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    224 KB Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:41:31 No.7394990  
    I was a senior in high school. My friends and I were chilling and listening to Dragonforce in the art room just before drama practice right after class ended.
    Then our old bearded gay art teacher suddenly rushed in through the back door and shouted "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MOTHERFUCKERS?"

    Describe high school experiences that are awesome as fuck in retrospect.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:42:38 No.7394998
    Wow that is pretty bad ass OP. Dragonforce even? Hardcore shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:43:04 No.7395001
    tl;dr version.

    i had detention w. hot teacher
    almost had sex
    she was a bear
    i kicked its ass and now the bears are chasing me
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:43:24 No.7395006
    My whole class used to pick on this one kid constantly. Often making him cry.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:44:06 No.7395014

    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:45:04 No.7395025
    It was our art teacher. The art room was like six feet away from the drama room.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:45:38 No.7395032
    My math teacher once came in through the door and continued through the window without hesitating (note that we was in the ground floor.)

    Everyone just went "wtf?"

    Then he came back in 3 min later and said: "I forgot my coffe"
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:45:48 No.7395034

    Oh, sorry, I thought you were making a My Immortal reference

    If you weren't that is one crazy coincidence
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:45:56 No.7395035
    I bet that kid was you.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:47:14 No.7395051
    I was playing Quake 3 on my math teachers computer, against some kids in the web design classes. I convinced my Jesus-freak of a teacher that it was a religious game. That class was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:48:15 No.7395063

    Although I looked up his facebook pic recently and it has a picture of a girl kissing him, and here I am, the roney virgin.

    We all gave him shit about being gay.

    Hmmm >:(
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:48:49 No.7395067
    I wanted to have sexual relations with one of my teachers.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:48:57 No.7395068
    Wow that's so awesome, OP. I bet you were the most popular kid in school, with awesome stories like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:49:34 No.7395075
    Chilling in the Sci room at lunch because Mr. Smith was chill as shit and awesome to hang around. He made stuff blow up occasionally. Or bought donuts. And delicious caek.

    Anyway, we were chilling, just talking all normal-loike, and this hipster pretty boy faggot that no one likes (except, incidentially, half the girls I was superficially interested in but lost it when I got to know them) looks up and says 'can you guys be quiet or leave? Some of us are trying to study.' My group looks stunned for a second, but I take charge. I stand up, sieg heil that motherfucker, and goose step out of the room.

    Immature as hell, but so was he. And it is a story that still gains accolades amongst my comrades. I feel, for once in my life, like a true bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:49:40 No.7395077
    Math teacher

    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:50:34 No.7395086
    My principal once told the senior class that sex is like a sandwich.

    He never explained it further.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:51:13 No.7395091
    In my science class our teacher had set up a scarecrow thing on a chair in class a few weeks before Halloween. Anyways, on Halloween, my friend comes starts acting weird as fuck, he's saying that he saw the scarecrow move. Now this guy bullshits more than anybody else I know, so I just tell him to fuck off. But he insists he's serious.

    So I go into class, and say "This scarecrow right here?", and promptly give it a boot to the balls. The scarecrow falls over in pain and mutters out some muffled profanities. Turns out it was my science teacher trying to play a prank on us.

    Needless to say, lulz were had.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:51:44 No.7395095
    Dragonforce fuck yeah. I wish I had awesome stories like that when I was in high school :(
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:52:01 No.7395098
    one of my high school boyfriend fingered me in the chemistry lab... while i was dating someone else. shit was cash.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:53:18 No.7395113
    Clue: Your principal was the Middle in a bi relationship?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:53:41 No.7395117
    get this /lit/ meme out of my r9k
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:55:13 No.7395130
    That's wisdom for you

    We once had a bomb threat called at our school. We went to the near by college for shelter/protection, stupid really. Hung out with this girl I liked, and I was the really quiet kid in a specialized high school with just regular quiet kids who came out of their shell but I never did. So, High school for me is like a chicken.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:55:24 No.7395132
    Well... it's true. Sandwiches are like sex.
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 02/05/10(Fri)23:55:39 No.7395135
    Chinese class:

    We watched "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon". Blonde girl says "Mrs. Cheng, can people really fly like that?".

    Mrs. Cheng goes "Rwell ressss of couwse! Dey Chineeeese!" and goes to teach us some characters.

    This kid Colin says "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Mrs. Cheng it's IMPOSSIBLE for people to fly around on bamboo trees and over miles of land and jump in the air without actually moving their legs."

    and Mrs. Cheng goes "You stupid. It ancient art in China, to make dey warriors wrear de suit ahv armor. It heavy. And they wear it for tree years, and every month they put on more weight. When they take it off they light as feather. They fly. The master jump four story even! Can jump into this crassroom flom the ground, through the window!!!"

    No joke, no lie, this is ver batim. She literally tried to teach the Chinese class that chinese people can FLY.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:55:40 No.7395137
    That made me lol. Way to go math teacher!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:56:38 No.7395148
    I had no memorable high school experiences and have few memories of it. Since so many people seemed to have such a bad time, feels good man, comparatively.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:56:48 No.7395152
    That's fucking badass.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:57:10 No.7395157
    Even though nobody never had any proof, everybody pretty much assumed that one of our english teachers was a huge stoner. You could just tell somedays something was up, he'd be really happy, and sometimes just crack out his guitar in the middle of the class. Awesome guy.

    So this one time he comes into class 10 minutes late, big smile on his face. Sits at his desk, pulls out a piece of paper and gets the class' attention. Then he just stared at the piece of paper for a few seconds, and started shaking his head and laughing. He says "Did we have anything planned today?". We say no, and he suggests we all just go chill/read/do whatever outside because it was such a nice day out. He brought his guitar and a few other guys brought theirs and we just jammed out with our baked as fuck teacher because he was too stoned to teach anything.

    It was a glorious day.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:57:26 No.7395158
    did she have her trollface on the whole time or just at the end of it?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:58:47 No.7395172
    Oh SHIT I love that copypasta. Anyone have it handy or know where to find it?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:59:19 No.7395180
    In high school we had this one kid in our biology class who thought he could turn into a giant mythical monster and kill a shitload of people.
    Once one kid made fun of him and he jumped up on the table and started hissing and growling and making claws with his hands.
    The teacher told him to stop TARD RAGING and go to the principal's office.
    We dealt with that kind of behavior pretty much daily.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:00:41 No.7395196
    we only manage to make our teachers cry and leave.

    One teacher just wrote tasks on the blackboard and left cause he refused to educate us because we were a "naughty class and we belonged on the naughty stool"

    The principal came once and asked us nicely to behave when we made one of the teachers cry.

    A guy in the class went nuts and threw a chair through the window, dunno what happened though. Suddenly he yelled something and next second, there was a chair on the lawn. He left and I haven't seen him since.

    Another stuck a pencil into the venting fan of a computer and made it explode and short circuit, the IT department weren't exactly happy about the whole thing.
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 02/06/10(Sat)00:01:15 No.7395205
    No, she was completely serious, and Colin got detention for undermining the intelligence/authority of a teacher.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:01:29 No.7395210
    german teacher (i was a french student) pulled me out of an english class i hated so he could show me pictures of the brewery he worked at in Munich.

    ...yea, there were a lot of rumors about us at school.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:02:20 No.7395220
    Similar to OP, but it was our calc teacher who used to do research at top unis like MIT and taught at a few ivies:

    WHAAAAATTT AREEEEE YOOOOUUU FOOCKING DOOING (in this strange, gargoyle like voice, to some kids messing around in the hallway)

    I don't even know what the hell happened, even today.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:02:21 No.7395221
    In our high school we had two groups of kids who kept trolling each other over the school myspace boards. One group of kids was constantly acting emo and butthurt and bitching and the other group of kids was constantly posting images from 4Chan and calling them out on their bullshit.
    They never talked to each other in real life, just glared at each other and flipped each other off in the hallway. Once I saw two of the kids who'd been arguing online making /angryface and shouting at each other when they met in the hallway.
    It was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:02:47 No.7395225
    I used to write shit like "Chelsey McLaren has great tits, and gives head like a pro" or something similar, implicating one of the Jock/Hick/Wigger kids girlfriend was a whore (And she usually was, but the jock/hick/wigger was too idiotic to realize it). I was only a Freshman at the time, so if anyone found out I was doing this I'd be dead meat. Good thing I'm at least moderately good at making my handwriting look different.

    One day I put "Sydney Crawford sucked me off like a pro last night. Her ass was banging too. She rode me all night long" in chicken scratch on the bathroom stall. Next day rolls along, and as I'm walking down the halls, someone shouts "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCK MY GIRLFIREND HUH?!", and then a sharp smack noise. Sydney's boyfriend (the "head") jock and the "head" hick Carl Higgins are going at it. I mean really going at it, teeth and hair and blood is everywhere, people are in a big circle around it, hell even a few teachers were cheering it on.

    Two days later when I took a piss, as I was admiring my nefarious deeds on the stall wall, I say that someone else had wrote "- Carl Higgins" underneath my defamation of character. Never found out who wrote that.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:03:10 No.7395235

    I had an English teacher kinda like that, though less hippyish and more intimidating. But he was definitely a stoner. Or probably anyway.

    He was REALLY smart though, like scary smart. It was awesome because he looked down on everyone and would essentially call people stupid.

    Writing it like that makes him sound like an asshole but trust me it was awesome.

    I only remember one time that he came into class too baked to teach. Wait I wasn't even here this time. But apparently he came in with a pair of sunglasses on and played jazz music the whole time and taught the class about jazz.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:03:13 No.7395236
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    Oh man, I love playing DragonForce on my Saturn.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:03:47 No.7395240
    A dude masturbated in Japanese class. His life was quite ruined.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:04:04 No.7395243
    I put a few hits of acid in my teacher's coffee and she lit up a smoke in the library.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:05:16 No.7395262
    It was after midterms (I go to a independent study type place, we only have to go to school for finals/science labs/math tutoring if we need it, but it's open five days a week from 9-4)

    I went outside for a smoke and saw some dudes I occasionally chilled with sitting in a car with smoke billowing out

    turns out they had a giant thing of sour whiskey and we all drank from it until one dude got so drunk he knew he was going to pass out so he starts up his car, we bail out of the car, he drives to the gas station across the street and blacks out as soon as he parks. He didn't even put the car in park. We walked over there and he had vomited over everything and his car was rolling backwards into the gas pump. We pushed and got the car into park, but somebody called the cops.

    He went to the hospital. Surprisingly he wasn't expelled. Our involvement in the situation was never found out.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:05:47 No.7395270
    I used to keep having panic attacks and flashbacks to a traumatic experience in my high school algebra class that I dealt by cutting myself with a pencil or pen in the middle of class.
    Once it actually got so bad that I actually tried to choke myself to death with my necktie instead of working on my assignment.
    Needless to say most of my classmates thought I was fucking batshit.
    Once it got so bad that I tried
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:08:24 No.7395292
    I used to masturbate in class from time to time.
    I had ADHD and shit so they put me in a study hall class for reading/math-challenged kids called Learning Strategies. The kid behind me to me would be snorting coke and reading playboy and the guy next to me was usually listening to country music and spitting chewing tobacco into a Sprite bottle.
    Sometimes if I got bored enough I would either surprise massage the girl in front of me or just reach into my pants and start jacking off in class.

    The teacher was fucking clueless and never found out about any of this. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:08:38 No.7395293


    AH FUUUCK AAAAAH *cut slice cut slice*
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:08:58 No.7395297
    No one could prove it indefinitely, but everyone was pretty sure my drivers ed teacher was a pedophile. Beginning of junior year, my friends and I are sitting in the back of drivers ed. One thing leads to another and we start discussing this girl Leah's HUMONGOUS tits, I mean these things were massive yet she had a pretty slim frame. so we're just siting there, discussing this 15 year old girls tits (who sat in the front row btw). Of course, we end up being a little loud, and in my teachers word's disrupting class. So he asks us to stay after class. So, class ends, he asks us what could be so important to warrant interrupting his class. My friend Cliff just blurts out: Leah's awesome tits. I swear to god, it got so quiet I could've heard some freshman's balls dropping 3 classes away. He looks Cliff square in the eye and says: Yeah, I just want to rip her shirt off and lick them. We left shocked as hell and I NEVER talked about a girl in that class again.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:10:23 No.7395311
    Stop being so sensitive, oogling about a 15 year old girI is normal. I bet you still want to squeeze Leah's awesome tits. Ooohhh yeah, I remember sitting in that seat next to her while she was driving, putting my hand down that blouse, damn i love high school.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:11:23 No.7395326
    Well, if you replace the 2 with an a and the other 2 with a (75b + c)^3 then that describes the situation pretty accurately.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:12:27 No.7395342
    A friend and I were talking about how to take over a shitty African nation in AP Macroeconomics. I was talking about how I know how to use AK-47's really well.

    Well, I said "I bet I could fieldstrip an AK-47 with my hands behind my back" where I should have said "I bet I could fieldstrip an AK-47 with my eyes blindfolded."

    My friend asked me how I could do that.

    I responded "With one good pelvic thrust I'd tear that shit apart." Right when I said that the whole class was quite and all looked at me and started laughing their asses off, I was shit scared the teacher heard me (which he did) and I was gonna get sent to the Dean but he was cool about it.

    Oh, this one time I zip tied a fat kid to his desk. The bell rung for lunch. He tried to get up but toppled over. It was so fucking funny, but then he started to cry (we were in fucking 12 th grade.) I got a 3 day suspension and the teacher didn't get rehired next year. I was the class clown, but fuck year, shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:14:01 No.7395356

    looking back, it wasnt so much her age, it was that he was teacher and hung out with my dad :/
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:14:59 No.7395361

    What traumatic experiences?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:16:46 No.7395376
    >and he jumped up on the table and started hissing and growling and making claws with his hands.

    Oh fuck help me I'm lol'ing so hard
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:17:44 No.7395382
    Uh. FYI: Pedos don't like big tits.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:18:36 No.7395397
    I described them in a thread on here a while back, but suffice to say some shit happened in middle school, I got warehoused with the kind of trash no one wanted around but kept alive anyway, and came out after two and a half years bruised and scarred, temporarily physically, and permanently mentally.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:19:25 No.7395406

    Could you be more specific?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:20:55 No.7395427
    During the lunch bell I was going to the bath room like I always did at that time. When I opened the door some chick was on her way out. I open a stall and there is period blood in the toilet. Shit was gross. That was the only bathroom in the hallway. I guess she started flowing a little too early.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:25:01 No.7395472
    Every other day or two I got locked in a room full of piss and blood and shit that I wasn't let out of for up to two days. Sometimes alone, but when they put someone else in their with me you can guess the kind of shit that went on.
    I got beat up, molested and assaulted by the teachers, bashed against walls by the students, I saw students get carried out on stretchers, I saw a boy fall through the ceiling and have his head bashed to shit on impact with the ground, and I saw a teacher get raped by a retard.

    I think that place was the first time I ever had any suicidal thoughts or felt absolutely determined to kill someone. I still have fantasies about burning that place down and slaughtering the people in it.
    I only wish I could have.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:28:29 No.7395505
    That's not even that bad, ya pussy.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:29:15 No.7395515
    Bump for fun thread.

    Thanks for ensuring that I stay up for another two hours, you bastards.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:29:58 No.7395523
    There's a lot more to it than that, but that's just the basics of my little brain-shattering journey the scuffmarked, shit-stained, bloody fluorescent white hallways of the deepest level of Dante's fucking inferno.
    I think the one thing I learned there was that evil is real, and bad guys don't only exist in the movies.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:31:57 No.7395539
    I wish I could give you a hug in real life. (>")><("<)
    I'm quite the racist/hateful bastard and I feel bad for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:32:18 No.7395541
    That's not what I was cutting myself over.
    I don't remember it too well, but it was more just plain stress, and that stress led to bad thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:35:07 No.7395572
    one time my History teacher started making fun of this super fobby kid and how he mispronounced all the teachers names.

    I think she forgot he was the TA that day.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:35:39 No.7395580

    Fucking COD fags

    In high school I got drunk after school at 2, walked back to the high school and visited some friends of mine who were staying behind after school ended to work on a lab. I ended up having a drunk conversation with the teacher who I am cool with

    My friends knew I was drunk and immediately got me out of there
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:35:41 No.7395581
    I had this one art teacher who kept making a racist "Chinee face" and at the beginning of class when she started talking about art history she told us evolution was bullshit and that God had created the world 4000 years before the birth of Christ... oh, and she was teaching at a secular school.

    Then she let us have a day where a student could bring in music of their choise.
    One girl brought in a CD of middle eastern music and she got pissed off, grabbed the CD out of the player, and tore it in half.
    Then she started giving the girl a lecture about not supporting "terrorists".
    I got made to wait outside of her class for most of the period when I refused to say "under God" in the pledge once, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:36:25 No.7395586

    Where the good hell do you live?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:36:50 No.7395591
    After high school I ran into my old gay Latin teacher at a goth club I visited once.
    The first thing he did was start hitting on me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:37:34 No.7395597
    The Sunshine state. You know, the ding dong of the nation.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:39:13 No.7395612

    what the cunting shit is this bullshit, and what the living fuck is it doing on 4chan.

    that shit ain't allowed here, BOY.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:39:14 No.7395614
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    Hmmmmm, personal-army request for: >>7395472
    What do?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:39:20 No.7395616

    Fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:41:04 No.7395629
    Polk County fag here, somehow I knew.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:43:17 No.7395652
    Not mine, but it's a good story.
    My older brother had a teacher in 6th grade. He was pretty effeminate and vietnamese, and he ran the school musical. He's still teaching. Anyway, some of my brother's friends called him up a few years ago and they went out drinking with him. They convinced some random drunk chicks to give him a lap dance. Last year, the teacher finally came out of the closet. He teaches in a pretty liberal area, so he didn't get fired or anything. But I imagine it would have been hilarious to watch him freaking out in the bar.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:45:16 No.7395665

    Would it have killed you to switch schools?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:45:25 No.7395667
    Shit, it was my freshman or sophormore year. I was walking down the hall with a friend behind a couple of girls in a grade above us. They were screwing around with each other and one pantsed the other, she was wearing a thong. Wish I had a camera for that one. Closest I've even come to seeing real girl naked, goddamn introversion. Thank God for internet porn.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:46:32 No.7395675
    Come on, explain this shit, what kind of place was this supposed to be, is it still around, has anything been done about it?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:47:22 No.7395681
    Dude my friends chinese grandmother did the SAME thing
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:48:13 No.7395694
    I wanted to.
    But I was in a "remedial program" that was kind of hard to escape from and my parents were convinced I needed to stay there.
    Eventually I did convince them to switch me back to a real school but they made me stay there a quarter of the time to "monitor my progress."
    It was only after our family moved to another town that I was able to completely withdraw.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:51:51 No.7395728
    Once back in middle school we had a bitchy old substitute call a black student a nigger. She got demoted to office work for an entire school year. Many cheers were had.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:52:59 No.7395740
    It existed as a way to warehouse both flailing, drooling, groaning tards and angry, violent "emotionally disabled" kids who couldn't make it in a normal school. My parents had me sent there after I tried to defend myself from a teacher who was trying to sexually assault me, but my parents didn't believe me when I told them the facts of the case and they were convinced I'd be arrested if they didn't send me to tard school. Of course, they were convinced it was only going to be a month or two. Months ended up being years.
    I have no idea if it's still around and I really don't want to check. I've never confessed this to anyone in real life, ever. A lot of times I just try to pretend I was never even there.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:55:02 No.7395762
    Give us details, anonymous must take action for sweet nigger justice.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:55:21 No.7395766
    Wow. Really, I think it was as much of your parents fault as it was those who abused you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:00:41 No.7395831
    The teacher totally knew, but just didn't do anything. I'm teaching HS right now and see some weird shit, but what would they do? "You, stop jacking off!" Probably just looked the other way any ignored it if it wasn't an immediate problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:01:04 No.7395836
    Oh I have another story. (Period blood poster here)

    When I was an office aid for the school during my senior year we had a computer we'd fool around with when we were bored. I was bored so I just kept clicking "Random Article" on wikipedia. Somehow I got to a page about some fastfood resturant that served "taco fries" so I clicked on that and there was a picture of a taco on the page. I said out loud "Hey, that doesn't look like a taco!"

    The funny part about this is there was a fellow office aid ( a female) right in front of me who was bending over picking something up. Her ass was facing me. She looked back and we all had a laugh. Hopefully that made sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:03:19 No.7395857
    You were listening to Dragonforce. You probably took art because you think you are artistic.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:03:22 No.7395858
    I used to bust out somersaults and capoiera moves in the middle of chemistry class my senior year of high school.
    It felt awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:03:53 No.7395864
    No, I took art to learn how to draw.
    Not because I thought I already could.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:03:53 No.7395865
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    >old, bearded gay teacher

    yeah OP is full of shit
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:04:37 No.7395871
    Take your people to the Orient and ruin their race now, you are done here, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:05:34 No.7395886
    I'm white as cotton. >.<
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:06:57 No.7395898
    Back in highschool I was learning to speak German.

    Our usual teacher was an old guy and was off for like 8 months of the year. We had some substitute German woman come to teach our class but had no experience teaching. We controlled her so easily.

    We got her to teach us rude shit in german and then used them against her.

    She also told an Indian guy to be quiet so everyone was calling her racist and shit because she didnt tell anyone else to be quiet. She ran out crying.

    I never saw her again.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:07:34 No.7395905
    Someone put a trapper keeper through one of the saws in shop class and the teacher busted in on what was going on. He just stopped, face palmed and yelled "YOU KIDS ARE FUCKING ANIMALS", left the classroom for a cigarette.

    One of my middle school teachers got arrested for having some how acquired stolen property from NASA. He was eventually cleared of all charges but it made national news :D
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:09:17 No.7395925
    Haha, we had this one intern in our biology class who got yelled at by our crazy, drunk, bitter teacher.
    He called her an incompetent bitch and she ran out of his office in tears.

    It was only minutes before the entire school found out what badassery had occured.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:10:16 No.7395932
    I took an AP Studio art class (most work ever in a highschool class, holy shit did not see that coming) my senior year, and the teacher got a lot of flac for the way she taught it from the faggy artistic types in it. Unfortunately due to the way our semesters are laid out and the amount of work that putting together a portfolio takes, she pretty much had to teach it the way she did.

    One day she got a particularly large amount of bullshit complaining, stopped the class, explained why she was teaching it the way she was and asked if anyone could think of any other ways to do it. She got a lot of bullshit non-answers that were mainly complaints of artistic creativity being stifled from the kids who were bitching. I could tell she was pretty upset from the whole thing, so when we went back to work I got up and went to tell her that she was the best art teacher I'd ever had and that I had learned loads in her class - all true. She gave me a big hug and almost cried.

    Shit felt nice.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:12:24 No.7395956
    the fuck is a trapper keeper?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:16:25 No.7396004

    This is bullshit. I can tell from the pixels and having seen a lot of bullshit in my time.

    I got one guys, i dunno it's not that great but w/e

    I was smoking weed with two weed-smoking friends and one good friend who didn't smoke weed. We snuck out a side door during lunch and went into the woods, usual routine.

    Now the school, to prevent little escapades like this, had the doors set up to lock after they were closed, so we'd always shove a stick or something in there to keep it open, but the stick fell out. I said "let's just walk around to the front" - it would've been about a five minute walk and a bit risky if anyone saw us but we didn't really have any other option. But noooo, my redneck friend didn't want to walk that far, he sees two teachers and knocks on the door for them to let us in.

    They give us the run-down, "what were you guys doing out there?" "oh nothing he was just having a cigarette and we wanted to keep the conversation going" (the redneck kid was 18)
    "Cigarettes huh? Yeah I think I do smell smoke, but it doesn't smell like cigarette smoke to me."

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:16:47 No.7396011
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    Those thick, fabric covered zipper binders. It wasn't one of those wimpy plastic ones you get at the dollar store. It almost broke the blade off the machine.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:19:55 No.7396037

    Sorry, I kind of face palmed for a moment, forgot to do the number thing for the post. I guess it's like a generational thing?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:21:51 No.7396052
    I had this awesome computer programming teacher freshman and sophomore year. During senior year, I'm called down to the main office to receive an award or something. While I'm waiting with the principal and a few other people, my computer programming teacher walks in, points at me, and says, "That kid, he's nothing but trouble. Beats up kids every day." (Keep in mind that, like the rest of r9k, I'm a fairly quiet, unassuming guy.) He then walks out and the principal says, "That guy is insane. Why does he even teach here?"
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:25:56 No.7396091
    Well there was the one time that I beat the shit out of my principal in his office and ended up in behaviorial adaptation for the rest of my time in junior high.
    That was sort've awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:25:57 No.7396092
    Trapper Keeper is a brand of loose-leaf binder created by Mead. Popular with students in the United States and parts of Latin America from the 1970s to the ...
    yeah cool id never heard of that
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:28:03 No.7396108

    We apparently reeked up the whole hallway >.< Awkward situation, we were freaked, but they let us off (I don't remember exactly what they said, I was stoned lol). I'm in gym class next period, still flying pretty nicely, and a motherfuckin' cop comes in and tells me to grab all my stuff and go to the office.

    I knew what was up though. Thank God they came for me when I was in gym, any other class I'd have been fucked. Because this happened in gym I could go back to the lockers and stash my weed somewhere. I recognized one of the backpacks as belonging to a very conservative Christian friend of mine, I knew he wouldn't smoke it, so I stuffed it in his backpack.

    Go to the office, they do the usual shit, "we're going to search you", "we know you were smoking pot", etc. etc., I just kept my cool. They gave me some sort of psychological test to see if I was high and I passed (it was a "follow the finger" thing), they didn't even end up searching me.

    Got out scott free! Then I go to chem, my next period which I have with the Christian, and "Hey man ummm . . . I put something in your backpack can I get it out?" "I found your marijuana and threw it in the trash" - yikes! So I walk up to the front of the room and there's my weed sitting right on top of the trash. Not even spilled in the slightest.

    Smoked up again two hours later once school was out and laughed about the whole thing, shit was very cash. So many things could have gone wrong but none of us got in trouble and I didn't even lose my weed.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:28:20 No.7396113
    This was in middle school, but we had giant open air rooms that contained many homerooms, called a pod.

    Basically you walk in and there are lockers, then a main room, and little rooms with no doors attached to that. You can hear and see everything in all classes (I somehow managed to learn in this noisy environment).

    So one day I walked in and everyone was quiet, like dead silent. I was a class clown so I asked "Why's everyone so glum? Who died?" Well it was quiet enough to carry out to most over most of the pod.

    I was then told that the science teacher had died that day (from being a massive unhealthy woman). Everyone was grieving and crying.

    Got a lot of reputation from that event.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:28:47 No.7396116
    I dont know why that was so funny but i just spit beer all over my computer when i read that, thanks
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:34:37 No.7396168
    Me and a couple friends decided to skip the assembly at the end of the school day.

    We can't decide where to go so we end up getting caught by the vice-principal and one of the hardass counselors. They look at us, smile, and say

    "Look guys you either have to go inside the gym and watch the assembly or get off school campus. Just don't tell anyone we let you leave and hour early."

    Spent the next hour drinking at a nearby friends house.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:36:14 No.7396175
    This story is insane and /r9k/ probably won't believe me.

    I went to a small 9-12 high school with maybe around 300 students. It was very cliche-ish, but everyone got along pretty well in retrospect. Anyway during 6th period lunch, one of the popular senior girls got pissed off at one of the wiggerish freshmen because she was spreading rumors about her younger sister (also a freshmen). Both were really pretty girls, the older one was kind of chubby, but great boobs and the younger was just smoking hot with really long brown hair. A verbal confrontation ensued first and it got pretty vocal. I was sitting two tables over from the incident, and I remember turning around, just hearing the freshmen girl say, "In order to save your fucked-up soul, you need to go fuck yourself." The freshmen girl reached in her purse and throws a mini-bible and a full-sized purple dildo at the senior. Massive fight ensue. Gatorade knocked over, clumps of ripped out hair EVERYWHERE, the senior's sister gets involved, lunch monitors run over break up the fight and bring the girls to the office. And all there was left was the bible and the purple dildo (which one of the stoner guys ended up picking up). This is the only thing I really remember of high school.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:53:23 No.7396305
    Teacher went into a labor during 1st period. Waterbroke, 'twas nasty.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:58:53 No.7396355
    sounds horrifying
    >> sup faggots? 02/06/10(Sat)01:59:39 No.7396365
    not only did i used to listen to dragonforce alot, i know this old gay art teacher is dumbledore, and i have the picture where he says exactly that phrase.
    are you me?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:03:26 No.7396405
    Somewhat amusing thread has earned one bump from me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:13:39 No.7396494

    What the FUCK.

    Also, you wouldn't happen to be this guy, would you?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:14:11 No.7396501
    >>7395581 when I refused to say "under God" in the pledge once, too.

    Militant atheist faggot ahoy!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:18:09 No.7396525
    >I got made to wait outside of her class for most of the period when I refused to say "under God" in the pledge once, too.

    Jim, get the fuck out of here. Nobody thinks you're edgy or as cool as you think you are, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:19:49 No.7396542

    No need to be so mean, we've all been there before.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:34:30 No.7396690
    This one's not awesome, just sad.

    I was in French class, this was like 8th grade I think (see not only was it not awesome, I wasn't even high school, SUCK IT OP I DONT GIVE A FUCK!!!). We had this asshole white trash kid in our class, just a total dick, always disrupting class and stuff.

    Me and my friend somehow got this kid in trouble in French for something he didn't do, some minor bullshit like stealing a piece of chalk. I really don't remember the details of that, we may not even have meant to get him in trouble (or we may have, we were assholes too).

    Anyway the teacher has had enough and sends him out of class. He's pissed because for once he really is innocent, so on the way out he slams the door. Teacher had her hand in the door . . . he crushed the fuck out of her finger. But that wasn't the sad part. He totally destroyed her wedding ring, her beautiful wedding ring, which her poor husband had bought for her as an expression of his love. It was so fucking sad, once the ring got crushed she just sat in a chair and started sobbing and told one of the smart girls to teach for the rest of her period.

    I felt so bad for her :\
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 02/06/10(Sat)02:38:43 No.7396728
    >claiming pedophilia
    >person over 13

    ohohooho definition problem there?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:44:17 No.7396773
    oh that's really heartbreaking :(
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:45:04 No.7396779
    It is cool when you go to the flag in the classroom and set it on fire during the pledge while yelling "NIGGERS!"
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:45:35 No.7396785
    Me and another kid didnt want to go to a pep rally, so we hid in the bathrooms until everyone was in the gym. We went back to the computer lab, and played Half Life. The sub came back to get his stuff, and busted us. Told us to get to the pep rally, and he never told anyone. (Goddamn friend kept playing, killed me while the teacher was talking)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:46:47 No.7396798
    My econ teacher installed a PA system in his classroom. He then went to the field to see how far his wireless mic could go and tried to interview seagulls.

    Also he pretended to be the voice of god when he was out of sight, and said that he was going to smite himself when he entered the room. Upon entering the classroom he walks in, goes "ow! I think I just got smote" shit was hilarious
    >> GirlFag !aLGOWzl6.k 02/06/10(Sat)02:48:13 No.7396821
    Ephebophilia, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:51:32 No.7396855
    fff bamp,
    people dive bombing into flooded areas of the school-the oval & behind one of the art buildings. all the down pipes were blocked and the oval sagged in the middle making for awesome ponds of shallow water.

    guy getting caught beating it in the dunnies
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:56:40 No.7396900
    >tried to interview seagulls.
    Fuck that got me laughing hard, ogodblox
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:02:55 No.7396946

    He was one of my favorite teachers ever. We had daily journal questions that we had to answer and I never usually had anything worthwhile to say on them. So I just started writing on whatever I felt like, eventually going into how much easier life would be if I were just a rabbit living in a meadow. Eventually he just starting calling me mr bunny and from that point on thats how the whole class referred to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:04:38 No.7396964
    Whenever we had a substitute in my computer class we would lan various games without the dumbass ever knowing.
    In chemistry I was the only person who could manage to stay awake through every class so the teacher would just give me passing grades for free.
    We used to lock our art teacher in the closet whenever he went in it and he thought the door was just broken. He got mad at the maintenance staff.
    I once threw an empty milk bottle at some fags except I didn't realize until after I had thrown it that it was full. It curved and hit one of them in the side of the head, and it then hit the guy next to him in the eye on the bounce. They had no idea where it came from.
    The was some gay dude that was going around grabbing other dudes butts in the hall inbetween classes. He was sneaky though. My friend caught him one day and beat the fuck out of him. It was fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:07:55 No.7396985
    O_o sounds like an awesome teacher- mine were all boring

    there was this german sounding teacher (european accent, very broad wtf do i know i was 14 at the time) teaching social studies, easy as fuck , couldnt understand a word of whaat he was saying cause of the accent

    me an a fellow nerd spent n entire term talking about star treck, hyperspace, anitmatter, alien life(nerd snuff) new topic every session etc

    passed with a B...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:11:08 No.7397013
    We had a conman principle in our junior year. Completely unqualified for the position, went around sexually harassing/threatening the students, this secretary who was like 60 years old quit and sued the school about halfway through the year, claiming that she was sexually assaulted by him. The football players got away with a gang rape under him while the girl they raped in the back halls was expelled (They were caught in the act by a pair of teachers).

    Towards the end of the year, like a week before school let out, he had an assembly, and as soon as he went up on stage, the entire school just got up and walked out of the auditorium.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:18:40 No.7397054
    bump from me
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:24:46 No.7397087

    And from me as well, good sir.

    We had some parking garages right near the school which were mostly empty. They were very epic for drinking/smoking pot/whatever. One day during lunch I'm up there with a couple of friends, we may not even have been doing anything illegal. Anyway we're on the top story and I look down and see a woman. I impulsively hock a big ol' lugie and spit. I mean I didn't think it would hit her, I was like 80 feet above her and there was wind.

    But dammit that thing flew true. She looked up about a fifth of a second before the thing splattered all over her face. She screamed, like a blood-curdling scream, I have never been so scared in my life, I thought maybe somehow something hard had ended up in my spit and I'd injured her.

    Like any self-respecting high school students we ran the fuck away. Later that day EVERYBODY in the school gets called to an assembly. Turns out the woman I spat on was the new assistant principal and she took the spitting as some sort of threat. They were saying "whoever did it just come forward because we're going to look over the surveillance footage at the garage and find out, it'll be easier for you if you admit it right now." I almost shit myself with fear.

    But of course they were bluffing, and nothing ever happened. And the assistant principal looked like a fool because she told the entire student body that she'd been spat on, and showed us that she was insecure enough that she'd disrupt the entire school day to find out who did it.

    I don't think she lasted long there haha.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:27:06 No.7397092
    My high school history teacher was fucking awesome. Antics included : Taking a kids cell phone and smashed it behind his desk only to find it was just a VCR tape he fucked up. Smashing his gavel in class so much that it put a large hole in his table, in which he scotch tape'd over. Tying a rope from his classroom to the student long enough to reach the bathroom. When a guy left he would tug on it as soon as it got taut (when you knew he was pissing in the urinal). Would also leave class for 10 minutes at a time just to go talk to the teacher in the next classroom over.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:38:40 No.7397152
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    go be a faggot on some other website
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:40:06 No.7397158
    I was making out with my boyfriend in the hall and my home room teacher said 'STOP IT YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS'
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:40:53 No.7397163
    A guy in our science class was rocking on his stool (in our school Britfag 1990s we had heavy old wooden stools with no backs on them. Ancient fuckers with about 2 decade of grafitti etched into them) he was rocking and he fell backwards and landed on the lab room floor with his legs open.

    The fucking stool fell backwards and the seat part smashed into his balls, trapping them between the floor and the stool. I've never heard such a blood curdling scream in my life. I was on the same table as him but futher down, I had to turn away. He threw up because of the pain and we all had to leave the classroom whilst the teachers were calling an ambulance and taking his trousers off etc.

    We all stood outside listening to him scream then go silent (we assumed passing out then waking up) we all got excused for the rest of the day

    The kid came back a few months later but was bullied so badly that he had to change schools
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:44:53 No.7397185
    My art teacher used to let us bring our Nintendo 64 to class every day my sophomore year of high school and me and like 6 other guys would sit around and take turns playing Super Smash Brothers. When someone would lose they'd sit out next game and let the next guy jump in to play.

    Shit was fucking cash.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:46:01 No.7397195
    wow that sounds awesome, almost like you were playing Winner-stays-on
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:47:06 No.7397199
    My 7th grade history teacher was and pedobear.

    He'd get a little too friendly with all the young female students, touching them a bit too much, not that I think they noticed it (but all the guys did). He got in huge shit for googling "bobbin boys" and "accidentally" clicking on CP (this was on a school computer). He said he was looking for info on the boys during the industrial revolution who had to change the bobbins on looms or some shit. Load of crap if you ask me, he was just a pedo plain and simple.

    He was also really cool though, in some ways. We all liked him but yeah, probably a pedo.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:50:51 No.7397223
    That's simply the most amazing school story ever.

    If you don't already, that's one to tell at parties.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:54:31 No.7397242
    Oh yeah, about half way through the year, our fucking dick of a principal found out and bitched to the school board about us playing games in class. So they call our teach in this damn meeting, bitched at her and told her she need to make us start doing something or she'd get fired.
    So the next day she comes in and says "Ok, here's what we're going to do. I have to give you a grade on something everyday. And they have to see that I've been giving you work everyday, even if it's just one assignment. So from now on, your assignment every day is to come in and draw something, anything and turn it in. And be sure to write your name on it or I can't give you a grade."
    I looked at her and said "It doesn't matter what it is? Just anything at all?" She said "Nope, doesn't matter. Anything you want."
    The rest of the year, we'd come into class, grab a piece of paper, draw a smiley face on it and write our name on it. Then turn it in and she'd give us a 100% for the day.

    And we kept playing Smash Bros.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:00:08 No.7397273
    I do. I am always afraid that I might run into the guy some day. Poor Paul Kiffin
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:05:00 No.7397299

    Implying that his balls could be pinned when covered with pants and undies...

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:05:41 No.7397303
    very righteous
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:07:19 No.7397311
    Implying that school trousers and underwear could cushion the force of a toppling stool
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:27:56 No.7397424

    I'm a film major and I can do that in my sleep.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:29:30 No.7397426
    I called the math teacher a girly-man then threw a paintball grenade in the gym locker rooms, then I dropped out of highschool and began a wonderful career as a security guard.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:43:45 No.7397494
    Every few days for a few weeks, me and my friends would start absolute mayhem in the coat room.

    Nearly everyone (except the good kids) from each year would go in there and punch each other and just fucking riot.

    One day it got that bad, the door actually got broke off the wall.

    Also, we used to have this mental IT teacher. The IT room was a square, with rows of desks going down the sdes with as aisle in the middle. At lunch we would sneak in, crawl behind the desks and just throw bits of sandwiches and stuff. She never knew where the fuck it was coming from.

    We were not very nice kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:44:53 No.7397501
    My woodshop and mechanic teacher was this old dude that was just totally fucking boring. Then he got into a car crash and we instead got the awesome Arild, pronouce it like it's fucking elvish or something, a 20 something surfer who was fucking balling. During first wood shop class he just sort of told everyone that they sucked and they should do something better instead. So he first says that we need a break in the middle of class, during which we should drink hot chocolate and coffee.This break of course extends longer and longer as time goes on. Then he brings his knitting kit with him, or something like that and teaches us how to knitt beanies (it's a kind of hat used by skaters and surfers). We then spend the rest of the year knitting, talking about random shit and listening to his music, basically all kinds of punk music like Millencolin, Skumdum and Bad Religion.

    Best hour of the fucking week.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:48:51 No.7397524
    >beanies (it's a kind of hat used by skaters and surfers)

    I fucking lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:50:36 No.7397533
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    Thanks, I never knew what a beanie was.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:57:19 No.7397562
    go fuck yourself
    thx for explaining dude

    here in soviet russia we dont have hats
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:59:07 No.7397571

    That rope idea is so awesome!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:07:19 No.7397608
    - Flooded classroom.

    - Threw chair in ongoing assembly.

    - Broke door to class with crowbar. Large cafeteria window, and the locker windows several times.

    - Unscrewed bolts on teachers chair.

    - Threw paper balls on fire in class.

    - Locked in class.

    - Started two food fights.

    - Locked half the school inside the cafeteria.

    - Fire alarms are fun.

    - Fire extinguishers too.

    - Making a teacher cry was the goal of the day.

    - Slammed the doors of ongoing classes several times.

    - Beat up little kids.

    - Sexually assault teacher.

    - Make people slip in the showers.

    - Built a glory hole into the girls locker room.

    - Covered bathroom in shit using hand and fresh turds.

    - Pissed in principals office.

    - Who goes to class?

    - Threw condoms filled with milk and semen down stairways.

    - Broke and stole from vending machines.

    - Covered the hallways with toilet paper.

    - Covered basketball court in graffiti.

    - Blew up chemistry supply closet.

    - Disabled the camera system.

    - Stole lunch supplies.

    - Threw rocks at teachers car. Stuck chewing gum in their keyholes.

    - Started a pseudo fight club.

    Doing all this stuff and more, I was a top student and the most loved one in school not getting in trouble once. I start college in the fall.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:15:36 No.7397644
    Yeah, and so fucking obviously a blatant lie.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:16:35 No.7397648
    Are you like the stereotypical ginger headed foot higher than he should be school bully or some shit?
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:17:27 No.7397652
    roughly 3/4 of that is fake, and the other 1/4 wasn't even you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:19:31 No.7397661

    Haha, you'd be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:20:35 No.7397665
    One of my teachers had a relationship with another teacher. Found them fucking in a gym hall/scout hut, first time I saw tits during the onset of puberty, couldn't look away, they knew i was there, they kept fucking, they never said anything, I never said anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:22:10 No.7397672
    No, I'd probably not. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:22:47 No.7397675
    I was a TA for my girlfriend's chemistry class when a sub showed up one day. She was fairly attractive, young, dirty blonde hair. Anyway, she put on some movie and turned out the lights and my girlfriend came to the very back desk to sit with me, and she ended up giving me a blowjob during the movie. Thing was I was staring at the teacher the whole time, and she was looked back and slowly started smiling.

    We both think she knew what was going on. She never said anything though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:24:32 No.7397682
    I really wonder what makes people dream up these idiotic stories AND post them here.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:26:01 No.7397688
    One of my english teachers, who I had a crush on all year, was passing by my group while we did some group assignment. Then I heard her mutter, "I just want to pour this hot coffee on all of you."

    I was the only heard her. I smiled up at her and said nothing. I love seeing that suddenly twisted side of people.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:28:46 No.7397703
    Being in a boy school we used to do this prank on people where we would pretend to take a 'group photo', but the camera is on video mode throughout.

    As you would a group photo, the cameraman counts down. So

    And all of us involved (usually about 5 - 10 people) would smash the groin of an unsuspecting victim, usually in the middle of the 'group photo'.

    We did this to our Chemistry teacher. It was epic. Many lulz were had. He just stood right back up and sucked it up.

    no homo.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:29:27 No.7397707
    Lonely much?

    Short story. My health teacher was actually caught with weed. He tried to hide it in the ventilation system, which I think is pretty stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:31:12 No.7397715
    I was in yearbook and participated regularly in SA photoshop threads. You can put two and two together.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:33:01 No.7397725
    I stopped at Dragonforce
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:34:02 No.7397728
    health/gym teacher in my school got curbed, american history x style in a town near here for insulting some niggers and calling them niggers.

    if you're on here and went to my school then lulz will be had.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:38:11 No.7397743
    My awesome High School experience was skipping school for the entire week of finals in my Sophomore year, then getting the notice and having my parents drag me into school literally. Our headmaster sat me down in front of my parents with all the test forms I'd skipped lain out in front of me. He explained that if I took a zero for finals I'd have to repeat the year, but if I only signed the test forms he could at least mark me as present and I'd be able to advance to 11th grade.

    I refused to sign the forms and was held back, but it didn't really matter since I dropped out as soon as I was legally able to do it at 16.

    Is this win? y/n?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:38:57 No.7397746

    I'm pretty sure she was making fun of that girl
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:43:09 No.7397763
    My African maths teacher telling us that if his children misbehave he locks them in cupboards and beats them. He also said he wishes he could legally beat his students.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:44:56 No.7397767
    kinda win i must say
    somehow depends how youre doing now
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:49:25 No.7397776
    If they're for sale, they too expensive.

    If they're cheap, you sure as hell don't want to buy it.

    You have to work hard on a relationship before someone will just give you one.

    Until then, you've just got to get it for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:52:03 No.7397782
    Let's just say I've found new and exciting ways to be self destructive in my adult career.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:02:10 No.7397805
    I got sex in exchange for Coca Cola this one time.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:05:58 No.7397821

    Hi, you may not be aware of it, but you are on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:13:47 No.7397843
    every day in chem class.

    of particular note, was a new experiment. chem teacher demoed it.

    calculating the heat produced when a substance dissolves.

    the substance. NaOH

    the vessel that held the water: a standard aluminum calorimeter

    dissolving naoh into water produces a slight rise in temperature. this was expected. then it started to spike.

    then to boil. this was not expected

    in a short time, there was a geyser of very basic, very boiling water shooting out of the calorimeter.

    as it turns out, naoh reacts with aluminum. the class did not do the experiment.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:26:18 No.7397878
    >1. 11th grade
    >2. stay back
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:58:00 No.7398007
    Califag here. Well, this was back in middle school, 7th or 8th grade. We had this 20something blonde health teacher, atheltic bod and nice boobs, so all the boys fucking loved her.

    Well one day there was this decent sized quake during class, and apparently the bitch got scared out of her mind, freaked the fuck out, ran outta the school and just drove the fuck away. Leaving the helpless kids alone during probably the first emergency situation they'd been in. Bitch got shitcanned of course.

    I goddamn wish i had been in that class at that time.
    >> HelpFag !Ywqk07xOwY 02/06/10(Sat)07:23:43 No.7398136
    My Further Maths teacher sung us math songs about the quotiant rule and chain rule. and at the end of grade 11 and 12 we had a Maths party (only ~10 of us in the class) where we sung math songs while he played the guitar and played maths games and had some fun Math based discussion.

    Shit was so fucking cash. I loved maths because of him.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:12:17 No.7399110
    probably all lies, also the point isn't to just list made up shit, but to tell an amusing story, so everything has context.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)11:06:22 No.7399510
    10th grade
    Took music theory just cause if you got it 4th hour you could go to every lunch period

    Instead got it 2nd and it fucking sucked.

    But the teacher was on a field trip with choir, and forgot to request a sub for our class during it...

    Naturally we all sat there the first half hour thinking she'd come in at any second

    then it sunk in and all hell broke loose. Snowball fight in the room, blasting the surround sound, throwing requiem for a dream on the tv. The second day we made a full sized snowman that looked like our principal and slid it down the hall to the office. Shit was the best week ever
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)11:18:53 No.7399601
    back away from the computer screen. The sleeve in op's pic looks like a veiny cock
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:07:02 No.7399951
    no, it doesn't, and you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:20:50 No.7400068
    If you look at it not quite focused, it does.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:27:30 No.7400135
    English class. We get a text. Girl next to me shouts: This thing's huge!
    Me: That's what she said.
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:31:13 No.7400163
    you don't...

    ah fuck it what do i care
    >> :D HAPPY :D !!4UjFwZgP/SG 02/06/10(Sat)12:33:21 No.7400180
    It sort of does if you ignore that it's maroon. lol :D
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:48:27 No.7401380
    Im asian and was on the football team. My junior year we sucked. Some kid in my history class started bashing on the football team saying that we sucked etc. He kept on going on and on and I got pissed so after class I shoved him against a wall and grabbed his neck with both of my hands and started screaming in his face daring him to say the football team sucked. My friends pulled me off of him but the best part was that the history teacher was there and didnt do anything about it. He was a cool guy. Shit was so cash
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:53:26 No.7401409
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:00:31 No.7401472
    Two teachers in my school had sex with each other (LESBIANS!), and they were caught by the janitor.

    He reported them and they got fired.

    What a douche.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:04:32 No.7401505

    The janitor did well, and you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:18:26 No.7401639
    Just protecting himself against sexual harrassment suits.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:43:09 No.7401863
    My 9th grade history teacher was a huge hairy pedobear. He'd sit all the slutty popular girls up front (they usually wore skirts and tight clothing) by his desk. Due to the weird angle, it was easy to see down their shirts or up their skirts or something. This pissed most of the guys off and made their boyfriends really uncomfortable. His nipples would also get hard right in the middle of lecture. It was very wtfish. He never did anything outright that could be proven or get in trouble for, but it was all obvious. To make matters worse, he was also the girls' basketball coach.

    What is it with history teachers?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:43:47 No.7401871
    nothing notable happened to me
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:54:57 No.7402009
    I'm not sure of all the details, but during prom, a couple of people managed to have sex on the dancefloor in the middle of the whole grinding/explicit dancing that was going on at the time. It was like a big orgy.

    It was legendary.

    They got caught though, and hence strict observances of dances occurred from thereon.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:22:16 No.7402340
    Grade 13 year I was fucking loaded for all my exams off of screwdrivers, packed away around 30 oz in orange juice bottles from the vending machines. I was back for another year by my own choice but I got into the college I wanted so said fuck it. Our one alcoholic teacher flagged me down at the end of my math exam and said "pass the bottle", so I gave it to him, he downs the entire thing, smiles and says "good luck in college"
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:23:01 No.7402352
    At the beginning of the year assembly, our school did the typical freshman prank. A student from each grade was selected and brought out to the middle of the gym. They were each given a pie that they were told to eat as fast as they could while blindfolded. Because the sophomore, junior, and senior had all seen this before, they knew exactly what to do. The bell to begin would sound, the crowd would cheer, and they'd all take off their blindfolds and sit.

    The freshman, on the other hand, would madly throw himself head first into the pie, and after a minute, they'd take off his blindfold and he'd be the only one with pie on his face, but they'd declare him the winner and everybody would cheer.

    My junior year, they unknowingly picked one of the freshman who had some serious issues. Like, a whole freaking subscription, bad. When they took off his blindfold, he saw everyone laughing at him and realized what had happened, and flipped out. He threw the pie tin, and ran shrieking for the back door of the gym.

    The door was locked, and he basically threw himself at it, and knocked himself out cold when it didn't open. Everyone, including the staff, was practically in tears as he lay spread eagle on the the floor.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:36:34 No.7403198
    Yeah, new post.

    My senior class (I'm a freshman in college now) had the greatest senior prank at my school. We basically all left our last classes about 20 minutes early. And had a rave. Right outside of the school library. A large amp, an i-pod full of songs, glowsticks, rave swords, water balloons. Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:02:02 No.7403487
    In senior year, we got to write up a few words underneath our picture in the yearbook.

    I wrote about how if you're 30 now and looking back at your high school memories, your life sucks and you're depressed.

    It was really well-written, and i distributed it. Needless to say, the principal didn't allow it to be printed. I just had a blank square under my yearbook photo. Awesome.

    After a later school trip, the principal gave everyone a card, and mine read "you're not really as dark as I thought you were." Lulz were had.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:05:11 No.7403515
    My friend and I were staging a mock execution of a member of the class, and we had the winging little cunt on a chair with something round his neck and we were making him repent for and confess his crimes. He was a bullying little shit, and a real nasty piece of work.

    Anyway, the English teacher walked in, took one look and said "It's about time, White, you deserve to hang", and kicked the fucking chair out.

    Kid nearly throttled, and we had to save his poxy life.

    Mrs. Kirk, you were teh awesumz, and I was too dumb and young to realise it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:09:49 No.7403553
    My physics teacher would on occasion make bets with students, usually if their grade for a test were high enough he would do something embarassing. The best was 3 minutes of breakdancing in front of the class because one lazy kid scored an A. Awesome guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:43:52 No.7403892
    Freshman year, I had this hilariously awkward history teacher, Mr. Wheeler. He was really short, balding, and had really stumpy legs. He wore the most awful clothes as well. He had so many habits that you could pretty much predict his every action. I sat next to a friend of mine, Matt, and we decided to make a bingo board of things that he'd always do. Every day, we'd just play bingo in the class. On the last day of the year, a day when I happened to win, I stood up in the middle of class and screamed "BINGO!" really enthusiastically. Mr. Wheeler was too confused to punish me or anything.

    Also freshman year, I befriended this one really awesome resident substitute teacher for our school, Mr. Schultz. He was in his 60s and smoked a ton of weed. One day, when he was substituting for our literature teacher, and was stoned out of his mind, a friend and I were tossing a ping pong ball across the room. He came up to us and announced that the first person to be able to toss it and hit him right on the top of his head would win a prize. I did it on the first try, so he proceeds to pull out this huge wad of drug money, peels off a five dollar bill, and hands it to me.

    I just found out a few weeks ago that Mr. Schultz died from complications after falling down a flight of steps. ;_; He was the best substitute teacher ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:44:48 No.7403907

    You sound like a total faggot, brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:48:52 No.7403955
    >>7403892 continued
    Junior year, in my British Literature class, this guy Mike and I did nothing but play cards. Our teacher didn't care at all, and when the student teacher we had for a while told us to stop once, our teacher told her to let us keep playing.

    And best of all was my choir teacher, Mr. Weaver. He would spend the first 10 or 15 minutes of class each day talking about the bizarre happenings in his life, or talking about what he had for dinner the night before (he only ever ate at restaurants-- never cooked for himself). He was really profane and would make fun of the annoying kids in the class. There was one time when he somehow got on the topic of rimming and described in great detail the experience he had with some kinky girl in college. Half the class was horrified, half was in tears with laughter. Man, that guy was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:01:05 No.7404109
    How's that going for you? I'm 18 currently. Do you think I'd be able to get a job working as one?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:08:38 No.7404196
    Most fuckawesome teacher ever.

    His name was Tom. We all called him Tom. None of this "Mr. So-and-so" crap. Just Tom.

    He got into a prank war with the physics teacher. One day, he took it to the next level (I should note that the physics teacher gave up and never retaliated).

    In the middle of a lecture on force and gravity and shit, some zoo dude strolls in carrying a white plastic garbage can. Completely ignoring the physics teacher, Zoo dude opens up the can, stating "This is a two-toed sloth. It comes from South America, and is..." and goes into a big long lecture as he PULLS A MOTHERFUCKING TWO-TOES SLOTH OUT OF THE BUCKET AND CARRIES IT AROUND THE CLASS. Next up was some kind of rare falcon, then a weird reptile. The physics teacher just stood there in disbelief. I caught a glimpse of Tom peeking in the room with a big smile on his face. Suddenly, Zoo Dude put the animals away and left without saying a word.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:09:53 No.7404206

    that english teacher sounds like a badass

    In band our conductor was old ~50-60 I forget and was chill as fuck. Anyways, our band room was old and in pretty poor shape. When it rained we couldnt be inside it because there was a possibility that the roof could collapse

    We were good and our conductor couldnt care less. There were days where he had nothing for us to do and let us do anything. We went crazy. My friends and I decided to see who could throw a chair up onto the roof. We shattered several chairs in the process. We lined up music stands like bowling pins and played bowling with a chair that had wheels. We even went onto the baseball field and played stickball or dodgeball.

    Then my senior year the band room was moved and upgraded to a super nice room. We werent allowed to do as much fucking around but we did get to watch movies on a huge ass flat screen tv with surround sound
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:12:00 No.7404227

    Another time, Tom was eating lunch at a local deli. He decided to eat the liver soup. He dropped a piece of liver on his shoe, and remarked about how much it looked like dog shit. Realizing the potential of this discover, he put the piece of liver in a napkin, and took it back to school with him.

    He got to class first, sat in the front of the roof, crossed his legs, and put the liver on the side of his shoe.

    The students entered, sat down, and Tom began taking roll. As Tom had planned, the class began snickering. "What's so funny?" he asked. "Tom! You've got dog shit on your shoe!" the class replied. Tom looked down, poked it with his pen, and remarked "Huh. It's still fresh." as he wiped it up with his finger and ate it.

    We went apeshit and several people ran for the windows and started dry heaving.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:20:00 No.7404311
    Oh man, that reminds me of my fucking awesome math teacher. He was an MIT graduate and just about the smartest motherfucker ever. He had an ongoing prank war of sorts with a long time friend of his. It started off with a rocking horse, which they would frequently leave in places they'd knew the other would be. Eventually it escalated to the friend filming my teacher finding the rocking horse on the roof of his car, then speeding to my teacher's house and leaving the unmarked video tape of the event in his mailbox for him to discover upon his arrival.

    Well my teacher decided to take it to the next level. He knew the friend was going on a long road trip to his mother's house soon, so he drove the rocking horse out there and instructed the friend's mom to leave it in the bathroom. The friend arrived a few days later and, tired and sweaty from the long car trip, decided to take a shower. His mother reported to my teacher that he screamed bloody murder when he found the rocking horse sitting there.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:20:02 No.7404312

    damn Tom sounds like a G
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:41:00 No.7405243

    Oh was. He's retired now.

    I'm friends with a guy who graduated from my high school in the 80s. Tom was one of his teachers' too.

    In the 80s, there was a boombox fad. Everyone was carrying their boombox around, kicking out the jams. Tom hated it, becuase his classroom would be cluttered with radios. He told the class that the next time someone brought a radio into his class, he'd throw it out the window. Tom found an old boombox in a dumpster, cleaned it up, and left it on a desk in the classroom during break. The class filtered in, and Tom came in late, looked at the boombox he'd placed there earlier, picked it up, and threw it out the window. No one ever brought a radio to class with them again.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:44:05 No.7405274

    Another time we were doing some gay-ass earth day thing. Each class went out and did something for the environment, like having a car wash for the rainforests or volunteering at the recycling center. Tom took us out to an island on a lake. "Look at this shit!" he yelled. "empty beer cans everywhere! garbage all over the place! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A PARK, FOR GOD'S SAKE!".

    We spent the next 4 hours cleaning the place up. I noticed Tom start to smile mischeviously, then chuckle to himself, then begin to laugh out loud as we neared completion. After we'd picked up all the beer cans and garbage, he let us know that it wasn't a park. It was his property. Each weekend he'd party hard with his buddies here, and he needed someone to clean it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:45:36 No.7405283

    More Tom please.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:46:12 No.7405288

    Fuck, I could go on all day about how awesome he was.

    One time, the bitchy librarian came into Tom's class. She said "Tom! I need to speak to you RIGHT NOW!" in a super-bitchy tone. Tom stayed in his seat, stared at her for a second or two, then slowly got up, turned to us, and said "Should just be a couple minutes, kids. Probably just another blowjob".

    Librarian lady just got even more red in the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:47:34 No.7405305
    Damn. Tom = FUCK YEAR
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:50:45 No.7405329

    Towards the end of his career, he just didn't give a fuck.

    I remember him telling us about the time him and his buddy were driving down some rural 2-lane highway, drinking beers and chucking the emptys out the window into the bed of the pickup, when he got pulled over.

    He paused thoughtfully, looked at the ceiling, and said "and I think that was my 2nd DUI..."

    Another time, a group of us had done some extra project,and had stayed late at school. Tom said he'd buy us dinner for being so helpful. We were excited. We all loved Tom, and thought it'd be rad to hang out with him. He started walking, and we started following. We walked a couple of blocks. "Where are we going, Tom?" we asked "Almost there" he said. We walked for blocks and blocks. Through some courtyards, in buildings and out of buildings, round and round in circles.. 30 minutes later, we walked into some cheap-ass diner right across the street from our school.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:53:07 No.7405353

    Also, Tom successfully convinced school administration to allow him to teach a class called "critical thinking" or "self-actualization" or some crazy shit like that. Being an idiot, I didn't sign up for it. My friend did. The class consisted of Tom turning the lights off, everyone finding a spot on the floor, lying down. falling asleep, sleeping for half an hour, then waking up and telling each other what they dreamed about.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:53:26 No.7405356
    legendary. it's people like this that give me faith in the world again.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:53:51 No.7405360
    while my class was in the computer lab doing science work in middle school, i was in MS paint, painting a chicken man slaughtering a human, my science teacher saw it and made it into a shirt

    i never got so many compliments on a shirt before
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:03:03 No.7405437
    Not high school, but in the 8th grade we decided that we wanted to shove our english teacher's head in the toilet.
    We were pretty small, but there were like six of us, and he was pretty weak (skinny canadian).

    One of us stole his car keys and ran to the bathroom. Mr. Delaney (thats his name) then ran after him. The five of us then jumped in the bathroom (which was small, only one toilet) and grabbed him the best we could. There were two people holding each arm, and the tallest one of us (my friend Dan) was pushing his head towards the toilet. We, to my surprise, made some serious headway (punfuckingintended). We got his face about a foot away from the toliet.

    Then the gym teacher opened the door and yelled "WHAT!?"

    He (fucking massive indian dude) jumped in and threw Dan and myself outside the bathroom. He then locked the door so we couldn't help our comrades. We heard screams. We then got the fuck outta there. They got serious suspensions while Dan and I got off scott-free.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:11:49 No.7405523
    One of my french teachers was about 40, had quite long, white hair, a constantly red face, big nose and spoke with a slur.

    Anyway what was awesome about him was his unpredicatble temper. One time we were waiting for class to begin and a really samll boy from one of the other sets (we were 14) was outside our class.

    When the door opened a couple of people in our class brought him in with us. The teacher started saying general things, getting his stuff out of his bag, etc. when he noticed that this kid was in our class.

    He looked up and said "What are you doing in here?!"
    The kid said "umm..." before the teacher had sufddenly walked to where he was standing and grabbed him by his shirt collar hard enough to almost lift him off the ground (remember this was a really tiny kid). He then OPens the door and tries to literally throw him out the class room, but it was a pull-open door so the kid got sort of stuck as he was being pushed out resulting in him getting scraped against the door frame as he was ejected. I can't even remember what the teacher said at the time the situation was so shocking and hilarious.

    Another time after a test the teacher had gathered up all the test papers and started saying "right well now we'll..."
    and a kid in the front row said "videooo" (we always used to watch a film in french after a weekly test). and the teacher shouted
    and leaned over the the kid's desk with the test papers above his head as though he was going to smack him with them, his face deep red.

    Another time there was school trip and the first thing he said to our group was "Right! We're not in school anymore, I can do what I like with ya" and later held some kid against a wall for some reason.

    His name was Mr. Whitney. Wwe all loved , him because his rage was hilarious unless you were the victim, and also because he was a fucking excellent french teacher anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:23:00 No.7405634
    We used to have this art teacher who used to say outrageous things.

    One time in class he said the word nigger (it wasn't direct, he was quoting what somebody else had said or something"

    And this sort-of-black student sayd "You can't say that!"

    And the art eacher says

    "Yes I can. Nigger nigger nigger."

    He also said some other equaly outrageous things but I can't remember them, I'll have to ask someone from my old school when I next see one of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:28:05 No.7405699
    Sounds like eh is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:31:28 No.7405735
         File1265509888.jpg-(37 KB, 323x450, go-to-hell-die-etc.jpg)
    37 KB
    First thing that came to my mind.

    Also, these stories are lulzy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:31:40 No.7405738
    Was in Chemistry while teacher was showing us experiment. He was so focused on telling us how it worked that he didn't realise his tie had caught fire. After someone pointed it out he just shouted "AGAAAAAAAAIN!?" then ran out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:36:23 No.7405802
    My physics teacher, Mr. Wakeley, is awesome.

    One day, there's this kid called George. George is a bit of a prick, throwing wads of paper across the room, using his mobile phone.
    So, Mr. Wakely manages to get the classes attention. He is just entering a massive explanation about some formulas for parabolic motion, when, suddenly, he just stops.
    And then he dives right over the table and tackles George out of his chair.
    I will never see something funnier than that in the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:45:09 No.7405908
    We had this one physics teacher who always used to play pranks on the other teachers.

    There was this one tall, atheltic, 25 year old maths teacher who played tennis and football who left himself logged on to one of the school computers.

    The physics teacher wrote a resignation email in his name saying that he didn't want to teach at Westminster anymore because he felt that the sports teaching and facilities were unsatisfactory or something like that.

    Other times he used to moon other teacher while they were teaching classes.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:47:43 No.7405939
    towards the end of my final year a couple of my friends snuck into the headmaster's office and took pictures of themselves posing naked.

    They tried to submit the pictures for their yearbook with their genitals covered and claim that they just photoshopped it but it was censored.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:47:46 No.7405941
    in middle school my band teacher had the toe belonging to his wife in a jar and he showed it to us. i don't remember why she had it removed.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:19:30 No.7406273
    Archive this shit. It is worth it, due to the Tom stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:21:28 No.7406296
    took an ag class. Consisted of everyone not on the ag team doing an ag project playing speed and uno each day every day during class while the teacher just focused on helping the ag team get their shit ready.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:31:25 No.7406425
    So there's this annoying little shit of a freshman named Alex Gregg. He's small, scrawny, and an asshole. LOVES belittling anyone he can, with his chump friends along to support him. The thing is, Alex Gregg is also a moron. I meant it when I said anyone.

    One day during study hall, Gregg was in a classroom, as was I. In addition, a giant of a senior named Craig was also in the room. Craig was a bigshot jock like Gregg, but he was not quite so daft. He knew where the line is drawn. Gregg did not. This was made apparent when Gregg started taunting Craig from his chair-desk. Craig completely ignored him for a few minutes, doing an admirable job of blocking Gregg out. After Craig finished whatever it is that he was doing, he headed for the door. Gregg made one final comment, and Craig simply stopped at the doorway. Gregg suddenly went from sneering to stiff. Without a word, Craig turned around, walked straight up to Gregg (who was a deer in headlights), grabbed the edge of his chair-desk, and flipped the whole thing backwards. Gregg yelled, the whole class laughed, and Craig walked out, still without saying anything.

    Afterwards, Gregg went straight to the teacher to complain. The teacher said he couldn't do anything, since he had no idea what happened. Guess Gregg didn't see the teacher laughing with the class.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:31:42 No.7406434
    I demand archiving of this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:36:32 No.7406504
    archive isnt loading
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:38:17 No.7406536
    Tom is awesome, i lol'd hard.

    One night during jazz band, our conductor brings in a sax-playing friend of his. He was kind of a weird guy, but really amazing at a bunch of woodwind instruments. So at the end of rehearsal, he was telling us something about improvising, and he starts to pretend play the saxophone. But he didn't just make hand motions, he started to make saxophone noises with his mouth, really fast scales with vibrato, dynamics and best of all, super high pitches. We sat there for a full 10 seconds as a grown man, completely serious, went, "DLDLDLDLDLDLDOOOBEEEEEEBOASOPCQIUFRM2WOIUCNFEWPOI30832NJWCOIWDCLMDLDJL"

    everyone shat brix, we all wished we had it videotaped.

    When I was a freshmen, there was a string of burglaries in the music department. A teacher's laptop, a few mic's, and some other expensive equipment was stolen. Eventually, the senior girl behind it got caught because a janitor found her stealing his sandwich. Don't fuck around with a janitor's sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:40:27 No.7406567
    Bored, looking out of the window in Biology... saw the events which were then explained to me by a drama student...

    As a little backstory, this teacher was quitting at the end of the year, and wanted to be fired in the meantime, but there were no available replacements at the time, so he was a loose canon to the max.

    So this drama class (6th formers, so all 17/18) were learning about Artaudian theatre (theatre of shock, that kinda stuff). The teacher (who was cool as fuck) takes them onto the school field, says: 'wait here', and they're just standing around for a while. Suddenly, the rickety fence seperating the school field from the school parking lot explodes into splinters as this guy's battered old renault mows through it and charges straight at the drama class. All the kids run or dive out the way, screaming. The car skids to a stop at the end of the field, turns back round, and he gets out and starts walking towards them, a lit cigarette hanging out the motherfucker's mouth.

    "Get back in the classroom, you pussies."

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:41:20 No.7406580
    Once during my senior year, me and two of my friends went exploring and discovered some sort of maintenence tunnel underneath our school's auditorium. Naturally, the next day, we brough it dust masks, flashlights, and gloves and explored the damn thing. Damn thing was flooded, so we never made it to the end, but we were legends for spelunking during 5th period
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:46:40 No.7406657
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    I'm sure you're long gone, but you really need to see this.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:47:43 No.7406679
    In 7th grade, my friends and I had a soft-shell history teacher named Mr. Buser - you know, one of those pussy teachers that middle schoolers love, because they know they can get away with anything. Well we gave that poor old man a run for his money - throwing shit in class, talking, refusing to listen or behave...typical middle school bullshit. Well around easter, Mr. Buser leaves, and we get a sub. Then we get another sub. Next year rolls around, and still no Buser. Later we found out that he died from a stress-induced heart disease. We litterally killed our history teacher
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:54:01 No.7406764
    We had an Irish history teacher.

    One day in class he brought in a mauser rifle, someone in the class asked him where he got it and he winked and say "I asked one of the boys".

    We never saw him again
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:56:23 No.7406797
    We had this black intern dude at my high school. He was fucking the gym teacher and everyone knew about it. I guess that's not too cool-as-fuck. But he used to piss me off so bad because he'd make fun of my hair. Whenever he'd see me, he'd say I had a "mullet starter kit." Nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:07:11 No.7406948
    I was at this hardcore catholic boarding school in france, ('s pretty other-wordly) and one night we decided to fuck around and actually have some fun for once. So we all went downstairs (where the dining hall and classrooms are) in our dressing gowns and hid our faces and pissbolted through all the classrooms while our duty teacher chased us. Some clever kid ducked under a table while he chased the majority and snuck back upstairs and watched the chaos, I hid behind a car in the carpark and he saw me and locked onto me while everyone escaped. I ran around this car for ages while he chased me but I was like 14 at the time and he caught me and made me reveal my face. We all got into trouble but it was totally worth and a shit ton of fun. We did this sort of shit a number of times, it was like being chased by a T-rex in jurassic park at that age.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:08:05 No.7406956
    toasting in epic bread, also archive this shit
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:09:01 No.7406973
    We had this sub who had done everything. Every class she subbed in, she had to tell us how one time she did something related to it.

    She claimed she was good to teach metals because she taught tech at the middle schools. Tech in middle school was learning to touch type.

    When asked what gave her any ability to teach auto shop, she said she owned a Volkswagen. wat?

    She was the kinda person kids would purposely start shit with just to have some lulz.

    Once she subbed in our web page design class, we started calling the phone and hanging up. She would answer the phone the same exact way every time. And she would pick up every time. She didn't get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:12:53 No.7407028
    went to an all boys catholic highschool run by the christian brothers

    john p. showed up at a dace wasted. One of the brothers took him into the gym and beat him unconscious. The parents agreed it was the right thing to do

    My friend got his hair lit on fire hile he was on the school bus. The guy who lit his hair on fire hot expelled.

    Video camera on school property caught a classmate getting a blowjob after a dance.

    Freshman year some kid got fed laxatives by his sister and shit his pants in the middle of the hallway on the way to homeroom.

    I would routinely take a "bathroom break" and spend the next half hour walking around the 150 acre campus and smoking weed and cigarettes, then come back and everything is honky dory.

    There are too many good stories from my highschool that nobody will ever hear besides maybe my wife. It was a wild place where you could get away with ANYTHING because the brothers were so old. put god forbid you get caught... you were FUCKED
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:14:43 No.7407055
    student teacher tellin me im smellin like indo and cold passed me a stick of gum
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:15:45 No.7407078
    Why is this thread only about teachers? Isn't /r9k/ funny enough to think something of their own?

    Like showing 2 girls 1 cup on the school wall with a projector?

    Or perhaps accidently burning down the cafeteria?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:19:50 No.7407130
    in middle school my neighbor (very unstable and unmedicated at the time) was sent to the principles office for something he didnt do. He ran out of study hall when he was killed, and ran into the woods. The police spent a while looking for him before they brought him back. He then took a crystal sphere paperweight and threw it at a secretary. He then took a stapler and threw a fastball right into the principal's head. The police then came to subdue him, at whiche point he tried to unholster the officer's gun. He almost got it out before he was tased.

    He didnt get accepted into 90% of schools after that because the social worker from the school would always ask, "did he go for the gun?".

    yeah. ive lived an interesting life
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:21:37 No.7407156
    When I was in middle school every class got brand new TV's. (Thank you Channel One) So my friends and I decided to bring our universal remotes. On our way down the halls back from lunch we would shut off TVs through the little windows in the door.
    Once we had a sub for civics and our universal remotes in hand. He started up the video and we shut off the TV. He turn on the TV, we would shut off the VCR. The sub went and got different TV/VCR carts all hour. God it was hard not to laugh.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:24:41 No.7407196
    >He ran out of study hall when he was killed, and ran into the woods.

    Uh, what?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:27:05 No.7407219
    same poster as christian brothers and stapler kid here

    one time i spent the entire day in high school "on a bathroom break". i put my skateboard in my locker in homeroom and 10 minutes into every period id ask to use the bathroom. Id run to my locker, grab my skateboard, and cruise around the halls. I had 30 minutes to skate each period. That day i had lunch and study hall as my last two periods so i left school at like noon. i was doing 180's over stairs and using ramps for speed wearing a suit and tie and loafers lol it was amazing. ANd the GYM? nobody was ever there i could skate in the basketball gym for hours and nobody would find me. i just had to check into class and then "go to the bathroom/nurse"

    i also set a school attendance record with 80/180 school days attended. I would take weeks off at a time to play with legos and N64 and still got straight A's through all of school. Smart people do have more fun, they just get satisfied by fucking over The Man

    god such good memories
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:31:06 No.7407278
    In Graphic Design, my teacher just didn't give a fuck about what we did during class as long as we finished our projects on time. Everybody played Counter Strike the whole time. I once had a 30:1 KDR because they were too stupid to realize that I was doing the same exact thing every round.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:43:27 No.7407410
    Mr. Cowie?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:46:58 No.7407455

    Shit, Doug Cowie?!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:51:09 No.7407515
    Senior year of highschool. Political Science professor was lecturing and pacing back and forth along the length of the chalkboard. She tripped over the recycling bin, started crying, and ran out of the classroom. She was never seen or heard from again. We spent the rest of the semester watching Law & Order with a substitute.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)00:47:57 No.7408194
    Are American teachers often like this? i.e. mental collapse imminent?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)01:26:24 No.7408655
    had an english class taught by a moody/bitchy drama teacher, we were talking about racism or something the reading that week and the fat black chick would get involved and start crying over what we're discussing and how we would never understand how tough it is being a minority, blah blah.
    my friend was sick of this forced dramatic BS so while we were having another discussion he goes to the teachers computer to load something asks if he could use the projector, the teacher was like ?? but said okay because she was focused on the discussion.. then suddenly PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME plays, the music blasting over the PA. He then does the dance along with the banana and then just goes back to his seat to sits down. i'm laughing my ass off while the whole class was like what the fuck just happened.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)03:53:12 No.7410231
    we loaded a scheduled task to pop up a techno photoshop video of our teacher as a sendoff. I can't be bothered to elaborate
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)04:20:56 No.7410497
    in year twelve (im english) my two computer science teachers were constantly playing jokes on each other that eventually escalated.
    one time, my teacher, mr o'riley had an inflateable christmas tree, which the other teacher, stark, stole. however, o'riley found it, and placed it in an alcove behind starks whiteboard. then me and this other guy went to starks room to get the tree. however, he's teaching a year 11 class at the time. he sees us outside and is just like,lol nah, doesnt let us in. however, the girl i like was in that class, so whilst he was talking to us, she goes and gets the tree, then gives it to me at the end of the class.
    another time, our whole class just stormed starks room and sat down on his chairs whilst he was teaching.effing funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)06:30:57 No.7411511
    We had a teacher whose name was Mr. Bale, he hated it whenever his studens yawned. He was quite a unique teacher, hes in his mid 40's and only used black boards with chalk.

    What he would do if he caught a student yawning would be to try and throw the chalk into their mouths. He was surprisingly a good thrower and he once got it into a students mouth.

    That year we got a new student whose name was Daniel Miller, he was your typical troubled-kid acting all tough and 'ANARCHY' to attract attention, Bale fucking hated him. He was caught yawning by Bale, the chalk flew towards him and hit him square in the face.

    Daniel screamed, "YOU THINK THATS FUCKING FUNNY?!", Mr. Bale walked up to Daniel slowly with a menacing glare, stood over him and leaned forward slightly then said, "Pick up my chalk, sunshine, you yawn one more time that chalks going up your ass".
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)06:51:15 No.7411700
    Holy shit this thread's fucking amazing, archive this shit.

    We had a fucking hillarious biology teacher named Mr. Callum, we had one of those parent teacher nights where we were all in the big ball with our parents for student feedback from our teachers. Then he said really loudly (everyone could hear) to one of the parents, "Your son is SO lazy, that if I dropped a 50 pound note on the floor he would not even pick that up". (brit fag here).

    We had another teacher Mr. Dhillon, he was fucking cool. He always swore and was also a racist, he's pretty old and was really well respected by everyone, he's a total IRL troll, he always says that Africa is a country and that black people should just believe in God because Evolution would make them feel bad. Total bad ass. Obviously these black kids tried to get him fired, but he was so well respected by the majority of students and faculty he kept his job. Hes your typical old racist teacher not afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:08:21 No.7411797
    On the bus to a parade, the windows were all fogged up. One of my friends walks up to me and starts talking. Suddenly he writes FUCK in huge letters on my window and runs to the back of the bus. The driver was right behind him trying to tell us to quiet down and she sees what was written on my window and threatens to kick me off the bus if I write swears on her windows again.

    I can't help but laugh because she's a bus driver. And so she starts yelling at me some more and I start laughing harder. She's ready to throw me off when the band teacher tells her that we really need to get going.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:11:00 No.7411806
    These two are from middle school... suck it OP.

    My bff in middle school hated a girl for no reason. She managed to brainwash everyone in our classes to hate her too. On this girl's birthday, my bff convinced everyone (even the teachers) to sing happy birthday to some other random girl. At the end of the day, she broke down in front of the class. Something along the lines of "grow up you stupid mother fuckers!" It was hilarious.

    Later that year, during a fire drill, the same girl got in a fight with my bff over me. It was about the most stupid thing too. I was partnered up with that girl for the fire drill and so we had to walk together. My bff, being the controlling bitch she was, wanted me to be her partner no matter what... they started talking shit, and well, there was blood. It was the best thing ever. :3

    I am not bff's with the girl I picked on and haven't talked to my ex bff since middle school.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:19:18 No.7411844

    I gotta be honest. I hate fucking stories like this.
    The high point in the story is obviously meant to be when the teacher looks like a "badass" because he acts like a tough guy in front of a bunch of teenage kids and uses mild swear words. This is the moment in a PG movie where the kids get a smile on their face and a warm feeling while the parents give each other raised eyebrows then shrug and go, "well, it's OK, he's teaching a good lesson."

    What the fuck? They're kids! Come on. Are you kidding me? So what, this mid-40s adult is gonna act like a tough guy in front of a bunch of KIDS? WTF? Jesus, it's like some shitty Disney movie geared toward junior highschoolers.
    No adult should try to act like a "badass" in front of kids. It's fucking embarassing.

    Sorry, had to get that rage out :)
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:23:54 No.7411871
    Ok I have one,

    For year 11 English class we had this female teacher who was really a drama teacher and tried to get us to re-enact paragraphs from romeo/ juliet to make us better understand it... while it sounds lame it was really such a fun class and so easy.

    Anyway we also had to do this class competition where we had to read as many books as we could during a month so we often had a whole hour of class just reading ect.

    Any way our class room was joined to the drama room (this is where we would go to roleplay R&J) so the teacher would often let us go next door and lay down and read our books while the other half of the class can stay and discuss any work they needed help with... this is where the story gets fun... they also had a tv next door and DVDplayer so we would really go next door to watch DVDs while the teacher thought we were reading. Everytime she came in to check on us someone would turn the TV off and pause the movie ... it was gold

    It didnt matter what group or what our reputation was at school we all just sat and watched the movie together and worked as a team to keep it quiet. Anyway the teacher finnaly found out.. and she didnt even care.. she thought it was genious and let us watch the end of the movie we were watching! she even joined us until the end.. such a chill teacher

    TDLR: secretly watching movies during english class
    teacher finds out and lets us finnish the movie
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:46:24 No.7412015
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    Germanfag here.

    In year 10 I had a course called 'ethics'. The teacher was fucking stupid. When people had to read out passages in books out loud, they'd just invent what was written and said stuff about e.g. cereals or just jumped from one page to another in middle of the sentences or just read in a bizarre accent and other things that had nothing to do with the class.

    Teacher didnt do shit about it.

    One time we started a little fire in the backrow and smoked in the class.

    Oh, and one time during recreation, I decided to a a specific time during class, the whole class should stand up and sing the german national anthem and walk out of class. So we all did it, and the teacher didnt know what to do, so she continued class with those three who were too pussy, while the rest had a great time outside in the sun.

    Theres even a video on youtube where one of my friends in the first row puts pens in her sleeves while shes holding a book, but i cant find it anymore.

    And the best thing is, we all got good grades anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)07:49:23 No.7412038

    Oh, and one year later she retired
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:03:49 No.7412100

    Scum. You're the reason we need 1933 again.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:18:49 No.7412162

    I am not proud of it. But i was stupid, too. And i grew up since then.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:34:46 No.7412234
    When I was in first school (so around 7 years old), for history we had a Viking guy come in with some weapons and stuff to teach us about them.

    He had a shield, and to teach us about how the Vikings would have used it, he let three of us attack him with three different weapons. I was lucky enough to be chosen and got to attack him with a spear.

    The other kids didn't really put any effort in, but I was hyper as fuck at that age. I went for it and lunged with all my strength at his face, and at one point I was around an inch from stabbing ripping his ear off. Needless to say they took the spear off me and asked me to sit down.

    I nearly stabbed a Viking in the face when I seven.

    On a related note, in middle school a Civil War reenactor came to our school with the weapons, and after showing us them let us have a look on our own. Me and my friends grabbed the swords and the helmets, and a friend put on the helmet while we bashed him in the head with the swords.

    These swords were actual Civil War era weapons, and were not only sharp and heavy, but valuable as fuck. We then went on to have a full scale sword fight with them until we had them taken away from us.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:41:50 No.7412282

    Samefag here, have another one.

    In middle school, me and my friend climbed on top of the school and ran around on the roof (it was a huge building made in the 50's). We were having a great time, until out IT teacher saw us. We bolted and got off the roof.

    When I get home my mom says; "I've had a phone call from your teacher". And I thought I was going to fucking get it. But this is how their phonecall went:

    Teacher: "I've just seen your son walking past my room, Mrs. Anon."

    Mom: "Well, that's okay isn't it? It's school."

    Teacher: "Yes, except my room is on the top floor."

    She was laughing too much to shout at me.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:46:11 No.7412312

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:49:15 No.7412320
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:52:07 No.7412337
    >black people should just believe in God because Evolution would make them feel bad.

    That's gold.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)08:57:13 No.7412360


    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)09:45:00 No.7412616

    Thanks for your request.
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)10:16:58 No.7412800
    fuck year bumpan dis shait rioghth hurr
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)10:35:52 No.7412904
    In shop class a white kid got his fingers stuck in the belt sander machine and sanded three fingers halfway down.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)10:37:40 No.7412919
    in our senior years, our IT class got a forum to ask things about some lame subject, it was horrifyingly dull and no one used it
    see, if you made a post, it would send an email to anyone hooked up to the system. there were like, 4 schools on this.

    needless to say, me and a few friends decided to take over the entire thing, talking about wayne's world and other irrelevant subjects. good times
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)10:57:32 No.7413049
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    Creepy crazy teacher with gray beard and short ponytail at school, not for any of my classes, but for some of my friends.

    After school I'm outside near shopping mall with friends (Consisiting of 3 Japanese girls, 2 Japanese guys and one Canadian.)

    We're all having a picnic out of the cheap food we bought... when we see this guy on the park speaking to some other guys from our in the distance.... Then the creepy teacher spots and...

    The Teacher now crouching down with us starts speaking to the lot of us.... and making refrence how if one of the girls (friend of ours but transfered to other school) doesn't behave or come back or something (can't quite remmeber) he'll have to kidnap her....
    I think the japanese guy attempted to seel her off to do jobs for her whilst one of the other Japanese girls tried asking what jobs the girl in question would have to do for this teacher.... The teacher very happy to accept.

    Was pretty disturbing yet awesome at the same time.

    Pic related, It's the girl being hit on.... Good times!

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