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    File : 1265568809.jpg-(15 KB, 385x415, mahroom.jpg)
    15 KB Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)13:53:29 No.7414387  
    rearrange my room layout for me /r9k/

    pic is my room mostly to scale

    everything is moveable except the door and closet
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)13:56:27 No.7414417
         File1265568987.jpg-(7 KB, 233x252, 1265568809147s.jpg)
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    how about like this
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)13:58:18 No.7414430
    Desk should face door.

    Never sit with your back to the door.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)13:58:29 No.7414433
    son of a-

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)13:59:57 No.7414444
    You should always sit with your back to the door so you won't get caught fapping.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:03:51 No.7414467

    I'd rather them see me fapping, than what I'm fapping to.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:04:47 No.7414473

    I just close the door
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:06:22 No.7414490

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:06:43 No.7414492
    Then angle the monitor slightly so they can't see the screen when they walk in.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:08:31 No.7414505
    >everything is moveable except the door and closet

    I wish I had a movable window.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:08:39 No.7414508
         File1265569719.jpg-(23 KB, 385x415, 1265568809147.jpg)
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    Dogs also make suitable companions
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:08:42 No.7414509
    put the computer by the bed, so you dont have to get up to fap to porn
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:09:22 No.7414516
         File1265569762.jpg-(14 KB, 388x402, ngfhfgfzgbfzc.jpg)
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    I dunno, something like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:09:54 No.7414520
    How is a bookshelf attached to a window?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:10:29 No.7414525
    move the window to the middle of the floor and you're good
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:11:06 No.7414534
    "queensized bed"

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:12:28 No.7414552
         File1265569948.jpg-(14 KB, 384x416, room.jpg)
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    There, your desk is no longer problematic, and you get to look out the window as you fall asleep. Also more floor space.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:13:25 No.7414563
    That is the correct terminology for a mattress size. They come in Single, Twin, Queen, and King.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:15:45 No.7414588
    Twin beds are for poorfags and singles are for kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:37:30 No.7414839
    so ronery vlox
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)14:48:04 No.7414923
    window is obviously immovable
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:09:57 No.7415158
    holy shit that's exactly what i was going to draw

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:31:57 No.7415404
    OP, it's time to claim a 2-bedroom for your sole use. The bedroom should be used for fucking only.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:36:37 No.7415477

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:43:48 No.7415572
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    Here ya go. Why do you have a moveable window?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:44:21 No.7415579

    No that's bad feng shui.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)15:49:54 No.7415653
         File1265575794.jpg-(15 KB, 385x429, abracadabra.jpg)
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    You don't have much room, and a double bed is useless.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:05:42 No.7415831
         File1265576742.jpg-(15 KB, 385x415, 1265568809147.jpg)
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    Relax. Play some keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:22:47 No.7416015
    I made a thread like this a few months ago and /r9k/ put all my stuff in the middle of the room in a pile and set it on fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:26:01 No.7416045
    place shoes in closet
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:32:21 No.7416122
         File1265578341.jpg-(41 KB, 385x415, 1265576742820.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:40:25 No.7416241
         File1265578825.jpg-(20 KB, 385x415, 1265568809147.jpg)
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    I did take shit on floor. smear on bed, braked windows so you can be free. and remove door so now you can stay in room all time.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:47:09 No.7416325
    jaysus h christ r9k
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:51:25 No.7416373
         File1265579485.png-(132 KB, 480x520, layout.png)
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    Here's my proposed idea:

    Bed by window (Who wouldn't want to wake up looking outside? Environmental value)
    Desk is across from your bed, in case you feel like watching a movie on it
    Drawer is by your bed, in case when you're watching movies or stuff like that, you can set down drinks
    Shoes/Dresser by door, because it's more convenient that way
    Bookshelf by desk, because anywhere else it would be a hindrance (or it could be placed at the diagonal corner)

    Put your keyboards in your closet. You don't absolutely need them at hand all the time. If you do, well, figure it out
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)16:56:59 No.7416436
    You spent way too much effort on that, bro
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)17:00:36 No.7416486
    I would move the desk a bit out, i mean sure it makes the room a little more cramped, but you can sit at your desk and work and look out. There's nothing worse than doing work and having nowhere to look but into the wall.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)17:03:04 No.7416516

    Not too long, brah. Just use cut+paste/styles and it takes less than 5 minutes
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)19:04:37 No.7418049
    liking the idea of putting the bed alongside window
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)20:29:51 No.7418910
         File1265592591.jpg-(34 KB, 385x415, Image1.jpg)
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    Also this position is perfect for videotaping secret sex videos and making money online off of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)20:35:50 No.7418983
    >make porn videos

    listen to this man
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)20:39:30 No.7419039
    Stack everything vertically on top of each other and attempt to climb up to the top.

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