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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

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    156 KB Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:52:44 No.7394395  
    What are your thoughts on your countries police, /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:55:38 No.7394431
    fuck da police lololololol
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:56:22 No.7394442
    A mix of racist and unlawful at times...and I'm a caucasian.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:57:27 No.7394455
    Some seem genuinely nice, but most of them are just dumb hicks.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:57:50 No.7394458
    Generally I do not care for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:59:18 No.7394468
    NWA covered my thoughts in the 90s. For real. FUCK THE POLICE.

    Boston here.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)22:59:20 No.7394470
    I live in France, the police here are seperated into 2 distinct divisions.
    La Gendarmerie Nationale (Military-run police force)
    La Police Municipale (Government-run police force)

    The Gendarmes are the biggest cunts you will ever meet. Their selection process includes the same physical traits you would expect from bouncers, so they are huge and muscled, all of them 6ft+ and intimidating as hell. They are always armed, and give off that "asshole" vibe you get when rather than protecting and serving, they search for the tiniest infraction from average Joe.
    The normal cops seem to be ok, pretty helpfull.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:02:06 No.7394495
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    pic related, if you go 3km/h over the speed limit, prepare to be intimidated and bullied.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:02:57 No.7394504
    I'd be naive to think they're useless but they aren't all that helpful.

    My brother got mugged, the policeman took down all the details and was there for a good 3 hours. Nice bloke but they'll be damned if they catch the muggers. Muggings don't really happen round my area, I live in a pretty nice area too so it seems a little odd that muggers would come round here.

    bigger fish to fry I guess. They also wanted my brother to talk to the police shrink but that didn't happen. He seems to took it well. Obviously he was devastated when it happened but now he's the same normal guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:07:24 No.7394567
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    What'd I ever do to you guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:09:01 No.7394582
    What country?

    New Zealand police seem alright. They have to put up with a lot from the niggers in south Auckland
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:12:53 No.7394625
    In Mexico, never trust the cops.

    If you look like you have something valuable (money, tits, weed), they will try to take it from you.

    Though, there are some that are really nice people that just have a really shitty salary. If you are cool with words you can become friends with them, and get away with almost anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:15:24 No.7394661
    American here. It might be a childish way of seeing it, but I like the police. They make things safer. I live in a bad neighborhood, so I'm happy when police cars drive by; it helps discourage the niggers from committing crimes. The police just need to arrest more fuckers and not take so much shit. They can run all the red lights they want as long as they put more niggers behind bars.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:15:31 No.7394662
    ! didn't stutter when i said fuck tha police
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:15:40 No.7394665

    Police have a bad reputation which is only 50% deserved

    Plus the niggers hate them so I support them slightly
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:20:08 No.7394720
    They get the job done just as they are supposed to, and aren't assholes/corrupt. So we're good.

    Finland here.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:22:06 No.7394755

    Frances police are fucking aresholes. I asked them for help as the clerk refused to give me my jacket I had to leave with them using a phrasebook, as I couldn't speak French and they took it from me and walked off laughing. I was in France for three hours and I am never going back to that country because of your foreigner hating public servants. In Germany the public servants go head over heals to help you.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:23:24 No.7394765
    New Zealand, hmm, can be annoyingly but I think most of them are trying to do a good job, few arseholes in the mix of course.

    Have heard stories of people getting being let off all sorts of things.

    Small country, if they do anything bad it will be in the national news the next day so I think they watch their shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)23:23:58 No.7394774
    I like the Police when they are chasing criminals.

    I've never really had a bad experience with a cop so I can't really say I dislike them. I don't commit crimes so they don't fucking bother me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:18:06 No.7395390
    Thugs who know nothing of the law, ethics or even morality, just too dumb to get another job. Mining boom in my state resulted in the removal or any kind of blue collar worker with half a brain from urban areas. They also have tazers now, which they now employ as pain compliance devices because they're too fucking lazy to chase a guy down, have heard of the police in my country tazering a guy while he was driving in a urban area.
    >> The Kraken !yqUCW3bOmk 02/06/10(Sat)00:19:14 No.7395402
    Well Message in a Bottle is one of my favourite songs, but apart from that, The Police don't really take my fancy.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:19:59 No.7395414
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:20:56 No.7395428
    >countries police

    And what are your thoughts on the use of proper punctuation?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:21:24 No.7395432
    >>heard of the police in my country tazering a guy while he was driving in a urban area.

    Hahaha, thats fucking awesome. Guy leave the window rolled down or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:23:11 No.7395452
    Windows was down, I just have a problem with them doing it IN A BUILT UP AREA
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:48:57 No.7395707
    more corrupt than my computer when it crashes.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)00:56:03 No.7395778
    Any second now, this thread will be overrun with a bunch of edgy rich kids with limited life experience ranting about how much the hate the cops, while ignoring the fact that they'd be traded for cigarettes if law enforcement didn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:27:28 No.7396106
    Intimidated, bullied, and don't forget a ticket that costs $100+ no matter how fast over the limit you were going or what happened, thanks to court costs.

    Bullshit. I have never met a nice one or one that let anyone off with just a warning.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:29:22 No.7396121

    People look at the small percentage of wrongdoings by police and apply it to the majority. A lot of the work the police do the public probably doesn't even know they do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:54:43 No.7396313
    American here.

    I only remember encountering the police about three times myself. Two times they stopped me because I was doing very stupid things on the road, and those times the officers were surprisingly good-natured. One time I just got a warning ticket, the other time nothing. There was another time when I wasn't in trouble (I was in an accident where I was judged not to be at fault), so that didn't really count.

    tl;dr: I have no beef with the police as far as my experience is concerned. By and large I am guessing they are decent types.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:58:36 No.7396351
    Britfag here, cops here are fine. I got in trouble a lot as a kid but I'm not retarded or angsty enough to blame it on everyone else.

    Also I love police shows. So fucking entertaining
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)01:59:48 No.7396370
    Some are really good people, the rest are dickheads who lack knowledge of and/or respect for my state and country's constitution, or try to entrap naive people just because they don't like them and they are on a power trip.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:06:35 No.7396428
    I've had bad experiences and good. Some of the cops in my city are viscously and unapologetically racist, and have beaten up or harassed friends of mine for no reason. When I was much younger, a cop pulled my 14-year-old friend and maced her in the face until she ended up in the hospital and was partially blinded. On the other hand, my best friend's mom is a cop, and she is awesome. I also have a lot of friends in security.

    I take Greyhound a lot. Once or twice I've ended up in a tiny shithole of a town where I had a layover but it was late at night so the station was closed and I couldn't find anything open. Both times I found the police station and waited there until the bus came, and both times the cops were pretty gracious about it. But I'm also a small white female, I don't delude myself into thinking they would have been as kind if I were male or a different race. Along the same lines, I've been lost in bad neighborhoods before and have had everything from a cop swearing at me and telling me to stop wasting his time to one giving me a ride to my destination.

    Also I think female cops are sexy, because I like tough women. So... I guess the thousands of police in my country all have different personalities, and some of them are bad and some of them are good. USAfag here, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:09:54 No.7396455
    Amerifag here, my opinion of the police is that they are people too, and subject to all the same ills that the rest of us are.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:44:52 No.7396775
    >Also I love police shows

    Fuck yeah, police shows are the best thing on TV. Currently watching seasons of Road Wars (UK based, but footage from around the world)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:47:43 No.7396809
    US - racist/biased, to be kind, in any part of the country where a minority is the majority. Also, all cops are either naive but cool or hard-headed pricks with control and ego issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:48:24 No.7396823
    I dislike them when they are arrogant cunts, and that they are rather untouchable.

    I just dont understand how people can be such cunts because of their job.

    They are nessesary, but so are arseholes, snakes, cockroaches etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:50:04 No.7396839

    Love that show. Watching Street Crime UK myself, and Zero Tolerance. Today some Polish gypsies were all tard raging over family business and nearly rioting in the streets

    Apparently they'd phoned their 'Gypsy King' in Poland and he said it was ok for them to kill the other family members. One Brit plain clothes cop with a baton took them all on and they were all arrested

    Fuckin awesome TV
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/06/10(Sat)02:50:09 No.7396841
    fuck 99% of the entirety of soldiers in the entire world, seriously.

    fuck 99% of police officers.

    that is all
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:51:24 No.7396854
    NZfag Fuck yer
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:52:24 No.7396858

    And then you will be arse rapped buy a big black warlord.

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)02:53:44 No.7396870
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    I have nothing but the utmost respect and trust in the RCMP. Never had a problem with a single cop personally except for getting chased through the woods at night when we were teenagers drinking and making bonfires, but thats more a run in with the law than a cop who wasn't on the level.

    They had some issues what with tasering to death some pysco in an airport but i honestly dont give a shit.
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/06/10(Sat)02:53:48 No.7396872
    right, because that could never happen in my crimeless western country where everyone carries a team of police officers in their pocket, and nobody bullies anyone.

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:11:01 No.7397012
    New Zealand Police are pretty good in my opinion, they have that sort of edge over you but without being over-intimidating. I love it how NZ police (and everywhere else for that matter) are so much more 'toned down' than American cops. Watching shows like 'COPS' you can see how the gun culture changes things so drastically when it comes to police handling suspects.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:23:21 No.7397080
    i guess /r9k/ doesn't care for this topic, or at least, not enough to tell us their opinions at this hour
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:49:33 No.7397215
    Have you heard of Dakta Green or the Daktory?
    Found this vid of him trying to tell the police that what they are doing and the police acted immaturely. I think the handled themselves pretty well, considering he outright lied to them.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:49:37 No.7397216
    I'm an American moving to Australia

    I am extremely afraid of the cops. I have been all my life. It's something passed down from my parents. I wonder if that fear will still remain?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:55:55 No.7397251
    Why do you fear thm so much? Are you a minority?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:58:07 No.7397262
    heh so am i. not scared of them though, just don't like them. my facebook picture simply says FUCK DA POLICE

    are cops down there any different?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)03:59:09 No.7397267
    Nah, I'm white. My family just never liked the cops. My personal experiences with them during my childhood were extremely negative as well. Not to say I wouldn't call them if I had a reason... I just feel like they're always looking for insignificant reasons to harass you.

    Also hate authority figures with a passion.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:00:22 No.7397274
    Yeah I'm just as lame. Whenever I see those ads on facebook saying "YOU CAN BE A COP TRAIN NOW" I always click the X and put as the reason "FUCK THE POLICE COMIN STRAIGHT FROM THE UNDERGROUND"

    I hope somebody actually has to read that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:00:49 No.7397278
    i've had nothing but good experiences with police and i really respect them

    i wish they would come and look at the plants my brother is growing in the backyard :3
    >> ‬Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:01:02 No.7397280
    don't move to fucking Australia.

    enjoy terrible internet, censorship, no video games
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:01:37 No.7397282
    There's only one type of person who becomes a cop, and they're the last type of person you want in any position of authority or power. Fuck em.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:02:53 No.7397286

    NO Vidya!!!!!


    Big issues man, hitting the big issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:03:59 No.7397295
    I know how to VPN, I am passionate about console piracy (been through 3 fucking xbox 360s already, fucking bans) and the terrible internet... I'll get back to you on how I'll figure out how to deal with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:04:35 No.7397298
    i'm just staying for about 3 months. would never settle down there. fuck that. i like taxes like a fat kid likes carrots. but over in another board they said cops are more strict down there? fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:07:37 No.7397312
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:12:54 No.7397346
    NZ police crack me up. They go do a raid on a weed crop, sieze it, then throw it on a bonfire and burn it while they stand around it looking like they're enjoying themselves a little too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:13:41 No.7397349
    Import UK versions of all your games. It's a great idea, srsly.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:16:15 No.7397362
    NZ police in action. WARNING: not for the faint hearted.
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/06/10(Sat)04:16:26 No.7397364
    > they do a raid on a weed crop
    this is exactly why i feel it is impossible to be a just police officer these days
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:19:40 No.7397377
    They only do raids if you're a moron about it. I live in NZ and we've got a weed plant growing in our vege garden right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:23:23 No.7397393
    God yes, the cops that have to cruise South Auckland need medals.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)04:34:18 No.7397451
    Vagina with power complex
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:36:14 No.7397458
    Well done, you have never met a cop then. Most of them are decent guys doing a job.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:37:36 No.7397466

    I've met plenty of them, and they were always small-minded, power tripping assholes who ran around with the assumption that everyone they deal with is already guilty.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:37:37 No.7397467
    I don't want to meet a cop unless I called them myself. I don't mind them when they mind their own fucking business and let me be a criminal in peace.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:38:39 No.7397472
    The "he's just doing his job" type

    I hate you fucking people.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)04:39:39 No.7397478
    funny every cop that nails me is a ass hole on a power trip determine to fabricate some thing to get me for just so he can further his own ego and try to assert himself as a authority figure cause he has deep down issues from when he was bullied in school... I presume their are good ones out their just waiting to meet one.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:39:41 No.7397479
    dude the police in vancouver hate everyone. they're fucking scary if you fuck with them or ar in the wrong place at the wrong time. when I was like.. 16 maybe, some bitch cop with nothing better to do arrested me for DRAWING ON A WALL WITH A SHARPIE.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:39:51 No.7397480
    You hate me because I am not a delusional idiot? The power trip idiots are a minority.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:40:27 No.7397484
    Ah this is too true, I was a security guard for a few years and everytime I called a cop they were just flat out lunatics.

    One time they tried to arrest the owner of the company four hours after a small theft. They saw him approach the building doors holding his key and they went insane.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:41:48 No.7397488
    Australian police are the laziest mofos in the whole world.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:42:42 No.7397490
    Then how come I've had to deal with so fucking many of them?

    Have I ever had a nice experience with a cop? Yep, when I didn't have to speak to them. Fucking swine.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)04:43:59 No.7397496
    no the power trip fuckers are the majority because you never see a damn sensible one always full of gay one liners like "you not making this easy for your self" fuck you and fuck them!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:45:24 No.7397503
    I saw the hottest cop yesterday she was about 22, probably not the best person to break up a brawl between bikers but I approve, she looked very sharp in her cop outfit!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:45:55 No.7397507
    It's a miracle to see the Northern Irish police patrolling. Pretty useless but we have some of the best riot squads in the world!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:46:05 No.7397510

    Not lazy enough for mine!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:46:08 No.7397511
    It always annoys me. These people go to work everyday for crappy pay, do a job that is both boring and dangerous, pout up with shit from everyone, fill put tons of paperwork and at the end of the day they get no respect for protecting society. Just shows how pathetic a lot of people really are.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:50:46 No.7397537
    It's hard to respect people who refuse to respect you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:53:19 No.7397544
    Too true, their suppsoed to protect and serve society, not subjugate and terrorize.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)04:54:38 No.7397549
    who the fuck started this fucking thread in the first place
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:54:39 No.7397550
    /r9k/ is too full of idiots who think cops are just another gang to discuss this properly. You might do better in /int/.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:55:41 No.7397556

    It's hard to respect someone who starts disrespecting them the moment they see the cops' uniforms.

    It's pretty much like this:

    Everyone complains about the police when it affects them negatively (i.e., you do something wrong and you get nailed).

    And then everyone complains about violence in their neighborhoods, bad drivers, etc., but don't want to help the police in the smallest way by obeying the law and being respectful right off the bat.

    Fuck, I ran into a funeral procession once and totaled four cars excluding my own when I was in high school. But I was respectful to the cop and showed that I was sincerely regretful for what had occured.

    The only thing he cited me for was failure to stay within my lane without turning on a turn signal.

    I fucking had fallen asleep and ran into a FUNERAL PROCESSION.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:57:05 No.7397561
    You're right. Gangs can go to prison, cops are immune to law.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:58:44 No.7397568
    Yeah, a cop has to really, really fuck up bad to get prosecuted.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:58:48 No.7397569
    essentially they are just a government funded gang of thugs that abuse their power and are often just as corrupted those they enforce their so called laws on so that the government can control the populaces and tell them want not to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)04:58:59 No.7397570
    No they are not, cops get in trouble for breaking the law and regulations all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:00:58 No.7397578
    If that's what you call a 1 week suspension with pay you're completely correct! Don't pull one or two contradictory news articles out of your ass either.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)05:01:33 No.7397583
    yeah with a desk job for a few weeks. when they abuse their power
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:02:16 No.7397584

    >Contradictory news articles

    You mean the truth?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:03:00 No.7397590
    You people must live in really shitty countries, the cops here are fine. I do feel sorry for anyone idiotic enough to hate people who join an organisation to protect others though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:03:50 No.7397592
    Let's compromise and say that 50% of the time they get a slap on the wrist, and that 25% of the time they get fired and get to go on to do the same job in another district. The other 25% wind up in jail.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:04:25 No.7397595
    Safer communities together guys
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:04:51 No.7397596


    Either Australia or Austria, so their point is invalid either way. If it's Australia, they're all criminals anyway, so what would you expect and if they're from Austria, then they spawned Hitler.

    America is pretty cool, though.
    >> aus fag 02/06/10(Sat)05:06:43 No.7397606
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:08:44 No.7397617
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    fuck the matrix
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:08:50 No.7397618
    Yeah but most ausfags don't come from that background. The country was built on a huge immigration boom, they actually paid people to immigrate!

    Now it's a haven for racism and xenophobia! Yay! (Not implying all ausfags are bad, just that the problem is out of hand)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:09:02 No.7397621

    I would be ready to compromise if every abuse was on the same scale. Think about this scenario:

    A cop pulls over a guy and immediately, the guy starts mouthing off to the cop about how he's done nothing wrong and how all cops are corrupt. Really, the cop just wanted to inform him that his rear tail-lights were out and he was going to offer to escort him to the nearest autoshop so he wouldn't get pulled over again.

    Instead, since the guy is being an asshole, he writes him a ticket for going slightly over the speed-limit.

    Abuse of power? Technically, yes. Would he get a slap on the wrist should the whole scenario come to light? Most likely.

    Now, if a cop outright beats someone for no reason, especially a minority, the world will probably come close to coming to an end.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:12:14 No.7397630
    If you mouth off to a cop you probably deserve a ticket. But that doesn't mean everyone who hates the police with a passion is going to be outright rude just because the cops come.

    Are you referencing the LA riots and Rodney King? Classic case of wrist slapping.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:15:59 No.7397645

    No, I'm talking about the black professor being beaten down and the president telling the cops they fucked up.

    But, you get what I'm saying: Various degrees and reasons for the abuse of power should have punishments fit for them, instead of assuming that every violation should recieve maximum or minimum punishment.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:18:27 No.7397656
    That guy deserved a ticket, not a beatdown...
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 02/06/10(Sat)05:19:01 No.7397658
    Australia here.

    Traffic cops and guys that come to your house to write down what happened are, without exception, simple, under-trained retards with an authority complex.

    Some detectives and other educated police types are probably intelligent and reasonable people, but unfortunately they don't deal with the public.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:20:23 No.7397664
    fuck peace and the police
    >> DR CUM !cR.M5rEtRc 02/06/10(Sat)05:22:38 No.7397674
    >assuming that every violation should recieve maximum or minimum punishment

    If there's a chance the media will run it, it's going to have to become an example, no matter how unjust it might be. It's easier to polarise audiences than it is to explain things properly.

    Personally, I hate that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:31:17 No.7397716
    royal police of malaysia - good stuff, caught regional terrorist mat selamat

    police that roams the street - ridiculous corrupt motherfuckers. gradually improving though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:33:50 No.7397727

    You know... the media has ruined a lot of things for us these past years...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:38:17 No.7397744
    Fuck the Po'lice that's how I treat 'em.
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/06/10(Sat)05:40:53 No.7397753
    there's a difference between being a peacekeeper, peacemaker, defender of helpless, etc -

    and the modern police officer. Their job is not to be any of those things. Their job is to enforce whatever the law happens to be.
    > enforce
    > force
    by any and all means necessary.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:42:12 No.7397758
    Don't graffitti then you stupid faggot, you deserve to be arrested.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:43:09 No.7397762
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    Eh, I just wanted to post this picture.
    >> HANNIBAL 3++ !!3++be44MrZD 02/06/10(Sat)05:43:18 No.7397764
    i'd say that depends on when and on what he drew what
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)05:54:51 No.7397787
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    holy balls i lolfd
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:07:46 No.7397825
    Inept white douchebags who were probably jocks in high school.
    >> Qes !OZqrVI/9AU 02/06/10(Sat)06:10:23 No.7397834

    Yeah, but if you were a minority would you have gotten the same treatment? Assuming you did everything else the same?

    If so - point well made, if not..well. Then it's not that simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:18:38 No.7397851

    Wow, you're retarded. You seriously expect the police to catch a *mugger*?

    Yeah, sure. Right after the DNA results from the hair he left on your brother's jacket get back from the lab in the state capital.
    >> John Prescott !!THeCBM08dVH 02/06/10(Sat)06:22:01 No.7397863
    They spend more time pulling you over for going 2 miles per hour over the speed limit than actually fighting crime.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:27:19 No.7397882
    Swedish police are millktoast faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:27:36 No.7397883

    Dutch police look like boyscouts wearing baseball caps and fluorescent yellow vests at night. I wish the uniforms were more like the New York police.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:28:54 No.7397886
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    Australian police are a lot better than they used to be. Back in the 80's Queensland police used to get drunk abbo's and drive them to the outskirts of town, take away their shoes and make them walk back. Just for shits and giggles.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:29:57 No.7397890

    Exactly! No room for that on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:30:27 No.7397892

    I know this is an unusual concept for you...But violation of traffic laws IS a crime.

    That aside, there are cops that investigate and handle burglaries. There are cops that investigate and handle sex crimes. There are cops that investigate and handle murders. There are cops that investigate and handle financial crimes.


    Stop breaking the fucking law, and it won't bother you.
    >> John Prescott !!THeCBM08dVH 02/06/10(Sat)06:35:34 No.7397912

    Legelly there's a 10% margin of error on the speed limit, so if your in a 30 zone you can go 33, or a 60 zone you can go 66. Cop's ignore that.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:36:55 No.7397919
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    A girl I know got beaten up yesterday by another girl in our area while 10 members of the attackers family (some of whom fully grown adults) watched. The police recomended the girl not press charges just in case the attacking girl's family claim that she was attacked and press charges themselves.

    I am not entirely unconvinced it's not just police not wanting to get involved. Nothing will be done.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:48:24 No.7397958
    that a shop or real man?

    I live in NSW and doubt that is a real plate. No fucking way they would let that shit fly
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)06:48:30 No.7397960
    If no police inforcement existed the world would be a shit hole, I agree most police are arseholes but if they didnt exist everyone would be savages there would be no fear of consiquence in doing a crime
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:02:41 No.7398029

    I think you're making that up, or read it somewhere that has no basis in actual law.

    Cite US or state codes where this is the case.

    What you MIGHT be thinking of is a margin of error in the equipment or methods to determine someone's speed (RADAR, LIDAR, pacing, timing, cables, etc).

    But this margin of error varies with distance, weather, vehicle color, road type, angle, whether the observer is mobile or stationary, oncoming or same-direction, operator experience, etc.

    It's not a set margin of error
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:05:17 No.7398046

    Also factor in that every police department decides on their own what sort of equipment or methods to use to catch traffic offenders, and you have yet another whole slew of factors into what margin of error there is.

    tl;dr, you're full of shit. A margin of error exists, but it's in the equipment itself, the operator, and how it is used, not in the law.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:06:10 No.7398048
    South Africa.
    The police are shitty and corrupt to hell which I can slightly understand given their atrocious pay. The street cops will pull you over for bullshit reasons and most of the time not even fine you, just say "I warned you" or some shit.

    Here's a vid of a "raid" the cops did in my usual night place:
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:11:47 No.7398070

    Likely the cops were thinking, "Great. This shit again. I bet you I know EXACTLY how this turns out if they press charges."

    Then they walk up to them and ask questions, take statements, figure out what happened, and level with the parents, "Look, we know this sucks, and we're not telling you what you can and can't do, but we've seen this shit a thousand times. You press charges, and the other girl's family's gonna press charges - they saw it all, your daughter doesn't have any witnesses on her side if shit turns nasty. And if you press charges, all of a sudden their precious little snowflake is being accused of wrongdoing, and they'll flip the fuck out and counter-accuse your kid, when you don't have any proof. And then there's just a big, expensive shitstorm while you maybe try to find an attorney, or have to pay court costs, and all that other shit. Like I said, you do what you want - I'm not telling you not to press charges, I'm just telling you from experience what'll probably happen if you do decide to press charges against the other girl."

    And the parents went, "Damn, you know, that really makes a lot of sense as a prediction, even if it does suck balls. Well, my daughter's OK, and I'm going to make sure she doesn't get into any more shit caused by that other girl. Thanks for coming out."

    But that's kind of hard to explain to a girl who just got the shit kicked out of her by a peer while people watched and did nothing, especially if that girl's your daughter.

    Jesus. Try fucking thinking about shit before you form an opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:17:05 No.7398089

    And if the victim in question wasn't a minor, then just pull the parents from the equation, and the police telling the girl this herself.

    Or, you know, maybe she didn't press charges because she was afraid?

    The police can recommend something all they fucking want, they can't not let you press charges. Regardless of the reason why, it was not their decision to not press charges.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:19:34 No.7398102

    I did think about it and I agree with you. Doesn't mean I'm not angry though. Sometimes it's nice to have someone to bitch about though, even on an internet messageboard.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)07:28:01 No.7398172
    switzerland here.

    I hardly ever see the police, the only time I see them is when there is a big event on, such as Euro 2008, that private security can't handle.

    Everywhere you expect to find police in the rest of the world we have Securitas, who will do the job that they are paid to do, no more no less, and will mind their own business if you're not harming anybody.

    They protect us from the left-wing extremists and they are very high-tech, they protect your government officials when they come into our country.

    God bless PMCs.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:00:43 No.7398637
    Italian police is simply useless, they are scared shitless of being called "raycisst" by all those nigger drug dealers. They just stay idly with a stupid face while a gypsy or a nigger is stealing, only to harass every italian they see. Since Police depts have no money, the cops leave alone illegal niggers and professional criminals (no money to jail them) and giving fines to anyone looks like he will pay. Fuck polizia, and fuck carabinieri (italian MP) too.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:07:51 No.7398682
    Police in Germany: Stern... stern but fair.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:12:03 No.7398716
    Norwegian here. The police in Norway seem like good guys; every experience I've had with them has been pleasant, and I also know a couple in person. I live in a prettysmall town, though (think roughly 10000) so the cops here are well enough known to be respected.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:24:16 No.7398799
    Britfag here. the police are more concerned with diversity targets than fighting crime, or at least that's how it seemed when they showed up at my house 2 fucking weeks after it was broken into asking if they could look around

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:48:06 No.7398963
    >out at 3am
    >weed & bong in inner pocker
    >stammer something about being out at night because I enjoy it, obviously stoned to fuck
    >somehow get away scot free thanks to quick witted friend
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:51:07 No.7398985

    Enjoy your SOP malfunctioning and Liquid's insurrexion
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:51:54 No.7398991
    Spain-dweller here (not spaniardfag). Spanish police get a metric shit-ton of crap, especially from youths who think they're oh so cool and edgy for insulting the police, calling them fascist, whatnot. Truth is, they're pretty ok, not too much iniciative for small-time crime, drug dealings, the like, but they generally do their job and treat people well (even though people here love to tell about some guy who got beat up by a cop (even though he likely was attacking the policeman in the first place), and blablabla). I guess one sees these things differently after experiencing an actually useless police force in Mexico...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:54:40 No.7399008
    All policemen think they're God or some shit. Assholes.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:57:21 No.7399021
    Swefag here
    Police in my town generally use too much violence on people that do not deserve it or dont do shit at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)09:59:24 No.7399033
    Japanfag here. They give shitty lectures and their guns are on a telephone cord. Also, they have baskets on their bicycles. That's pretty fail.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:00:39 No.7399041
    They're useless. Easily bribeable though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:03:08 No.7399052
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    These are some hardcore motherfuckers
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:06:40 No.7399071
    I honestly would not respect a policeman on a bike. I usually respect the police, a lot, but I could only respect a policemen in a car or on foot. Get on a bike, and you're Policefail #1 in my books...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:06:53 No.7399074
    I've lived in both countries and noticed a huge difference between American and German cops.

    American cops think its great fun to harass people and are often just dicks, but they also have a level of professionalism that German cops lack.

    I've seen German cops with spiked hair, facial peircings, earrings on guys, ect and they looked like they were fucking 14 y/os. Had trouble taking them seriously.

    German cops seem to have two modes, ignore the world, assault with extreme violence. I've been caught like, pissing on a building and was caught by a Polize dude. He waved his finger at me and basically said "That is not correct" and left it at that.

    Another time, I saw a guy barfing on the streets and this Polize car pulls up, 2 guys get out and commence to beating this guy with batons while he is barfing the entire time. It was bizzare.

    I've only ever been hasseled by the Germans once, when me and my friend was at a bahnhof terminal at like, 3am waiting for a train that wasn't due to show up for a couple of hours. I explained the situation and seemed happy and then they fucking walked off to the dead end of the platform and FUCKING VANISHED IN THIN AIR. My friend saw it. We call them the Ghost Stazi to this day. No idea where they went.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)10:18:28 No.7399157
    Ausfag here, police got a somewhat bad rep but most of the ones I've met are pretty cool. I used to live in a shitty neighborhood with a lot of break-ins and stuff, cops told us that if we ever caught some abo-cunt stealing our stuff to just beat the shit out of them and dump them in a ditch since they'll just walk free in court.

    Although on the otherhand, I've met a cop who once booked his own mother for going 5km over the limit. So I guess it evens out.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)11:56:44 No.7399871
    Going for a solo career, so the band wouldn't get together for years. I mean, props to you for your awesome voice and your musical ability, but ... man, I love The Police.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:06:30 No.7399945
    UKfag here.

    Our cops don't have guns. Only the police patrolling airports and other transportation areas have guns.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:10:27 No.7399973
    They come in two forms, a respectable father type and an ignorant power hungry fuck type. But then again, they spend most of their time with people attempting to stab them so that'll change anyone's personality. The former make up the majority around here, it's the younger ones you have to watch out for.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:14:32 No.7400002
    Yeah, kinda.

    Police training and culture cultivates this "Us vs Them" mentality in policemen. They emphasis how letting their guard down for an instant will invite even the most harmless-seeming grandmother to brutally stab you and your partner dead.

    So even the dudes that join up because "I need a job and police officer IS a job" are not the barney fife types you'd expect them to be, but instead get their world view altered by both exposure to the human filth in society everyday and by their training and culture.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:19:58 No.7400061
    Hong Kong: In the encounters I have been with they have been nice and helpful.

    Although I have only really asked them for directions. I have walked around HK at night and I always feel safe so that says something...

    It is funny though in LKF, one of the party places in HK, there are many police and people just make out and get pissed drunk in front of them. It is pretty funny actually.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:53:25 No.7400345
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:55:36 No.7400362
    The UK's police are fine.

    If you get in trouble with them for seemingly no reason then you're probably a pleb anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)12:57:25 No.7400382
    When your mum starts letting you go to the shops on your own your opinion might change.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:00:50 No.7400401
    haha no. The speed limit is the speed limit. A 100kmh/h posted is just that, so is a 40km/h. You get nailed doing 110, it's the same as getting nailed for doing 105.

    The only thing that gets you a bonus is if you're getting nailed by radar, and cops are trained(in canada anyway) how it works, and what your actual speed is. Radar generally works in your favor anyway, but can't expect the idiots to know that.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:02:50 No.7400413

    UK: Police are fine, although there is this trend towards red tape and stats instead of walking a beat and preventing crime.

    We used to have a police station in the middle of our town. They closed it recently and moved it to literally the middle of fucking nowhere, so you cant get there if you dont own a car. Also, you cant walk in and talk to someone. You have to buzz someone, state your reason for being there - and they then decide whether or not to let you in. Shit is ridiculous.

    There was a break in near where I work, and I handled giving the police our CCTV footage. He was a young dude, probably like 25, and was pretty chill. We talked about how BS all the form filling and red tape was, he literally had about ten forms for me to sign and go over just to hand him grainy 10 seconds of footage showing a guy walking into a building.

    How they ever solve crimes is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:03:49 No.7400421
    You were probably brought up on a council estate.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:07:47 No.7400443
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    British cops are OK - they don't have guns so if they want to pull any really serious harrassment on you, they're probably going to have to fight you.

    The fact that they have to take us on hand to hand (or hand to CS gas and Baton, anyway) makes them less likely to be absolute cunts. The fact that Euro-cops have always got a shooter to force the issue makes them more likely to be intimidatory and thuggish.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:09:58 No.7400462

    The CS gas is more of a liability in a scuffle most of the time. Your mate reaches for the CS, starts spraying then the next thing you know, you've got to fight two chavs while you're half blind because your oppo has been a bit over-zealous with the spraygun.

    ex-copper here.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:10:07 No.7400464
    No. German cops are armed to the teeth and they are nice people. Not thuggish at all untill you break a law thats even remotely serious then they turn into violent Nazi psychopaths.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:13:14 No.7400495

    OK, I stand corrected - my experience has been with Dutch, French and Spanish police, who are all fucking savages, especially the paramilitary gendarmes/marechaussee/guardia civil types. Honestly, I don't know why you foreigners put up with these cunts.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:14:24 No.7400507
    Red tape is what kills police anywhere. I can give you an example from Ontario(Canada) on paperwork filing.

    30min-2hrs traffic stop
    30min-5+hrs on roadway accident
    1h-3hrs keep the peace call
    3h-5hrs public intox
    4h-9hrs drunk driver
    5h-11hrs domestic call
    1h-15hrs "force used" during a call

    *keep the peace = two idiots screaming at each other over the fence. Most calls really.

    Not a real huge fan of the amount of paper work that government has people filing for regular calls. What usually happens for most guys I know is they spend 4-5hrs out on patrol the rest of their shift up to 6hrs doing paperwork. That doesn't even count stuff like prepping crown briefs, and will says, or duplication for cases or anything else.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:18:31 No.7400542

    On the other hand, when I was a kid, the pigs used to fill you in till you confessed to just about any old shit, and nobody had a clue what they were up to because they could always shonk the records, so you've got to have balance.
    >> Taboo-Kitty !!LmOZo0Zqbko 02/06/10(Sat)13:20:43 No.7400557
    I'm an Amerifag. The cops here are fucking awesome. I work overnights at a gas station, so the cops that patrol the area generally hang out at my store a lot. They've told some hilarious fuckin' stories about people they've had to deal with. They're all nice, and hard-working, and always fair. I'm going into Basic Law Enforcement training myself here soon, because not only is it something I've always wanted to do, but these guys and gals have inpired me in a lot of ways.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:24:08 No.7400582
    Chile's carabineros. They're pretty much a joke. Very nice and polite, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:29:49 No.7400632
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    Scuffle, lol.

    You need to be careful, they can escalate to a fracas.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:32:50 No.7400660
    I like the depiction in Condorito.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:32:58 No.7400664
    Generally my experience with police too (in Canada). They have to deal with a lot of retarded shit, and are generally kind and helpful people to the one's who need/deserve it.
    >> Taboo-Kitty !!LmOZo0Zqbko 02/06/10(Sat)13:40:36 No.7400739
    And if you're nice to them and treat them with respect (or go out and get hammered with 'em a few times, always a blast), they're going to take care of you, for sure. I don't have any problems at work when I'm there, 'cause people know those cops are going to be there in two seconds flat if I feel threatened or have to deal with stupid shit from some ugly loud-mouthed drunk or cracked-out nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:49:07 No.7400820
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    I think the pigs in Canadia are pretty awesome too.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)13:53:34 No.7400865
    I think police is a real cool guy. Eh beats up bad guys and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:08:06 No.7400995

    I don't think I can actually be bothered to tell you that you're doing it wrong. Nor can I be bothered to sage, so fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:25:32 No.7401159
    i've only had one experience with the police, i was randomly assaulted by a pikey with a brick, lost 3 teeth, called police, took my details and shit in the car, other cops found guy and beat the shit out of him for assaulting a 15 year old with a brick, feels good man.

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