7/uroY 02/20/10(Sat)23:00:41 No.7595742
along with #3, when was that last time you added a new one?
>> Anonymous !KS1/o2dX5c 02/20/10(Sat)23:01:23 No.7595747
     File1266724883.jpg-(180 KB, 588x808, karate_kid.jpg)
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An eagle scout huh? Well I trained for 6 weeks under Mr. Miyagi and won a karate tournament. Suck on that!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:01:27 No.7595748
>actually i went out and grabbed a sandwich and kit kat bar. i wolfed them down now i feel pretty gross ( ._.)

I love sammiches! What was on it?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:01:41 No.7595752
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:02:48 No.7595761
It would be interesting to fire up good ol' Halo and go a round with moot. *sigh*
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:03:21 No.7595768
You've been answering retarded questions for almost 4 hours now, I don't know how you stand it.

Do you actually enjoy doing this?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:04:31 No.7595786
Sandwich of choice/soup of choice, moot. And why.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:05:20 No.7595795
How old is moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:05:50 No.7595800
Moot, when you proceeded to "troll" R9K with the Mcdonalds thread, were you really trolling or not?

I'm totally confused because now you say you're an internet recluse, but...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:06:00 No.7595801
>And what do you think about people who make a lot of money and then donate a shitton to charities? Are they bad people still?
i never said making money was a bad thing. it's the means that matters. somebody made money off of a 4chan toolbar recently and tried to donate it to us, but i had them send it to the EFF instead.


>3. Some of the banners on the top of the imageboards and on the 404 pages have turned black and white after the major server overhaul. Will that be resolved? I have an extensive archive of 4chan threads throughout the two years I've been using this website, so I can send you the original colored ones.

can you link me to them?

i don't play any vidya atm.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:06:04 No.7595804
goodnight, moot. thanks for answering anons many many questions. <3
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:06:09 No.7595805

Do the math.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:06:43 No.7595815
He probably loves it in comparison to getting hit by taxicabs. Fucking Taxi drivers, trying to kill mootykins. ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:06:46 No.7595818
     File1266725206.jpg-(94 KB, 600x809, dddd.jpg)
94 KB
I played tennis today with my cousin on QUEENS PARK park. i nearly hurt my head on the side of the net but DODGE it

Have a PHOTO
>> !PDyPcpfuck 02/20/10(Sat)23:07:35 No.7595825
moot just got disgusted with me,.
i feel like a failure.

sorry moot.
please have mercy on my soul.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:03 No.7595832
moot probably loves it in comparison to getting hit by taxicabs. Fucking Taxi drivers, trying to kill mootykins. ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:12 No.7595836

Wow, you're a fag.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:14 No.7595837
>Moot, when you proceeded to "troll" R9K with the Mcdonalds thread, were you really trolling or not?
trollin, bro.

>How old is moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:20 No.7595840

Do what math? Am I supposed to know the year he was born?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:25 No.7595841
Search field for all boards?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:28 No.7595842
I can send you to them via email. It will take me some time look through my archive for the original colored banners.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:34 No.7595844
which are the least visited boards?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:08:52 No.7595848
     File1266725332.jpg-(156 KB, 750x600, Togepi_Demotivational_Poster_b(...).jpg)
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Moot.. I need to know. I have given these boards hours of my life, so I hope oh so much that you give me some time as well. Y'see...

What pokemon do you like the most? I want to get a stuffie of said pokeman and named it after you.

also... lol you live where my mommy grew up/I go to occasional to visit family
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:03 No.7595857
What is the origin of the name "moot"?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:12 No.7595861
moot, just to be clear, are you enrolled in a community college right now? if so, when did you start?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:29 No.7595865
Hell, I can answer that. 3DCG and /fk/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:36 No.7595866
This video contains content from CNN (Europe), who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

Daw pancakes
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:42 No.7595868
Hey moot, the pictures of yotsuba, etc... that used to appear on the right hand side of the "Banned" screen are broken. there is just a tiny empty square there now.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10:54 No.7595873

About /toy/ there seems to be a small civil war going on in /toy/ about America and Japanese toys, we know movable Japanese toys belong but do statues belong? I haven't seen any statues thread being removed.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:11:03 No.7595875

Read the slightest bit into the thread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:11:09 No.7595877
why are you trying to pretend you're not attempting to stalk him
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:11:27 No.7595879
For the love of god more wordfilters on /b/. Also change the word filters every month or so to keep people guessing. To start off I suggest:

____fag = homosexual
femanon = 40 year old man
rate me = fuck my ass
advice = drugs
drugs = penis
penis = vagina
vagina = penis
religion = scrabble
religious = swahili
atheist = pagan
agnostic = black
black = white
nigger = caucasian
meme = crackwhore
uncut = barbarian
cut = jew
hitler = puppies

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:11:31 No.7595881

THE math.
moot made 4chan when he was 15. How long has 4chan been around?
Also, forgot to thank moot for making 4chan in my last post.
Thanks, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:11:56 No.7595887
I saw that too. Made like a meme and FUU'd.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:12:39 No.7595893
I think he means to link the banners which are black and white. Which is a bit more useful, because he probably has backups. He just needs to know where to put them.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:13:38 No.7595903
Am I the only one that got kind of aroused at moot screaming for his life?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:13:41 No.7595904
you seem like a cool guy and a few of our views coincide.

would you like to grab a beer sometime?
>> Rin Kokonoe !ao3Nqf1Hsg 02/20/10(Sat)23:14:05 No.7595909
Wow, you accomplished fixing the muting rather quickly. I'm very surprised. I do have a question, however. At the TED talk, what exactly was running through your mind when the pedophilia question came up?

...You seem to have been caught off guard, so I was kind of curious. Haha.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:14:07 No.7595910

How do you decide what means are "right" then?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:14:43 No.7595916

you assume everyone knows how old moot was when he made 4chan
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:14:45 No.7595918
now that I've learned so much about moot with this threat, I feel like I'm his clone without a world-famous website.

j ^j
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:14:58 No.7595922
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:15:16 No.7595926
"Would now be a good time to reveal myself for a pedophile? Or should it wait?"
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:15:31 No.7595930
     File1266725731.jpg-(37 KB, 716x693, hi5.jpg)
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Hey moot high-five!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:15:34 No.7595932
Something similar to "This fuck's probably trolling me."
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:16:11 No.7595937
Moot, can you please make some sort of gay discussion board?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:16:39 No.7595939
Yeah, a search would be nice.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:16:53 No.7595942
>grab a beer sometime
You have obviously not read any of this thread.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:16:56 No.7595944
These are all questions you'd either know the answers to or know better than to ask.

Assuming you're not a faggot.

Moot knows his fanbase sucks more than Nickelback. Stop reminding him.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:17:46 No.7595955

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:18:24 No.7595959
I must know. We you the guy who recorded "hohoho it's Christmas tiem"?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:18:45 No.7595964
>Ya, don't mind me moot, just trying to indirectly impress you by attempting to show myself as being above all these simpletons
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:18:55 No.7595969
moot ~ would you believe me if i said i was in love with you?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:18:57 No.7595970
     File1266725937.jpg-(176 KB, 750x821, noam_chomsky_human_rights.jpg)
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What is your opinion of Noam Chomsky moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:19:13 No.7595974
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:19:16 No.7595975
Keep trolling, 944. Keep trolling.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:20:06 No.7595982
YES! moot is a tea drinker! =D
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:20:25 No.7595986
>oh god moot im so gay for you please rape my face

hop off his dick jesus christ
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:21:51 No.7596004
     File1266726111.jpg-(34 KB, 318x555, gnome-chomsky-the-garden-noam-(...).jpg)
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I had no idea he existed outside the study of generated languages!
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:21:55 No.7596007
I also wish to know moot's answer to this.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:22:54 No.7596017
moot, you should run for president when you become old enough, you would so win( the popular vote anyway)
>> !PDyPcpfuck 02/20/10(Sat)23:23:27 No.7596022
     File1266726207.png-(27 KB, 587x541, fuuu.png)
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i will never forget this day.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:07 No.7596027
     File1266726247.jpg-(16 KB, 298x298, Jack Black's Not Sure.jpg)
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>Moot is not a faggot

>Pinned to the top of /r9k/
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:17 No.7596031
moot, I think you should consider Sociology.

You've had plenty of experience running 4Chan.

Architecture would be a good choice too, but your design skills seem to be limited to the internet.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:21 No.7596033

Maybe if America switched their voting process to an online poll, yeah.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:35 No.7596036
will there ever be a furry board?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:46 No.7596038
Are you gonna do a new post anytime soon?

Also, why did you kill the devblog?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:54 No.7596039

Over 160 million people voted in the last election. Are you suggesting 4chan has more than half that many people?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:24:59 No.7596040
I mean from within 4chan...wait /b/ is filled with cp and we all know it why would you want google to know your searching stuff in here?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:25:39 No.7596043
probably not.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:26:04 No.7596045
You're a good guy moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27:08 No.7596052
we may hae online voiting by the time moot is old enough.


assuming 4chan keeps growing at the same rate we would be a large factor, though not a dealbreaker.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27:12 No.7596053
Hey moot, are stream threads in /v/ a bannable offense? They're so overused, I get sick of seeing one or two on every page, and I usually just report+hide the threads.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27:34 No.7596058
Since you read alot of online news moot, what is your opinion of Al-Jazeera English?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27:45 No.7596060
moot, I want to see I agree 100% in regards to sites like Facebook.

Do you see an eventual backlash against that type of thing and a resurgence in popularity of anonymous sites? Or have people become too used to living their lives in such a visible manner?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27:51 No.7596063
Hey moot.
You seem lonely.
You ok?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:28:02 No.7596064
Never mind about the email, here's the original colored banner.

>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:28:36 No.7596069
/b/ gets CP one to ten times daily. And every time, the OP is banned.
>> lolwut!?! !!GPDILehA4Gt 02/20/10(Sat)23:28:39 No.7596070
Moot, final question of the night from me:
Smooth or crunchy peanut butter?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:28:54 No.7596075
Can you PLEASE for the love of god put a word filter on /mu/ for 'hipster' ?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:29:35 No.7596077
Moot, when posting anonymously, have you even banned anyone that pissed you off?
>> Anonymous !KS1/o2dX5c 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:06 No.7596085
Hmm, /r9k/ seems to love moot, where /b/ calls moot faggot and shows lots of hate. No wonder we see him here more
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:16 No.7596088

why would he want to stop people from calling hipster faggots out for being hipster faggots
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:21 No.7596089
Moot, is there any likelihood that I can change your mind about selling stickies? What would you like in exchange for the 200 get or a 2-month sticky on /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:47 No.7596093
The funny thing I think is that moot brushes all those femanons giving him access to hot 1-night stands is because he thinks he's being trolled and his self-esteem isnt good.

Seriously man, you are the man. I wish I was you because I would take advantage of this site for pussy all the time.

Or maybe you are just trolling us... You do get mad pussy all the time, right?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:56 No.7596094
>Posting Anonymously
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:30:58 No.7596096
lol /b/ is nothing compared to /s/ recently, we have daily "midget" threads that last for hours and 404 from old age
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:08 No.7596098
     File1266726668.png-(21 KB, 300x100, tripcodes.png)
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You realize this is an imageboard, right?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:17 No.7596101

No, he is being trolled actually.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:25 No.7596103
he already said he can't rig the GETs, and if anyone could pay for a sticky, then the first four pages of /b/ would just be stickies

stop beigna fucking retard
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:32 No.7596105
do you know how slow the board would get with a 2 month sticky?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:47 No.7596108
if anyone is interesssteeedd here is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0OQPLtZdeU
>> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 02/20/10(Sat)23:31:55 No.7596109
Moot, can /fit/ have a sticky so that we don't have to answer to any more newfaggish questions(how do i get abs, how do i stop being a lardass,etc?
>> The !Kingi7JRdo 02/20/10(Sat)23:32:10 No.7596112
moot can you answer
Please ;)
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:32:45 No.7596121
He's already admitted to doing this. Think about it; it's the only way he can actually participate without every thread he posts in turning into a mootcock sucking shitstorm.
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:32:51 No.7596123
I never browse /mu/, what's up with hipster there?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:33:24 No.7596130
it's common knowledge that moot posts anonymously so he can actually contribute to a thread without it devolving into a "let's suck moot's cock" thread such as this.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:33:35 No.7596132
>Are you gonna do a new post anytime soon?
some day.
>Also, why did you kill the devblog?
i didn't, it's just not linked any more. if we start updating it again, i'll re-link it.

>Moot, is there any likelihood that I can change your mind about selling stickies?
zero chance of it.

i'm fine.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:34:50 No.7596140
Moot, you said ads generated revenue on a pay - per - view basis? So does adblock actually prevent you from gaining revenue?

If I were to click the ads, would that change anything? Or is seeing them enough?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:34:52 No.7596141
moot, why do you use so many hand gestures when you speak?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:34:52 No.7596142
How can I become your friend?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:35:23 No.7596146
When does moot sleep? Have u tried the ubermann sleep schedule? and is your pillow warm comfy and soft? Do you have a blankie?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:35:25 No.7596147
Moot you said you don't watch TV but if you still go to the movies shutter island was meh. Scorsese tried too hard.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:36:49 No.7596157
hipsters get butthurt when you make the observation of them being hipsters.

however it does get annoying if you make a thread for something like prog metal just to get a reply like "LOL HIPSTER METAL". one of the stupidest boards on here.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:36:55 No.7596161
Moot, how exactly do you choose mods and janitors? I know that you used to take applications for janitors but that hardly happens anymore. Any chance of those applications opening up again in the next month or so?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:36:58 No.7596162
blah blah newfaggtfo blah blah blah
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:37:07 No.7596164
do you prefer green tea or black tea?
i think green teas taste like grass. earl grey is probably my favorite. it's like liquid fruit loops
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:37:11 No.7596166
The irony being that /b/ normally devolves into "Have sex with me moot" a lot slower. :|
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:37:17 No.7596168
Dear Moot:

I enjoy visiting your website.

Thank you, good sir.


>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:37:55 No.7596182
"i'm fine."

Calling bullshit on that.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38:11 No.7596183
While you're at it, same thing with /a/nime recommendations, /v/ideogame recommendations, /vn/recommendations, /fa/sion advice (does /fa/ need this?), and /lit/erature recommendations stickies.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38:21 No.7596186
Moot, why is are your hands tied to your knees in that CNN vid?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38:26 No.7596187
butthurt hipster
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38:47 No.7596190

Depressed bro here. I can verify, anytime someone asks me if something is wrong I just say "I'm fine" or "I'm just kind of tired"
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:40:20 No.7596206
     File1266727220.jpg-(90 KB, 600x600, Hot Tea on a Rainy Day.jpg)
90 KB
What is your favorite tea moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:40:58 No.7596213
Have you ever been extremely in awe at anything anon has done? Excerpting the bad partyvan shit, of course.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:41:28 No.7596219
it's not pay per view, per say. they're sold at CPM rates. wiki/google it.

>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:41:34 No.7596223
faggots. I dont understand why some hipsters would get butthurt about it.
Whats prog metal? Never heard it before, gonna go listen.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:41:43 No.7596227
>4chan is hilarius xD
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:43:25 No.7596244
it's hipster metal
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:43:57 No.7596251
Oh, so it's pay-per-thousand views?
How much?
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/20/10(Sat)23:44:19 No.7596256
Seeing as how you have one, what do you think of the new Apple iPad?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:44:26 No.7596257
moot, do you enjoy the fact that you bring a ton of different types of people together onto one website who would most likely not get along irl?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:44:59 No.7596264
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:45:46 No.7596271
hi moot
do you have a job? what do you do? you still in debt?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:46:03 No.7596274
moot, ausfag here, what are your thoughts on the australian government censoring teh interwebz and blocking 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:46:30 No.7596279
     File1266727590.jpg-(24 KB, 478x468, 1266086764211.jpg)
24 KB
thank you, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:46:56 No.7596283
Are there any plans on implementing time-based thread pruning ("Marked for deletion (old)") on slower boards, or if it's already in effect on said boards, drastically shortening it? I believe I recall it being the same on every board, years ago. Sometimes a thread can be kept alive for weeks because it takes 10-12 hours to even reach page 10, at which point it's bumped to the front page and it doesn't reach the reply limit because almost nobody else is posting in it. One time I had to personally ask a mod to delete one on /cgl/ because somebody kept "ghost bumping" it (bumping with a post, then deleting the post so it's not even contributing to the reply limit whatsoever).
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:47:03 No.7596284
Interesting. So do ads that are blocked count as impressions? Or is it only ads that are displayed? Furthermore, regardless of either, adblock must reduce the click-through rate or the number of impressions displayed to users, does this mean that advertising on 4chan is worth less?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:47:34 No.7596287
i drink green more but like both. jasmine/oolong is good too. oh and da hong pao is the fucking shit.

i didn't know how much of me the camera could see.

>moot, ausfag here, what are your thoughts on the australian government censoring teh interwebz and blocking 4chan?
shit sux
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:48:14 No.7596300
They aren't blocking 4chan, they're considering the possibility of blocking /b/.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:48:42 No.7596304
Ever browse /mu/ moot?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:49:26 No.7596308
Moot: how often do you hustle? My guess would be erryday, but something about your reserved nature makes me think it might be a weekly event?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:49:29 No.7596309
I promise you that I'm going to print out a bunch of MOOT APPROVED stamps and stick them to windows/boxes of said tea.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:49:48 No.7596311
Is shut still part of team4chan?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:50:17 No.7596317
it's pretty cool.

all of the worksafe (and /b/) boards are pruned by popularity. the notworksafe is time based. i don't think we'll change that.

it just decreases the chances they'll renew. we tend to report page impressions, not ad impressions.
>> »Propaganda Minister« !Nazi0U97is 02/20/10(Sat)23:51:46 No.7596326
My fuehrer:

1. Would you kindly implement Unicode support on /r9k/? I'm not entirely sure why it's disabled (shitposting I guess) but it is very irritating when my friends and I wish to post in German/Russian.

2. What's your favourite MGS game?

3. Can't you do anything about the AT spambots? They're incredibly annoying.

4. I never cared about it, but why did you get rid of /hc/? It had its fans.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:52:40 No.7596335
Summarize 4chan in three words. Please.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:52:58 No.7596337

Where do you find plain jasmine tea? I have a hell of a time finding any. All I can ever find is green + jasmine together. I like green tea, and I like jasmine tea, not a fan of the 2 together.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:53:21 No.7596343
he got rid of /hc/ because it was infested with spam. barely a single post was non-spam. unfortunately, it all migrated pretty quickly over to /s/, but it got taken care of.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:53:28 No.7596345

So moot. When are you going to admit to your depression?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:53:35 No.7596346
>Property of moot.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:53:36 No.7596347
Moot, have you ever considered writing a book? Surely you are the oldest of oldfags and I'd like to hear what you have to say about the future.
>> »Propaganda Minister« !Nazi0U97is 02/20/10(Sat)23:55:03 No.7596358
Oh, I forgot to post this question of mine as well:

Moot, was there any 4chan raid or invasion that you supported?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/20/10(Sat)23:55:21 No.7596364
>Moot: how often do you hustle? My guess would be erryday, but something about your reserved nature makes me think it might be a weekly event?

i'm around there all the time. circlejerks aren't my thing though ( ._.)

he isn't a mod, but i still hang out with him irl and he is on irc.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:55:22 No.7596366
Nobody reads books anymore. Havent you heard? Web 2.0
>> Baldy !tiBEriumXc 02/20/10(Sat)23:55:29 No.7596367
I can't believe the most important question hasn't been asked yet: moot, do you still want to be the little girl?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:56:14 No.7596374
Moot should write, Dude's got one of the most popular sites on the planet, and I assure you he has a lot on his mind. Even Colbert wrote a book, FFS.
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:56:45 No.7596377
Sup moot I was wondering if your close friend visit 4chan?

if so what boards what do they usually visit?

are any of them mods?

have they ever asked/would you consider giving them?
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:57:04 No.7596379
1 - who is your favorite muppet?
2 - have you ever experimented with wiping your ass back-to-front? will you in the future?
3 - do you floss?
4 - i don't give a fuck about what bands you like or what you thing of noam chomsky
5 - are you diligent about clipping your nails, or do you let them get really nasty before you do anything about it?
6 - what is your handwriting like? pen or pencil?
over 9000 - does your life feel organized?
8 - do you like sunlight?
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/20/10(Sat)23:57:46 No.7596384
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>implying I Am America (And So Can You!) is a serious book meant to be taken seriously
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:58:07 No.7596389
could /fit/ get any mods? or at least a sticky? i'm sick of cock pics and newfag questions
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:59:07 No.7596398
It was still -A- book, so it should count in this instance. :|
>> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:59:08 No.7596399
Hey moot this thread's been up for like 6 hours. Do you not have anything better to do on a saturday?
>> lolwut!?! !!GPDILehA4Gt 02/20/10(Sat)23:59:13 No.7596400
Please :D
>> BANNANNAN !NANNANNANA 02/21/10(Sun)00:00:14 No.7596407

I'm pretty sure he enjoys answering our questions, otherwise he wouldn't be doing it.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)00:00:14 No.7596408
i'm going to go work on other stuff now. talk to you later, robots~
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)00:53:10 No.7596911
ok back.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:54:40 No.7596921
>per say

moot you fuck
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:55:17 No.7596926
moot, what proportion of the time do you post anonymously?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:55:56 No.7596931
What about the state of the textboards? Are there going to be upcoming changes or improvements to them?
>> Canesfag !nsiRaCtiUU 02/21/10(Sun)00:56:25 No.7596942
y u do dis

Also, /k/ needs some mods.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:56:31 No.7596943
What role would you want 4chan to play in the upcoming mature-internet world, ideally speaking?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)00:56:33 No.7596944
whoops. per se* ( ._.)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:57:33 No.7596956
hey moot I just sent you an email.

please read it.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:57:56 No.7596960
Moot, since /r9k/ is your baby/expirement of creating a new, better, OC-reliant /b/, what do you think of it so far? The misogny/ronery team versus the women/normalfag team is basically 80% of the content of the board. IS IT WHAT YOU'D ALWAYS HOPED IT WOULD BE?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:58:27 No.7596967
so moot what's up with all them pants on the ground i want your thoughts

i also think you should move to barcelona it would seem to fit your soul

not right now obviously but like maybe down the line if you ever feel like that sort of thing it might be cool for you
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)00:58:34 No.7596970
moot is hot. i brushed his shoulder at otakon and my friends almost beat me up for freaking out about it.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:00:09 No.7596995
moot I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting drunk and ringing in 200m get, and this thread makes me imagine that I'm ringing it in with you

>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:00:11 No.7596996
i've heard great things about barcelona. i'd like to visit some day. how does it compare to berlin?
>> ( ≖‿≖) 02/21/10(Sun)01:00:57 No.7597004
this plox
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:01:54 No.7597016
It doesn't. Almost all of spain is just a yearlong cesspool of British and Dutch tourists. Nice quiet village in spain is way better.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:02:00 No.7597017
m000oooottyyy kkkinnnsss do you like togepi or not? please?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:02:31 No.7597026
moot, what is your opinion about the whole male -> female hate (and vice versa) on your site?

how do you feel about the people who come here and leave with the whole "get back into the kitchen"/"go fap forever cause you'll never have a gf" mindset?

ps. ilymoot
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:02:59 No.7597031
Moot was there any particular reason to removing the word filters?
>> Paladin 02/21/10(Sun)01:02:59 No.7597032
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Sup moot, I hail from /adv/, I browse other boards occasionally but I spent 9 hours on /adv/ the first day I was there last week. I have to say I'm loving the honest advice and hope it sticks around. Could you respond to this post because I'm a hueg fan and cannot thank you enough for creating 4chan, it's really opened my mind.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:05:27 No.7597057
i don't know--who cares? internet, etc.

it doesn't as in better or worse?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:05:35 No.7597059
Good job on the public responses moot. I'm a troll/douche, but I recognize a great move in PR when I see one. Your using of /r9k, instead of /b/, as the venue is a good choice.

Anyways, like others have said: Thanks for 4chon.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:05:48 No.7597062
moot, which would win in a fight, Pokemon or Digimon?
>> bibb lettuce !!un87JqfgWCW 02/21/10(Sun)01:07:22 No.7597075
moot, your mannerisms, how you act, and personal opinions (judging from what you type and the video) seem to be extremely similar to myself. a place like this is only where people like us would ever meet (most likely). i find that fact to be pretty interesting on its own. that being said i have nothing really to ask you, just stating my amusement.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:08:06 No.7597082
is there an end goal for 4chan?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:08:29 No.7597087
will you ever come to australia?
we love you here :>
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:09:13 No.7597098

He does it cuz we're more mature than /b/ and there's less of us. Makes us feel special even though we get a super bad rap and even moot has said he hates us before I still feel like we're his pet board
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:09:18 No.7597100
plane tickets to australia are super expensive.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:09:29 No.7597103
What do you think of Hiroyuki Nishimura, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:09:32 No.7597104
If you were 15 again and knew what 4chan would become... would you still go ahead and make it?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:10:01 No.7597113
it doesn't compare as in worse. Most of the late teens-early twenties that just want to get drunk and party all night go to spain because it's apparently relatively cheap and it's a major, major hot spot for these people. Paris, Berlin, Vienna or Rome are all far more recommendable imo

but if you ever go to europe you should do a 2week trip and visit 3-4 cities for a couple days, anyway. Be a waste not to see more than a few.

Oh, and as a Dutchfag, unless you like smoking weed, avoid Amsterdam. Tourist deathtrap as well.
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)01:10:12 No.7597117
M<3<3T, do you want my lab to wear a wig and make you a fan sign?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:10:44 No.7597124

imo save up and come for a holiday. every tourist here loves it, everybody is friendly and it's such a chill atmosphere.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:11:36 No.7597131
Hey moot when will you open up janitor applications again?
Do we email you when we find exploits in the 4chan post detect?
When will you shut down 4chan?
Why won't you kill /b/?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:12:11 No.7597140
Hey moot. Thanks for answering our questions.

1) Last year you had talked about a big announcement that you were planning to reveal on the 4chan news page. AFAIK, that announcement has not yet been posted. Are you still planning to post that announcement? Can you drop a brief sentence explaining what it will discuss to tide us over?

2) Are you ever planning on doing another Washington Square meetup? I don't really like the idea of being around obnoxious /b/-tards, but at the same time I'd really like the opportunity to meet you. (I missed the last one).
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:12:52 No.7597144
>If you were 15 again and knew what 4chan would become... would you still go ahead and make it?
of course. why not?

i spent two weeks in berlin. stayed in two awesome flats (fuck hotels)--one in prenzlauerberg, and the other in mitte. it was fucking awesome.

there are other places i'd rather go atm.

few weeks/yes/who knows/because
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:13:49 No.7597156
>Why won't you kill /b/?
It's the shit container for the internet, would you rather have a place to hold all of it in, or have it spill over everything?
>> I Did Cocaine With David Blaine !pw6D5LKidw 02/21/10(Sun)01:16:37 No.7597180
Can I have your bannograph moot?
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)01:17:08 No.7597186
It's already spilled over into the other boards due to lack of moderation and etc.
Your reffering to the exploit where you negate flood detect and can post up to 30 replies/images at once, rite?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:17:12 No.7597187
1. Majority traffic
2.People still enjoy it thats just your opinion
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:17:22 No.7597191
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>Hey moot when will you open up janitor applications again?
>few weeks
Holy fuck, chaos. Are you just gonna choose people on instinct or what?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:17:43 No.7597198
When are you going to change /z/ from BeeCock to a Zombie/Zombie Survival board?
>> Rin Kokonoe !ao3Nqf1Hsg 02/21/10(Sun)01:18:33 No.7597209
You never answered my question, dick.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:19:14 No.7597218
moot says it being shit is a fact, therefore it is fact.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:21:10 No.7597239
Hey moot, here's my question:

What do you think about banning HTML/BBS tags? Some of the spam bots (Free Cialis, Online Pharmacy, etc.) spam using those along with some newbie trolls who also attempt to do the "50 Hitler Salute" using HTML. If they were prevented from posting all this HTML that doesn't work in the first place, that's less spam that crops up here. Thoughts?
>> 卍卍卍卍 ( ≖‿≖) 02/21/10(Sun)01:22:25 No.7597254
i need to know
>> Paladin 02/21/10(Sun)01:23:06 No.7597264
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Daw moot, it would really make my day if you responded to my previous post, kinda like an autograph. It's already been pretty cool reading all your answers today.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:23:31 No.7597267
i know you're in here
and i just wanted to say that you're really cute

Yes im a girl
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:24:23 No.7597283
Share some of the homemade porn girls have sent you since you said you didn't get any emails.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:24:29 No.7597286
moot i just want to say thank you for everything, you have brought something into my life that has changed quite a few people and the modern internet mindset.

Keep doing what your doing bro and try to pick up some sexy femanons.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:25:46 No.7597303
What's your sleep schedule like moot.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:26:13 No.7597315
Are you willing to pose (preferably nude) for a high resolution photograph so I can make a life-sized cardboard cut-out which I would use for sexual purposes for the rest of my life?

If no, would you change your mind if I offered to mass produce them to be sold in the world`s shadiest sex shops AND give you a 10% cut of the profits?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:27:35 No.7597328
Let me draw you something moot ;__;
Request away~
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:28:16 No.7597334
i have read none of this thread, massively TL;DR, sorry gaiz

but seriously:
1.) moot, do not go on cnn. do not make any speeches anywhere. ever. i know you still will but just saying, it's a bad idea. if any news company or any awards ceremony or anybody else invites you to give a speech or asks you to do a segment on their show or whatever, deny deny deny. it was arguably the now infamous "hackers on steroids" segment on fox news in summer 2007 that caused the majority of the worldwide awareness of 4chan, /b/ and Anonymous that began around that time and the more public 4chan gets the worse things will be for all of us. radio silence is the best policy when it comes to preventing the spread of moar cancer. JUS SAYIN.

2.) Make it so that posting with the word "doubles," "dubs," "triples," "trips," "quadruples," and "quads" will cause your post not to show (the same way as if you tried making a post with a blacklisted spam site) or make it an auto-ban, either instantly or after repeated attempts of trying to make the same post. This is the best solution to the doubles cancer.

3.) Make a report option other than "Rule Violation" or "Illegal Content." I've been banned for replying to "rate my cawk" or "hookup" threads so I know that somewhere some mods delete those shit threads when they find them, so there should be an option for reporting them that will get them taken care of. Same goes with spam.

Just my two cents
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:29:15 No.7597346
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Hey moot, what's your impression of /trv/? It is one of the slowest boards on the site yet the posts there are almost always of a high quality. I'd also argue that it has the highest median age of any board. Ever since you created it, I find myself browsing it more than any other board.

Now that we have /int/, this will probably change though...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:31:16 No.7597368
thanks bro.

i've never gotten any. true story.


generally pretty fucked up

i don't really visit. i'm glad it's pretty good though.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:31:35 No.7597373
damn, moot, after reading all your anwers It's 07:25 here and I'll have to get up early on Monday. I don't even have a question, just a thought:
I think it's great that you stickied this thread, since this is the first time I've seen you posting in years (except for announcements of course) and I feared that it might be too much for you by now or you have been fed up with Anon or something.

Thank you for keeping the site running, it had some positive impact in my life.
>> ---~~~===[Post Content Grader]===~~~---[Has Graded 40,032 Posts]Last Board Graded:/v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 02/21/10(Sun)01:32:12 No.7597378
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Jokes on you!
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:32:57 No.7597391
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Moot, I always imagine you in a white god toga, in the clouds, surrounded by Mods and drinking wine on the Mount Olympus of 4chan...

...striking at newfags with your lightning bolts...

Thank you, Moot. Thank you.
>> Thor !!GDx/EjNUUsG 02/21/10(Sun)01:35:34 No.7597432
Is it weird when people post porn images of a porn star who very closely resembles you?

And what did you think of my poem for 4chan that i posted earlier?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:36:17 No.7597441
What's your favorite text editor Moot. Emacs here, Vim can suck it.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:38:40 No.7597462
Has anyone recognized you in real life?
How do those moments often go?
What's the weirdest thing to occur to you when someone recognized you?

Also, how the hell do you hold a job that isn't flooded with /b/tards trying to visit you?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:39:28 No.7597470
Moot, do you like Daniel Johnston? Do you know the song Lousy Weekend? You probably do, you're at 4chan on a Saturday.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:39:40 No.7597475

If i were to give you my e-mail, would you actually e-mail me? (I called you cute, and you said 'thanks bro' ...but im a girl)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:39:54 No.7597478
Moot, I've read this whole thread.

I feel like such a blushing fangirl!

I really appreciate that your so down to earth and have a good set of principles. 4chan would have destroyed itself already if not for you. Your so goddamn lovable. I wish I lived in New York so I had a fraction of a chance of running into you and telling you all this in real life.

Thanks for making 4chan.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:39:57 No.7597479
Does the FBI come to you when they need information or are you or mods obligated to report threads to them?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:40:10 No.7597481
read the thread
read the thread
read the thread
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:40:14 No.7597482
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Moot, whos your favorite Pokemon? Mines Blastoise.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:40:29 No.7597486
moot, may i kindly direct your attention to >>7597140 , which you may have missed
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:40:33 No.7597488
Also, moot. Since we know why you started this board
Whats your favorite anime/manga? I'm really curious.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:40:43 No.7597492
Moot, would you even vaguely consider dating a girl who browses /r9k/?

Also, poor planning with putting the aim/irc chat announcements on /b/... unless you were just trolling us all. In that case, well done.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:41:50 No.7597511
Hey moot, what do you think of the whole EBM situation?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:41:58 No.7597514
acme here. emacs can suck it
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:42:33 No.7597522
Hey Moot, what's your opinion of the following:
United States:
>> Thor !!GDx/EjNUUsG 02/21/10(Sun)01:43:06 No.7597529
Could you lock this thread and make a new one to continue the convo on, this thread had become so long that is causing my browser to glitch up for upwards of 30 seconds before unfreezing.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:43:18 No.7597533
>>7597373 here
oh wait, big deja vu right now. maybe there have been threads exactly like this in the not too distant past, which I have witnessed and even participated in...

(also "non-Ascii text not allowed" keeps me from spelling deja vu correctly, so the french must have problems here too)
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:44:34 No.7597551
yes. they just awkwardly say hi and move on with their lives.

you realize you could just e-mail me, right? why people not understand i check moot@4chan.org :(

you're welcome.

it's a global message, and the IMs completely raped meebo/my browser
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:45:55 No.7597571
moot, where did you find your friends?
>> Illuminatus !!7sFAty+b/i/ 02/21/10(Sun)01:46:02 No.7597572
moot do you plan on opening up any new slots for janitors or moderators? I know that some boards, especially /x/, have been dying for some sort of order and they often complain about it becoming "/bx/".

Also, congratulations on running the site and thank you.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:46:38 No.7597575

Do you actually reply to e-mails?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:47:23 No.7597583

mostly because i dont believe that
1) you would be the one responding to it and
2) you would probably ignore me and brush me off as 'just another person on the internet'

...which i am. but thats totally beside the point :)
You're cute >.<
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:48:01 No.7597591
Moot you gonna do another Wash. Square appearance or something? (im from NYC area too)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:48:23 No.7597597
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Hello moot, I am sure this will have been adressed a couple of times given the length of the thread, but please, could you appoint more moderators to this site? ;_; I weep when I come here and the front page is filled with different variations of nonsensical shit or stupid threads like camwhore/rate my picture threads or half-assed attempts at blatant trolling, that are covering up actually interesting threads about stuff that people rarely talk about IRL that have an awesome potential for discussion, which is the cool thing about /r9k/ specifically =3.

On a side note, it would be great if moderators started leaving the (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) notice, as a sort of warning to not to participate in fucktarded behaviour, so that users who see it will take a hint. Thanks for reading =).
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:48:43 No.7597607
Moot, I want to be a fucking janitor, but the people I hang around with in IRC or AIM may be unfavorable to you. I hope that makes no difference.
Also, do you know Zed/Bailey? He's a terrible liar, but I wonder if there's any truth to anything he's said to anyone in anime chat.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:49:10 No.7597613
Damn, moot, you've been at this Q&A for over 5 hours...

What's your favorite sandwich?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:49:33 No.7597618
also what did you use to drive??
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:49:39 No.7597619
It's >>7597492.

You didn't answer the other half of my question. I was just wondering, since I would date you so hard, and go to school relatively close to NYC (1 - 1.5 hr train).
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:50:04 No.7597623
Are you a racist?

I mean theres no way you could spend so much time 4chan without developing at least a little nigger-hae.

On a completely related note, who did you vote for?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:50:48 No.7597632
Moot close this thread

>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:50:50 No.7597633
moot, your website has destroyed my life. Instead of being a productive member of society, I find I can't tear myself away from 4chan

but I still love you <3
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:52:02 No.7597645
He just replied to my email. Maybe don't be too longwinded?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:52:27 No.7597653
By that logic he must be also be a pedophile, gay, misogynist, etc
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:53:39 No.7597667
Moot, a while ago someone posted a copypasta on /b/ about you. You then posted in the thread. I called you a faggot and you responded. You remember that? Because I remember that. :3
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:56:00 No.7597694
An idea to end "look at my doubles" threads... could there be a way to prevent absolutely any thread from having any string of consecutive characters? It seems that there's ALWAYS a "doubles" thread on the front page of /b/, and I honestly dont see why it's such a big deal.

Unless you just wanted to make a "doubles" board, where EVERYTHING ends in doubles.
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)01:56:36 No.7597700
<Dojo> I'll write up how to patch the exploit and email it to you
<moot> thanks, i appreciate it.
<Dojo> Np mootle
<Dojo> <3 you

:3 moot loves me.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:57:01 No.7597705
So I'm flying to Boston for ROFLCon, what should I expect?

A huge listing of people are going to be going there, so I'm kind of psyched. Plus, I've never been that far north before, so new experiences and shit...
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)01:57:06 No.7597708
depends on what the e-mail yes. sometimes.

nobody has access to any @4chan mailbox except me.


a fagmobile. seriously.

that isn't very close. are you in philly or something?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:57:29 No.7597710
your a fucking idiot.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:57:41 No.7597712
How do you feel about 4chanarchive moot? Do you think it undermines the evanescent nature of this site?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:58:13 No.7597720
What type of music do you listen to, moot? Any specific artists/bands you enjoy?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:58:32 No.7597723
How do I become a Janitor? I hate seeing CP and spam around the chans I visit.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:59:14 No.7597732
moot, moot, please bring back /yg/ :3
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:59:44 No.7597734
Oh great, another thread with moot I'm late to,
I should really make a notepad file with cool things to say in case you pop by so you'll notice me :|

Anyway, great to see you working on 4chan again.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:00:01 No.7597736

Read the damn FAQ. Look where he says you can apply to become a janitor when janitor apps are open.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:00:36 No.7597745
he does! he replied to mine in like a minute *n____n*
>> grey !C.MxxuCiTo 02/21/10(Sun)02:00:44 No.7597746
Lol, no Flash on the iPad hunh?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:00:48 No.7597747
Aw, moot, you missed my question. I think...
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:01:07 No.7597750

Ok so I e-mailed you and you responded

...how should one act in order to NOT creep you out? As youve said...theres generally not a lot to say other than "omg i know you, you made this website" followed by awkward silence...

...i mean, i could say that i fapped to a photo of you...but that would probably be creepy...
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:01:49 No.7597758
If he actually made janitors when the app goes out, we wouldn't be swarmed with all the crap that we do. I did read the FAQ jerk.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:02:50 No.7597772
Don't know if you've seen this, moot, but thought you should:
It's offline right now but it'll be back.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:03:12 No.7597774
lol i hope it wasnt a prius. Anyway, no upcoming public appearances? I WANNA MEET YA (nohomo).
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:03:48 No.7597780
Will camwhoring get me banned?
What if more than one person uses this IP? What if my sister camwhored and not me?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:04:21 No.7597789
moot would get more girls if he acted interested in them.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:04:54 No.7597797
hey moot when is your birthday? month and date
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:05:15 No.7597805
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Moot, is this your kitten?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:06:45 No.7597825
What do you see yourself doing for a career, moot?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:07:14 No.7597830
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moot, a while ago in /g/ you said that you were going to the data center where 4chan is hosted and that you might take photos. Whatever happened to that?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:08:01 No.7597841
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cockfags can suck my dick
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:08:39 No.7597849
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moot how can i break my addiction to 4chan? (been coming here daily for over 5 yrs)

also what tf2 servers do you play on?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:08:46 No.7597852
Is it safe to assume that you go to NYU then?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:09:09 No.7597857

Don't run out of questions! D;
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:10:56 No.7597875
This was suggested earlier, but let's have a philosophy text board.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:11:35 No.7597885
moot, if you magically, effortlessly had an army of good moderators ready and trained maintenance-free, would you want a huge team enforcing the rules 24/7? Or do you prefer just enough moderation to keep boards usable, leaving 4chan in a wild west state with frequent shenanigans?

By the way, you're amazing, moot. You resist selling out and stick to what you believe better than almost everyone out there. Even if you feel like it's just apathy about worldly gain, you're a pretty decent guy. It's a big reason why this site is so much fun for so many people.
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)02:14:40 No.7597913
>mootles, why are you never in IRC anymore?
i hate irc/#4chan.

pretty indifferent, and yeah.


i didn't have time while i was in LA :(

no. there are a million schools in new york.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:15:36 No.7597920
Moot you ever go to Alphabet city? (or any younger adult people areas)?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:16:22 No.7597930
moot, what OS do you use? web browser? IRC? torrent client?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:16:47 No.7597934
well i guess i knocked out 2. (NYU and my school) Columbia?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:17:13 No.7597939
I sent you an email maybe more than 5 minutes ago. What are the chances that you've checked it?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:17:23 No.7597945
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Moot, explain this
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:19:19 No.7597967
Hello Moot,

Few questions I want to ask you that I don't think anyone else did:

1. What is your opinion on the day 4Chan's nameservers were taken over? Was that a mistake on your part?

2. What do you do on an everyday basis? You claim you don't go out too much so what do you REALLY do. Tell us about a day in the life of moot.

3. Are you a virgin? Be honest. If not, when was the last time you had sex? I hope this is not too personal, you don't have to answer it if it is.

Take care :]
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:20:05 No.7597974
m00tsubishi, why are u doin this
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)02:20:24 No.7597980
Moot my email client is cracking the shits and dying.
Any other way I can send you the info about how to patch the exploits?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:21:56 No.7597987
Create a gmail account, bro.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:22:13 No.7597990
was /b/ ever good?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:22:15 No.7597991
Moot, you been to the park anytime within the last month? Saw someone who greatly resembled you. (if you did, you'll know where I'm talking about. trying to respect your IRL anonymity with vague speech)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:23:14 No.7598002
music preference moot?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:23:50 No.7598009
i would find it hilarious if moot attended eugene lang. also, if so, i want to chill since i'm often in the area.
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)02:24:25 No.7598015
Not using a email client owned by google, they steal all mah privacies.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:24:55 No.7598017
Moot, is there a board youve never been on?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:25:26 No.7598024
Moot, you seem to be ignoring any/all questions related to your music preferences. What are some of your favorite groups?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:26:08 No.7598031
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:26:56 No.7598041
> temporary mailing address
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)02:26:59 No.7598043
>1. What is your opinion on the day 4Chan's nameservers were taken over? Was that a mistake on your part?
no. that was entirely networksolution's fault.
pastie it and PM it to MrVacBob on irc
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:27:06 No.7598044
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moot, I'm gonna go to bed in a sec. Thank you for a very entertaining day.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:27:24 No.7598051
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:28:49 No.7598065
He didn't respond

>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:28:57 No.7598066
I posted this earlier, and I'm genuinely curious for an answer, so reposting. Are stream threads in /v/ a bannable offense? They're so overused, I get sick of seeing one or two on every page, and I usually just report+hide the threads.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:29:40 No.7598074
>What is your opinion on the day 4Chan's nameservers were taken over?

Can you explain what this is/was?
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)02:30:05 No.7598078
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C'mon play with us mootles~
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)02:31:30 No.7598098
Got it mootles.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:32:19 No.7598103
Moot, what's your username over at gaia?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:32:25 No.7598106
Moot please do another NYC meetup.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:32:35 No.7598108
would any eurofags be able to reupload to youtube so the rest of us can see it? Ploix?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:32:53 No.7598112
have you stopped replying to e-mails?
or have you just stopped replying to my e-mails?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:33:32 No.7598119
moot, allow me to kindly direct you to a post you may have missed!

>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:33:58 No.7598125

>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)02:34:37 No.7598132
Nope. I am only Camel.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:35:42 No.7598145
maybe moot fell asleep.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:36:33 No.7598154
Why does 4chan attract MSfanboys?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:36:38 No.7598155
Moot, as much as you might shun the idea you wield immense influence. You've stated yourself how large the user base for 4chan has become, and you're its leader! The only thing that has ever limited Anonymous, and 4chan, is organization and as a leader you can bring that. For better or for worse, Moot, you're a luminary; like Superman, you can either use your powers for good or for evil, but to just not use them? Well, that is just silly.

Also, which boards do you frequent the most?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:36:40 No.7598156
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:36:53 No.7598161
moot is the 4 leaf clover logo of 4chan really a swastika in disguise????
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:37:13 No.7598168

Was that picture you posted you? Because your face looks EXACTLY like an old girlfriends' of one of my best friends.
Your hair is completely different, but your face... you could be her doppelganger or something.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:37:24 No.7598172
hes on irc
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:37:59 No.7598177
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I just want to say, thanks for stickying my thread, the boston fail party one, 2 years ago in June.

I didn't post much back then, and that was one of the first threads I ever made, and this idiot was saging it, trying to kill it. I came back a few hours later, and was shocked to find it stickied. It was a pretty awesome feeling.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:38:13 No.7598179
I guess I'm pretty late coming into this thread, but I'd just like to say I'm glad you come out and answer our questions like this when you do moot, also thanks a lot for this site, I've spent the last several years almost everyday on this site, and it's just nice to have a place to go!


Mario or Luigi?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:38:18 No.7598180
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It's supposed to be Yotsuba's hair.
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)02:39:03 No.7598195
I am only posting in this thread to drag Mooty into an IRC chat, if he can tolerate it.
I am: female. I admit.
Ex-girlfriend of someone on /r9k/?: Doubt it, very seriously
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:39:16 No.7598199
do you often post anonymously? come on here and talk about quotidian shit? or is that not really worth your time?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:39:32 No.7598203
Moot's fangirls really ruin moot threads.

Moot is not for romance of either sex. He is for being a bro, being a lazy fuck that never gets new mods, and for brofisting.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:40:41 No.7598213
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ah mootykins, i missed you ;_;
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:40:52 No.7598216

Tell him to check his email or someshit, the masses are getting restless.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:41:34 No.7598221

what irc?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:42:37 No.7598230

If moot was a girl you'd be the most annoying fan boy of them all.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:43:55 No.7598237

Uhm, no I meant one of my IRL friends (yep, I've got em).
Anyway, you're pretty.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:46:13 No.7598258
it's not her ffs, I hate you gullible faggots
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:46:36 No.7598266
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:47:45 No.7598279
Moot, in the video interview you seem to encourage the anonymous aspect of this site.

If that is the case, why do you support tripfags?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)02:48:01 No.7598281
thanks for posting it~
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:48:55 No.7598290
Moot are you a Sophmore or something?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:49:12 No.7598292
moot i am 12 years old
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:49:35 No.7598295
How do you feel about the current quality of posting in /r9k/ specifically?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:50:32 No.7598302
Where does the name "moot" come from?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:50:34 No.7598303

Hi =)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:51:17 No.7598314
it's a word you know?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:51:45 No.7598320
Where is TYVD now? I haven't seen him in awhile. Did he went on a vacation moot?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:52:18 No.7598322

Oh so moot is henotheistic with regards to Animu then
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:52:21 No.7598323
he's lowering even further
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:55:43 No.7598347
your post is a bad excuse to use a a peculiar word
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)02:58:47 No.7598366
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w/e idc i just need to drag mootles into our dark corner of the internet. i'm sure he's aware of it.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:58:56 No.7598368
Being one of those "psychologists or similars", I'd say his answer is a well-grounded and self-accepting one. Everyone has some sort of "issue" or another. It's only a problem if it causes intense personal discomfort (i.e., a disorder causes YOU to feel like you've got something hampering your life), or if it causes harm to another. Some people just prefer being reclusive. Some people have a small circle of close personal friends. Generally the latter have much more fulfilling relationships with said friends.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)02:59:32 No.7598375
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)03:00:34 No.7598382
Alright Varc has the exploit.
Hope your happy now moot.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:00:45 No.7598384
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>favorite game series Metal Gear Solid
>metal gear solid
>not a movie
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:01:14 No.7598392
he should just get rid of /k/ or merge it with /new/
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:03:44 No.7598419
I'd dig /k/new/.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:04:32 No.7598424

It's now 3 am on the East Coast. Go to bed, silly.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:04:44 No.7598428
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:04:51 No.7598430
you're fucking cute

would u fuck moot?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:07:10 No.7598450
it's not "her", stop encouraging it, get a real gf or better yet a life
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:07:17 No.7598452
A whole turd is better than 2 half turds.
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)03:07:48 No.7598458
I'm not cute enough for Christopher Poole.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:08:10 No.7598462
So moot youre from Astoria. Born and raised there?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:08:28 No.7598465
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What a dik, nah I'm joking I don't give a fuck. (add random image, add sage to email field, move away from r9k)
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:09:05 No.7598473
Use the same logic on /a/ and /jp/, and this board and /b/, then get back to me.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:09:39 No.7598480
You're a pretty cool guy, moot.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:10:10 No.7598486
but it's the same userbase, it's not a coincidence most armed people have extremist points of view, so they go to /new/ to express them and pretend to be nice guys but with guns on /k/
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:10:46 No.7598491
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moot has a secret name on rizon, it is 'zoot'

dont ask me how I know this
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:10:51 No.7598493
>implying you can sage a stickied thread
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:11:55 No.7598502
>it's not a coincidence most armed people have extremist points of view

[Citation needed[
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:12:04 No.7598504
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>blocked in your country
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:12:45 No.7598509
The logic only works when the two parts are equally terrible, like /new/ & /n/, /a/ is slightly better than /jp/, and same with /r9k/ & /b/.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:12:50 No.7598510
do you own a car, moot? if so, what kind?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:13:41 No.7598517
empiric evidence from the migration patterns of 4chan boards
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:14:59 No.7598531
> what's wrong with jsMath?

In my opinion, it works pretty great. You guys might want to consider adding some filters for faggots using it to break tables and shit, though.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:15:05 No.7598532
he already answered both questions, read the fuckin thread

>Implying I'll read a 2k post thread
>Implying you'll get an answer to your question
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)03:17:04 No.7598546
I was just about to propose to snacks! WE COULD OF BEEN MARRIED!
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:20:17 No.7598570
Thanks you for everything you've done moot. I appreciate the work you put into 4chan, and am thankful for the outlet you've given me, and all the laughs this site has given me. So thank you Mr. Poole. I am eternally thankful :)
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)03:20:53 No.7598579
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no you're right. im just going to kill myself now
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:22:43 No.7598592
Moot do you have a favourite meme? One that tickled you in a personal way?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:25:06 No.7598618
Weegee, read your interviews
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:25:33 No.7598622
What room are you in on IRC?

Also, could you post pics of your cat? I love the pattern/colour yours has.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:26:40 No.7598632
good ^_____^
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:26:44 No.7598633
MOOT! pleeeese have another washington square meetup!
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)03:30:16 No.7598662
why? the first one wasn't very good.
>> camel !!9Peo05AyhmN 02/21/10(Sun)03:31:00 No.7598667
you loved me before, do you love me now?
>> Dojo²¹ !2DojozSXEs 02/21/10(Sun)03:32:29 No.7598684
Thats cos you were there, EL OH EL!!11
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:33:12 No.7598689
What kind of car did you drive?

Did you used to be fat and then loose weight?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:33:43 No.7598693
Moot, if you made 4chan when you were 15..doesn't that mean it was illegal for you to post on this website?
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:34:37 No.7598705
moot, I think 4chan has a severe lack of VIP QUALITY.

This is the ultimate solution.
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:35:22 No.7598714
do you have a last.fm account
>> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)03:36:22 No.7598725
is camwhoring allowed?
>> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 02/21/10(Sun)03:37:37 No.7598737
closing this because it went to crap. talk to you later, robots! it's been fun~

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