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  • File : 1265778322.jpg-(22 KB, 350x350, 1228971230803.jpg)
    22 KB ITT Public Transport Adventures Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:05:22 No.7444549  
    >get on the bus listening to music
    >tag on
    >the light was orange which either means I fail to tag on or my account was low
    >only see it out of the corner of my eye
    >sit down fretting if I got it right
    >make eye contact with the woman to the left, she looks disapproving oh god did I screw it up
    >sitting directly behind the bus driver, he turns around and starts fiddling with something
    >is he trying to tell me I fucked up?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:07:05 No.7444567
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:08:02 No.7444576
    "You fight like my sister."
    "I FOUGHT your sister; that's a compliment."
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:08:42 No.7444580
    guys what movie is this
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:10:28 No.7444602
    El Dorado fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:12:41 No.7444629
    >get on bus
    >sit quietly away from others with ipod
    >arrive at bus stop
    >say thanks
    >driver doesn't hear.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:13:29 No.7444635
    There is nothing wrong about that movie. Picture Perfect.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:16:21 No.7444669

    That's like thanking someone at a toll booth. They're not there out of some altruistic quest to aid mankind. They're in it for the money. Your thanks means squat. You want to effect someone say good morning, ask them how they're doing today. That always cheers me up.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:16:26 No.7444671
         File1265778986.jpg-(96 KB, 1024x768, el dorado.jpg)
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    This thread is now about The Road to El Dorado!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:17:54 No.7444681
    I'm the OP and I love it
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:18:42 No.7444689
    >get on train
    >stand next to older African American gentleman
    >notice he is eating Haribo gummi bears
    >watch him down two whole bags before he gets off five stops later
    >> Rance 02/10/10(Wed)00:18:42 No.7444690
    >Get on train at 7am
    >Snowstorm knocks down tree and blocks track
    >Get stuck on train for 2 hours
    >Have to take a shit
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:19:38 No.7444699
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:19:45 No.7444702

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:20:47 No.7444715
         File1265779247.jpg-(58 KB, 550x676, 1261890486858.jpg)
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    This happened to me today

    >get on bus with big-ass headphones on
    >big burly black guy taps me on shoulder
    >"Yo, where'd you get those headphones?"
    >have 20 minute conversation about headphones and funk music
    >Best time on bus ever
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21:52 No.7444722
    >get on trolley
    >people look at you in a disproving way
    >get off and fart some moar
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:25:02 No.7444757
    What headphones?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:25:27 No.7444763
    >Get on bus
    >Gets crammed full
    >Stuck near a corner with my flank pressed against a hot girl's ass
    >Lightly fondle and smack that ass under the guise of the shaky ride
    >Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26:26 No.7444773

    Just shitty 40 dollar Radio Shack phones that look kinda badass due to all the fucking duct tape I've had to put on them to keep them together.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26:49 No.7444778
    He was talking about his Skullcandy lolol
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:27:22 No.7444784

    you were almost robbed!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:28:33 No.7444796
    This happened to me once, OP. The bus driver really did disapprove.

    Another similar bad bus memory was back in high school, we had Student Metrocards. One morning I get on the bus, swipe my card, and the driver stops me. He says, "You can't use that pass, there's no school today." I froze for a second, scared, thinking if it's a holiday I forgot about, then say, "'s Tuesday."

    This logic did not follow with the driver however and he insisted there was no class so I can't use my card which was all I had. I then realized this was because my school had uniforms, but this was a dress-down day. I tried to explain this to him and how I have to get to class, but he refused to get to start the bus. Amidst a bus full of people wanting to get on there way, I awkwardly stepped off, waited for the next bus, and had to explain to the driver why my card read Just Used.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:29:31 No.7444806
    Did they ever have buttsecks in that movie?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:30:28 No.7444822
    Should have said "fuck it" and taken the day off.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:31:02 No.7444830
         File1265779862.jpg-(142 KB, 800x700, 387075 - Miguel The_Road_to_El(...).jpg)
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    No, but there is some rule 34 out there.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:31:39 No.7444841

    I am a diligent student! I also think I might have had an exam first period, but I don't remember.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:32:24 No.7444848

    How about some rule 34 on this chick?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:32:42 No.7444851
    >>wait for bus for around 15 minutes
    >>it doesn't show up
    >>wait longer
    >>it finally appears but just passes by because there was another bus already at the stop
    >>curse and get a cab
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:34:59 No.7444879
    >get on transit to go to the mall
    >weirdass gets on two stops later
    >proceeds to talk nonstop about how he can't eat sugar because it makes him "high" and gives him the shits
    >text my friend who's sitting next to me for the next 45 minutes
    >guy thinks i'm busy
    >feels creepy man
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:35:26 No.7444887
    I was in the city picking up some shrooms, acid, and meth. Only the acid was for me. My friend and I decide that trying some of the shrooms out would be a good plan. We take the shrooms and smoke a joint but realize our train is leaving in about five minutes. We run back to the train station to find out that the Marilyn Manson concert and Improving Your Life seminar has just let out so we are surrounded by nervous and goth folks. All the seats are taken so we sit on the floor.

    About fifteen minutes into our ride the shrooms kick in and everything is in vivid colour. I'm moving my arms like they're going with a wave and my friend is laughing hysterically. Seats open up and we run to sit down in them. Two middle aged women say 'SOME people just don't respect their elders' and my friend starts singing Angry Youth by Kottonmouth Kings. We draw comics to try and be more quiet but continue laughing. Once we arrive back in our city we board the bus and the inside is blue with tinted windows that make outside look like it's in sepia. We find an orange sticker on the ground and are pretty impress. I trip over a thirteen year old thug on the way out who gives me the finger and scares me half to death. I dance outside his window as the bus is leaving.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:35:31 No.7444888
    saying GOOD MORNING to complete stranger is ok,
    but thanking someone for doing their job is UNACCEPTABLE?
    that's complete bullshit dude
    bus drivers have a tough job, especially where I live (NYC) and maybe they're all jaded and don't give a fuck but I still feel better expressing my gratitude when they get me where I'm going safely and quickly
    I also thank the dudes in the toll booth
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:35:56 No.7444892
         File1265780156.jpg-(114 KB, 696x618, 1253517475862.jpg)
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    No one has done this yet?

    Oh right. Robot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:36:26 No.7444894
    >get on bus where there are always two chairs next to each other and an aisle in the middle
    >the seat next to the window on my side has a small pool of water on it (it was raining), so I don't want to move in
    >eventually, the only seats available are the one next to me and one next to a crazy hobo-looking guy
    >hot asian girl gets on the bus
    >I'm not gonna fucking sit in that water
    >we make eye contact
    >I'm not gonna fucking sit in that water
    >she sits next to the crazy hobo guy
    >> Cäboose !!WY5RQ0tj5Lw 02/10/10(Wed)00:36:48 No.7444899
    OP, brisfag? :D

    I love my GoCard
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:37:32 No.7444906
    >get on train
    >spy abandoned shopping bag on seat in empty carriage
    >examine contents: 1 cadbury dairy milk milk chocolate bar, and 2 rolls of paper towel
    > wait for owner of bag to return. they do not.
    > go on my merry way with the bag.
    > eat the chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:38:41 No.7444926
    >>wait for bus with +10 other people
    >>buss arrives, packed with people
    >>everyone gets on no room left
    >>awkwardly walk away
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:40:34 No.7444945
    >get on train
    >sit next to window
    >man gets on, sits next to me
    >man unfolds his massive newspaper and hangs it over me
    >am trapped, halp
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:41:25 No.7444953
    >Sitting on bus.
    >Next stop the most perfect looking girl walks on.
    >No other seats, she's standing.
    >Get up.
    >"Miss, would you like to take a seat? I couldn't have you stand, and feel right about it."
    >The old lady I was talking to smiles and takes the seat.
    >Have :3 face on because I did something good and chivalrous.
    >This wasn't a story about talking to girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:41:26 No.7444954

    That chocolate contained a tracking device. Enjoy being part of a government experiment.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:42:21 No.7444966
    That sucks, man. You should have just crammed yourself in.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:44:12 No.7444985
    >get on bus with friend
    >just enough money
    >friend forgot 25 cents
    >no change left
    >have to pay with a $10
    >bus driver can't give back change
    >get a $8 bus pass as compensation
    >was on a one-day trip in a different state
    >no money for lunch

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:44:29 No.7444990

    >bus 'fills up' one time
    >back is totally clear
    >go through back door with a few other people waiting at the stop
    >black girl yells "AW SHIT NIGGAS IS HOPPIN"
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:44:52 No.7444995
    shoulda crowd surfed
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:45:47 No.7445004

    shoulda asked passengers for change
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:45:49 No.7445005
    >Sitting quietly on the train, alone.
    >A man walks past, and complements my Transformers t-shirt before exiting the train.
    >Am not used to strangers saying nice things to me, am left with awkward blushy face for the remainer of my trip.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:46:37 No.7445014

    we "shoulda" together....

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:46:57 No.7445017

    what is this tagging ?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:48:12 No.7445032
    I thank people for doing their job. I know a lot of people don't like their jobs, I do appreciate it that people are willing to put up with my occasional bullshit in stores or that bus drivers are willing to answer questions I have.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:48:15 No.7445033
    >>sitting on the train
    >>train gets delayed by fifteen - twenty minutes due to vandals
    >>am nearly late for class because of this
    >>fucking teenagers
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:48:36 No.7445038
         File1265780916.jpg-(235 KB, 645x900, 21165 - DTMS The_Road_to_El_Do(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:49:50 No.7445047
    in britain, everyone who wants to use public transport has to get a plastic rfid tag attached to their ear lobe. when you get on a bus or train, there's a rfid scanner that scans the tag for your serial number. that way they know how much money to deduct from your account at the end of each month
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:50:09 No.7445053
    >get on bus in december
    >wearing huge coat, carrying huge bag, floor is wet from melted snow
    >bus starts with a jolt
    >begin to fall
    >fall halfway onto girl's lap
    >catch self on bar, begin to recover
    >slip on floor and fall completely into girl's lap
    >no other seats except seat beside girl
    >no space to stand because bus has stopped again and ten thousand people have piled on
    >have to sit awkwardly next to girl for duration of ride
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:50:54 No.7445060
    Should have been like, "Hey baby. Why don't you sit in MY lap now?"
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:50:57 No.7445061
    >get on S-Bahn
    >they almost never check for tickets
    >today is the day they do
    >see Turks get busted for schwarzfahren (riding without a ticket)
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:51:45 No.7445074
    >sit down on a bus
    >cute girl ends up standing near me
    >her thighs brush up my knee
    >intentionally brush my knee against her repeatedly
    >she doesn't seem to mind
    >get home
    >fap like crazy
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:52:26 No.7445085
    >Bus driver drives past someone running to the stop
    >Guy near the front asks why she didnt wait
    >Driver responds "the last person I waited for didnt say thank you so im not waiting again"

    Ive never wanted to break someones fingers so badly before in my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:53:01 No.7445094
    I befriended a bus driver on the line I took to work everyday a few years ago. He was this middle aged black dude who was really nice to the regulars from my neighborhood which is the start of the line. We all shoot the dude's hand, chit chatted and stuff, and he let up eat and drink on the bus which he forbid everyone else.

    Anyways the reason this dude was so chill was because we went to downtown, a 45 minute trip, in 20 minutes flat. It there were a lot of people, kids, or handicap people at the bus stop he would drive right past, smiling.

    Godspeed chill black guy, may you never lose your job.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:54:36 No.7445111
    >On bus back to campus after buying some speakers
    >I went shopping with a girl [friend, we've both friendzoned each other]
    >Someone from school gets on the bus [I go to a small university, pretty much everyone knows everyone else]
    >"Hey Anon, hey girl I don't know."
    >I make fun of her for never leaving her room

    My favourite bus stories tend to involve me mocking other people on the bus.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:55:07 No.7445114
    >Late for work
    >Get on bus
    >Realize it's the wrong bus
    >It's taking me further and further away from work
    >I pull the cord and it stops 4 blocks later

    Fuck my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:01:22 No.7445166
    You're a dick.
    But please, tell me more, as I am one too.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:06:33 No.7445209
    >On the train minding my own business.
    >Two guys off their nuts stumble into my carriage.
    >Talking loudly about the size of their penises.
    >Casually show each other their penises.
    >I laugh heartily.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:11:38 No.7445266
    >Sit in middle of bus, listening to ipod
    >See hammered guy on right side talking to some guy, could be interesting so turn off music to listen
    >Turns out smashed guy doesn't know guy and is trying to sell other guy some pot, almost yelling it.
    >Guy turns down offer and drunk guy tells other guy to fuck off and he sits down on the steps, calling some guy to sell pot to.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:14:43 No.7445294
    My classes for Tuesday and Thursdays get out just before high school gets out, so I usually just mock high school girls with my valley girl impression. Their conversations are usually pretty humourous if you just add a bit of realism to their hyperbole.
    For the most part I'm not that much of a jerk on the bus, the girl I was mocking for not leaving her room was a major hermit last year and it took her a while to start leaving her room this year.
    Another time, though, one of my cousin's and I were busing back from a bar. To pass the time, we're discussing Mormonism and Scientology and which is the better practical joke on the world. Pretty soon into this conversation, some 18-23 year old emo-looking dude turns around and asks us to be quiet as he's on the phone and it's a business call. We comply, and a minute or two later gets up and walks to the middle of the bus. We then start trying to figure out, rather loudly, who the hell would be having a business call at 1:30AM on a Saturday, on a bus. We figure the most likely explanation is drug deal, but that no one would buy drugs from a wimpy emo-looking guy. He ignored us, but he probably heard us.
    By the way, the biggest joke is Mormonism since Scientology also has the mandatory fees backing it up. Mormonism has the polygamy going for it, but mainstream Mormonism frowns upon that and the offering is voluntarily, so I feel it's a lot less malicious.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:15:19 No.7445299
         File1265782519.jpg-(52 KB, 604x452, 18062_693794838629_120805131_4(...).jpg)
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    This is now a napping thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:23:04 No.7445386
    >On bus
    >Cute chick who is talking to a friend looks at me occasionally (quick glances)
    >I do something similar, watching from the corner of my eye
    >Chick's friend doesn't have a seat but I do
    >Want to ask chick's friend if she wants to sit, but can't bring myself to do it. What if she says no...?
    >Out of the blue chick says Hi to me.
    >I find it kinda funny and just say Hi back.
    >Chick and her friend talk
    >Suddenly I feel comfortable enough to ask the friend if she wants to sit
    >Friend says no

    >chick talks about another chick and how she wants to touch her
    >Turns out chick is a lesbian
    >She dresses like a guy, baggy jeans and shit
    >Guess it's obvious

    >Find self attracted to females who dress like men

    >Think all females should dress like men
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:24:48 No.7445404
    Where I come from..there is no public transportation. I wish I was kidding.

    Your stories fascinate and frighten me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:26:48 No.7445427
         File1265783208.jpg-(258 KB, 900x615, Chel_is_asking_you_a_Question_(...).jpg)
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    here's some of the good 34. well, it's not really true 34, but it's still sexy. it's all very hard to come by
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:27:27 No.7445437
         File1265783247.jpg-(138 KB, 600x944, Chel__s_Tropical_Competition_b(...).jpg)
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    her name is chel by the way, although i'm sure fans of the movie knew that
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:27:31 No.7445438

    Are those here breasts? What is going on?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:29:59 No.7445461

    Thigh, lrn2foreshortening
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:30:51 No.7445475
         File1265783451.jpg-(268 KB, 700x718, El_Dorado__s_Chel_by_ShoNuff44.jpg)
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    those are her knees!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:34:00 No.7445505
         File1265783640.jpg-(254 KB, 700x968, 1260648806243.jpg)
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    This was probably the first movie I saw that had sex in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:36:45 No.7445543
    >get on bus
    >sit at the very back
    >nobody speaks to me
    >nobody looks at me
    >nobody sits next to me
    >get off at my stop
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:36:57 No.7445547
    >Get on bus to go eat pizza
    >Driver says it's free
    >Get to destination to find pizza place being bulldozed
    >Shocked and horrified
    >Begins to rain
    >Get on the bus back home
    >Different driver says it's not free
    >All I have is a $20 bill

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:37:22 No.7445553
    This is me. Tell me more about yourself, as far as physical features go.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:37:53 No.7445557
    >gets on bus
    >wifi 'splodes the bus
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:39:22 No.7445577
    >get in taxi in melbourne
    >driver is indian
    >says the ride is free
    >ask why
    >he doesnt want to get bashed
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:40:39 No.7445593

    >having to ride a bus to get pizza
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:41:17 No.7445598
    >Next time find the best pizza place that delivers.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:41:48 No.7445610
    It was a buffet bitches
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:43:07 No.7445625
    >I eat at Shakey's during lunch time because I am awesome.

    Okay, then I understand your woe.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:46:13 No.7445658
    Normal looking kid. 18 years old. Under 6ft (not sure). Not fat, thin if anything. Acne.

    What do you want to know?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:51:05 No.7445715
    WTF? Are you serious man? Do you look like a rough kinda bloke or what? Were you by yourself or with people?

    Why the fuck would a bloke pick you upu if he thinks you're gonna bash him?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:52:31 No.7445726
    >Sit on commuter train
    >Sit next to gang banging looking nigger.
    >His friend gets on.
    >They ask various questions to me related to leaving the coutnry
    >Tell them of a nearby port and boat shop
    >Chat for 10 minutes.
    >They slip me $500

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:56:01 No.7445751
    >get on train
    >tired as shit
    >finally find a seat and doze off to sleep
    >one of those mad ass sleeps where you are tired as fuck and nod off right away even though train is hot and uncomfortable
    >seat is uncomfortable as you are sitting betwen two cushions (one on left ass cheek and one on right ass cheek)
    >get woken up by some blue collar white cunt who tells you to move over so a hot white womenz can sit down
    >you look at the space and think "how the fuck can another person fit here"
    >woman politely declines offer from dude to sit down
    >you rage internally that he woke you up for that shit but do nothing because you are a skinny HS kid and he is some older bigger bloke physically
    >go back the fuck to sleep

    >tired as fuck on train after school
    >nap on train
    >politely woken up by strangers when your stop arrives
    >they guessed your stop as it is a main stop and most people would get off here
    >thank them and get off

    >sleep on train
    >do not get woken up by strangers at your stop
    >wake up to find you have slept past your stop
    >get off train at next major stop and catch train back to your station
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:57:32 No.7445768
         File1265785052.jpg-(37 KB, 639x478, 1263145108518.jpg)
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    >get on bus, have to stand because it is packed
    >get poked in the back by a Down syndrome guy
    >think nothing of it, he's retarded
    >Motherfucker continues to poke me sporadically for the next few minutes
    >As we get to his stop, he calls me a "fuckin mosher" and attempts to push past me (I look like a half-assed hipster at the worst)
    >I remind him that he has Down syndrome and will most likely die before he is 30
    >Entire bus looks at me in disgust apart from 2 of my friends who almost piss themselves with laughter
    >Smells like victory
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:59:10 No.7445785
    We need 7 more
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:02:32 No.7445827
    >Sit down on Metro with old buddy from HS
    >Wigger and friends tell me to get the fuck up so they and their bitches can sit down and call us bitches
    >We both pull out jackets and our firearms are visible. We just stare at them.
    >They go deer in head lights then walk away.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:03:00 No.7445836
         File1265785380.jpg-(10 KB, 409x408, blllickswooon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:05:21 No.7445871
    >Go to music festival
    >7hr train journey
    >Get wasted
    >Hit each other with fluorescent ceiling lights
    >Apologise to other commuters for being such a nuisance
    >Semi-destroy train carriage
    >Other passengers leave
    >Leave enormous shit in carriage's toilet
    >Almost get arrested upon exit
    >Give fake name & bank details to idiot policeman
    >Go to festival

    Everything went better than expected.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:06:24 No.7445881

    Are you aware you're a major douchefag?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:06:40 No.7445884
    >Get on bus
    >Mildly Handicapped guy eating a grocery bag full of peperoni and really thick purple licorice sit across Isle
    >Offers me some
    >I decline
    > Fat guy sits next to me
    >Reads Garfield comics for 20 minutes
    >get off of bus
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:07:20 No.7445894

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:08:39 No.7445902

    Wow, does /r9k/ have its own bus line?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:08:48 No.7445905
    >get drunk as fuck
    >get on bus, fumble for 3 minutes trying to find money
    >stumble to back
    >girl next to me starts flirting
    >throw up on her
    >awkwardness for rest of ride
    feels bad, man
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:09:33 No.7445915
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:11:06 No.7445929
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:13:12 No.7445956
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    >sit on subway listening to music
    >old black hobo sits across and starts mumbling incoherently to me about his identification and guns and drugs
    >literally going "thrgwfvergtrhyrwfoyhokfgtonsgvagtshyjuyyhg"
    >reaches in sweatband, pulls out his ID and shows me
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:13:51 No.7445965
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:14:31 No.7445973
    >get on to the bus
    >notice their are two dogs sitting next to eachother
    >try to ignore them
    >one starts barking at me
    >fart in his face
    >lady with one eye is mad at me for being racist
    >get thrown of bus by a clown

    shit sucks bro's
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:16:51 No.7445995

    Fuckin' Brooklyn, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:17:35 No.7446004
    >Friend gets on bus with his 10 month old son
    >Bus driver won't let him board because his transfer has expired
    >Friend punches bus driver in the face. Runs off with son in arms.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:17:44 No.7446005

    yeah i know right. got more stories like this, but this was the one that was probably the weirdest.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:21:33 No.7446048
    >>wait for the bus
    >>it doesn't show
    >>live in a republican state that won't fund public transportation
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:28:47 No.7446103
    >sit on bus
    >schoolgirl gets on, bawws for TEN MINUTES about how "she has a job" and "she should get to sit down too"
    >take off earphones
    "Hey honey, sucking cocks behind the bus shelter is not a real job."
    >put earphones back on
    >watch her tear up
    >complete silence for rest of ride

    oh god it felt so good SO GOOD
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:30:30 No.7446119
    >yr 11 and 12 taking tram to school everyday
    >an hour there and an hour back
    >retard gets on halfway and screams his fucking lungs out
    >every fucking day
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:32:35 No.7446141
    a tram what

    do you like live in melbourne or something
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:41:29 No.7446233
    >On bus with friend
    >Homeless guy asks me for money
    >I Yell at him for 2 minutes straight about how I work my ass off 20 hours a week at $6 an hour and that he should get a fucking job himself.
    >(I actually play PSP pretty much all day at my full time management job and get paid $18 an hour)
    >He is noticeably intimidated
    > He leaves the bus
    >He accidentally dropped $20 on the seat
    > I took it
    >Guy behind me said "Atta boy"
    >Didn't feel bad about it.
    >> perthfag Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:42:13 No.7446241
    caught public transport for like 6 years, HS, then some TAFE feels bad man

    >everyone piles on this extra-length, slinky style bus
    >guy sits on chair, back promptly falls out(more then metre long)
    >everyone, him included pull wtf face
    >manhandles back of chair, waiting for bus to go round corner, so driver cant see him
    >throws seat back out window slightly bigger then it

    fights(one was ma brother did lol), pot smoking, dextie taking, usual HS shit
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:42:54 No.7446246

    the stories people make up ONLINE, ANONYMOUSLY...

    it's something.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)02:51:33 No.7446335
    I sure am buddy.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:01:20 No.7446448
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    3rd perthfag here
    is that zac_brown
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:13:12 No.7446581
    Hell yes, just because the plastic they make these headphones with is utter shit, doesn't mean I'm going to buy a new fucking pair.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:17:57 No.7446632
    >wait for bus
    >wait some more
    >it's fucking late like usual
    >get on bus
    >crackheads i was trying to avoid at bus stop get on as well
    >bus smells like utter shit
    >wheelchair lady gets on
    >30 minutes later bus drives 2 blocks
    >wheelchair lady gets off, takes another hour
    >kill myself

    gotta love seattle metro and the ride free area.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:19:40 No.7446648
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    >waiting for the bus in the cubicle due to rain
    >bus driver does not notice and drive past
    >wait for another hour or rage the fuck out?
    >call cab
    >when asked to pay for the cab respond "Its ok, just bill the bus company"
    >"oh, ok then" the cab driver responds.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:23:45 No.7446677
    >learn that pretty girl takes bus
    >scrounge up a couple quarters
    >stalker tier, yes!
    >> Shockguey !Risty9VuFI 02/10/10(Wed)03:26:56 No.7446705
    When I was a kid, I once got to the bus stop late. The guy glanced at me and just drove off and the kids laughed. Next day I was late again, he started the gas. I ran and stood in front of the bus. I just stood there and looked at him in the face, this lasted for a good 2-3 minutes. Finally he opened the door and let me in. No words, just walked to my seat. Had a normal day, instruction, recess, classwork, got picked up by my moms, played NES and went to sleep. Next day I got there on time, was a different bus driver. Same with the next day, and the next day. I moved schools that weekend.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:41:42 No.7446806
    >>standing waiting for the train
    >>scruffy-looking dude comes up to me, asks me for money to buy a ticket to go see his mom in the hospital
    >>give him money for a round-trip ticket because he asked and I'm feeling generous
    >>he buys the ticket, gets on the same car as I do when the train comes
    >>sits down with a group of similarly scruffy guys
    >>hand-slapping, grinning, talking ensues
    >>gets off three stops later, there's no hospital there that I know of
    >>that's what I get for trying to help a guy out :/
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:46:23 No.7446844
    >ride my bike down to the train station
    >get on the train with my bike
    >feel like everybody is staring at me
    >think "fuck you, I just wanna ride my bike to the used-book store downtown"
    >get off downtown
    >ride my bike to the store
    >still feel people staring, pointing and laughing at the funny white boy on the bike
    >get to the store, clerk is smirking at me
    >"fuck you I just wanna buy my vintage science fiction paperbacks"
    >bike back to the station, take the train home in a haze of suspicion and anger
    >get home, hang up my jacket and hat
    >"Jesus, I'm losing my goddamn mind."
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 02/10/10(Wed)03:49:09 No.7446863
    I think you want /fa/. Be sure to swing by /mu/ on the way!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:50:48 No.7446876
    What sort of bike is it
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:53:57 No.7446895
    melb, yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:55:59 No.7446910
    >Have a night class
    >Prof says "just because it's 9:25 doesn't mean you can pack up and leave"
    >Ends up lecturing until 9:35
    >Building is 10 minutes away from the bus stop by foot
    >Last bus stops at campus at 9:30
    >Spend 2 hours walking home
    >Withdraw from class
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:00:43 No.7446939
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    Location: Brisbane, Ausfailia

    >get on bus
    >touch on
    >have ride
    >touch off
    >exclaim "about 5 bucks to the city on the go-card? this shit's a ripoff"
    >everybody starts laughing and one guy says "it sure is"
    >get off
    >smile that i caused a common laughter among strangers

    feels ok, man
    >> Hipster 02/10/10(Wed)04:02:03 No.7446949

    Yeah this is pretty much me too sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:02:58 No.7446959
    1980s vintage Kuwahara 10-speed (well, mostly; the previous owner replaced the wheels, bars, and pedals). Got it for $150. I guess that was why it really freaked me out; I was afraid I looked like Williamsburg :/ I swear to god, I just wanted to get some exercise and buy some delicious paperback first editions!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:02:59 No.7446960
    >Sitting at bustop with a friend
    >Wearing my Smashing Pumpkins 'Zero' shirt
    >Guy walks past and says "Pumpkins"! And gives me the thumbs up
    >Look awkward and confused for a minute
    >Remember what shirt i'm wearing
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:03:44 No.7446965
    >in my country i smoke in buss
    >never pay ticket
    >people look at me weird
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:06:21 No.7446991
    I enjoy watching the entire bench clear when I sit down on the train. Other people are insulted when their gaijin perimeter works that well, but I just ride in peace.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:06:27 No.7446992
    >Drive car
    >Listen to music
    >Smoke cigarettes
    >Feels good man
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:06:50 No.7446993

    I smelt you the second you said "yellow light"

    That shit ALWAYS gets me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:10:21 No.7447023
    My friend uses buses a lot since she lives downtown. Some big fat homeless black man brought a dufflebag onto the bus. Shortly before his stop it fell over and condoms spilled out everywhere. Sorry this is not greentext.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:13:32 No.7447043
    >have my own car
    >not living in urban toxic wasteland
    >travel a short distance to my job which pays good money, have few expenses at home
    >win a Wii at work and buy a 360 and PS3

    Boy it sure is nice to not have to scrape for bus change
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:13:46 No.7447045
    >buy car
    >Do not have to take bus
    >feels good
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)04:16:52 No.7447064
    >take bus
    >never worry about getting a parking spot
    >feels good

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