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  • File : 1266253521.jpg-(206 KB, 1200x900, philly skyline.jpg)
    206 KB Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:05:21 No.7517762  
    It's that time again. Post your city and how you feel about it.

    Phillyfag here. Every few days, someone gets killed by a stray bullet. It's fucking ridiculous. The Killadelphia nickname is totally deserved. But still, in the good parts, it's an amazing and very "real" city and I can't see myself anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:09:27 No.7517789
         File1266253767.jpg-(20 KB, 350x250, cleveland-skyline.jpg)
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    Cleveland here, just shot and killed philly because its full of pussies.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:12:09 No.7517813
         File1266253929.jpg-(7 KB, 309x228, family matters.jpg)
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    It's a rare condition
    in this day and age
    to read any good news
    on the newspaper page
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:17:22 No.7517861
         File1266254242.jpg-(15 KB, 400x400, Londonforksdevelop.jpg)
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    London ontario, also known as the forest city because of forests EVERYWHERE.

    Its one of the biggest cities in Ontario but nothing ever happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:18:51 No.7517875
         File1266254331.jpg-(72 KB, 770x547, Seattle.jpg)
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    everyone keeps telling me this place is amazing and that i should feel lucky i already live here

    if paying $2k/mo for a 1-bedroom apartment in a place with no sunshine is considered amazing, i might off myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:22:36 No.7517903
         File1266254556.jpg-(234 KB, 1024x768, D002_1024.jpg)
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    Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec here.

    I like it here, not too big, not too small. I can't stand big cities actually. I rage everytime I go to Montreal or Toronto.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:29:46 No.7517954
    HOLY SHIT im from london too!, white oaks over here
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:43:20 No.7518088
         File1266255800.jpg-(62 KB, 876x564, portland3.jpg)
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    Basically everything the Seattle guy said.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:51:50 No.7518186
         File1266256310.jpg-(72 KB, 710x508, toronto.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:52:02 No.7518189
    Houston, TX fag here.

    I hate the humidity, and some of the more wannabe redneck/country hick faggots who drive around in over sized trucks.

    Aside from that though it's okay.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:56:36 No.7518222
    Saginaw, Michigan

    According to the FBI we have the highest crime rate per capita out of all the cities in the whole country. Yay!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:58:16 No.7518243
    Wayne, MI.

    who the fuck lives here?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:58:46 No.7518248
         File1266256726.jpg-(31 KB, 300x457, NYS_Capitol_1.jpg)
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    Albany, NY

    except for the fact that it's filled with government and political people, there's almost nothing noteworthy about it.

    pic related, it's our claim to fame
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)12:59:45 No.7518254

    I live in the GTA

    S'alright, all my friends are in Guelph and Kitchener so it gets boring being up in the suburbs,

    toronto itself is a pretty awesome city though
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:03:07 No.7518287
         File1266256987.jpg-(65 KB, 450x600, 450pxAustinTexasCongressView.jpg)
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    Austin, Texas

    It's pretty okay I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:04:12 No.7518295
    I like how people talk about Austin like it's this liberal oasis in a neo-con desert when in reality it's still like 50% old, white, and Reagan-jerking.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:07:27 No.7518332
    I'm from london as well - in SMH on campus
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:09:49 No.7518361

    it's only awesome if you've got money to spend

    otherwise stay in the suburbs... although i live in the city i'm pretty much home 24/7 because i can't afford to go out
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:10:04 No.7518365
         File1266257404.gif-(141 KB, 544x478, Reno_with_mountains.gif)
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    Reno, NV

    I like it. There's gambling like Vegas, but it also has really good outdoorsy stuff, like fishing, hiking, etc, unlike Vegas. Also, surprise! Nevada isn't actually inhospitable wasteland.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:11:17 No.7518374
         File1266257477.jpg-(33 KB, 307x340, swedish-riots.jpg)
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    Malmo, Sweden.

    Sandniggers everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:12:42 No.7518384
         File1266257562.jpg-(79 KB, 484x484, philly_hdr.jpg)
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    215 reporting in noa
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:14:22 No.7518402
         File1266257662.jpg-(214 KB, 1024x768, stockholm1.jpg)
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    Jesus christ, your towns are just so fucking ugly. All you got is tall buildings. If you look closer, everythings ugly as fuck.

    pic related. now go stand in a corner of shame.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:16:06 No.7518421
    >am pasty white metalhead in suburban america
    >pretend to be swedish when online
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:18:22 No.7518438
         File1266257902.jpg-(47 KB, 600x338, tokyo-city-night-shibuya-shopp(...).jpg)
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    Shibuya here. Bartender at a pub here in Shibuya. I live with my bro, he is a JET teacher.

    Lived here for 6 years. Fucking best time of my life here. I got used to the people. It is like going to the mall during Christmas time, all year around. More people, more girls to hook up with is the way I see it. shit is overpriced here, but besides that, it rocks here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:20:02 No.7518460
    This is sad, I live on San Juan Island, WA and was accepted to colleges in both cities and was planning on moving there.....

    Fuck it, I'll just go to Evergreen
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:20:26 No.7518467
    >so fucking projecting i farted by laughing
    >> Holden Caulfield !AWEsomEEEE 02/15/10(Mon)13:21:24 No.7518480

    Fuck yeah bump for T-dot
    Don't know how some people can live in small towns without going crazy and shooting themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:22:56 No.7518503
         File1266258176.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, Sioux_Falls_Skyline_41.jpg)
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    Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

    Not that big of city, only like 220,000 in the entire area i think. Not a bad little place though. In the spring/summer months its actually quite beautiful, with all the trees and lots of bike trails. The women are good looking, but mostly the girlfriend types (but the type that don't want you) so you gotta look out into the party girl/druggie chicks for any female contact. Oh drugs are quite expensive here so if you like to traffic drugs check this city out. My least favorite thing, tough cops, every time i get pulled over i'm searched hard for thirty minutes or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:26:12 No.7518539

    TOfag here

    I quite enjoy toronto, nothing like wandering down queen street making fun of all the weird shit gallery artists do.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:27:35 No.7518547
    Albanianfag here too. Where are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:29:05 No.7518562
    Dude, go to Seattle, the U-District is still bearable in terms of costs (but don't tell that to any east coast trust fundees). Evergreen is full of those really smelly 60s-style hippies.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:30:14 No.7518574
    London, England. I live in a block of flats and I love it. My neighbours are mostly second generation immigrants which means they all speak perfect english and fit in fine but they're still willing to break social taboos that say you should keep to yourself and never talk to strangers. When it's the Euros or the World Cup it goes insane here and there are great parties on almost every floor, I can't wait for this summer.

    The only downside is everything is expensive as hell and 6 months without the sun makes me suicidal.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:33:05 No.7518595
    Philly here too. I've lived here for 6 months and I can't find a job, I've been yelled at and given dirty looks because Im white and living in South Philly, and there are artfag hipsters EVERYWHERE.
    I would probally enjoy myself more if I had money
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:34:38 No.7518604
         File1266258878.jpg-(958 KB, 3189x2379, PWM2a.jpg)
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    Portland, Maine here.

    I'm the only sandfag here in this pit of Anglo-Americans, but most people don't seem to care. Thank God. A trip to Charleston, SC last summer was a real eye-opener.

    No one really cares about this place. It's very quaint and cheap, I like it. Weather could be nicer, though. A music scene would be nice, too, but might attract hipsters who'd start raising mai rentz.
    >> Antimatter !xT8PpxLIHU 02/15/10(Mon)13:38:16 No.7518637
    Senoia, GA

    Small rural town, nothing ever happens, but it's a pretty cool place.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:42:40 No.7518669
    newport rhode island. google a picture im lazy.

    rhode island, so lol taxes, shitty roads, shitty economy, etc. but the city itself is really nice and fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:43:14 No.7518675

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:43:33 No.7518679
         File1266259413.jpg-(54 KB, 425x282, birmingham-al-night.jpg)
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    Birmingham, AL

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:48:02 No.7518727
    Miami, FL

    sometimes i hate it here
    sometimes i love it here
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:48:08 No.7518730
         File1266259688.jpg-(82 KB, 560x359, 877876-Aerial_view-Haarlem.jpg)
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    Haarlem, The Netherlands here.

    Its pretty easy living here. Coffeeshops aplenty (known as Hemp City) and the highest concentration of pubs per person in the whole Netherlands. Its a little quiet for a city, but Amsterdam is 10 minutes away. If you ever want to go Amsterdam, book a hotel in Haarlem.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:48:44 No.7518739
         File1266259724.jpg-(111 KB, 800x600, bordeaux.jpg)
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    Bordeaux, France.
    Kick ass city with a great tram system, plus theres everything i need within walking distance of my apartment! Great shopping centres but the night is filled with singing drunks.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:51:10 No.7518769

    Its so flat ;-;
    >> FlapperMcTitties !mPczjqR4J6 02/15/10(Mon)13:51:30 No.7518776
         File1266259890.jpg-(78 KB, 800x520, 800px-Phoenix_AZ_USA_DownTown_(...).jpg)
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    Phoenix, AZ

    boring as all holy fuck.... but i can;t imagine living anywhere else right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:52:51 No.7518794

    Welcome to old European cities, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:53:09 No.7518800

    Bordeaux = Full of posh scum.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:55:11 No.7518819
    Stroudsburg Pennsylvania.

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:57:34 No.7518845

    Indeed. What the fuck ARE you doing in non-Philadelphian Pennsylvania?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)13:58:57 No.7518874
    NYC here. I love this city so god damned much. Like, the way you feel about your crushes.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:01:52 No.7518905
    NYC is so schizo. It's entirely what parts of it you choose to notice. I could go to Bensonhurst and only see greasy Italians, or only see the hipsters who couldn't afford the upper west side or Williamsburg.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:02:15 No.7518914
         File1266260535.jpg-(41 KB, 510x332, 11.jpg)
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    god, PLEASE tell me more about this place.
    i've always dreamed of going here, and i'd love to have a personal account.

    also, contributing:
    hammond, louisiana.
    welp. this is it. and a college.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:03:48 No.7518937
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

    I hate it here. Fucking pretentious snobs.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:06:49 No.7518963
         File1266260809.jpg-(116 KB, 439x600, 439px-Nis_kolaz.jpg)
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    Nis, Serbia
    but i guess nobody cares
    it is ok
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:08:34 No.7518990
         File1266260914.jpg-(28 KB, 500x375, akronriver.jpg)
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    akron, oh

    ehh... the goodyear blimp and lebron james are from here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:12:17 No.7519024
    goddamn lots of ontariofags here. we should all meet up and smoke a joint. canada fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:12:27 No.7519026
    what do you want to know?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:14:39 No.7519050
         File1266261279.png-(83 KB, 455x599, 455px-liverpool_fc-n_logosvg.png)
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    Liverpool, England here.

    Horrible, dirty place full of horrible, dirty people. I hate it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:15:00 No.7519054


    but really, the general attitude of the people, cost of living (i heard it was a more expensive place).

    quality of grocers/restaurants is extremely important to me, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:17:42 No.7519079
    No MiddlesBROS?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:18:22 No.7519089
    Pittsburgh PA

    Someway, somehow, I am less anti-social than most people in Pittsburgh, as they all walk while looking at their feet and refuse to make eye contact. For some reason, all the women dress like men. Also, all the food is GREASY AS FUCK.

    But it's still cool. I have my own secret spot I go to every night and it is the coolest place to chill ever. Sometimes I get visitors.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:19:24 No.7519105
         File1266261564.jpg-(418 KB, 1200x926, chicagooo.jpg)
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    There are a lot of black people...and polacks...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:23:06 No.7519144
         File1266261786.jpg-(35 KB, 393x296, market.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:24:32 No.7519165
         File1266261872.jpg-(128 KB, 750x644, Waltrop-Tempelchen.jpg)
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    Waltrop, Germany

    fuck year ...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:25:16 No.7519178
    Sandnesfag here. (a norwegian city near the coast)
    shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:29:00 No.7519224

    What's it like living in a gingerbread house?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:30:05 No.7519235
    Berlin. It'd be great if it weren't for soaring unemployment and those fucking punks.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:30:46 No.7519241

    Yeah right, you probably live near Hoxton square in a loft with the rest of your arsehole friends, wearing skinnyjeans and sucking dick for fun. FOR FUN.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:30:55 No.7519243
    hey OP im a phillyphag too. but i love this damn city. this is my city and its my home. i represent the illadelph for life. no other city has as much history, art, music and other shit as philly does. i live in the ghetto which i love. its got so much character.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:33:08 No.7519266
    attitude of the people is ok, people are not really friendly, but they do stay out of eachothers way, shopkeepers and vendors are always polite and helpfull. After dark however the city becomes a hive of drunk teenagers pissing the street and fighting eachother.
    The restaurants and even the fast food there are excellent, very high french quality.
    It is expensive to live there, rent is very high (my room mate is a doctor, im ok) and food is pretty expensive.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:35:26 No.7519291

    how's the ease (or maybe difficulty) of getting a job there, especially in my case?

    would there be a more affordable albeit shittier place to live?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:36:12 No.7519299
    Oh ... fuck you little fucker ... oh the pain ...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:36:40 No.7519301
    Philly is a weird city. Some parts make you want to stay there for years and 2 blocks away you feel disgusted with yourself for being there.
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)14:39:03 No.7519335
         File1266262743.jpg-(42 KB, 576x388, prov..jpg)
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    Providence, RI. City is ok, not a whole lot to do. Plus I'm on the Eastside, which is overpopulated by snobby, unfriendly rich kids who go to Brown.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:43:28 No.7519377

    Providence is a shit hole. Actually, most of RI is a shithole nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:46:12 No.7519407
    vancouver canada here.

    grey skies 9 months a year, rain, expensive as hell, and there's fucking chink faggots everywhere. Overated as fuck too, every asshole claims "it's the best city in the world" it really fucking isn't. I stayed in LA and Orlando for 8 months and it kicks the shit out canada all together.

    Worse yet, vancouver's hosting the olympics so now we have fucktarded tourists that think they own the street. I fucking haye canaduh
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:46:26 No.7519408
    brooklyn, NY

    more drugs than i could ever need

    half the city is niggaville and the other half is snottyhonky town
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:46:34 No.7519411
    You're right, i live in covent garden, having some tea with my mum, who talks about foreign things.
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)14:54:30 No.7519502
    It's really not as bad as it used to be. Though I find myself going to Boston a lot more frequently. Also, I came here from the NYC area for grad school, so I fucking HATE the bars closing at 1am thing. A lot of nights in NYC I wouldn't even leave to go out till 1.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:56:10 No.7519516
    Fellow RIfag here. I used to spend time in Providence, now I pretty much never leave URI until the dorms close, then spend all my time in Connecticut. That feeling of "not much to do" gets a lot worse the longer you stay here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:57:21 No.7519530
    Getting a job here is a nightmare, dont even bother. Its a city with a mainly 20-30yo population, so everyone is out to get a job.
    Unless you're already rich, i wouldnt move to Bordeaux
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:02:25 No.7519586
    Lake Ronkonkoma, NY.

    It's meh. The lake is pretty polluted and the place is getting horribly overcrowded. Apart from that it's nice. One of the lowest crime rates in the country I believe.
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)15:04:33 No.7519610
    Yeah needless to say, I'll be getting the hell out of here as soon as I graduate either to move back to NYC or DC. How is URI though? I've only driven past once, never have gone to hang out there.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:05:37 No.7519620

    dreams: shattered.

    although it seems like france is like that all around.
    and i refuse to go to paris.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:13:51 No.7519728
    It's a good place overall, but there's a shitload of bros here. The engineering and med/pharmacy people are cool, and the campus can function like a small city, so I like it here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:14:59 No.7519743
    San Francisco, CA. Born there, going back when I'm done with college - my heart will always lie there. Incredible city. Shame it's so expensive.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:15:57 No.7519752
    SF sounds like hell, financially. Does everyone there who didn't buy their house in the 50s just live paycheck-to-paycheck?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:16:01 No.7519753
    i live in pittsburgh. wheres your secret spot? youve intrigued me.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:18:37 No.7519793
         File1266265117.jpg-(66 KB, 450x338, pt27014.jpg)
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    Sion in the state of Valais in Switzerland.

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:19:00 No.7519798
    I've been out of this country a lot, but I still find the people have a type of down to earth, self-ironic charm. Things are expensive as fuck and a half compared to the US, and it rains a lot.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:31:35 No.7519957
    anyone here from/ever been to Santa Fe or Albuquerque? I'm really interested in moving there.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:34:23 No.7519986
    >>7519957 dfdf
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:34:56 No.7519996
    Why don't you move to NYC or Seattle like most 20somethings these days?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:36:33 No.7520009
    I disagree, smaller towns in Charente (Angouleme for example) can be very cheap to live in. Be wary of the population however, Angouleme is full of shit-heads.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:40:25 No.7520052
         File1266266425.jpg-(475 KB, 3072x1517, Downtown_San_Antonio.jpg)
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    San Antoniofag here. I like it, for the most part. It can be a little boring at times, but it's what I grew up with, so I've grown to appreciate it. Also, fuckwin mexican food.

    I'm moving to Austin next year, though, and looking forward to the change in scenery.
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)15:42:28 No.7520079
    Yeah one night I accidentally ended up at a Providence College bar night. Total brofest.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:44:55 No.7520106
         File1266266695.jpg-(51 KB, 600x425, West Pier Starlings 3 WEB(1).jpg)
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    Brighton, UK

    When I moved here at 14, I felt a strange kind of freedom. Not in a gay sense, which would be fitting for the town, but in that there was a wonderful feeling of weirdness here. There was a distinct lack of tracksuit-knifery; just a lot of hippies, students and gay people. You could be odd here, because no one gave a fuck.

    Been here six years and I still love it here. It's lost some of it's spark, but I still wouldn't want to live anywhere else on these fucking isles.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:46:17 No.7520125
    expensive. too much rain in seattle. NYC is maybe, its intimidating though because of its size and everything else. plus i fucking hate snow.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:46:36 No.7520133
    How does geography play a role in expenses? Is Normandy more expensive than Lorraine? etc
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:52:06 No.7520216
         File1266267126.jpg-(84 KB, 715x300, York5446.jpg)
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    York, UK. I love it here. Went to university here and stayed on after. It's a lovely little city. The tourists and drunk students can be a bit annoying though.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:52:52 No.7520230
    dont really know why, it seems the further North you get, the more it costs to live.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:54:47 No.7520258

    the same goes for america, so that makes sense.

    but, living in smaller and cheaper places, wouldn't you be pretty far away from all the good nightlife?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:55:20 No.7520266
         File1266267320.jpg-(358 KB, 1764x1147, bribie-island.jpg)
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    North of Brisbane. It's alright I guess. Nice lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:55:28 No.7520271
         File1266267328.jpg-(193 KB, 990x662, DSC_2142-Edit.jpg)
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    Eh, I like it here. I'll admit there are a few people that should be shot but I think that's true of anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:57:03 No.7520300
    No idea. My family bought a house there in the 50s. But I am fairly certain that you are either making a lot of money or, yeah, living paycheck-to-paycheck.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:57:54 No.7520313
    Saginaw, MI.

    In my area its quiet. It's mostly old white men and women in the suburbs. But honestly, I am becoming scared to go to the mall, or even to a local foodstore. All of these hoodlums/wiggers/gangstas whatever the hell you want to call them, are ruining our city. There are these goddamn stupid children running around with guns, thinking its cool to be in gangs and do drugs. These fucking rats come onto our property and fuck around with it all the time because "dat rich whit man derserrrves it fo bein so greedy".
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:57:59 No.7520317
         File1266267479.jpg-(205 KB, 495x340, New York.jpg)
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    You Eurofags can sit here showing off with your pretty buildings. But I can walk out my door and get a pizza at 5am.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:58:36 No.7520325
         File1266267516.jpg-(42 KB, 600x402, 1018.jpg)
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    Portsmouth, UK.

    Hardly any attractive sane people here. All fat chav slobs with 15 kids on the dole drinking white lightning out of 2 litre bottles, or loudmouthed drunk students oblivious to everyone but themselves. The city is pretty rundown and lacks any kind of culture or locally run events. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:58:57 No.7520337
    Yeah but I don't want a pizza at 5am.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:59:07 No.7520340
         File1266267547.png-(603 KB, 934x696, Picture 1.png)
    603 KB
    Chicago, southside, reporting in. I like Chicago. I just live in a shitty part of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:00:08 No.7520358
         File1266267608.jpg-(549 KB, 2048x1536, IMGP0034.jpg)
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    Saint-Petersburg, Russia

    I kinda hate it here. It's a depressing city with lots of crumbling old buildings and streets, almost constantly overcast, humid and cold.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:00:44 No.7520367
    Yurpyurp! I live not 10 blocks away from the Obama house, so it's pretty crazy. Local walgreens is still full of Barack Obama shit, like a pen which gives excerpts from the state of the union...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:00:54 No.7520368
    Then you're not the kind of person who should be on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:00:58 No.7520371
    Nightlife has never been a concern of mine, im not a party goer, but if you want bars and clubs and parties, theres no better place than Bordeaux. Angouleme is pretty dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:04:17 No.7520406

    are the two relatively close enough to each other to affordably go back and forth?

    my google-fu is weak, though the first result said 102.someodd kilometers.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:05:13 No.7520413
    Ahhhghhh, the suburbs suck.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:06:31 No.7520430
    about 6hrs by car.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:11:48 No.7520507
         File1266268308.jpg-(529 KB, 800x533, originalbronteblox.jpg)
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    Beautiful but self righteous and overly wealthy.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:20:36 No.7520629
         File1266268836.jpg-(56 KB, 560x374, 2163283-Cincinnati_Skyline_fro(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    I live in cincinnati.
    - has its own baseball, football, hockey, etc teams.
    - extremely chilled housing market, a decent apartment can be $100 a month.
    - the music scene and party scene is great (a million epic bars and clubs and even good jazz clubs)
    - cincinnati is a college city
    - LOTS of locally owned stores
    - you get to experience all four seasons in cincinnati
    - we have a bus system that runs frequently as fuck (like busses every 15 min - 1 hour) that can take you EVERYWHERE.

    - too many niggers
    - desperately need of industrial renewal, you look around, and you'll see 1/2 the buildings are abandoned factories
    - lots and lots and lots of crime
    - people can be pretty rude
    - it's hard/impossible to scam fast food joints in rough neighborhoods
    - nigger parents are stupid and raise bratty annoyin kids

    overall, i like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:21:32 No.7520644
    i heard it's full of neo-cons
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:22:24 No.7520659
    Pros: Fun intelligent reasonably sized city.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:24:42 No.7520692
         File1266269082.jpg-(57 KB, 800x536, view_from_glasgow_tower.jpg)
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    Glasgow, Scotland

    Worst fucking place in the world. If you ever wondered what it's like to sit next to a tramp who's just pissed himself while being tormented by chavs in the freezing cold, then come here. Oh, and if you hate talking to people, come here too. The most you can say to someone is "hi" before you get branded a poof and offered a square go.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:28:08 No.7520742
    Greetings from Seattle.

    When hipsters got priced out of San Francisco, they came here.

    When they're priced out of here, reports say they're coming your way.

    Buy a house soon, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:28:25 No.7520750
    yeah, all the ghetto niggers are liberal as fuck, and everyone who isn't a ghetto nigger is an anarchist punk or a neocon hipster.

    the only difference is that the ghetto liberals aren't pretentious about their beliefs, they're just uneducated/ignorant and are brought up to believe 'da mayn be a try'n ta hold us dauwn.'

    the hipster college kids are pretentious as fuck and try to pretend their opinion is somehow more educated than everyone else's.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:29:29 No.7520767
    Heh, I heard Glasgow is basically a white Detroit.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:30:41 No.7520785
    This city is already infested with hipsters, though having been to Seattle I can say that you have a lot more.

    Being a bit of a hipster myself I'm not really in a position to complain though, and would actually love to live in Seattle.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:37:09 No.7520877
         File1266269829.jpg-(63 KB, 500x375, aberdeen.jpg)
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    It's got lots of spikey spires. Bad place to fall out of a plane onto.

    Other than that, no complaints.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:38:10 No.7520894
    Pittsburghfag reporting in.

    Pros: We're not Philadelphia!
    Penguins / Stillers
    Carnegie Museum network
    Phipps Conservatory (G20 was held there)
    Home to literally dozens of universities (Pitt, Carnegie-Mellon, Duquesne are the top 3 - I go to Pitt)

    Cons: Basically a dead boom town in the middle of nowhere
    the Pirates are a region-wide disgrace
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:38:53 No.7520905

    berlin here, too.
    city's great, there is EVERYTHING here.
    but I feel very unsafe at night.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:40:45 No.7520928
         File1266270045.jpg-(214 KB, 1024x768, cfiles4347.jpg)
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    Forgot picture, herp derp.

    A shot from the top of Mount Washington. They have these concrete platforms hanging off the cliff about 50 feet out in the middle of the air where you can go and sit or take photos. It's pretty neat.

    Also, I forgot to list that George Romero is absolutely in love with this city - most of his zombie movies were shot here. In fact, I've been in the dormitories where Diary of the Dead was filmed.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:41:48 No.7520933
         File1266270108.jpg-(62 KB, 330x556, 20081015jh_lights_03_330.jpg)
    62 KB

    Pitt's Cathedral of Learning lit up like a fucking stained-glass window at night. I've been up at the top; the view is made of equal parts gold and win.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:46:16 No.7520985
         File1266270376.jpg-(177 KB, 500x375, 204089511_611ebc2497.jpg)
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    Omaha, Nebraska.

    It sucks dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:48:29 No.7521028
         File1266270509.jpg-(90 KB, 472x368, oslo.jpg)
    90 KB
    Oslo, Norway.

    It's alright, but lots of junkies, trash on the streets etc. Would fancy moving to Gothenburg, which I have been thinking more and more about recently.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:49:29 No.7521036
    Most robots would kill a thousand babies to live there.

    I just don't see the appeal, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:49:33 No.7521038
         File1266270573.jpg-(222 KB, 1206x788, croatia-zagreb-g5.jpg)
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    Pretty average in every way.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:52:59 No.7521075
         File1266270779.jpg-(128 KB, 560x374, Amsterdam.jpg)
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    Amsterdam. The only city in the Netherlands worth living in. Beautiful, lively and a great clubbing facilities. Expensive housing is an issue here, but I lucked out. :-)
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:54:17 No.7521085

    Then we are two.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)16:58:25 No.7521139
         File1266271105.jpg-(20 KB, 450x338, Buffalo-ny.jpg)
    20 KB
    Buffalo, NY. What the fuck am I doing here?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:01:02 No.7521171
    Oh I love Portland! Very quaint cutsie little city. You're right though, I think hipsters would have an absolute field day if they found it
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:02:31 No.7521194

    It fucking is.

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:17:14 No.7521389

    Centre of universe, fuck yeah.

    Always loved living here, wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:21:37 No.7521437

    You're going to Buff State or UB and then leaving.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:25:54 No.7521487
         File1266272754.jpg-(1.05 MB, 3072x2304, Staatstheater_Nürnberg_2006-0(...).jpg)
    1.05 MB
    It's nice here in Nuremberg. It has a castle. And an Imax. Many people are German though.
    >> Doctor Pepper !0BDuaXjkAI 02/15/10(Mon)17:26:44 No.7521498
         File1266272804.jpg-(971 KB, 2272x1704, 20070816163456!Greenpoint_Broo(...).jpg)
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    Greenpoint, Brooklyn:

    Absolute shithole, but the best shithole in the world. Close to everything noteworthy in NYC, and has the best goddamn meat in the world. People are saying that it's the next trendy town in New York, but if that's true I'm getting the fuck out of there before it ends up like Williamsburg.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:30:25 No.7521558
    NYC sucks. Fucking crowded as a mother fucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:44:03 No.7521738
         File1266273843.jpg-(41 KB, 500x368, lima.jpg)
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    Limafag here. South America FUCKING SUCKS.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:44:41 No.7521750

    Everytime I go to Williamsburg I want to pull out a gun and shoot every single one of those hipster faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:48:01 No.7521803
    I grew up there until I was 12 or so. I remember it fondly.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:48:29 No.7521809

    New York neighborhood politics are ever so fascinating. What happened to Williamsburg?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:50:31 No.7521843
    Gentrification, mothafucka.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)17:51:14 No.7521861

    Akron here too (Kenmore) Dont forget The Black Keys and Devo are from here too.
    >> Doctor Pepper !0BDuaXjkAI 02/15/10(Mon)17:56:35 No.7521947

    Basically what happened was that the town became a center for poor, lower middle class people thanks to the low rent and small population of the town. Eventually, the trust fund hipsters caught on to the apparent glory to the lower class, and started moving in, around I'd say 2002. Since they had money and high standards of living, they fixed up the neighborhood and basically drove the price of living up like crazy. The entire Lower East Side is practically a tourist trap now, and has the highest rent in the city besides 5th Avenue and fucking Central Park.

    Makes me want to fucking PUKE.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:02:48 No.7522011
    Atlanta. The nicer parts are cool, but everywhere else it sure is hipster and nigger. My two least favorite demographics.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:06:25 No.7522037

    Granite city represent
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:08:37 No.7522050
    Pittsburgh fucking Pennsylvania.

    I'm only back here because I dropped out of school. The only reason I passed high school was so I could get out of this city. Shit sucks.

    It's not that bad, though. We also have a pretty high murder rate, but I'm a basement dweller so I'm basically safe.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:12:03 No.7522078

    Eriefag here. I can confirm that Pittsburgh is the worst city in the nation.

    I commend this Anon for not pledging blind allegiance to his shitty city like the rest of those shit suckers do.

    btw Erie is like Pittsburgh Jr. because everyone here thinks they are from pittsburgh and it's their dream to one day move there. I too am planning on moving.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:12:41 No.7522086


    I meant I am planning on moving FAR FROM PITTSBURGH not moving INTO pittsburgh. meep
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:12:56 No.7522089
    London, England. Live in the east, work in central. Best city in the world bar none.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:14:46 No.7522109
         File1266275686.jpg-(227 KB, 640x512, Waterford_by_night.jpg)
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    Waterford, Ireland...tiny compared to where you guys live its an alright place.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:16:58 No.7522123
    London. Homerton, Hackney.
    Today I watched a man kick his wife or child to the floor on a dark balcony. The rich areas are so insulated as to be water-tight against the filthy populace. The poor areas let people flow in and out of them like blowing wind. I don't know how to feel about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:17:27 No.7522127
    >worst city

    Actually, there are some interesting people and cool things going on here. There's a decent art scene and a lot of interesting people, plus a lot of green technology, medical science, etc. The problem is all the old-school hardcore blue collar Pittsburghers. They have this sense of negativity and entitlement that's draining to be around. Like if you walk into a store or whatever and all the employees store their conversation to scowl at you because you didn't grow up in the same neighborhood for forty years. During the time I was not being a failure, I moved to various other cities and every time I was in public I found myself thinking "holy shit, people are nice here." No matter where it was. Ha.

    Well, fuck, I'm still young, I'll recover and get the fuck out of here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:18:08 No.7522132

    Have you ever caught a glimpse of the Ripper?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:19:44 No.7522151

    Personally I've always liked Filthadelphia
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:21:55 No.7522182
         File1266276115.jpg-(21 KB, 510x471, flipadelphia.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:25:28 No.7522226
         File1266276328.jpg-(74 KB, 719x341, long beach.jpg)
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    Long Beach, CA

    75 and sunny right now. cant go wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:28:14 No.7522254
         File1266276494.jpg-(308 KB, 1024x768, darzatown.jpg)
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    Zadar,Croatia representin
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:29:23 No.7522274
         File1266276563.jpg-(74 KB, 378x215, alligator.jpg)
    74 KB
    Oldsmar, Florida.

    Fucking alligators all over the whole goddamn place scaring kids and harassing my dog. Also lol 100 degree summers with 300 percent humidity.

    Right next door to Tampa, so we can enjoy the happening city life without living through the hilarious crime rates.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:29:34 No.7522279
         File1266276574.jpg-(206 KB, 787x800, Tulsa Skyline 27.jpg)
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    Tulsa, OK.

    Pretty much anytime somebody wants to reference a city in Oklahoma, they mention Tulsa. Probably because Oklahoma City doesn't roll off the tongue the same way, and those are the only two cities in this goddamn state.

    Living here is ok, I guess. I read once we're in the like the top 5 for homosexuals per capita. We also were in the top 10 best cities to live in like a year or two ago.

    The downtown scene for young folks is really starting to pick up despite the economy, and it means the whole area is kind of being revitalized. I am probably going to move away when I graduate uni, though.

    I like it here, but I need to change perspective.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:33:32 No.7522332
         File1266276812.jpg-(93 KB, 600x404, Empress Hotel Victoria BC.jpg)
    93 KB
    Victoria BC

    Alright alright, this whole island is shit in general, but Victoria has the following:

    PROS: Cool buildings, yo!
    Relatively low crime.

    CONS: A metric fuckton of old people
    The nightlife sucks unless you're a fist pumping Guido-type
    University of Victoria is mediocre, try Camosun homie.
    It's the playground for the preppy private school kids. The natives make you rage as well. Also, the street people harass you.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:35:56 No.7522371
    move to vancouver bro

    its so much better here
    fuck old people
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:36:27 No.7522380
         File1266276987.jpg-(456 KB, 1280x853, Cairo_2C_evening_view_from_the(...).jpg)
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    Cairo, Egypt

    I love it.
    It has has all colours of life.
    But you need some money to have fun here
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:43:53 No.7522502
         File1266277433.jpg-(171 KB, 550x369, cambridge.jpg)
    171 KB
    Cambridge, UK.

    Bikes everywhere.
    Lots of students.
    Fuckload of Asian tourists.

    Not a huge amount to do unless you know the right people.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:55:56 No.7522692
         File1266278156.jpg-(1.32 MB, 2592x1944, CriticalMass009.jpg)
    1.32 MB
    White suburban fag here who wants to move to Chicago, but doesn't have much money and doesn't want to be accused of making it harder for existing residents to afford to live. Basically I need a cheap place to live, but don't wanna be a colonizer.

    OK so how to prevent gentrification?

    A few ideas...

    1. White people just stay in white neighborhoods. Might work....but most white hoods are too expensive and it would basically mean more segregation, continued suffering in the ghettos and more power in the white areas.

    2. White people move to affordable hoods, but rob banks, wheetpaste the buildings, shoot at cops, do etc things to keep the rich out and keep property values low. (sounds like fun, effective, obviously dangerous)

    3. Community land trust. Lets people buy and rent space cheaply, improve it, but since they lease the land from the trust, they are not allowed to speculate on it and raise the property value. This seams like the perfect solution, but it requires enough capital to buy property and get the thing going....basically you need rich sympathetic white liberals to help start it, and I don't know any.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)18:58:53 No.7522730
    winnipeg cum dumpster here.......... were #1 crime in canada

    Also FUCKIng COLD
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:14:48 No.7522936
    halifax, nova scotia

    i love it, it's beautiful in the summer, people are nice, there's a decent arts and indie music scene if you're into that and the city has a lot of potential. however there's a lot of shitty things about it too - not much to do, weak club scene, useless city council, shitty public transit, high level of crime per capita to name a few - but to me it's home, it's where i grew up and despite that i've been to cities that are definitely more interesting like montreal, L.A. and boston, i'll always have a soft spot for halifax. also it's by far the best canadian city east of quebec.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:24:07 No.7523071
         File1266279847.jpg-(67 KB, 768x512, calgary-skyline2.jpg)
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    Calgary, Alberta

    I'm finally starting to see how greedy and money-grubbing people really are in this city, but besides that, its a great place. Good weed, people and parties.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:25:43 No.7523093
    Dude, don't even worry, Chicago needs gentrification.

    Gentrification is only community-ruining when the place wasn't in need of it (Seattle, San Francisco, etc)
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:27:08 No.7523116
    Spare a thought for those less fortunate who have to live in Gothenburg then. It's not fair that gbg is so ugly ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:28:25 No.7523137
    I agree with this. Not from Seattle, but live in the general area. Everyone who I know who has moved here from the midwest thinks it's fucking heaven.
    I hate it. Not enough sun.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:29:20 No.7523149
    OH MOTHER OF FUCK. I go away for a couple hours and I miss a University of Chicago post? And I don't think you're one of the dudes I know already either... You still around?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:29:33 No.7523152
         File1266280173.jpg-(39 KB, 420x423, ithaca.jpg)
    39 KB
    Ithaca, NY.

    -Lots of Asians because of Cornell.
    -Lots of hipsters and potheads because of Ithaca College.
    -Anyone who was born here and is currently 40 years old and living here is likely a crackhead.
    -Lots of eco-hippie-fags who are extremely pretentious.
    -It's on a lake which is pretty awesome.
    -Lots of vineyards nearby.

    Btw, the picture is just of Cornell University and a bit of Cayuga Lake. Couldn't find one of the whole city.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:30:03 No.7523161
         File1266280203.jpg-(66 KB, 510x338, ventura.jpg)
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    Small CA city, without L.A. fags, but close enough to go there if you really want to.

    Clean air, cute surfer girls...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:33:51 No.7523233
         File1266280431.png-(1.82 MB, 1128x873, butts.png)
    1.82 MB
    ANOTHER Pittsburghfag here.

    I quite like Pittsburgh. It has some cool culture. The sports fanatics bullshit gets a little annoying though. The colleges and universities are decent. I plan on going to college in either NYC or LA though, since I want to be a screenwriter.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:39:00 No.7523300
    Boston, MA

    Awesome sports teams
    LOTS of shit to do
    Cool food
    Generally good culture
    Decent transport system
    Acceptable crime rate

    Sucks in the winter because paving system is shit
    Surrounded by some pretty shitty towns
    Kinda crowded
    People with the faggy accents
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:46:55 No.7523398
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:47:47 No.7523407
    This too.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:53:43 No.7523494
    Although i live in a suburb of Chicago no one wants to hear about that so ill comment on Chicago:

    -Lots of sports teams, blackhawks are awesome now
    -Fun events ie. Taste of Chicago
    -Museums are nice, usually have nice exhibits

    -Niggers everywhere (honestly probably not a problem but im an ignorant white suburban kid)
    -Sports teams do "ok" or suck most of the time
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:56:43 No.7523538
    Los Angeles. Too lazy to get a pic.

    -lots to do/nightlife
    -rarely rains
    -job opporunities
    -...that's it.

    -hipster assholes (mosly fat mexican chicks in skinny jeans and plaid shirts)
    -Mexicans. Especially the men. Fuckin' pervs.
    -Retarded drivers
    -fake people
    -"actors"/pretentious assholes
    -Asians (TERRIBLE DRIVERS and are usually snobby/pretentious and won't talk to you if you don't drive a lexus.)
    -Parking fees up the ass

    So, yeah. Don't move to LA and make the same mistake I did.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)19:57:46 No.7523555
    I didn't know there were so man burghers here. I am from an hour south of Pittsburgh in Fayette County. Crime is high, poverty is high, but fuck I love it. I live in a rural area too so I get to shoot my guns. As far as cities I have been to, Pittsburgh is the only one that is ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:03:06 No.7523628
         File1266282186.jpg-(28 KB, 380x253, hesperia.jpg)
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    Some small town an hour away from Los Angeles.

    You know how the rest of the country swear that California is some Liberal Mecca...well this place is proof that that is not true.

    I fucking hate it here....
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:05:08 No.7523657

    I'm from Philadelphia too! I don't really care much about the people who get killed, tbh.

    I go to school in University City and work near city hall, so I'm pretty sheltered. My parents own a store selling beer and cigarettes to black people, so they're usually too drunk or too high to move.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:05:48 No.7523669
         File1266282348.jpg-(189 KB, 1408x870, r.jpg)
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    lafayette Indiana, wiggers, rednecks everywhere. everyone is poor and no one graduates high school.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:08:35 No.7523696
    Pittsburgh fag here .... fucking love the place, but you'll never be without a nigger...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:08:44 No.7523698

    "They" being the blacks from my area, not my parents
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:19:45 No.7523878
    Ex-Saginastyfag here, you forgot to mention how were ranked 2nd worst small city in the country to try and find a job.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:22:47 No.7523922
         File1266283367.jpg-(37 KB, 568x442, Seattle.jpg)
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    ~20yo, recently moved here from Norway.

    It's alright, dunno why people portray it as "best city evar."
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:26:43 No.7523973
         File1266283603.jpg-(91 KB, 500x500, 20080713035511!St._Petersburg_(...).jpg)
    91 KB
    St. Petersburg FL, moved here on a whim;
    Awesome Beaches
    30 minutes from Tampa, but gigantic bridge to stop urbanization from spreading here
    Cool restaurants
    Lots of Vegetation
    Rent is for a 1br is ~$5XX a month

    Lots of homeless people
    Lots of crazy people
    Have to go to Tampa for a "real" city
    >> Edward Cullen 02/15/10(Mon)20:34:05 No.7524082
    Chicagofag here. niggers hipsters polacks and mexicans.
    Also shittons of snow.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:53:22 No.7524359

    Yea I'm interested as well
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:54:17 No.7524376
    Mostly-white population and sleek-looking skyline. Those are the only reasons.

    Do you happen to be living in Ballard?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:54:41 No.7524383
    Hey, another Phillyfag! I didn't know there were other phillybots. It's a pretty rad city, if you stay out of the shitty areas...which are numerous.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:55:21 No.7524391
    Me too.
    God, there are lots of Pittsburghfags in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:56:19 No.7524403
    East Stroudsburg University?

    I have a friend that goes there
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:59:22 No.7524434
    Hey Phillyfags, thinking about moving there soon.

    Worth it?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)20:59:25 No.7524435
    lol no.. Actually didn't even know that this place was so scandinavia-influenced before I came here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:00:51 No.7524451
    For what?

    Yeah, some places are fucking lovely. Others, well, you may get stabbed for crack money.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:00:59 No.7524452

    Not same bro, but try this place out. Wonderful place.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:01:13 No.7524453
    It depends on what you're leaving behind.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:03:42 No.7524495
    Probably going to UArts while I'm out there, but once I drop out/finish school there I was thinking of staying cause I know a lot of people there already and have a lot of friends that are interested in the city.
    Ever been to York, PA? Not leaving much behind.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:06:07 No.7524524
    University city is a very pleasant place.If you're hipsterish (I assume so because of Uarts), you will find many people to fit in with.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:07:43 No.7524549
    I guess you could say I'm hipsterish, yeah.
    Thanks fellow robot!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:21:35 No.7524712
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    Tulsa, OK

    Low cost of living, quiet, clean. only thing to watch out for is the bible thumpers.

    Little to do after 9pm unless you like country bars.
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)21:22:46 No.7524732
    my best friend goes to Uarts, i visit all the time. plenty of hipster parties all over.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:23:10 No.7524740
         File1266286990.jpg-(136 KB, 1020x766, Bogota4.jpg)
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    Bogota Colombia

    great food
    nice smart people
    hot as fuck hipster chicks
    cheap by global standards
    good nightlife

    expensive food
    pretentious people
    pretentious hipster chicks
    very expensive by Colombian standards
    clubs filled with greater than thou attitude rich kids
    >> copper !!DlZf7p8uDAw 02/15/10(Mon)21:30:48 No.7524860
    stepbrother goes there.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:32:33 No.7524881
    Hey, my mom is from Barranquilla, but I grew up in the US and have only ever visited family on the coast. Is there any place in particular in Bogota I should visit?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)21:56:12 No.7525143

    well Im pretty much a Colombian basement dweller but I can still give you some suggestions:

    if you're into getting high with hypocrite hippies and rich hipsters who think they got life figured out, like listening to shitty classic rock, getting robbed, colonial architecture, annoying german backpackers and stupid street art La Candelaria is the place for you

    if you like rolling E with annoying rich hipsters and preppy fags who think they got life figured out, getting robbed, buying a pair of levis for us$300, snorting cocaine etc then La Zona Rosa is the place for you.

    if you'd like a nice view of the city while getting robbed/raped/killed and enjoy colonial churches, sky-lifts and funiculars then Monserrate is the place for you.

    if you like prostitutes, getting killed, street vendors, garbage, dirty skyscrapers, good food and smog then downtown is the place for you.

    if you like gay sex, indie music, skinny jeans, ad everything gay and hipster then Chapinero is the place for you

    if you like poverty, girls that put out easily and cheap food then The South is the place for you.

    if you like extreme poverty and getting kidnapped then the outskirts is the place for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)22:00:05 No.7525182
    >if you like gay sex, indie music, skinny jeans, ad everything gay and hipster then Chapinero is the place for you

    FUCK YEAR, gracias buddy.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)22:02:04 No.7525209

    de nada amigo, you can always drop by my home and listen to some shitty indie and smoke some hooka
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:36:45 No.7526434
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:45:27 No.7526551
    Not posting the name of my city, but it's a small town of 8,000 people nestled in the mountains and forests of North-Eastern USA. Everyone here has a hick accent. 85% of residents are unemployed and most of those receiving government aid. Almost everyone smokes pot. There is never any violent crime, because everyone is too stoned to get violent. The only common 'hard drug" is acid, if you can even consider that a hard drug. Everyone is incredibly friendly and knows one-another and helps each-other out. When I moved in,three of the neighbors help me carry furniture. An unknown person shovels my side-walk and brushes the snow off of my car every morning before I wake up. I'm gay, and no one seems to have a problem with it.

    I'd give it an 8/10. The only reason it loses points is because there's no gay population, so I'm single. Also the women mature very slowly here. They act like they're high-schoolers until they hit their 40's.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:46:58 No.7526569
    I see University of Chicago people in the thread. Are you guys still around? I don't attend U of C, but I live less than a mile away.

    In response to OP's question, I love everything about Chicago except for the laws, specifically our lack of a proper castle doctrine/stand your ground law, and our lower-than-shit tier gun laws. If you just changed our laws for those two things to Indiana's laws, I'd live here for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:49:50 No.7526611
    Dude, if I lived in Philly, I'd be going to Pat's King of Steaks every goddamned day. I'd probably die of a heart attack in a decade or so, but fuck, it would be so worth it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:52:19 No.7526641
    I live in Seattle and I fucking hate it so bad. I can't wait to get out.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:52:34 No.7526647

    This is, without a hint of hesitation or doubt on my part, the worst fucking place I have ever lived in my entire life.

    I've lived in several states, in very different regions. My god, Baltimore is a miserable peice of shit city.

    It's probably one step above fucking Detroit.

    Fuck this city. Fuck it with a giant spike encrusted nazi dildo.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)23:59:55 No.7526729
    What's makes you hate it so much?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:01:47 No.7526748
    As a fellow Baltimoron and not the poster you're responding to, it's pretty much indescribable, you just have to live here or stay for a while and soak it up in all its shit-encrusted glory.
    >> Peter Gabriel !neKNoT.lxg 02/16/10(Tue)00:02:15 No.7526753
         File1266296535.jpg-(343 KB, 2184x1456, St_Louis_night.jpg)
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    St louis here

    the arch is a work of unparalleled architectural genius, but that's pretty much all we have... other than gentrification and rotting infrastructure
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:03:11 No.7526759

    It's dirty. The people are the most self-centered and appealingly rude I've seen in my entire life, even for the East Coast. Poverty is EVERYWHERE, even in the downtown area's. It has some of the worst traffic in the country, which is just as much because the drivers are so asinine as it is because of the shitty freeway system. The laws suck, the taxes are ridiculous, the cops don't do much of anything.

    I can only see some asshole on the free way match speed with the guy trying to merge on the freeway to the point that he's forced into the grass so many times...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:03:59 No.7526767

    >appealingly rude

    Appallingly, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:05:30 No.7526787
    Haha fuck it man, I love the city, it's dirty, it's rude, it's unapologetic, but fuck it man it's fuckin Charm City and it's my home. Also holy shit Charm City, could any city in the world have the most mismatched nickname?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:06:26 No.7526800

    I wasn't raised here. I guess I have an excuse for wanting it to slide into the bay.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:08:22 No.7526821
    Yea true, if you weren't raised here I'm sure it's like living in hell itself.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:11:52 No.7526861

    No, it doesn't snow in hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:14:15 No.7526887
    It's the fuckin Snowmageddon, the Snowpocalypse niggaaaaa, dere's so much snow down'air in Bawlmer hon.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:19:23 No.7526953
    Dat fuckin accent, god it's like cheesegraters on your eardrums.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:21:46 No.7526983
    Might aswell post as another PIttsburgher. Everything has basically been said, but to all pittsburghers you should go to Vincent's Pizza. They have a few locations on the east side. Don't get extra cheese, dear god don't get extra cheese.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:27:03 No.7527041

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:28:26 No.7527059
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    Bakersfield California
    Its way the fuck too hot, its too polluted, and its boring as hell unless you are into Nu Metal or Country music.
    No Fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:30:40 No.7527074
    Dont you guys have, like, a big ass thermometer or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:31:57 No.7527080
    University of Chicago reporting for duty, 1101 E56th, I live in Bigbird. Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:32:39 No.7527085
         File1266298359.jpg-(546 KB, 1280x960, P1000663.jpg)
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    rincon , puerto rico

    down there by the beach are some cow pastures with good shrooms
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:33:35 No.7527094
    That would be Baker, bro.
    Bakersfield is not so interesting as to have a giant thermometer.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:34:25 No.7527099
         File1266298465.jpg-(47 KB, 800x342, 800px-Lincoln_ne_skyline.jpg)
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    Oh Hai! I'm from Lincoln
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:34:53 No.7527102

    BJfag reporting in. Hum is a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:35:43 No.7527111
    I want to stick my penis in that wave it looks so smooth and delicious.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:35:50 No.7527112
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    Don't live in Harrisburg, but most people don't recognize anywhere in PA except for Philly, Pitt, or Hershey.

    Currently down the river in Middletown, which is more boring and average than the name implies

    The fairs on the river are fun though.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:36:14 No.7527115
    Kansas City here. Moved here from Omaha for college.

    Jesus I had no idea just how bad niggers/nigger areas are. I thought we had ghetto in Omaha. That was pussy shit compared to the third world country that surrounds my school. Hearing gunshots a block away at least once a month has definitely jaded me a bit towards the world.

    That said, it is nice finally living in a place with a genuine downtown and nightlife.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:37:35 No.7527128
    Yeah I'm a Villanova fag. I know exactly what you mean
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:38:00 No.7527133
    I just applied to your school. gpa's around 3.8 unweighted, 2180 on SATs, two varsity sports, 6 total AP classes by the time of graduation, play in a bunch of bands (school and otherwise), and wrote what I thought were some decent essays. think I'll get in?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:38:02 No.7527134
    Riverside here, wanna hook up?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:39:04 No.7527146
    I live 10 minutes outside of a country town called Woombye in Australia. It's a quaint little place about an hour from our state's capital city, Brisbane. We have a supermarket, bakery, post office, real estate agency, newsagent, two hairdressers, a tennis club (my uncle owns this), a lawn bowls club, a pub and a train station. It hasn't got everything I need, but I still like it here nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:39:17 No.7527148

    Other U of C guy here, acceptance rates have dropped. So, it's not a guarantee, but you have a good chance. Were your essays "creative"? (As the admissions people seem to like.)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:40:26 No.7527158
    I applied there, didn't get in. Hence, I'm at Villanova
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:40:53 No.7527163
    my common app essay was definitely about a creative topic, and though some of my supplement essays were about more mundane subjects, I think I managed to be creative about those mundane subjects, if that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:41:31 No.7527171
    Oh gawd. Same. Paper due in 18 minutes. El disastre.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:41:56 No.7527173

    cool story bro

    But seriously, good luck with that. If you do get in, and as long as you don't get sucked into the whole "where fun comes to die hurrhurr lol" mindset you'll turn out okay.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:42:26 No.7527179
    Dunno man. I got in with worse stats, but then, the applicant rate doubled this year, so who knows.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:44:54 No.7527202

    Are you the Max P guy? Which house are you in?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:45:23 No.7527207
         File1266299123.jpg-(186 KB, 948x450, oklahoma_university_of.jpg)
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    Norman Oklahoma. I don't really like it due to the weather. The summers are hot, last summer it got to 105 for a while and the winters are pitiful. We get snow a few days during the winter but it usually melts the next day. Other than the weather it's pretty nice though.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:46:19 No.7527212
    Yea, Central. I'm in Graham. You know anyone here? You know a guy named Jared in BJ?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:47:30 No.7527222

    Don't know a Jared. My RA was in Graham last year.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:48:19 No.7527227
    yeah, I'm definitely not interested in spending the next 4 years of my life in a state of fun death.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:50:18 No.7527244
    It's really not. It kinda slows down with winter quarter, but I rarely find myself bored/not happy. Lots of parties, some chill people, all I need.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:50:28 No.7527245

    You sure as hell don't have to kill yourself over academics. I party pretty much every weekend and don't study excessively and get pretty good grades. There's a good amount of work but it tends to be clustered together, i.e. you'll be really busy for a few days and then a long time of not doing much. At least in my experience.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:51:40 No.7527257
    perth west australia

    people callits dullsville but its alright, you have too know where the funshit happens, cos itdont smak you in the face like it does in sydney or melbuorne
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:51:46 No.7527259
    Ah, cool beans. What year are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:52:34 No.7527265

    First year, things have been pretty cool so far. Mostly trying to figure out my life goals and how to get there. How about you?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:53:32 No.7527272
    well it sounds awesome. now I just have to get in, I guess...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:53:39 No.7527275
    Same. First year. Which hume are you in?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:54:52 No.7527287

    Greek Thought and Lit. Professor last quarter was fucking airhead BITCH but I like my prof this quarter a lot more. Paper due next week and I'm already stressing about it.

    I'm in Coulter BTW.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)00:59:57 No.7527334
         File1266299997.jpg-(435 KB, 738x594, edmonton.jpg)
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    edmonton, alberta here.

    It's mostly okay, crime's not bad.
    Only issue I really have is the fucking natives.
    There are so many of those goddamn drunks in Edmonton's slums. Not a problem though, I'm in a nicer area.

    Calgary is a bigger hellhole than Edmonton.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:01:50 No.7527355
    Ah. I'm in Language and Human. Not bad, professor is chill as hell. I wrote my last paper about lolcats. Fun stuff.

    What other classes are you in? I'm in Latin and a Biotopic.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:06:48 No.7527410

    I'm in Calc 152 (fuck that shit, won't have to take it next quarter) and Music Criticism and Analysis (it's pretty cool).
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:10:42 No.7527438
    Hahaha >>7518222 here. Don't be such a pussy. Have you ever even seen the east side?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:11:49 No.7527452
    >I wrote my last paper about lolcats. Fun stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:12:14 No.7527456
    I don't even know what a Riverside is, but sure.

    Yeah it's boring but at least it's a pleasant place to live.

    Lol, Lincoln's a shithole. I saw nothing but decay and white trash every time I was there. The downtown's alright but everywhere else sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)01:35:20 No.7527683
    What the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK.

    Another Tulsan, in this thread.

    Also, go to the Sound Pony or the Crystal Pistol, on main right next to Cain's.

    They are usually full of hipsters or yuppies depending on the night, but they always have good music.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:03:04 No.7527976
    >>7526569 here.
    I live in one of the two really large buildings that split 55th street down the middle.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:04:11 No.7527990

    Oh god, those? I hate them because they split the fucking street down the middle and fuck up the traffic and pedestrian crossing and shit. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:06:10 No.7528022
    Yeah, that bothers most people, but they do actually serve well to slow down traffic. My mom lived in Hyde Park back before the buildings were built, and apparently drivers would treat 55th street like a mini highway, making it a deathtrap to cross.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:08:07 No.7528049

    Makes sense. I walk up to 53rd quite often (Kimbark and Hyde Park Records, wooo) so I usually go up University and take the 171 back to my dorm.

    I also hate those talking pedestrian signs at 55th & Lake Park. WALK SIGN, LAKE PARK. WALK SIGN, LAKE PARK. FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:12:57 No.7528105
    You think you hate them? I can hear them from my fucking window at 2 AM when I'm trying to sleep. They are the scourge of the Earth.

    Also, have you been to Dr. Wax Records? It's in the remnants of Harper Court, near the Starbucks on 53rd.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:14:31 No.7528121

    Yeah, it's pretty good. They're closing soon, I read it in an article...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:16:55 No.7528148
    Dallas, Texas
    I swear to god, half the labels are in fucking Spanish. I've been in three hit and run accidents with fucking illegal beaners. This is on top of the fair share of niggers.
    >> Aardvark 02/16/10(Tue)02:47:16 No.7528435
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    HA , I used to live in hesperia, and actually did mlitary time around Baker and BArstow. Talk about shit holes.
    Anyways, El PAso here.
    I'm new, so can't really comment on good or bad except for the obvious.
    The bad is that the pregnancy rate is INSANE!
    The drivers are fuckin INSANE!
    The people seem nice enough. It';s 80 percent latino population but that doesn't really mean anything since they mostly act/look white anyways.
    I wish i was getting out more though. I'm slowly making friends, but it's a challenge starting over.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)02:53:20 No.7528488
    vancouver, bc, canada

    i love this city. rain and coulds are my thing. wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)03:01:29 No.7528563
    Chattanooga, Tennessee.

    I love it here. I've been all over the world but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Not too big but not small enough that there isn't anything to do.

    See Rock City!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)04:26:32 No.7529132
         File1266312392.jpg-(51 KB, 600x429, smithers.jpg)
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    Smithers BC fag here. Used to live in Van, now maybe gonna go to Camosun.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)05:22:17 No.7529488
         File1266315737.jpg-(138 KB, 500x337, bognor_regis_002_base.jpg)
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    Bognor Regis.

    He's got the right idea.
    >> GirlFag !aLGOWzl6.k 02/16/10(Tue)05:24:25 No.7529500
    Wollongong, Australia
    A beautiful little coastal town with enough urban sprawl and cultural cringe to not be just metropolis or Anytown, Australia.
    There's everything I could possibly want here, but it's a bit better than Sydney because I can actually drive here. Plus less crime and our women do for some reason look our city at sunset is beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)05:26:10 No.7529513

    It's actually a pretty hip place to live, isn't it? I came for college, but am gonna stay even after I graduate!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)05:27:44 No.7529520
    Saint Louis here. It's a dead city, overrun by niggers and rednecks. The suburbs are nice, but try too hard to be a "real" city. There's absofuckinglutely nothing to do around here, unless you like getting mugged.

    I want out.

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