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    28 KB Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:37:43 No.7421908  
    ITT: traumatizing childhood memories.

    All of mine seem to circle around my dad.

    When i was about 9 or 10 i got the first two Star Trek movies from the library. Don't know what I was so busy doing, but i never got around to watching them.
    Three weeks later they go back to the library, and with a dollar a day overdue fine it rang up 14 bucks for both of those fucking VHS tapes.
    My parents, mostly my dad, blew a fucking gasket, confiscating every penny i came across for the rest of that summer.
    What about you, robots?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:41:48 No.7421928
    my dad and uncle were drunk and took me down to the pool and threw me in, I had to have been 4 years old or younger, and i had been in swimming lessons, so I could barely keep my head above water but they kept tossing me in the deep end, I remember seeing them laughing every time i came up for air, I thought they were going to let me die.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:43:05 No.7421935
    Star Trek: First Contact.

    The movie horrified me as a child. I was scarred for years.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:45:50 No.7421958
    8 or 9 years old. My dad asked me to "help" him paint the living room. My dad's idea of helping him with housework is usually this: stand behind him until he asks you to hand him something. And you're not allowed to sit down. Anyway, eventually he lets me do some actual painting, and knowing nothing about painting, I stick the brush too far into the paint. He sees this and screams, "What are you doing? You never load up a brush with that much paint!" and throws me out of the room. At least i got to sit after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:46:44 No.7421964
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    >pick up aunt's revolver thinking it's a toy
    >point at mom's face and say "freeze!" jokingly
    >notice shock fear in mom's eye's
    >realize you almost just killed your mom
    >cry for 2 hours
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:48:19 No.7421975
    that feels familiar.
    The Borg Queen disintegrating... or just the Borg in general... yikes. My movie trauma moment is a 3 way tie between Jaws (still cringe at that opening scene), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (more disintegration), and Jurassic Park (T-Rex ftl).
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:49:02 No.7421983
    when i was 13 my dad was beating my mom really badly and i got in the middle and he started to strangle me, i called the cops, they showed up and took him away. But he kept phone harassing me to get them to let him back into the house, eventually i did, and my dad kept me awake yelling at me till about 10 in the morning (fight started around 12:30ish)

    later on my dad "proudly" tells all his brothers and sisters about the incident and they each call me down and tell me to never ever call the cops on my father again, cause its not good to do that.

    and ever since then i've too scared to call the cops.
    oh well thats life i guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:49:58 No.7421990

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)02:50:05 No.7421991
    Watching JAWS at 8. Yeah babysitter, great idea, way to go for a kid with hydrophobia from nearly drowning a few years previous to that...
    >> Buttons !!UuMwORaOMJs 02/08/10(Mon)02:57:54 No.7422053
    It's not really traumatizing now, since it was so long ago, but I came close to drowning when I was maybe 5 or somewhere round abouts.

    Went swimming in one of these things, dunno what they're called, but it was this town on the edge of an ocean, like rock and cliffs ocean, and there was this hueg section of concrete walls with ocean water in it for swimming in. It was shallow-->deep, and in the deep end was a drain sort of thing in the wall under the water.
    Being a smartass kid, I thought I could swim pretty well, so I swam up the deep end and got sucked into this drain.
    Started splashing around, trying to get to the top because the edge of the stone wall ledge walkway thing was just too high, then my mum runs up and rescues me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:00:59 No.7422077
    so many near-drowning experiences here, damn.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:04:44 No.7422101
    why the fuck did your stupid aunt have her gun where you could get it!? what a dumb bitch!
    you went swimming in the runoff water, thats fucking gross gutter water man.
    >> Buttons !!UuMwORaOMJs 02/08/10(Mon)03:05:40 No.7422108
    Yeah, shit sux man.

    Oh, here's one.
    Went shopping in at Myers, like a really bigass Myers when I was younger. My mum and brother went to the bathroom and I was left with my father.
    My dad was at a counter, I was sitting on the floor next to him, looking up at the creepy asian guy who was staring at me like he was going to rape me or something when my dad leaves because the Asian dude is doing something else and not serving him.
    So I'm sitting on the floor, no idea where my dad went, I thought he was going to come back but didn't, so I started bawling and sat on a chair against a wall. A lady with a kid came up and asked me why I was crying and I said I was lost, then saw my mum hysterical running towards me.
    I almost cried thinking of it now. It's probably why I hate going to shopping malls now.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:05:52 No.7422111
    I jacked off in detention.
    Shit was GREAT
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:07:42 No.7422122
    My God, how did you ever recover?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:14:06 No.7422172
    bump for trauma
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:20:24 No.7422233
    It's several times more dangerous to send a kid to play at a friend's house who has a pool, than at a friend's house who has a gun. Statistically.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:21:47 No.7422242
    not if the kid knows how to fucking swim.
    >> 𝓢𝓜𝓔𝓖𝓜𝓐𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓒𝓔 !EH8.PTr5C2 02/08/10(Mon)03:22:38 No.7422250
    My grandmom and granddad were babysitting my sister and I once. Me, being a curious child, opened up on my grandmom who was changing clothes. My granddad saw and flipped shit, laid me down on his legs, and spanked me. That was the only time I had been beaten as a child.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:24:16 No.7422267
    do you now have a cougar/spanking fetish?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:35:52 No.7422364
    I had trouble falling asleep once during a vacation in our summer cottage. It was saturday, so mom and dad had been drinking. They didn't realize I could hear every single word they said.

    They were talking about emotional shit no one should talk about when drunk. They both said stupid shit that hurt the other one without realizing it would.

    Then dad dropped the bomb while discussing his depression: If it weren't for me and my brother existing, he would have killed himself long ago. I've had a fear of him doing it anyway in the back of my head ever since.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)03:56:24 No.7422505
    Something similar happened to me, I wanted to play with my older cousins on the deep-end of the pool, couldn't swim, still can't, tried anyway, had to grab my cousin by the waste because the other way was already too far off. Shit was intense, could've died.
    >> Buttons !!UuMwORaOMJs 02/08/10(Mon)04:05:38 No.7422572
    I'm pretty sure I was going to, because I remember choking and spluttering and inhaling water, then when my mum rescued me, I was retching up water.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:08:29 No.7422589
    you still don't know how to swim?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:11:38 No.7422605
    all of this is pretty meh, /v/ has got a childhood way more fucked up than /r9k/ it seems
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:23:21 No.7422696
    my dad and i were really close when i was little. he didn't work as much so he had more time for me. we played games a lot and he treated me like i was more intelligent that i was... read me all his comics and explained the marvel and d.c. universe to me, made me special food, all that crap.

    so the point when i was forced to realize that my dad had been beating my mother, didn't work because he was a lazy shit and made my mom do all the work, and then later still when i realized he was an alcoholic and had antisocial tendancies (i'm not sure i'm in a position to confirm this, but i suspect he's a sociopath) were pretty fucking devastating.

    my parents let me watch horror movies as a kid, and i was kinda obsessed with them. at the same time, they scared the crap out of me sometimes. i was a big peewee fan as a kid, and seeing him as a vampire in buffy, the vampire slayer scared the crap out of me. a lot of vampire movies came out when i was a kid... i was fucking terrified of them. i remember laying awake at night trying not to move and hiding under my blankets so nothing would crawl in my bedroom window.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:29:48 No.7422732

    Was it like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:39:16 No.7422786
    Well my parents died violently when I was 6 and then I ended up as a ward of the government and after staying in some kind of hospital for awhile I ended up bouncing around foster parent homes, many of which were run by immigrants who I could barely understand alot of the time, some of them beat me constantly and often did not feed me, or tried to feed me dog food. Sometimes the other children in these houses would not talk to me at all, and my "room" that they showed my caseworker was not actually mine, their relatives would sleep in them and I slept on the floor. One family literally made me stay in the crawlspace everytime I was home. In that particular house I was terrified to even be seen by an adult.
    In another home I was forced to live in the basement which they actually put dirt in to grow herbs, the entire ground was a smelly layer of soil, grime, bugs and some kind of liquid that always seemed to be extremely cold.
    At age 11 I ended up in a real home, a nice home in a nice house with a man who was very nice to me and I stayed there for almost a year. The other foster kid was 16, and one night he tried to sodomize me and almost succeeded. When I broke away from him I fell over his drumset, he kicked me a bunch of times so I punched him in the face.
    He said I attacked him and broke his drumset and also said that I had attacked him before but he had tried to be a good brother and not tell on me. I was transfered to secure treatment, which was like a prison, but with no oversight.

    Sorry to hear about your dad taking your pennies.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:40:23 No.7422794

    Cool script bro.

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:48:22 No.7422838
    y that I did it, and would yell at me to stop, even though I had no part in it. One night she lost her rag with me completely, and rubbed my face in the piss-soaked mat in front of the toilet, and left me on the floor. I went into her room to beg forgiveness, and she just gave me a horrible look,. Wenever I bring this up, she always denies it, but I remember it as clear as day. Could this be why I have no emotional attachment to people anymore robots?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:57:47 No.7422907
    I have a few but one that bothers me a lot isn't from when I was a child. Last year when I was 17 my older brother came home piss drunk, woke me up and told me "We're going to play Madden." I told him I don't want to play and that I'll play in the morning, he flipped out and started cussing me out so we got into an argument. I tried to ignore this faggot but he threw the TV remote at me; I got up to leave the room but he got into my face then elbowed me (fucking cheap shot when I wasn't looking at him), when I got my balance I looked at his face, it still creeps me out when I think about it. I wasn't even looking for a fight but when he elbowed me I snapped, I punched him in the side of the head, threw him against the corner of my room and we went at each other for a good minute before my Dad woke up and ran into my room. When my Dad separated us my brother's back was kinda turned, since he gave me a cheap shot, I thought I'd return the favor. I pushed him down and started punching the asshole in the back of the head as hard as I could until my dad separated us. My dad knew my faggot brother was drunk so he didn't get mad at me at all, while he was trying to calm down my brother, my brother was going nuts. I could hear him from the living room and I kept on telling him to come to the living room so I can lay his ass out then fuck his girlfriend (just to piss him off more lulz). I don't even know why this bothers me but every time I think of it I get a weird feeling, ever since then my brother and I are cool but it isn't the same as before.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:59:32 No.7422924
    i have a feeling most of that post you THOUGHT you typed didn't actually happen
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)04:59:59 No.7422928
    OP, you're too liberal on the use of the word 'traumatizing'
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)05:01:00 No.7422936
    Classroom neglect.
    A part of me will always be the 2nd year highschool student in the second row from the back crying into my notebook, wishing that ignorant teacher would at least hear me and turn that disgusting body around and stop those semi-pubescent shits who i thought were my friends* from drawing and tearing at my notebook durring one of those classic "Take notes i won't repeat this."

    * at least i got to see those fucks turn into doping losers.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)05:05:03 No.7422965
    Also, that santa claus face/head in the wreath in the movie Home Alone.

    Fuck that shit, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)05:13:52 No.7423023
    My dad was always a black sheep.

    I remember once when my godfather beat him out of his house with a broom, he was drunk and talking too much shit and my godfather is not a man to mess with.

    I remember once when he was in town, me, my sister and my older brother were supposed to meet him in a shopping mall. When we got there he was drunk, doing all the kind of stupid shit, my sister started crying non-stop. I wanted to punch him really hard and never look to him again, i think that's the day when he lost me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)05:34:51 No.7423163

    I don't want to compare but you're a fucking pussy if you think these events were traumatising AT ALL.

    When I was 11 I accidentally shot my grandfather with one of his rifles. It was only a small bore luckily but the slug is still in his thigh. I still have flashbacks to my grandmother rushing in and asking him what happened and he says "he fucking shot me". I jokingly shout that it wasn't loaded, then I see the blood. I nearly passed out, I wish I did because what happened next was the worst part of my childhood.

    The ambulance came and carted him off while my grandparents both made up excuses about how something like that could happen. Australian law says that a guns should be locked away and disassembled when not at a designated range or property.I knew how to open the safe and assemble it myself, what I didn't know was that a round had been left in the barrel. If the police had been involved somebody would have been charged for negligence. Meanwhile I'm physically panicking in a room alone because my grandmother didn't want anyone else in my family knowing it was me either. I'm thinking that my grandfather isn't going to walk again and/or going to be criminally charged. Not fun. It turned out ok though and neither eventuated. For many years after though it hung over me whenever he was around, I could fucking tell that he hated me for it.

    tl;dr: gun safety is fucking important!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)05:42:55 No.7423228
    My mother dragged me by the hair out of the shower after I had put shampoo in it, but before I had rinsed it out. She made my just dry my hair off and get dressed and then dropped me off at school with my hair looking greasy and disheveled. I was already relatively unknown and believe me, this did not help in any way.

    As a teenaged girl, that was fucking traumatizing as shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:08:15 No.7423443
    ITT: teen angst
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:12:43 No.7423473

    Aww, you came to school with messy hair :(
    My dad raped me for nearly the whole time I lived at home (until I turned 16), but your story almost made me cry. Sorry to hear about that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:15:05 No.7423489

    I'm sure she did that to teach you not to have long ass showers when you need to be going to school.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:21:29 No.7423528
    You probably deserved it for being a dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:26:06 No.7423547
    The fucking opening scene in Starship Troopers. Well, close to the opening. The one with the cow being torn apart by that fucker alien thing, cried so fucking hard and got the fuck out of that cinema.

    Being dragged around a pool by a half-retard kid who was twice my age, thinking he was just having some fun when I was actually screaming and trying to not drown. There were a few people around the pool (lived in a complex, community pool) but no one really tried to help. Every time I take a big sip of water it feels like I'm going to drown.

    Being bullied in pre school by 3 little god damn faggot fucks god damn so much anger.

    Used to have reoccurring nightmares, I can't even explain what'd happen in them, but it was purely terrifying and sickening. Eugh.

    I have a few more, but I can't really remember them well...I have a lot of pent up anger these days.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:27:23 No.7423553
    When I was 12 I pushed my best friend into a lake jokingly, it was a lake that everyone from our neighborhood would go to during Summer..

    I learned he couldn't swim. And I did nothing. That day was the turning point from my childhood to a miserable life as a murderer.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:31:17 No.7423573
    Long story short I found a corpse once

    And actually it might still be there...
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:44:28 No.7423631
    My mother was psychotic due to her own childhood abuse and confessed to me out of the blue that she used to hurt me and my brother when we were infants when she was depressed. She was also prone to flashbacks or panic attacks triggered by loud noises, stress or no reason I could ever figure out. She would scream hysterically in fear or anger and smash something over and over and over again for minutes at a time. Sometimes she would do that when we were alone at home when I was a kid starting off by yelling at me and working herself into this fugue state of rage and fear until she wasn't even screaming words just this inchoate hysteria that I didn't know how to deal with.

    That accounts for my high pain threshold I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:51:06 No.7423676
    A number of the inmates, as tough as they acted during the day, would often cry themself to sleep at night. There were other cries, too. Diffrent from those full with fear and lonelyness. They were low and muffled, the sounds of pain and anguish.Those cries can change the course of a life. They are cries that once heard, can never be erased from the memory. On this one night those cries belonged to my friend John, when guard Ferguson paid him a visit.
    There are no clear pictures of the sexual abuse we endured. I buried it as deep as it can possibly go.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:52:32 No.7423691
    In 1st grade I was sitting across the room from a kid, Kyle. We were working on these art projects, putting colored bits of paper on large green sheets that we'd cut into vase shapes. I noticed Kyle started kind of rocking back and forth, then he held his paper vase under his desk and proceeded to projectile vomit all over his desk. It was loud and the smell immediately filled the entire room. The vomit was a mix of orange and clear, liquid with large white chunks in it. The boy who sat across from him, Daniel, slid way back in his chair as Kyle vomited all over his desk. There was a small pile of vomit on the corner of Daniel's desk.

    The teacher yelled at everybody to put their heads down, which we did. I put my head down but kept my face to the side and watched some more. The teacher ran and got a garbage can and Kyle started heaving again and vomiting into the can. You could hear the sound of his vomit going into the can. Thump thump thump. The teacher looked away to the side in disgust. The girl who sat next to me said "ew." My heart was racing. The smell was awful.

    After Kyle was done vomiting the teacher told him to go to the bathroom to clean up. She had everyone in the class pack their stuff and line up to exit the room since it was the end of the day anyway.

    Now the door to outside is near me. Kyle's desk is on the far side of the room. Everybody lines up and the end of the line is right next to Kyle's vomit-covered desk. By this time some janitors had made it to the room and covered some of the vomit in this cat litter-like stuff which when mixed with the vomit made it smell even worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:52:56 No.7423692
    Is that from Sleepers?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:55:17 No.7423711

    I do not know how the this is not original. Flood detection I guess.


    And who would you know is at the end the line, right next to the desk covered in that orange chunky vomit with cat litter all over it... me.

    I can't explain the smell. It's making me nauseous even thinking about it now. I had to stand next to it and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I felt sick the entire rest of the day. Throughout the night I couldn't stop thinking about it. The smell couldn't escape me.

    Over the next two days two different kids vomited as well, but it wasn't as bad.

    To this day I have a terrible fear of vomit or vomiting. If I'm in a car with someone who's nauseous I'll go in full panic mode. Extremely anxious, nervous, needing to get out. If I feel like I'm going to vomit I get extremely freaked. I'd do anything to avoid it. I would rather die, honestly. I haven't vomited since I was about 13, 24 now.

    And that's the story of how I became emetophobic.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)06:57:34 No.7423726
    That tramatized you?
    You know there is kids out there whos dads raped the shit out of them right?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:00:29 No.7423747

    You're a Max Hardcore fan admit it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:03:23 No.7423765
    i'm actually a sociopath

    i may have traumatizing memories but they didn't traumatize me

    i was told to suck the dick of my 16 year old brother when i was 4 or something he told me it tasted like strawberrys lol

    also i used to be strangled by my mom who was institutionalized several times she was very histrionic

    Now i beat her the slightest times she begins yelling for more than 10 min and wants my dad and other family members to huddle around her and defend her. Honestly it would be nice to be institutionalized just to get away for 3 months

    Again this doesn't affect me now days. I guess i am a little mad that i couldn't do anything about it especially now that i can.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:08:16 No.7423793
    This isn't about me, but it's pretty fucked up.

    When my old best friend was seven, his uncle let him cut the cake at his wedding. As he was cutting the first slice, his two year old cousin crawled next to him. He lost hold of the knife and it stabbed her right in the head. She has severe brain damage from it, she can't even walk now.

    Anyway, this friend grew up to be a total bro, no social or emotional complications of any kind.
    The one time I ballsed up to ask him about it, he admitted he'd just never really thought about it and didn't blame himself at all because he was a kid at the time.

    And here's me, pretty normal childhood and I'M the fucked up antisocial geek :/
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:12:17 No.7423810
    Yes because it's relevant and my own traumas are violent, sexual or one of the usual categories of bad memory that have already been expressed in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:24:19 No.7423868
    Denial. It did fuck you up. Look at yourself.

    People! You're trivializing others trauma? Who the fuck are you? If this greatly effected their life then it greatly effected their life. It wouldn't have for you? Great!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:38:19 No.7423946
    When I was 10 or 13 on holiday, staying in a motel somewhere with my family my dad was channel surfing on the tv and and I saw the image of a woman stabbing a man in the back. It became a sickening memory I could never get out of my head.

    Im 22 now and 2 days ago my dad was driving me to visit my grandma when a pretty bird (rainbow lorikeet) flew into my side of the wind shield with a sickening 'thud'. Im pretty sure it died instantly because it left some orange gunk on the wind shield. now I cant stop thinking about it. There was nothing I could have done to stop it. I wish I was driving and perhaps I could have slowed a bit to avoid it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:42:02 No.7423969
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:43:02 No.7423976
    It's just a bird. So what?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:45:35 No.7423988
    this didn't effect shit on them

    sure for a little bit it shook them up but the reason why the dwell on it now and are "traumatized" is because society basically tells they are supposed to feel these things
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)07:58:01 No.7424054
    ITT utter pansies
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)08:04:35 No.7424093
    >effect shit
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)08:40:26 No.7424290
    l wanted a BMW but daddy got me a Honda

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)08:53:50 No.7424374
    Dad and older brother sat me down and made me watch Steven King's It when I was 4 years old.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)08:54:07 No.7424377
    l tried to add this girl l really like on fb

    she wasn't having it
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)08:59:45 No.7424408
    My dad beat me and my mom. I usually don't think about it and I'm well adjusted, but I was at the bar with this guy the other night and we were both drunk. He playfully hit my arm and I started bawling. :/ Not smooth.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:05:48 No.7424443
    When I was in fourth grade, I went outside to give my dog a bath, and a dead bird dropped from the sky. It landed about a foot away from me, twitched, and died. I freaked out and ran back inside, with my dog still covered in shampoo.

    After that, I refused to wash the dog. A year or so later my mom convinced me to give it another try, explaining that it was impossible that the bird thing would happen again.

    So I did. And, of course, ANOTHER FUCKING BIRD fell from the sky... or maybe it was a tree, I dunno. It didn't twitch, though. I guess it died on impact.

    Ever since then, birds keep dying around me. Smashing into my window, at home or school, etc. It's creepy as fuck.
    >> stardust 02/08/10(Mon)09:07:09 No.7424454
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    i saw my mom get slapped across the mouth by her boyfriend. upsetting.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:09:40 No.7424475

    Sounds like my situation. I'd like to think I'm a pretty normal person, and I try not to think about it too much, but every now and then something will hit a bit too close to home. The other day a friend started joking that if I ever get married, I'll be a drunk who beats the shit out of my spouse and kids.

    She was kidding, and obviously didn't know about the situation with my dad, but it still really kind of bummed me out.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:12:24 No.7424504
    dat massive green ed at de end of star trek man
    fukkin ran out da room b4 da credits finished so i wuddnt aff ta c it
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:15:25 No.7424518
    Yeah, it fucking sucks.I feel like I'm usually happy, outgoing, sweet, funny, and I'm good at being optimistic, but it's only because at the core of my self there is nothing but this deep, intense, numbing pain and grief that never leaves and just radiates emptiness. People don't like to hear about it either, so I don't tell my friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:16:12 No.7424522
    Remember watching what seemed like a documentary on some guy that dressed as Death who went and killed some couple who were having a picnic. I just couldn't fucking understand why he did that or why they filmed it.

    Also, when I was 5, there was a Help The Niggers commercial on TV before I went to school, and there was they showed some kid with his eyeball hanging out.
    Though disturbing to me now, I bragged about seeing it at school.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 02/08/10(Mon)09:17:23 No.7424528
    My ex girlfriend saw her mother murdered by her father. He used a telephone receiver and bashed her in the head with it repeatedly. She was taken to the hospital but there was nothing they could do at that point.

    She had a lot of issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:36:22 No.7424650
    When I was five or six, my mother threw a tantrum and hit me for being a sore loser after playing a game of Ludo.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)09:46:45 No.7424748
    this one is pretty weak, no rape or anything

    was about 5 years old, and sat around watching cartoons at home. after the show ended there was some commercial about some kind of magic show,
    I watched that for about a minute before they showed this scene where they split a man in half with a chainsaw.

    as in the dude was laying on a table with a chainsaw grinding in his belly while blood and big chunks of flesh where just cascading out of him, and all the while the dude screamed like crazy.

    it seemed very real, and I started crying and shit.
    my mom called the network and yelled at them for about two hours after that.

    I can still hear the guy screaming when I think about it ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)12:02:02 No.7425494

    I remember something similar. Me, my dad and uncle were out hunting rabbits and I was carrying a .22 rifle which I held neck upwards and was playing with the trigger off safetly. Suddenly I realise that I was pointing at my uncles head. I could only imagine what would have happened had I shot him that entire day, still makes my heart race thinking about it
    >> Dux Bellorum !3DqpLhtGXk 02/08/10(Mon)12:25:09 No.7425636
    When my parents were still together (I must've been about 10/11) my computer was on the landing. I had my headphones in but I could hear them arguing with my sister about something, so she told them to get fucked and ran upstairs.

    They both flipped, chased her up the stairs and beat the ever living shit out of her. My dads a strong man, worked in steel foundries pre and post army.

    When I was 15 I lived with my dad, and wasn't talking to my mum at this point. She came round and sat me in her car for "a talk" she sped up the street and wouldn't stop. I didn't shout or get angry, I opened the door and jumped out. Gravel rash is aweful.

    When I was 16 my dad found out I smoked one night, told me calmly he was dissapointed and he set some rules (Can't smoke inside, he wont fund it etc). In the morning I went outside for a cig and he followed me out and began shouting. I had a fight with him which left me with two broken nuckles, and my dad out cold with a broken nose/jaw.

    Then I moved in with my mum and had an arguement on the second day of living there. The only time I've ever gotton really angry and I shouted at her, she spent four hours crying infront of a pack of tablets.

    All pretty traumatizing but it's not affected me at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)12:26:58 No.7425656
    Jesus fucking christ, your father and his brother are retards. How old were you? Since when do you give little kids rifles and then not watch them? goddamn.
    >> Dahlia Hawthorne !Y0uBitchOo 02/08/10(Mon)12:30:42 No.7425685
    I saw The Brave Little Toaster when I was six. I got through the majority of the movie until that god damn junkyard part. Then during the "Worthless" song and when the cars were being crushed I couldn't take it. I had to turn it off. I couldn't be around old cars, junkyards, or even turn on that movie for about thirteen years.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:03:38 No.7426420
    My mom and I argued a lot when I was growing up, pretty normal teenage stuff I imagine. One time when I was like 14 or 15 we were going at it and she was getting RIGHT IN MY FACE. I just lost it and pushed her as hard as I could. She fell into the kitchen tables, breaking some chairs on the way down. I was so shocked immediately after that I couldn't even apologize.

    I'm 22 now and still have a hard time forgiving myself. I didn't hit her or anything and she wasn't hurt, but it creeps me out that I could totally lose control like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:06:47 No.7426448
    >implying safety is off of course
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:17:31 No.7426527
    It was one of my first day in school (kindergarten). It was near the end of the day. That fat pig whore was watching us (not my teacher but a janitory or something) because our teacher was not ill that day. I had to take a shit so I ask if I can go to the toilets. But the bitch refused as only a quarter of an hour before the end of the class. Of course, as a child (2.5 y.o.) who has just learned to be clean, I try to rertain my dump. But I shat myself because that piece of shit didn't want to move her enormous ass to the toilets with me. When she saw I shat, she takes me and put me on a table, standing, to show every kids I shat : she was laughing like a witch and removing my pants and made all the children laugh then cleaned me in front of everyone.

    Her face is engraved in my mind. I swear to God that if I meet her one day, I'd punch her till she dies.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:18:17 No.7426537
    My dog caught me making my dog eat me out a few years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:22:28 No.7426569
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:22:45 No.7426576
    my mom, not my dog
    lol brain lapse
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:23:46 No.7426585
    Mommy wanted to burn the house.

    Mommy is asleep on the sofa drunk again.

    Mommy tried to stab daddy.

    Mommy took the dog she bought for me away - the poor doggy tried to get out of the cage, it knew it was being taken away forever.

    Mommy drove me home from school drunk. I was so scared because I had seen the ads on TV that said mommy shouldn't do that.

    Mommy used to pretend to commit suicide to make us love her more. We must have called the ambulance for her 3 times in a month once.

    I hate mommy and I hate women now too. None of them deserve forgiveness. I think about biting them a lot these days, but I worry they would like it and I don't want women to feel good. They get enough of good feelings already.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:24:00 No.7426587
    But I guess then that means MY DOG CAUGHT ME MAKING MY MOM EAT ME OUT

    But anyway I used to allow my dog to eat me out (how I got my first orgasm) and my mom caught me once. We haven't talked about since and it was years ago. We had to put the dog down, which is okay since I couldn't look at him anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:24:01 No.7426588
    THAT is one interesting Freudian slip. I'm assuming you meant to type mom or dad.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:26:21 No.7426608
    >beaten as a child

    I fucking hate you.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:32:29 No.7426649
    I once came back home sooner from school. In my house, I found my mother fucking some niggers. One of them said 'get da fuck out, kiddy'. I told my dad and lird during the divorce to be sure to live with my Dad. I never spoke to her again, even if I have to visit her every 2 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:34:19 No.7426660
    lol yeah, I meant my mom
    I'd rather my dog caught me
    through some paradox
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:34:42 No.7426663
    Good for you. You did the right thing. Women these days are fucking whores. Row row, fight the power.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:36:10 No.7426679
    The day I turned 13, my parents got into some huge argument over finances or some shit, and by the end of it, announced that they were getting a divorce.

    This was around 11:30 in the morning, so when I went bowling with my friends later that day, everything was kind of warped the wrong way.

    To be fair, I think the divorce fucked them up more than it did me.
    >> i'm the goddam neckbeard. Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:41:56 No.7426729
    one night my parents took me to a movie and it was a horror film and i got scared and asked to leave. we did and while we were walking we made a wrong turn down a dark alley. all of the sudden we were confronted by two men brandishing guns. after they got my parents' money and jewlery they shot them. to death in front of me and then ran off.

    because of that today i wear a costume and beat up hobos.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)14:49:26 No.7426780
    Were you aroused ?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:05:46 No.7426891
    I was sexually abused at age 8 by a bully. Repeatedly had the shit beaten out of me from age 6-10 eventually leading up to actual torture. I was burned with cigarette butts and lighters. I was whipped with green branches, forced to drink urine, and eat dirt. I sustained a skull fracture after being pushed down a rocky hill.

    This all stopped after my mother discovered a large semi-healed keloid scar on my back.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:09:54 No.7426914
    WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously what the fuck is that shit.
    Are you American?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:13:21 No.7426944
    No. I grew up in Saudi Arabia, but it was a pretty westernized area. I lived in the Raytheon (weapons contractor) compound where they regularly held barbeques and 4th of July parades. I attended a private American school.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:14:18 No.7426951
    statistically, you've got exactly dick to backup your statement
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:19:42 No.7426987
    I'm guessing there were no consequences for your abuser because life is like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:21:10 No.7426995
    My abuser moved to Canada before he could be punished.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:23:54 No.7427013
    I won a hot air balloon trip when I was 9.

    I was one of 3 other people that won. I was the only child and my mom wasn't allowed to come with me due to only being allowed a certain number of people in the basket.

    So, we went up. It was pretty windy.

    Apparently the balloon was shit and old, as one of the ropes that connect the balloon to the basket slowly frayed and then snapped. One side of the basket fell down so that we were lieing on the wall of the basket. The snapped rope also made it so that one side of the balloon was under more tension and it partly deflated. We fell to the floor quite a bit faster than a parachute would fall. We were fucking lucky that we were over water and everyone was fine.

    Also, my hat fell off when the rope snapped. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:28:12 No.7427037
    Feel like posting his full name?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:33:18 No.7427081
    On first day of class we (incoming 1st graders) were supposed to recite some stupid poems in front of an entire school. Well, I forgot mine. The whole school laughed at me. I hope that all those fuckers die of cancers one day.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:35:51 No.7427107
    I was at a museum with my dad and brother.

    we were passing by a giant model of a spider's nest, complete with a giant lifelike spider (about the size of a grown male).

    my Dad thought it would be funny to pick me up and suggest that he was going to feed me to the spider.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:36:00 No.7427110
    Hell no. That faggot doesn't deserve a name.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)15:49:37 No.7427214
    was it a nice hat?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:09:49 No.7427946
    Heh, mine's kind of similar.

    When the remake of The Count of Monte Cristo came out, my dad rented it for me. When Edmond Dantes gets whipped on his first night at prison, I fucking lost it. I remember running into the next room, crying my eyes out. I came back into the room and I remember seeing Dantes with his back covered in blood, and I couldn't bear to watch the rest of it.

    To this day, I can't stand watching a torture scene in a movie. Funny thing is, I watched that scene on youtube and it's the tamest torture scene I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:14:03 No.7427977

    Drowning: 5.27%
    Firearm: 0.46%
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:17:37 No.7428009
    Watching the first Star Trek movie traumatized me too.

    Wrath of Khan was okay though.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:23:09 No.7428061
    My dad tried to kill himself. When I received the phone call telling me this, i was in the middle of smoking a joint, and i said 'haha, i hope hes fucking dead'. I barely talk to my dad and dont live with him, and he clearly prefers my older brother.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:27:50 No.7428106
    ITT: pussies getting "traumatized" over a movie
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:31:23 No.7428134
    God damn. I mean, really. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:36:23 No.7428194
    you sounds like a gigantic pussy
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:39:29 No.7428225
    lol at dichotomy of trauma

    "I went to school and some kids laughed at me"
    "I was raped and beaten repeatedly as a child"
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:42:40 No.7428264
    Takes place when I was 7-11. Don't remember very well. My dad was an alcoholic. Beat mom. She ran from home. Took me to her mother. We slept on an inflatable mattress for months. One day, when dad was out we came to take some things. Every thing inside was broken. It was pretty shocking to me. I have years of my life that I repressed so much I barely remember them.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:46:36 No.7428302
    when i was 9, got into a car accident at 80mph that ended up with us flipping 3 times into a sandy ditch on an island in north carolina. had my eyes open the whole time. my mom's seatbelt wasn't on. i saw her neck break, heard it too, saw a chunk of her head get sliced open. when the car stopped i tried to push her out of the car but i couldnt and i heard her bones break more. she screamed SO FUCKING LOUD; i felt like i had done something. i tried one more time to push her out and her head SPRAYED blood all over me.

    i crawled out of the back windshield (the car was upside-down and it had broken out, thank god) and went over to my sister. it started pouring down rain. someone stopped and soon shock trauma came to cut my mom out of the car. i could hear her screaming as they lifted her onto the stretcher.

    we were escorted to a local health clinic and the police officer asked me if i was hurt. i said "no, that's not my blood" and another word wasn't spoken.

    my mom was paralyzed for 2 years with a bad opiate addiction to boot. tried to kill herself twice, each time i had to make sure she wasn't drowning in her vomit in her comatose-like drugged state as i called 911 because my older sister "couldn't handle it".
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:48:07 No.7428319

    Well it's her fault. Who the fuck goes 80 without a SEATBELT?
    And opiate addictions kick ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:49:37 No.7428338
    she was in the process of buckling it when the wheel went off the road JUST SLIGHTLY, which is the ironic part i suppose. when she straightened the car out that's when we started spinning.

    and no, addictions suck. you clearly have never had any, let alone opiate.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:49:41 No.7428340
    Not really traumatizing more rage worthy. I got accused of taking drugs when I was 13. It ended up in a shouting match between me and my Stepdad. Tears were streaming down my face while I was being shouted at to admit that I had taken something. This continues until I get shoved up the stairs to bed.

    The next day my Dad comes for me to talk things over which was alright I managed to not burst into tears while telling him the proper story. the most horrible thing was I had to go to my Mum and Stepdad's wedding a week later. I hate the cunt so much I can't wait I'm away from him for good
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:49:48 No.7428345
    Life is Beautiful!

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:52:43 No.7428379
    This one time when I was like 8, I spent the night at a friends house. His mom was bat shit crazy and basically wanted us to help her do chores in exchange for me coming over, if we didn't she'd fucking rage. So I didn't have a choice but to help because if I didn't it would take my friend twice as long to get done and we wouldn't be able to play.
    So this particular time, she wanted us to help rake leaves in the back yard. So we were doing that but my buddy kept trying to tell his mom he wanted to play some more before I had to go home and that he'd rake leaves himself later. Finally, it escalated into a small one sided argument(in his mom's favor) and she flipped her shit and smacked him in the ribs with a rake.
    Literally, scared the hell out of me. My dad showed up 30 minutes later and I left and never went back to his house because of her. I still feel bad about not saying anything to my dad about it. His mom would have gotten into some deep shit for that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:55:46 No.7428420
    Some weeks ago i was caught having sex with a fleshlight with an anal toy in my ass. Things just arent the same anymore when i am around my mom.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:56:25 No.7428434
    For several years as a child, my mother would put some fruit in the Easter basket as opposed to more candy.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)17:57:53 No.7428452
    Being stripped on the office floor and getting sexed (no intercourse but still very much sexed) by a parent

    at age 8

    :( What was most FEELS BAD, MAN to me was it was broad fucking daylight and the blinds were open. We were away from the window but the sun was really bright out and light was just pouring in. It felt strange to having something like this happen so out in the open. I just stared at the ceiling and didn't say anything
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:01:24 No.7428486
    i genuinely feel sorry for you. that doesn't usually happen over the internet for me

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:11:48 No.7428598
    Post more stories

    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:13:28 No.7428612

    Your older sister can choke on a dick. Fuck people who pull that shit, I hate it so much. I want to pat you on the back and buy you a drink
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:39:07 No.7428899
    When I was in preschool, a girl pushed me over and put her boot right on my face. I don't think she stomped on my face because I don't remember any pain, but the one thing I do remember - vividly - is how the shoe felt, especially after she took it off. I could feel the grains of sand and dirt on my eyelids and cheeks. She never got in trouble for it.

    Now, I'm afraid of the bottoms of shoes. I won't touch them. If I do, I have to immediately go to the bathroom and wash my hands several times. I get extremely angry if someone puts their shoes on my bed, on my things, or (especially) on me. I don't mind shoes touching my own shoes, but the higher up my body they go, the more aggravated I become. I've gotten into several fights over this. I used to get teased about it but now it's kind of an in-joke kind of thing with my friends.

    I don't think there's a real phobia name for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:43:32 No.7428951
    This has won the thread by sheer horrific description alone
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:43:35 No.7428953
    Space Mountain at age 3 FTW.
    But seriously, most of you guys are insane pussies.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)18:47:12 No.7428999
    you sound like an underage faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:00:06 No.7429151
    A few mundane childhood experiences keep haunting me to this day. Daily life will remind me of these innocuous memories. But the frequency and the odd coincidences that must arise are frightening.
    For example, I once had a balloon pop in my hand. I am now constantly reminded of balloons and I keep getting this worrying negative feeling in my chest.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:15:38 No.7429329
    Went camping with my dad when I was...approximately 6 years old. One of the few things I remember from this experience is a fat fucking cracker giving me a wedgie of epic proportions,parading me around for a almost all to see,including my dad, who didn't do shit. The guy was a brute, but that doesn't justify standing there like an idiot.

    Also, a very strange incident when I lived in an apartment complex in new York when my mother and father were still together that I still am not certain actaully happened. My mother and father were arguing over something my then 5 year old mind does not remember, when suddenly my mom yanks a knife out of nowhere and tries to eviscerate my dad. He holds her back, with no damage done to anyone. Whenever I mention this to either of them they get very shifty and deny that ever happening
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:27:40 No.7429462
    I was sexually molested as a young boy by my older step brother.

    Feels bad man, really bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:32:41 No.7429519
    You should be thankful you had an uneventful childhood, read the one about almost being drowned and harden up
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:32:49 No.7429522
    My father was a drinker, and a fiend.

    One day he goes off a little CRAZIER than usual-
    Mom goes for the kitchen knife.

    He doesn't like that... not. one. bit.

    So as he's going at her with the knife he's looking at me and he says

    "Why so serious?"


    Then he takes the knife and puts it in my mouth and says

    "Let's put a smile on that face..."
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:41:39 No.7429612

    They put the dog down because YOU made it eat you out?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:50:04 No.7429700
    Some of you guys are fucking pussies.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:53:38 No.7429734
    in second grade we were incubating chicken eggs and something fucked up along the way and when they were all hatching what we thought were normal chicks turned out to be genetically mutated little birds with their eyes hanging out and the little chicks were tripping all over their guts and shit, pecking at each others' intestines.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)19:57:57 No.7429773
    Good. Filthy sinful mongrel.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:00:10 No.7429794
    Now where have I heard this before.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:01:36 No.7429802
    you tell me, smarty pants
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:08:03 No.7429855
    All mine revolve around my step dad. When I was about 10 my mom and him bought a house. It had a huge back yard and it had all old wooden planks behind the dry wall. It was my job to be his "helper". Which involved me, a ten year old girl, to rip down the moldy wooden planks, put up insulation and drywall, break up the clay in the back yard, and push around countless wheelbarrows of junk.

    Next house we bought I had the similar job of "helping" him install the above ground pool (holding up the walls for hours in mid-day summer) and pick-axing the ground. I was basically my step-fathers slave laborer until I was about 13 or 14 and my mom bitched him out. And I never had to "help" again.

    But that was also when he started training me for track. I was really good to begin with and I loved the sport, needless to say he ruined it for me. We practiced on the track every morning and every afternoon at the gym the summer after my seventh grade year. I ended up breaking my collar bone in the race I spent all summer training for. I was too young and obsessed with being good to care about not having a social life at that point. But 9th grade we started training heavily, and I was on a STRICT diet (that I'd often cheat on and get grounded for weeks) I lifted too much and was given too many supplements and eventually put on alot of weight and people said I was on steroids. I got made fun of so much that year I attempted suicide. My sociopath step-father convinced my mother it was nothing, I was looking for attention.

    Years later, my mother tells me she found steroids in his closet, that he was apparently giving me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:20:05 No.7429983
    In b4 put shoe on head
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:27:18 No.7430051
    How do you have such little coordination to not being able to keep at least your head above the water?

    I understand being afraid, which is what "swimming" lessons are for. But, for god's sake, swimming is a natural fucking skill.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:37:35 No.7430161
    People do not possess it actually. We rarely operate on instinct and can't just call up that skill like animals can. A babies brain actually develops after it is born, when the child first comes out it operates in instinct, they grab your fingers because it's hard coded into them so they're not dropped or left behind. A baby naturally holds its breath underwater, but a toddler will drown.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)20:54:35 No.7430354
    When I was 17 my mother and I had an argument over my boyfriend. She, being of asian descent didn't like him for various reasons, most of them pertaining to the way he looked. (long hair, piercings, etc)

    The next day she told me she bought a gun and she said that she wasn't scared of "hurting someone if she had to". I was pretty freaked out by this so I went to my room and told my dad (not asian, btw) to come home from work because I was home alone with her and my little brother and I was scared for our saftey.

    He said he couldn't come home, so I decided to go into her room and try to apologize for everything. She was laying on her bed, not moving, and I saw a bottle of pills, and her cell phone laying next to her. I went up to her and realized she wasn't breathing.

    I immediately called 911 and they came and took her. Turns out she OD'd on some of her pain medication and stopped breathing for quite a while. She survived and everything, and I even went to see her in the hospital. She had to undergo some therapy and we haven't really talked about it, since.

    Later I found out that she called everyone in my immediate family telling them goodbye. I never got a phone call though. I'm thankful she's alive, but the thought of someone trying to kill themselves because of me makes my heart sink.

    I moved out and am still with my boyfriend. I rarely visit my parents, or my siblings.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:08:18 No.7430492
    Copy pasta, but i lol every time

    Take in as much air as you can. This story should last about as long as you can hold your breath, and then just a little bit longer. So listen as fast as you can.

    A friend of mine, when he was 13 years old he heard about "pegging." This is when a guy gets banged up the butt with a dildo. Stimulate the prostate gland hard enough, and the rumor is you can have explosive hands-free orgasms. At that age, this friend's a little sex maniac. He's always jonesing for a better way to get his rocks off. He goes out to buy a carrot and some petroleum jelly. To conduct a little private research. Then he pictures how it's going to look at the supermarket checkout counter, the lonely carrot and petroleum jelly rolling down the conveyer belt toward the grocery store cashier. All the shoppers waiting in line, watching. Everyone seeing the big evening he has planned.

    So my friend, he buys milk and eggs and sugar and a carrot, all the ingredients for a carrot cake. And Vaseline.

    Like he's going home to stick a carrot cake up his butt.

    At home, he whittles the carrot into a blunt tool. He slathers it with grease and grinds his ass down on it. Then, nothing. No orgasm. Nothing happens except it hurts.

    Then, this kid, his mom yells it's supper time. She says to come down, right now.

    He works the carrot out and stashes the slippery, filthy thing in the dirty clothes under his bed.

    After dinner, he goes to find the carrot, and it's gone. All his dirty clothes, while he ate dinner, his mom grabbed them all to do laundry. No way could she not find the carrot, carefully shaped with a paring knife from her kitchen, still shiny with lube and stinky.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:12:23 No.7430529

    GTFO Palahniuk.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:12:28 No.7430530
    pt 2...
    nevermind just go read it
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:16:16 No.7430556
    surely this never happened ... right?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:23:31 No.7430613
    Not too sure about the other stories but I know the pool thing has happened several times before
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:53:26 No.7431013
    When I was 6 or so, I would help my dad do the cooking and look on when he would cut vegetables or whatever. Once, while cutting an onion with a large knife, he grabbed my wrist, forced it on the counter, flipped the knife over to the dull side, and proceeded to "cut off" my wrist. I FUCKING FLIPPED out: screaming, kicking, and crying until he let me go. He did this about 3 times when I was around that age, laughing after doing so. In retrospect it was a little funny, but now I'm paranoid of any large, sharp objects (knives, swords, and especially meat-cleavers).

    Also, mom used to yell and go on these feminist rants and whatnot. Made me hate women and I get those "nerve spasms," every time someone yells at me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)21:56:40 No.7431051
    Well, this isn't traumatizing to me, but it is to my oldest brother.

    He just got back from serving 2 years in Iraq, and my mom gets drunk in celebration and told him that he was only born because the pill failed and she didn't want to abort him because she was Christian, even though his father (who he hated terribly before hand) actually got people to attack my mother when she was pregnant to try to "back-alley abort" him.

    I saw him just face down and one tear rolled from his cheek. I don't think anybody should have to be told that after all the sacrifices they have made, and how much he went through in life already. "Thanks for risking your life serving 2 years in Iraq. You were a bastard child who was only born because of moral obligation, you were a complete accident otherwise. Oh, and enjoy your night terrors from seeing people die, get shot, etc."

    How he isn't the most cold-hearted person you'd ever meet is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:08:42 No.7431203
    My mother said I had constipation
    so she rammed anal suppositories into me.

    I think I had constipation because she beat me so much.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:12:28 No.7431242
    parents say this all the time. What you are supposed to hopeful infer is that she had a nice time raising yah. ...
    Unless they said your a failure...
    good be bad joke to....
    just trying to be positive....
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:14:57 No.7431266
    she wanted to bang your bf
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:19:43 No.7431318
    this one time I "stole" a hershey's kiss that I got from the parade.
    My mom suspected me and screamed at me for hours, calling me spoiled brat and a liar.
    this other time she hit me and was like "cover it up"

    when I leave home "i don't think i ever hit you" she sobs.

    sorry for being harsh.

    similar events happened regularly throughout my childhood.

    If I could do anything when I go back home, it would be to punch out my dad.

    8 years old
    throws me across the yard
    weekly he would yell at me.
    bipolar as fuck.
    just fucked in the head
    he became a loser so he forced me to ignore everything else but school.
    I didn't know that you could have a life until I was 20
    7th grade. messing around in class = you're gonna get fucking killed by your dad.
    I got bullied by kids I could beat up because i was afraid of my dad.
    I took it out on my younger brother.
    and they called me a fucking bully for that.
    it's funny being called names by a hypocrite and believing it for your entire life.

    I made him cry when i left.
    The fucker can die for all I care.

    Fuck the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:20:32 No.7431331
    My dad used to beat me and my brother around like hell, and would scream at us for the stupidest shit.

    He and my mom made us take shitty karate lessons and would make us practice at home, decked all out in our uniforms and everything. Naturally, we both hated it. One day while practicing I sighed or rolled my eyes or something, and he walked up to me and smacked me so hard I flew into the couch. He's slapped me when I spilled my milk one morning (and laughed when he saw how frightened I was, then refused to look at or speak to me during the drive to school..OVER SPILT MILK), and also while he was teaching me to ride a bike because I showed signs of being nervous (knocked me clean off the bike and onto the pavement). Screamed at us for the stupidest shit too. My brother and I had a friend over one night and we stayed up past our bedtime. He responded by knocking on our door, telling us to go to bed and then kicking us like the fist of the north star when we walked past him to get to our room.. INCLUDING THE CHILD THAT WAS NOT HIS.

    He's grown up to be the sweetest man in the world. I haven't seen him angry in years. Too bad he's in jail for stealing millions of dollars from his job.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:29:27 No.7431439
    I was about 7 or 8.When I finished my homework I went over to my friend's house to play video games and such. About an hour later I was called back home and he told me to find his pencil. I couldn't find his pencil after about half an hour of searching so he sent me to my room until my mom got home. After which she managed to talk dad into letting me out for dinner. When something was picked up the pencil rolled out onto the table. Dad told me to go back to my room so I ran and he managed to push me down, lifted me up then spanked me all the way to my room. I pissed my pants. So I had to sleep in wet pants all night.

    Another time around christmas dad was fucking drunk as hell. He went out to get more liquor about 3 times. The third time he made me go to bed about 3 hours early. All I heard was crashes and bumps. He then came in my room for a minute and sat on my lego table. A little later when my mom came home he told her to sit on his face like 10 times then my mom screamed at him along the lines of "NOT UNTIL YOU CALM DOWN" then that is the last I heard of that. The next morning I saw my dad "fixing" the tree that "fell over by itself" the next morning.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:33:55 No.7431482

    A couple more. Another time during winter he made me go outside around 8 in the morning. He told me I couldn't come inside. So I just stood outdoors all day shivering all day and walking around the cul-de-sac to try and stay warm. I saw my dad drive away. When the sun was going down he came back all friendly and said "What are you doing out here? Get back inside!"

    Last one
    Again, around the same time of the last couple stories he made me go in my backyard and hang from a tree branch to try and 'strengthen' myself. I still think this was some sort of venting because he was laid off.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)22:46:23 No.7431624
    They might have been having a master and commander kinda thing in front of you ... then had sex when you go to sleep. You know those couples need some extra spice.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)23:12:23 No.7431920
    Oh and now I like getting banged up the ass now to!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)23:15:29 No.7431969

    Do your friends mess with you about this? One of my friends has a horrible cockroach phobia and every time we get drunk everyone picks up a piece of bark and acts as though something in their hand is trying to escape. When we throw them at him he flips the fuck out, screaming and sprinting randomly. The best part is when someone goes to apologise and help him up, only to throw an actual cockroach at his face.

    I'm pretty sure we've seriously traumatised him by now.
    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)23:25:25 No.7432111

    >Dad told me to go back to my room so I ran and he managed to push me down, lifted me up then spanked me all the way to my room

    I've never laughed so hard on r9k
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)23:43:33 No.7432343
    >get Ds on report card
    >everything gets taken away
    >brother is 14 now
    >gets Es on report card
    >doesnt get punished and then i get yelled at for having a sock on the floor that still isnt mine
    >> Anonymous 02/08/10(Mon)23:58:48 No.7432525
    Jesus, where to begin? Starting from Kindergarten, my dad killed our puppy. He told my brother he fell down the stairs, but I saw him step on his neck. I didn't understand what dead meant, and so every night I would have this nightmare that my dog was trapped in this box in the ground, and that he would try and claw his way up to the surface. He made this horrible wheezing noise, like he was breathing too hard, and blood poured out of his mouth. I didn't sleep for a long time after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:02:27 No.7432567
    A little after that, my mom developed an eating disorder and started taking ridiculous levels of pain killers. She used to just lie on her bed and stare. She would cook for my brother, but she wouldn't let me eat. Once I tried to sneak a spoonful of peanut butter, and she caught me. She slapped the hell out of me for a minute and started shaking me, and was screaming "no one will love you if you get fat, you're not allowed to eat". I remember crying in one of my classes because I was so hungry and I wasn't allowed to eat, and I thought if I ate at school, my mom would find out and hit me again.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:03:29 No.7432583
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:13:54 No.7432695
    I feel like a fucking pussy after reading this. The worst shit that happened to me was that when my brother was supposed to babysit me he abandoned me to go to an Internet cafe or some shit, and I was supposed to pretend to be him over the phone, and I didn't know how to cook dinner so I always had to wait, and it just freaked the hell out of me. I remember watchig the battle of Hoth in star wars 2 over and over again to pass the time, and every time I watch it I freak the fuck out, heart racing, the whole deal.

    But at least I wasn't fucking raped. Jesus Christ you guys, I feel like shit for even thinking that my emotionally unstable 6 year old self getting upset about being home alone can compare in any kind of way.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:16:52 No.7432729
    It's not that bad and I've experienced worse, but this came to mind first.

    The source of most of my issues comes from my shitty father. He was abusive, but it was emotional abuse; not as over the top as the robots ITT who got the shit beat out of them on a regular basis. Fucker never cared how anyone else felt, made fun of me and humiliated me constantly, and constantly blamed me or criticised me for every little thing.

    Anyway, when I was about 7 or in the First Grade or so, he would leave for work right as I was getting ready for school. Everyday he'd try to come into my room and say goodbye to me before he left (he was all about appearences, always wanted to look like he was the best fucking father in the world but he never meant any of it). This would be fine, but he always did this when I was changing. Often right as I was getting out of my underwear. I told him not to that, that I was changing. He kept fucking doing it. Over and over. The first couple times I thought he had just forgot but eventually realised he just didn't fucking care. My feelings and my privacy meant nothing to him.

    It got to the point that I'd have to change right up against my door so he wouldn't see me and I could shut the door. When I would tell him to get out, he acted like I was being a fucking nutcase, that he was just saying goodbye like any normal person would. One day I got fed up with it and I tried to push my door shut when he was coming in and I squished his head. He yelled at me, said there's something wrong with me, etc.

    He's always been an asshole, but I think that's the point where I started thinking "wow, Dad's kind of a dick". Since that incident, I'm afraid to get myself into any sort of vulnerable state because someone might exploit that weakness the first chance they get. The whole thing also was probably a contributor to how self conscious I am about my body.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:23:59 No.7432839
    When I was 3 or 4, I was upstairs and my older sisters ambushed me, grabbed my wrists and ankles and started swinging me out over the edge of the second-floor balcony, below was an 18 foot drop by the front door. They swung me for what must have only be 30 seconds, but I screamed so loud and was so scared that if I struggled too hard they'd loose control and I'd fly over the edge. My mom was downstairs playing piano and disciplined me for yelling after. My sisters got off scot-free. One of them later broke my nose with a hunk of ice. Never forgotten or forgiven.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:37:30 No.7433011
    When I was 12 years old I spent the night at my friends house. We decided to visit the neighbor girl at about midnight, knock on her window and bs with her hoping for more. As we ventured forth, we heard someone shouting and realized we were being hunted by some pyscho who was veteran and was carrying a shotgun. My buddy says, run for the woods! He ran in the woods, I hid under a car, and was promptly found. The man ordered me out from beneath the car and got in my face with the shotgun. I shat bricks. He realized who I was and let me go, but was fairly traumitizing.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:44:19 No.7433072
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:47:07 No.7433091
    I got stabbed in the back (literally) at school with a pair of scissors by a bully when I was like 8 because I told him he was a jerk. I have this aversion of scissors now. It's not really an apparent fear, I can't say I'm scared of the, but it's like I subconsciously make the effort to avoid them and I seriously start shaking when I use them.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:51:14 No.7433120
    IT's called second child syndrome, They were worn out from disciplining you for all those years that they're softening up now
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)00:58:54 No.7433184
    I don't remember it all exactly, but when I was 10 my Dad's adoptive father visited us for the first time. He lived far away, so I figured he just didn't have enough money.
    He brought me a nice Beatrix Potter book and got us a little puppy too, I really thought he was a good guy. Then after a few days, he just randomly out of the blue said that none of us children should have been born and that my dad was going to hell for being a horrible son.

    It happened shortly after my maternal Grandmother died, so I was pretty messed up at the time anyways.

    I know it's nothing much, but now I have an incredibly hard time trusting people older than 50. I rarely feel mad at anything, I'm pretty relaxed about most things. The man is dead, has been for months, and I still feel a passionate hate and rage towards the man. I don't know why it affected me so strongly, but I hate him so much still.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:00:00 No.7433191
    Little bitches. You better have gotten back at them.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:00:34 No.7433198
    Let's dad was always a asshole. Drunk all the time, beat whichever wife he was with at the time, etc. Never really directly abusive to me I guess I'm luckier than some. Thankfully I moved across the country when I was 11, and now I only go once a year.

    Some minor stuff that I can think of:
    When I was 7 or 8 maybe, I don't know, I was at my babysitters house. She has a young daughter that I would help with or whatever. One day the kid and I where on the bed in the master bedroom, and the mom walked away to go do something in another room. So the daughter was leaning off the side of the bed looking for her, right, and just falls of the bed. I'm like "ohgodohgod" and the kid is laying face up on the floor wailing. Never really got in trouble for it, yet it bothers me to this day.

    I was about the same age(probably idfk) at my dad's second wife's house. I was chillin' in her older daughter's room watching something on TV. I don't remember exactly what show I was watching, but it involved a woman in a police car banging her head against the window and then all of a sudden her head fucking explodes. Scary shit when you're a kid.
    Also, speaking of the daughter of my dad's second wife, she was like late teens/early 20's and she once gave me an Arthur book for my birthday. She asked if I liked it, and since I was prone to ear infections and couldn't hear well I just said no. She got all upset and shit, and I still feel guilty. Not really traumatic though.

    This shit isn't as bad as all those Anons getting raped and beaten senceless. Damn.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:00:35 No.7433199
    my step father screaming at my mothers door, trying to break it in, saying something to the tune of 'im going to kill you' one night when he came home drunk for the thousandth time.
    myself and my little brother (around 4 at the time) scared and crying.
    we had to call the cops, but since it was just a domestic disturbance, they could do little.

    this happened a few more times until he left.

    i was around 10 or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:01:04 No.7433202
    Fathers are traumatizing people
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:02:58 No.7433224

    home of kids with father issues, and gays.
    >hmm..its a choice huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:06:31 No.7433260
    That wasn't traumatizing either, you know.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:07:29 No.7433266
    When I was about 8 or 9, I climbed onto the shadecloth framework that was above the porch of my old house. I used to always get up there, build bases and giant slingshots, it was good. Then one day, I'm not sure what happened, I think I overstepped and stood on the a shadecloth rather than the wooden beams. My feet were tangled for a moment and then I was falling arse first to the ground. Must have looked pretty funny, but it really, really sucked. My mother had recently become a full time music instructor so we had all these kids and whatnot coming to our house to get lessons. I remember half crawling, half walking into the room where she was giving a lesson and saying "mum... I just fell off the roof and it really hurts..." She told me to be quiet, go back outside until the lesson was done. Later that afternoon I was yelled at for damaging the shadecloth and sent to my room. It was a while before I could walk properly again and without too much pain but I had to just shut up and bear it out.

    Now, nearly 12 years later, I find my tailbone was actually broken. The base of my spine is real jagged and there's a bit sticking it. Mother still doesn't care. last I saw of her she was knocked to the ground and bleeding. Felt good.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:08:10 No.7433271
    >. I don't remember exactly what show I was watching, but it involved a woman in a police car banging her head against the window and then all of a sudden her head fucking explodes. Scary shit when you're a kid.

    Dude that was fucking X-Files and it had the same exact effect on me.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:08:18 No.7433274
    I know, it is quite funny
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:16:18 No.7433354
    This isn't traumatizing, but it's sort of humorous.

    I was in about 3rd or 4th grade and I was at a water park. One of their attractions was a large pool with simulated waves. I had an inflatable tire thing and I decided to wade to the deep end for no reason (I couldn't swim). The waves came and I inevitably flipped over, and I was underwater for what must've been a minute. When I did come up it was near this group of teen girls, one of them asked if I was okay, and I managed a "yes" before going down again. This time I really did feel like I was going to die, so when I finally did bob near the surface I grabbed onto someone else's tire and managed to flip him over. Clutching onto this tire for dear life I kicked my way to the shallow end, and to safety. There was no lifeguard on this attraction.

    tl;dr I almost drowned in wave pool, so I hijacked someone's tire
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:19:27 No.7433387
    Oh shit, I accidentally turned on the TV once and it was an X-files episode I remember to this day. It was a man and a woman sitting in a car making out. Suddenly he pulls away his mouth from her face and like half of her mouth is sealed shut. He keeps going and then it cuts away.

    A police officer comes to check on the car the next day and just finds a pile of skin. Turns out the guy sucked all of the fat out of her or something. Gave me nightmares for years.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:22:01 No.7433407
    Phew, and as a kid I thought I was a pussy for not watching X-Files. Glad I spared myself the ._.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:22:47 No.7433415
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    Exact same thing happened to me, but i didn't flip the guys raft over. He just laughed as i fought for my twelve year old life. Eventually i washed up on the shallow end a new man.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:23:18 No.7433423
    My house "burned down when i was about 8 and my brother almost died, life pretty much went downhill from there, parents got divorced, mom got and alcohol addiction and got wasted alone and slit her wrist with a steak knife one night and i had to stay with her and hold her arm tight so she wouldnt bleed out before the ambulance came, dad basically just did a shit ton of grugs apparently and died somehwere, but i dont really give a shit about him because my mom told me later on that he actually just decided to burn the house down to escape taxes or sum shit and didnt tell her, so yeah i guess im pretty normal for all this happening but still
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:25:18 No.7433438
    Brain-damaged man from lack of oxygen?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:26:48 No.7433449
    I had that exact same thing happen to me.
    Minus the girls asking me if I was ok...
    No one gave a fuck that I was literally fighting the water for my life. I came up underneath a bunch of tubes once or twice. Shit was scary.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:28:18 No.7433458


    Being yelled at by one's dad and being spanked pass for "traumatic"? What the fuck is with kids these days?

    It's a disgrace that this shit is being posted alongside actually traumatic things like
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:37:12 No.7433509
    there was a shed out side grandpas house me and my sister played in the mud and got dirty grandpa told us to go to the shed and take off our clothes to get cleaned he came with the water hose sprayed us down and it was very cold then he made us lay on the ground and put the hose up to our privets the water was so cold and he said to put our clothes back on later he said we still were not clean and he needed to scrub the mud out from between our legs he used a brillo pad.... the grandpa did a lot of things to me and sister
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:43:35 No.7433556
    In 3rd grade, I suddenly felt really damned scared, or confused. I started breathing heavily. Almost all of my limbs froze up, and my hands were impossible to move. When my teacher saw this, she asked me if I was going to vomit, and I just shook my head. I was feeling really weak. So then, shit got real. Teacher got a student to take me to the nurse's office, but somehow, my principal found out about this, and held onto my arms so I wouldn't fall.

    I couldn't walk flat on my feet, so I was walking on my toes. It felt like my feet were asleep, without the pain. My hands were frozen in a way, well, imagine what a person's hand would look like while reaching out for a handshake. Couldn't move them at all.

    I finally got to the nurse's office, and lied down on the bed, feeling the worst pain I have felt until then. They thought they had to call the hospital, but my mom decided to pick me up and take me to my regular doctor's office. While we were driving to the office, I threw up in the car.

    Doctor passed it off as a panic attack, but I started having tonic-clonic seizures in high school, so I now attribute it to epilepsy.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:53:41 No.7433638
    Not exactly traumatic, but I had a loose tooth, and my dad would just raise his arm and come down on the tooth and made it bleed.

    Shit hurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:54:58 No.7433644
    >Doctor gives diagnosis you don't think is bad enough
    >Pretend you have the credentials to diagnose yourslef something even worse
    Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
    You don't know jack shit about the medical world or diagnosing someone or fucking anything. Just fucking kill yourself. You think doctors wouldn't know if you had epilepsy or not? My dad is a doctor, and any self respecting doctor wouldn't just give you that diagnosis for no reason.
    Fuck you fucking little shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)01:56:58 No.7433661
    But I have epilepsy now. :C
    Fuck you, it was traumatic.

    I know my body better than you do.

    also, trollface.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:01:02 No.7433692
    Similar shit happened to me when I was 4 or 5. I was with my dad and he's not too smart, but a pretty nice guy. He took me into the deep part of the pool on his shoulders, laughing and knowing the waves would come soon.

    Well, both of us got knocked over and I was underwater for I don't even know how long. I remember trying to swim upwards towards the surface but adults in tires were all above me and I couldn't swim fast enough to get to an opening in the water. He must have pulled me out, but I was unconscious. I woke up slumped over on his back walking out of the pool. Neither he or my mother seemed concerned. I was freaking out.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:01:35 No.7433697
    Now isn't then.
    >I know my body better than you
    Oh god I hate you so much right now
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:06:16 No.7433732
    Nah, I don't feel like partaking in an internet argument. You have fun, good sir.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:06:32 No.7433734
    For the past year and a bit I've been having recurring, traumatizing dreams. They either have to do with me getting raped or beating the ever living shit out of my parents and/or fiance.

    Not really a childhood thing, I mean, I'm 19, but thought it would be interesting to share.

    I mean, I delt with constant bullying and sexual harrassment from age 8-15. My mom being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 8; that took a big tole on my family.. My mom began dealing with her childhood trauma at the same time... Led to alot of times with my mom yelling and throwing things at my dad.. Her suicide attempts... My dad, once or twice, openly contemplating suicide when we were alone together...
    I've been diagnosed with severe depression with schizophrenic tendancies, and I'm very likely to be bipolar as well as probably another handful of other mental disorders and or illnesses.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:07:20 No.7433739
    My grandma gave me $10 for christmas and my dad was like "here, let me keep that for you so you don't lose it"

    The next day I wanted to go rent some playstation games and he pretended like he didn't remember the money at all.

    I got him back for it though. When he was super drunk I could just walk up to him and be all like "hey dad gimmie $20" and he would just hand it over, then I'd leave the house for the rest of the night without a word.

    I still wish I had told somebody that he was beating me.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:11:06 No.7433765
    How the fuck do people not swim? its impossible to not swim, people float...
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:12:19 No.7433774
    This thread is fuckin depressing

    I attribute my issues on school. Blah blah blah bullied, criticized by father for being fat and ugly daily, blah blah, you know the usual.

    Personally though, I blamed my dad for most of self-esteem issues. My dad and school.

    But I'm over it now. If i lived my life in regrets, I'd just live a shitty life. Lifes not bad. I'm still antisocial and people-retarded, but I'm getting better. Or worse, considering I'm still here on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:46:24 No.7433999
    Holy shit, I have a pretty good fuckin' life compared to most of the people here.

    I'm 19 now, and I'm fucking scared of dogs. It must be because when I was about 4 - 7 my neighbours dog kept fucking chasing me and it freaked me the fuck out. Also, I remember watching some rugrats episode where a bulldog was going apeshit and I hid behind the couch...
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:48:31 No.7434010

    Enjoy your ronery. mootblox
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)02:57:56 No.7434053
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    Father molested me at very young age.

    Thing is, since I was in an age where I could not see any evil in my parents, I was never really traumatized by that night in a bad sense.

    Along with years of watching television programs and movies, having women represent an inferior and sexually weak and easily manipulated being, and several self-esteem issues(parents and church made me realize how useless of a human being I was at the age of 10, I wanted to kill myself to spare my parents from the problem of taking care of such a fruitless child); I now have a huge fetish for getting raped. I cannot get off with my partner unless he is very violent towards me. My porn needs violence too, gender and quality are irrelevant.
    >> Dude. !!X/6TdZyLImD 02/09/10(Tue)03:06:52 No.7434101
    >>but it involved a woman in a police car banging her head against the window and then all of a sudden her head fucking explodes.

    Holy shit I remember seeing this as a kid also.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:07:21 No.7434106
    My mom used to spank me with a paddle whenever I fucked up until I was about 9. When my parents split at age 6, my dad would just drunkenly insult me and smack me around.

    I'm now an alcoholic bisexual crossdresser into BDSM.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:10:50 No.7434124
    >gets Es on report card
    what the fuck is an E?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:13:22 No.7434142
    Life must have been difficult for my mom, rasing 3 kids one of whom had Down syndrome. My dad provided for the family during those years, but worked so much that he didn't really raise us. So I can understand where she was coming from.

    Still, a child should not be your relationship counselor. Being the oldest (and probably because I was a boy, as well), I was the outlet for much of her frustration. Mostly it was emotional abuse: she would constantly say that no one appreciated what she did and that she wanted to leave her family and run away somewhere. It's terrifying to be a child and think that not only might your mother disappear without warning at any time, but that you are the reason why.

    I can only remember one specific instance when she physically disciplined me. As a kid I would hold my bowel movements until I absolutely had to go, which would leave skidmarks of thin, dried shit in my underwear. One day she snapped and literally rubbed my nose in it. That's the only time I remember anything like that.

    To this day she wonders why we were such well behaved kids. My littlest sister (not the one with Downs), tells my mom that its because we were afraid of her. I don't think either of them grasp the significance of that; my sister was too young and my mother doesn't realize.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:13:27 No.7434145
    i love how straight forward you are with yourself about it. No hint of internalizing a victimization complex.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:14:58 No.7434152
    It was from the x-files, I believe. I can't tell you what episode, but I remember the conditions somewhat...there were a group of people in question who had to travel to a certain destination or direction because they were drawn compulsively towards some location. (all of this was figured out later, of course.)

    That scene was the opener of the episode. The woman was a criminal, or accused of a crime, but it had more to do with how she had to move about than any actual inclination towards crime. The police arrest her, and, as she can't escape, her head explodes.

    The perspective of the shot was from a police helicopter. It was hovering over the police car with the woman inside. When she was banging her head, the camera was in the car. When it exploded, it was the helicopter cameraman's view; a sudden smattering of red against the rear windows.

    That show consistently scared the fuck out of me when I was a kid.

    Love it now, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:18:04 No.7434173

    Also, it occurred to me while writing this that my parents' marital issues might be why I don't have much of a drive to pursue intimate relationships. I haven't talked to a psych about this, but perhaps I should.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:19:03 No.7434187
    Not me, I've had a pretty awesome life. My parents are awesome, but my dad... My dad man. I respect him for the shit he's been put through.

    His mom was lazy bitch who never took care of him or my aunts and uncles. Always sit around the house, never help with the chores or anything, just think up of get rich quick schemes. She made my dad work as a bartender at the age of 14. (It was the 70's, shit was lenient back then) Stole all the money he earned, and then murdered my grandpa by getting him drunk and starting a housefire so she could get the insurance money.

    I never met my grandpa thanks to that bitch, and my dad is a pretty fucking strong person for not being mentally fucked up by all of her.

    I love and respect the hell out of my dad a lot.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)03:50:25 No.7434428
    I remember back when i was in the first grade I would always watch cartoons and eat cereal before my mom would walk me to school. I remember for about a week when I would wake up I would quietly cry my eyes out while watching cartoons. I did this because I saw an episode of Ren and Stimpy where Ren tries to stab himself in the heart. I don't even know why it got to me so bad but I would quietly sob so my mom wouldn't hear me.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)04:37:22 No.7434748
    I was six or seven years old. It was a Friday, and I was going to spend the weekend at my friend's house. School ended for the day, and I stood with my friend waiting for his mom to show up.

    Long story short, we got separated somehow; he went to go play with some other kids, I guess. In any case, a few hours passed and I couldn't find him anywhere. Turned out his mom completely forgot, and I guess my friend did, too. I stayed after school for hours, watching as the other kids were picked up. Eventually the place was almost completely empty, and this was before cell phones, so I couldn't just call 'em up. On top of that, my parents were out of town, and getting home was a bitch without a car.

    Luckily, his mom remembered and picked me up.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:22:50 No.7435037
    Not really..traumatizing but when i was a kid my dad would drop me off at playgrounds unattended..for hours on end. Alot of my early memories are me walking around, bored.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:28:26 No.7435070
    Check out Cody Lane in the Blue Room on spankwire. Thank me later
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:47:50 No.7435195
    Bbbbbbbumpu for more stories please stay alive for 24 more hours.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:53:23 No.7435230
    I'm the babysitter-showed-me-jaws girl and that's how I got my fear of water in the first place... My stepdad "taught" me to swim by throwing me off a bridge. I dunno, I thought that's how everybody was taught to swim. :o

    Also, can't believe the topic is still going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:56:52 No.7435257
    Yeah that's x-files. It was something about a company experimenting with subsonic waves or something. The only person who didn't die was a deaf woman. Everybody else would have the inside of their ears swell up until the pressure made their heads explode, unless they travelled west. Hence the guy driving like mad westward in the car. The guy kidnapped Mulder to drive him and they were gonna have Scully jam a needle through his ear to have the pressure let out, but the guy died before then. The final shot of the episode shows Mulder taking off his tie at the beach.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)05:58:02 No.7435266
    When I was about 4 or 5, I watched It, and that scene where the boat goes down the drain made it impossible for me to brush my teeth and go to bed because I though he would get me through the recess under the sink cabinet.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)06:16:29 No.7435397
    Thank you so much, you just helped me realize what made me so afraid of vomit.
    I had had my first day of school, it was a special half day to get used to it. Because my single mother worked full time I went to childcare afterwards, wearing my brand new pretty school uniform, a blue and white school dress. I arrived in time for afternoon tea and we were all sitting down eating biscuits and juice, people were admiring my dress and I was feeling very happy. This girl at the top of the table had been looking kinda pale for awhile but no one really noticed. Suddenly, she started projectile vomiting all over the place, she threw up all over my brand new school dress and my hair and face and everyone around me. the sound was horrible, the smell was even worse. The stupid barf girl didn't get any on her. If I were to meet her today, I would fucking kill her.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)06:21:12 No.7435429

    Hah. That reminds me of a super-funny childhood experience. My asshole stepfather (I mentioned him earlier) had just bought a new mercedes. He had an asshole driving style where he'd basically push people in small, cheap old cars practically off the road (his reasoning was they didn't "deserve" to drive on the highway if their car was that crap, or they should get out of the way for him faster, or yada yada), so he accelerated and braked and swerved a lot. I don't even get sick on boats in storms when everyone else is puking, but I got sick in his car all the time. At some point he hit the brakes hard and I had to vomit just at that point. The vomit went through the middle inbetween the car seats and all over the windshield, and him. He was pissed as hell man, and even after cleaning his brand new mercedes like five times he'd still find chunks of vomit everywhere.

    It still gives me giggles to remember it. LOL.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)06:24:35 No.7435452
    Even though I hatehatehate vomit, I can totally appreciate the awesome of that moment, that's brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)08:48:55 No.7436196
    I don't have any real defining moment, or anything outstanding, just years of neglect and abuse throughout school.

    Don't really remember much of kindergarten and preprimary, aside from how I thought I was hot shit for being able to count to 100.
    In year 1 we had a timeout box. Like, a big cardboard thing in a corner of the room, with a door and everything, and a little stand in it with an hourglass. So you do anything bad, you get put in there and have to just stay in there with the door closed while the hourglass pours. Not exactly traumatic in itself, but just how much I got put in it for doing nothing wrong was annoying. It was kind of counterproductive, really. You're not doing your work so you get put in the box where you can't work.

    In year 2 I had to sit next to this huge ugly bitch for most of the year, and we hated each other. When we had swimming lessons, she tried to drown me. The students, teachers, or parents helping look around the place never did anything to stop her.

    In year 3 I had this bitch of a teacher called Sinclaire. The only time I remember actually going to lunch in that year I got called back in to write lines. She would give me lines every day, for no fucking reason. I am completely serious. Some other kid dicking around? On the other side of the class? I'd be blamed. The standout moment with her was once where I decided to put some effort into it, and finished the page of lines in just a few minutes. I showed it to her, ready to leave. Her response?
    One page of "I will not cheat on my lines."
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)08:50:11 No.7436198

    Year 4 continued with the shit, with a teacher called miss Painter, who liked to yell. Telling my mother about her abuse had her come to school about it, where Painter told her I was worthless, and had no future. The principal refused to intervene, so we changed school. For the rest of year 4, I had Mr Button, who was nice enough.

    Year 5 was absolutely great. I had a teacher who was my second cousin, Mrs. Sue. She loved her job, liked being around children and enjoyed helping us learn. But this was a catholic school, run by a nun, and she wanted Sue to be more strict with us. Sue refused, and had to leave. She was then replaced by the worst teacher I ever had, miss Wilson.
    Wilson yelled at us constantly, and hated me in particular. I once handed in a maths test, where all the answers were right, and she marked every single answer wrong because the decimal points weren't "on the lines". Unfortunately I forgot the thing about her I started writing this for, so I can't make her look half as bad as she was. Suffice to say, she was a monster.

    In year 6, I had Mr Paladino. In hindsight, he was a pretty good guy. He'd yell when the kids got out of hand, but otherwise was nice. He had a joke for every kid in the class, a running gag he'd use with that particular person. For me, it was whenever I forgot my homework, him saying something along the lines of "Hey ___, you better spend less time with the girls and focus on your schoolwork more!"
    This would be a friendly thing in high school, but in year 6, this is the kind of shit that gets you teased. I did not like it. Thankfully he caught on and asked me about it, and stopped doing it afterwards. I never really realised how much he looked out for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)08:50:57 No.7436201
    Year 7 was Turner. I'm conflicted with her. She was nice, but she also was quick to believe things were my fault. I didn't have much of a problem with her, aside from two incidents. First was when I handed in some homework I'd spent all the previous night working on. Hours on end. Then she looks at it and says something like "this looks like it was done in 10 minutes!"
    Now, I'm not so petty as to hold a grudge over this. Rather, I was kind of annoyed. But that's it. Problem is, these two kids that didn't much like me went over and told her I'd called her a "fucking bitch" in response. Bad words in primary school. I didn't of course, but she wasn't about to believe me. I denied it, and she called my mother to complain. I told her I didn't do it, but she started going on and being dramatic about how she'd take this to court and blah blah so I just said I did it to prevent any trouble, meaning I got my mouth washed out with soap.
    The other incident was one time after school where these bullies pinned me down and tried to put a spider on my face when I was leaving. Now, in Australia, even your garden variety spiders are fucking deadly to adults. I was also shitscared of spiders. I managed to use fear-induced power to get them off me, and went to tell her about it, and all I got was "I'll look into it" and never heard anything more about it. They never got suspended at least.

    Other things about my primary school is that my phys-ed teacher once watched me get beaten up right in front of her by another kid and just sat there, they taught us that we won the Vietnam war, and we also had forced confessions once a term where we were not allowed to go without confessing to the priest. If we said we hadn't done anything, they'd tell us to go in and confess to lying. Then we'd need to go pray in the church.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)08:51:49 No.7436205
    Then, high school. Oh boy, high school. High school was less about dick teachers and more about dick students. So there's things like kids throwing shit at me in class, which teachers could plainly see but chose to ignore, kids ganging up on me and beating me up, right outside of the fucking teacher's lounge during lunch, which they would ignore. Going to most teachers resulted in no action whatsoever, so I just gave up on them. I don't really have many specific moments of high school, because it was just ongoing every day.

    One particular moment was me talking to a friend in my class, as the entire class was talking, when the teacher called me out of the classroom and had me wait there while she got the head of English to come see me. He yelled at me out there, and told me if I didn't shut up and listen to my teacher he'd fail me.
    I did fail my English that year, despite having a passing grade of 52% (below 50% is a fail). Unfortunately, I didn't remember this until it was far too late, and so the principal wouldn't fix it. Because of that bitch, I had to repeat a year of school to make up for that grade.

    After that, I went to a different school, an adult college. It was absolutely great. People there actually wanted to learn.

    I can't really say how it affected me. I guess it's part of why I'm such a bitter person now, but I'm not really a sociopath or anything. More than that it just makes me hate how fucked our education system is where people who hate their jobs teach students that they hate and just make the students hate their experiences too.

    Then again this is probably all just standard kid stuff and I'm a whiny bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)09:04:16 No.7436271
    When I was in 7th grade, I was walking home from school my usual route. One day, one of the local residents park their car in front of their house. By the time they opened the door, was a little more up the road, but still somewhat close to them. Their dog just ran charging, viciously, at me and started barking like a maniac. So I thought I just stood right where I was, and the dog wouldn't come closer to me. It worked, but the owner and his wife just yelled "GET OVER HERE!" At the dog in the loudest and meanest way I've ever heard an adult do before. He repeats himself probably two or three times more. The dog finally left me alone and just ran back to them, and this part I've always remembered: the dog rolled on his back with his tongue hanging out like he wants a belly rub. As soon as the dog does that, SLAP, the neighbor slaps him on his belly at the most prudent force I've seen against an animal. Another I remember was the dog's yelp in shrill pain that I, even to this day, can hear perfectly. The owner then picked the dog up, and threw it into his yard, the neck hitting the fence like it cracked over it. The dog got up and stumbled around. Then the own peered over his fence, and yelled at his dog to come here in this most furious of voice. I immediately walk home fast after that, didn't pay attention to what happened after. For one or two months I was still shocked over it, and still traumatized from it until this day.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)09:04:53 No.7436277
    >>7436271 here.
    Another thing, when I was five-years-old I saw my dad get taken away in hand-cuffs. My mom yelling and slapping the shit out of him as they escorted them to their car. I haven't seen him since.

    Freshman year of my high school, my sister got a rabbit for her birthday that turned out to be pregnant. Once she had her batch, my friend wanted a bunny, so I was a little protective over them until then. They were as small as mice, rats maybe. I remember playing with one of them on my kitchen floor, and my cat was nearby just watching, unsure if she should approach the rabbit. I petted to assure her it's ok. She looked at the baby rabbit for a bit, then pounced on it like it was a rat, where I instantly got overprotective and punched her away from the bunny, all my cats have been afraid to go near the rabbits (we kept a few) since then. I've always felt bad for that since.
    >> FED6 !6j.RsebCwc!!GEQ+AAhS/ET 02/09/10(Tue)09:50:44 No.7436479
    When I turned 16 my folks offered to buy me a car. I told them that I wanted a Ford Mustang with a custom paint job with flames down the side. Come that fateful day, they showed me my new car - it was a Mustang with a custom paint job with only one flame on the fucking hood. I shoved my mom to the side and came back to my room. Fuck my parents, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:01:54 No.7436862

    ur parents are fuckin fags man
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:08:58 No.7436929
    When I was 10 or 11, I got diagnosed with trichotillomania. I scratched my head a lot in class, which led to names such as "flea face" or "Itch." Kids hated me. Unfortunately, it was an OCD like disorder and I couldn't stop myself. I got bullied in every class, just about every day.

    It got to the point where teachers would join in, or try weird methods of discipline in order to get me to stop. One teacher gave me a brush and had me brush my hair in front of the entire class. The whole class made that "oooooooh!" sound (you know, when people get in trouble) and was ROFLing. It was traumatizing. One girl in particular started telling on me every time I did it in hopes that the incident would repeat itself. It was just hell. Another teacher would just crack jokes about me in front of the entire class, and just join in with the kids in bulling me.

    I was in therapy for major depression at the time, and told my psychiatrist what was going on. He was so pissed off at the school system he paid them a personal visit. Now, this guy owned/ran several hospitals and was in charge of several clinics across Ohio. He was a big deal. However, even after he had a meeting with my teachers, guidance counselor and principal - NOTHING changed. He exhausted every opportunity to have something done, and nothing worked.

    This shit continued for four years until 9th or 10th grade, mainly because a lot of the bullies switched schools or got involved with other things.

    To this day I am ridiculously paranoid about my appearance. I developed an eating disorder a few years later, I'm not sure if that was related or not.. and to this day I won't socialize unless I'm at my lowest weight/in best clothes/wearing a lot of make-up. If my hair doesn't look right, I don't go out. It makes a lot of people think I'm stuck up, but I am just so afraid people will judge me or tease me I can't handle it.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:13:10 No.7436951
    Some local "thugs" broke into our apartment when I was four or five. My mother was tiny, and young. My dad didin't live with us. I was convinced they were going to beat the shit out of us both, if not kill us both. For years afterwards I had a recurring nightmare of things actually turning out that way. Thinking about it, they were more likely to raep her.

    What actually did happen is that she cracked their heads open with a bat, and with a bit of help, we moved out of the city. To this day, I know not to piss her off. Of course, that's mostly because I love her. But part of it is because she'd probably kick my ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:20:07 No.7436994

    I really should proofread my posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:22:57 No.7437012
    I forgot to add, in addition to the bullying. My cousins and friends (from other schools even) got bullied by these kids for knowing and talking to me. So, I lost a whole bunch of friends and family get-togethers became really terrible too.

    Thinking back, I probably should have threatened law-suit or something to the schoolboard, or did something in my defense, but I never did.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:38:22 No.7437109
    I was 4-6 years old and my parents were getting drunk at our neighbours house, I was there with them. (normal when your parents are alcoholics) There was some big argument and my father left dragging me back home with him. For some fucking reason he came to sleep on my bed. I remember being crushed between hes body stinking like old booze and the wall. I stayed awake whole night being fucking scared and being afraid to move so he wouldnt wake up.
    Havent seen him for years and last thing I heard was that hes got some terminal disease and doesnt have much to live. I fucking lold.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:38:26 No.7437111
    oh shit, you probably fuck with the birds in a way similar to certain people who cannot wear watches because they won't work properly on them.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:40:22 No.7437128
    You haven't talked about it since, but what did you say to each other at the time?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)11:41:49 No.7437138

    Good question.

    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:21:42 No.7437428
    My dad came home from hunting with my brother, drunk as hell. He actually managed to kill something though. He was holding a dead rabbit, and proceeded to show it to me - I was a three year old little girl. I FLIPPED MY SHIT. My mom ran into the room freaking out, screaming "Oh my God, Bob! What the hell?!?" She tried to convince me it was only sleeping, but I knew. I knew...

    Apparently Dad slept on the couch for weeks after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:25:54 No.7437463
    Man, I remember when my brother was like 2 he gangsta strolled out onto a pool's solar blanket, thinking it was floor. Kid almost died. He still doesn't like water, which sucks as My Dad and uncle and I all love things like scuba diving, but he can't come with us.

    Not me, but, a girlfriend had the most traumatizing shit I've ever heard of. Worse than anything in this thread.... it's ridiculous.

    I never had any real traumatic moments, just years of a slow grind of hatred by my peers that I did not understand, and in truth, still don't, but, bullying is normal, and if you really get fucked up about it you're a pussy. It happens to everyone at some point. I got a lot of hate, like, a disproportionate amount (New kids told not to hang out with me is always the one that amuses me most in retrospect) but, again....shit happens.

    You guys had some way worse shit. Sorry to hear about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:30:22 No.7437493

    Hm. When I was a 3 and half year old girl my father would take me out fishing and I'd put live worms on the hook, and when we caught something, I'd slam the fish into rock until it was dead (well, no longer twitching) while he'd set up the fishing rods again... I guess different kids react differently.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:32:01 No.7437501

    How does a 2 year old gangsta stroll?

    Also please enlighten us about the girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:35:06 No.7437517

    I have trichotillomania too... This is pretty much why as a kid, I lied about it (said I didn't know where the hair was going) and never pulled in front of other people (to this day, I can't, mental block). I used to scratch my head open till all my hands were bloody and all the kids thought that was the awesomest thing for some reason... Again, not traumatic, again, funny how different kids react differently...
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:41:04 No.7437554

    My point is more that he just kinda walked blithely and without concern out onto it, like a true gangsta.

    Raped rom th age of four, including rented to groups of her dad's friends, tortured and shit. I broke up with her because I couldn't deal with the fact that it was happening, and it was long distance so I couldn't do anything about it.

    Dude's in prison now. I will do things you can't IMAGINE to him if he gets out.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:41:37 No.7437558
    My mom beat the fuck out of me once in first grade because I forgot to do a book report. You had to read all the books on that list, I read but I never filled out that list. So I came home one day after school and my mom was waiting for me by the door. I took off my bagpack and she asked me about school. She started yelling at me and pushed me against the stair case and started to choke me. It was a mixture of spanking and choking at the same time. Feels bad man, if I cried she would hit me even harder. From elementary to middle school, my mom used to take out all her anger on me. When someone approaches me for a hug, I assume they're going to suffocate me. It's weird how I never hated my mother no matter what she did to me.I never fought back, in the end I just wanted her to love me. Instead I hated my father, I blamed him for everything. For hurting her and making her miserable, treating her like shit. I felt like he was the source of problem that made my mother turn on me.

    So with this abusive childhood, I found myself coping with an eating disorder. For all the abuse and hurt, bulimia became my friend and gave me strength to go on. Until when I was 18, I went into cardiac arrest after several years of binge and purges. I felt like if I was beautiful on the outside, I'd be pretty on the inside.

    It doesn't work like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)12:44:39 No.7437572
    My older male cousin fucked me in the ass when I was like 6. It turned me from a young innocent kid who was happy and curious about the world-- to a coldly logical young boy who saw the world for what it was-- a bunch of animals. Now I have a hard time being intimate in any setting. Talking to women is nearly impossible. I've told no one of this and don't blame my "poor" life on one event. I'm doing well in uni and have a typical group of bro's but I just find it impossible to share emotion.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:43:51 No.7437969
    When I was, what, 3, I was at my nan's house and she had a fucking heart attack. It was just me and her.
    Buried that somewhere deep down.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:47:20 No.7437983
    my dad used the belt excessively through out my childhood. the absolute worst abuse though, was being pulled by my hair across the floor.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)13:52:26 No.7438007
    cont. my sis made me .. well sort of have sex with her, it was weird and ive never told anyone this. it hasn't emotionally scarred me or anything, i'm also female so it didn't take my virginity or anything it was just.. an unexplainable thing in my life. i wish i could forget it though.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:08:18 No.7438076
    i was raped by my step-uncle when i was about 4.

    around the same time my stepdad used to beat me mercilessly.

    i remember one time i dropped a newspaper on the floor, my stepdad picked me up and slammed my head into the corner of a chair, it split my head open and i bled everywhere. my mom wanted to help me but he decided to throw me into the cellar and lock the door and taunt me about rats and monsters.

    thats traumatizing, OP, you bitch.

    having your 2 months worth of allowance confiscated because you didnt return a few rentals on time is not.

    grow up.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:08:19 No.7438077
    Two different girls molested me when I was little (I'm female also). We'd be playing house or something and they'd be the husband. Then they be like "mkay it's sexytiem, that's what couples do" and grind on me and kiss me.
    Now I'm hardcore straight. Only dick for me.

    Also, hearing my mom having sex with various people over the years, including my step dad, then others after they separated.
    And my mom using my hair brush handle as a dildo. :/
    But I also used her back massager as a vibrator, so we're kinda even.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:09:26 No.7438080
    serves you right you little shit, how could you forget to take them back?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:44:14 No.7438337
    youre a fucking faggot. burn in hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:48:01 No.7438365
    this sounds hawt
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)14:59:36 No.7438452
    my parents used to fight all the time.

    when I was little and I didn't know the months, I used to figure out when a holiday was coming by how much my parents fought.

    I remember one time, my mother decided to move out, she started throwing shit in the car, hers and mine, and snapped the head off my pretty little snowglobe and ran over my favorite toy as she backed out.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)15:03:19 No.7438485


    archive this shit motherfuckers
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)15:25:11 No.7438664
    My traumatizing event was my own fault, more or less.

    I was originally living with someone who treated me like shit when I was very little, from an infant until about age 4 or 5. He mildly beat me all the time, for no reason. It made me angry, but I was tough from a young age because of it. What made me the angriest though was that he would beat me for not knowing things, when I was just a little ignorant kid that had not been taught anything. Since then, I get irrationally angry at people picking on someone just for not knowing something that they have no reason to know. I have a surprising amount of memories of this time, surprising because I was so young, and lessons I learned from that stayed with me. I learned how to deal with insane people.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)15:26:12 No.7438676


    But what really traumatized me was when someone rescued me from that environment and was a real father to me. He was amazingly patient and kind, and at first, I just acted horrible to him, because I didn't know how to act. I'd been with insane people with anger problems and had no idea how to act better than them. There are several incidents where I hurt my new father and felt nothing about it at the time, but later I thought about how much pain it caused him and how he even cried but didn't otherwise react, and I feel so bad about it. I remember one time, he was teaching me to play baseball, and I got angry and hit him on the leg with the bat. I could tell he was really upset by it, but he didn't say anything.

    I felt bad about it at the time, but later, when I learned some about how to be a compassionate human being, I looked back on that and felt so much worse. Since then, I have always been very hard on myself for hurting other people, and I feel like I will always be a bad person at my core, because of how I was originally raised. I can easily be very heartless and cruel, but I always feel bad about it later.

    I'm not a total sociopath, because I have feelings, but I fear that that tendency is still inside me. I try to have hope that one day I will truly be as good of a person inside as my dad is.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)16:38:39 No.7439344
    Lots of shit happened to me, but I remember once thing pretty good:

    My dad was an alcohol (lolsuprise) and one night he got pissed off at me for some reason, and locked me out of the house.

    It was winter and it had snowed about a foot or something. I wore only pijamas and no shoes. I kocked on the door for about an hour, crying so he would let me in, but he didn`t. He`d passed out on the couch.

    So I went around the house in the garden, and our dogs had a little doggyhouse with lots of blankets and even an pillow.

    I slept that night with the dogs. They comforted me and cared for me.

    I was 6 or 7. I don`t remember where my mom was.

    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)17:09:27 No.7439655
    When I was about 10, my mother decided it would be a cool as fuck idea to cheat on my dad, and drag me along with her.

    Bear in mind that my dad is a goddamned genius who worked in R&D for ICL/Fujitsu and brought in a fuckton of money, and gave us a nice house in a nice neighbourhood.

    Her boyfriend was a fatass with no education, in a dead-end, minimum wage job, living in a dirty little rented apartment in one of the shittiest, roughest areas of the city.

    I spent less than 5 nights in that tiny apartment, but I have a clearer memory of it than I do of any other time period in my life.

    My mother, whom I loved dearly up until that point, risked the stability and prosperity of not only her life but MINE, and all for what? A few nights of sex with an ugly fatass with no future.

    The affair was short lived - my mother loves the comforts of middle class life, and knew her fatass lover was never going to provide them. Crawling back to my dad on her knees, he took her back in, but even almost 15 years later he's still bitter as fuck towards her. It's never mentioned, but they find other things to fight over instead.

    My dad, awesome man that he is, told me straight that I was the only reason he was still with my mother atall. He's painfully aware that he's nothing but a checkbook to her. He didn't dare divorce her when I was a child because we all know the father never gets custody unless the mother is some kind of psycho or criminal - being a whore isn't enough.

    Those few nights in that apartment destroyed every last postive feeling I ever had about my mother, and I had had many, prior to that - she had been a wonderful, loving mother whom I clung to like a goddamned koala I loved her so much, and then in one instant she jeopardised my future, humiliated my dad, and then essentially used me as a bargaining chip to get back into that nice big house.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)17:11:21 No.7439680

    Shit sucks. You anon or femanon?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)17:13:28 No.7439712
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)17:28:12 No.7439918
    A regular, penis-weilding anon.

    I guess if I'd have been female, this would have turned me into a huge daddy's girl or something.

    Funnily enough, it wasn't until just a few months ago that I kind of realised how that event affected me - when my girlfriend (now wife) asked me "Why do you think you like motherly women so much." while I was curled up on the sofa with her, resting my head in her lap while she scratched at my scalp.

    It was obvious to me the second she said it, but I'd never been aware of it atall prior to her mentioning it.

    I love big women, and not so much fat, but curvy (Dat ass, dem titties, dem thighs) and tall. Taller than me. Stronger than me. Women who can protect me. Big cuddly women, big muscular women, anything. It doesn't matter so long as I get the feeling they're stronger than I am.

    I realised immediately that what I looked for in women was nothing more than a replacement for my mother, through the eyes of a child.

    I hid my face in her thighs while I told her the answer to her question.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)17:30:31 No.7439948
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    Holy damn this thread has been up forever.

    btw does anyone remember this meme?

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